Liverpool Museums
Volume I.
HENRY YOUNG & SONS, 12, Sourm Castite Street
Introductory (Illustrated), - - - - - l
Catalogue of Parrots (Psittaci) in the perey Receciee Pe Henry O. Forbes
and Herbert ©. Robinson. (With two Plates.) - - : 5
Crustacean Parasite on Flying Fish (Illustrated), 23
Feeding of young Trout, - - - 24
Malapterurus electricus, - 25
Cypriote Antiquities in Mayer IGE - - 26
Seton-Karr Collection of Flint Implements from Bay pt, 27
West African Masks (Illustrated), - : 27
‘* Medicine” at the Museums, - 28
On an apparently new, and supposed to be now extinct, species of Bird irotia
the Mascarene Islands, provisionally referred to the genus Necropsar.
By Henry O. Forbes. (With Plate.) - 29
Note on Two Species of Pigeon. H.O.F., and H.C.R., : 35
Catalogue of the Cuckoos and Plantain-eaters (Gucati); in the pais ruses
By Henry O. Forbes and Herbert C. Robinson, 37
On a Collection of Cast-Metal Work from Benin. By the Ditsotor of Atuscaae
(Illustrated. ) - 49
The New Museums Extension Bailing Laying of the F danastion Sion
(Hlustrated), - 71
Description of a New meine Spider fer South Nivind, dattected! by the
Rev. N. Abraham and presented to the Der Py Museum. ah R. I. Pocock.
(Illustrated. ) - 75
Crab-Gall on Millepora. By Prof. Sydney J. Hickion, B. R.S. (iluseenpaat ii - 81
On the Type of the Spotted Green Rae of Latham, in the ee Museum
(with Plate), - 83
Note on Turdinulus epilepidotus (enna. ), - - 83
Note on a Rare Species of Cyanocorax—(. heilprini (with Plate), 85
Notes on some Marine Invertebrates from Hilbre island, - 85
Catalogue of the Picarian Birds (Pici): Puff Birds, Jacamars, Barbets, ocean
Honey Guides, and Woodpeckers in the Eau Museum. By Henry O.
Forbes and Herbert C. Robinson, 87
On a Fragment of the Parcival of Wolfram von FRGhent nel in tha Rees er
Museum. By Dr. R. Priebsch. (With four Plates.) - 119
Portraits of XIIIth Earl of Derby, 2
Joseph Mayer, F.S.A., 2
Sir William Brown, 3
View of Free Public Museums, 1897, : 4
Nestor norfolcensis, Psittaci, Plate I., To face 5
Ooriphilus taitianus, Psittaci, Plate II., Fig. 1, " 9
Nasiterna nanina, Psittaci, Plate II., Fig. 2, " 9
Penella Parasitic on Fxocetus, - 23
West African Masks, Fig. 1, : : . . : - 27
Fig. 2, E z : : = : 27
Fig. 3, : : : : ; 28
Necropsar leguati, n. sp. Sturnidie, Plate + : : : : To face 29
Head, Wing and Leg of Necropsar lequati, : : : : : 34
Cast Metal Work from Benin—
Tobacco Pipe in Metal, Fig. 1, : : - : : : 49
Lid of Box, with Representation of King, or High Officer, attended by his
Arm-bearers, Fig. 2, — - E : : 2 50
Supposed High Officer, with his Arm- eae a Plaque in the British
Museum, Fig. 3, : : : : : 51
Figure of a Woman of High Baal Fig. 4, - 52
Front and Side Views of Statuette of a Native with Flint. lock i in his dena
Figs. 5 and 6, - : - 53
Holder for Carved Elephant’s Tusks w hich nid ona \ Sacrificial ee of the
Juju-house in the King’s Compound, Figs. 7 and 8, - - - 5d
Hollow-cast Leopard, with Enamel Spots, Fig. 9, _ - - : - 58
Front, Side, and Back View of Statuette of) Fig. 10 (a), (b), (0), 4 60
Supposed King of Benin, - =
Fig. 11 (a), (2), (¢), 61
Fig. 12 (a), (b), (c), : 62
Fig. 13 (a), (5), (c), - 63
View of Proposed Museums Extension and Technical Schools, - To face 7
Paradesis tubicola, Fig. 1. ¢, “
Fig. 2. Frontof Head, hon ing af ene ne of Eyes, - 76
Fig. 3. View of Vulva, : : i]
Crab-Gall on Millepora, - : , : - : - 80
Calenas maculata, Columb, Plate i : : : To face 83
Cyanocorax heilprini, Corvide, Plate L, — - . : : : " 85
Facsimile of Parcival, A, page I. Recto, : : -)
B, uw. I. Verso, . - 3 |
G. 1 IL Recto, : : i ae
Die a EE Verso,
# AUGUST, 1897. Vers ko No
of the
Pp La I M
| K Under the City Council.
" Introductory rea | Museum and Aquarium Notes (cond.)—
ge Port of Xllith Earl of ee _ Feeding of Young Trout - - 24
ine ee Malapterurus electricus - =)25
: View: Free Public Museums. Recent Acquisitions by Mayer Mus-
ae earras A on aoe
erpby: iyiuseum. y : a ge ¢ ‘
-Forsss, ir Hs GC. Hoaisson & 1. Cypriote area 26
Plates of Nestor norfolcensis; 2. Seton-Karr Collection of Flint
_ Coriphilus taitianus ; Implements, from Egypt - 27
fusca manatee Notes— 8. West African Masks Gage
ustacean Parasite on Flying-Fish | tte) << ae ae
ore) - - 93 | ‘Medicine’ at the Museums- - 28
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
HENRY YOUNG & SONS, 12, Sours Castie STREEt,
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Musewms.
Vou. I. AUGUST, 1897. No. 1.
Tae Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums, published by authority of the
Museums Committee of the City Council, of which the present is the first
number, is intended to make known the contents of the Municipal Museums,
to publish the results of the investigations carried on in the Laboratories
attached to them, and to record the observations made on the animals
living in the Aquarium.
The Museums consist of Taz Derpy Muszum and THE Mayer Museum,
and a few words on their scope and history seem called for in this first
number of the Bulletin.
The Derby Museum contains the Zoological, Botanical, Geological, and
Mineralogical Collections, and has attached to it an Aquarium, containing
both marine and fresh water animals, from temperate and tropical latitudes.
The Mayer Museum contains the Archeological, Ethnographical, and
Ceramic Collections. As both are daily open free to the public, they are
conjointly known as The Free Public Museums.
The Derby Museum commemorates, in its name, the munificence of the
Thirteenth Earl of Derby, who bequeathed to the city (in 1851), in addition
to other natural history specimens, his celebrated collection, partly mounted
and partly in skins, of Mammals and Birds.
While ‘still young, he became, as Lord Stanley, well known for the
collection of living animals he had begun to bring together, during his
father’s lifetime, in the extensive grounds of Knowsley Hall, as well as by
his original contributions to Ornithology, and for the deep interest he took
in everything relating to Natural History; so that, long before he succeeded
to the Earldom, his reputation, as an accomplished Zoologist, had become
widely established in the scientific world. In 1828 he was elected to fill
the Presidential chair of the Linnean Society of London, which he held for
six years, while from 1831 down to the time of his death in 1851, he filled
the same distinguished office in the Zoological Society. After his acces-
sion to the title in 1834, Lord Derby devoted himself, with increased ardour,
to the advancement of his favourite science, and to the extension of his
collections, not only through the agents and correspondents he already had
in the four quarters of the globe, but by equipping and sending out many
naturalists and experienced collectors, to specially promising, and unexplored
. x
regions of both hemispheres. From all these sources he was constantly
receiving at Knowsley, so many new and rare living animals of every sort,
that the Knowsley Menagerie was, at its dispersal in 1851, celebrated, far
and wide, as one of the largest and
finest zoological collections in Ku-
rope. This Vivarium was splendidly
housed in various parts of the
grounds ; in commodious sheds and
sheltered paddocks, as well as by the
margin of artificial lakes and in spac-
ious Aviaries. In the last there
appear to have been, of Parrots alone,
as many as one hundred and four-
teen specimens, belonging to sixty
nine species, alive on the Ist of
September, 1848.
All the animals that died in the
Menagerie were carefully preserved,
either mounted or in skin; the very
large specimens being presented to
the National Collection, while the
rest were added to Lord Derby’s
private museum. To the increase
of this part also of his collection,
great attention was paid by Lord
Derby, and it grew rapidly through
his constant purchases as well as
by the specimens sent to him, in large numbers, by his foreign correspon-
dents, by distinguished travellers, and by collectors, and not least as the
result of the expeditions he equipped. Many of these acquisitions were
naturally the types of species new to science, and were described either by
Lord Derby, or by naturalists to whom he entrusted them for that purpose.
Not a few, however, remained for years in his cabinets, apparently
unrecognised as unknown to science, and were described from examples,
in other collections, obtained long
subsequently. So, although the
original specimens of several spec-
ies are in the collection, they have
unfortunately missed being the
types. This entire museum, con-
taining many thousands of speci-
mens, it was, which, when handed
over to the city by the Fourteenth
Earl of Derby in 1851, formed the
nucleus of our Natural History De-
partment, whose treasures, many
of them of great historical interest,
are as yet but very imperfectly
known outside the Museum.
The Mayer Museum, in like man-
ner, commemorates, in its name,
the liberality and public spirit of
Joseph Mayer, F.S.A., a goldsmith
of Liverpool, who presented to the
city, during his life-time, in 1867,
a collection but little less valuable oe
and extensive than Lord Derby’s. JosepH Mayer, F.S.A.
Tur XIIth Eart or DErsy.
os a
Mr. Mayer devoted a large fortune to the acquisition, whenever he had the
opportunity, of objects valuable to History, Archeology and Art. His
museum was specially rich in Pottery, and in Assyrian, Egyptian, Greek
and Medieval antiquities. His gift is remarkable not only as being the
collection of one individual, but in containing, notwithstanding its great
diversity, so little, owing to Mr. Mayer's wonderful discrimination and
judgment, that is not of the highest value. Many, indeed, of the objects
given by Mayer are unique, or beyond purchase except by a National
museum, such as, to mention only one or two, the Fejervary Ivories, the
Brian-Faussett collection of Anglo-Saxon antiquities, the Mexican Codex
(M 12014), and the collection of Wedgwood Ware.
The Derby bequest, opened to
the public in March 1853, was
at first exhibited in rooms, in a
comparatively small house, in
Duke Street, along with the nu-
cleus of the Public Library, until
the liberality of Sir William
Brown provided for it a fitting
home in 1860, by erecting, and
presenting to the city, the stately
edifice which now shelters it, and
part of the Library. On the
arrival of Mr. Mayer's collection
in 1867, a large square central
court, in the west wing, with three
tiers of galleries surrounding it,
was entirely set apart for the
Mayer Museum.
The acquisitions, by donation
and purchase, to both the Derby
and the Mayer Museums have,
within the past few years, been
so large, that there is now no
: See ee longer room, not to exhibit them
only, but even to store them. An extension has recently, therefore, been
designed and is shortly to be erected, which will provide, on two floors,
wide continuous and undivided galleries, surrounding a central court, to
permit, what is possible in but few museums, the exhibition of the biological
groups in their genetic relationships, as nearly as that can be done in a
linear arrangement.
Between the years 1876 and 1891, several slender opuscula, dealing with
portions of the collections, were issued from the Museums, under the name
of ‘Museum Reports.’ As, however, there is, at the end of every year,
presented to the City Council, by the Committee, an ‘Annual Report,’ the
similarity in name of the two publications, has given rise to considerable
confusion. The Bulletin, therefore, will supersede the ‘Museum Reports’
and whereas the latter were issued at long and irregular intervals, and are,
(with the exception of the last in the annexed list), reprints of papers
originally read before The Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool,
and published in its ‘Transactions,’ the Bulletin will be issued at more
frequent intervals, and will contain articles not elsewhere published illus-
trated, when necessary, with plain or coloured plates, and cuts in the text.
The following are the titles of the ‘Museum Reports ’ :—
(1) The Mollusca of the ‘ Argo’ Expedition to the West Indies. By the
Rey. H. H. Higgins, M.A. 1877.
(2) Metamorphoses of Lepidoptera from San Paulo, Brazil. By E.
Dunkinfield Jones, C.E., with nomenclature and descriptions of new
forms by Frederick Moore, F.Z.8., and an introductory note, by
T. J. Moore, C.M.Z.S., Curator of the Museum. 1883.
(3) The Turvey Ammonite, a paper read before The Literary and
Philosophical Society of Liverpool. By the Rev. H. H. Higgins,
M.A. 1883.
(4) Metamorphoses of Lepidoptera from San Paulo, Brazil. By H.
Dunkinfield Jones, C.H., with nomenclature and description of new
forms, by Frederick Moore, F.Z:S. Second series. 1884.
(5) Translation of Hieratic Papyri, Mayer A and B. By Wilhelm
Spiegelberg, Stud. Phil., Strassburg. 1891.
THe Frezr Pusrtic Mussums—1897.
Pstttacc. Lwerp.Mus .
mut delet lith
nortoleensts. Pelz.
ifinvern Bros imvo
Catalogue of the Parrots (Psittaci) in the
Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forses and Herpert C. Ropinson.
Note.—The arrangement and nomenclature followed in this Catalogue are
those adopted in the ‘ Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum,’ Vol.
XX., by Count T. Salvadori. All the species known wp to the end of
1896 are enumerated, the names of those that are desiderata to the
collection, being printed in Grotesque type.
After the specific name follows a numeral, signifying the number of
specimens of the species in the Museum; the sex, of as many as are
determined, is next designated, then the habitats, and finally the month
of capture, where those have been noted. Where these data are omitted,
or given for only some of the specimens, it is to be understood that no
information exists on the subject in regard to the others, as is un-
fortunately the case in a large number. Type specimens are marked T.
notabilis, Gould. Three. New Zealand.
meridionalis (Gm.). Fifteen. New Zealand.
No. 1 (=17208 Tristram Coll.) is darker on the back, the red collar broader behind
and the red on the abdomen brighter, than in the North island form; wings tinged
with bluish.
esslingi, Sowancé. i
productus, Gould. One. Philip Island.
norfolcensis, Pelz. One. (Plate I.) (=N. productus, Gould Tristr.,
Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 79). Cf Ibis, 1892, p. 557.
Believed to be the only existing specimen of the species. The corneons covering to the
upper mandible is lost ; and in the plate has been restored from yon Pelzeln’s figure
(Sitzb. K. Akad. Wiss. 1860, xli. p. 322), made from the drawing of the bird found
among Ferdinand Bauer’s papers. The variability of the bill in Parrots is well known ;
and as there is no record as to the form of the upper mandible in this specimen, we
are in ignorance whether or not it varied from that of V. productus. On account of
the absence of any, save a suspicion, of bars on the tail, we have followed Salvadori
and retained the name JN. nozfolcensis for the specimen, although it presents no charac-
ters, other than those easily due to age or sex, by which, in our opinion, it can with
certainty be specifically separated from NV. productus. We are supported in this view
by Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S. (Proc. Linn. Soc., July 17th, 1897).
ater (Scop.). One. g. Salwatty, June.
This bird has very dark maroon flanks, with one bright scarlet feather on the metatarsus,
and the edge of the forehead showing dark red feathers, thus agreeing with the
Mysol bird. C. bernsteini will probably prove to be a synonym of C. ater.
poem, Rosend. ; insignis, Oust. ; stavorini (Less.); duyvenbodei,
scintillatus (Temm.). One. N. Guinea (Fly River).
ek scans sides of head and chin, not black, as according to Salvadori, but
ark red.
chloropterus, Salvad. One. Port Moresby.
EOS, Wagl.
cyanogenys, Bp.
reticulata (S. Miill.). Four. 2g. Timor-laut, September.
No. 4 (=204b Lord Derby’s Coll.) is the Type of Blue-necked Lory, Lath., Gen, Hist.,
li. p. 136 (1822).
histrio (Mill.). Three. 23, 9.
histrio, sud. sp. talautensis, Meyer & Wiglesw; challengeri, Salvad.
cardinalis (G.R.Gr.). Five. 4g. Solomon Islands (Guadalcanar ;
Rendova ; Bugotu.
rubra (Gm.). Six. Ceram; Moluccas.
semilarvata, Bp.
wallacei (finsch). Two.
insularis, Guillem.
riciniata (Bechst.). Three. 23. Batchian; Ternate.
No. 1 (=12764 Tristr. Coll.), is Type of Lorius isidorii, Swains., Zool. Ill. (2) i.
pl. viii. (1829). Ex Zool. Soc. Coll.
rubiginosa (Bp.). Two. ¢@. Caroline Islands (Ponapé).
fuscata, Blyth. Four. 33. New Guinea (Fly River).
No. 4 has yellow where the others have red.
hypoenochrous, G.A.Gr. Four. 33. New Britain (Ferguson Bay).
lory (Linn.). Three. 9. New Guinea.
erythrothorax, Salvad. Three. ¢.
NS Be sub. sp. rubiensis, Aeyer ; jobiensis (Meyer) ; salvadorii,
cyanauchen (S. Miill.). One.
Apparently collected by S. Miiller, and possibly a Co-type of species.
domicella (Linn.). Five. 3,29. °Amboina.
chlorocercus, Gould. Three. 3¢.
No. 3 (=2918 Tristr. Coll.), collected by E. L. Layard, has more yellow on breast than
the typical bird, with bases of neck feathers behind yellow.
tibialis, Scat.
garrulus (Linn.). One. Moluccas.
flavo-palliatus, Salvad. (No. 1=Z. garrulus, Linn., Tristr., Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 73.) Four. 23, 2. Moluccas.
solitarius, (Lath.). Six. g. Fiji; ‘South Seas.’
Nos. 5 and 6, ‘South Seas,’ are the Types of Solitary Parrot, Lath., Gen. Hist. ii., p.
190 (1822).
VINI, Less.
australis (Gm.). Ten. 3, 2; 6sterna. Samoa.
kuhbli (Vig.). Four. Austral and Fanning Islands.
taitianus (Gm.). Six. Tahiti. (Plate IL., fig. 1.)
Nos. 5 and 6 =5639 and 5646, Lord Derby’s Coll. ; the former is albino, and the latter,
which we figure, entirely blue, except for a white speck on the throat.
ultramarinus (Kuhl). Hight. Marquesas (Nukuhiva).
No. 6 (=706a, Lord Derby’s Coll.), is an authentic specimen of C. dryas, Gould,
hematodes (Linn.). Four. 23, 9. Timor, June.
forsteni (Temm.). One. [Amboina.]
Apparently a slightly immature bird. The blue of the forehead corresponds in shade
exactly with that of a specimen in this Museum of a male 7’. djampeanus, Hartert, of
Everett’s collecting; the band behind the yellowish green ring is indicated by
partially purple feathers, which show that its breadth will be equally extensive with
that in 7. djampeanus. No marked green can be seen in the hinder part of the
crown, but in certain lights there is a nwance of that colour, which is equally per-
eeptible in 7. djampeanus; no green in the middle of the abdomen. The wings,
measuring 133 mm., are slightly shorter than in Hartert’s sub-species. In the figure
of 7. forsteni in Mivart’s Monograph the yellow-green ring, though described in the
text, has been entirely omitted,
forsteni, sub. sp. djampeanus, Hartert. One. Djampea Island.
cyanogrammus, Wag. Two. Buru. Amboina.
massena, Bp. Nine. ¢,3¢. 5.H. New Guinea. New Hebrides. Solo-
mon Islands (Bugotu; Makira). Loyalty Islands.
flavicans. Cab. & Reich. ; nigrigularis, @.2.G7. ; coccineifrons, @.2.G7. ;
mitchelli, @.2.Gr.; ceeruleiceps, D' Alb. & Salvad.
nove hollandie (Gm.). Ten. Australia (N.S. Wales).
verreauxius, Sp.
rubritorquis, Vig. € Horsf. Four. 22. N. Australia (Port Essington).
rosenbergi, Schleg.
ornatus (Linn.). Four. ¢. N. Celebes.
flavoviridis (/Vall.).
meyeri (Wald.). Two. 3. Celebes (Minahassa).
meyeri, sub. sp. bonthainensis, Ayer.
euteles (Zemm.). Six. 3¢, @. Timor. Flores.
Some Timor specimens are darker and greener on the head than the specimen from
Flores, collected by Wallace.
weberi, Buittih.
chlorolepidotus (Kuhl). Nine. 3. Australia (N.S. Wales; Queensland).
versicolor (Vig.). Six. &, 2 (jr). N. Australia (P. Essington ; Somerset,
Cape York).
goldiei (Sharpe); diadematus, Verr. & Des Murs.
concinnus (Shaw). Twelve. 2¢. Australia (Victoria). Tasmania.
porphyrocephalus (Dietr.). Seven. g. W. Australia (Swan River) ; 5.
pusillus (Shaw). Nine. 3$, @. Australia.
wilhelmine (Jeyer).
placens, Tem. Eleven. 69,592. Kélds. Salwatty. New Guinea.
subplacens (Sclat.). Seven. 43, 39. New Britain (Blanche Bay) ;
Duke of York Islands (Mioko).
rubrigularis (Scdat.) ; rubronotata (/Waill.); kordoana (Meyer).
T aureocincta (Layard). Three. 3s, ¢. Fiji (Ovalau, 13/6/75; Taviuni;
No. 1 (=2774 Tristr. Coll.) is the Type of the species.
palmarum (Gm.). Four. 23,22. New Hebrides (Vateé).
pygmea, ((m.).
Under Pygmy Parrakeet in Lord Derby’s copy of Latham’s Gen. Syn., i., pt. 2, p- 256,
No. 60 (1787), occurs the following note in Lord Derby’s handwriting. ‘‘ My speci-
men (marked as this species by Dr. Latham) came from New Holland, and answers
well to this description, except in having a red band from eyes to the bill and over
the front.” This specimen has unfortunately disappeared ; the probability that the
unique Vienna specimen is a female of H. palmarum, as considered by Mr. EK. Layard,
and probably young, is increased by this observation.
pulchella (G.2.Gr.). Four. 34, 9. New Guinea.
T margarethe (T’risir.). One. ?- Solomon Ids. (San Cristoval, Makira).
Type of species ; type of male lost—stolen, it is said, by a sweep !
papuensis (Gm.). Four. New Guinea.
stelle, Meyer.
josephine (Finsch). Two. 3, 2. New Guinea.
arfaki (Meyer); grandis, Grant.
muschenbroeki (fosenb.). One. g. New Guinea.
We cannot help thinking that NV. pudlicauda, Hartert, must become a synonym of this
pullicauda, Hartert.
iris (Zemm.). Three. Timor, June.
One of these specimens, No. 2, shows red through the blue of the hinder part of the
pileum, as if the whole blue would change completely to red ; while another is
intermediate between true JV. iris and the specimen first spoken of. It is doubtful
whether NV. rubripilewm will prove a good species.
rubripileum, Salvad.
salvadorii, Oust.; edwardsi, Oust.
desmaresti (Garn.). Three. New Guinea.
occidentalis, Salvad. One. g. New Guinea.
blythi, Wall.; cervicalis, Salvad. & D'Alb. ; maccoyi, Gould.
coxeni, Gould. Two. Queensland.
diophthalmus, Homb. € Jacq. One. g. New Guinea (Arfak).
aruensis (Schleg.). Two. 3, 2. Aru Islands.
virago, Hartert; gulielmi-tertii (Schleg.).
suavissimus, Sclat. Two. g, 2. New Guinea.
melanogenys (Hosenb.); nigrifrons, Rehknw. ; amabilis, Rchaw.
mauritianus (Owen). (Extinct.)
MICROGLOSSUS, Geoffr. St. Hil.
aterrimus (Gm.). Four. New Guinea.
salvadorii, Meyer.
baudini, Vig. Four. 3g, 9. West Australia. April, May.
funereus (Shaw). Four. Australia.
xauthonotus, Gould. Six. g,292. Tasmania. September.
banksi (Lath.) Six. 23,49. Skeleton. Percy Island.
macrorhynchus, Gowld. One. 9? (jr.). N. Australia (P. Essington).
This young female, collected for Gould in 1844, is indistinguishable from female C.
banksi, except for a slightly more powerful lower mandible.
stellatus, Wagl. Two. ¢, 2. W. Australia (Perth, March).
viridis (Vieill.). Twelve. 53,492. S. Australia (N.S. Wales, Shoal-
haven.; Cumberland Co.) :
Pettltacd. Lwverp.. MS. ATs.
J.Srut del.et lith,
= Mintern Bros -imp.
i. Cor—philus toalicunus im .
2.Nasderna naniaine. Tristr.
galeatum (Lath.). Seven. 99, @. Australia.
GACATUA, Vieill.
galerita (Lath.). Seven. 3g, 2. N. Australia (Somerset, Cape York ;
Port Essington). S. Australia (N. S. Wales). Tasmania.
Nos. 1, S: Australia, 2, Somerset, and 5, Port Essington are smaller, and have less
yellow on ear coverts than typical C. galerita, thus resembling C. triton.
triton (Temm.). Two. Salwatty. New Guinea (Port Moresby).
The Port Moresby specimen, No. 2, is a much larger form than No. 1 from Salwatty,
and it is doubtful whether it is not C. galerita, Except, indeed, that it has little
yellow on the cheeks, and is slightly smaller, it is quite similar to that species.
parvula (Bp.). Two. Flores.
sulphurea (Gm.). One. 3. j
sulphurea, sub. sp. djampeana, Hartert.
citrinocristata (fras.). One.
A Co-type or authentic specimen of the species, The Type, which was in the Zool.
é Soe. Coll., has disappeared. A third Co-type was in Dublin in 1844. ;
leadbeateri (Vig.). Five. W. Australia (Swan River).
alba (P. L. S. Miill.). Two. ¢. Gilolo ; Moluccas.
molluccensis (Gm.). Three. 29, 2; Skeleton. Ceram. Moluccas.
ophthalmica, Sclat. One. g. New Britain (Blanche Bay, June).
gymnopis, Sclat.
sanguinea, Gould. One. [Port Essington.]
goffini (Finsch). (=¢. sangwned, Gould, Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 72).
One. Timor-laut.
ducorpsi (Jacq. & Pucher.). One. ¢. Solomon Islands (Guadalcanar).
hematuropygia (P.Z.S. Miill.). Four. 23, ¢. Philippine Islands
roseicapilla, Vieill. Three. g¢. N.S. Wales.
nasica (Temm.). Three. Australia.
pastinator, Gould. One. W. Australia.
nover-hollandie (Gm.). Ten. 439, 52. South Australia (Adelaide ;
N.S. Wales).
pruijni, Salvad. One. 3. New Guinea (Arfak Mts). Ha Challenger Coll.
pygmea (Quoy & Gaim.). (No. 2=N. misoriensis, Salvad., Tristr., Cat.
Goll. Birds, p. 73.) Four. 29,22. New Guinea.
finschi, Ramsay. Two. 22. Solomon Ids. (San Cristoval, Makira).
nanina, Tristr. (Pl. IL., fig. 9.) One. ¢. Solomon Ids. (Isabel,
- Bugotu).
Type of species (Tristr., Ibis, 1891, p. 608).
keiensis, Salvad.; aole, Grant; misoriensis, Salvad. ; maforensis,
Salvad.; beccarii, Salvad. -
pusio, Sclat. Four. 29,22. New Britain (Blanche Bay); Duke of
York Island, June, August.
hyacinthinus (Lath.). One and Skeleton.
leari, Bp.; glaucus (Vieii/.).
spixi (Wagl.). One. Brazil.
ARA, Cuu.
ararauna (Linn.). Two.
caninde (Wagl.)
macao (Linn.). Four. 2?. Honduras.
chloroptera, G.R.Gr. One. gf. Brazil.
tricolor (Bechst.). One. 92. [Mexico.]
militaris (Linn.). Two. 3, 9. 8S. America.
ambigua (Bechst.). :
rubrigena, Lafresn. Two. Bolivia.
Types of Ara bridgesi, Fraser, MSS. in ‘‘ the published Catalogue of Birds in the Knows-
ley Museum” (note in Fraser’s MS. Catalogue). Any information as to this published
Catalogue would be welcome.
severa (Linn.). Five. Surinam, Brazil. Bolivia.
maracana (Vzeill.). Three. ¢, ?. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
couloni, Sc/at.
auricollis (Cass). Three. Brazil.
macavuanna (Gm.). Three. g. S. America.
In two specimens the red on the lower abdomen is specially noticeable,
nobilis (Linn.). Two. Brazil.
hahni (Souancé). Two. @. Brazil.
No. 1 is almost as large as A. nobilis, but in the colour of its bill it agrees with 4. hahni.
pachyrhynchus (Sw.). Three. Mexico.
acuticaudatus (Vieill.). Four. [Chili.]
hzemorrhous, Spix.
guarouba (Gm.). Three. 239(?). (2). Cayenne.
No. 2, Ex Mus. Bullock, is one of the Types of Yellow Maccaw Parrot, Lath., Gen.
Hist. ii., p. 144 (1822). Another, from the Bullock Museum, was in Lord Derby’s
Collection, but has disappeared.
solstitialis (Linn.). Three. 22.
jendaya (Gm.). Three. @juv. .
auricapillus (Licht.). Five. ¢. Brazil (Rio Janeiro).
nenday (Vieill.). One. Paraguay.
weddelli, Deville. One.
Collected by C. Bridges. ie
mitratus, /'sch. Two. Bolivia.
rubrolarvatus, Mass. & Souancé; frontatus, Cab.; finschi, Salvad.
wagleri, G.B.Gr. One.
euops (Wagl.). One.
chloropterus (Sowancé). One.
leucophthalmus (Miill.). Two. 29. Guiana.
We are uncertain whether these specimens should be assigned to C. leucophthalmus or
to C. leucogenys ; for it is very difficult to decide from Salvadori’s description in the
B. M. Cat. of Birds. In his Key to the species of the genus with yellow greater under
wing-coverts, he distinguishes C. leucophthalmus from C. callogenys, by its dark green
colour, its smaller size and its having the cheeks green, without red patches, eacept
accidentally, on their lower parts. No. 1 is very dark green, while No. 2 is ot a
general yellowish-green colour and has fewer red spots on its head and cheeks. In
length both specimens are under 14°5 ‘they measure about 13) inches ; the wing of
No. 1, is 68 inches, of No. 2, 6% inches; tail of No. 1 damaged, of No. 2, 6°5 inches ;
tarsus of No. 1, °75; of No. 2, ‘8; bill of No. 1, 1°2, and of No. 2, 1°1 inch (meas-
ured from tip to cere by callipers). The size increases with age, no doubt, till
maturity ; while the dimensions of a dry skin vary much with the make up ; and how
can it be determined when the spots are accidental, or constant, or if their absence
be not due to immaturity? Both specimens are females (Salvadori, by the way,
omits to say anything about the differences between the sexes), and No. 1 is from
Guiana. C. Zewcophthalmus while it extends over a very large part of northern S.
America, overlaps on the west, the distributional area of C. callogenys, by several
hundred miles.
Among the MSS. left by the 13th Lord Derby, to which, through the kindness of
the present Earl, I have had access, I find the following notes with reference to No.
1:—‘¢The length of this specimen, which was for some time alive in the Aviary, was
13 inches. Latham gives to his species only 12, and to a variety full 13 creat
It was a female. Round the knee is a garter of scarlet . . . «. It inhabits
Guiana as far [south] as 25 degrees of latitude ; but it is more plentiful towards the
north ; often seen in great flocks and very noisy. The head-spots do not appear till
the second or third year; I think the latter, which is the only difference between
the old and young; but the under wing-coverts are red in every stage, thought paler
[in youth]. The head of my bird when I obtained it was perfectly plain. Common
at Cayenne, and found also in the Carribbean Islands. Called at Guiana Pavouanne,
where it flies in great numbers, frequenting savannahs and woods ; fond of the fruit
of the Coral Bean-tree (Zrythrina corallodendron, Linn.). It is said to learn to talk
plain ; but rarely becomes familiar through confinement.” May not C. callogenys,
Salvad., be more mature C. leucophthalnus *
callogenys, Salvad. ; maugei (Souanceé).
holochlorus, Sclat. Two. Mexico. Central America.
rubritorquis, Sclater; brevipes, Baird ; nanus (Vig.); aztec, Souancé ;
cactorum (Neww.); eruginosus (Linn.); OCularis, Sedat. & Salvin ;
arubensis, Hartert.
pertinax (Linn.). Four. os, ?-
aureus (Gm.). Five. ?.
With reference to this species, there is the following note among the Knowsley MSS. :—
‘«T do not know that any one has ever noticed the peculiar formation of the end of
the fourth quill feather, which, after continuing of the usual shape till within # of
an inch from the end, suddenly becomes truncated on the inner web, and thence to
a blunt point with the width of a little more than 4 inch.”
This peculiarity is not confined to, nor characteristic of all Conuri. It oceurs in
the present species, and in C. leucophthalmus, but it is wanting in our three specimens
of C. guarouba ; it occurs, on the other hand, in Ara nobilis, and in A. hahni ; in the
latter, however, the fifth quill is also attenuated, while the others are squarely trun-
cated. The shape of the fourth primary, therefore, would appear to be not altogether
a safe generic character for Conwrus. 4
canicularis (Linn.). One. Central America (St. John’s River).
carolinensis (Linn.). Four. Florida (March, 1884).
patagonus (Vievll.). One: ¢.
byroni, Sclat. (No. 1=C. patagonus, Vieill., Tristr., Cat, Coll, Birds,
p. 79.) Four. @. Chili.
icterotis, (JJass. « Sowancé).
leptorhynchus (King). Three. Chili.
The hook of the bill not perceptibly file-like, without the aid of a magnifying glass,
LEPTOPSITTACE, Berleps. & Stolzm.
branickii, Berleps, & Stolzm.
ferrugineus (Mill.). Three. @. Chili.
cruentata (Newwied). Two.
No. 1 (=737 Lord Derby’s Coll., ex Mus. Bullock) Type of Sanguine Parrakeet, Lath.,
Gen. Hist., ii., p. 177, No. 91 (1822).
vittata (Shaw). : , ;
leucotis (Licht.). (=P. vittata, Shaw, a, Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 79.)
Six. g. Guiana. Brazil (Rio Janeiro).
No. 4 from Rio has the head more suffused with blue than the Guiana specimen. No. 5
(= 18882 Tristr. Coll.) differs from P. emma only in having the blue on the forehead
very slightly marked ; ear coverts whiter ; blue band on lower neck narrower ; and
the face dark brown (not scarlet), darker than the tail: except for its larger size, it
is identical with the Rio specimen.
emma, Salvad. (=P. vittata, Shaw, }, Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 79.)
One. Guiana.
Hardly differs in size from P. leucotis, No. 4 above, from Rio ; but differs in having ear
coverts darker and washed with blue ; forehead and top of head blue; back of neck
dark chocolate brown ; blue band on lower neck broad ; and chest more washed with
bluish green.
borellii, Salvad.
Pee (Miil.). Two. 9.
uciani (Deville); egregia (Sclat.).
calliptera (Mass. ¢& Sowancé). Three.
melanura (Spiz) ; souancii (Verr.); berlepschi, Salvad.
rupicola (Z’sch.). One.
Cheeks, ear coverts and superciliary band greenish-yellow (not grass-green as in Cat.
Birds Brit. Mus., xx., pl. II., fig. 1), with the bases of the feathers red. Feathers
of hind neck brown-centered, green-margined, and tipped with cream colour.
Feathers of throat and upper breast have brownish-green centres, with broad tips of
cream on the throat, and orange cream on breast. Carpal edge brilliant scarlet; first
primary black, with the outer edge faintly washed with blue, of which colour there
is a distinct wash on the outer webs of the succeeding five primaries. Not improbably
collected by Tschudi.
molinz (Mass. dé Sowancé). Three. Bolivia.
Base of the middle tail-feathers in No. 2 blue in centre and margined with green.
devillei (Mass. & Souancé); Chiripepe (Vieill.).
perlata (Spix). One.
Probably Type of Wave-headed Parrakeet, Lath., Gen. Hist., ii., p. 169 (1822).
rhodogaster (Watt.); heematotis, Souancé; rhodocephala (Seclat. & Salv.);
hoffmannii (Cab.).
monachus (Bodd.). Six. ¢. Argentine (River Plate). Chili.
No. 4 (= 666c Lord Derby’s Coll.), Chili. No. 6 has the white tips on breast very in-
conspicuously marked.
luchsi (Finsch). Two. Bolivia.
aymara (D’Orb.). Two.
rubrirostris (Burm.).
orbignyi (Bp.). Two.
aurifrons (Less.). Four. ([Mexico.] Peru (Lima).
andicola (Finsch); panychlorus (Salv. & Godm.); lineolatus (Cass.).
ceelestis (Less.). Four. 33, 9. Ecuador. Guayaquil.
coelestis sub. sp. lucida, Ridgw. ; xanthops, Salvin.
conspicillata, Lafr. Seven. 29, 2. Mexico (Bolanos). Bogota.
sclateri, @.2.G7. ; ,
passerina (Linn.). Twenty-three. 63, ?. Rio Janeiro. Mexico (Bo-
No. J (Female) has its under wing-coverts and axillaries verditer blue ; greater wing-
coverts edged with pale blue, and rump grass-green.
modesta, Cab. ; crassirostris, Taz. ; flavescens, Salvad. ; cyanopygia,
Souancé; spengeli, Hartl.
guianensis (Sw.). Five. g, 2. Cumana. Orinoco.
ferrugineifrons, ZLawr.
tirica (Gm.). Two. @. Brazil (Rio Janeiro).
chiriri (Vieill.). Three. 3.
virescens (Gm.). Two. 3. Cayenne.
pyrrhopterus (Lath.). Five. 33. Andes. Guayaquil. [Sandwich Ids].
jugularis (Mill.). ‘Six. ¢. Guatemala.
devillei (G.R.Gr.). One.
gustavi, Berleps. ; tuipara (Gm.). {
chrysopterus (Linn.). Five. 3. 39. S. America.
chrysosema, Natt.
tui (Gm.). Three. 39.
In all three specimens (= 821, 821a, 821b, Lord Derby’s Coll.) the yellow streak behind
the eye is present. Salvadori’s remarks on this subject (Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xx.,
p- 266) are puzzling -—‘* Female. No yellow streak behind the eYeS. ws me
- I tae know whether the yellow streak behind the eye ever appears in the
canifrons, Lawr.
guildingi (Vig.). Two. St. Vincent.
No. 1 (=12780 Tristr. Coll.) collected by Guilding, purchased by T. C. Eyton from
Mus. Zool. Soc. ; purchased from Eyton by Canon Tristram. Type of species ; fig-
ured, Fraser, Zool. Typ., pl. lvii.
augusta (Vig.). One.
vinacea (Prince Maxim.). Two. 58. America. [Guadelupe.]
versicolor (Mill.) ; bouqueti (Bechst.) ; guatemale, Havtl. ; virenticeps,
Salvad.; inornata, Salvad.
farinosa (Bodd.). Two. ¢.
mercenaria (Z'sch.). One. Peru. Collected by Tschudi.
Probably a Co-type of species.
amazonica (Linn.). Three. Surinam.
No. 3 (= 682 Lord Derby’s Coll.) out of the Leverian Mus., is the Type of Brazilian
Yellow Fronted Parrot, Var E. Lath., Gen. Syn. i., p- 287, 91 (1781), and of Common
Amazons Parrot, Var E. Lath., Gen. Hist., ii., p. 242 (1822).
sstiva (Linn.). Five. 23,22.
ochroptera (Gm.). One. ¢.
rothschildi, Hartert.
ochrocephala (Gm.). One. Brazil.
panamensis, Cab. i ;
auropalliata (Less.). Three. 3. Acajutl (Coast of Pacific).
levaillanti, G.R.Gr. One. ¢.
nattereri, Finsch.
dufresneana (Shaw).. Two. [Cayenne.]
rhodocorytha, Salvad. Two. ¢.
viridigena, Cass. One. ¢.
finschi, Sclat. One. ?. Mexico (Sierra di Alica, La Laguna).
diademata (Spix); lilacina (Less.) ; hecki (Rehnw.).
salvini, Salvad. One. ¢.
autumnalis (Linn.). Two. S. Mexico.
xanthops (Spix). Two. Brazil.
No. 1 agrees very well with Spix’s figure (Av. Bras. i. p. 39, pl. xxvi.) ; but the wing
coverts are not bordered with yellow as in the plate; the tips of the feathers on
the back and sides of the neck, and especially the back of the head and of the under-
side as well, are margined with bluish rather than dusky; some yellow feathers
appear on the abdomen of both specimens; the reddish-orange on the lateral tail-
feathers is basal, and does not extend to the tip. In No. 2 the bars on the back of
the head and neck are bluer than in No. 1. In both specimens there is a bare space
round the eye extending almost to the bill, which is not represented in Spix’s plate.
brasiliensis (Zinn.). One.
bodini, Finsch.
festiva (Linn.). Four. g,29. Brazil (Para). [Guiana.] -
chloronota, Souaneé.
vittata (Bodd.). One. [Guiana.]
pretrei (Zemm.). One. Rio Grande [do Sul].
tucumana, Cab.
albifrons (Sparrm.). Three. Central America (Zucappa). Interior of
xantholora, @.Rk.Gr.; caymanensis, Cory; bahamensis, Bryant ;
collaria (Linn); agilis (Linn.).
ventralis (Mill.). Two. Juv.
leucocephala (Zinn.). One.
brachyurus (Zemm. & Kuhl). Two. ¢. Brazil. Upper Amazons.
menstruus (Linn.). Five. 23, 2. Panama. Bolivia.
reichenowi, Heine; cobaltinus (Jass. & Souancé).
sordidus (Linn.). One. §. America.
Type of Psittacus sordidus, var A. Lath., Gen. Hist. ii. p. 223 (1822).
Surana: Bp. ; lacerus (Heine).
maximiliani (Kuhl). One. Bolivia.
bridgesi, Boucard. One. Bolivia.
tumultuosus (Tsch.).
seniloides (Mass. ¢ Sowancé). One.
senilis (Spix). Two. Mexico.
No. 2 a young bird.
chalcopterus (Fras.). One. Santa Fe de Bogota.
Type of species, (Fraser, P.Z.S., 1840, p. 59).
fuscus (Mill.). Three.
accipitrinus (Linn.). Five. 3, ¢.
No. 5 rich xanthotie variety.
cyanogaster (Vieill.). Two. Brazil (Rio Grande; Rio Janeiro).
melanotis (La/7.).
pileatus (Scop.). Three. 3.
pyrrhops, Sadvin.
amazoninus (Des Murs). Two. Mexico (Bolano).
hematotis (Sclat. ¢ Salvin.). One. Yzabal.
coccineicollaris (Zawr.); pyrilia (&p.).
caica (Zath.). Three. Cayenne.
No. 3 is a xanthotic variety.
barrabandi (Kuhl). Two. Brazil (Rio Negro).
vulturinus (J//.).
cingulata (Scop.). Three.
wiedi, Allen. Two. Brazil (near Rio Janeiro).
purpurata (Gm.). Four. Brazil. Cayenne.
surda (Jil.). Three. Brazil (Bahia; near Rio Janeiro).
poet (Temm.); dilectissima, Sclat. & Salvin. ; stictoptera, Scat. ; emme,
melanocephala (Zinn.). Five.
pallida, Zerlp.; xanthomera, G.R.Gr.
leucogaster (Jll.). One. 3.
T robustus (Gm.). Six. 33, 2. S. Africa (Natal, Burg Mt.). April.
No. 5, Type of Levaillant’s Parrot, Lath., Gen. Hist., ii. p. 212 (1822).
T rubricapillus, sp.nov. Two. g. West Africa. (Whitfield, C.)
A specimen from the above locality, (No. 809 Lord Derby’s Coll.), which died in con-
finement at Knowsley in 1867, we find it impossible to assign to any described species
known to us. It is near to P. fuscicollis and belongs to the section, in Salvadori’s
key of the genus, in which the general colour is green, with the bend of the wing,
metacarpal edge, and thighs without red colour, and with breast and abdomen green.
But the head is neither brown nor yellow. Instead, the whole head, and the neck
down to the shoulders, are silvery grey, or silvery brown, each feather broadly tipped
with brick red, deeper on the top of the head and hind neck; less bright on the
sides of the head, throat and chest. On the latter the silvery part of the feathers is
more prominent, and ultimately merges into a pale, greyish-brown chest-band,
sharply defined from the green. Ear coverts silvery grey, with red shaft stripes ;
interscapular region dark brown with broad green margins ; upper and smaller wing
coverts dark brown tipped with green. Lower back, bright green; rump and under
surface, green washed with blue ; the concealed parts of the flank feathers pale reddish
orange. Quills black; secondaries narrowly margined with green on outer web.
Upper mandible, large and conspicuously hooked, 1°6 inch, measured from tip to cere
with callipers ; lower, large, 1*1 inch in greatest breadth. Length, 9°6; wing, °68 ;
tarsus, +1 inch.
The colour changes and variability of parrots in confinement are well known ; and if
ours had been a solitary specimen, we should have entered it as P. fuscicollis, Var.
We have, however, two specimens identical in every respect, a precise similarity not
likely to oceur in both specimens, if abnormal.
fuscicollis (Kuhl), an Var. One. 2. South Africa.
Sinciput and crown of head brick red, with no tinge of yellow ; the red sharply defined
from the occiput and hind neck, which, with the shoulders and sides of head, are
greyish brown washed with faint red, and having dark shaft stripes; lower fore neck
and chest brown, with faint greenish sheen, the shaft stripes conspicuous; rest of
under surface yellowish green; the concealed parts of the flank feathers reddish
orange ; bend of wing. metacarpal edge, and thighs dark orange-red ; angle of wings
nearly scarlet ; interseapular region, and upper wing coverts olive brown, graduating
into olive green, the margins of the wing coverts washed with blue; ramp washed with
blue. Quills brown ; secondaries olive green on outer webs; mandible from tip to
cere measured with callipers 1°5; length, 10°6; wing 8 inches ; tarsus, 1 ineh.
gulielmi (Jard.). One. Juv.
aubryanus, Souancé; massaicus, Fisch. & Rehnw.
fuscicapillus (Verr. ¢ Des Murs). Four. 23, ?. East Africa (Orange
Free State; Nyassaland). Three specimens, July.
crassus (Sharpe); flavifrons (Réppell); citrinocapillus, Hevgl.
senegallus (Zinn.). Five. 23, 9. W. Africa (Barcote; Gambia). April
and August.
versteri (Gof.); rufiventris (Rzppel/).
meyeri (Ruppell). Seven. ¢?,2juv. HE. Africa (Zambesi; Transvaal).
ruppelli (G.2.Gr.). One. g. 8. Africa (Damaraland). July.
erithacus, Zinn. Two. W. Africa (Cape Coast Castle).
erithacus, sub. ss. megarhynchus, Hartert.
timneh, Fraser. Two. g. W. Africa (Liberia). February.
vasa (Shaw). Three. g¢,292. Madagascar.
nigra (Zinn). Six. 23, 2. Madagascar. No. 4, Boloky, July.
barklyi, HZ. Newt. Three. Seychelles (Praslin).
sibilans, Mil-Hd. & Oust.; Comorensis, Peters.
pesqueti, (Zess.). Two. g. New Guinea.
The following note, in reference to this species, found among Lord Derby’s ornithological
MSS., now in the Museum, will be of interest :—‘‘ Accidentally calling, in the Spring
of 1825, at the shop of Mr. Tucker in the Quadrant, Regent Street, a dealer in
curiosities, &c., he produced a Parrot which I had never seen before, or rather the
remains of one, for it has unfortunately been preserved in the manner in which Birds
of Paradise used frequently to be sent over, a stick having been thrust through it ;
and consequently the legs and primary quills were wanting, and the head a good
deal injured. I, however, bought the bird, and it has now been set up much better
than I could have expected by Sherlock.” [Then follows a detailed description of
the bird.] ‘‘ From the mode in which the skin was impaled, being similar to that
practised on the Paradise Birds, it may be conjectured that the bird, when living,
had the same habitat with them.” Dasyptilus pesqueti remained unknown to science
till Lesson described the species in June, 1831.
rodericanus (A. Milne-Ed.). Extinct.
pectoralis (P.Z.S.Mill.). Fourteen. 53,69, Sternum. New Guinea.
Duke of York Island: July. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval; Bugutu).
roratus (P.Z.S.Mull.). Two. 29.
cardinalis (Bodd.). Three. 39.
riedeli (Meyer). One. g. Timor-laut.
westermanni (Zp.); cornelia, Zp.
sudestiensis, De Vis; keyensis, Schleg.; timorlaoensis, Iyer; per-
sonatus (Shaw); tjindanee, Meyer.
aruensis (G.R.Gr.). Four. 29. New Guinea.
orientalis, Meyer.
rhodops (G.&.Gr.). Three. 3,229. Amboina. Bouru.
floresianus, Salvad. One. Flores.
sumbavensis, Salvad.
ucherani, Bp. Two. 3, 2. New Guinea.
jobiensis (Meyer); mysorensis (Meyer); dorsalis, Salvad.
cyanicollis (S. Mzll.). Two. Batchian, November [New Guinea].
obiensis (Finsch).
T heteroclitus (Homb. ¢ Jacq.). Six. 23,32, gjuv. New Britain.
Solomon Islands (San Cristoval; Bugutu).
No. 6, male juv. = Type of G. agrestis, Tristr. Ibis, 1882, p. 138.
simplex (Meyer).
platurus (Temm.). One. g. Macassar.
flavicans, Cass. Two. ¢. Celebes (Minahassa, April).
verticalis, Sharpe.
discurus (Vieill.). Two. Philippines (Cebu; Manilla). April.
suluensis, Bilas.
mindorensis, Steere. One. g. N. Mindoro. December.
cyaneiceps, Sharpe; luconensis, Steere.
T montanus, Grant. Two. 3g, 2. Philippines (N. Luzon, Lepanto).
Typical specimens.
mascarinus (Linn.). Extinct.
It may be noted here that Lord Derby had, in his MS. notes, placed on record, a
doubt whether the Leverian specimen of JL. mascar ee: now in Vienna, and said to
be affected by albinism (Latham, Gen. Syn., i. pt. 2, p. 265, footnote, 1781), is not
a made up bird. ‘‘Some few of the birds,” he adds, “Were certainly stich.”
gramineus (Gm.).
luconensis (Zinn.). Five. Philippines (Cebu; Manilla; Siquijor).
megalorhynchus (Bodd.). One. Gilolo.
ee sorynchus, sub. sp. SUMbensSis, Meyer; affinis, Wall.; sub-
finis, Sclat x
mulleri (Temm.). Five. g. N. Celebes.
mulleri, sud. sp. sangirensis, Meyer & Wigles.
everetti, Tweedd. One.
burbidgii, Sharpe. One. ¢g. Sulu Archipelago (Tawi-tawi Id., July).
eupatria (Zinn.). Four. 39, 2juv., 2. Ceylon. [Nepaul.]
nipalensis, Hodgs. Four. 43 (1 juv.) India(Mhow, December; Depal-
pore, January ; Central India).
indo-burmanica, Hume. One. ¢@. Burmah.
magnirostris, Baill.
wardi, H. Newt. Three. gjuv.,2?. Seychelles (Mahé, March, June).
eques (Bodd.).
torquata (Bodd.). Hight. 5¢,29. India (Himalayas, Dehra Dhoon ;
Rutnagherry ; Godavery R., February).
docilis (Vieill.). Three. 23, 9. Central Africa, Lado, February ; West
Africa, Bathurst, July.
T cyanocephala (Linn.): Thirteen. 59,39 (ad. &2juv.). India (Um-
ballah ; Ramghur Hills, Behar; Bohundshar, July). Assam. Ceylon.
No. 5 (= No. 664b Lord Derby’s Coll. ) in which the lower mandible is nof black,
is the Type of Rose-headed Parrakeet, Var. A. Lath. Gen. , Syn., i. pt. 2, p. 239,
No. 39 (1787). ‘This... was alive in my possession for some time. It was pur-
chased at the sale of Lady Reade’s collection.” Lord Derby's MS. This bird died
in October 1812. No. 6 ( = 664e Lord Derby’s Coll., from Gen. Davies's Coll.), is a
xauthotic variety, and is the Type of Psittacus narcissus, Lath., og Orn. suppl., p. 21
(1801); also of Jonquil Parrakect, Lath., Gen. Syn. suppl., p. 83. pl. exxiii.
(1802). In No. 10 the under wing coverts are grass green as in ?. rosa, but it agrees
with a P. cyanocephala, from Assam, in not having red wing spots.
rosa (Bodd.). Six. 2%, 9. India (Nepaul; Coonoor Pass). Burmah.
No. 1, a female, from Coonoor Pass, S. India (Tristr. Coll., 5224) has the feathers of
the forehead pale plum, tipped with dull red, and on the wing coverts a distinct trace
of a red spot ; uropygium with distinct wash of dark verditer green ; under wing
coverts verditer green.
intermedia, LRothsch. ;
schisticeps, Hodgs. Two. ¢. Simla, June.
finschi, Hume; exsul, A. Newt. :
peristerodes, Finsch. Seven. 33,39. 8S. India; Mysore (Muddur,
January ; Mettapollam, December).
calthropr, Zayard. Three. 23, 9. Ceylon.
derbyana, /raser. One.
Type of species, P.Z.S., 1850, p. 245, pl. xxv.; figured, Gould, B. Asia, vi. pl. ix.
Salvadorii, Oust.
fasciata (Mull.). Nine. 33,39. Nepaul; Burmah; Assam; Tenasserim,
Tayoy, April.
alexandri (Zinn.). (=P. javanicus, Osb. b, Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 75).
One. 2. Borneo.
caniceps, Blyth; modesta, Fraser. _
nicobarica, Gould. Two. 2¢ (ad. & juv.).
tytleri, Hume. Two. 23 (ad. & juv.). Andaman Ids., February and June.
longicauda (Bodd.). (No. 11=P javanicus, Osb. a, Tristram, Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 75). Eleven. 33, 2. Borneo. Sumatra, Palembang Resi-
dency (Kaban, December ; Soeroelangoen, Rawas River, November).
Rose-fronted Parrot, Lath., Gen. Hist., ii. p. 186 (1822).
The Type of Latham’s so named species, (= 735 Lord Derby’s Coll.), hitherto uniden-
tified, is a much damaged skin, in which a portion of the back is wanting. It is
undoubtedly a young Palwornis. Lord Derby has the following note: ‘‘ Query, if
this bird may not in reality be the young of some of the long-tailed species, rather
than completely distinct. Yet I do not remember to have seen any of those which
had acquired the whitish tips to the two middle feathers of the tail, in the earlier
stage of life.”
barrabandi (Sw.). Hight. 639,29. Australia (N. S. Wales).
alexandree (Gould).
melanura (Vig.). Seven. 3%, 29. Australia (W. Australia, York ;
South Australia, Murray River.
erythropterus (Gm.). Sixteen. ?. Australia (Queensland; Port Es-
sington ; Moreton Bay).
jonquillaceus (Vieill.). One. Timor.
wetterensis, Salvad.
cyanopygius (Viel). Ten. 63 (5ad., 1 juv.),4?. Australia (Queens-
land, Moreton Bay, Repulse Bay; N. 8S. Wales; Victoria).
insignissimus, Gould.
chloroterus, Rams. Two. g, 2. New Guinea.
callopterus, D'Alb. & Salvad.; amboinensis (Linn.) ; buruensis, Salvad.
dorsalis @. & G. One, New Guinea.
sulaensis, Rchnw. (=A. dorsalis, Q. ¢ G., Tristr. Cat. Coll, Birds, p. 75).
One. Sula Archipelago.
hypophonius (dfil/.).
splendens (Peale). Two, Fiji (Rewa River; Viti Levu).
tabuensis (Gm.). Two. ¢. Fiji (Bua, Vanua Levu, May).
T koroensis (Zayard). One. g. Fiji (Koro, August).
Type of the species (Ibis, 1876, p. 148).
taviunensis (Zayard). One. g. Fiji (N’Gila, Taviuni, July).
personata (GL.Gr.). Four. g. Fiji (Rewa River, July).
brehmii (Rosend.) ; brehmi sud. sp. pallida, Meyer; picta, Rothsch ; modesta
(Rosenb.); mMadarasZzi, Meyer.
T incertus (Shaw.). Fourteen. 43, 39. Borneo (Sarawak, Tagora).
Sumatra, Lampong Residency (Kotta djawa).
No. 10, male, (= 498¢ Lord Derby’s Coll.. purchased at Lady Reade’s sale), is Type of
Blue-Green Parrot (Lath., Gen. Hist., ii. p. 278, 1822).
lunulatus (Scop.). Five. 2g¢,29. Phillippine Islands (Manilla; Cata-
guan). (China.
intermedius, Salvad.; mindanensis (Steere).
cana (Gm.). Eleven. 43, 49. Madagascar. Mauritius. Comoro
Islands (Johanna Island).
In Nos. 10, male, and 11, female, collected, in Madagascar (S.W. ?), by Last, the green
colour has a distinct bluish tinge, and they differ from the Comoro Id. birds which
are pure green.
T taranta (Stani.). One. Abyssinia (Pass of Taranta).
No. 1 (=No. 704 Lord Derby’s Coll.), Type of species collected by H. Salt, (Lord
Stanley, in Appendix iv. to Salt’s Voyage to Abyssinia, p. lii.)
lilianee, Shelley. :
pullaria (Zinn.). Nine. 59,49. Africa (Zanzibar; Nassako, Central
Africa; West Africa).
fischeri, Rchnw.; personata, Rchnw. :
roseicollis (Vieill.). Four. South Africa (‘Limpopo River, Natal’).
Cf. Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xx. p. 518. Note.
swinderniana (Kuhl). One. Liberia.
zenkeri, Rehnw.
vernalis (Sparrm.). Four. 22. India (Coonoor Ghat, March; Madras,
usillus, GR.Gr. One.
losculus, Wail.
exilis, Schleg. Two. Celebes (Menado).
chrysonotus, Selat.; regulus, Souanceé.
philippensis (P.Z.S.Mull.). Four. 23,29. Philippine Islands (Manilla ;
mindorensis, Steere; siquijorensis, Steere.
indicus (Gm.). Three. Ceylon.
apicalis, Sowancé.
bonapartii, Sowancé. Two. 3, 2. Sulu Archipelago (Bongao Id., July).
galgulus (Zinn.). Nineteen. 93, 592. Malay Peninsula (Singapore).
Sumatra. [Java] Borneo. [China.]
sclateri, Wall. Two. Sula Island.
quadricolor, Waid.
stigmatus (Mull. & Schleg.). Two. 23. North Celebes,
amabilis, Wall.; catamene, Schleg.
aurantiifrons, Schleg. One. New Guinea.
aurantiifrons, sub. sp. meeki, Hartert.
tener, Sclat. One. Duke of York Island. April, 1880.
Co-type of the species (P.Z.S. 1877, p. 107, sp. 36).
Species incerte sedis. Four. Philippine Islands.
elegans (Gm.). No. 5=P. adelaide, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 77 (1889).
Fourteen. g, 2,sternum. Australia (N.S. Wales). Norfolk Id., Oct.
Nos. 1, 2, and 3, from Norfolk Id., are much smaller than the typical P. elegans.
Nos. 1 and 2, male and female, are Types of P. nobbsi, Layard, Tristram, Ibis, 1885,
p- 49. The two types were spirit specimens, but the third, which has not been in
alcohol, is also smaller.
mastersianus, Rams.; pennanti, var. nigrescens, Rams.
adelaide, Gould. Six. 23, 2. South Australia.
flaveolus, Gould. Two. Australia (N.S. Wales).
flaviventris (Temm.). Thirteen. 5g. Tasmania.
pallidiceps, Vig. Six. g, ?. Australia (N.S. Wales; Moreton Bay).
amathusia, Gould.
browni (Temm.). Four. g, 2. Australia (North, Port Essington).
erythropeplus, Salvad.
eximius (Shaw). Nine. g. Australia(N.S. Wales; Victoria). Tasmania.
splendidus, Gould; ignitus, Leadb.
icterotis (Temm.). Six. 2g, 9,and juv. West Australia (Swan River).
xanthogenys, Salvad. ; occidentalis, North.
spurius (Kuhl). Seven. 2juv. Australia (West; Swan River). [Botany
barnardi (Zath.). Nine. ¢. Australia (South).
semitorquatus (Q.&G.). Four. ¢g, @. Australia (West).
zonarius (Shaw). Four. Australia (South; Port Lincoln).
hematorrhous, Bp. Nine. Australia (N. S. Wales, Bogan River).
No. 4 has a large patch of verditer on the angle of the wing; tail entirely blue. No. 6
has a wash of red on the upper inner wing coverts, torquoise blue angle to the wing, with
a wash of verditer nearer the body ; under tail coverts mixed with red. No. 7 has a
large patch of verditer on the angle of the wing, much red on the upper wing coyverts ;
and under tail coverts almost entirely red.
It is doubtful whether P. hematorrhous ought to be separated from P. zanthorrhous.
xanthorrhous, Gould. Two. S. Australia (Victoria).
No. 2 (= 1697 Lord Derby’s Coll.}, a typical specimen, has a wash of red on the upper
inner wing coverts: torquoise blue angle to the wing, with a wash of verditer nearer
the body ; under tail coverts pure yellow, without red.
pulcherrimus (Gould). Three. 23. [New Zealand.] Australia (Queens-
land: Darling Downs, Condamine River, July ; Oakey Creek).
chrysopterygius, Gould.
multicolor (Zemm.). Seven. g. South Australia.
hematonotus (Gould). Twelve. South Australia (N. S. Wales).
bourkii (J/itch.). One. Australia. Collected by Captain Sturt.
venusta (7'emm.). Thirteen, 23,39,2juv. Australia (Victoria; Port
Philip, January; N. S. Wales: 8S. Australia). Tasmania, November
and January.
elegans (Gould). Three. ¢g. Australia.
chrysogastra (Zath.). Seven. g, 2. West Australia, October. Tas-
petrophila (Gould). Four. 23, @. Australia (South; West, Retnest
Island, December ; Island off Cape Lewin, December.
pulchella (Shaw). Hight. 39, @. Australia (N. 8. Wales; Victoria).
splendida (Gould), Three. 2g, 2. West Australia.
ulietanus (G@m.). ae
T erythronotus (Kuhl). Two, Tahiti.
No. 1, collected by Sir Joseph Banks, is Type (probably) of Red-rwmped Parrot, Lath.,
Gen. Syn. i. p. 249, No. 50 (1781), and of Psittacus zealandicus, Lath., Ind. Ornith.,
i. p. 102. No. 1, from the Bullock collection is labelled Psittacus wlietanus.
unicolor (Vig.). One. g. Antipodes Island.
nove-zealandie (Sparrm.). Six. 23. New Zealand (Dunedin).
T magnirostris, sp. nov. One. Tahiti.
In general colouration similar to C. nove-zealandie, Sparrm., but larger, especially the
head and beak ; upper mandible long and pointed ; base lead-blue, tip black; from
tip to cere (measured by callipers) 1°04 inch, greatest width -59 ; width at ears 1:0
inch ; maxilla was probably yellow. The crimson on the head extends more poster-
iorly, but does not come down so close over the eye, and is less bright, than in C.
novee-zealandic ; the ear coverts brownish-red. The nape feathers with their bases
yellow. Bastard wing feathers almost wholly blue, of a darker shade than in C.
novee-zealandice, and with the inner webs somewhat paler blue than the outer. The
whole of the outer web of all the primaries blue, becoming peacock blue towards
the tips. Tail feathers somewhat pointed at tips, but much less so than in C.
cyanurus ; in certain lights they present a wash of blue, and in others, a shade of
dusky brown. Under side of tail faint oily-yellowish dun, tipped, in certain aspects,
with verditer blue. Under side yellowish-green. Length, 13°5 inches from tip of
tail to cere; wing, 5°7 inches; tail 7:9 inches.
rowleyi (Buill.). One. New Zealand (Wellington).
aucklandicus, 2p.
cooki (G&.Gr.). Two. g,andsternum. Norfolk Island.
subflavescens, Salvad.; erythrotis (Wagl.). ; ;
saisseti, Verr & Des Murs. Two. 3, 2. New Caledonia (Moindou,
cyanurus, Salvad. One. g. [Tahiti.]
Has no yellow to bases of nape feathers.
auriceps (Kuhl). Nine. 39,29. New Zealand (Wellington; Port
intermedius, Rchnw.
malherbi, Sowancé. Three. @. New Zealand (Port Cooper).
From Salvadori’s catalogue, it would appear that C. intermedius, Rchnw. = C. alpinus,
Bull., = C. awriceps, Kuhl (fide Salvadori) ; and C. malherbi, Souancé = C. auriceps,
juv., =C. alpinus, Bull., (fide Buller and Salvadori) ;.and C. matherbi, G.R.Gr.,
is ‘‘exactly like, only smaller,” than C. auriceps, ‘* which seems to vary a good deal
in size.” Therefore, alpinus, intermedius, and malherbi (G.R.Gr. nee Souanceé)
apparently all equal awriceps.
forbesi, Rothsch.
cornutus (Gm.). Ten. 3¢,62. New Caledonia (Koé, October ; Hon-
ailou ; Moindou, November; Dombea, December ; Yahoué).
T uveensis, H. Z. & H. LZ. C. Layard. Two. gf, 2. Loyalty Islands
(Uvea, July).
No. 1, female, is Type of the species (P.Z.S. 1882, p. 408, pl. xxvi., fig. 2),
NANODES, Vig. & Horsf.
discolor (Shaw). Fourteen. 33,49. Tasmania,
undulatus (Shaw). Fourteen. 23. Australia (South; West; Queens-
land, Cape Upstart, May).
formosus (Zath.). Eleyen. One pull. Australia (South).
occidentalis, Gould.
habroptilus, G.R.Gr. Hight. g,2 skeletons. New Zealand: Middle
Island (Southern Alps, March ; Lake Wanaka).
No. 5 =var alpina, Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 272. Salvadori observes that this
species formerly inhabited the ‘‘South Island,” doubtless meaning Stewart Island.
By South Island, is generally understood now, the southern of the two main islands
of New Zealand. Stringops, in former times, lived also in the Chatham Islands.
greyi, @.R.Gr.
The Psirract are, therefore, represented in the Museum by 73 out of
the 82 characterised genera; and by 1258 specimens, belonging to 325,
out of the 550 described, species. The number of, what we consider to be,
good species, represented by their types, or by typical specimens, is 16 ;
besides 16 relegated to the synonymy. (July, 1897.)
Notes from the Museums and the Aquarium.
Parasitic Crustacean on a Flying-Fish.—In May, 1896, there was
presented to the Museum, by Captain Hearn of the sailing ship ‘ Genista,’
a specimen of the Flying-Fish, Exocetus volitans, about eight inches in
length, accompanied with the information that it had flown on board his
ship in the South Pacific Ocean. It was remarkable for having two fish-
lice hanging down from the ventral surface, each of which was, in turn,
covered by a colony of small Cirripeds. The fish-lice proved to be females
of the parasitic Copepod, Penella blainvillii, the species apparently peculiar
to Exocetus. They were attached, as may be seen in the figure, to the
Penella parasitic on Exocetus.
ventral surface of the fish, one on each side of the middle line, about three-
quarters of an inch anterior to the base of the pelvic fins, the right Penella
being slightly in advance of the left. On making an incision into the
abdomen, it was perceived that both parasites penetrated the entire
thickness of the body-wall, each having its head buried in a mass of soft
tissue, which together completely filled the coelomic cavity, from side to
side, at the point of insertion. It was found also that the entire cavity in
front and behind this double mass of soft tissue, was completely empty.
No trace of an alimentary canal or of other viscera, with the exception of
the heart, was present; the masses of loose tissue investing the heads of
the parasites alone occupying the cavity.
The horn-like processes from the head, of which each individual is
provided with three, radiate for some distance. In the case of the larger
Penella the distance from tip to tip of two of the horns, is seven-eighths
of an inch.
The total length of the larger Penella, from the head to the tip of the
plume-like tail, is 24 inches. In both cases the long filiform ovaries are
A third small aperture in the abdominal wall, similar to the apertures
caused by the parasites, was present about mid-way between them and the
cloacal aperture. This may represent the point of the attachment of a
third Penella, which had become detached, although no sign of any
interference with the specimen could be detected.
The entire absence of abdominal viscera is remarkable, if the information
given with the specimen that the fish flew on board be true, and there is no
reason to doubt it. As to the condition of the viscera in other similarly
infested fishes nothing has been found in the literature at our disposal here.
The Cirripeds, of which there is about a dozen on each Penella, are
Conchoderma virgata. They vary in size from quite small individuals, with
the capitulum of the size of a pin-head, to others five-eighths of an inch
long, each with its capitulum three-eighths of an inch in length.
Sir William Flower exhibited, in 1858, before the Zoological Society of
London (P.Z.S 1858, p. 372), a specimen of Hxocetus volitans, from the South
Atlantic, infested with a single Penella blainvillii, having its head buried in
the muscles of the back, and to which also was attached a colony of the
same Cirriped as on the specimen under notice. These two occurrences
suggest that the presence of Conchoderma virgata living commensally on
Penella blainwillii, is perhaps more than a chance association; and it
would be of interest to obtain information of additonal instances of these
two crustaceans living together in this way.
Habitat of Gasterosteus pungitius, Linn.—In his Fishes of Great
Britain, Mr. Day quotes Couch’s assertion that Gasterosteus pungitius ‘will
not exist when confined in salt waters, however diluted such may be.’
We have living in the Aquarium, at the present time (July), a specimen of
this fish captured in April last, in the undoubtedly brackish water ponds on
the landward side of the Leasowe Embankament, on the Cheshire coast.
It was captured along with Palemonetes varians, and on arrival at the
Aquarium it was transferred to one of the salt-water tanks, in which the
salinity of the water is always somewhat higher than that of fresh sea-water.
The Stickleback has exhibited no signs of discomfort or inconvenience,—
indeed, it has thriven well, and grown appreciably—during the months it
has been in our tanks, where it still remains under observation, Dr.
Giinther, it should be noted, observes that all the Sticklebacks ‘are able
to exist in the sea.’
The First Feeding of Young Trout.—A method of feeding recently
hatched trout lately adopted in the Aquarium, which has proved very
successful, may be of interest to pisciculturists. Im April of the
present year one thousand ova of Salmo irideus were obtained from
Howietoun, near Stirling. Within a few days nearly all of them had
hatched out safely, and there are now, in July, fully 60 per cent. of them
alive in the tanks, many of them being over two inches in length. This
represents a great improvement upon our previous trout-rearing experiences ;
for at the corresponding age in former years, not more than 25 per cent.
had survived.
The most critical time for the young trout after hatching, is the period
immediately following the absorption of the yolk-sac, when the young fish
is entirely thrown upon its own exertions for its food supply. At this
period the mortality in our tanks has heretofore always been high. This
year, however, the young trout were, immediately after the complete
absorption of the yolk-sac, removed from the hatchery to a couple of tanks,
about 18 inches in depth, having a constant stream of fresh-water flowing
through them. There they have been supplied regularly with sheep’s
liver-meal, prepared by boiling, thoroughly desicating and pounding the
liver, and then passing it through a fine sieve. From the first the young
trout, even the smallest and weakest, began to feed eagerly on this finely
powdered material. It remains suspended in the water, without becoming
saturated, and is carried round by the currents in the tank until such
portions of it, as are not consumed, are carried finally away by the over-
flow pipes, and thus the accumulation of decaying remnants—which so
often settles down at the bottom, and which is always a source of the
greatest danger to young trout on account of their great susceptibility to
infection from fungoid diseases—is prevented. To these arrangements and
to this method of feeding we attribute our successful rearing, this year, of
so large a proportion of Salmo irideus.
Malapterurus electricus.—Numerous specimens of this interesting
fish have now been alive in the Aquarium tanks, during the past two years.
The great difficulty in obtaining specimens lies in their transportation.
Being inhabitants of fresh water, and of a tropical climate, they require
special attention as the ship in which they are being brought approaches
our latitude, as well as frequent changes of pure and well aerated water,
which is not always to be obtained from a ship’s tanks. Thanks, however,
to the indefatigable care and attention, kept up for the many weeks of the long
voyage from West Africa, by Mr. A. Ridyard, the chief engineer of the
‘Niger,’ one of Messrs. Elder, Dempster & Co.’s large fleet of steamers, we
have had a regular supply of Electric-fishes in the Aquarium during all that
time. We have gratefully to acknowledge the lively interest taken by Mr.
A. L. Jones, and the other members of the firm, who have most liberally
carried, freight free, anything coming for the Museums, and given every
encouragement to the officers of their vessels to aid the Institution whenever
it has been possible compatibly with the exigencies of the service.
The water in the Malapterwrus-tanks has been changed every day and
maintained, day and night, at an even temperature of between 70° and
80°F. When in good health the Electric Cat-fish lies sluggishly on the
bottom, rising to the surface only when in expectation of being fed. They
thrive well on, and take with avidity common earth worms, boiled liver
chopped up, and occasionally a young trout (Salmo, sp.), from 2 to 3 inches
in length, from those being reared in the Aquarium.
The fish has small sparkling, diamond-point like eyes, which it apparently
uses very little ; and it is probable, indeed, that their vision is limited or
defective, for their optic nerve is extremely attenuated, when compared with
that in other fishes of corresponding size. If a worm be dropped into the
tank to fall wriggling to the bottom, the Malapterwrus rarely, if ever, sees
it. A few moments, however, after the worm has fallen through the water,
the fish becomes suddenly agitated, apparently through its olfactory organ,
or, perhaps, by its barbels detecting the undulations communicated to
the water ; and begins turning rapidly about with tensely extended and
vibrating barbels, keenly quartering out the tank in quest of the quarry,
' whose presence it has become sensible of. The sought-for object is,
however, as a rule, discovered without its coming into actual contact with
the fish’s tactile oral fringe. The worm once discovered disappears in a
flash down the cat-fish’s throat by suction, and is usually, not seen again,
although sometimes it is brought up to be partially masticated. On the
other hand, the presence of a young trout in the tank, is not, it would seem,
detected in the same way, or so quickly as a worm or a fragment of liver.
It more often discovers itself to the Malapterwrus, by coming in contact
with its body, when it is instantly partially disabled by an electric discharge,
and pounced upon, when it likewise disappears in the same manner as
the worm.
Electric fishes are very pugnacious and require to be kept isolated
in separate tanks. Although supposed to be immune to each other’s
electrical discharges, the following observation would seem to throw some
doubt on whether this be really the case. On one occasion the partition
between two halves of a tank, each containing a Malapterurus, becoming
faulty, two strong and healthy fishes managed to get together, and were
found, by the night watchman, on his hourly rounds, fighting with each
other. Adjusting the partition, he returned the combatants to their
separate cells. On his return, however, an hour later, he found the
barrier had again slipped, and both fishes were in the same compartment,
but one was dead. On examination no external marks of violence were
visible, and we can only suppose that the stronger fish had killed its
neighbour by a powerful electric shock.
The specimens we have received—most of them about 6 or 7 inches
long—have rarely, though in excellent health, grown much after their
arrival ; yet in their native state they attain to a considerable size. One
individual, now in the Derby Museum, which died, en rowte last year,
measures two feet four inches in length, and weighs about ten pounds,
which, according to Kroo boys interrogated at the Museum, is not one of
the largest. On the Nana Kroo River they give to the Electric-fish the
name of ‘Ntobo.’ It lives in the mud, and is caught easily by baiting a
hook with the fleshy exterior of the palm-nut (EHlais guineensis) of which
it appears to be fond, and of which it will eat, sparingly, on board ship
during transport. The natives of West Africa dread to enter the rivers
in which the Melapterwrus abounds, as they allege that the shock, from a
full grown specimen, will often prove fatal.
It is not surprising to find that the unusual, incomprehensible, and alarming
power inherent in this fish has been turned to account by the ‘ Medicine
Man.’ According to the Kroo-men it is an old sorceress who first obtains
the ‘power’ from the fish by cooking it with various ingredients of her
pharmacopeia. From her the ‘Juju-man’ obtains it, by partaking of her
brew, but he must never disclose, under pain of the medicine failing at the
critical period, the name of the woman under whose incantations it has
been prepared. Before going forth to war, men are made strong and brave,
either by being rubbed by the Juju-man with the Sorceress’ Medicine ;
or, by holding under his direction a fish in each hand till it dies, when the
‘virtue’ will be found to have entered into them, and rendered them
irresistable, and immune to harm from any flying missile.
Recent acquisitions by the Mayer Museum.
1; Cypriote Antiquities. —In the month of March last the Committee
obtained, by purchase, a small but interesting, collection of Cypriote
Antiquites. It consists of good specimens of a. Red-polished, and white-
painted Ware, and Sculptures and Terra-cottas of Bronze Age (including
the period of Mykenaean importations), from before 2000 B.C. (xiith
Dynasty) to about 1000 B.C.; 6, Red, Bucchero, and white-painted Ware
of Graeco-Phoenician Age ( + 1000 B.C.—295 B.C.); and c. other antiquities
of Hellenistic Age, and of later dates, down to the third century of our
Era. A fuller account of the collection, with illustrations, will be given
in an early number of the Bulletin, with notes on the specimens kindly
supplied by Mr. J. L. Myres, Fellow of Christ Church, Oxford.
9. Neolithic Flint Implements from Egypt.—In the month of July
the extensive and unique collection of Flint Implements made in November
1896, in Egypt, by Mr. Heywood Seton-Karr (Atherton Grange, Wimble-
don), was also purchased by the Committee. This collection, although it
contains a few Paleolithic Flints, is of Neolithic Age, and was gathered on
the high desert tablelands of Libya, in various quarries, distributed over 20
miles of country, of whose existence all knowledge seems to have been
lost, until Mr. Seton-Karr, following up information given him by Johnson
Pasha and the Beduin, succeeded in discovering them. This collection
also will be described, and the more remarkable and hitherto unknown
forms figured, in the Bulletim at an early date.
3. West African Masks. —These masks are cut out of solid soft
wood, with the face coated with a layer of whiting, except the eyebrows
which are black, and the lips which arered. An elaborately carved coiffure,
coloured black, surmounts the face, and in two of the specimens, it is con-
tinued under the chin. On the top of the masks are holes for the insertion
of ornaments of flowers or feathers. They were attached to the wearer
by grass cords, the perforations for which are visible behind.
Fie. 1. Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. (Presented by Mr. A. Ridyard) was obtained at Kopa, Sette
Kama. Its dimensions are 124 inches high by 72 broad, the face
measuring 8} by 6% inches.
Fig. 2. (Presented by Mr. 8. Toby) came from the French Congo State.
It measures 134 inches in height by 83 in breadth, the face being 7} by
6% inches. The lips remain of the natural colour of the wood,
Fig. 3. (Collected by Mr. J. C. Harrison) is also
from Sette Kama. It has on the forehead a black
lozenge, or tribal mark, in relief, on which four
smaller ones are carved. This mask, which
measures 93 inches in height by 5? in width, has
a less extensive and elaborate coiffure, there being
only a slightly rounded elevation (coloured
black), representing a short-cropped crown of
hair; but the portions of a series of wooden
pegs indicate that the mask was surrounded
by some additional ornamentation.
As to the ceremonies in which these objects
were used, the donors have, so far, been unable
to obtain any information except that they are
entirely prohibited to women. The intrusion
or prying into these rites by women, or even
their chance encounter with the wearer of such
a mask, would have to be expiated by death.
Fig 3.
‘Medicine’ at the Museums.—lIt may not be without interest, from
a Folk-lore point of view, to place on record that but a few days ago,
an Irish lad suffering badly from scrofulous sores, was brought to the
Mayer Museum by his parents, who earnestly besought the authorities that
they might be allowed to touch the child’s neck with an Irish Stone Celt,
exhibited in one of the cases. It was unavailing to try and persuade the
deluded and superstitious couple, that no possible good could follow such
an application. As their faith in the efficacy of the Stone could not be
shaken, and they were loth to go away without being allowed to try this,
in their belief, unfailing remedy, opposition was finally, and not without
some hesitation, withdrawn, and the ancient implement placed in their hands.
After the operation the parents departed happy, grateful, and in the most
perfect confidence that their child would be healed, and not without
expressions of surprise that so great a boon had been conferred on them
without the fee, which they were prepared, and that very gladly, to pay.
a a ee
FEBRUARY, 1898. Vou. I. No. 2.
- Bulletin
of the
_ Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
_ On an Apparently New, and - Catalogue of Cuckoos and
supposed to be now extinct, Plantain-eaters (Cuculi) in
_ Species of Bird from the the Derby Museum. By H. 0.
Mascarene Islands (provision- | Forsrs, and H. C. Ropinson ~ 37
ally pee : a pros Ware | On a Collection of Cast-Metal
0 ae ee tit. _ 9 Work from Benin. By the
eR ei | Director or MUSEUMS
Note on Two Species of Pigeon 35 (Iustrated)- = = © = 49
Edited by H. 0. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
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Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
_ Oe a eee a ee eee eee eens EEE
Vou. I FEBRUARY, 1898. No. 2.
Ce i SG et PR, Mae wee seers cane 3?
On an apparently new, and supposed to be now
extinct, species of Bird from the Mascarene
Islands, provisionally referred to the genus
By Henry O. Forses, LL.D., M.B.O.U.
(Puate I. Stwrnide.)
To the zoologist or the botanist the mere mention of island forms of life
calls up clusters of most fascinating associations. He is transported to scenes
where the expiring survivors of some fast-vanishing race, with every mark of
ancientness upon them, have held their own against time and chance within
their water-walled sanctuary ; or among peculiar forms in whose unfamiliar
features, transformed and modified through long isolation, the birth-marks of
their lineage can hardly be traced. He is in companionship with struggling
exiles, clinging to life in the secluded, but hospitable, forest depths, or in the
mountain recesses of their sea-girt prison, cut off by half a hemisphere, may-
hap, from the present home of their kith and kin.
None, perhaps, of all the ocean isles can surpass, as Professor Newton has
well remarked, the Mascarene Islands in the “wealth and multifariousness of
their ornithic population”; and from few, except perhaps New Zealand and
its satellite, the Chatham Islands, have so many species with an interest-
ing past been recalled from oblivion. Thence have been rescued, by
fortunate chance and persevering quest, the scattered bones of that obese
Ground-pigeon, the Solitaire, and “that extraordinary production of nature
known by the name of the Dodo ». of such strange Rails, as the wingless
Aphanapteryx, the pugnacious Erythromachus and the giant Coot, Leguatia ;
of that antique crested parrot Lophopsittacus mauritianus, as well as of the
uncouth Apyornis, the moa-like ostrich of Madagascar, one of whose ponder-
ous eggs would have been load enough for a youth. Thence also have been
recovered fragments of pristine apes, and carapaces of gigantic tortoises bigger
than, and not unlike, an ancient up-turned coracle, of which last the few patri-
archal individuals, that have bridged the centuries and survived for us to see
in the flesh, may well have been actual contemporaries of the creatures whose
features we can picture only from their bones, and eye-witnesses of the
passing of the last survivor of them.
For many charming chapters in the history of the lost population of the
Mascarene region, we are specially indebted to the researches of, among
others, those distinguished zoologists, Milne-Edwards, Grandidier, Oustalet,
Strickland, Forsyth Major, Tristram, and pre-eminently of Sir Edward and
Professor Newton. From the vanishing species, thus recovered, or recon-
structed from their bones, and replaced, though unclothed with flesh, in the
scenes they once peopled, it is possible to piece together the broken story
they tell of the profound climatic and geographical vicissitudes by which the
inhabitants of the region have been buffeted to and fro; of the migrations
from other latitudes which they have been driven to make, and of the more
spacious homes that they once occupied.
To the late Sir Edward and his brother, Professor Alfred Newton, we owe
the salvation to ornithology of one of the latest additions to the list of the
fast disappearing fauna of the Mascarenes, that expiring, if not already quite
extinct, Parakeet (Palwornis erul), of which two specimens now in Cambridge,
obtained, in Rodriguez, by Sir Edward Newton, are still the only known
It is with no little satisfaction that I am able to add, what I believe to be,
still another species to that list.
In a cabinet in the Derby Museum, where it had reposed for nearly tifty
years, among species of Hypsipetes, there was discovered in*the early part of
this year (1897), during an examination of our unmonnted ornithological
collection for the purposes of the ‘Catalogue of Birds in the Derby Museum’
now in progress, a flat skin in perfect preservation. That it had been left
undetermined for so long a period is probably due to the fact of its being
taken for an albino of some species of the above-named genus, or perhaps for
a white starling.
At first sight the bird is, in general appearance, not dissimilar from those
with which it was associated, but a closer examination soon proved that it
differs greatly from them in the form of the bill and in the external characters
of its legs, which are sturnine. Its wings, however, are quite. unlike those
of any starling, and while the bill persisted in associating itself in my mind
with that of the Crested Starling (/regilupus varius) of Réunion, the form of
the wings and the absence of a crest long prevented me from including it in
that alliance.
As to its history, I regret that I can supply no more than the meagre
information afforded by its label, that it was “purchased,” probably by its
former noble owner, Lord Derby, on the “10th August, 1850, from M. J.
Verreaux,” the then well-known ornithologist and dealer in Paris ; and as to
its habitat, only what the reverse of the label bears, in the handwriting pre-
sumably of M. Verreaux, the single word ‘ Madagascar.”
From an observation of Dr. Murie’s, in his paper on Fregilupus varius
(P.Z.S., 1874, p. 474), it would appear that M. Jules Verreaux personally
visited some of the Mascarene Islands about “ the year 1832(1?)” where he
shot, in the island of Réunion, the specimen of Fregilupus varius from which
was made the skeleton, given by him to Professor Newton, forming the sub-
ject of Dr. Murie’s paper. During that visit, probably, he may have also
secured the bird which was eventually purchased for Lord Derby in 1850.
It is well known that M. Verreaux was often very inexact in the precise
geographical data he inscribed on the labels of his specimens. ‘‘ Madagascar,”
the locality given by him for our bird, may, therefore, if he did not himself
actually collect the specimen, mean any part of the Mascarene region.
See ee ee
After a review, first, of all the known birds of that area, and then of all the
likely species of Turdoid, Sturnoid, and Formicaroid Passeres, in our general
collection, I was unable to find any species with which our specimen accurately
agreed. A scarch in the National Collection which, thanks to the kindness of
the authorities, I was able to make on more than one occasion, had no better
results. Dr. Sharpe, even with his unrivalled knowledge of the birds of the
globe, was unable, without an investigation for which he had then no time to
spare from other engagements, to assign it to any known genus. A visit to
America, which interrupted my enquiry, enabled me to search several of the
more important trans-atlantic museums for its fellow, but also unsuccessfully.
On a visit paid, shortly after my return to England, to the Hon. Walter
Rothschild’s Museum at 'l'ring, I compared, with his and Mr. Hartert’s kind
assistance, whatever species appeared to us there to bear any relationship to
my specimen, but again fruitlessly. So far I had been looking for, and
expected to find, some known species that mine could be identified with, for
I could scarcely believe that an undescribed Mascarene form could have
remained unrecognised for so many years in a museum visited and worked
over, from time to time, by one distinguished ornithologist after another.
Mr. Rothschild, however, recalled to my recollection a ‘reference, which
had escaped me, in one of the appendices to the second volume of Captain
Oliver’s edition of The Voyage of Francois Lequat, where, under the heading
Relation de V Tle Rodrigue,* there occurs the following (translated) paragraph
on p. 335 :—
‘‘A little bird is found which is not very common, for it is not found
on the mainland. One sees it on the Jslet aw Mdt, which is to the
south of the main island, and I believe it keeps to that islet on account of
the birds of prey which are on the mainland, as also to feed with more
facility on the eggs of the fishing birds which feed there, for they feed on
nothing else but eggs, or some turtles dead of hunger, which they well know
how to tear out of their shells. These birds are a little larger than a black-
bird, and have white plumage, part of the wings and tail black, the beak
yellow, as well as the feet, and make a wonderful warbling. I say a
warbling, since they have many and altogether different notes. We brought
up some with cooked meat, cut up very small, which they eat in preference
to seeds.”
To the above is appended a note, within square brackets, initialed
“AN.” [Alfred Newton]: ‘I am at a loss to conjecture what these birds
were, unless, possibly, of some form allied to Fregilupus.”
In communicating the felation to the French Academy of Sciences,
M. Alph. Milne-Edwards remarked that he did “not know in the Mascarene
Islands any species to which this description can apply.”
With this Jle aw Mét bird, as above described, our Derby Museum speci-
men so far agrees in its general white colour, in its yellow feet and bill, and
in its size being near a blackbird’s; but it differs in having no black on the
* The manuscript so entitled was discovered, as M. Milne-Edwards has related, by
M. Rouillard, a magistrate of Mauritius, among the archives of the Ministry of Marine.
Although there was neither date, nor name of author, attached to it, M. Milne-Edwards
has been able to establish, from other documentary evidence in the same archives, that
it was probably written by an intelligent, but somewhat illiterate, practical marine
surveyor, who was sent to Mauritius, as the result of a Deélibération du Conseil of 20th
July, 1725, for the purpose of reporting to the Compagnie des Indes as to the fitness of
the island for one of their establishments, and that its date must, from the evidence of
subsequently dated Papers in which the Relation is mentioned, be somewhere about,
or not earlier than, the year 1730. (See the fore-mentioned work by Captain Oliver,
p- 320.)
wings or tail. From Fregilupus it also differs in the form of the wings, in the
absence of a crest, and somewhat in the shape of the bill.
In their well-known paper in the Transactions of the Royal Society,*
Dr. Giinther and [Sir] Edward Newton have described, under the name of
‘Necropsar rodericanus, the sub-fossil remains of a bird, discovered in Rodri-
guez in 1874, “on the south-west side of the island,” by Mr. Slater, the
Naturalist to the Transit of Venus Expedition. Therein they quote Mr.
Slater’s description of Necropsar as “altogether a smaller bird than Fregilupus
varius, to which it is most closely allied.” “If it were a mammal,” continues
Mr. Slater, “I should not make a separate genus of it, but as it is a bird, I
think I cannot do less.” The authors of the paper proceed to remark that
they ‘‘quite agree with the discoverer of the bird in questioning the pro-
priety of generically separating two species on what appear,” to them, “very
slight modifications of the osteological frame,’ and they ‘‘retain the name
Necropsar merely from the wish of conforming with the present ornithological
practice.” Necropsar was consequently, in the opinion of Dr. Giinther and
Sir Edward Newton, really congeneric with Fregilupus. The authors agree
also in assigning, with more or less probability, the fossil remains of
Necropsar to the little white bird said to inhabit the Ile au Mat, by the
unknown author of the Relation. In the probable correctness of their deter-
mination they are supported by the opinion of M. E. Oustalet.+ It should
be noted, however, that the J/e au Mat bird was not, in 1730 at all events,
known on the mainland, whence the sub-fossil bones were brought by Mr.
The little osteological material left in the skin having been, with admir-
able care and skill, exposed to view,} where safely possible, by my taxidermist,
I have been able to examine and compare with the corresponding parts of
Fregilupus and Necropsar, the tibia, the proximal end of the metatarsus, of
the cranium a small part only (as the occipital region had, unfortunately,
been cut away), and the tongue, together with a portion of the hyoid
Of these bones the tibia and the metatarsus (so far as the latter could be ex-
posed to view) are coracomorphous, and closely similar, except in size, to the
corresponding bones in Fregilupus and Necropsar. While, however, the tibia of
Fregilupus measures 65 mm. in length, and of Necropsur from 52 to 59, the
length, in the Derby specimen, is 46 (exactly that of the same bone in the
Common Starling) ; but the diameter of the middle of the shaft in Fregilupus
(taken from Dr. Murie’s figure in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society,
1874, p. 474) in being 2 mm., indicates a proportionately more slender tibia
than that in the Derby specimen, which is, though shorter, also 2 mm, in
width. The width of the tibia in Vecropsur is a little over 2 mm., as taken
from the figure in the Royal Society’s Transactions. In its cnemial crest,
in the general contours of the “knee”-joint, and in the arched crest for
the reception of the fibula, the tibia of the Derby specimen shows many
resemblances to the corresponding parts of the same bone in the two species
with which I have been comparing it.
The metatarsus measures in our specimen 315 mm., as against 45 mm.
in Fregilupus, and 41 to 36 mm. in Necropsar ; and its hypo-tarsus presents
the same five canals, for the passage of the flexor tendons, as in these genera.
The portion of the skull which it was alone safe to uncover, showed only
the somewhat damaged basis cranii, and the truncated brain case. The
* Phil. Trans., Vol. 168, p. 427, pl. xlii. figs. A-G (1879).
+ Ann. Sc. Nat., Zoologie, t. xiii. p. 10 (1896).
+ This operation showed that the flesh of the wings and legs had not been removed
in preparing the skin, but had been mummified by some unknown process.
top of the skull is somewhat flat. The outer plates of the palatines are
emarginate with rounded external angles ; while the relations of their pos-
terior lamine to the pterygoid bones, the form of the quadrates, and the
distal end of the vomer, all appear to agree closely with the same parts in
Fregilupus ; but it was not quite easy to make out these conditions to my com-
plete satisfaction, as the hardened membranes could not be entirely removed,
without risking too much. As in Necropsar and in Fregilupus, there is a well-
marked post-orbital depression above the temporal fossa. The articular ends
of the mandible also agree with the same parts in both of the other species.
The tongue, in the dry state, is arrow-shaped, with a deeply-grooved
horny body, and a bifurcate and frayed tip as in Fregilupus. In respect,
however, of the proportionate dimensions of their various parts, both the
tongue and the hyoid apparatus in the two birds differ considerably, as the
following measurements indicate :—
| Hind fork of From posterior
From hind fork | tongue to pos- end of proximal, Distal end
| of | From tip
of tongue to its| terior end of to distal end of | uro-hyal to tip a Peed a
tip. proximal thyro- second thyro-| of tongue. =
/ | hyal. hyal cartil. | ; basi-hyal.
<7 ae i gat eae a 7 iE fom <a ; j
Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm.
Fregilupus . | 28 22 21 41 34
Derby specimen —18 20 12°5 502) oy eee
The beak of the Derby specimen, in being less curved than in Fregilupus,
agrees more closely with Necropsar ; but, on the other hand, it is, perhaps,
less slender at the extremity than in the former, and more slender than in
the latter.
What the wing formula of Neeropsar rodericanus may have been, we can-
not, of course, now discover ; but if it presented the same characters which
we see in Fregilupus varius, as it ought to have done if both the birds were,
as is supposed, congeneric, then the Derby specimen differs in this respect
very considerably from both species, and from Fregilupus, besides, in lacking a
crest, notwithstanding the close osteological resemblances between them. So
much is this the case that I have found it a difficult matter to decide in what
group our bird should really be placed. It possesses ten primaries, and of
these the tenth, or outermost, is not the rudimentary or very reduced quill
seen in the Sturnide generally. The wood-cut (Fig. 1, p. 34) shows the rela-
tive proportions of the principal remiges. According to Professor Garrod’s
classification, the length and development of the outer primary, and the pro-
portions of the secondaries to the primaries, should place our bird among the
Formicaroid Passeres, but from which its pill and legs rigidly exclude it. The
conditions, however, under which a bird, isolated in a small asylum like the
Tle au Mat, lived, removed, as it would be, too, from the persecution to which
it was subject on the mainland (over which the species may, not improbably,
at one time have been distributed, till exterminated possibly by the birds of
prey there), with little occasion for the vigorous use of its wings, might easily
be expected to result in the weak and degenerate organs that our bird exhibits.
The outer primary in our bird agrees pretty closely in length (38 mm.) with
the same quill in Fregilupus, which is from 30-35 mm.
The osteological characters, together with the form of the bill and of the
tarsi and feet, in our specimen, seem to me to indicate preponderating
leanings towards a Starling alliance. Resisting the temptation, therefore, to
propose a new generic name for its reception, 1 have decided to place it pro-
visionally under Mr. Slater’s Necropsar, because, at all events, such of its bones
as I have been able to examine, closely agree with those of Necropsar roderi-
canus ; and no one is in a position to affirm that the remiges of that extermi-
nated species differed in size and proportions from those of the new species,
which I venture to characterise as
Necropsar leguati n. sp.
Description :—General colour white everywhere, except for a lighter or
darker ferruginous wash on the external webs of the distal half of the prim-
aries and secondaries, as also on the outer webs of the newly moulted, and
on both webs of the unmoulted rectrices. Bill, legs, and feet yellow.
Bill higher than broad at the nostrils; pointed and curved, but less so
than in Fregilupus varius, and presenting on the upper mandible a slight
notch at the tip; both mandibles meet in a point ; length from gape, 37 mm. ;
culmen (measured with callipers), 32, and from the anterior margin of nostril,
Fic, 1.—Hrap, Wine, AND Lee or Necropsar lequati.
215mm. Nasal aperture elongated, with a superior membrane ; a tract of
short erect plumes on each side from the forehead to the posterior margin
of the aperture, leaving the ridge of the culmen naked between them.
No rictal bristles.
The wing, composed of soft and delicate feathers, with slender shafts, is
rounded and feeble ; in length it measures 109 mm. ; the difference between
the tips of the primaries and secondaries, 7.¢., 13 mm., is less than the length
of the metatarsus, 31°5 mm.; length from carpal joint to tip of external
(tenth) primary, 64 mm.; length of tenth primary, 38 mm.; ninth, 27 mm.
longer than the tenth; eighth, 13 longer than the ninth ; seventh, 4 longer
than the eighth; and sixth (the longest), 2 mm. longer than the seventh ;
the fifth is equal to the sixth, and the fourth is 65 mm. shorter than the fifth.
The outer secondaries are about the same length as the inner primaries,
and their outermost two or three (along with one or two of the innermost
primaries) have very short acuminate tips. The wing reaches to within 54
mm.—a distance greater than the length of the metatarsus—of the tip of
the tail.
The powerful metatarsus, over the top of which the feathering just comes,
is scutellated in front, has the plantar aspect entire, and is 31°5 mm. in length.
It has 8 scutes in front, the first, a very small one, emerging from below the
feathers; the second small, but larger than the first, and followed by three
others more elongated, the central one of which is 6 mm. long; the division
between the fourth and fifth scutes runs obliquely downwards and inwards.
The toes are strong; the hind toe has a longer and stronger claw than that
of the mid toe, and measures 23 mm. with the claw, and 16 mm. without
it ; the middle toe with its claw is 31 mm, and 24 without it.
The tail, consisting of twelve rectrices, is 98 mm. long, and is in this
specimen graduated ; but as the bird was killed during moult, and the outer
feathers may not have yet fully grown, it is impossible to say definitely
whether it was really graduated or not. The probability is, however, in
favour of a square tail, for the two central and the two outer feathers had
recently been renewed ; but the two intermediate ones still belong to the old
plumage, and though the tips are broken off, they would seem to have been
of equal length with the central ones. Total length of the specimen is
225 mm.
Necropsar lequati, which is probably unique, bore the number 1792 in
Lord Derby’s Museum, and, as above stated, was obtained, according to
M Verreaux’ label, in Madagascar. It is not improbable, however, that it
is the last and only specimen of the species referred to in the Felation de
I'Lle Rodrigue, which, unknown on the mainland, was confined to the Je au
Mat, to the “south of the main island,” where it was living about a hundred
and sixty years ago (1730). In that case, I feel inclined to regard Necropsar
rodericanus as the Fregilupus of Rodriguez, and N. leguati as the true egg-
eating starling of the lle au Mat.
Looking at our bird, it is difficult to credit it with the habits, ascribed to
it by the author of the Relation, of even occasionally varying its diet with
“ turtles dead of hunger which they well know how to tear out of their shells; ”
while their feeding principally and habitually on, as he states, the ‘“‘ eggs of
fishing birds,” although apparently incongruous diet for a starling, may be a
habit acquired on this small, quite flat islet, ‘without water, and almost wholly
composed of limestone.” There, likely enough, seeds and insects were scarce,
as vegetable food would appear to have been, seeing that the turtles died of
hunger, according to the narrative of this nameless but observant French
surveyor, who could little have dreamt that his white bird, that made a
“wonderful warbling,” would remain a mystery to ornithologists for a
century and-a half, and that finally the solitary representative of it would be
re-discovered in a provincial museum in England.
Note on Two Species of Pigeon.
Hemiphaga spadicea (Lath.).—The process of cataloguing the Pigeons
in the Museum has brought to light three specimens of Hemiphaga spadicea, a
species believed to be now extinct, and so rare in collections, that the follow-
ing observations may be of interest to ornithologists.
The known specimens of this bird are distributed in three Museums, so far
as we can learn: one is in the British Museum, one in the Senckenbergian
collection, Frankfort, and one (or perhaps more) is apparently in the Phila-
delphia Academy of Sciences (Cassin, U.S. Expl. Exp. Birds, p. 225, 1858).
The habitat of H. spadicea is, or was, Norfolk Island, and possibly Lord
Howe’s Island. Our specimens, however, have, unfortunately, no locality ;
but the description of the Chestnut-shouldered Pigeon of Latham (Gen. ‘Hist.
Birds, viii. p. 31) fits our bird very closely. The name ‘Chestnut-shouldered ’
is by no means appropriate, for there is little more than a shade of that
colour to be detected; while the author’s alternative of ‘chocolate-red’
applies more accurately, except that it may be more fully described, in our
birds, as being overlaid with a dark purple wash.
This species cannot be mistaken for H. chathamensis (Roths.); while it
can be quite readily separated from H. nove-zealandiw, by the very distinct
difference in the shade of the metallic green shield on the fore-breast ; as
well as by the still more characteristic sharp demarcation of the rich coppery
green of the hind neck from the chocolate purple band which crosses tie
back, to be suffused on the scapular region. The head and neck show none
of the purple colour seen in H. nove-zealand, both being of a rich bronzy
green. Salvadori’s description (Cat. Birds, B.M. xxi. p. 239) correctly
specifies the wing-coverts and secondaries, with the rump and upper tail-
coverts, as being more greyish than in H. nove-zealandie.
It seems remarkable that Mr. Cassin (loc. cif.) was unable to detect any
“ differences sufficient to induce” even “‘a suspicion that there is any specific
distinction” between the New Zealand birds, and Australian and Norfolk
Island specimens, in the Philadelphian Gould collection, if the skins
before him were authentically from Norfolk Island. A suspicion is raised
in noting that some of his specimens are from ‘ Australia,’ where species
of Heniphaga have very doubtfully, if ever, been obtained. In this Museum
are several of Mr. Gould’s skins with undoubtedly erroneous localities, such
as Australia for Norfolk Island, and New Zealand for Australia ; this may be
the case in some of the Philadelphia specimens.
Two of our specimens are, according to the labels, aviary birds, and look
so; while the third, though so marked, is in such excellent and perfectly
unworn plumage that it is difficult to believe that it had ever lived in con-
The Columba princeps of Vigors, which he described from two specimens
in the Zoological Society’s Gardens in London, is by Salvadori considered
to belong to this species. It may possibly be that the British Museum
specimen, which, from the description in their Catalogue, looks as if it had
been an aviary bird, is one of the types of C. princeps.
The ‘Southern Pigeon’ of Latham.—Count Salvadori has, in his
Appendix to Vol. xxi. of the British Museum Catalogue of Birds, entered
(p. 641) Columba meridionalis among the doubtful and unidentified species of
Pigeons. Among the birds which this Museum received from Lord Derby
are three aviary specimens, which have been identified by Latham as his
Southern Pigeon (Gen. Hist. viii. p. 28). One of these is the type of his
“female or young,” Southern Pigeon, var. a, and is labelled by Lord Derby
“Columba meridionalis, se ypso judice” ; the second is marked, “Dr. L. con-
siders this an old male.” ‘These prove to be Zenaida zenaida, Bp.
The third specimen is inscribed, “Considered by Dr. L. as a young
male.” We have identified this as Zenaida auriculata (Des Murs).
H.0.F., and H.C.R.
aa ei Sh
Catalogue of the Cuckoos and Plantain-eaters
(Cuculi) in the Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forbes and Herpert C. Roprnson.
Note.—The arrangement and nomenclature followed in this Catalogue are nearly
those adopted in the ‘Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum, Vol. XIX.,
by G. E. Shelley. All the species, known to us up to December 1897, are
enumerated, those described since the publication of that volume having their
original (or translated) diagnoses inserted. The names of species desiderata
to our collection are printed in Grotesque type, thus—jacobinus.
The specific name is followed by the number of specimens of it in
the Museum, then by the sex of each, and lastly the locality whence obtained,
with the month of capture, wherever these data are known. Type
specimens are marked T.
glandarius (Linn.). Fifteen. 34,29. Spain (Seville, May). Palestine
(Gennesareth, March; ‘Jericho, March; Mt. Tabor, March; Bashan,
Taiyibeh, March; Moab, Ghor Seisaban, March). Central Africa (White
Nile). West Africa (Gambia, Barra, December). South Africa (Kroon-
stadt, November).
coromandus (Linn.). Nine. 6. Sikkim. Bengal. Burmah.
jacobinus (Bodd.). Ten. 3,39. Central Africa (Khartoum, May). East
Africa (Newala). South Africa. Northern India (Mirzapore; Etawah,
September). Southern India (Madras ; Nellore).
jacobinus, su). sp. hypopinarius, Cab. & Heine. Five. 23, 2. Central
Africa (Nyassaland, Zomba). South Africa (Transvaal: Potchefstroom,
January and May; De Kaap, Barberton, November).
Jacobinus, sub. sp. caroli, Norman.
cafer (Licht.). Six. ¢, 2. West Africa (Senegal). South Africa (Makalaka
Country ; Transvaal : Rustenburg, Eland River, January ; Natal).
serratus (Sparrm.). Nine. 2¢, 9. South Africa (Transvaal: Potchef-
stroom, October).
albonotatus, Shelley.
. audeberti (Sch/.); validus (Rchnw.).
leucolophus (S. Miill.).
lugubris (Horsf.). Sixteen. Northern India (Nepal; Darjeeling). Ceylon.
Burmah. Java. Borneo (Baram; Banjermassim). Palawan (Puerto
Princesa, September). :
The Palawan specimen, collected by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines, is
immature. It differs from Indian and Javan birds in being smaller, especially
in the bill, and in having the upper surface of a steel-blue, instead of a greenish
lustre. Bornean examples are more greyish beneath.
muschenbroeki, Meyer.
This species, hitherto only known from Batchian, has recently been recorded from
South Celebes. Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 159-160 (1896).
velutinus, Sharpe.
Sparveroides (/%j.). Five. 9. India (Darjeeling). Assam. China
(Ningpo, September).
bocki, Wardlaw-Rams.
varius (Voll.). Five. $, @2 (jr). Northern India (Etawah, August ;
Howrah, December). Southern India (Nellore).
fugax (Horsf.). Ten. Assam. Borneo (Labuan; Baram). Philippine
Islands (Luzon).
nanus, Hume.
crassirostris, ald. One. Celebes.
micropterus, Gould. Six. ¢, 9. Northern India (Darjeeling). Southern
India (Coonoor, January). Malay Peninsula (Malacca). China (Foochow,
gularis, Sfeph. Three. @. East Africa (Ribé). West Africa (Gambia).
South Africa.
The East African specimen is smaller (wing 7:7 inches) than the West and South
African ones (wing 8°2 inches); the tail also is much darker beneath, and less
variegated with white ; the upper mandible, except for a slightly paler region
at its base, is black.
canorus, Linn. Seventeen. 2¢, 29. England (Durham, September).
North Africa (Algiers, September). West Africa. South Africa (Natal ;
Transvaal: Potchefstroom, January). Palestine (Dothan, March;
Mt. Carmel, April; Lebanon). Assam. Australia (Queensland).
No. bal 721 Tristram Mus.) is the Type of C. libanoticus, Tristr., P.Z.S. 1864,
p. 432.
intermedius, Vuii. Eleven. 4. India. Borneo (Labuan). Philippine
Islands. Java. Formosa, April. China (Amoy, October). Japan
(Nikko, April).
solitarius, Steph. Six. East Africa (Mamboio). Central Africa (Nyassa:
land, Zomba, January). South Africa (Natal).
poliocephalus, Lath. Five. 9. India (Himalayas). Java. Madagascar.
gabonensis, La/r.
clamosus, Lath. Four. 9. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, September).
South Africa (Port Natal). ;
pallidus (Lath.). Thirteen. Southern Australia (Melbourne). Tasmania
(Hobart). [Java.]
sonnerati, Lath. Seven, @. India (Bengal). Sumatra (Lampongs,
Gunung Trang). Java.
aurivillii, Sjostedt, J.f.0. 1892, p. 313; id. Svenska Ak. Handl. xxvii. No. 1. p. 47,
Taf. iii. (1895) ; Rezchenow, J.f.0. 1896, p. 52.
**Male above black, with an iron lustre ; scapulars and lesser wing-coverts metallic
virescent. Primaries dull black above, paler beneath, with their inner margins
mottled with white. Tail iron-black, unspotted. Chin, throat, sides of the
neck, and upper breast banded with dull iron-grey. Abdomen reddish-white,
with bars of the colour of the back. * Under tail-coverts uniform with the
abdomen, but not barred ; ‘maxima nigra-maculata’; a small whitish spot in
front of the eyes. Feet nearly white. Iris dark. Maxilla dark corneous;
mandible pale, the upper half blackish. Length, 31 em.; wing, 165 em. ;
tail, 15°5; iris, 7mm.” (Sjéstedt). Habitat. Cameroons (Ekundu N’Dene).
mechowi, Cab.
flabelliformis (Lath.). Fifteen. ad, 9. Australia (Queensland ; New
South Wales).
merulinus (Scop.). Twenty-eight. 32, ¢. India (Darjeeling). Lower
Pegu. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Borneo (Baram, January ; Trusan,
March; Labuan, December ; Santubong). Java. Philippine Islands
(Luzon: Manilla ; Cataguan). China (Amoy).
variolosus (Horsf.). Two. ¢. Northern Australia (Port Essington).
Molucea Islands (Ternate, March).
insperatus (Gould). Two. ¢. New Guinea. New Britain (Blanche
Bay, June).
virescens (Briigg.)-
castaneiventris (Gould). One. New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
bronzinus (G.2.Gr.). Five. 2 go, 9,29 jr. New Caledonia (Noumea, April
and December; Moindou, October ; Yahoué, March). Loyalty Islands
(Lifu, Kepeneke, August).
gimus (Peale). Three. g¢, ?. Fiji Islands (Rewa ; Wakaia, April).
C. bronzinus and C. simus seem scarcely separable. The dimensions of two male adult
y =
specimens of C. bronzinus are :—Wing, 57 and 5°25 inches; bill, from anterior
margin of nostril, °55, in both cases ; breadth at nostril, °30. The corresponding
dimensions of OC. simus are :—Wing, 5°08 ; bill, from anterior margin of nostril,
-57; breadth at nostril, °33. In addition, the upper parts in GC. simus have a
slightly more greenish lustre than in C. bronzinus, and the white bars on the
ate surface of the tail are more regular, running right across the outer
infuscatus (Hartl.). Two. Fiji Tslands (Rewa).
passerinus (V«hl.). Nine. ¢, @- Northern India (Darjeeling). Southern
India (Neilgherries ; Nellore). [China (Amoy)}-
palliolatus (Lath.).
smaragdineus (Swains.). Nine. ¢. South Africa (Port Natal). West
Africa (Gambia, June).
flavigularis, Shelley. é
klaasi (Sfeph.). Thirteen. 3 ¢, 9. West Africa (Lagos). East Africa
(Ribé). South Africa (Capetown).
cupreus (Bodd.). Twenty. 3 6,3djr,7 ¢- West Africa (Gold Coast ;
Gambia). Central Africa (Sadat, June). South Africa (Transvaal :
Potchefstroom, January, March, October, November, December).
xanthorhynchus (Hors/.). Hight. 4,49. Malay Peninsula (Singa-
pore). Borneo (Trusan, February, November, December).
maculatus (Gm.). Three. India (Himalayas).
meyeri (Salvad.).
basalis (Horsf.). Four. Southern Australia (New South Wales, Hunter
River; Victoria). Tasmania, October.
lucidus (Gm.). Five. New South Wales (Liverpool Ranges, October).
New Zealand (Wellington).
* poliurus (Salvad.).
plagosus (Lath.). Eight. 2¢,29. Western Australia (Perth, March).
Southern Australia (New South Wales). New Caledonia (Moindou,
October ; Noumea, July ; Dombea, June).
No. 8 ( = 3963 Lord Derby’s Mus.) is the Type of Glossy Cuckow, var., Lath. Gen.
Hist. iii. p. 300 (1822).
malayanus (fafi.). Two. 2¢. Sulu Islands (Bongao, July). New
Britain (Blanche Bay, June).
pecilurus (G.R.Gr.) (= Chrysococeye minutillus, Tristr. nec Gould, Tristr.
Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 81). Two. Northern Australia (Cape York).
ruficollis (Salrad.) ; poeciluroides (Salvad.) ; misorensis (Salvad.) ; Crassirostris
(Salvad. ).
lansbergi, By. One. Peru (Lima).
ferrugineus, Gould.
minor (Gm.). Four. Antilles (St. Thomas).
minor, sub. sp. maynardi, Ridgw. ; minor, sub. sp. dominice, Shelley.
melanocoryphus (Vivill.). One. Brazil (Para).
americanus (Linn.). Five. Bermudas. United States (Ohio, Madison-
ville, July). Jamaica, May. Brazil (Para).
americanus, sub. sp. occidentalis, Ridgi.
erythrophthalmus (//ils.). Eight. 2. United States (Illinois : Chicago,
July ; Cook County, Grand Crossing, May).
cinereus, Vieill.; pumilus, Strickl.
taitiensis (Sparrm.). Eleven. 26,29. New Zealand. N orfolk Island.
Samoa. Society Islands (Huaheine). Duke of York Island. South
Pacific (Suwarrows Island).
EUDYNAMIS, Vig. & Horsf.
honorata (Linn.). Eighteen. 106, 2djr, 49. Northern India
(Mhow, March, October ; Bengal). Southern India (Mysore, Muddur,
June ; Coonoor Ghat ; Nellore ; Madras). Burmah.
mindanensis (Linn.). Four. 2 6,2 9. [Java]. Sanghir Island. Philip-
pine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
orientalis (Linn.).
cyanocephala (Lath.). Fifteen. 5d,¢jr.,39. New Guinea. Northern
Australia (Port Stephens).
No. 3 ( = 18234 Tristram Mus.) (female) from New Guinea = #. orientalis, Tristr.
nec Linn., spm. a, (Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 82).
rufiventer (Less... Two. 6, ¢@. Duke of York Island, December.
Mokoda Island, July.
No. 1 ( = 4434 Tristram Mus.) (male) from Mokoda Island = ZF. orientalis, Tristr. nec
Linn., spm. }, (Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 82).
melanorhyncha (8. Miill.). Three. ¢, 9. Celebes.
parva (Salvad.).
megarhynchus (G.R.G7.).
nove-hollandiz, Lath. Six. ~9. Duke of York Island, July. Australia.
ateralbus, Less. Three. 6, 9, ?jr. New Britain (Blanche Bay, May and
milo, Gould.
goliath, Bp. Four. 26, ?jr. Gilolo. [Celebes].
menebiki (Less. &: Gurn.). One. North-West New Guinea.
aruensis (Salvad.).
violaceus (Q. & @.). One. ¢. New Britain (Blanche Bay).
chalybeus (Salvad.); bernsteini, Sch/.; spilopterus, G.R.Gr.; mindorensis
T steerii, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p 14 (1894); Grant,
Ibis, 1896, pp. 474-475. One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Mindoro, Calapan,
‘Sexes alike. Forehead, crown, and nape, sides of face, chin, throat, and upper
breast greenish black. The coarse shafts of the feathers shiny black, the webs
with a faint greenish tinge. Hind neck and back, sides of neck, wing-coverts,
and breast smoky brown, with faint greenish tinge. Hind neck and rump
slaty black, tips of feathers with greenish tinge. Upper tail-coverts and upper
surface of tail uniform dull metallic green. Shafts of feathers jet black from
base to tip. Upper surface of wings earthy, with metallic green gloss like the
tail, except on the outer four primaries, which have little gloss. . Abdomen
browner than and with less metallic wash. Flanks, thighs, and under tail-
coverts like the rump. Under surface of tail black, with faint metallic blue
gloss. Under wing-coverts and axillaries like breast. Under surface of wing
uniform blackish brown. Seven males measure as follows:—Length, 16°70
inches ; wing, 5-90; tail, 849; culmen, 1°58; tarsus, 1:65. A female measures
19:50 inches in length. Wing, 6°21; tail, 916; culmen, 1°74; tarsus, 1°69.
Habitat. Mindoro . . . in deep forests, where it is not uncommon.” (Bourns
and Worcester.)
Our specimen was collected in 1890 by Dr. Platen, and was made the type of a
new species by Dr. W. Blasius under an unpublished MS. name, which we
suppress. The species apparently differs from C. mindorensis in its more powerful
bill, and in the shorter nail on the hind toe. The four outer primaries are
glossed with oily green equally with the others.
nigricans (Salvud.). One. New Guinea (Port Moresby).
phasianus (Lath.). Seven. od. Northern Australia (Horn Island, Torres
Straits, June; Port Essington, December). Eastern Australia (Moreton
chlororhynchus, Blyth ; rectunguis, Strickt.
sinensis (Steph.). Twenty. ¢, @, pull. Northern India. Southern India
(Nellore ; Madras). Burmah. Sumatra (Palembang, Batu Pantjeh, July).
Java (Preanger Regencies, April). Borneo (Labuan, December ; Banjer-
massim). Northern China, December, and Foochow, May.
purpureus, Shelley. One. Java.
This specimen, collected by Leschenault and acquired by Lord Derby from Lead-
beater in 1818; was identified by him as Cuculus nigrorufus, Cuv. It perfectly
agrees with the figure of C. purpureus given by Shelley (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus.
xix. pp. 348, 349, pl. xiii., 1891),
viridis (Scop.). Seven. 9, ?jr. Philippine Islands (Cebu, April ; Luzon,
Monte Alban, February ; Cataguan).
toulou (P. L. 8. Miill.). Seven. ¢. Madagascar, July.
insularis, Ridgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvii. p. 373 (1894).
“Quite identical in nuptial plumage with C. fowlou, Miill. ; in other plumages, how-
ever, very much paler; the posterior underparts barred with pale brownish buff
and dusky, in nearly equal quantity (uniform greenish dusky in corresponding
plumage of C. toulou).” (Ridgway). Dimensions variable, feet apparently in-
vena pty smaller than those of C. toulou. Habitat. Aldabra and Assumption
bengalensis (Gm.). Five. ¢@. Northern India, November. Formosa, May.
javanicus (Dumont). Eleven. 9. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra (Palembang,
Kaban, December). Java (Bantam, April). Borneo (Banjermassim ; Labuan,
epomidis, Bp.; leucogaster (Leach); nigrorufus (Cuv.); anselli, Sharpe ;
fischeri, Rchiw.
flecki, Rchnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i, p. 84 (1893); Fleck, J.f.0. 1894, pp. 210, 362,
397, taf. iv.
“© Pileum, nape, and sides of the head brown, shafts of the feathers dark ; a white loral
spot, back and wings rufous ; the tips of the outer primaries brownish, the inner
barred with brown ; the whole belly white washed with pale fulvous, the under
tail-coverts faintly banded with brownish ; tail feathers and upper tail-coverts
dark, slightly shaded with metallic green-grey, the former very lightly barred
at the tip, darker beneath ; greater under wing-coverts rufous, lesser fulvous
white ; bill pale horn colour, culmen darker ; feet black. Total length, 420 mm. ;
wing, 170; tail, 215; bill, 27 ; tarsus, 40.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Damaraland.
This species is not mentioned in Shelley’s Birds of Africa, vol. i. (1896).
monachus, /viipp. One. ¢. Abyssinia.
Cupreicaudus, Rchnw. Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 53 (1896).
“Distinguished from C. monachus by being somewhat larger, with the upper head
and neck bright violet blue, not deep blue ; the tail and upper tail-coverts
copper coloured, not steel-green. The upper tail-coverts are mostly narrowly
bordered with pale brown. Length, 460-480 mm. ; wing, 210-225 ; tail, 220-240;
bill, 42-44; tarsus, 52-56. Zahitat. South West Africa from Angola to Damara-
land.” (Reichenow).
senegalensis (Linn.). Seven. 4, 9. East Africa (Zambesi). West
Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, August ; Senegal ; Cape Palmas, March).
superciliosus, Hempr. & Ehr. Two. Abyssinia.
natalensis, Shelly. Hight. 43,29, @jr. East Africa (Ribé; Mombasa ;
Kikombo, August). South Africa (Transvaal: Potchefstroom, June; De
Kaap. ; Fig Tree Creek, June; Port Natal).
Reichenow (Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 53, 1896), considers that C. burchelli, Swains.
An. in Menag., p. 321 (1838), which is generally included as a synonym of
C. senegalensis (Linn.) should be referred to this species.
melanops, Less, One. - 9. Philippine Islands (Samar, July).
celebensis, (). d: G. Three. North Celebes.
C. kangeanensis, Vorderman, (Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. 1893. p. 190)
appears to belong to this species. It differs principally in dimensions, which
in all cuckoos, and in Centropi especially, are exceedingly variable.
celebensis, sub. sp. rufescens (Meyer & Wiylesw.), Abhandl. u. Berichte, Zool. Mus.
Dresd. n. 2, p. 11 (1896) ; Hartert, Nov. Zool. iv. pp. 160, 164 (1897).
“Very like C. celebensis, but much more rufescent.” Habitat. Eastern Peninsula of
Celebes (Meyer & Wiglesw.). Apparently also Western and Southern Celebes.
(Hartert, loc. cit.).
andamanensis, Beaven. Two. ¢, 9. South Andaman Islands (Port Blair,
May ; Gopla Kabung, May).
unirufus (Cab. & Heine).
dominicensis, Z7fr. Three. San Domingo (Las Canetas).
vetula (Linn.). Seven. Jamaica (Spanish Town).
merlini, /’0rb. One. Cuba.
eS Fr -~©)=hMh Oo
bahamensis, Bryant.
andria, Miller, Auk. xi. pp. 164, 165 (1894).
Slightly smaller than S. bahamensis, Bryant; colours throughout darker ; bill
proportionately deeper through base. Dimensions (average of four specimens) :
—Wing, 152 [mm.]; tail, 257; tarsus, 37°7; bill (from nostril), 37; depth
through nostril, 14°50; ratio of depth to length, 39°09.” (Miler). Haluitat.
Andros Island, Bahamas.
vieilloti, Bp. One. Porto Rico.
pluvialis (@m.). Four. ¢. Jamaica.
fieldi, Cory, Avk. xii. p. 278 (1895).
«* Male :—Upper parts, including upper tail-coverts, slaty, showing a faint trace of
olive in some lights; a dusky stripe in front of the eye; throat, breast, and
upper belly chestnut brown, belly tawny becoming pale on the crissum ;
primaries deep chestnut-brown shading into olive at the tips; under wing-
coverts tawny; shafts of quills (except the first) strongly tinged with rufous
brown; under surface of primaries and secondaries rufous, shading to slaty
olive at tips; tail feathers (except two central ones) bluish black tipped with
white, and shading to pale olive at the base; two central tail feathers pale
olive becoming brownish at tips; bill dark showing a tinge of dull yellow at
middle of lower mandible; legs and feet black. Length, 16°75; wing, 650;
tail, 10°50; bill, 1°30; tarsus, 1°50 inches.” (Cory). Habitat. Maniel, San
PIAYA, Less.
cayana (Linn.). Sixteen. @. Mexico (Tehuantepec, September). Vera
Paz (Tactic, January). Honduras. Brazil. Sarayacu.
P. cayana sub. sp. cabanisi, Allen (Bull. Amer. Mus. v. pp. 136-138, 1895), from
Matto Grosso, appears to us to be of the same value as the forms known as
P. mehleri, Bp., P. thermophila, Sclat., and P. nigricrissa, Sclat., which are
’ included by Capt. Shelley in the synonymy of P. cayana. :
melanogastra (Vicill.). Two. British Guiana, July.
minuta (Vicill.). Five. Brazil (Para).
No. 5, apparently a young bird, and without locality, is smaller, darker, and
without the white tips to its tail feathers.
javanicus (/orsf.). Nine. 29. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra (Palembang :
Kotta Djawa; Tarratas). Borneo (Trusan, September).
sirkee (Gray). Five. ¢. Central India (Muddapur, September ; Futteghur,
November). Southern India (Nellore).
RHOPODYTES, Cab. & Heine.
viridirostris, Jerd. Four. Southern India (Mynaad, Madras; Nellore).
tristis (Zess.). Four. Northern India (Darjeeling).
elongatus (S. Miill.). One. 9. Sumatra (Padang, Batang Singalang).
The handwriting on the label of this specimen is undoubtedly Miiller’s, being
similar to that on others collected by him in Timor, and in Triton Bay, New
Guinea; the bird, which was purchased from Leadbeater in March, 1841, is
almost certainly a Co-type of the species.
elongatus, sub. sp. kangeanensis, Vorderman, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind. 1893,
pp. 188-189.
“The Kangean sub-species of Rhopodytes elongatus, Miill., is of smaller dimensions
than the typical form from Sumatra, and is without the white chin and black
frontal feathers. In other respects the description of the Sumatra species
applies perfectly. . . . Total length, 480 mm. ; culmen, 32; wing, 161;
tail, 331; tarsus, 35.” (Vorderman).
There would seem to be some mistake about these dimensions. Vorderman
describes the bird as being smaller than RF. e/ongatus, but gives 161 mm. as the
measurement of the wing. The wing of R. elongatus is, according to Shelley
(Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xix. p. 389 (1891)), 5‘7 inches (= 145 mm.); the wing
of our specimen is 143 mm. Vorderman has omitted to compare his sub-species
with R. borneensis, from which it’seems very doubtfully distinct.
borneensis (Lp.). (= LR. elongatus (Miill.) Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 83).
Two. Borneo (Banjermassim).
Wing, 125mm. One specimen is entirely without the yellowish brown wash on
the breast and upper abdomen.
diardi (lvss). Fifteen. ¢. Tenasserim. Malay Peninsula (Pahang,
December). Sumatra (Lampongs, Gunung Tetahan). Java.
Shelley (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xix. p. 390 (1891)), does not include Java in the
range of this species. :
sumatranus (/tafi.). Six. 92. [Southern India (Coonoor Ghat, November) |.
Malay Peninsula. Borneo.
R. sumatranus has not hitherto been recorded from the western side of the Bay of
Bengal. The specimen from Coonoor Ghat was collected by W. Davison, and
labelled by him &. viridirostris which it certainly is not. It is possible that the
label may have been transposed by him with that on one of his Malaccan
chlorophea (u/i.). Thirty-four. 446,29. Malay Peninsula (Pahang,
November). Banka. Sumatra (Lampongs: Kotta Djawa; Gunung
Trang; Palembang, Lake Ranau, March). Borneo (Silam; Trusan, ©
March ; Banjermassim).
We have followed Lord Tweeddale (T.Z.S8. viii. p. 52) and Graf von Berlepsch
(Noy. Zool. ii. pp. 70-73, 1895) in uniting the genera Rhamphococcyx, Cab. &
Heine, Rhinococcyx, Sharpe, Urococcyx, Shelley, and Dryococcyx, Sharpe, with
Phenicophaés, Vieill.
pyrrhocephalus (Forst.). Two. Ceylon.
eneicaudus, 7. and Ll. Verr.
The habitat of this species, which was previously unknown, has been recently
recorded (Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 590, (1894) ) as the island of Men-
tawei, lying off the south-west coast of Sumatra.
erythrognathus, Bp. Sixteen. 2¢. Malay Peninsula (Malacca; Pahang,
January, March). Sumatra (Lampongs, Kotta Djawa).
microrhinus, Berlepsch, Nov. Zool. ii. pp. 70-73 (1895). Five. Borneo
(Banguey ; Labuan; Baram; Banjermassim).
**Very similar to P. erythrognathus, Bp., from Malacca and Sumatra, but to be dis-
tinguished by having the nasal apertures much smaller and narrower, oblong and
not circular ; bill also weaker, as well as with the scarlet colour, at the base of
the maxilla, more extensive and reaching to the upper margin of the nostrils ;
the wings and tail are also shorter. Males and females :—Wing, 167-166; tail,
250-233 ; culmen, 45-414; tarsus, 41-37 mm.” (Ber/epsch).
We can confirm Von Berlepsch’s observation that this species differs from P.
erythroguathus, principally in the form of the nostrils, which are smaller and
more oblong instead of being larger and quite circular.
curvirostris (Shaw). Four. 6, pull. Java (Bantam, Kosala, May, June).
harringtoni (Sharpe). One. Palawan.
calorhynchus (Zemi.). Four. Celebes.
calorhynchus, sub. sp. meridionalis (Meyer & Wiylesw.) Abhandl. u. Berichte,
Zool. Mus. Dresd. n. 2, p. 11 (1896); Hartert, Nov. Zool. iv. p. 164 (1897).
‘* Differs from the northern form [P. calorhynchus (Temm.)] in being paler on the
head.” (Meyer & Wiglesw.). Habitat. South Celebes ; and also Western Celebes.
(Hartert, loc. cit.). ;
flavirostris (Swains.). Three. West Africa (Lagos; Fantee ; Cape Coast
aereus (Vieill.).
australis, Sharpe. (= Zanclostomus acreus (Vieill.). Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. $3). Three. East Africa (Ribé ; Newala). South Africa (Port Natal).
superciliosus (Cuv.). Three. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
cumingi (fivs.). Three. ¢. Philippine Islands (Luzon, San Mateo,
COUA, Cuv.
cerulea (Linn.). Eight. Madagascar.
reynaudii, Pucher. Three. 24. Madagascar (Savary, March ; Imerina,
serriana, Pucher. Three. 3 ¢. Madagascar (Senbendra Forest, October).
cristata (Linn.). Eight. ¢. Madagascar (Bayanna Bay).
pyropyga, Grand. Three. 6,29. Madagascar.
verreauxi, Grand. ; Cursor, Grand.
ruficeps, (.2.Gr. One. Madagascar (Bayanna Bay).
olivaceiceps (Sharpe). One. ¢- Madagascar.
gigas (Bod/.). Three. 2¢, 9. Madagascar.
delalandii (Jvmm.). One. Madagascar.
coquerelli, Grand. Two. ¢, @. Western Madagascar.
radiatus (Zemm.) Two. 4d. Borneo (Baram).
viridis, Salvad.
reynauldi, Oust. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1896, pp. 314-319.
“* Kasily distinguished from C. radiatus and C. viridis by its blackish-blue hood,
without purple ; its ashy mantle tinged with a reflection of greenish purple ;
its fulvous chest and abdomen, transversely vermiculated, and its red beak and
feet. Total length, 680-620 mm. ; wing, 280-260 ; tail, 340-320; culmen, 47-43 ;
tarsus, 85:75.” (Oustalet). Habitat. Province of Kuang-tri, Annam.
geoffroyi (Temm.). Two.
salvini, Sclater ; pucherani (Deville) ; rufipennis (G.R.Gr.) ; radiolosus, Salvin.
mexicanus (Gm.). Four. 36. North America (California, Nicasio,
February ; Texas, Laredo, July ; Colorado, November).
affinis, Hartl. Five. ¢. Guatemala (Duenas, September).
erythropygius (Less.).
nevius (Linn.). Eight. Guatemala. Brazil.
phasianellus (Sir). Five. Brazil.
pavoninus (Pe/z.). One. Interior of Cayenne.
major, Gm. Eleven. ¢. Brazil (Para). Peru (Yquitos, May). Sarayacu.
ani, Linn. Thirteen. Jamaica (Metcalfe Parish). St. Lucia Id. March.
Colombia (Antioquia, Medellin). Brazil (Para).
sulcirostris, Swains. Seven. ¢. San Domingo. Central America
(Guatemala, Retalulm; Costa Rica, La Palma; Honduras; Acajutl
(Pacific Coast) ). [Chili (Valparaiso) ].
GUIRA, Less.
guira (Gm.). Seven. Chili. Brazil (Para).
leucotis (Riipp.). Two. Abyssinia.
persa (Linn.). Five. West Africa (Senegal ; Lagos).
persa, sub. sp. buttneri, Rchnw. Jf.0. 1891, p. 375.
‘“‘Very like 7. persa, but the colour of the wings and tail purple, inclining to blue,
not shining copper colour.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Togoland.
Shelley apparently does not recognise this sub-species in his Birds of Africa, i. p.
119 (1896).
buffoni (Viill.). Three. Fernando Po. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst).
No. 2 ( = 12633 Tristr. Mus.) is figured by Jardine and Selby, Il]. Orn. pl. 122
Reichenow (J.f.0. 1896, p. 9) has described 7. buffoni, sub. sp. zenkeri, from the
Cameroons, but he gives no recognisable characters by which we can differentiate
it from Gambia specimens of 7. buffoni, which have also a fine white line beneath
the black on the side of the head. Shelley (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xix. p. 489) has
also observed this difference in Gambia specimens, and seems to doubt the dis-
tinctness of the species from 7’. persa.
schalowi (Rchnvw.).
livingstoni, @.2.Gr. Three. ¢. East Africa (Kikombo, April; Man-
ganja Hills). Central Africa (Nyassaland).
reichenowi, Fisch.
chalcolophus, Newm. J.f.0. 1895, p. 357.
“Tike 7. livingstoni, but distinguished by being considerably larger with the tips
of the crest feathers tinged with steel blue.” (Newmann). Habitat. Victoria
emini, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 30 (1893).
“Very similar to 7. corythaix, but with the beak black and more slender, the base
of the mandible red, the crest of the pileum shorter, and the wing-coverts
greener; back and uropygium shining metallic green, uniform with the inter-
scapular region. Head, neck, and chest green; tips of the crest feathers white ;
a black spot in front of and behind the eyes; a short white streak in front of
the eyes, and another longer beneath the eyes ; the whole back and upper tail-
coverts, wing-coverts, and innermost primaries metallic green; tail feathers
metallic blue, beneath dull blue; the primaries purple red, their tips bordered
with bluish black; the external web and tip of the outer primaries, with the
whole of the first primary, blackish blue; the inner primaries blue, or metallic
green at the base; flanks, belly, and under tail-coverts, slate-colour shaded with
green; under wing-coverts slate black; bill black, base of the mandible red ;
feet black; iris pale brown. Total length, 425 mm. ; wing, 160-170; tail, 180;
bill, 21-22; tarsus, 36.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Central Africa (Bundako,
Uvamba ; Mumbo; Vundekakare ; Karévia, Ukondjo).
corythaix (Wagl.). Six. 3. [West Africa]. South Africa (Port Natal ;
Cape of Good Hope).
The locality of Nos. 4, 5, and 6 ( = 3256, 3257, 3258, Lord Derby’s Mus.) coming,
according to the labels, from ‘‘ West Africa,” whence 7’. corythaix has not been
recorded, may be erroneous.
schuetti (Cab.). (= 7. corythaiz, Rendall, Ibis, 1896, p. 168). One. South
Africa (Transvaal, De Kaap, Moodies, August).
The locality where this specimen was collected by Dr. P. Rendall is the most
southerly hitherto recorded.
macrorhynchus (Fras.). One. West Africa (Accra).
meriani (/tiipp.). Two. ¢. West Africa.
fischeri (/tchnw.). Two. East Africa (Pangani River, Ushambala Mts. ;
erythrolophus (V7cill). One. 9.
leucolophus, Heugl. One. ¢. Central Africa (Faradjak, September).
hartlaubi (Fisch. & Rehnw.).
donaldsoni, Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C. iv. p. xxxii. (1895); 2d. Ibis, 1895, p. 381 ; id. P.Z.S.
1895, pl. xxviii.
*‘Distincuished by the pileum being green in front and pale scarlet behind, and
by a large white spot in front of the eyes. Total length, 16°5 inches ; wing, 7:2.”
(Sharpe.) Habitat. Meo, Western Somaliland.
ruspolii, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (2) xvi., p. 44 (1896).
Turacus sp., Matschie, J.f.0. 1896, p. 94.
“<Sinciput and sides of the head above the eyes, greenish grey ; compressed crest
whitish, very slightly tinged with greenish, washed with rose at the base of the
feathers, and red at the lowest part of the posterior portion; cheeks, neck,
upper back, and chest olive green, cheeks more yellowish ; throat apparently
greyish green; back and wings steel blue; primaries red, margined with steel
blue; abdomen and under tail-coverts dull grey ; tail steel green, with a slight
bluish lustre; bill and warts on the eyelids red; feet dark. Total length,
400 mm. ; wing, 180; tail, 200; culmen, 24; tarsus, 42.” (Salvadori). Habitat.
Lake Bissan Abbaia, Somaliland.
porphyreolophus (/7y.). Five. South Africa.
chlorochlamys, Shelley. One. East Africa (Dar-es-Salaam).
Type of species (Shelley, Ibis, 1881, p. 118).
violacea, Jsert. Eight. ¢, 2, skeleton. West Africa (Gambia, Barra).
rosse, Gould.
cristata (Vicill.). Four. West Africa (Fantee).
africana (Lath.). Seven. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, August).
No. 5 (= 104, Lord Derby’s Mus.) is the Type of Fishing Falcon, Lath. Gen.
Hist, i. pp. 156-157 (1822).
zonura, /tiipp. Six. 3. Abyssinia. Central Africa (Fadibek, February).
concolor (Smith). Seven. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Upper Shiré River,
November). South Africa (Damaraland, Otjimbinque, July ; Port Natal).
leucogaster, [iipp. One. Abyssinia.
personata (Riipp.) ; |eopoldi (Shelley).
The CucuLt are, therefore, represented in the Museum by 36 out of the
44 characterised genera ; and by 802 specimens belonging to 138 out of the
213 described species The number of species represented by their types
is 2; besides 3 relegated to the synonymy. (February, 1898).
On a collection of Cast-Metal Work, of high
artistic value, from Benin, lately acquired
for the Mayer Museum.
Tue barbarous massacre, “by the orders of the King of Benin and his
Councillors,” of the members of an official mission pacifically proceeding from
the Niger Coast Protectorate Government to visit the King, will be fresh in
every one’s recollection. The punitive expedition sent by Her Majesty’s
Government, under Admiral Rawson, to bring to account the perpetrators of
this terrible outrage, captured the city on the 18th of February last (1897),
and among the spoils interesting to ethnologists were, besides many large
elaborately-carved elephants’ tusks and other smaller objects in ivory, a
great number of fiat plaques, and statuettes in the round, of cast-metal look-
ing like bronze. The wonderful technical art displayed in their construction,
their profuse ornamentation, and the high artistic excellence of nearly all of
them, quite astonished students of West African ethnology, as the’ product of
that, now, at all events, more, than less barbarous region, the Niger Delta.
Of the plaques, some three hundred of which have been presented to the
National Collection, where I have had the opportunity of inspecting them,
this Museum has, unfortunately, acquired only one. The subjects upon .
them are produced in high relief, and are almost as various as the number
of the plaques. Of the metal figures in the round, however, the Museum
has been fortunate in securing some important examples, of which we pro-
pose to give an account in the following pages.
I. Commencing with the least important specimens in the collection I have
selected the cast-metal pipe represented in Fig. 1 (Register number :
The composition of the metal has not yet been analysed, but it seems to be
brass and not bronze. The pipe consists of a wide bowl, 138 mm. deep, and 85 in
diameter, and a large stem-socket united together at an acute angle. Incon-
veniently heavy to hold
in the hand, it probably
was used standing on
the ground on the
diminutive pedestals
seen on its base. On
the strengthening bar
between the upper rim
of the bowl and the
stem-socket is a rude
representation of a
(2) hippopotamus. The
ornamentation on the
stem-socket is confined
to a few string-coil
patterns, but on the
bowl it is more elab-
orate. At the junc-
tion of the bow] with
the stem-socket, the
two are encircled by
numerous turns of
cord, as if the pipe
Fig. 1.—Tosacco Pree 1x METAL.
had been modelled from a broken pipe which had the stem lashed to it by
string. On the coils of cord in front is seated a grotesque figure, to which
Iam unable to give a name. Round the pipe-bowl there are two double
longitudinal panels, separated by a zig-zagging serpent with its head
uppermost, in the act of seizing the toes of a long-beaked bird, which is
flapping its wings in its attempt to escape. This bird may represent a
turkey, which, according to Burton, the celebrated traveller (who visited the
city in 1862, and has given in Fraser's Magazine* a most interesting and
detailed account of what he saw), was one of the household gods of
the people of Benin. “Like all others it [the abode which Burton was
assigned during his stay in the city] had its household gods, three rude
wooden images of turkeys with
drooping wings, disposed in
triangle, supported by two short
truncheons, and placed in a black
and white striped niche in the
northern wall.” The main panels
on the bowl are subdivided by
unstranded string partitions into
two smaller panels, on the front
pair of which is depicted, in high
relief, on a leopard-spotted field,
a decapitated bearded human head,
from whose neck two strands of
cord hang down to terminate in
two open spirals, giving origin be-
tween them to a conventionalised
II. Our next illustration, Fig.
2 (Register number:
represents the solitary plaque
which the Museum has yet ob-
tained. It is ornamented with
three figures in high relief against
a background, on which a floral
ornament is chiselled above, and
a rude conyentionalised leopard
below, the whole being enclosed
within a braided border. The
Fig. 2. Lip or Box, witH REPRESENTATION central figure is attended by two
or Kine, on Hic OFFICER, arm-bearers, and probably repre-
sents the King, or some other high
personage ; for, according to Burton, the Captain of War, and perhaps others,
as well as the King, were so attended as they went about. The chief figure
wears an elaborate coral and bead-studded head-dress (nearly identical with
that in Figs. 7, and 8, presently to be described). His neck is encircled with
a high stiff collar of coral strings reaching to his lips, apparently dis-
tinctive of Great Officers of State. A netted garment—or perhaps a chain-
armour suit—covers the upper part of the body, while about his loins he
wears a much embroidered cloth, ‘ flowered’ or hung all round with mask-
like faces in relief, his legs being encased in coils of anklets. Both attend-
ants show their tribal marks on the forehead, and long scar-like stripes down
the sides and front of the body.
* Vol. lxvii. 1863, p. 135, et seqq.
According to Burton, the tribal tattoo of the Benin people, of both sexes, is
a line extending from the scalp down the forehead to the tip of the nose, but
often ceasing at the eyebrows, made with a razor or sharp knife, and
blackened with charcoal and gunpowder ; and three parallel cuts about half
an inch long, and placed close together, upon both cheeks, about half way
between the eye and the corner of the mouth. Another favourite decoration,
he adds, are three broad stripes of scar, like the effects of burning, down the
front of the body from the chest to the lower stomach. “Some added,” he
says, ‘‘to these ‘ beauty spots’ on the middle of the forehead, vertical lines
of similar marks above the eyebrows.”
The tattoo marks on these bronzes are similar, if not quite identical with,
the fashion which was in vogue in 1862, and which appears to continue to
the present day ; for Commander Bacon writes me: “The tribe marks of the
Beni, again, I had no opportunity of studying ; but 1 was told they were both
on the cheeks and
on the breasts. The
Houssa and the Jakri
had them horizontally
on the cheeks.”
Tattoo marks were
not the sign of low
birth, for, in a letter
written from Abomey,
in 1724, by Mr. Bul-
finch Lamb, an agent
of the English African
Company, who was
captured by the King
of Dahomey on the
taking of Ardrah by
his army, he states
that the face of the
King’s General was
searified for orna-
ment’s sake.
Although this
plaque is, in size,
very small (being only
135 mm. by 185), and
had an obvious use,
having been the lid of
a box (in both respects 0 alpen
r 3 Sits Se ‘ > , s ArRM-BEARERS :
Pues aitiarmg «trowe Miaye Oe ie van Buasaloawcm
those in the British Aen ; ac aa
Museum, which were decorative only, one of which (Fig. 3) I am able, through
the courtesy of the Proprietors of the Illustrated London News, to reproduce
here for comparison), it agrees with them in style of workmanship and in
mode of manufacture.
Of these plaques, Commander Bacon, R.N., the Chief of the Intelligence
Department to the punitive expedition, in his interesting book, “ Benin : The
City of Blood,” says, “the [King’s] storehouses contained chiefly rubbish. . _
But buried in the dirt of ages, in one house, were several hundred unique
bronze plaques, suggestive of almost Egyptian design, but of really superb
casting. Castings of wonderful delicacy of detail, and some magnificently
carved tusks were collected, but in the majority of cases the ivory was dead
from age, very few of modern date were to be seen and these mostly un-
carved.” And in a private letter, containing some additional particulars,
with which he has been so good as to favour me, the same officer says : “ The
figures you mention were very different in variety. One I saw was evidently that
of a Por tuguese soldier or sailor of, I should think, the seventeenth century.
Others were of naked figures, but a peculiarity of Benin was, that nothing of
a really indecent nature was found there; and I can quite believe, what I have
heard advanced as an explanation, that they were not sufficiently civilised
to carry indecency into their ornaments; that they were rather ‘the
animal’ than ‘the sensualist.’ The plaques and figures were apparently
thrown away, the Beni seemingly not appr eciating vee beauty. They may
have been the spoils of some
campaign, taken as fetishes,
but they had no place in the
decoration of the houses or
town, nor had the Beni any
form of idol.” According to
another correspondent, a Niger
Coast Protectorate Officer on
the expedition, these plaques
had been so long neglected
that “a number of them were
sunk in the ground and buried
simply by long lying in one
All the plaques show nail
holes at the corners, by which
they had at one time been
affixed to probably wooden sup-
ports. They may, perhaps, be
the “melted copper” referred
to in the Collection of African
Travels by John Ogilby,*
published in 1670, from ac-
counts written, probably about
1630,by Peter de Marcez,‘‘ who,
even to these times, gives us so
large a Description [of the
places lying along the Sea coast
of the Negroes’ Country] that
it descends to the meanest Vil-
lage,” and by Samuel Blomert,
“who, remaining long in those
parts, being very inquisitive,
hath rendered a more large
and exact accompt concerning
Guinee than the former.” They
describe the King’s palace as quadrangular, “ subdivided into several stately
Court, Houses and Apartments in the Countries; containing within fair
and long Galleries, one larger than the other, but all supported on Pillars
of Wood, cover’d from the top to the bottom with melted Copper, whereon
are Ingrav en their Warlike Deeds and Battels, and are kept with exceeding
curiosity.” This picture suggests almost a barbaric Nebuchadnezzar’s palace.
Fic. 4.—FiIGurRE oF A WomAN oF HIGH Rank.
* For the opportunity of consulting this rare volume I am indebted to the kindness
of Mr. James Irvine, F.R.G.S., Liverpool.
IIL The next specimen, Fig. 4 (Register number: a small female
figure, cast in the solid (the limbs truncated in the haste of looting). Her head-
dress consists of a coral bead cap, surmounted by a fore-and-aft crest of bead
and brass-work, with coral-string pendants. She wears the stiff coral collar
up to her lips, indicative of high rank. The shoulders and tops of the arms
are clad in an open net-work covering, the short loin-cloth being of the same
witH Furnt-Lock IN HIS HAND.
material. The latter is suspended by four-ply strings of beads from thigh to
hip, passing over the shoulders, and intercrossing on the breast and back.
The body is elsewhere nude, and shows deeply incised tattoo lines down from
the breasts to meet in the wmbilicus, and four others longitudinally along the
sides of the abdomen. In her right hand she carries an up-lifted fly-flapper,
or fan, while her left arm, carried against the chest (but not well-defined in
the block) has the fist closed, and the thumb erect. —
If it be a fan the lady holds in her right hand, it is not of the more usual
Benin shape, of a large circle of ox-hide, such as Burton tells us he saw
everywhere in Benin, in 1862, and as Commander Bacon also noted at the
recent capture of the city.
This figure, it will be observed, is in the rough state in which it left the
founder’s hands, untouched by the finishing chisel of the artist.
IV. In Fig. 5, and Fig. 6, are presented front and side views of one of the
most interesting of our acquisitions—a solid statuette, representing a native
soldier, or hunter, standing, with a flint-lock in his hand, on a square octapod
pedestal—the piece being, in total height, 520 mm. He is clothed as to the
upper part of his body, in a garment ingeniously formed out of the two
halves of a headless leopard’s hide—the flat skin having been divided with a
pair of legs to each section. The front part of the hide hangs down over the
chest, with the front legs thrown over the shoulders, strap-wise, to be joined
to the top-side of the hind half of the skin, which hangs with the tail (to
the tip of which is attached a bell), reaching down the back to the girdle ;
the hind legs are carried under the arms as straps to meet over the chest,
where they are clasped together by a buckle, formed of three rows of short-
linked chains. Round his loins, supported by a girdle, is a short pleated kilt-
like garment, reaching to the middle of the thighs, underneath which a pair
of short trousers, made of alternate strips of leopard hide and cloth (or
perhaps of one strip with the hair side out, alternating with one skin-side
out) extends to the knees. To his waist-belt, in front, is tied a bandolier,
through which, on the right side, is thrust a dagger-like sword with a round
hilt, and a scabbard closely resembling in shape, the wooden sheaths used in
Northern Africa, of which there is a specimen in the Museum (M. 4942).
On his left side, he carries a pouch, a hunting knife in a leather sheath, and
an ornamented powder flask, made, it would seem, from a piece of elephant
tusk. Cowrie armlets and anklets, with, what is known as, a mcnilio bracelet
on the right wrist, and a coral one on the left, adorn his limbs. His head is
covered with what may be a netted-twine cap, having a metal-like ornament
fixed at each quadrant, and a top knot of feathers, with two straps, re-
sembling chin straps, round the back of the head. Lying between his feet,
are a manilio, a number of small round pellets, and either a decapitated human
head, or its mask, encircled with a chaplet of feathers. The tribal marks on
this head are of the Benin pattern—a central line down the forehead to the
root of the nose, and other three longitudinally above the eyebrows. The
most interesting detail of the statuette is the well-modelled European flint-lock
which the hunter holds ready in his hands, as it affords a means of fixing the
date anterior to which this casting could not have been executed, 7.¢., 1630 to
1640, the date of the invention of flint-locks. The hunter’s own tribal marks
are three raised scars over each eye.
The whole of the statuette appears to have been carefully chiselled over,
polished, and chased after having been cast. It was found in a Juju house in
the King’s compound. Its Registered number is
V. The next object—a Tusk-holder—is one of very great ethnological in-
terest. Two views of one of a pair, hardly differing from each other, possessed
by the Museum, are given in Figs. 7, and 8. Each is a hollow pedestal
340 mm. in height, and 590 in circumference, in which a richly and curiously-
carved elephant’s tusk was supported upon one of the sacrificial altars, in a
Juju (or fetish) compound in the King’s village. In his very interesting
volume, already referred to, Commander Bacon, R.N., gives the following
» Ale
description of this part of the city :—‘ Entering from the direction of Ologbo,
through a grass avenue flanked with bush, a few houses are seen on the left;
these run well back into the bush. . . . Houses then straggle on, on
the left side, till high red-clay walls are encountered, with a galvanised-iron
roof sloping outwards from the northern wall. This is the main entrance of
the King’s compound. In this compound, or village, are the Juju compounds,
Palaver House, King’s House, and many houses for the King’s immediate
followers, and the Juju priests. It was in these Juju compounds that the
main sacrifices were carried out. beat
“These spaces were about a hundred and fifty yards long and about
fifty broad, surrounded by a high wall and covered with a short brown grass.
At one end was a long shed running the whole breadth of the enclosure, and
under this was the altar. The altar was made by three steps running the
whole length under the shelter of the shed; slightly raised for some distance
in the centre, on which raised portion were handsomely carved ivory tusks
placed on the top on very antique bronze heads; beside the tusks, were carved
clubs, undoubtedly for use upon the victims of the sacrifice.” “Their blood,
according to Sir R. Moor, “ was subsequently smeared over the altar, and
allowed to run down the steps in front.”
“ Behind these main Juju compounds lay the Palaver House and the King’s
House, side by side. The former a large oblong building, with a roof run-
ning over the side and end walls, leaving the centre open. The roof was of
galvanised-iron, and down the south portion of it, ran a huge bronze serpent
with a most forbidding looking head. Red mud seats ran round the walls, for
the use of the Chiefs taking part in the palaver. The doors were covered
with stamped brass, as were also portions of the woodwork of the roof.
The King’s House was almost identical, but smaller, and had rooms leading
off it. The archway, over the King’s sleeping place, was decorated roughly
with stamped brass and squares of looking glass. . . .”
These tusk-holders, as may be seen in the illustration, are in the form of
human heads attired in a head-dress, which is a net-work of coral beads, set
off on the sides with rosettes of others of a different sort, and of larger size,
and by a specially large cylindrical pair right and left of the central line, and
a single central pendant in front. Hanging down over the collar, before and
behind the ears, are half a dozen strings of coral, and round the back of the head,
where hair should he represented (were the head not to all appearance shaved) ;
reaching only to the upper margin of the collar, are ten more strings of the
same precious material. Separating the short back strings from the longer
side ones, is a braid, of the same length as the side strings, of what I suppose
to be hair. Encireling the neck as high as the lower lips, are thirty-one
coral ropes, forming the collar more than once already mentioned as the
insignia of a high dignitary.
On the face may be observed his tribal marks, consisting of three raised
weals over the outer corners of each eye, and of two long perpendicular lines
running down the front of the forehead above their inner corners. These
last probably represented tattooing on the brow of the ordinary sort, as
it is represented by bands of iron, ingeniously let into the metal during
the casting. In the same way the pupil of the eye is formed by a round
dise of iron. The whole figure has been very carefully chiselled over, and
when it was newly finished, there is little doubt that the steel blue tattoo
lines, and the glistening pupils gave to the face and eyes a very life-like
appearance. Beneath the eyes a series of small round rings have been
The projecting circular flange of the base, whose edge is finished ina
braided rim, has depicted on it, a series of symbolic and fetish emblems, on a
field of an open—or unstranded—string pattern. From the centre of the flange
eee 4
in front, the different symbols follow each other in the same order round each
half of the circumference. The central symbol is a bullock’s head: then, in
succession, a stone neolithic celt: an arm excised at the shoulder, with a
tripod like ornament covering the termination, and its hand holding a three-
pointed object : a frog: a fish, with protruding eyes, which resembles more
nearly than any other, in my opinion, the curious mud-hopping Periophthalmus
koelreuteri, so common on the brackish margins of West African rivers ;
or, possibly, it may be intended for—though very unlike—the electric fish
(Malapterurus) which is a powerful fetish* on different parts of the coast,
because of the “quaking and trembling it produces in the arm”: then follows
another bullock’s head, which, with a second neolithic stone axe, completes
the series.
The bullock’s head, which occupies the central position among the
symbols, is doubtless some sort of fetish. The Beni have large herds of black
and white cattle, as described by Burton; and bullocks form one of the chief
sacrifices, human beings being the other, when the King is making “ country
custom,” for his father and dead ancestors. The same emblem was much in
evidence also in Dahomey, where, “ during the customs,” as Commander
Forbes records, “a party carrying the fetish gear is headed by a man ina
huge coat of dry grass, wearing a large bullock’s head-mask. As he passes
all the boys follow erving, ‘Soh, soh. This is the representative of the god
of thunder and lightning.” One of these actual masks formed part of the Benin
loot, and is now in the National Collection. The next emblem to this, on
each side, is the representation of an undoubted neolithic celt. These
implements, which occur in the ground in many parts of Africa, are, among
the Yorubas, considered to be “ thunderbolts which Shango or Jakuta, the
thunder-god, casts down from heaven,” and are venerated as sacred relies.t
Among the Blacks in Tobago, in the West Indies, where they disinter
similar neolithic axes, from time to time, in digging holes for sugar canes,
the stone is often boiled, and the water drunk to cure various kinds of
ailments. A Chaldean cylinder, “on which a priest is represented as making
an offering to a hatchet placed upright on a throne,” has been published by
M. de Longperrier, who has shown “ that the Egyptian hieroglyph for Nouper,
God, is simply the figure of an axe.” An incident narrated in the last number
of this Bulletin t proves that we need not go far to meet with the rooted belief
in supernatural powers residing in stone axe-heads. What may be the signi-
ficance of the excised arm, or of the frog, I am unable to conjecture.
The second tusk-holder differs from the one I have described, in a few
details of the head-dress—which shows that it was cast from an independent
mold ; and in the substitution, for the frog, of another symbol, for which
I am unable to suggest a name, unless it be a much conventionalised
leopard’s head.
In his letter to me Commander Bacon writes, that in his opinion the Beni
had no form of idol in the ordinary sense. “I do not believe in any of the
figures being gods of the Beni; nor do I believe they were far enough
advanced to worship any person or figure. The nearest approach to idols,
were the carved tusks in the bronze heads in the Juju houses ; but I do not
believe even these were objects of worship.”
Both the tusk-holders, like some of the other pieces in the collection, are
of so rich a terra-cotta colour, that they might easily pass, on a superficial
inspection, for clay. Whether this colour results from a fine coating of
laterite, from the clay molds in which they were cast—which would, of
* Bull. Liverp. Mus. i. p. 26.
+ Adventures and Missionary Labours in the Interior of Africa. By T. J. Bowen,
p. 315-316 (1857).
+ Tom. cit., p. 28.
course, be removed from the chiselled portions—or is a patina artificially pro-
duced, or naturally arising from long exposure to the air, is not yet
determined. If these (and other) figures be of the antiquity, which there is
some evidence to show they are, it appears rather surprising to find, after so
long an exposure to the air and weather, any clay adhering to them ; and
practically no oxidation of the metal.
VI. The well-modelled feline, represented in Fig. 9. (Register number:, requires little description ; its spots are sufficient to identify it.
It differs from all the other castings the Museum has acquired, in being
hollow. This leopard was found, along with a massive ivory kneeling figure—
now also in the Museum,—on the altar of a dwelling-house, as I learn from
Fie. 9. Hottow-cast LroparD, WITH ENAMEL SPors.
Mr. F. Roth, the District Medical Officer of Warri, in H.M. Niger Coast
Protectorate, and Advance Surgeon to the flying column during the punitive
expedition, from whom the Museum acquired this notable specimen. “ Every
native house,” he writes, ‘in Benin city had a little room, or open raised
place, near the entrance, in which figures were placed, just like the little
altars which one sees in Roman Catholic countries. These little Juju houses,
nearly always placed near the entrance, seemed to guard the place and keep
off evil spirits. . . . Most of the figures were in clay, painted white ;
the brass and ivory ones were not painted but covered with blood, human or
otherwise—otherwise being that of dogs, birds, small animals, &c.” Consul-
(teneral Moor, in his official report, observes that in these private Juju rooms
“mbbish of all sorts was collected as offerings, carved sticks, rough plaster
figures, and cowries being the most frequent.”
The spots on the animal were evidently cast as hollow thin-walled pits (with
raised edges), which have here and there corroded through. These pits were
afterwards filled in with a yellow porcellaneous glass, or enamel, still occupying
most of them, which must have been made on the spot, and applied ina fused
condition, for the discs have no appearance of having been ent out and stuck
on. The province of Nupe, some few hundred miles to the north east, was
long noted, as Mr. Bowen relates, for its glass manufacture, of which it. was
the only seat in West Africa, the secret being there known to only a few
craftsmen. According to Lieut. Vandeleur* the people of Bida, the capital
of Nupe, are still workers in glass.
Commander Bacon informs me that he saw also in Benin figures of
leopards made of ivory, with “looking glass spots.”
Our figure itself was apparently put to some use, for there is on the crown
of the head a round opening, the diameter of two or three fingers, on the
hinder margin of which a broken hinge indicates that it had a lid, which it
now lacks; in any case, it was probably the powerful protecting fetish of the
house in which it was found. Commander Forbes, in his “Dahomey,” tells us
that “the Fetish of Abomey is the leopard, and of Wydah, the snake.” Both
animals appear to have been powerful fetishes in Benin also, where they, no
doubt, are, or were, as in Dahomey, sacred and protected against capture,
except by leave of the priests.
The extreme length of this figure is 550 mm. ; its height from ground, at
the root of tail, 233; from the crown of the head to the ground, 292, and
across the head, 95.
VII. The four following solid-cast statuettes (of each of which a front, a
side, and a back view, are given in Figs. 10, 11, 12, 13), though very similar
to each other in general appearance, all differ considerably 1 size and in
numerous other small details ; so that for each the artist had to make a new
model, and the artificer a fresh mold. In all of them, the head-dress, the
robe, and the objects carried in the hands, are elaborately ornamented with
raised designs and delicate pierced work which must have presented great
difficulties to the founders.
The head-dress, seen in b, Fig. 10 (Register number :, is very
similar to that in the Tusk-holder (Figs. 7, and 8), except that it has, projecting
from both the side rosettes, a stitt cockade of woven cotton, or, perhaps,
of bead-work, with an ornamental margin of beads and coral; a large
feather is stuck behind the left cockade. The crown of this head-dress
terminates in an erect circular spike of fine bead-work, overarched by a dis-
proportionately large twisted loop of copper (Fig. 10, 0) with a chiselled
floral pattern upon it. From the lower edge of this wonderful helmet, depend,
along the side of the face, a large stiff curved elephant-tusk like liorn, a cord
of coral beads reaching right down to the hem of the robe, and a plait of
the only hair his shaven head presents, succeeded by more strings of coral
round the back of the head. The neck is encircled, and the chest, shoulders
and back, are enveloped, in a royal panoply of coral beads. From under
these coverings there emerges, on the shoulders, a netted sleeve, perhaps a
sort of mail, reaching half way to the elbow. ‘The rest of the arms are bare,
except for the wide bracelets of coral, which, however, are narrow when
compared with the chain-like anklets that enrope the legs. All this coral
display bespeaks a person of no mean dignity ; for, to quote again from
Burton, who, speaking of «“Qkalla, the guide and entertainer” allotted to
his party by the Captain of War, remarks that he was “a man of conse-
quence, as is proved by his wearing anklets as well as a necklace of coral ;
* Journ, R.G.S., Vol. x. p- 362 (1897).
1 :
‘NINDY FO ONT AISOTdAS FO TIAAIVIG FO MILA Move (9) axv “aarg (q) ‘INOW (D)J—"OL “ory
(0) (V) (»)
“NING AO ONTY[ CASOddAS AO WLLAALVIG 10 MATA MWovgG (9) anv “aarg (q) ‘oxoug (nJ—T TL ‘org
(0) (q) (»)
“NINDG dO ONS Adsoddas Ao ic mc Be AO
A Wve
‘arg (q) ‘uNxougy (0)—2l “DI
wovg (0) axv ‘aarg (q) StNoug (2)—'eT “OLA
the latter may be compared with the insignia of the C.B., the former with
those of the G.C.B. They are always the gift of the King, who keeps them
in his possession, and punishes any counterfeiting with death. According to
Bosman, a man losing his coral collar, loses his life. Coral is the favourite
ornament in this part of the world ; not in beads, but in pieces like bits of
‘churchwarden’-stem. A string of this article is a regal present.”
To a stout girdle, strung with small bells, is hung his kilt-like robe, with
two embroidered bars, in a sennit pattern similar to that to be seen on many
Anglo-Saxon objects. Between these bars, the robe is ‘figured’ with long-
haired human heads, and the fish-slice like knife (?), held in the right hand of
the statue. The ends of the robe meet, on the left side, ina tasselled knot, or
bow, to which are chatelained a bearded mask and a series of small bells, and
from which an ornamental plate of metal, or a stiff cotton-woven, or beaded,
disk, or, perhaps, it may be the stiffened end of the garment itself, stands up
behind the arm, reaching nearly to the shoulder, its edge bound with “ church-
warden pipe-stalk ” pieces of coral, alternating with button like beads.
In the right hand is held a fish-slice like knife (Fig. 10, «) with a short
handle, ending in a loose ring, its blade ornamented with miniatures of itself.
These have been supposed, by some, to represent executioners’ swords, but
Commander Bacon, in his letter to me, says: ‘ We found many of them [the
fish-knife so often recurring on the plaques] brass and electro-plated. One
thing they were not, and that is, executioners’ swords, which were of quite a
different shape.” Burton also mentions, among the things seen in the Fetish-
house visited by him in 1862, “plates of thin iron, perforated and shaped
like a large fish-slicer, with a shank and a terminating ring—mysterious
articles used for ‘making play ’ at festivals.”
The left hand of the statuette holds a still more elaborate object
(Fig. 10, «), what I believe to be a long-handled goblet. From the underside
of the bowl radiate four cruciform spokes, in which the handle terminates.
Up each quadrant of the handle crawls a serpent, while two others ascend by
the sides of the bowl, each as if attacking a negro’s head, resting on the lip
of the cup, above it. On the front and back of the goblet is depicted a
man wearing about his loins a skirt, similar to that ia the statuette, but with
a striped garment over the upper part of his body, and with a necklace,
instead of a collar, of coral about his neck. He holds a key-like implement in
his right hand, and a staff in his left.
The tribal marks on the face of the statue are the same as on the face of
the Tusk holder (Fig. 7), except that the perpendicular lines over the inner
corner of the eyes are absent, while the longitudinal scorings, characteristic
of Benin natives, are present down the sides of the abdomen.
The spirally twisted loop of copper, overarching the head, would appear
not to have been cast with the rest of the figure, but to have been inde-
pendently made and chased, and then, if not attached to the mold, to have
had its free ends inserted into the metal before it had cooled; for it can
be seen that some of the molten metal ran up for a short distance on the
sides of the loop, taking the impress of the pattern chased upon it.
All four figures have been most accurately finished with the punch and
chaser, and their surface finally very carefully smoothed.
From the centre of the body, in all the statuettes, a strong copper prong
or spike, 175 mm. long (broken off in two of the figures), protrudes from
between the legs, for fixing it either into the ground or into some wooden
or other support.
The height of Fig. 10. from the tip of the spike of the helmet to the feet,
is 465 mm. ; from the top of the overarching loop to the feet, 580 mm. ; and
from the top of the helmet-crest to the lower border of the robe, 410 mm.
The officer, who looted these statuettes, tells me that he was informed by
a Juju man, through an interpreter, that they represented four generations
rel ee
of Kings of Benin. This may or may not be correct. Still, in 1862, when
Burton was in Benin City, I find that he has recorded, in regard to the Fetish-
house attached to his host’s dwelling (which, he says, had once been a fine
building, but whose roof had then fallen in), that its most remarkable feature
was “a high altar conspicuous for the statues of the reigning King and Queen.”
These figures were probably of clay, like those made by the Fantee women,
“who, upon the death of a great man, made representations of him sitting in
state, with his wives and attendants seated around him. They are simply
monuments to their memory, like the statues of our own great men . :
they remain till they crumble to pieces” (Brodie Cruickshank). None of our
statuettes, however, will fit the description of these Ganesa-like Majesties, as
Burton calls them.
The second (Fig. 11) of the quartette, (Register number: closely
resembles the first ; but differs in the helmet having a shorter spike, and in
its having two elaborate sheaths (Fig. 11, }) before and behind, for the
reception of the ends of the spirally twisted loop, showing that this extra-
ordinary appendage is not merely a handle to the figure, as I was inclined
at first to suppose, but is really a portion of the head gear. The goblet
in his left hand (Fig. 11, a) has also a shorter handle, and is less care-
fully modelled ; the human figure upon it appearing only on the front,
and, although in more prominent relief, its details are less elaborately
wrought. The robe is embellished with three rows of embroidery, whose
“‘sennit” pattern forcibly recalls the ornamentation seen on Anglo-Saxon
buckles in the Bryan Faussett collection in the Museum. The termination
of the dress, behind and above the hip-knot, here more resembles a metal
plate than its arrangement in Fig. 10. The face, which shows no tattoo
or tribal marks, has been chiselled and polished with great care.
The total height of this statuette is 595 mm.; and its circumference
round the hem of the dress, 340.
The next (Fig. 12) of the series (Register number: differs from
the others only in details of its intricate ornamentation. The coral-bead
dress has a small bell hanging down in front. The termination of the robe,
behind the left arm, here resembles a disk of braided cord, with its margin
strengthened by coral beads. The ‘flowering’ on the robe shows the same
patterns asin Fig. 10. namely, bearded human heads and fish-slicers, but in
the present instance they are less conventionalised. The tattoo marks on the
face consist of lines down the forehead over the inner corner of the eyes, with-
out the wart-like scars over the outer corner seen in most of the others. The
total height of the statue is 648 mm.
The last of the quartette (Register number: represented, like
the others, by three views (Fig. 13), has the loop over the head beautifully
chased. The projecting wart-like tribal marks over the outer corner of the
eyes are present, but the two lines over their inner angles are absent. The
height of this figure is 680 mm. ; and its circumference round the lower edge
_ of the robe, 395.
The above short account we have given of these castings, and an inspection
of the accompanying illustrations, must have raised in the reader's mind the
questions : If these are the works of the Benin people, whence did they derive
their instruction? Was it an art developed among the Beni; or only the clever
imitation of the handicraft of foreign prisoners or dwellers among them? Or
were these ‘“‘ bronzes ” entirely the work of foreigners? At the present time
it is impossible to answer these queries or to do more than make sugges-
tions, and to institute comparisons between these works and those of various
races in Africa and elsewhere, or with the descriptions of them left by various
The City of Benin has been ‘renowned,’ since it first was certainly made
known to Europe, in the sixteenth century, by the celebrated navigators of
that epoch, the Dutch and the Portuguese. Since then its fame has been
more or less before the world, from accounts partly by exploring traders, who
have personally visited the city, partly by those who have collected infor-
mation from natives of
the region. It long had
the reputation of being
the most powerful king-
dom in West Africa, ‘“‘a
City of that largeness,”
to quote from Ogilby’s
Africa, “as cannot be
equall’d in those Parts,
and of greater civility
than to be expected
among such Barbarous
People. «2 -) "i Bg
the King’s order yearly
festivals are kept iu
commemoration of the
deceased Kings ; where-
in they make horrible
sacrifices of Men and
Beasts to the number
of four or five hun-
dred, but never more
than three and-twenty
in one day.” On the
cruelties of these ‘ cus-
tom days” has chiefly
rested, during _ later
times, the celebrity of
Benin, and the power-
ful Fetish which has
ih eee ieee ee hedged about its deity-
MMe a att nab aa ou n “ . (geuiie a 5 ° :
~ king who, with the aid
Fic. 14.—PrLaquer In British Museum. of his priests, was an
object of adoration and of terror to those living within a wide circuit of the
Although we have records, more or less fragmentary, relating to Benin,
scattered through the past two or three hundred years, none of its historians
have related anything to prepare us to expect from it objects of art so numerous,
and of such surprising excellence ; nor do they appear to have heard of artists
or craftsmen living there capable of producing them. The nearest approach to
the plaques, already mentioned as being so abundant, are the “melted copper,
whereon are Ingraven their Warlike Deeds and Battels, kept with exceeding
curiosity,” which covered the supporting pillars of the King’s house, about
1630, as recorded in Ogilby.
The fact of there being, on some of the plaques, persons represented as
attired in the dress of the seventeenth century (one of which is figured in the
Illustrated London News, Oct. 16, 1897); and that the statuette in the Mayer
Museum (Figs. 5, and 6) holds a flint-lock gun, prevents our dating those par-
ticular figures earlier than the year 1630 (the date of the invention of the
flint-lock), and not improbably considerably later. The great similarity in
the designs and the general appearance of the work, strongly incline one to
believe that they were all made, if not by the same individual artist, at all
events, by, or under the direction of, others who had acquired his technique
and touch. By the courtesy of the Proprietors of the Illustrated London News
I am able to reproduce (Fig. 14) one of the plaques in the British Museum,
to show the similarity of its work to that in Fig. 12. The same touch is
evident on our supposed royal figures as on many of the plaques.
Such details as the emblematic objects round the large tusk-holders
(Figs. 7, and 8), show that whoever the artist was who designed these works,
he had become well acquainted with the religious, or fetish, feelings and
ideas of the people, their ceremonies and customs, and with the minutest
details of their various garments, ornaments, and accoutrements.
The period over which their manufacture extended could not, it seems to
me, have been of long duration ; for though the artists, who fashioned these
metal works, were influenced by, or copied, foreign importations, the whole
series strikes us as presenting little evidence of the changes that one would
expect, if long periods elapsed between the earliest and the latest modelled
objects, or if the work of many artificers were represented. Though much
brass work is manufactured in West Africa, and has been for ages, I know of
none that could well be considered precursors of, or successors to, the peculiar
kind described in this paper, or showing any of its characteristics. It is
interesting, however, to find existing till to-day in Benin City, objects of the
same form as are represented in the pieces the Museum has acquired, such as
the fish-slice-like instruments, seen in the Fetish-houses in Burton’s time, and
by the officers of the expedition in February last.
The composition of these metal objects has been spoken of, in the press
and by most of those who have described them, as bronze ; but the specimens
acquired for the Mayer Museum cannot be truly designated as of that alloy,
which usually contains 15 per cent. of tin to about 85 per cent. of copper.
Analyses, made for me by Mr. Watson Gray, F.C.S., of Liverpool, of the four
statuettes (Figs, 10, 11, 12, 13), and of the small female figure (Fig. 4) are
given below :—
Be B | C tie aie E
Fic. 10. Fie. 11. Fie. 12. | Fie. 13. Fie. 4.
Seay, erates Wee Prong. | Be Vata | sanlea || Body. | Prong. ae
Copper. .| 84 | 92 || 83 | 95 | 88 | 98 | 72 | 62 | G4 | 8
Be) gas a | 3 | aece| 4) 2) 8 8
ii... | = re eR Pe ee frace | = 3
Antimony .| — | — || — | —- eae Pa Pape | Ses || se erage
Bismuth .| frace | trace |\ trace | — | trace | trace} — || — | — —
Iron . .| trace | trace || trace | trace | trace | trace | trace | trace | trace | trace
Zine » | 12|—|] 4) 4] 9 2 | a4 || 36 | 33 || 10
_ It will be seen from the above table that the body of the statue, Fig. 10,
is composed (Col. A) of brass, with 4 per cent. of lead ; but that its supporting
prong, which was apparently inserted into the model before casting, is a
bronze containing only half the usual proportion of tin, but no zine. Its
composition approaches that of a casting from Peru, containing 94 parts of
copper to 6 of tin, spoken of by Sir John Evans as ‘bronze.’ A figure of an
Egyptian Osiris, analysed by Dr. Gladstone, showed similar proportions, 7..,
87:1 copper, 6°3 tin, 4:4 lead, with a trace of iron.
The small female statuette (Fig. 4) is the only other of the Benin metal
work, acquired by this Museum, and as yet analysed, which contains tin
(Col. E). All the rest are composed of brass, but the proportion of zine in
each varies very considerably. The analysis of the prongs of Figs 11, and 12
(Cols. B and Cc) show that they are nearly pure copper, having only 4 per
cent. and 2 per cent. of zinc respectively ; strangely enough the metal which
had overflowed up the loop, and of which I had some scales examined, con-
tained 24 per cent. of zinc (Col. c). The main body of the metal of these
objects is of a copper-zinc-lead compound, with traces of iron in all, and of
bismuth in three and antimony in one of the figures. Both the prong and
the body of the statuette, Fig. 13. (which, by the way, passed through the fire
that overtook the Hospital and a portion of the city shortly after its capture),
are practically of identical composition, approaching an alloy which is very
easily cast, known as ‘“‘Gedge’s metal.”
The analyses of our castings do not, therefore, throw much light on
the question, whence the metal, of which they are made, was obtained.
Copper is abundant in many parts of West and Central Africa, and is a trade
article from Katanga. The alloy, which, according to the analyses, they
used in these statues, might have been produced by roughly adding to the
molten copper, small quantities of old brass and lead utensils. Brass was,
it is believed, known to the Romans, and was in use in England in the
thirteenth century. At a later date its manufacture, encouraged by Queen
Elizabeth, formed a considerable export trade between 1560 and 1660.
The process adopted in casting these solid figures was, no doubt, that
known as Cera perduta, in which the object is first modelled in a very fusible
wax. This model is carefully overlaid with a sufficiency of very fine clay
(of which there is an abundance, of a red colour, in Benin and the neighbour-
hood), which has been prepared with special care, to form the mold. When
the mold is dry a hole is made in it, through which, on the application of
heat, the wax escapes, leaving the interior vacant to receive the molten metal.
When the casting has cooled, the clay mold has obviously to be destroyed,
before it can be seen what success has attended the operation. By this
process, each individual article requires a model for itself, and only one
casting can be obtained from one mold.
The skill and patience of the artist who modelled such elaborate head-
dresses, ornamented garments, and intricate bead-work seen on the effigies of
the supposed Kings of Benin, must be apparent to anyone who looks at the
illustrations, Figs. 10, to 13.
The present natives of Benin are incapable of producing any work
approaching these plaques and statues. No crucibles were found in the city ;
and no furnaces or appliances connected with metal casting were, so far as I
can learn, seen there. With the exception of one blacksmith’s shop, there
was, as Commander Bacon has informed me, little sign of any native industry
or evidence of much trade with the interior. ‘‘The Beni,” writes this dis-
tinguished officer, “were a decaying race without doubt, and but very few
attempts at ornamentation existed. A rude pattern, or a hand dipped in red
(? blood) and printed on a wall, really represented the height of decoration
in the houses, except the Palaver House and King’s House, where the doors
were overlaid with beaten brass, and a small pattern adorned the beams, with
patches of looking glass.” In 1862, Burton also noted that the “empire must
have been long in decadence.” The mystery that surrounds the makers of
these wonderful art works, with all their intricate and elaborate details and
undercutting, and the time and the place of their construction, cannot be
resolved by the data we as yet possess.
The probability is that the art may have been brought to the West Coast
Hinterland by some European trader, prisoner, or resident, who, observing
the skill of these people in the modelling of clay-figures, such as we know the
Fantee women were in the habit of fashioning, may have instructed them how
to do the same in wax, and having overlaid their model with clay, showed
them how to reproduce it in metal; and the art may have flourished only
during the lifetime, or residence there, of these artificers, or for only a short
time after their departure.
It is possible, on the other hand, that their knowledge of founding was
derived from purely African sources. The ancient Egyptians knew how to
cast in bronze, in which, however, there was no zine.
The Benin “free men” and upper classes differ markedly from the slaves
and lower orders, both in colour and features. Burton describes the latter as
possessing negro features and a black skin, while the former have olive-
coloured skins and tolerably regular features, a contrast, he notes, as great as
between the English patrician and the wretched peasant of Western Treland.
Lieutenant Vandeleur, D.S.O., in the account of his journey, in the early part of
this year, to Nupe and Ilorin (given before the Royal Geographical Society in
May last),* also observes that the rulers of all the Housa States in the Western
Soudan are a race known as Fulas, ‘by far the most interesting people in
Central Africa,” as Bowen calls them. “They are lighter in colour,” con-
tinues Vandeleur, “taller and finer looking than the indigenous population.
Their history is unknown, but they would seem to be an offshoot of the
great race of Gallas in Somaliland and North-East Africa. Coming from the
north, they gradually asserted their superiority, and conquered this country
by means of superior military organisation and skill, and the havoc wrought
by their cavalry.” In the account given in Ogilby’s Afri, from which I
have already made several extracts, we are told that, in 1630, the King of
Benin showed himself once a year to his people on horseback, “attended by
three or four hundred Noblemen both on horseback and on foot,” while
to-day neither horse nor trooper is known in that kingdom.
Snake worship, also, according to Ratzel, existed among the Galla peoples ;
and the Abyssinians, before their conversion to Christianity, are said to have
adored a large serpent. In Benin, if there was not snake worship, it is
evident there was snake veneration.
Lieutenant Vandeleur mentions also the fact that the Fula cavalry had
long-tailed ponies covered with gay trappings, and wearing high-peaked
saddles. Among the ivory objects, acquired by the Mayer “Museum from
Benin, is a fine royal, or chief's, staff-head, of some age, as the colour, polish
and wear upon it indicate, representing some high dignitary, wearing a curious
tall, conical head-dress, unlike any other I have seen among the Benin loot,
coral collar, and bell-encircled robe, and seated in a peculiar, high-peaked
saddle, on a long-tailed and richly caparisoned pony.
Nupe and llorin, lying to the north of Benin, are provinces belonging to
the Central Soudan, “a Mahommetan region stretching 3,000 miles ~ across
Africa, from the frontiers of Abyssinia on the East to the frontiers of French
Senegal on the West +”; while Benin belongs “ to the barbarous pagan states
which line the Gulf of Guinea,” where the natives are of the lowest order of
* Journ. R.G.S. x. p. 357 (1897).
| Sir George Goldie, Journ. R.G.S. x. p. 371 (1897).
civilisation. Commander Forbes, who visited Dahomey in 1851, remarks
that some of the members of the Royal household ‘‘ were distinguished by a
pair of small silver horns, such as are commonly worn in the northern parts
of Africa, and especially in Abyssinia.”
It seems not improbable, therefore, as another explanation of the presence
of such high works of art in Benin, that, several centuries ago, the city may
have been occupied by an offshoot of the same Central Soudan race with
the leaven of Abyssinian or even Egyptian influences among them, as now
occupies Nupe, a few hundred miles further north; but that, through inter-
course with the low coast tribes, they became demoralised and gradually
degenerated into their present low civilisation. The plaques and statues,
discovered in the city, may, therefore, be the relics of a former high civilisa-
tion, or they may, as Commander Bacon suggests to me, have been the spoils
of some campaign, kept as fetishes. When, however, their full history is
elucidated, we shall undoubtedly recover more than one lost and unsuspected,
but very interesting, chapter in the history of West Africa, and of the in-
fluences that have been at work there in remote times. In any case, the
Museum is fortunate in having had the opportunity of making these splendid
additions to its rapidly growing West African collection. *
* While these sheets were in the press, I was favoured by the receipt of a separate
forward copy of Messrs. C. H. Read and O. M. Dalton’s very interesting paper on Works
of Art from Benin City, about to appear in the February part of the Journal of the
Anthropological Institute, where those interested in this subject, will find much valu-
able information, and also a number of illustrations of some of the more remarkable
plaques in the National Collection.
‘ (
i j=
14 WAR. 98
The Bulletin ————
of the Liverpool Museums,
Published by Authority of the Museums Committee of the Liverpool City Council,
under the Editorship of the Director of Museums (H. O. Forbes, LL.D.),
Is intended to make known the contents of the Municipal Museums—the
Derby (or Biological) Museum, and the Mayer (or Archeological and Ethno-
graphical) Museum,—by publishing the results of the investigations carried .
on in the Laboratories attached to them, and the observations made on
the animals living in the Aquarium.
It will be published at irregular intervals; but the aim of the Director _
will be to issue one volume of four parts every year. It will be illustrated —
as occasion demands by coloured plates, engravings, and process blocks.
The first number, issued on 4th August last, contains an INTRODUCTORY 2
Nort, giving a general account of the Museums, illustrated by three portraits. %
and one view; a CATALOGUE OF THE Psiftaci IN THE MUSEUM, containing a
descriptions of two new species, and illustrated by hand-coloured plates of
three previously unfigured species; and Notes rroM THE MUSEUMS AND a
AQUARIUM, illustrated by four process blocks. : iy.
The “BULLETIN” is published at the Museums, and by Messrs a
Henry Youne & Sons, of 12, South Castle Street and 23, Parker Street, 4
Liverpool, at 2s. 6d. net. per copy, or to subscribers at 8s. net per volume,
payable in advance.
OCTOBER, 1898. Vou. I. Nos. 3 AND 4,
pe F \
~ ee Ey
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ey) om |
are |
Bulletin lies
of the
Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
_ The New Museums Extension Note on a Rare Species of
_ Buildings. Laying of the Cyanocorax—C, Gakabe.
_ Foundation Stone (Witha Plate) - - - 85
a (Witha Plate) - - - - 7 2
Description of a New Marine eee ea ttig Lom Inver-
Spider from §. Africa, col- tebrates from Hilbre Island - 95
lected by Rev. N. Abraham, Catalogue of the Picarian Birds
: Museum, By R. I, Pocock Barbets, Toucans, Honey
(Illustrated)- - - - - ©
; Guides, and Woodpeckers in
Crab-Gall_on Millepora. By the Derby Weaeum. By
| Sypney J. Hickson, F.B.S. Henry O. ForBEs and HERBERT
ee (llustrated)- = -— - 81 ROBINSON, 2. sc eto ae age
On the Type of the Spotted - a
_ Green Pigeon, of Latham, in On a Fragment of the Parcival
‘a the Derby Museum of Wolfram von Eschenbach
me (Wiha Plate) - - - 838 in the Mayer Museum. By
‘Note on Turdinulus epilepi- Dr. R. PRIEBSCH
dotws(Temm.) . 83 (With Four Plates) - + +119
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
y -
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To face page 71.
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From the drawing of the Architect, EDWARD W. MOUNTFORD, Esq., F R.1.B.A.
eS eee eeeEt-
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
Vou. I. OCTOBER, 1808. Nos. 3 AND 4.
The New Museums Extension Buildings.
Laying of the Foundation Stone.
THE present Museums Buildings were erected in 1860 by the late Sir W.
Brown for the splendid Natural History collections bequeathed to the City
of Liverpool by the XIIIth Earl of Derby in 1851. These were so extensive
that the accommodation they required necessitated the building of what was,
at that time, one of the largest Museums in England outside the Metropolis.
Since that date the collections have been constantly added to, not so much
by purchases, as by gift—some of them of the highest value—from donors
possessing an interest in Natural Science, and appreciating, in advance of their
time, the importance of that subject as a means of education, with the result
that, to-day, every available foot of space in the Museums has long been occu-
pied—every cellar even being stored to its utmost capacity—so that any
intelligible arrangement of their contents has now become well-nigh impossible.
Within the past decade, also, the change in the public attitude has been
growing very rapidly towards an appreciation of Museums as institutions of
high educational value and importance. This is due, no doubt, to the rapid
increase of scientific and technological knowledge, and to the advocacy of
no one in Europe so specially as Sir William Flower, who, by his writings,
and, perhaps, principally by the methods, inaugurated by him, of displaying
and labelling the specimens in the Natural History Museum in South
Kensington, has made manifest, not the interest only, but the educational
value of, the study of natural objects. The Corporation of Liverpool has
been one of the first to recognise this advance in opinion in raising the City’s
Museum to the position of a first-class scientific Institution, by voting the
necessary funds for its proper support, and keeping the collections abreast
of the stream of discovery.
The additions—chiefly by purchase—to both the Derby and Mayer
Museums have been within the last three or four years so specially numerous
that since 1893 it has been evident to the Museums Sub-Committee of the
Libraries, Museums, and Art Committee of the Council that increased space
was urgently necessary.
The Technical Instruction Sub-Committee * (also a section of the same
General Committee) then also found itself in the same position in regard to a
central school to accommodate the more advanced classes, which were and
are now being held in widely separated parts of the City, in buildings most
of them ill adapted for teaching purposes.
A special Sub-Committee was therefore constituted in December, 1894,
empowered to take immediate steps for the extension of the Museums, and
for providing suitable accommodation for the Liverpool School of Science,
Technology, and Art. The credit of overcoming the difficulties which beset
the initiation of so large a scheme, and of arranging the preliminaries, is
chiefly due to Sir William Forwood. Mr. Austin Taylor, M.A., the first
Chairman of the Sub-Committee, devoted much time to the initial stages of
the project, while his successor, Mr. Maxwell Hyslop Maxwell, Jr., has most
ably and ardently carried forward the scheme to its present advanced stage.
The present Museum Buildings stand on a plateau sloping abruptly
towards the west. An inspection of the ground and an exploration of the
underlying strata revealed the gratifying fact that the rock-foundation on
which the present Museums rest extended westwards further than was
supposed, and that by excavating the slope, consisting of Permian rock,
down to the level of Byrom Street, sufficient accommodation, three storeys
in height, could be provided for the Technical Schools, while the Museum
Galleries could be carried forward, on their present level, over the schools.
The Technical Schools would thus be distinct and entirely isolated, and have
their own entrance in Byrom Street.
This being so, designs with estimates for a building—whose requirements
were sketched out by the Director of Technical Instruction and the Director
of Museums respectively—were invited from a selected list of architects of
eminence in England. In the summer of 1896 the designs of Edward
William Mountford, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., of London, were awarded the first
premium. The handsome and stately building so designed, which is repre-
sented on the plate facing page 71, will be 90 feet above the level of Byrom
Street, and measuring from north to south 162 feet, and from east to west 190
feet, occupying an area of 27,000 square feet. The galleries of the Museum
will run in continuity with those in the existing building, and will be un-
divided in any part of their course by walls or partitions. They will be of
horse-shoe shape, and 420 feet in length, 33 feet in breadth ; the lower—
to contain the Invertebrates—19 feet in height, while the upper—for the
Vertebrates—-will be 27 feet. The lower floors will be lighted from the side,
and the upper from the roof. New and well-appointed laboratories—which,
when the first building was erected, had been entirely overlooked, or, at that
date, considered quite unnecessary adjuncts to a museum—for the Director
and his assistants, are also to be provided, as well as new administrative
The new buildings will be of brick, faced with Stancliffe Stone from the
quarries at Darley Dale, in Derbyshire, the same which furnished the material
of which St. George’s Hall is built. They will be the largest built by the
Corporation of Liverpool for fifty years, and the largest since the erection
of St. George’s Hall, and, next to it, the largest building in the city. The
front to Byrom Street rises from the very edge of the original “ Pool,” and is
close to the site where the old bridge connected Liverpool with the heath.
The ventilation and heating of the buildings will be carried out by Mr.
Key, of Glasgow, on a system which provides upwards of four miles of
three-inch pipes, discharging into every room purified and warmed air to the
amount of 8,000,000 cubic feet per hour. The stairs are of stone, the floors
_ *The Technical Instruction Sub-Committee has since been constituted a Standing
Committee of the Council, under the chairmanship of Mr. W. E. Willink, M.A.
of concrete, and the roof chiefly of steel, so as to reduce the chance of fire to
aminimum. In case of which, however, an emergency staircase will provide
exit for visitors in the Museum.
On the 25th of June, 1896, Mr. Mountford’s designs were accepted by the
General Committee, and on the 2nd of July they were approved of by the
Council, which in due course authorised the Committee to have tenders called
for from the best known contractors in Liverpool for the erection of the
On the 30th of September, Messrs. Henshaw’s estimate was accepted by
the Committee, and finally approved of by the City Council on the 7th of
October, 1897.
The work of excavating the rock, of which the slope extending west of the
present Museums, is composed, was commenced on the Ist of November,
1897 ; and since then till the end of June, 1898, nearly 30,000 cubic yards of
sandstone had been removed, and much actual building work accomplished.
On the lst of July last the foundation stone was formally, and very
appropriately, laid by Alderman Sir William Bower Forwood, who has, for
many years, been Chairman of the Standing Committee in charge of the
Libraries, Museums, and Art Gallery, and to whose energy and powerful
advocacy, not only the approaching realisation of this much-needed extension
of the two Departments of Technical Instruction and the Museums, are, in a
very special manner, due, but also the large increase and development of the two
other Departments under his Chairmanship, the Libraries and the Art Gallery.
The proceedings, presided over by the Lord Mayor of the City, Alderman
John Houlding, were graced by the presence of the Lady Mayoress and a
large number of ladies. The Aldermen and City Councillors; the chief
officers of the Corporation ; the architect, Mr. Mountford ; the Principal and
Professors of University College, and many others interested in Scientific and
Technical Education were also present. Mr. Maxwell Hyslop Maxwell, Jr.,
the Chairman of the Buildings Extension Sub-Committee, after giving an
account of the circumstances which led up to the inception of the work, and
of the extent and construction of the buildings, requested Sir William
Forwood to lay the Foundation Stone, which he performed with the custom-
ary ceremonial. This stone, a block of Aberdeen granite, weighing 3} tons,
has a polished face, which will, in the completed buildings, appear as a tablet
on one of the inner walls of the entrance hall of the Technical Schools, in
commemoration of the important proceedings of the day. It bears the
following inscription :—
PRE Od ah aie ee diet
OnE THovusanp Ericur HunpRED AND NINETY-EIGHT,
A ae
LoRD Mayor.
Maxwetut Hystop Maxwetu, Junr., Esq.,
Witriam Epwarp Wi.ink, Esq., M.A.,
Morris Paterson JONES, Esq.,
Epwarp Witi1Am Moontrorp, Esq., F.R.1.B.A.,
Harcourt E. Crare, Town Clerk.
On the stone being “well and truly laid,” Sir William Forwood gave an
interesting address, in which he said the City Council, by that day’s proceed-
ings, announced to Liverpool that they believed that Technical Instruction
had come to stay with them ; that it was now part of the life of the people ;
and that it was worthy of that magnificent home. This building would com-
plete what he believed would be the most unique group of buildings in the
world. This building, he might say, was for the higher technical education
for educating the captains of labour, and not merely the artisans, in a way
that would enable them to meet the competition of Germany. The Germans
had had these superior schools for years, and had been turning out a large
number of expert and scientific men such as did not exist in England. They,
however, hoped to make them exist in Liverpool, and he also hoped that this
building would enable them to start in Liverpool many new industries that
would give employment to the surplus population, and especially to females.
Speaking of the accommodation which would be afforded to the Museum,
Sir William reminded them that it had been founded by a bequest by the
XIIIth Earl of Derby, some sixty years ago, and had been strengthened year
by year by purchase. They were able to display only about one-half of their
collections, and even that was so crowded that it was impossible to attempt
any classification. This building would enable them to unpack and arrange
scientifically the whole of their treasures, and in a short time they would have
a Museum unequalled out of London. When visiting Rome, Florence, Venice,
and Athens, they were attracted there, not by what the Cesars and Doges
had done, not by the spoils of war, but by the monuments of art and the
stores of literature which were left behind in these cities. In the same way,
he hoped that these buildings would tell future generations that while they
had been strenuously engaged in commerce, they had not been forgetful of
the intellectual welfare of the citizens, knowing that by doing so they were
promoting public morality as well as the material prosperity of the people.
Mr. Willink, Chairman of the Technical Instruction Committee, proposed,
and Mr. Austin Taylor seconded a vote of thanks to Sir William Forwood ;
while, after a similar expression of thanks to the Lord Mayor, moved by Mr.
A. F. Warr, M.P., seconded by Mr. M. P. Jones, Chairman of the Museums
Sub-Committee, an adjournment was made to the Picton Reference Library,
where a reception was held by Lady Forwood and Mrs. Willink, on behalf of
the two Committees chiefly interested in the proceedings.
Description of a new Marine Spider from S.
Africa, collected by the Rev. N. Abraham,
and presented to the Derby Museum.
By R. L. Pocock,*
Of the British Museum (Natural History ).
THE following description of, what appears to be, a new species of spider,
is based upon an adult female example which, together with some immature
specimens, was presented to the Derby Museum by the Reverend N. Abraham,
who collected them at Wynberg, S. Africa.
The existence of marine spiders, living in rocks on the shore, is no new
discovery. Several have been described from various parts of the Eastern
and Australian seas, and one of the same group, as mentioned below, was re-
corded not long since from S. Africa. No account, however, was given of the
habitat of this spider, so it may be fairly claimed that the species forming the
subject of the present paper, is the first spider certainly known to be marine,
that has been recorded from Africa.
The distribution of the family Deside, which has been established for
these marine spiders, is exceedingly interesting, inasmuch as the restriction of
the genera, so far as is at present known, to the seas of S. Africa and of
Australia and Eastern Asia, furnishes another instance of similarity between
the fauna of the Australian and Ethiopian Regions, and supplies another item
of evidence in favour of a former land connection between the two
countries. t
Paradesis, gen. nov.
This new genus, and the allied form Desis, which ranges from Singapore to
New Zealand, may be recognised by the following tables :—
a. Four eyes of posterior row sub-equally spaced, distance be-
tween posterior median eyes at least as great as distance
between the anterior lateral and anterior median on each side.
Desis, WVualck.
b. Four eyes of posterior row unequally spaced, space between
the medians only a little more than half the space between the
median and lateral on each side; space between posterior
medians much less than space between median and lateral of
anterior row.
Paradesis, yen nov.
Paradesis tubicola, sp. n.
Colour.—Cephalothorax and mandible chestnut red ; cephalic region of
the carapace darker than the postero-lateral portions; legs and abdomen
greyish brown.
Carapace covered with a clothing of fine erect hairs, a little narrowed in
front ; width of head about two-thirds the length ot the whole plate ; ocular
area apparently about six times as wide as long; space between anterior
median eyes less than their diameter ; space between posterior medians about
three diameters.
* The Director begs to thank Mr. Pocock for so kindly complying with his request
to describe these specimens.
+ For further evidence supporting this connection ¢f. ‘‘The Chatham Islands:
their Relation to a Former Southern Continent.” By Henry O. Forbes. Supple-
mentary Papers, R.G.S. III, 1893.
Fic. 1—Paradesis tubicola. 2. Twice Nat. Size.
Fic. 2—Paradesis tubicola.
Fic. 3—Paradesis tubicola. View oF VULVA.
Mandible nearly naked above ; basal segment a little less than length of
carapace, armed below with two teeth behind and six farther back, in front ;
fangs not sinuate, the inner edge finely serrulate.
Legs.—First, much the longest, more than three times the length of the
carapace ; fourth, a little longer than second; third, shortest ; all covered
with a clothing of fine erect, or obliquely upstanding hairs, intermixed with
which, especially towards the extremities of the legs, are some curiously
hooked hairs ; at the ends of the protarsi of the second, third, and fourth,
the hairs form a thickish dark coloured cluster.
Abdomen and ventral surface of cephalothorax covered with a thick
coating of fine upstanding hairs.
Vulva consists of a plate which ends behind, in a triangularly pointed
process ; in front, it is deeply excavated, the excavation being surmounted
anteriorly by a conspicuous arch, from each side of which a stout, though
short, process projects inwards over the hollow.
Measurements in millimetres.—Total length of body, 11 ; length of
carapace, 5°3 ; width of head, 3°3; length of basal segment of mandible, 5 ;
length of first leg 19, of second 14, of third 12, and of fourth 15-5.
Locality.—Wynberg, 8. Africa, in the interstices of the masses of
Tubicola, within tide mark.
One other species apparently referable to this genus has been recorded
from 8. Africa. This was described by Mr. O. P.-Cambridge as Lobsonia*
formidabilis (P.Z.S. 1890, p. 625, pl. liii, fig. 5). Nothing was recorded of its
habits. No doubt, however, as Mr. Cambridge suggested, the species will
prove to be marine. P. formidabilis and P. tubicola may be separated,
according to the description of the former} by the following features :—
a. Legs entirely destitute of spines (according to Cambridge).
formidabilis, Cambr.
b. First leg unspined ; second, third, and fourth with three strong
spines at the extremity of the protarsi beneath ; tarsi of third
and fourth with about half-a-dozen spines, arranged somewhat
irregularly in pairs ; tibie of third and fourth, with an inferior
apical pair of long slender spines.
tubicola, sp. 7.
Mr. Abraham has communicated, in a letter to the Director of Museums,
the following interesting account of this spider :—‘ About a year ago, or
more, an old friend of mine, Dr. Becker, was paying me a visit, and we went
to the seaside to collect sea-weeds. While on the shore my friend asked me
if I had ever found spiders living in the sea. I had not. He then asked me
to keep a look-out in the tubes of Zubicola. I soon found a mass of these
structures, and, breaking off a large piece, I brought it out of the sea. We
then began to break up the mass of tubes, and soon found two spiders, which
were what my friend called, sea-spiders. Now, since that time, I have made a
study of these spiders, and have kept them in my marine aquarium, and have
become familiar with them. I must now, in brief, tell you one or two things
of interest. First, the spiders can always be found in the tube masses of
Lubicola. This formation is invariably covered by the sea at high tide, and
* In the Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xvi, p. 143, 1895, I pointed out that the name
Robsonia, Cambr., is synonymous with the much earlier Dandridgea, White, and that
the latter is, in all probability, synonymous with Desis, as I here consider it to be.
t+ In the following sentence published by Mr. Cambridge (loc. cit. p. 626), ‘‘ in the
present species [formidabilis] the interval between the central pair [of eyes of the
posterior row] is nearly, if not quite, double that between each and the lateral eye next
to it,” the word double is an obvious slip for half.
much of it even at low tide. I have often gone into the breakers, and have
nearly been carried away by the strength of the sea, but with a hammer and
a bar of iron have broken off, from under the sea, portions of the formation ;
and then, going on shore, have found spiders, in their homes, in the mass,
when I had broken it to pieces. Sometimes I have found five or six spiders,
in one piece of material weighing five or six pounds.
“ Now, what is curious is, that these spiders cannot swim or dive, and when
placed on the surface of the water appear to be quite helpless, or nearly so.
I have never seen one make any attempt to navigate itself through water.
For a long time I could not get a good specimen of their dwellings ;
but, with the assistance of a friend, I ey entually succeeded in securing several
nearly perfect examples. I then saw that the spider did not, as a rule, make
its home in the empty tubes of the worms, but that it spun it in one of the
many spaces left between the tubes. There is nothing very striking about
their silken structures. As you break up a mass of tubes, you suddenly come
across a fine and delicate piece of silk. On examining this you find it to be
a chamber with an opening sea-ward. It is so frail and delicate that it is
very difficult to get a complete specimen, and the least rough handling and
it is gone. Yet in this frail house of silk, hidden away in some little space in
the mass of tubes built by marine worms, this spider lives and thrives, and
propagates its species, the waves breaking over it all day long. It cannot
swim, as I have said ; it is soft and delicate, and, as I have proved, does not
long survive being kept i in a dry box away from the sea. I have never, but
on one occasion, found one of these spiders apart from the 7’ ubizola-masses.
I have watched the tubes, when the tide was low, in the hope of seeing a
spider crawling or running about, but-I have never yet seen one. They live
out of sight deep down among the worm tubes. How they catch their food,
what their food is,and how they keep the sea from drowning them, are
questions I have not yet demonstrated, though I have tried, again and again,
to keep them in my marine aquaria. Shortly after introducing one, I have
often found it floating helplessly on the water, apparently half dead, and I
have had it lifted out of the water and placed on the rock-work, when it soon
became active, and ran about very quickly, when it appeared to be just like an
ordinary spider. I have not had time yet to make an anatomical study of it,
but I thought I had better not defer sending you a specimen, so that you
may be, perhaps, the first to receive specimens of the wonderful little spider.”
A.M.H. delt.
<= (c)
—, = ~~ |
Crab-Gall on Millepora.
By Sypney J. Hickson, M.A., F.R.S.,*
Beyer Professor of Zoology, Owens College, Manchester.
THE occurrence of gall-like growths on certain genera of branched Zoanth-
arian corals, belonging to the genera Sideropora, Seriatopora, and Pocillopora,
has been known to zoologists for many years. The best description of them
may be found in Semper’s interesting book, “The Natural Conditions of
Existence as they affect Animal Life.”’t
The Crab that causes the growth of the gall is called Hupalocarcinus
marsupialis. These galls are by no means rare. In nearly every Museum
which possesses several specimens of these genera, examples of such galls are
sure to be found; and in Seriatopora itself as many as nine or ten galls in
different stages of formation are frequently seen in specimens less than a
foot in diameter.
The oceurrence of Crab-galls on JMillepora, however, has not, I believe,
been hitherto recorded. It must, however, be of extremely rare occurrence, as
it has never before come to my notice. During the past ten years I have
examined the whole stock of Millepores in several Museums, and have
received for examination from naturalists in various parts of the world the
specimens of this genus that they have collected. 1 have noted the various
parasites and commensals that are found on them, and the many variations
and distortions of growth that they exhibit, and, therefore, have good reason
for saying that the occurrence is a rare one.
On the specimen in the Derby Museum, Liverpool (Fig., page 80), there
are three galls, two complete and one in process of formation.
Of the three galls the lowermost («) in the figure is the oldest. It is
about 30 mm. long by 25 mm. broad, and the aperture is oval, 8 mm. by
6 mm. in size.
The cavity is large, its diameter being considerably greater than the
greatest diameter of the aperture. The dried crab remains in this gall, but
as it would be impossible to extract it without injury, 1 am unable to say
more about it than that it is very much smaller than the cavity in which it
The second gall ()) is smaller and much more spherical in shape, its
diameters being approximately 20 mm. The aperture is relatively larger
than that of the other, being 6 mm. by 7 mm. in size. It contains no crab.
The imperfect gall at the top (c) is widely open, and is formed of a net-
work of Millepore branches imperfectly woven together.
The extent of the malformation produced by these crabs need not be
described as it is adequately represented in the illustration, but, I may add,
the surface of the coral forming the outer wall of the gall shows no signs of
unhealthiness or weakness. The cycles of pores are as numerous and as
regular as in other parts of the corallum with normal growth, and the pores
themselves are just as large and as well defined there as elsewhere.
These galls cannot, therefore, be regarded as a disease, although they
effect a considerable alteration in the normal growth of the corallum.
Note.—The description of the gall-forming crab, given by Dr. Semper,
and referred to above, is as follows :—‘‘So long ago as the year 1837 Stimp-
son described a small crab, under the name of Hapalocarcinus marsupials,
* The Director has to thank Prof. Hickson for contributing the above note on this
specimen (31, xii., 96, 7 in the Derby Museum), belonging to a group of animals on
which he has long been recognised as an authority.
+ Kegan Paul, International Scientific Series, 1881.
which had been discovered in the Pacific Ocean by Dana, in the course of
his great voyage under the command of Wilkes. Irrespective of other peculi-
arities this was distinguished from all other crabs by a remarkable pouch, in
which the female carries the young, formed by a prolongation of the lateral
plates of the abdomen.”
The singular mode of life of these crabs, which was first observed by
Semper, who studied them alive in the Philippine Islands, is thus described
by him. For gall-forming crabs “an association,” he says, “ with living
corals is indispensable, and the influence of the Corals on the Crabs is as
direct and important as that of the Crabs on the Corals. Hapalocarcinus has
hitherto been detected only in pieces of branching corals of different
genera. . . . . On all these corals the crabs produce a peculiar
excrescence on the tw igs (so to speak) of a branch ; these growths
grow opposite each other in such a way that the crab settled between them
is perfectly surrounded, and thus enclosed, in the gall which gradually
forms. . . A diseased* exerescence is first produced by the young
crab establishing itself between the two branches, and the twig thus origin-
ating takes various forms according to the character of the species of coral.
In the first instance the two leaf-like tw igs are, of course, far
apart, so that the crab could easily get in and out ; but as it does not do this,
it is soon so surrounded by the growing together of the twigs that it must
remain a prisoner. The creature requires a constant and rapid renewal of
the water in the gall in which it lives for respiration. . . . +, ines
in all the crabs of this group the current of water for breathing enters the
body close to the mouth, and passes out again at the hinder margin of the
branchial [respiratory ] ‘cavity, the stream passing through the gall must
always flow in one and the same direction. . . . . The two excres-
cences on the coral grow together quickest in those spots which are least
exposed to the current through the gall . . . . at length only two ©
fissures . . . are left, which plainly show . . . that it is through
them that the current for respiration passes. . . . These two slits remain
open so long as the crab is alive; no living crab is ever found in a closed
gall, and they are for the most part perfectly empty.”
* The excrescences show, as stated above, no signs of disease.
Columbe . laverp ML
J.Smuit .del et kth.
Mintern Bros. imp.
On the Type of the Spotted Green Pigeon, of Latham,
in the Derby Museum.
(PLATE I. Columba.)
AMONG the species of Pigeon in this Museum, which must be relegated to
Calenas, is a specimen bequeathed to the City by the XIIIth Earl of
Derby, which had been acquired by him at the dispersal of General Davies’
This specimen is the Type of the Spotted Green Pigeon, of Latham (Gen.
Syn. ii., pt. ii, p. 642; 1783). It agrees well with the description, and also
with the figure in the same author’s Gen. Hist., viii., p. 23, pl. 117 (1822),
where, in Lord Derby’s copy of that work, it is noted in the Earl’s hand-
writing that the specimen in his collection was formerly General Davies’.
In the British Museum “Catalogue of Birds,” Vol. xxi., Count Salvadori
has placed this species in an Appendix (p. 649) amongst the uncertain or
unidentified species.
The bird is undoubtedly a Calwnas ; and is certainly not an individual in
the plumage of youth, as Wagler suggested, for it has the frontal knob
apparently fully developed.
On examining the large series of Calwnas nicobarica in the British Museum,
no specimen, young or old, could be found in any way resembling our bird.
Calenas pelewensis, also, shows no characters which suggest that Latham’s
type could belong to that species. From the fact that there were two speci-
mens in existence—for Latham notes that he examined a second in Sir
Joseph Banks’ collection—we are inclined to the belief that the Columba
maculata of Gmelin (Syst. Nat. i., p. 780, n. 52, 1788), should be recognised
as a good species—Culwnas maculata. There is no locality on record for our
specimen, but it is not improbable that it came from one of the Pacific Islands
whence General Davies received many of his birds.
Note on Turdinulus epilepidotus (Temm.).
IN his valuable paper on the genus Turdinulus, in ‘‘ The Ibis,” 1896, p. 56,
Mr. Ogilvie Grant states that, “In ‘The Ibis,’ 1865, p. 47, Blyth described
Myiothera murina, a species said by the author to be founded on a specimen
in the Leyden Museum, bearing the above MS. name of S. Miiller. It has
already been shown by Dr. Sharpe (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884, p. 174) that
the only Myiothera murina, 8. Miill., in the Leyden Museum, is no Jurdinulus,
but the Crateroscelis murina of his volume (Cat. B. vii., p. 590); and it is quite
evident that Blyth’s notes must have been written from memory—hence his
Blyth, however, did not make the mistake here ascribed to him. On
consulting his paper in “The Ibis,” for 1865, one reads:—“ The Derby
Museum of Liverpool is rich in Philippine birds (collected by Mr. Cuming),
and also in the avi-fauna of the Indonesian Archipelago. I went carefully
through its collections in every class, and took many notes of the birds of
S.E. Asia and its islands, which I transmitted to my friend, Dr. Jerdon.
A few, apparently undescribed, species may be here noticed,* and a further
selection of my memoranda, taken chiefly there,* and some in the Museum
* The italics are the writer’s.—H. O. F.
of the Royal Institution of that borough.” [This latter collection is now
dispersed ; part having gone to America, part to the Nottingham
Museum, and part to the Borough Museum of Bootle.} | Then follows
the description of those new species, and among them that of “ I.
murind, S. Miiller, ns.” The specimen which Blyth there described is
still in the collection here, and has on its label in, what there can be no doubt
is, Miiller’s own handwriting :—“ Myiothera imurina, nova species, Miill.,
Java” ; while on the stand—the specimen being mounted—there is inscribed
in Blyth’s hand, Yurdinus murina. The Type in question was acquired by
Lord Derby from the Leyden Museum, or trom Temminck, in 1846, through
* the well-known dealer, Leadbeater, along with many other specimens of
Miiller’s. The reverse of Miiller’s original label bears the words :—
“ Temminck, Per Leadbeater, Deer. 1846. Length 44 in. Extent 6 in.”
Blyth in his paper (in the 1865 “Ibis”) errs, however, in giving the
locality “ Sumatra ” instead of “Java” as the label indicates. The habitat
recorded by Temminck (Plan. Col. ii., plate 107 [No. 448] fig. 2; 1827) for
Myiothera epilepidota is Java and Sumatra. Dr. Sharpe, however, by a slip of
the pen (Cat. B. vii., p. 540) in quoting from Salvadori (Ucc. Born., p. 224,
1874) has written “ Borneo,” instead of “ Sumatra.”
Much of the confusion in connection with this species has arisen chiefly
from Blyth’s having applied the MS. name of JJyiotheru murina to two totally
distinct species : first, to that now recognised as Z'urdinulus epilepidota (Temm.),
and, next, to Crateroscelis murina (Sclater), from New Guinea, the only bird in
the Leyden Museum which Dr. Sharpe could find bearing the name JJyiothera
murina in Miiller’s handwriting ; and also from its having been assumed that
Blyth took his name “ ex. Miill. MS. in Mus. Lugd,” (Sharpe, Cat. B. vii.,
p- 593), instead of in Mus. Derb. apud Liverpool.
The Derby Museum now possesses a specimen (¢r JJus. Tristr.) of Tur-
dinulus exul, one of Everett’s collecting from 4,800 feet on Mt. Poeh in Borneo,
which agrees with the Type collected by Whitehead on Kina Balu, described
by Sharpe (“ Ibis,” 1888, p. 479), and recognised by Grant in the revision of
the genns (“Ibis,” tom. et loc. supra cit.). The latter author distinguishes
T. cpilepidotus from T. exrul, by its having “the underparts reddish-brown with
wide white shaft-stripes,” and in the “clearly defined” superciliary stripes
“white or whitish-buff.” In comparing our Type of Blyth’s MWyothera murina
with 7’. exul, Sharpe, it seems impossible to separate them from each other by
Mr. Grant’s key. Our 7’. erul has, if not wider, at least as wide shaft-stripes
as Blyth’s MW. murinus ; while its superciliary stripes are as wide and clearly
defined ; they are, however, more buff. 7. erul is in general appearance dis-
tinctly more rufescent than JZ. murinus ; but it must be recollected that the
latter has been mounted and exposed to the light in a gallery for over half a
On again (July, 1898) carefully comparing (with the kind aid of Dr.
Sharpe) our example of 7’ eu! with specimens in the British Museum, it was
found that it agreed with the Type and other specimens from Borneo; but
differed from a Javan specimen, collected by Vordermann on “ Mount Jedeh ”
(lege Gedeh, in West Java), in the characters indicated by Grant, who says,
in his Paper already quoted, that Vordermann’s bird “exactly agrees with
Dr. Sharpe’s description of the Type [Temminck’s] in the Leyden Museum.”
A longer series than now exists in any of our Museums from Java,
Borneo, and Sumatra, may not improbably show that only one and the same
species is common to all three islands.
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Corvidee. Liverp. Mus .
J. Smit del.et ith. Mintern Bros imp.
Cvanocorac helprim , Gentry.
Note on a Rare Species of Cyanocorax-——C. heilprini.
(PuatE I. Corvide.)
AMONG the species of Cyanocorax in this Museum from the XIIIth Lord
Derby’s Collection, there is one from the Rio Negro, purchased from Warwick
in 1848. As it differs very distinctly from all the species enumerated by
Dr. Sharpe in the “Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum,” Vol. iii.
(1877), its identification was for a time a matter of some doubt. On search-
ing the literature of the group, however, we found that a species had been
described by Gentry (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1885, p. 90) under the name of
Cyanocorax heilprint.
Gentry’s specimen was also from the Rio Negro, and forms one of the
well-known Wilson Collection in the Philadelphia Academy, and his descrip-
tion fits our specimen very well. The following are the characters of our
example :—
General colour above, from nape to rump, viewed with the eye between
the light and the bird, purplish-blue ; but with the bird between the light
and the eye, light brown ; front of head from a line directly behind the eye,
the sides of the head and neck, black ; a dark purplish-blue line margins the
black region, extending from eye to eye over the occiput ; frontal plumes
bristly and recurved ; spot of purplish-blue at base of lower mandible ; crown,
occiput, and hind-neck lilac, washed on its hinder part with deeper blue ;
breast and abdomen deep purplish-blue when viewed with the eye between
the light and the bird, and greyish-brown when the bird is between the light
and the eye; under tail-coverts and vent white; tail concolorous with the
back above ; underside brown and broadly tipped with white ; thighs of the
same colour as the rump, instead of “ashy” as in the Type; bill and legs
black. Length, 14 inches; wing, 6°75; tail, 7; tarsus, 1°75.
Mr. Whitmer Stone, in cataloguing the species of Corvide in the Phila-
delphia Academy (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1891, p. 443) suggests that the species,
which at that time was only known from the Type, might possibly be a
natural hybrid between C. cyanomelus and C. cyanopogon or C. cayanus.
The specimen in the Liverpool Museum is apparently the only one known
besides the Type ; but as it is unlikely that there should be two hybrids
exhibiting exactly the same characters, we are of opinion that C. heilprini
must be considered a good species.
Notes on some Marine Invertebrates from Hilbre
THE various very low tides of the year, when the ebb reaches as much as
25 feet or more, are usually taken advantage of to secure additions to our
local marine collections. During those at the end of March last, various
specimens were obtained from Hilbre Island, at the mouth of the Dee, by
Mr. Clubb and Mr. Laverock, Assistants in the Museum.
In addition to a number of the commoner species, several rare and very
interesting forms were found. Hilbre is justly celebrated for the richness of
its Nudibranch Fauna, and, on this occasion, nine species of this interesting
group were obtained, among them being two which have only been found
there at long intervals, viz., Archidoris tuberculata and Tritonia hombergi—the
latter not having been recorded from this locality since 1886. Some of the
commoner species were transferred alive to the Museum Aquarium, where they
lived for some time and deposited spawn, which, as is unfortunately usually
the case, did not further develop. Several masses of the ribands of spawn
of A. tuberculata were specially noticeable. One of these was carefully detached
complete and brought to the Laboratory for the purpose of mounting along-
side the Nudibranch as a Museum preparation. The ova are deposited by this
species, as is well known, in a broad, concentrically coiled, gelatinous riband,
one edge attached, the other free and slightly wavy. The length of the
riband in this mass was found to be 29 inches on the outer, and 21 inches on
the inner or attached margin, while the breadth varied from }2-in. to };-in.
According to Alder and Hancock (JJonograph of the Nudibranchiate Mollusca ),
a riband 9 inches in length contains about 50,000 ova, so that the number in
our specimen must be enormously great.
Another interesting species found in abundance was the Amphipod
Corophium grossipes. Attention was first attracted to it by the peculiar
appearance of many of the mud banks, due to a vast number of small excres-
cences projecting above the surface. A closer examination revealed each
excrescence to be the elevated entrance to a minute burrow from one to
one and a half inches deep, in which one of these small Amphipods was
usually found. On some of the mud containing them being placed in a
tank in the Aquarium, the animals were soon seen busily engaged making
new burrows. In this operation they bring all their appendages into use,
pushing their long antenne first into the mnd, and throwing it sideways
with their feet. One burrow, which happened to be made against the glass,
was observed throughout its entire construction, and the animal was on
several occasions seen pushing its way along. The burrow was of a U-shape
with two openings, and only extended down about one inch. This is con-
firmatory of other observers, who state that Corophium grossipes does not
burrow very deeply, and is only found in the soft surface mud.
A particularly fine colony of the somewhat rare Zoophyte, Garveia nutans,
attached to a piece of sandstone, and specimens of both the white and deep-
orange varieties of Alcyonium digitatum, fixed in Formal in an expanded
condition, may be specially mentioned among other interesting forms obtained
for the British Collection and the Aquarium.
i Tal
io 2}
Catalogue of the Picarian Birds (Pici): Puff Birds
(Bucconidz), Jacamars (Galbulidz), Barbets
(Capitonidz), Toucans (Rhamphastidz), Honey
Guides (Indicatoridz), and Woodpeckers (Pi-
cidz) in the Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forbes and Herpert C. Ropinson.
Note.—The arrangement and nomenclature followed in this Catalogue are nearly
those adopted in the * Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum, Vols.
XVII, and XIX., by E. Hargitt, G. E. Shelley, and P. L. Seluter. All
the species, known to us up to July, 1898, are enumerated, the original (or
translated) diagnoses of those described since the publication of those volumes
being inserted. The names of the species desiderata to our collection are printed
in Grotesque type, thus—pastaze.
For the explanation of the abbreviations used below, see Note on p. 37.
BUCCO, Briss.
collaris, Lath. Two.
macrorhynchus, (i. Two.
dysoni, Scelat. Five. Central America (Honduras, Celeman, J une).
hyperrhynchus (Bp.).
swainsoni, G.L.Gr. d' Mitch. One. South Brazil (Rio Janeiro).
pectoralis, G.R.Gr. & Mitch. ; ordi, Cass.
tectus, bold, Five.
picatus, Sc/at. ; subtectus, Scat.
macrodactylus (Spi). One. Eastern Peru.
ruficollis (/Vagl.). One.
bicinctus (Gould). Four. South America. [Mexico].
tamatia, Gm. Four. Surinam. Peru.
We have included B. pulmentum, Bp. in this species, as specimens from Surinam
and Peru appear to us not separable.
maculatus (Gi.). Nine. Brazil (Para).
striatipectus, Sclut. Two. Bolivia.
Types of the species P.Z.S. 1853, p. 123.
chacuru, V7eill. Six. Brazil. Bolivia.
striolatus, Pelz. ; radiatus, Sclat.
fulvidus, Godm. & Salv, Biol. Centr. Amer. Aves, Vol. ii. pp. 514-515 (1896).
‘* Above chestnut, barred across with black, hinder part of pileam and interscapular
region mostly black, cervical collar fulvous ; lores whitish, sides of the head and
upper abdomen fulvous barred across with black, throat whitish, lower abdomen
and under tail-coverts uniform fulvous; wings chestnut, barred across with
black, the tips of the primaries blackish ; tail chestnut, regularly barred with
black ; bill lead-colour, under surface of the mandible pale; feet coral red.
Total length, 8-5 inches ; wing, 3°65; tail, 3-3; bill from gape, 1°65; tarsus, °75.”
(Godman & Salvin). Habitat. Panama. Columbia. Ecuador.
fusca (Gm.). Five. Cayenne. Amazons.
Nos. 3, and 4 ( = 2148 and 2148a Lord Derby’s Mus.) are jide Sclater the Types of
White Breasted Barbet, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. p. 505 (1782); id. Gen. Hist. iii.
p- 219 (1822), and consequently Types of the species.
rufa (Spix). Two.
torquata (Hahn.). Seven. Brazil.
panamensis, Lufr. Two. Central America (Coban). New Grenada.
inornata (Du Bus). One. 92. Central America (Vera Paz, Choctum).
fulvigularis, Sclat. One. Bolivia.
Type of the species described P.Z.S. 1853, p. 123.
substriata, Sc/at.
fuliginosa, Richm. Pro. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. pp. 512-513 (1893); Godm. & Salv. Biol.
Centr. Amer. Aves, Vol. ii. p. 517 (1896).
** Above deep clove-brown, rather clearer, or more inclining to brownish slate, on
head and neck; back and tips of wing-coverts sparsely marked with minute
dots of dull buffy ; sides of head, beneath and behind the eyes, narrowly streaked
with buff; median portion of forehead, lores (except near eyes), and malar
plumes white ; chin and upper throat mixed white and dusky brown, the latter
nearly uniform on upper throat; centre of throat white, becoming light dull
buff on lower throat and chest ; rest of lower parts buffy-white ; the breast and
sides conspicuously striped with dusky brown, these stripes broadest and most
sharply defined on sides of breast ; under wing-coverts and broad edges to inner
webs of remiges buff. Upper mandible black; lower, pale yellowish brown,
tipped with black; feet horn colour; iris carmine. This colour from life, the
others from dried skin. Wing, 3°30 inches; tail, 2°95; lateral feather, 0°80
shorter ; exposed culmen, 0°95 ; tarsus, 0°65. Habitat. Escondido R., Nicaragua.”
rubecula (Spiz). Two. Banks of the Amazons.
cineracea, Sclat.
ruficapilla (7schwi). One. 9. Peruvian Amazons.
frontalis (Sc/at.) ; brunnea, Sclat.
MONACHA, Viei//.
nigra (JMiill.). Three. Cayenne.
flavirostris, Strick? One.
morpheus (Haln.). Three. Demerara.
peruana, Sclat.; grandior, Sclat. & Salv. ; pallescens, Cass.
nigrifrons (Spiv). Three.
tenebrosa (Pall.). Five.
brasiliensis, Sclat. Two.
io 2)
io 6)
lanceolata (Deville ).
castanea ( Verr. ).
paradisea (Linn.). Two. Demerara.
No. 1 is apparently not quite an adult bird ; the forehead, chin, and upper throat,
paler than in specimens of U. amazonum. Bill from anterior margin of nostril,
1‘9—1°7 inch.
paradisea, su/sp.amazonum, Sclaf. Six. Upper Amazons. [Rio Janeiro. ]
Four specimens are without locality, but they seem to belong to this sub-species,
which is very difficult to separate from true U. paradisea. Bill from anterior
margin of nostril, 1°85--2°20.
GALBULA, &riss.
galbula (Linn.). Four. 3¢, 2. South America (Cayenne).
rufo-viridis, Cub. Three. 3¢. Brazil. Bolivia.
ruficauda, Cw. Six. 2¢, 49. U.S. Colombia (Cumana). Ecuador
(7, rwficauda does not seem to have been previously recorded from Ecuador, where
No. 6, a male, was (according to the label) collected by De Lattre within what is
supposed to be the range of G. melanogenia.
melanogenia, Sclut. Four. 246,29. Central America (Vera Paz, Choc-
tum ; Honduras, Omoa).
tombacea, Spiz. Two. Sarayacu.
pastazes, Tacz. & Berleps.
albirostris, Lath. Eleven. 84, 39. Demerara. Peru. [Brazil (Rio
Janeiro). |
cyaneicollis, Cass. One. Brazil (Para).
leucogastra, 7icill. Four. 24,29 [Guatemala]. Brazil (Barra de Rio
chalcothorax, Sclat.
lugubris (Swains.); fulviventris, Sclat.; goeringi, Sclat. & Salv.; salmoni,
Sclat. & Salv.; albigularis (Spix); melanosterna, Sclat.
tridactyla (Vicill.). Two. [Interior of Cayenne].
leucotis, Des Murs.
grandis (Gm.). Eight. 3¢,59. Bogota. Brazil.
dubius ((.). Seven. o¢, 2. West Africa (British Combo, Bakow,
January ; M‘Carthy’s Island; Gambia ; Senegal).
Nos. 5 and 6, male and female, from Senegal, differ from the others in the almost
entire absence of the suleations on the lower mandible. The bristles on the chin
and gape are much weaker than in the other specimens, and the red cross band
on the wing-coverts is absent, as are also the red tips to the feathers of the loral
region. They are probably young birds.
rolleti (Defilipi). One. ¢. Central Africa (Fadibek, Lado, January).
bidentatus (Shaw). (= Pogonorhynchus dubius (Gm.), Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. 86). Four. West Africa (Lagos; Fantee).
eequatorialis, Sielley. One. Abyssinia.
melanopterus (Peters). Three. East Africa (Ribé; Usambara Hills, Pan-
gani kh. ; Dar-es-salaam).
levaillanti (Vieill.); leucocephalus (Defilippi); albicauda (Shelley); senex
(Rehnw.) ; |e ucogaster (Boc. ).
abyssinicus (Loth.). Five. ¢, 9. [Egypt]. Abyssinia.
No. 3 ( =12755 Tristr. Mus.) is figured in Marshall, Mon. Capit. p. li, pl. 9 (1870) ;
but the oe is not a very accurate representation, for the specimen not being
fully adult has only a narrow frontal band of scarlet, and the rest of the head
black, with traces of scarlet showi ing through, and not entirely black as in the
figure. Nos. 4, and 5, male and female (= = 1463, 14634, Lord Derby *s Mus. ), obtained
in Abyssinia by Salt in 1812, are the types of Bucco saltii, Stanley, Salt’s Voy.
Abyss. App. iv. p. liv. (1814). In these two specimens the scarlet on the breast
only extends as far as the angle of the wing.
rubrifacies (Rchnw.). Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, p.1; id. J.f.0. 1892,
pp. 3, 25, 215.
“*Tron black ; forehead, ophthalmic region, parotid and cheeks red ; primaries dark,
externally margined with whitish yellow, internally with white; under wing-
coverts white; iris red; beak blackish; feet black. Total length (male),
205 mm.; wing, 91; tail, 64; beak, 21; tarsus, 21. Closely allied to ”.
abyssinicus, but distinguishable by its black throat.” (Reichenow). Habitat
Kimoani, East Central Africa.
torquatus (Dumont). Ten. 3¢. South Africa (Rustenberg, Transvaal,
January and June; Natal).
zombe, Shelley, Ibis, 1893, pp. 10-11; id. op. cit., 1896, p. 178
One. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Toate: Nov ember).
‘Similar to MW. torquatus, but spotted with whitish, not scarlet, on the forehead,
sides of the face and throat. Total length, 5°5 inches ; wing, 3°5.” (Shelley).
In our specimen, which is apparently immature, the feathers of the forehead,
cheeks, and throat are black on their basal portions, as in J. torquatus, but
their tips are pinkish red instead of scarlet ; two feathers are of a deeper shade.
irroratus (Ca).). Four. East Africa (Kikombo, September; Ribe ;
Usambara Hills, Pangani R.).
The specimen from the last-mentioned locality was collected by Sir J. Kirk.
vieilloti (Leach). Five. ¢. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, August).
Kordofan, July. Central Africa (White Nile).
undatus (/iipp.). One. Abyssinia.
This specimen, purchased from E. Verreaux in 1850, is labelled Pogonias brucii,
Riipp. juv. (cf Marshall, — Capit. p. 18, 1871). It agrees fairly well with
Marshall's figure (op. cit. p. 27, pl. 13), taken, as he states, from a bird—the only
one he had seen—in the British Museum, which he considered to be immature ;
yet Shelley (Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xix. p. 27, 1891) makes no mention whatever
of the immature plumage.
hirsutum (Swains.). Six. West Africa (Gold Coast, October ; Fantee).
Two specimens differ from the rest in having the edges of the wing feathers
and the markings on the back bright ochre yellow, instead of pale glaucous
green; the hind part of the head is also streaked with the same colour.
Marshall considers this to be a sign of immaturity ; these specimens, however,
have every appearance of being fully adult, and it is possible, as Shelley
suggests, that the yellow marked birds may be the females.
stictilaama, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. iv. pp. 77-78 (1896).
“«General colouration the same as that of 7. hirsutum, but the throat streaked with
black on a white-grey ground. The colouration of the throat is the same as
that of 7. flavipunctatum, Verr.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Kinjawanga, Central
There is no character in the above description by which, as it seems to us, this
species can be distinguished from young specimens of 7’. hirsutum, with which,
indeed, Dr. Reichenow states he had formerly placed it.
ansorgii, Shelley, Bull. B.O.C. xxix. p. iii. (1895); id. Ibis, 1896, p. 133.
“Similar to 7. hirsutum, but to be distinguished by the flanks being more broadly
spotted with black, very slightly (minime) barred with white. Total length,
6°3 inches ; wing, 3°5.” (Shelley). Habitat. Uganda.
N.B.—There are no white bands on the flanks of 7. hirsutum.
gabonense, Shelley, Bull. B.O.C. xxix. p. iii. (1895) ; id. Ibis, 1896, p. 133.
“Similar to 7’. hirsutum, but to be distinguished by its browner colour, and by the
absence of white markings on the sides of the face. Total length, 7°3 inches ;
culmen, 0°95; wing, 3°6; tail, 2:1; tarsus, 0°9.” (Shelley). Habitat. Gaboon.
Reichenow apparently recognises as distinct (J.f.0., 1896, p. 53) 7. flavipunctata,
Verr., which Shelley has included in the synonymy of 7. hirsutum. He also sug-
gests (Ornith. Monatsber iv. p. 76) that 7. gabonense, Shelley, may prove to be
a synonym of 7’. flavipunctata, Verr.
stigmatothorax (Cab.).
blandi, Lort-Phillips, Bull. B.O.C. xlv. p. xlvii. (1897); id. Ibis, 1898, p. 415, pl. ix. fig. 1.
“Like 7. stiymatothorax, but easily distinguished by the absence of a red pectoral
spot, and by the pileum and feathers of the throat being markedly tipped with
white. Total length, 4°6 inches; wing, 2°5; tail, 1:3; culmen, 0°6; tarsus, 0°8.
Habitat. Goolis Mountains, Somaliland.” (Lort-Phillips).
melanocephalum (C7retzsch.). One. Abyssinia (Bogos-Land).
lachrymosum (Cui.). One. @. Central Africa (Kikombo).
affine (She//ey).
flavibuccale, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 30 (1893).
“Like 7. affine (Shelley), but with the anterior portion of the lower cheeks sulphur
yellow, the abdomen without spots, and the black on the throat less extended.
._. . Total length, about 130 mmn.; wing, 70; tail, 42; bill, 16; tarsus, 19.”
(Reichenow). Habitat. Wembaere Steppe, Eastern Africa.
leucomelan (Bodd.). Ten. ¢. South Africa (Zambesi; Great Namaqua-
diadematum (Heugl.). One. @. Central Africa (Lado, July).
frontatum (Cab.); masaicum (Rehnvw.).
calvus (Lafr.). One. ¢&. West Africa.
cinereiceps, Sharpe, Ibis, 1891, p. 122; id. op. cit. 1892, p. 310; id. tom. cit. p. 555.
*“Brown above and beneath, with paler brown margins to the feathers ry wing
feathers brown; tail blackish; head entirely dark, slaty grey ; throat lighter
ashy grey, as well as the sides of the neck; two frontal tufts of dark sandy
colour; the forehead streaked with straw yellow. Total length, 7 inches ;
culmen, 0°85; wing, 4:0; tail, 2°4; tarsus, 0°9.” (Sharpe). Habitat. Mt. Elgon,
East Africa (Jackson).
bonapartii (Har?/.).
leucotis (Sundev.); bocagii, Souza; kilimensis, Shelley.
whytii, Shelley, Ibis, 1893, p. 11, pl. 1; ad. op. cit. 1894, p. 9.
One. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Zomba, November).
“Head and neck black; feathers of the forehead and crown without elongated
shafts, and many of them having very minute white tips; rictal bristles white ;
a broad white band on the cheeks beneath the bare skin of the sides of the head ;
a fairly large white chin patch; body above and beneath brown, with partial
pale edges to the feathers, and passing into white on the centre of the abdomen,
thighs and under tail-coverts ; wings dark brown, with a patch of white on the
least wing-coverts and with partial white edges to the greater wing-coverts and
quills, most conspicuous about half-way down the latter; under wing-coverts
and inner margins of the quills white; tail dark brown with an ashy shade; bill ~
and legs black. Total length, 67 inches; culmen, 0-7; wing, 3°5; tail, 2°2;
tarsus, 0°9.”
“*Can be distinguished from S. /ewcotis by its brown breast.” (Shelley).
duchaillui, Coss. Three. West Africa (Axim ; Fantee ; Denkera).
uganda, Rchnw. Ber. Ally. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Jan. 1892, p. 1; id. J.f.0. 1892, pp.
3, 25, 215. .
*‘Like B. duchaillui, but with the interscapulars and middle of the back uniform
iron black, not spotted with yellow. Total length (male), 185 mm. ; wing, 80;
tail, 47; bill, 16; tarsus, 21.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Central Africa (Mengo,
pusilla (Dumont). Four. [Abyssinia (Bogos-land) |. South Africa (Port
No. 1 ( =18021 Tristr. Mus.) from Bogos-land, collected by Jesse, is undoubtedly
this species, and not B. minuta as might have been expected. The labels may
possibly have been transposed.
minuta, Bp.
affinis, [tchnw. One. East Africa (Rib¢).
uropygialis, Heugl.
chrysocoma (Zemi.). Four. 2¢. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst,
extoni, Layard. Three. 3¢. South Africa (Transvaal, Rustenberg, July
and November).
T erythronota (Cwv.). One. Hz Bullock Mus.
Probably the Type of Le Barbion a dos rouge, Levaill. Barbus. p. 132, pl. 57
(1806), and consequently Type of the species.
bilineata (Swndev.).
jacksoni, Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C. xvii. p. vii. (1897).
Similar to B. bilineata, but distinguished by the throat and sides of the upper
chest being slaty grey, the wing-coverts and secondaries margined with pale
sulphur yellow, and the flanks ochre brown. Total length, 4-4 inches ; wing,
2-4.” (Sharpe). Habitat. Mau., British East Africa.
chrysopyga, Shelley.
coryphea, Rchnw. Ber. Ally. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Feb. 1892, p. 3; id. Jf.0. 1892,
pp. 181-2, 218-9, Taf. ii. fig. 2; id. op. cit. 1894, p. 33; id. op. cit. 1896, p. 53.
“Above black, with a yellow band, mixed with black on the neck and back,
running from the vertex, along the middle of the back, to the uropygium ;
a white band terminating on the sides of the head and neck ; the whole belly
greyish olive ; wings black, with a yellow transverse band, formed by the tips
of the median wing-coverts; edges of the primaries and greater wing-coverts
also yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of the primaries, white ;
tail and upper tail-coverts, black; iris black; bill blackish ; feet lead colour.
Total length, 105 mm. ; wing, 53; tail, 27; bill, 11; tarsus, 14.” (Reichenow).
Habitat. Buea (950 metres above the sea), Cameroons.
leucolema, J. dE. Verr. (= B. subsulphurea (Schi.), Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 87). Three. West Africa (Brass ; Lagos; Fantee).
subsulphurea (Fras.) ; fischeri, Rehnw.
T scolopacea (Zemm.). Three. West Africa (Fernando Po; Fantee).
No. 1 (= 13386 Tristr. Mus.) from Fernando Po, is the Type of Bucco sp., Fraser,
P.Z.S. 1843, p. 4 (note).
anchietee (Boc.) ; olivaceum (Shelley) ; simplex (Fisch. & Rehnw.).
woodwardi, Shelley, Bull. B.O.C. xxix. p. iii. (1895) ; id. Ibis, 1896, p. 138; R. B. &
J. D.S. Woodward, Ibis, 1897, p. 494, pl. x.
“Like S. olivaceum, Shelley, but slightly larger, and distinguishable by a large
sulphur-yellow auricular spot extending on to the nape. Total length, 6°5 inches ;
wing, 3°5; tail, 23; culmen, 0°75; tarsus, 0:95.” (Shelley). Habitat. Zululand.
sowerbyi, Sharpe, Bull. B.O.C. li. p. xxxvi. (1898) ; id. Ibis, 1898, p. 297.
“Like S. anchietw, but with the chin white, the throat and fore-breast blackish,
feathers of the belly tipped with white, and the thighs white. Total length,
6°6 ; wing, 3°75 inches.” (Sharpe). Habitat. Mashonaland.
leucomystax (Sharpe), Ibis, 1892, p. 310.
“Like [B.] simplex (Fisch. & Rchnw.), but distinguishable by its broad white
moustachial stripe. Total length, 3°8 inches; wing, 2°1; tail, 1:25; culmen,
0-4; tarsus, 0°6.” (Sharpe). Habitat. Sotik, East Africa.
hayi (J. E. Gray). Twelve. Malay Peninsula (Singapore ; Malacca).
fuliginosus (Zemm.). Three. ¢. Borneo (Jambusan, September ; Trusan,
virens (Bodd.).
marshallorum, Swinh. Twelve. 4d, 29. Northern India (Punjaub ;
Simla, June ; Nepaul; Darjeeling ; Bengal).
lagrandieri, Verr. (= Cyanops lagrandier:, Shelley, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xix.
pp. 75-76 (1891).
‘Bill shaped somewhat as in Megalema, but the upper mandible is not quite so
high, and the bill is generally pale yellowish throughout. Nostrils exposed.
Wing rounded. The plumage is peculiar ; the head, neck, and breast are
brown, more or less streaked with white, the rest of the plumage green.”
Blanford Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves. iii. p. 86 (1895).
pheeostriata (Bp.). (= Cyanops pheostriata, Shelley, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xix. p. 76, »
zeylonica (Gm.). Eight. 2¢. India (Khandala, April and May ; Belgaum,
June ; Nellore). Ceylon.
Following Dr. Blanford, we have united the forms known as 7. caniceps (Frankl. )
and I. inornata (Wald.), with this species.
lineata (Vicill.). Eleven. Northern India (Himalayas ; Nepaul). Burmah
(Rangoon, October). Pegu. Java.
viridis (Bodd.). Five. Southern India (Coonoor Ghat, February ; Nellore).
corvina (Zemm.). Four. 2 9. Java (Bantam Residency, Kosala, June and
javensis (Horsf.). Four. 2 d. Java (Bantam Residency, Genteng Lebak,
April and August).
chrysopogon (Zemm.). Six. 36. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra (Lampong
Residency, Kotta Djawa). [Java].
chrysopogon, subsp. chrysopsis (oir). Three. Borneo (Segilind R. ;
Trusan, March).
versicolor (fuf.). Sixteen. ¢, 2. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ; Pahang,
January). Borneo (Busan, October).
mystacophanes (Zemm.). (= Cyunops mystacophanes, Shelley, Cat. Birds
Brit. Mus. xix. pp. 72-74, 1891). Fourteen. 3 3, 2. Malay Peninsula
(Penang). Sumatra (Lampong Residency: Tarratas ; Kotta Djawa).
Borneo (Baram ; Silam).
monticola (Sharpe). (= Cyanops monticolu, Shelley, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus.
xix. p. 74, 1891). Three. Borneo (Mt. Dulit, at 4000 feet, May).
asiatica (Luth.). Twenty. 92. Northern India (Bengal ; Howrah, October ;
Nynee Tal, September; Nepaul). Assam (Bograh, April).
In all our specimens there is more or less blue mixed with the black of the median
frontal band, though in some cases it is only just perceptible. In three speci-
mens, moreover, from Nepaul, collected by Brian Hodgson, the blue on the throat
and cheeks is more intense, and the whole of the underparts are suffused with a
very decided wash of verditer blue.
rubescens, Baker, Nov. Zool. iii. p, 257-258 (1896).
“Nasal feathers black ; forehead crimson; a narrow vertical line dull golden
yellow, succeeded by another line of black, extending on either side down the
sides of the occiput, gradually widening as it reaches the nape; whole nape
and hind crown crimson, changing gradually into the colour of the back ; super-
cilium, lores, ear-coverts, chin and throat blue asin C. asiatica ; a small crimson
speck at the gape ; upper back, scapulars, and inner secondaries, grass-green,
broadly margined with dark bright maroon red ; remainder of wing coloured like
that of C. asiatica ; lower back and rump brighter grass-green ; upper tail-coverts
the same, bordered with maroon ; tail, upper surface green, lower aspect blue.
A large crimson patch below the blue of the throat, not clearly detined but
encroaching on the breast ; remainder of lower surface bright yellowish grass-
green, far more tinged with yellow, and of a much brighter tint, than are the
same parts in @. asiatica; much smeared and splashed with brilliant scarlet
crimson, particularly so on the breast and under tail-coverts. Bill greenish
yellow, base of maxilla and basal half of culmen almost black ; gonys darker
green; irides dark brown ; orbital skin dull orange; legs dull dirty green ;
claws almost black. Length, about 8°5 inches; wing, 3°75-3°85 ; tail, 2°5; bill
from gape, 1°24. Habitat. East Cachar Hills, above 3500 ft.” (Baker).
davisoni (Zwme).
flavifrons (Cwv.). Two. Ceylon.
armillaris (7vmm.). Ten. 34, 39. Java (Bantam Residency, Kosala,
June and July).
henrici (Zvmm.). Nine. Malay Peninsula (Penang ; Singapore). Sumatra.
pulcherrima (Sharpe).
franklini (Blyth). Seven. North India (Behar; Sikkim; Darjeeling).
ramsayi (/wld.). One. 9. Burmah (Karen Hills, 4000 ft., April).
This is a Co-type of the species, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist (4) xv. p. 400 (1875).
oorti (S. Iiiller). One. Sumatra.
nuchalis (Gould). Two. North Formosa,
faber (Swinh.). One, Hainan, February.
A Co-type of the species, Ibis, 1870, p. 96, pl. iv.
eximius (Sharpe). Ibis, 1892, p. 324, pl. xi.; id. tom. cit. p. 441; Hose, op.
cit, 1893, p. 414; Sharpe, tom. cit. pp. 547-552.
One. ¢. Borneo (Mt. Kalulong, February).
“Adult male. General colour above grass-green; wings and tail like the back,
with a bluish shade round the edge of the wing and on the primary coverts ;
quills blackish, externally green ; tail green, with a bluish shade along the inner
web; a broad frontal band of black slightly washed with blue, this band
followed by a broad band of crimson across the centre of the crown; lores,
feathers above and below the eye, as wellas the ear-coverts, verditer blue ; above
the gape a golden yellow spot; fore part of cheeks black, followed by a spot of
crimson ; hinder cheeks yellowish green, like the sides of the neck ; throat, black,
with a mark of verditer blue on each side of the lower throat ; on the fore neck
a large spot of crimson ; rest of under surface yellowish green, lighter on the
abdomen ; under wing coverts and quill lining ochreous-buff, the edge of the
wing showing greenish blue. Total length 62 inches, culmen 0°6, wing 3°15,
tail 2:0, tarsus 0'7.” (Sharpe). Habitat. Mt. Dulit, N.W. Borneo.
Our specimen, collected by Mr. C. Hose, agrees very well with the above descrip-
tion. The bill, however, is much shorter and stouter than that of M. duvauceli ;
the gonys very much shorter and ascending more abruptly. We have conse-
quently placed it under the genus Cyanops.
duvauceli (Less.). Twenty-five. 4¢, 9. Malay Peninsula (Malacca).
Sumatra (Padang). Borneo (Banjermassim ; Silam ; Jambusan; Mt.
Kalulong, February).
cyanotis (Blyth). One. d. Tenasserim (Bankasoon, March).
robustirostris, Baker, Journ. Bombay N.H. Soc. x. pp. 356-357, pl. F. (1896).
“Whole plumage green, brightest and tinged with yellow on the forehead ; visible
portions of the wing rather dull grass-green ; the coverts tinged with yellow on
the outer webs; the secondaries edged pale yellow-cream on the inner webs :
tail below dull blue-green. Whole lower plumage rather bright but pale grass-
green, the lores, cheeks, ear-coverts, throat, and upper breast, strongly suffused
with blue: the remainder of the lower parts rather less so, the under tail-coverts
being quite free from this colour. Irides orange brown ; orbital skin dull blue ;
bill horny black, tinged with yellowish horny at the base ; legs pale slate, claws
almost black. Length, 5-4 inches; wing, 3°25; tail, 1°70; tarsus, “75 ; bill at
front, °65 ; and from gape, ‘98 ; breadth at forehead, 36. Habitat. North Cachar.”
hematocephala (2. L. S. Miiller). Sixteen. 2 ¢, 9. Northern India
(Bengal ; Muddapur, October). Southern India. Lower Pegu, May.
Sumatra (Lampong Residency ; Palembang Residency, Rawas R., Decem-
ber). Philippine Islands (South Luzon).
rubricapilla (Vizill.). Two. Ceylon.
australis (Horsf.). Three. ¢. Java (Bantam Residency, November).
malabarica (Blyth). Three. 2¢, 2. Southern India (Tillicherry, October ;
Bandipur, February).
rosea (Dumont). Five. 3¢. Java (Bantam Residency, May). Philippine
Islands (Negros, March). —
We have followed Mr. Ogilvie-Grant in including X. intermedia, Shelley, in the
synonymy of this species.
T pyrolophus, S. Miller. Five. d. Sumatra (Mt. Sago, October ; Lam-
pongs, Hoedjoeng, January ; Batang Singalang).
No. 3 (Male), collected by S. Miiller at Batang Singalang, is probably a Co-type
of this species.
eafer (Vicill.). Nine. South Africa (Zambesi; Bamangwato Country,
Transvaal, Rustenberg, July and August).
suahelicus, Rehm. ; versicolor, Hartl. ; erythrocephalus, Cab. ; shelleyi, Hartl.
T margaritatus (Miipp.). Six Central Africa (White Nile). Abyssinia.
No. 2 (= 1462), Lord Derby’s Mus.) collected by Riippell is probably a Co-type of
the species.
boehmi, Fischer & Rehnw.; emini, Rehnw.
uropygialis, Salrad. Mem. Ace. Torino, (2) xliv. pp. 551-552 (1894).
‘Very similar to 7. boehmi, but with the lateral upper tail-coverts scarlet, the
median ones yellow at their tips and bases. Pileum slightly crested, black, some
of the hinder feathers yellow at the tips ; sides of the head and neck, and throat
bright sulphur-yellow, very minutely spotted with black ; some of the super-
ciliary-cheek-and-chin-feathers yellowish red; hind-neck fuscous with the
feathers sulphur-yellow at the tip, and very narrowly margined with black ;
interscapulars, wing-coverts, scapulars and primaries, fuscous dotted with white
spots, more or less round ; back and uropygium pale yellow ; upper tail-coverts
yellow, the lateral ones scarlet ; tail feathers fuscous, spotted on either web with
yellowish white ; throat spot iron black ; chest and upper belly yellow, dotted
with very small scattered black spots ; a broken pectoral-band composed of black
feathers with rounded white spots at their tips ; abdomen pale yellowish white
under tail-coverts scarlet ; bill pale horn-colour, feet blackish. Total length,
170 mm., wing 70, tail about 60, culmen 17, tarsus 22.” (Salvadori). Habitat.
Somaliland. .
arnaudi (Des Murs). One. @. Central Africa (Bon, Lado, July).
purpuratus (/. & E. Verr.). One. West Africa (Gaboon).
elgonensis (Sharpe), Ibis, 1891, p. 122; id. op. cit. 1892, pp. 310, 555.
“Purplish black ; wings and tail black, with a large white patch on the inner
wing-coverts ; forehead and crown dark crimson, continued down the sides of
the neck: ear coverts and cheeks black, washed with crimson ; throat and fore
neck black, each feather tipped with ashy grey; breast and abdomen bright
lemon yellow, separated from the spotted throat by a band of bright crimson ;
sides of body black, largely spotted with yellow; under wing coverts white.
Total length, 9 inches; culmen, 0°9; wing, 40; tail, 3°8; tarsus, 1°05.”
(Sharpe). Habitat. Mt. Elgon, East Africa.
goffini (Schiey.). Six. West Africa (Fantee ; Gold Coast).
togoensis, Rehnw. Ber. Allg. Deutsch. Orn. Ges., Nov., 1891, p. 3; id. J.f.0., 1891,
p- 394; id. op. cit. 1892, p. 131; id. J.f.0. 1897, Taf. i.
“Like 7. gofini, but with the purple red colour of the sinciput, the temporal
band and parotid region, much paler ; white scapular spot larger ; feathers of the
throat black on their basal portions, with rose-white tips. Total length,
240 mm. ; wing, 102-107 ; tail, 100-107 ; bill, 22-23; tarsus, 27-29.” (Reichenow,
J.f.0. 1892, p. 131.) Habitat. Togoland.
CAPITO, Viei//.
aurovirens (Cuv.).
maculicoronatus, Lawr. One. 9. Central America (Panama, Nichi).
hypoleucus, Sa/v. Bull. B.O.C. xlviii. p. xvi. (1897).
«Above black; middle of the pileum and forehead scarlet; nape dull white ;
scapulars whitish, meeting on the middle of the back ; beneath white ; a pale
dusky band across the chest ; flanks slightly washed with yellow ; under wing-
coverts white; primaries internally pale dusky ; beak yellowish, horn-colour at
the tip; feet lead-colour. Total length, 8 inches ; wing, 3° ; tail, 2°25 ; tarsus,
1:0; bill from gape, 1-2. (Salvin). Habitat. Valdivia, State of Antioquia,
Columbia (3800 ft. ).
squamatus, Salv. ; quinticolor, Ei/iot.
niger (P.L.S Mill.). Eight. 4¢,49. Cayenne. Surinam.
No. 4 (= 1466 Lord Derby’s Mus.) from the Leverian Museum is probably the
type of Cayenne Barbet, Lath. Gen. Syn. 1, pt. 2, p. 495 (1782).
punctatus, Less. Seven. 44,392. New Grenada. Ecuador (Rio Napo).
No. 5 (= 1460c, Lord Derby’s Mus.), a female, with its locality not recorded, differs
from another female from Ecuador in having the black markings on the under
surface in the form of spots, not lines. A male from Bolivia, apparently
collected by Bridges, differs from the New Grenadan specimen, in having the
orange of the throat of a slightly deeper hue, and the black lines on the flanks
much less pronounced.
auratus (Dumont). Two. ¢, 2. Brazil (Rio Negro).
T richardsoni, G.2.Gr. Nine. 9¢. New Grenada (Anolaima). Bogota.
Ecuador (Rio Napo).
In all these specimens (except in the Ecuador one, where the feathers of the throat
are lost), the chin spot is composed of black feathers with red tips. The
red varies in amount, but it is always present. We have therefore merged
C. granadensis, Shelley, apparently founded on not more than two male
specimens, in the above species, since we have specimens both from Bogota and
Grenada, with black feathers tipped with red on the chin spot. The specimen
from Ecuador, which is apparently a young bird, is much darker above, with
the silver-grey collar on the hind neck less clearly defined, the head black,
with only the tips of the feathers ctimson. It is the Type of Capito sulphurea,
Eyton, Contr. Orn. 1849, pp. 130-131.
aurantiicollis (Sclat.). One. 3. Western Brazil (Upper Ucayali, June).
steerii, Sclat. & Salv. ; glaucogularis, 7'sch.
T versicolor (P.L.S. Miill.). One. Bolivia.
Type of Lubucco pictus, Sclat. P.Z.S. 1857, p. 268, and of Capito pictus, Sclat. Ibis,
1861, p. 187.
T bourcieri (Lujr.). Five. 26,39. Colombia. New Grenada (Anolaima).
No. 3 (Female) from Colombia is a Co-type of' Capito capistratus, Eyton, Contr. Orn.
1849, p. 131.
salvini, Shelley. Three. 2¢, 9. Central America (Costa Rica).
This species is very doubtfully distinct from the preceding. Mr. Salvin says “this
Capito is very nearly allied to, if really distinct from, C. bourcieri.” The males
are identical, and the females are said to differ in the absence of the blue grey
frontal band in C. sa/vini. Traces of this, however, are present in our female
specimen from Costa Rica.
rhamphastinus, Jard. ; frantzii, Sclat.
toco, Mill. Seven. 3, ¢juv. Brazil (Para).
carinatus, Swains. Nine. ¢, 9. Mexico. Honduras. Vera Paz.
brevicarinatus, Gould.
tocard, Vicill. One. [Mexico].
ambiguus, Swuins. One. Bogota.
erythrorhynchus, Gm. Eight. ¢, 2, skeleton.
inca, Gould.
The Type of this species was described from Lord Derby’s collection, but it is not
now to be found in the Museum.
cuvieri, Vugl. Three. New Grenada.
culminatus, Gould. One.
This is the specimen figured by Gould, Mon. Rhamp. Ed. 1, pl. 1 (1834). The Type
described by Gould, P.Z.S. 1833, p. 70, ea Zool. Soc. Coll., does not appear to
be in existence.
T citreolemus, Gould. One. Santa Fé de Bogota.
Purchased from Gould in March, 1844 ; probably a Co-type of the species (¢f. P.Z.S.
1843, p. 47).
osculans, Gould.
ariel, Vig. Five. 3. Brazil.
vitellinus, Licht. Three.
dicolorus, Zinn. Six. ¢. Brazil.
hypoglaucus (Gould). One.
T cucullatus, Gould. Two. Bolivia.
Co-types of the species, P.Z.S. 1846. p. 69.
laminirostris, Gowl/. Two. Ecuador.
T nigrirostris, Vaterh. Four. Bogota.
No. 2 is the Type of the species, P.Z.S. 1839, p. 111.
spilorhynchus, Gould. One.
bailloni (Vieill.). Three. ¢, 9. Brazil.
aracari (Jinn.). Six. 2 juv.
No. 6 juv. has been figured Gould, Mon. Rhamp. Ed. 1, pl. 12 (1834).
wiedi, Sturm. Two. Demerara.
formosus, Cab.
castanotis, Gould. Five. @. Brazil. Bolivia.
pluricinctus, Gould. One. Lrazil (Para).
torquatus (Gm.). Nine. d¢. Mexico. Vera Paz (Choctum, January).
Guatemala. Honduras.
frantzii, Cab.; erythropygius, Gould ; sanguineus, Gould.
bitorquatus, /ig. Two. Brazil (Para).
No. | is figured by Gould, Mon, Rhamp. Ed. 1, pl. 16 (1834).
sturmi, Natt.
flavirostris, Fraser. Three. Sarayacu.
No. 1 is the Type of the species, P.Z.S. 1840, p. 60.
azare, Jicill. Two.
humboldti, Vugl. One. 4. Brazil (Rio Negro).
insciptus, Swains. Three. 26, 9.
Nos. 1, and 2, ex Bullock Mus., have been figured by Gould, Mon. Rhamp. Ed. 1,
pl. 23 (1834).
viridis (Linn.). Six. 4¢,292. Surinam. Demerara.
didymus, Sclat.
beauharnaisi, gi. Four.
maculirostris (Licht.). Three, 2¢, 2. Brazil.
gouldi (Nuit). Three. 3¢. Brazil (Para).
langsdorffi (ugi.). One. 3. Brazil [Rio Janeiro].
reinwardti (//gl:). One.
nattereri (Gould).
piperivora (Lin.). Six. 44,29. Guiana. [Central America].
spectabilis, Cass.
sulcatus (Swuins.). Three. Guiana.
No. 1 is Type of Blue-eared Toucan, Lath. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 294 (1822), and of the
species, Q. J. Se. ix. p. 267; Zool. Ill. (1) i. pl. 44 (1820-21).
erythrognathus, (oud; calorhynchus, Gould.
derbianus, Gould. Two. Cordillerian Andes. Bolivia.
No. 1 is the Type of the species described P.Z.S. 1835, p. 49.
whitelyanus, Salv. & Godm.
prasinus (Licht.). Seven. Mexico. Vera Paz. (Coban). Guatemala.
wagleri (Sturm).
albivittatus (Boiss.). Four. Juv. Bogota.
hematopygius (Gould). Three. ¢, @. Cordillerian Andes. New
ceruleicinctus, /’0r). Three. Bolivia.
ceeruleigularis, Gould; Cyanoleemus, Gould.
atrogularis (Sfwm). One.
dimidiatus, Ridgw.
olivaceus (Gm.). Hight. 54,29. South Africa (Kroonstadt, December).
auratus (Linn.). Sixteen. 94,79. Canada (Niagara, June ; New Bruns-
wick ; Assiniboina R., May). United States (Georgia).
chrysocaulosus, Gundl. ; gundlachi, Cory.
chrysoides (Malh.). Two. djr, 2. Lower California (Cape San Lucas).
Arizona (Tucson, March).
chrysoides, subsp. brunnescens, Anthony, Auk. xii. p. 347 (1895).
“ Differing from C. chrysoides in darker upper parts, and slightly smaller size.
‘« Above brown, of a shade approximating bistre, barred with numerous black bars ;
pileum cinnamon brown ; upper tail coverts white, with large rounded spots of
| black ; below, greyish-white, with numerous round and cordate black spots ;
throat, dark ash grey ; moustache, bright scarlet ; quills and inner surface of
wings chrome yellow ; lower surface of tail wax-yellow ; terminal third black.”
(Anthony). Habitat. San Fernando, California.
mexicanus, Swains. Nine. 5¢, 49. Vancouver Island. California
(Nicasio, January; Monterey). Colorado (Pueblo, October). Canada
(North-West Territory, Alberta, Jasper’s House, April, May).
Two specimens, 6, ¢, from Vancouver Island, are, as Hargitt observes
(Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xviii. pp. 18-19 1890), considerably larger than
examples from other localities. The colour of the upper parts is much darker,
and the male has a pronounced vinous shade on the upper breast and belly. The
female has the rufous malar stripes, slightly more pronounced than in a
Californian bird, but this is also the case in a young female from Colorado. We
have no specimens from Mexico.
submexicanus (Sundev.). Four. 3¢, 9. Central America (Guatemala,
Volcan de Fuego, November ; Vera Paz, Coban).
ayresi, dud. Two. 6, @. Canada (North-West Territory, Alberta,
Jasper’s House, May).
This species is very generally regarded as a hybrid between C. auratus and C.
mexicanus. For an elaborate paper on the subject ¢f. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus.
iv. p. 21 et seq. (1892).
A male bird, from Jasper’s House, differs from a male specimen of C. mexicanus
from the same locality, in having the colour of the inner side of the quills and
under surface of the tail pale orange yellow, with a flush only of pink instead of
bright salmon pink, with no suggestion of yellow. The feathers of the malar
region are grey on their basal portions ; this is succeeded by a band of black
running right across the feather, while the extreme tips and margins are dark
As in C. auratus there is a vermilion nuchal band. The female specimen, which
is without locality, and which we can only doubtfully refer to this species, has
the colour of the quill lining, and under surface of the tail intermediate between
C. auratus and C. mexicanus.
campestris (Vicill.). Five. 24,29. Brazil (Bahia). Bolivia. [Mexico].
agricola (Malh.). Three. 2¢, 9. Brazil. [Chili]. Probably Bolivia.
rupicola, D'Or). Three. 6,2 9. Bolivia.
Cf. Bridges, P.Z.S. 1849, pp. 29-30.
puna, Licht. Three. 2 6, @- Peru.
cinereicapillus, Reichenb.
| T pitius (Ml.). Six. 346,39. Chili (Santiago).
pb Nos. 1, 2, and 4, collected by Bridges are probably the Types of C. pitiguus,
| Bridges, P.Z.S. 1843, p. 114.
T rivolii (Boiss.). Six. 446,29. Venezuela (Sierra Nevada de Merida).
Nos. 2 and 3, 6,9, from Bogota are the Types of Picus elegans, Fraser, P.Z.S.
1840, p. 59.
yale subsp. brevirostris, Zucz. Three. 3¢jr. Ecuador (Chimancha).
atriceps, Sclat. d@ Sulv. Two. Bolivia.
T viridis (Linn.). Ten. 54,39. England (Devonshire, Morchard Bishop ;
Norfolk, Sparham, August ; Lincolnshire, Bourn, June and July ; Belvoir
Chase). Russia (St. Petersburg, September).
No. 10 from Belvoir Chase is an albino from the Leverian Museum. It is the Type
of Green Woodpecker var B=Straw-Coloured Woodpecker, Lath., Gen. Hist. iii.
p. 348 (1822).
sharpii, Sawnd. Two. 24. Spain (Andalusia, Coto del Rey, February).
vaillanti (Malh.). Two. 3, 2. Algeria (Weled Messaoud, April).
vaillanti, subsp. koenigi, Erlanger, Ornith. Monatsher. v. p. 187 (1897).
“Closely allied to G. vadlanti, but with the feathers of the back clearly margined or
spotted with pale whitish sulphur-yellow ; the vertex of the female less spotted
with black, and the abdomen in immature birds almost without black markings.”
(Brlanger). Habitat. Tunis (Ain-bou-Dries).
awokera (Zemm.). Six. 34,39. Japan (Yokohama, November ; Tokio ;
Nikko, April).
squamatus (V7.). Five. 264, 9. Northern India (Simla; Gilgit,
Littledale Coll.).
flavirostris, Menzbier.
G. gorit, Harg. has, on comparison of the Types, been shown to be a synonym of
this species (cf. Dresser, B. Europe, Suppl. pt. vi. pl. dexc.).
vittatus (Mieill.). Six. 246,49. Assam. Java.
viridanus (Blyth). Two. 2 2. Burmah. Tenasserim (Bankasoon,
striolatus (blyth). Nine. 74, 29. Northern India (Himalayas).
Southern India (Nellore). Assam. Burmah.
canus (G@m.). Five. 2¢, 39. Sweden. Switzerland. Japan (South
Yezo, October).
guerini (Malh.). Two. ¢, 9. China (Fokien). Formosa.
occipitalis (/7i9.). Eleven. 8¢,39. Northern India (Sikkim ; Nepaul).
Assam. Burmah (Tonghoo).
chlorolophus (Vveill.). Fifteen. 9 3, 6 9. Northern India (Sikkim ;
Nepaul ; Dehra Dhoon ; Darjeeling). Assam. Burmah.
chlorogaster (Jer/.). Three. ¢,29. Southern India (Madras). Ceylon.
puniceus (Hors/.). Two. ? Java.
puniceus, susp. observandus, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 542 (1896) ; Hurgitt,
Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus, xviii. pp. 64-66 (1890) (partin).
Eleven. 6 6, 59. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Sumatra (Lampong
Residency, Gunung Tetahan). Borneo (Segilind R.).
Specimens from the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, “have the orbital
region less dusky [than those from Java]; the sides of the face and neck of a
paler green” (Hargitt); ‘‘. . . the back more of a yellowish green, and
the rump much more golden.” (Harter).
Our specimens differ from the Typical form from Java in being smaller, and much
brighter on the back and rump, as noted by Hartert; but the differences
observed by Hargitt are not so noticeable.
erythropygius, Hliot.
nigrigenis, Hume. Two. 2¢. Burmah.
chrysochlorus ( Vieill.).
brasiliensis (Swains.). One. 3. Brazil.
xanthochlorus, Sclat. & Salv.; capistratus (Bp.).
erythropsis (Vieill.). Five. 44, 2. Brazil.
leucoleemus (Malh.). One. 6. Bolivia.
flavigula (Bodd.). Three. 2¢, 9. Surinam.
aurulentus (Zvmm.). Three. 2¢, 9. [Antilles].
callopterus, Lawr. ; Salv. & Godm., Biol. Centr.-Amer. Aves. ii. pp. 409-410, pl. lix.
fig. 1 (1895).
simplex, Salv. ; Salv. & Godm., tom. cit. p. 410, pl. lix. fig. 2 (1895).
eruginosus, Licht. Four. 46,39. South Mexico.
auricularis, Salv. & Godm. ; wd. Biol. Centr.-Amer. Aves. ii. p. 408, pl. lix.a, fig. 3
3 (1895).
godmani, Harg. ; Salv. & Godm., tom. cit. p. 409, pl. lix.a., figs. 1, 2, 3, ? (1895).
yucatanensis (Cabot), Three. 26, 9. Central America (Guatemala,
Vera Paz, Coban, November).
gularis, Harg. Two. 6, 9. U.S. Colombia (Antioquia).
rubiginosus (Swains.). Ten. 64,49. Trinidad. Venezuela (Orinoco).
New Grenada (San Christoval).
No. 9, ? (=3778 Lord Derby’s Mus.), from Trinidad, is the Type of Trinidad
Woodpecker, Lath. Gen. Hist. iii. p. 400 (1822).
striatus (Miill.). Four. 36,39. San Domingo (Almereen ; Samana).
nubica (Gm.). Seven. 3¢, 49. [Egypt]. Nubia. Abyssinia. Central
Africa (Wakkala, April ; White Nile).
Nos. 1 and 2 (=3777, 3777a Lord Derby’s Mus.) labelled ‘‘ Nubia” are from Dr.
Ruppell’s collection. The species appears to be very variable in the size and
character of the spots on the under surface. The succeeding species, if really
distinct, appears to be intermediate between C. nubica and C. notata.
neumanni (Rchnw.) Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 132 (1896).
“In general characters approaching D. nubicus, but darker above, the back and
wing feathers dusky olive-brown, with very small and scattered whitish spots ;
above each of these white spots is a more or less clearly defined black one ; on
the wings the whitish spots are more scattered and smaller, approaching to
streaks, ear coverts almost pure black, with only very fine white streaks ; lores
pale yellowish brown ; a small temporal streak and a small streak from the lores
(Ziigel), over the lower cheeks, running parallel to the red malar stripe, white ;
whole under surface up to the chin (i.e. the upper throat), densely covered with
large black spots, which run together, and become clearly defined bands on the
flanks; the chin, however, that is to say, the feathered region between the
rami of the mandible, brownish white ; the red of the occiput brighter than
that of the top of the head and malar stripe ; shafts of the primaries and tail
feathers bright gold. Wing, 112; tail, 70 ; bill, 27; tarsus, 22 mm.” (Reiche-
now). Habitat. Central Africa (Lake Naiwascha).
notata (Licht.). Four. ¢$,3 9. South Africa (Knysna; Cape of Good
maltherbii (Cass. ).
Cf. Reichenow, Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 131 (1896).
abingdoni (Smith). Two. jr. 2. South Africa (Port Natal).
abingdoni, subsp. mombassica, Fisch. & Rehnw.
smithii, Malh. Three. jr, 29. South Africa (Ovampoland ; Damara-
land, Otjimbinque, June).
cailliaudi (Ma/h.).
scriptoricauda (Rchnw.). Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 131 (1896).
=O. cailliaudi (Harg. nec Malh.) Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xviii. p. 102 (1890).
punctata (Valenc.). Five. 2¢, 39. West Africa (Senegal; Gambia ;
British Combo, Barcote, April).
balia (/Zeugl.). (= C. punctatu (Val.), Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 104). One.
¢. East Africa (Rib¢é, August).
This specimen has been compared with, and, except for the sexual characteristics,
agrees perfectly with the bird collected by Bohndorff in the Niam-niam country,
and which has been referred by Sharpe and Hargitt to this species. Reichenow,
however, states that Heuglin’s type, which is preserved in Stuttgart, is unique,
and that Bohndorfi’s specimen probably belongs to some other species (cf.
Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 130).
bennetti (Smith). Four. 4¢. Central Africa (Zambesi). South Africa
(North-East Transvaal ; Limpopo River ; Port Natal).
bennetti, subsp. capricorni, Strick/, & Sclat.
maculosa (Valenc.). One. ¢. West Africa (Ashantee).
teenioleema, Rchnw. d& Neum. Ornith. Monatsher. iii. pp. 73-74 (1895).
Upper surface of the body and coverts olive green ; pileum and occiput red ; sides
of the head and neck white, densely banded with black ; primaries, fuscous
olive green on the outer web, with the exception of the external ones, and
spotted with yellowish white on their inner margins (the middle primaries on
their outer webs also); under wing coverts yellowish white, spotted with
fuscous ; shafts of the primaries pale yellow beneath ; tail feathers olive brown,
with almost obsolete bars, and with very narrow pale borders; blackish at the
tip, yellowish beneath, with their shafts pale yellow on the under surface.
Total length, 210 ; wing, 107 ; bill from gape, 19-21 ; tarsus, 18-19 mm. Female
differs in having the pileum black, spotted with white, and the tail feathers
spotted at the tips with fulvous. (Reichenow & Neumann). Habitat. Central
Africa, Guasso-Massai and Eldoma Station (Mau).
permista, Rchnw. ; Caroli (Ma/h.).
nivosa (Swains.). One. 6. West Africa (Gambia).
tullbergi, Sjdstedt, J.f.0. 1892, p. 313; id. Svenska. Ak. Hand. xxvii. No. 1 p. 58, Taf.
iv. fig. 1 (1895) (9); Rehnw. J.f.O. 1896, p. 53.
‘** @ ad. above olive green with a fulvous tinge ; uropygium, wing-coverts, and back
uniform in colour. Primaries dull brown ; the lesser ones externally and the
greater ones on the external margin towards the base (with the exception of the
two first) olive green. Inner webs spotted with whitish yellow ; shafts of the
primaries brownish black, pale yellowish beneath. A large scarlet spot on the
carpal angle. Tail feathers unspotted, olive brown above, yellowish green
beneath, with their shafts brown above and yellow beneath. Pileum black,
feathers ashy at the base and yellowish at the tips. A small preocular spot red.
Throat, neck, upper breast, and sides of the head whitish yellow, spotted with
dull greenish. Chest, abdomen, and under tail-coverts yellow spotted with
dull greenish. Spots on the chest rounded and more scattered. Flanks barred ;
middle of the abdomen unspotted ; under wing-coverts mottled with fuscous ;
shafts of the primaries almost uniform. Iris red, 55mm. Length, 19; bill, 2:2;
wing, 11:1; tail, 7 em.” (Sjéstedt). Habitat. Cameroons, Itoki Na N’Golo.
melanochlorus (Gm.). Three. 2¢, 9. Paraguay.
cristatus, Vieill. Four. 26,29. Chili. Bolivia.
icteromelas, Vieill. ( = C. punctigula (Bodd.), Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 104). Three. 24, 9. Bolivia. [Bogota].
species incert. prope icteromelas. One. 4.
This specimen, in very bad preservation, and without any indication of locality,
differs from C. icteromelas in haying the lighter bars on the plumage very much
chrysomelas (Malh.). (= C. melanochlorus (Gm.), Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. 104), .Piye. 4¢ (ljr.),, 9. Brazil.
marie, Harg. One. 6. Brazil (Para).
This locality may be erroneous, as Mr. Hargitt described the species from
North-Eastern Peru.
punctigula (Bodd.). Seven. 3 6, 4 2. British Guiana (Roraima),
guttatus (Spir). Three. 34. Bogota.
atricollis (Mualh.). One. 9. ‘Cordilleras. South Peru.”
miniatum (Forst. ).
niasense, Biittik. Notes Leyd. Mus. xviii. pp. 169-170 (1896).
‘This species is very closely allied to C. ma/accense and C. miniatum, and ought to
be placed between both mentioned species in the system. From C. ma/accense it
is at once distinguished by the much longer occipital crest, which is obviously
more lively red, the red colour occupying the feathers nearly down to the base.
The mantle is very strongly varied with lively red, while there are at the best
some few dull red markings on the mantle of C. malaccense. _The whole back and
rump are much more lively yellow than in C. malaccense. In these peculiarities
our species agrees very much with C. miniatum from Java, to which it is, in fact,
more closely allied than to C. malaccense, but its red occipital crest is somewhat
darker than in C. miniatum, and not fully as long, while the yellow nuchal
feathers are longer in the Nias birds, reaching beyond the red occipital
feathers. The red on the mantle is, as a rule, less richly extended over the
mantle than in C. miniatum, though in our single male the whole mantle
is almost entirely glossy red, much more so than in some of our Javan
specimens. These differences and affinities are the same in the males as well as
- in thefemales. In size the Nias birds do not differ from the two allied species.
Wing, 12-12°3 cm. ; tail, 7-2; culmen, 2°7-30; tarsus, 2-3.” (Biittikofer). ‘‘ Iris
red, bill black, lower mandible yellow, feet dirty yellow. Native name Zo-hia”
(Kannegeiter). Habitat. Nias Island, West of Sumatra.
malaccense (Lath.). Twenty. 1046, 89. Burmah. Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Borneo (Segilind R. ; Banjermassim).
mentale (Zemm.). Three. 46,29. Java.
humii, Harg. Eleven. 46,79. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ; Singapore).
Sumatra (Lampongs, Gunung Trang). Borneo (Segilind R.; Trusan,
flavinucha (Gould). Ten. 646,29. Northern India (Nepaul ; Darjeeling).
ricketti, Styan, Bull. B.O.C. lii. p. xl. (1898) ; 2d. Ibis, 1898, p. 429.
** Adult male. Most nearly allied to C. pierii, but differs from that and other allied
species in having the primaries coarsely barred with chestnut and black to the
extremity ; the chin is, moreover, rufous streaked with black, and only the malar
region is white with a faint yellowish tinge” (Styan). Habitat. Ching Ting,
Fokien, China.
pierrii, Oust.; wrayi, Sharpe.
mystacale, Sulvad. Two. 6, @. Sumatra (Palembang, Hoedjoeng,
Blalau (3,000 feet), January).
rafflesi (Vig.). Eleven. 6 ¢ (1 jr.), 49. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ;
Singapore). Borneo (Silam; Trusan, April).
grantia (McCiell.). Two. ¢, 9. Sikkim, June Assam.
viridanus, Slater, Ibis, 1897, p. 176.
‘‘ Bears a general resemblance to G. grantia (McClell.) of India. It will be enough,
perhaps, to point out the differences between the two. G. viridanus is a dull
green G. grantia ; the red on the back is less vivid, and is much mixed up with
green ; the yellow on the throat, sides of face, and back of neck in G. grantia,
becomes in G. viridanus dull dingy green, the hinder crown alone being
yellowish. The rosy feathers of the heleetas are much less vivid in G.
viridanus. But the chief distinction lies in the much more boldly marked wings
and tail of the latter, which are black, distinctly barred with buff, and a wash of
rich deep red on the top of all, The foregoing rather suggests a description of
the young bird of G@ grantia, but the colouring is really very dissimilar, and in
the example sent me by Messrs. La Touche and Rickett, the rosy feathers of the
head are confined to the forehead, showing the bird to be an adult male. Lastly,
the Chinese bird has a longer wing by more than ‘3 inch (5°33 to 5:0 in
G. grantia), though in other respects much of the same size.” (Slater). Habitat.
Southern China.
viridis, Blyth. One. 92. Burmah.
torquatus (/Vils.). Six. 346,29. California (San Bernardino Co., April,
September, October).
erythrocephalus (Linn.). Twelve. ¢, 2,3 jr. United States (Ohio;
Illinois, Eaglewood, May).
No. 10, jr. ( = 3872a, Lord Derby’s Mus.), is one of the Types of White-rumped
Woodpecker, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pt. iii. p. 563 (1782); id. Gen. Hist. iii. p. 397
candidus ((fto). Six. 54, 9. Brazil (Para). Bolivia.
formicivorus (Swains.). Six. 3 (1 jr.),39. Mexico.
formicivorus, su)sp. melanopogon (Zvmm.). Five. 2¢,39. California
(Marine Co. Nicasio, April; Visalia, May). [Brazil].
Messrs. Salvin & Godman (Biol. Centr. Amer. Aves. ii. pp. 412-414) consider that
this sub-species cannot be separated from M. formicivorus typicus. Californian
specimens can, however, be at once distinguished by their much broader black
pectoral band. ;
formicivorus, subsp. angustifrons, Baird.
formicivorus, subsp. aculeatus, Mearns, Auk. vii. pp. 249-251 (1890).
‘* Adult :—General size and colouring intermediate between M. formicivorus and M.
Sormicivorus bairdi ; throat less yellow than in either of them; bill shorter,
more slender, and less arcuate than in either of the other forms of MM.
Jormicivorus ; white striping of chest more than in the Pacific form, less than in
“ Young in first plumage :—Similar to adults, but lacking the black band across the
fore part of the crown, the whole top of the head being red in both sexes ; colours
duller, with the quill-feathers, neck, and breast shghtly brownish ; pectoral
band broader, with less of the white striping ; black streaks of sides less sharply
defined, having a blurred appearance. Dimensions: —Male—Length, 232-250 mm. ;
alar expanse, 442-472 ; wing, 137-151 ; tail, 82-97 ; culmen (chord), 24-29 ; tarsus,
21-24; middle toe and claw, 24-27. Female—Length, 231-248; alar expanse,
437-475 ; wing, 140-150; tail, 83-95; culmen (chord), 23-28; tarsus, 19-24;
middle toe and claw, 22°5-26.” (Mearns). Habitat. Southern United States,
southward through the mountainous portions of Western Mexico.
flavigula, Zeichend. Five. 3 6, 29. [California]. New Grenada.
xantholarynx, Reichenb.
cruentatus (Bodd.). Eleven. 46,79. Cayenne. Bogota. Brazil.
rubrifrons (Spiz). Three. 2¢, 9. Surinam (Albina, April). Northern
portoricensis (Daud.) ; chrysauchen, Salv.
pulcher, Sclat. One. ¢. Bogota.
flavifrons (Vicill.). Five. 28,39. Brazil (Bahia).
cactorum (Lafr. d DOrb.). Four. 3¢, 9. Argentina (Buenos Ayres).
herminieri (Zess.).
pucherani (Malh.). Three. 3, 29. Honduras (Omoa). Vera Paz
radiolatus (Wagl.). Five. 446, 9. Jamaica.
superciliaris (Z¢mm.). Two. 2¢. Cuba (Havana).
blakii (Ridgw.) ; nyeanus (Ridgw.).
bahamensis (Cory). Awk. ix. p. 270 (1892).
* Adult male similar to C. blakii, in having the entire underparts strongly tinged
with olive green ; the back is banded with black and yellowish green, not black
and white as in b/akiit. The feathers on the flanks show a slightly reddish tinge ;
the forehead is dusky white ; and the red at the base of the bill is somewhat
darker than in C. blakii. Length, 9°50 inches ; wing, 5:25 ; tail, 4:00 ; bill, 1-20;
tarsus, ‘85.
“The female has the forehead darker than the female of C. blakii, and has the
underparts tinged with olive green as in the male.” (Cory). Habitat. Great
Bahama Island.
caymanensis (Cory).
carolinus (Linn.). Eleven. 946,29. Canada (Niagara). United States
(Illinois, Centralia, January ; Florida ; Texas, San Antonio, February).
dubius (Cabot). Five. 33,29. Mexico (Tamaulipas). Honduras.
canescens (Salv.).
subelegans (Bp.). Three. 36.
We have followed Allen (Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 55, 1892) and Rich-
mond (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. pp. 666-668, 1895) in applying this name to
the dark coloured form from Venezuela, Tobago and Trinidad, which is generally
known as &M. terricolor (Berlepsch). Our specimens are unfortunately without
subelegans, subsp. wagleri, Salv. d Godm. Five. 24, 39 (2 jr.) Bogota.
Messrs. Salvin and Godman have shown (Biol. Centr. Amer., Aves. ii. pp. 416-417)
that the name WM. tricolor (Wagl.) previously used for this species is not tenable.
Mr. Richmond (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. pp. 666-668, 1895), has also separated
the Bogota bird from the form inhabiting ‘‘Chiriqui, Panama and the coast
region of Colombia” (which is M. wagleri) as M. subelegans neglectus.
rubriventris (Swazns. ).
aurifrons (/Vagl.). Three. 2¢, 9. United States (Texas, Paint Rock,
January ; Allascosa, February).
aurifrons, subsp. santa-cruzi (Bp.). Two. 3, 9. Honduras (Omoa).
hoffmanni (Cab.). One. ¢. Costa Rica (San José, March).
uropygialis (Baird). Five. 34,29. Lower California (Cape San Lucas),
United States (Arizona, Camp Lowell, August). Mexico (Bolanos).
elegans (Swains.). Three. 3¢. Mexico (Tuxpan, Terro Tepic, May).
hypopolius (Wag/.).
varius (Linn.). Eighteen. 11 (4 jr.), 42 (2 jr.). Bermuda, November.
United States (Illinois: Grand Crossing, April; Wankigan, April ; Texas).
Mexico. Honduras. Vera Paz (Tactic, January).
varius, subsp. nuchalis, Baird. Two. 26. United States (Colorado,
Garland, June ; Utah, Fort Bridger, May).
ruber (Gm.). Foar. 4¢ (1 jr.). Vancouvers Island. California (Nicasio,
thyroideus (Cass.). Two. ¢, @ jr. United States (California, Camp
Bidwell, July ; Oregon, Fort Klamath, September.).
hyperythrus (Vig.). Seven. 5¢,29. Sikkim. Nepaul.
poliopsis (Swinh.). One. ¢. Northern China (Chefoo, September).
major (Linn.). Fourteen. 73 (3 jr.) 4 2, 3 pull. England (Durham,
Greatham, October ; Lincolnshire, Bourn, May and July ; Devon, Morchard
Bishop). Scandinavia. Spain (San Ildefonso, June).
major, subsp. canariensis, Konig, J.f.0., 1889, p. 263; id. op. cit, 1890, pp.
310, 350, 351, 354, taf. 11.
Two. ¢, @. Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Pinar del Pajonal, April ;
Teneriffe, Villa Flor, April).
“ Closely resembling D. major from Europe, but darker beneath, and with a larger
and more powerful bill.” (Konig). Habitat. Canary Islands and Madeira.
major, subsp. cissa (Pall.). One. ¢&. Siberia.
major, svsp. peelzami (Bogd.). One. ¢. Caucasus, Lenkoran, January.
major, subsp. leucopterus, Sulvad. Three. 23, 2. Turkestan (Khoten,
October ; Tscher-tschen-darja).
japonicus (Seebh.). Eight. 4d4(1 jr), 4 9(1jr.). Japan (Yokohama ;
Chiusenze, July ; Hakodati; Musashi-no-kumi ; Nikko, April).
mauritanus (Brehm). (= Picus numidicus, Malh. spm. a, Tristr., Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 101.). One. @. Algeria (La Calle, January).
numidicus (Mualh.). Three. 2 6, 9. Algeria (Bou Hadjah, April).
Mount Atlas.
stricklandi (Ma/h.).
nuttalli (Gamb.). Two. 2¢. Northern California (Red Bluff, April).
scalaris (Vagl.). Eight. 4¢,49. United States (Arizona, Camp Lowell,
August); Texas (San Antonio, September ; Brownsville). Southern
Mexico (Bolanos).
scalaris, subsp. lucasanus (Xantus). Two. 6, 9. Lower California
(San José, April ; La Paz, March).
scalaris, subsp. Sraysoni (Lavwr.).
borealis (Vivill.). Five. 3¢, 2. United States (California, Rosewood,
minor (Linn.). Three. 2, 2. England (Stafford). Scandinavia.
minor, subsp. pipra (Paill.); minor, subsp. quadrifasciatus (Radde).
minor, subsp. danfordi (Harg.); lignarius (Jo/.).
mixtus (Bodd.). Four. 2¢,29. Bolivia. Chili.
cancellatus (Wag/.).
macii (Vicill.). Six. 3¢,39. Northern India (Punjaub ; Darjeeling).
atratus (Blyth).
brunneifrons (Viy.). Hight. 6¢,29. Northern India (Punjaub ; Simla,
July ; Gilgit (?) Littledale Coll.).
analis (Horsf.). Six. 4¢, 29. Burmah (Thayetmyo). Java (Bantam,
Genteng, March).
andamanensis (Blyth). Two. ¢, 9. South Andaman Islands (Mount
Harriet, March).
cabanisi (Malh.). Four. ¢,39. China (Fokien, Foochow ; Kwei-chow,
Upper Chuan-che).
himalayensis (Jurd. & Selb.). Nine. 5d (2jr.), 49. Cashmere. Northern
India (Simla, July ; Gilgit, Littledale, Coll.).
darjilensis, Blyth. Three. 2¢, 2. Nepaul. Sikkim. Assam.
cathpharius, Blyth. Four. 3¢, 9. Sikkim. Assam.
Ppyrrhothorax (Hume); pernyi (Verv.).
syriacus (Hempr. & Ehrenb.) Seven. 3 ¢, 49. Palestine (Samaria,
December ; Esdraelon, March ; Mt. Tabor, February, March, April).
scindeanus (Horsf. & Moore).
arizone (Hurg.). One. ¢jr. Arizona, Santa Rita Mts., June.
villosus (Zinn.). Fourteen, 843,69. Canada (Ontario, Niagara ; North-
West Territory, Alberta: Jasper’s House, March, April, May ; Edmonton,
November). United States (Illinois).
villosus, subsp. maynardi (Ridgw.).
villosus, susp. harrisi (4ud.). Seven. 4¢,39. Canada (Vancouver Island);
British Columbia, Columbia R.; North-West Territory, May. United
States (Colorado: Laramee, July ; Pueblo, October). Mexico (Bolanos).
villosus, subsp. jardinii (Mulh.). One. ¢. Vale of Mexico.
sanctorum (Nelson). Auk. xiv. p. 50 (1897).
One. ¢. Yucatan.
“The lower surface is an intense smoky brown, and the outer tail feathers have
their light areas nearly as dark. The dorsal stripe in most cases is like the
ventral surface, but is rather more fulvous. The Type of sanctorum measures as
follows :—Wing, 111 ; tail, 64; culmen, 25; tarsus, 21 mm.” (Nelson). Habitat.
High mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala.
Before reading the description of this species we were in doubt as to where to
place the above-mentioned specimen. It evidently belongs to this species,
which is merely a small dark southern race of D. jardinii.
pubescens (Linn.). Fifteen. 114 (2 jr.) 49. United States (Ohio ;
Indiana, Lake Co., Whiting Sta., January ; California, Haywards, June).
Several subspecies of this Woodpecker have been described, but we are unable to
recognise them in the material before us.
pubescens, subsp. gairdneri (Avwd.).
Mr. Hargitt recognises this form, which is said to differ from the typical
D. pubescens, ‘in having the wing-coverts either entirely uniform, or with, at
most, a few small spots of white upon the greater series ; the spots on the quills
smaller and fewer, and sometimes entirely wanting on the innermost secondaries ;
the under surface of the body darker, varying from smoky white to pale brown
or smoky brown.” A female specimen in this collection, from Haywards,
California, is marked as this subspecies, but does not appear materially different
from other specimens.
pubescens, subsp. meridionalis (Swains.). ; Oberholser, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii.
pp. 547-548 (1895).
** Subspecific characters.—-Similar to [Dryobates] pubescens, but smaller; the lower
parts more brownish, the white markings of wings and tail averaging of less
extent.” (Oberholser), Habitat. South Atlantic and Gulf States, from South
Carolina to Texas.
A few specimens of D. pubescens in the Collection are perhaps somewhat darker
beneath, but are without locality, and are therefore left under typical D. pubescens.
pubescens, subsp. nelsoni (Oberholser). Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. pp. 549-550
“ Subspecific characters.—Similar to [Dryobates] pubescens, but averaging larger, the
under parts pure white instead of brownish; the lower tail-coverts and outer
tail-feathers averaging with much less of black markings ; red nuchal band of
male averaging somewhat wider.” (Oberholser). Habitat. Alaska and Northern
British America.
leuconotus (Bechst.). Five. 4¢, 9. Sweden (Gothland). Amoorland.
leuconotus, subsp. cirris (Pall.); leuconotus, subsp. subcirris (Stejn.); leu-
conotus, subsp. lilfordi (Sharpe & Dresser).
insularis (Gould). Two. 2¢. North Formosa, April.
namiyei (Stejn.).
tridactylus (Linn.). Eight. 54 (2jr.),39. Norway (Kjerringoe, July).
Sweden, May and June ; (Tinapong, January).
all a subsp. crissoleucus (Bp.). One. ¢. Siberia (Lake Baikal,
eo Baird.
americanus, Brehm. Four. 3 ¢ (1 jr.),?. Labrador. North-West
Territory, Alberta, June.
americanus, subsp. alascensis, Nelson.
arcticus (Swains.). Eight. 3¢,59. Canada (Hudson’s Bay ; North-West
Territory, Alberta, Edmonton, November ; Ontario, Trout Lake). United
States (Maine, Bangor, April ; Illinois, Chicago, April).
funebris, Verr.
albolarvatus (Cass.). Three. ¢, 9. United States (California, Fort
Crook, March ; Oregon, Fort Klamath, October, November).
medius (Linn.). One. 9 jr.
sancti-johannis (Blunf.). ( = Picus medius, Linn. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 101). One. ¢. Asia Minor.
mahrattensis (Zuth.). Thirteen. 6 ¢ (1 jr.), 72. Northern India
(Depalpore, January ; Darjeeling ; Maunbhoom, March). Southern India
(Neilgherries ; Nellore).
No. 7, 2 (= 3964 Lord Derby’s Mus.), labelled by Dr. Latham, Mahratta Wood-
pecker, is possibly a Type of the species.
cardinalis (Gm.). ( = D. zanziburi, Malh., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 103).
Eighteen. 114,792. South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg, July ; De
Kaap, Bonanza Valley, May ; Avoca Valley, June; Natal: Pinetown ;
Limpopo R., July ; Zululand, July).
cardinalis, subsp. zanzibari, Malh. Four. 6, 39. Central Africa
(Kikombo, May ; Nyssaland, Zomba, July, August, October).
minutus (Zemm.). One. ¢. Senegal.
hemprichi (Zirenb.). Two. ¢, 9. Abyssinia, October.
These two specimens were collected by Dr. Riippell.
lafresnayi, Malh. One. 9. West Africa.
sharpii, Oust.
reichenowi, Sjéstedt, Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 138 (1893) ; id. Svenska, Vet.-Ak. Handl.
(27. No. 1), pl. 4 fig. 2 (1895) ; Shelley, Birds Africa, i. p. 132 (1896).
‘*Back yellowish green; wing feathers dull brown; the external margin of the
primaries towards the base (with the exception of the first two), the external
web of the secondaries, and the whole of the tertials of the same colour as the
back ; shafts of the wing feathers brownish black, yellowish beneath ; primaries
pale yellowish, with from two to four spots on the outer web, their inner webs,
as well as those of the secondaries, with large whitish spcts ; forehead to the
hinder margin of the eyes brown, strongly tinged with green ; occiput scarlet ;
beneath pale yellowish green, broadly striped with dull green, lower part of the
flanks barred with the same colour ; throat, neck, and sides of head whitish,
barely tinged with green and less striped than the abdomen; tail feathers
dull brown above, greenish beneath, their edges tinged with yellowish green
towards the base ; lateral tail feathers paler, spotted with yellowish white on their
inner margin; the next two without spots, and the innermost shaded with
greenish on both edges ; feet lead colour. Total length, 130 mm. ; wing, 79;
tail, 37; bill from gape, 17; tarsus, 13; iris, which is dull red, 4.” (Sjdstedt).
Halitat. Cameroons.
poeciloleemus, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 30 (1893); Shelley, Birds Africa, i.
p. 132 (1896).
‘Very like D. lafresnayi, but with the throat pure white, with rounded black spots ;
abdomen uniform pale yellowish without stripes. Total length, 150-155 mm. ;
wing, 86; tail, 50; bill, 16-19; tarsus, 14.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Sconga,
Central Africa.
lepidus (Cab. & Heine).
abyssinicus (Stanl.). One. ¢. Abyssinia.
Type of the species. Collected by H. Salt. (Lord Stanley in Appendix iv. to
Salt’s Voyage to Abyssinia, p. lvi., 1814).
gabonensis (J. & H. Verr.).
lacuum, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 178 (1893) ; Shelley, Birds Africa, i. p. 132
“Very like D. gabonensis, but with the abdomen greenish yellow, thickly marked
with rounded spots, not obscurely streaked or banded. In D. gabonensis the
feathers of the abdomen are marked by a median band, and a subapical spot
connected by a narrow shaft stripe. In D. /acuwm these feathers have a rounded
and a subapical spot separated by a very narrow and inconspicuous median
band.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Karevia, between Lakes Albert and Albert Edward.
lugubris, Hart.
THRIPIAS, Cab. & Heine.
namaquus (Licht.). Thirteen. 8 6,5 9. Central Africa (Kikombo,
September ; Zambesi). South Africa (Transvaal, Rustenberg, August ;
Damaraland, Elephant Vley).
schoensis (Riipp.).
semicoronatus (Malh.).
scintilliceps (Swinh.). One. ¢. Northern China (Pekin, October).
scintilliceps, subsp. doerriesi, Harg.
scintilliceps, subsp. kaleensis (Swinh.). Six. 446,29. Formosa, April.
Southern China (Chusan, May).
pygmeus (Vig.). Three. ¢, 29. Central India (Mohrgong, January).
Nepaul. Assam.
wattersi, Salvad.
kizuki (Temm.). Three. 34. Japan (Sagami, September). Tsu-shima
Island (Niimusa, March).
kizuki, subsp. seebohmi, Hary. Five. 3¢, 29. Japan (Sagami, Thari-
yama ; Shimotsuki-no:kumi; Nikko, May).
kizuki, subsp. nigrescens (Seebh.).
aurantiiventris (Salvad.). One. ¢. Borneo (Paku, November).
pumilus, Harg.
canicapillus (Blyth). One. ¢. Burmah.
Dr. Blanford (Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves. Vol. iii. pp. 46, 47, 1895) considers that
I. pumilus, Harg. is not separable from this species.
picatus, Harg.; grandis, Harg.
auritus (Lyton). Six. 346,29. Sumatra (Palembang Residency : Kaban,
Moesie R., December ; Rawas R., December ; Lampong Residency, Gunung
Tetahan). Java. Borneo.
nanus (Vig.).
hardwickii (Blyth). Two. ¢, 9. Himalayas.
gymnophthalmus (Blyth). One. ¢. Ceylon.
gymnophthalmus, susp. peninsularis, Haury. (No. 2 = Yungipicus hardwicki
(Blyth). Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 100). Three. 2 6. Southern
India (Coonoor Ghat, January).
Dr. Blanford (Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves. Vol. iii. pp. 48-49, 1895) does not recognise
this subspecies.
validirostris (Blyth). (= Yungipicus maculatus (Scop.), Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 100). Four. 39. Philippine Islands (Luzon: Cataguan ;
On the differences between this and other species of Iyngipicus inhabiting the
Philippine Archipelago, cf. Hargitt (Zbis, 1895, pp. 114-115) and Grant (op. cit.
1896, pp. 471-472).
maculatus (Scop.).
menagei, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. pp. 14-15 (1894).
* Adult male :—General colour of the upper surface dark blackish brown. Top
of head uniform with back. A small spot above and behind eye creamy white.
Scarlet stripes on sides of occiput shorter than in J. maculatus and beginning
further back. They are confluent on nape. Behind and under the scarlet stripe
is a partially concealed spot of creamy white. Scapulars, interscapulars, and
back barred with creamy white, some of the feathers with narrow brownish
black shaft stripes. Under tail-coverts brownish black, broadly edged with
buffy white. Tail brownish black, paler at base of feathers, and with both webs
of feathers spotted with pale buff. Wing-coverts brownish black, each feather
having one or two creamy white spots on outer webs. Wing brownish
black. Outer five primaries with two or three very narrow creamy white spots
on outer web, or with no spots at all. Tips of inner primaries, and inner webs
of all primaries, spotted with creamy white. Secondaries similarly spotted
on both webs. Ear-coverts rusty brown. A creamy white malar stripe extend-
ing back of ear-coverts. Chin and narrow stripe down centre of throat white,
bordered by a broad stripe of brownish black on each side, the tips of feathers
forming side stripes being brownish white ; under surface with strong fulvescent
wash. Feathers of upper breast with distinct brownish black shaft marks.
Feathers of lower breast and abdomen with ill-defined streaks of the same
colour. Feathers of flanks nearly white, with only slight dark markings.
Under tail-coverts yellowish white with dark shaft stripes. | Under surface
of tail slightly lighter than upper, but tips of two central pairs of feathers
nearly black. Under wing-coverts and axillaries creamy white, spotted with
brownish black. The female lacks the scarlet head markings of the male, and
the creamy white spot which is partially concealed in the male is in the female
quite conspicuous ; otherwise the sexes are alike. Five males measure in
length, 5°84 inches; culmen, ‘80; wing, 3°07; tail, 159; tarsus, ‘59. Eight
females: Length, 5°97; culmen, ‘79; wing, 3°19; tail, 1°63; tarsus, “66.”
(Bourns &: Worcester). Habitat. Sibuyan.
leytensis, Steere, List B. & Mamm. Philipp. p. 9 (1890) ; id. Ibis, 1891, p. 306 ; Grant,
Ibis, 1896, p. 472.
“Head black. Forehead and loral region cinnamon. Breast tinged with crimson.”
(Steere). Habitat. Philippine Islands (Leyte, Samar). .
fulvifasciatus, Harg.
Mr. Grant has shown (Ibis, 1896, pp. 471-472), on comparison of the Types, that
I. basilanicus, Steere (List B. & Mamm. Philipp. p. 9, 1890; Ibis, 1891, p. 308),
is identical with this species.
ramsayi, Hoary. One. ¢. Sulu Archipelago (Bongao, July).
temmincki (Mulh.). One. ¢. Celebes (Tondano, August).
obsoletus (Wayi.). Five. 4¢, 9. Central Africa (Langomeri, August).
fumigatus (Lajr. d D’Orb.). Five. jr, 39. “Andes.” Bogota.
caboti (Malh.). Two. 2¢jr. Guatemala (Vera Paz, Choctum, January ;
oleaginus (Licht.).
sanguinolentus (Sc/at.).
The Type of this species, which was examined by Mr. Hargitt for the “ Catalogue
of Birds,” can no longer be found in the Museum.
callonotus (Waterh.). Two. 2¢. [Mexico]. Ecuador.
peruvianus (7acz.).
sanguineus (Licht.). Six. 4¢, 2. Surinam.
kirtlandi (Malh.).
nigriceps (Lufr. ¢ LOrb.). Three. 2¢(1 jr), @. Ecuador (Intay).
murinus (Malh.) ; dignus (Sclat. & Salv.).
valdizani, Berleps. & Stolzm. Ibis, 1894, p. 401.
** Wale :—Related to D. dignus, Sel. et Salv. (from Colombia), but differs in having
the upper wing-coverts with large yellowish spots, each with a red tip (not
with very small and narrow whitish’ ones) ; upper tail-coverts almost uniform
yellowish olive, very slightly banded with yellowish white and dull olive ;_ with
the throat and breast, moreover, deep fulvous at the base, not greenish white ;
lower abdomen also deep (? letius) fulvous: beak also less robust and shorter.
Length, 167 ; wing, 99°5; tail, 60; culmen, 20°5; tarsus, 18°5 mm.” (Berlepsch
and Stolzmann). Habitat. Central Peru (Huacras, Vitoc, 7,000 feet).
tephrodops (g/.). Three. 26.
teenionotus (ichenb.). One. 92. Bolivia.
frontalis (Cab.) ; agilis (Cab. & Heine).
olivinus (Mulh.). One. 2. Bolivia.
fidelis, Harg. ; spilogaster ( Way/.).
maculifrons (Spiz). Four. 2¢(1 jr.), 29.
cassini (Mualh.). One. 6.
ruficeps (Spiz).
affinis (Swains.). Nine. 4¢(1 jr.),59. Brazil.
hematostigma (Julh.). One. ¢. Eastern Peru (Xeberos, June).
kirki (Mualh.). Five. 146,39. Tobago. Venezuela (Orinoco).
ceciliz (Mulh.). Three. 2¢, 9. Chiriqui. Bogota.
goertan (P. L. S. Miill.). Seven. 5 ¢ (1 jr.), 2 9 (1 jr.). | [Egypt].
Central Africa (Lado, June). West Africa (Gambia: Combo, May ;
Bathurst, July ; Senegal).
No. 6, ¢, from Senegal ( = 3782 Ld. Derby’s Mus.), is probably the Type of
Crimson-rumped Woodpecker, Lath., Gen. Hist. iii. p. 364 (1822).
spodocephalus (Bp.).
griseocephalus (Bodd.). Seven. 3¢, 492. West Africa. South Africa
(Natal ; Zululand, July ; Macamac, August).
pyrrhogaster (Mulh.). Three. ¢,292. West Africa (Gold Coast).
ellioti (Cass.).
Johnstoni (Shelley) ; Sjéstedt, Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 102 (1893).
‘Female hitherto unknown; very closely resembling the male, but to be dis-
tinguished by having the pileum black and the sides of the head and neck paler.
Total length, 170 mm.; wing, 88; tail, 61; bill from gape, 18; tarsus, 18.”
(Sjéstedt). Habitat. Mannsspring, Cameroons, at 7,000 feet.
xantholophus, Harg.
percussus (Zemm.). Three. ¢,29. Cuba (Havana).
LEPOCESTES, Cab. & Heine.
pyrrhotis (Hodgs.). Two. 29. Northern India (Darjeeling, September).
noguchii (Seebh.).
sinensis, Rickett. Bull. B.O.C. xlv. p.1. (1897); id. Ibis, 1897, p. 452; Rickett and La
Touche, Jbis, 1898, p. 333.
“*Male hardly adult. Like ZL. pyrrhotis (Hodgs.), but with the pileum ‘pale fulvous
brown not streaked with chestnut; interscapulars black, crossed by narrow
reddish fulvous bands ; wing and tail feathers pale chestnut, with equidistant
black bands running across them. Total length, 11:2 inches; culmen, 1°7 ;
wing, 5°7; tail, 3°3; tarsus, 1:1. Habitat. Kuatun.” (Rickett).
porphyromelas (Boic). Hight. 246,49. Tenasserim (Bankasoon, May).
Malacca. Sumatra. [Java].
tristis (Horsf.). One. 4. ‘Java.
grammithorax (Mulh.). Twenty-one. 14 ¢,5 9. Malay Peninsula
(Malacca; Pahang, January; Singapore). Sumatra (Lampong Residency,
Kotto Djawa). Borneo (Segilind R.; Baram, May). [Java].
No. 16 6, from Sumatra (=3791 Lord Derby’s Mus.) was collected by Sir Stamford
tukki (Zess.). Twenty-two. 6 6,16 9. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ;
Pahang, April; Singapore). Sumatra (Lampong Residency, Tarratas).
Borneo (Silam ; Banjermassim).
Dr. Buttikofer (Notes Leyd. Mus. xviii. pp. 168-169, 1896) has reunited with this
species the bird from Nias, described by Count Salvadori (Ann. Mus. Civ.
Gen. (2) iv. p. 531, 1887) as M. infuscatus.
jugularis, Blyth.
pheoceps, Blyth. Hight. 4 ¢,4 9. Northern India. Burmah (Tenas-
serim, July ; Moulmein).
pheeoceps, subsp. brachyurus (Vieill.) Ten. 54,59. Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Sumatra (Lampong Residency: Gunung Tetahan ; Gunung
Trang). Java.
gularis (Jerd.). Three. 246, 2. Southern India (Belgaum, Nagargali,
May). Ceylon.
badiosus (Zemm.). Five. 2 3,2 2. Borneo (Silam; Baram, May ;
fokiensis (Swinh.). Two. 6, @. Eastern China (Ting Chow, October ;
holroydi, Swinh.
aurantius (Linn.). Seventeen. 76 (1 jr.),10¢. Northern India (Scinde,
Narra, January ; Dehra Dhoon; Darjeeling; Bengal). Southern India
(Nellore). Ceylon.
We have followed Dr. Blanford (Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves. Vol. iii. pp. 58-60, 1895)
in including B. puncticollis (Malh.) from Southern India and Ceylon in this
species. Mr. Hargitt has kept it distinct, but it would seem to us that the
Scindian bird B. dilutus, Blyth, which he has included in B. awrantius, has
at least an equal claim to specific value with B. puncticollis.
erythronotus (/%cill.). Four. 34, 9. Ceylon (Veladoora, April).
TIGA, Kaup.
javanensis (Ljuny.). Fifteen. 54, 109. Burmah (Moulmein). Malay
Peninsula (Singapore). Borneo (Labuan ; Banjermassim). Java.
shorii (Viy.). Two. 2¢. Northern India (Sikkim Terai, February).
everetti, Zwecdd. One. @. Philippine Islands (Culion, March).
NESOCELEUS, Sc/at. & Salv.
fernandinee (Vig).
T flavescens (Gm.). Ten. 4¢ (1jr.), 59. Brazil.
No. 6, éjr., ex. Coll. Bullock, is possibly the Type of Yellow-crested Woodpecker,
Lath., Gen. Syn. i. pt. 3 p. 589 (1782).
lugubris (Mulh.). One. @. Bolivia.
kerri, Hurg. Ibis, 1891, pp. 505-506 ; Graham Kerr, op. cit. 1892, pp. 136, 152, pl. iii.
« 4dult male :—Resembles C. lugubris, but differs in having the upper part of the
back, the scapulars, and the wing-coverts nearly black, with a brownish or
slightly olivescent tinge, and the transverse markings narrower and fewer ; the
underparts blackish brown, nearly as dark as the back, and with less rufous
on the under tail-coverts ; the quills brownish black, and the exposed rufous
bars on the secondaries very much narrower, being about one-fifth the width of
the interspaces (the rufous bars in C. lugubris being about one-half the width of
the darker interspaces). The wing, seen from below, is very different ; the base
of the inner webs of the primaries, and the barring on these as well as upon the
inner webs of the secondaries (except close to the shaft), being white; the under
wing-coverts and axillaries white, with scarcely any yellow tinge. The
dimensions are also greater. Total length, 10°0 inches ; culmen, 1°18; wing,
5:9; tail, 3°2; tarsus, 1:0; toes (without elaws)—outer anterior, 0°9; outer
posterior, 0°83 ; inner anterior, 0°62 ; inner posterior, 0°38.
« Adult female :—Differs from the adult male in the absence of red on the malar
region, this being blackish brown, the feathers having buff margins. Total
length, 10:0 inches ; culmen, 1‘12; wing, 5°7; tail, 3°3; tarsus, 1:02.” (Hargitt).
Habitat. Rio Pilcomayo.
ochraceus (Spixz) ; immaculatus, Berleps.
elegans (P. L.S. Miill.). (=C. jwmana (Spix.), Tristr., Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. 105). One. ¢. South America.
reichenbachi (Malh.). Seven. 5 6,29. Guiana.
jumana (Spiz). One. 6.
citreopygius, Sclat. & Salv.
rufus (Gim.). Five. 3¢,2¢9. British Guiana. Cayenne.
undatus (Linn.); loricatus, Reichenb.
castaneus (Wagl.). Three. 26, 9. Central America (Celeman).
grammicus (Malh.). One. ¢. Upper Amazons.
spectabilis, Sclat. & Salv.
torquatus (Bodd.). Three. 6, ?.
tinnunculus (Wagl.); occidentalis, Harg.
flavus (P. L. S. Miill). Six. 34(2jr.),39. Demerara. Cayenne.
semicinnamomeus (Reichenb. ).
festivus (Bodd.). Two. ¢, 2. Southern India (Madras ; Nellore).
strictus (Hors/.).
guttacristatus (Zick.). Eight. 3¢(1 jr.) 59. India, Burmah. [Java].
erythrocephalus, Sharpe.
stricklandi (Layard). Two. 63, 2. Ceylon.
hematribon (Wagl.). Seven. 4 ¢ (1 jr), 3. [China]. Philippine
Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
lucidus (Scop.).
Bec paaeatus, Harg. Two. 6, Q. Philippine Islands (Samar, June,
es Bourns & Worcester have shown (Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 53, 1894)
that C samarensis, Steere, List B. & Mamm. Philipp. p. 8 (1890), is identical with
this species.
xanthocephalus, Wald. & Layard.
validus (Zemm.). Seventeen. 9 ¢, 82. Malay Peninsula (Malacca).
Sumatra (Lampong Residency: Gunung Trang; Penang-Gungan ; Palem-
bang Residency, Hoedjoeng Blalau, January). Java. Borneo (Riam
Kiwa k.; Banjermassim).
principalis (Linn.). Seven. 3¢,4¢9. Southern United States (Louisiana ;
bairdi, Cass.
imperialis (Gould). Two. 6, 2. Mexico.
Co-types of the species.
leucopogon (Vulenc.). Three. 246, 2. Bolivia.
rubricollis (bodd.). ( = Campephilus trachelopyrus, Malh., Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 102). Six. 3¢,39. Guiana. Keuador.
trachelopyrus (Mulh.). One. ¢. Bolivia.
melanoleucus ((m.). Six. 6,59. Brazil (Para). Ecuador (Sarayacu).
malherbii, G.2.Gr. Six. 2¢, 42. U.S. Colombia (Bogota). Brazil
(Rio Huallago).
guatemalensis (Huartl.). Six. 4¢,29. Southern Mexico (Tamaulipas).
Honduras (Omoa). Vera Paz (Coban, February).
guayaquilensis (Less.).
pollens (Sp.). Seven. 3¢,39. New Grenada. Ecuador.
robustus (Licht.). Two. 2¢. Brazil.
hematogaster (Tschudi); splendens, Harg.
IPOCRANTOR, Cab. & Heine.
magellanicus (King). Seven. 3¢,49. Chili. Patagonia (Straits of
concretus (Zvmm.). One. jr. Java.
sordidus (Eyton). Eleven. 7 ¢ (5 jr), 4 @ (1 jr.). Malay Peninsula
(Pahang, January ; Malacca ; Singapore). Borneo (Banjermassim ;
Segilind R.).
No. 3 (=3809 Lord Derby’s Mus.), a young male from Singapore, has the buff
markings on the upper surface much more pronounced than in other specimens.
canente (Less.). Five. 346,29. Tenasserim. Pegu.
Dr. Blanford states (Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves. iii. p. 70, 1895) that there are no
characters by which the South Indian form H. cordatus, Jerd. can be constantly
distinguished from this species.
fulvus (Q. d& G.).
wallacii (Z'weedd.). (= Alophonerpes fulvus (Q. & G.), Tristr., Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 102). One. 92. South Celebes (Macassar).
fuliginosus (7weedd.).
funebris (Vulenc.). Five. 2¢,39. Philippine Islands (Luzon: Manilla ;
Cataguan). [China].
The specimen labelled ‘‘ China” was acquired from Mr. Fortune. It has been
shown, however, that he sent home many birds from Luzon among his Chinese
collections. There are many such in the Derby Museum.
pulverulentus (Zemm.). Five. 2¢,39. Borneo (Banjermassim). Java.
THRIPONAX, Cab. & Heine.
javensis (Horsf.). Eight. 54,39. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Sumatra
(Lampong Residency : Gunung Trang). Borneo (Silam).
javensis, susp. suluensis, ”. Blas. J.f.0. 1890 p. 140.
Six. 3¢, 39. Sulu Archipelago (Bongao Island, July). Philippine
Islands (Luzon ; Basilan, May ; Surigao, May).
‘© Differs from the typical form principally in the smaller proportions of the bills and
wings. In the typical form the dimensions are: Bill, 5°33 cm. ; wing, 2271 ;—
in the subspecies, five individuals measure—total length, 34-35 ; wing, 18°8-19°5 ;
tail, 15°9-16°8 ; culmen, 4°1-4°5; tarsus, 3°1-3°25 em.” (Blasius). Habitat. Sulu
Archipelago and Philippines.
Dr. Sharpe states (Ibis, 1894, p. 249), on the authority of Mr: Hargitt, that the Sulu
birds are inseparable from the Typical form. In our series the specimens from
the Philippines and Sulu Islands agree with one another, and differ from Malac-
can, Bornean, and Sumatran examples in having the wing and beak considerably
shorter, as Dr. Blasius states in his description. Mr. Hartert writes us that this
is also the case with the series at Tring.
pectoralis, Tweedd. ; crawfurdi (@.R.Gr.)
hodgii (Blyth). Two. ¢&, 2. South Andaman Islands, March.
hodgsoni (Jerd.).
feddeni (Blanf.). One. ¢@. Pegu.
hargitti, Sharpe. One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Negros, March).
To the synonymy of this species must be added Thriponax philippinensis, Steere,
List B. & Mamm. Philipp. p. 8 (1890) ; zd. Ibis, 1891, p. 305 ; Bourns & Worces.
Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. p. 36, no. 437 (1894) ; wd. t.c. p. 53; Grant, Ihis, 1896,
pp. 473-474 ; id. t.c. p. 558.
mindorensis, Steere, List B. and Mamm. Philipp. p. 8 (1890); id. Ibis, 1891 pp. 305,
306; Hartert, J.f.0. 1891, p. 295; id. Nov. Zool. ii. p. 487 (1895); Grant, Ibis, 1896,
pp. 473, 474.
«© Adult male :—Much smaller than 7. philippinenis. Rump white. Much white upon
ear coverts and throat. Scarlet cheek patch limited to a narrow bar upon the
lower jaw. Bases of the feathers of the forehead, as well as of the crest, white.
White spot at bases of first and second primaries.” (Steere, Ibis, 1891, p. 305).
Habitat. Mindoro.
T richardsi (7ristr.). One. @. Tsu-sima Island.
Type of the species, P.Z.S., 1879, p. 386 pl. xxxi.
Mr. Seebohm states (Ibis, 1892, pp. 248-250) that 7’. kalinowskii, Tacz., from Corea,
which Mr Hargitt has recognised as distinct, is identical with this species.
CEOPHLEUS, Cab. & Heine.
lineatus (Linn.). (=Campephilus malherbii, Gr. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. 102). Seven. 4¢(1 jr.), 39. Brazil (Para). Ecuador (Sarayacu).
scapularis (Vig.). Seven. 5¢,29. Central America (Vera Paz, Cajabon,
January ; Honduras).
fuscipennis (Se/at.); erythrops (Valenc.) ; galeatus (Temm.).
pileatus (Linn.). Ten.6¢,49(1jr.). Vancouver Island. United States
(Illinois ; Kentucky, Lexington ; Georgia ; Texas).
schulzi (Cab.).
PICUS, Linn.
martius, Linn. Six. 26,49. Scandinavia.
rufiventris (Bp.). One. ¢. Peru (Sarayacu).
cinnamomeus, Wagl.
castelnaui, Malh. Two. 29. Ecuador (Caly).
These specimens were collected by De Lattre.
leucogaster, Pelz. ; fuscus, Pelz.
temmincki, Lufr. Two. 46, 9. South America.
cirrhatus, Zemm. Four. ¢,39. [Guiana]. Paraguay.
spilogaster, Sundev.
pilcomayensis, Harg. Ibis., 1891. pp. 606-607.
‘« Adult male :—This species is intermediate between P. cirrhatus and P. orbignyanus,
possessing some of the characters of each. It differs from P. cirrhatus in want-
ing the brown auricular spot, and in having the back and scapulars of a greyer
or more dusky brownish (not olivescent brown), crossed by smoky-white bars
(P. cirrhatus has sometimes transverse bars, but they are of a different colour) ;
the flanks and thighs without any buff tinge. The present species differs from
P. orbignyanus in being clearly barred with black upon the whole of the under
parts, the upper parts being barred, more or less distinctly, with smoky or
brownish white (not spotted). Total length, 3°5 inches ; culmen, 0°42; wing,
2:0; tail, 1°25; tarsus, 0°5; toes (without claws)—outer anterior, 0°33 ; outer
posterior, 0°33 ; inner anterior, 0°25 ; inner posterior, 0-2.
“ Adult female :—Differs from adult male in wanting the red on the sincipital
feathers, these being black, with rounded spots of white, as upon the posterior
part of the crown and the occiput. Total length, 3°3 inches; culmen, 0-4;
wing, 2:0; tail, 1:25; tarsus, 0°5.” (Hargitt). Habitat. Pileomayo R.
dorbignyands, Lafr.; sclateri, Tacz.; sagittatus, Sundev.; steindachneri,
jelskii, Zacz.; nebulosus, Sunder.
pygmeus (Licht.). Six. 4¢, Qjr. Brazil.
asterias, Sundev.; guttifer, Sunder.
albosquamatus, Zafr. One. 4d. Bolivia.
lepidotus, Cab. & Heine.
squamulatus, Lafr. Seven. 5¢,29. New Grenada (Bogota, Anolaima).
iheringi, Berlepsch.
minutus (Linn.). Two. 2¢. Brazil.
undulatus, Harg. One. @. British Guiana (Roraima).
salvini, Harg. Bul. B.O.C. xi. p. iii. (1893) ; id. Ibis, 1894 pp. 117, 118.
“Similar to P. wedulatus, from Guiana, but with the feathers of the belly with
a median spot of black with a border of fuscous ; feathers of the throat’ tipped
with black, but without the black median spot.” (Hargitt). Habitat. Unknown. °
buffoni, Zufr. Five. 59(1jr.). Cayenne.
punctifrons, Tacz.
lafresnayii, Walh. One. @. Peru.
aurifrons, Pelz.; borbe, Pelz.; flavifrons, Harg ; wallacii, Harg.
olivaceus, Lufr. Eight. 23,69. New Grenada (Bogota).
olivaceus, subsp. Sranadensis, La/r.
obsoletus, Allen. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. iv. pp. 55, 56 (1892).
“« Ad. 8:—Above yellowish olive-brown, with faint subapical very narrow dark
brown bars ; wing-coverts olive brown, lighter yellowish apically, and narrowly
tipped with blackish; quills dark brown, the secondaries broadly edged
externally with light greenish yellow; nasal plumes soiled white, tipped
with black ; whole surface of head black, the crown spotted with orange red,
and the occiput with minute-rounded spots of white, extending forward on sides
to eyes ; below yellowish, lighter and more whitish on the throat, each feather
edged apically with a very narrow bar of black, nearly obsolete except on
the breast ; under wing-coverts strongly buffy white. Length (skin), 3°35 in. ;
wing, 1:95; tail, 1:05; culmen, 46; tarsus, 50.” (Allen). Habitat. El Pinar,
innominatus, Burton. Five. 4¢, 9. Sikkim. Northern India (Darjeeling).
chinensis (Harg.).
) =e oases
ae. er
Sr en
micromegas (Sundev.). One. 9. San Domingo.
africana (Verr.).
Blax gymnophthalmus, Reichenow, Ornith. Monatsber. ii. p. 126 (1894); id. J.f.0.
1896, p. 13-Tafl. iii., described as a new genus and species of Barbet, should, as
it turns out, be referred to this rare species.
SASIA, Hodgs.
ochracea, Hodys. Five. 246,29. Sikkim. Nepaul. Northern India
abnormis (Temm.). Nine. 2¢ (ljr.), 29. Malay Peninsula (Pahang,
January, March). Borneo (Kahayan, August ; Trusan, March).
everetti, Harg.
IYNX, Linn.
torquilla, Linn. Twenty. 3 36, 2 2. England (Cambridge, May ;
Middlesex: Kingsbury, July; Pegham, July). Algiers, February and
April. Egypt. Palestine (Galilee, Wady el Becila, April; Lebanon,
Anata, May; Mt. Tabor, April). Northern India (Etawah; Bengal).
Southern India (Nellore). China (Amoy, January). Japan (Kobé
pectoralis, Vig. Seven. 2 6,2 9. South Africa (Natal, Pinetown ;
Transvaal, Rustenberg, July). East Africa ( [Mombasa] ? Umlass R. Natal).
The last-mentioned specimen was collected by Gordge, and the locality given
by Tristram (Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 100), is open to doubt. Mr. Hargitt states (Cat.
Birds Brit. Mus. xviii., p. 566, note) that he is not aware that Gordge ever
Saag at Mombasa. The true locality is very probably either Zululand or
pulchricollis, Hartl. ; equatorialis, Ripp.
| INDICATOR, Vieil/.
xanthonotus, Blyth; archipelagicus, Temm.
indicator (Gm.). Eleven. 93,29. West Africa (Sierra Leone). South
Africa (Port Natal, July ; Transvaal, Rustenberg, June).
major, Steph. Nine. 5¢(1 jr.) 42. South Africa (Transvaal: Rusten-
berg, November ; Silati Flats, March).
variegatus, Less. Three. Africa.
variegatus, subsp. stictithorax, Rcehnw.
maculatus, G.R.Gr.
minor, Steph. Five. Central Africa (Zambesi). South Africa (Natal).
pygmeus, Rchnw. J.f.0. 1892, p. 24; Shelley, B. Afr. i. p. 125 (1896).
Indicator minor, Hmin, J.f.0. 1891, p. 345.
‘« Female :—Closely resembling J. minor, but much smaller ; head and belly, together
with the under tail-coverts, greenish grey; feathers of the back, upper tail-
coverts, and wing-coverts brownish black in the middle, broadly bordered with
olive yellow. Iris dull brown ; bill fuscous paler at the bases of the mandible ;
feet lead colour, with an olive tinge. Total length, 140; wing, 80; tail, 53;
bill, 9; tarsus, 13 mm.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Victoria Nyanza (Bukoba). .
conirostris (Cass.) ; exilis (Cass.).
regulus, Sundev. One. South Africa (Natal).
insignis (Cass. ).
zambesia, Shelley, Ibis, 1894, p. 8; id. B.Afr. i. p. 125 (1896).
‘‘ Similar to P. insignis, but differing in having the sides of the face and throat pale
ashy, and the abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts white. Total length, 5;
wing, 2'8 inches.” (She//ey). Habitat. Nyassaland (Zomba).
Since this Catalogue was in the press, the following two subspecies have
been described :—
See Page 99.
auratus, susp. luteus, Bungs, Auk. xv. p. 177 (1898).
“Size larger than C. auratus auratus; bill proportionally shorter, straighter, less
curved. Colours much paler throughout ; the brown of the back and the gray
of top of head several shades lighter ; black bands on back narrower and less
conspicuous; under parts more washed with yellow—much less black and
white; shafts, ete., a much brighter yellow.” (Bangs), Habitat, Eastern North
In our series of sixteen examples of C. auratus, we can distinguish no differences
cither in size or colouration, sufficient to separate a specimen from Georgia from
others from Canada and the Assiniboina River, though in the absence of a
larger series from the southern United States, it is impossible to state definitely
that the subspecies is invalid.
See Page 115.
pileatus, susp. abieticola (Bangs), Auk. xv. p. 176 (1898).
“Much larger than Ceophlwus pileatus pileatus; bill longer, of about the same
breadth ; tarsus longer ; all the white markings more extensive ; black colour
less sooty, more brownish or grayish black, feathers of sides more extensively
tipped and barred with white.” (Bangs). Habitat. Eastern North America.
In the case of D. pileatus, we can distinguish no differences whatever as regards
colouration, in our series from the United States, but the dimensions of the bills
seem somewhat variable, the culminal ridge of a specimen from Illinois measures
58 mm., while that of a Georgian example is only 46 mm. The Vancouver
Island specimen differs notably in showing no white whatever on the external
aspect of the wing, whereas in all the other examples the primary coverts are
tipped with white, and the white basal portion of the quills extends beyond the
primary coverts, forming a white bar on the wing; in the Vancouver Island
specimen, the white is much more restricted, so as to be invisible externally, and
much less marked on the inside of the wing.
The Picr are, therefore, represented in the Museum by 81 out of the
91 characterised genera; and by 1871 Specimens belonging to 404 out
of the 670 described species. The number of species represented by their
Types is 17, besides 13 relegated to the synonymy. (October, 1898.)
On a fragment of the Parcival of Wolfram von
Eschenbach in the Mayer Museum.
By R. Prresscu, Pa.D.,
Lecturer on the English Language in University College, Liverpool,
(PLratres A—D).
THROUGH the kindness of the Director of Museums I was enabled some
little time ago to examine the MSS. preserved in the Mayer Collection of the
Public Museums. The first results of this investigation are now presented to
the readers of the bulletin in the accompanying photographic reproductions of
four, pages of a very interesting fragment. They are fac-similes of 271 verses
from the Old German—Hohes Lied des hittertums—the beautiful Parcival poem
of Wolfram von Eschenbach.*
Though there are a good many MSS. of the immortal poem preserved on
the Continent, yet, so far as I know, the Liverpool fragment is the only portion
of it preserved in any English library or museum. These pages now form
the front and back fly-leavest of a Latin Psalter in the Mayer Museum, marked
124°4, and must be regarded as the sorry remains of a fine quarto MS. of
the Parcival cut ruthlessly into pieces by the monks to whose monastery the
Latin book belonged, and perhaps at the time when they gave to the Psalter
its present binding.
There is no entry, however, in the Psalter to tell us either the name or
the place of the monastery, but as the language of our fragment clearly
betrays Suabian influence, and as, moreover, the last page of the Psalter
(folio 145”) is covered with German writing in the same dialect,§ I have little
doubt that it was in that part of Germany that its walls stood, or, maybe,
still stand.
When and under what circumstances the MS. came to England, and into
Mr. Mayer’s possession, it is, unfortunately, impossible now to say ; there
being neither a book-plate nor a written entry in the Codex, to afford us a
clue, and Mr. Mayer, so far as I am aware, left no notes which might
elucidate these questions.
Our two leaves, cut on the upper and outer margins to fit the size of the
Psalter, measure at present-—Folio I., 9,5, x 63%; inches ; folio IL, 958, x 6,4
inches. Each page, as will be seen from the plates, contains two columns,
and each column 34 verses (written upon and between the lines), with the
exception of folio II.’, col. 2; which, as the first line has not been filled in,
contains only 33 verses. Very likely this blank line was reserved for some
heading—bvch XVI., perhaps ; for with the next line actually opens a new
book.|| There are alternately red and blue initials, with blue and red
flourishes, to mark the beginning of each new paragraph.
The clear and elegant handwriting I am, for paleographical reasons,
inclined to place in the last quarter of the thirteenth century. Folio I.” and
II." are excellently preserved, but I. and II.” have suffered somewhat in conse-
quence of having been pasted against the inside of the book-cover. On the
upper margin of folio II.", a hand of the sixteenth century has scribbled :
melchior erp (the name, perhaps, of a former possessor), and schraip sup (?)
*(Qf., among other works, A History of German Literature. By W. Scherer.
Edited by Max Miiller. Oxford, 1886. Vol. 1, p. 161.
+ These pages have now been carefully removed from the Psalter, and preserved
separately under the Catalogue number ‘2°.
£Cf. Appendix, p. 121.
§ Cf. Appendix, p. 121.
|| The Parcival is divided into sixteen books.
schrai (lege schraip) ; there are also a few “ pen-trials” on the lower margin
of the same page.
The verses in the Mayer Fragment, which I shall designate M, belong to
the fifteenth and sixteenth book of the Parcival.* Compared with Lach-
mann’s critical edition of the poem, our folio I. answers to his § 770 1. 3 to
§ 774 1. 8; our folio II. to his § 783 1. 19—§ 7881. 3. Between folios I. and
II. there is a gap of 270 verses, that is to say, the approximate number of
lines which a double leaf of our so badly used MS. of the Parcival would
have contained. It seems, therefore, very probable to my mind that the
Mayer Fragment once formed the immediately preceding double-leaf of the
same quire.
Lachmann, in his edition of the Purcival, arranges all the MSS. of the
poem in two classes, under the designations, D and G. Of class G, many
examples (both complete MSS. and fragments) are extant ; of class D, upon
which he has based his edition, the number is few—the principal being a fine
Codex in the library at St. Gall (D). It is the more gratifying, therefore, to
find that M (the Mayer Fragment) undoubtedly belongs to D.
This point can be proved, first, by the presence of the verses in M folio L.’,
col. 1, ll. 3-28 (= Lachmann § 770, Il. 5-30), which are altogether wanting
in the G class. Secondly, by the fact that wherever important differences
exist in the readings, between the two chief classes, M follows D.t It should,
however, be pointed out that M is by no means a mere copy of the St. Gall
MS. ; on the contrary, it shares some characteristic readings with Lachmann’s
d, (Heidelberg MS. No. 339 ; an early printed copy of the year 1477; and other
fragments), which, from the early date of our Fragment, should not be with-
out weight in criticising the text. I have noted the following passages :—
§770, 8, 19; 771, 30; 772, 26, 28; 773, 27, 28; 783, 28; 784, 2; 786, 7, 24;
15), 19:
With the printed copy of the year 1477—and with this only—M has in
common the reading of verses § 771, 10, 11—our folio 1.", col. 2, lines 3-4 :—
“ich vurte harte creftic her
von minen landen ufez mer”
§ 785, 5, 14—-our folio IT.”, col. 2, 1. 22 :—
“neve artus ich will biten dich.”
§ 785, 5,—our folio II.", col. 2, 1. 13 :—
“*helfet mir ir vnd min neve Gawan.”
§ 785, 17,—our folio II.", col. 2, 1. 25 :—
“ond wis des lasters vur mich pfant.”
§ 786, 9—our folio II.’, col. 1, 1. 13 :—
“daz kein strit in mohte erwerben.”
Lastly, in a few passages M agrees with G also.{ The same is the case
with the “ Képke’s Fragments” (Lachmann, Preface, p. xix.), which other-
wise belong also to D.
The scribe of the Mayer Fragment has not steered entirely free from
mistakes, for as such must be regarded ereves, in folio I.’, col. 2, line 8, for
ercules ; and in line 13, wit for wis; hant, in folio II.’, col. 1, line 28, for lant.
* To any reader, unacquainted with the language of the original, I may heartily
recommend the spirited translation of Wolfram’s poem into English verse by Miss J.
Weston, 2 vols., 1894. London: D. Nutt. The Mayer Fragment will be found in
vol. 2, p. 153, from line 584 to line 656 on p. 156, and from line 807 on p. 160 to line 17
on p. 165.
+ The following characteristic passages in Lachmann’s edition should be compared
here :—§ 771, 3; 773, 26; 784, 10; 785, 4, 7, 15, 18, 26; 786, 7, 22, 30; 787, 2, 30.
+ Of. 783, 20, 24; 784, 20, 23; 786, 10.
i ae
I am not quite sure whether the von, on folio II.*, col. 2, line 8, in place of vn
(=und) of all the other MSS., is only a slip of the copyist ; for if we insert a
period after the preceding word Gral, and delete the one after craft (which
occurs in all the editions), we get not only excellent, but, in my opinion,
really far better sense. On folio I.", col. 1, 1. 16, he inserts, against all the
other MSS,, carvb, and writes, in 1. 18, tiliraster for 7, hilér, and, in |. 26, ietra-
crane for Jetakranc. That the scribe hailed from Suabia is betrayed by
his use of é¢ for ¢ in phlicgt in folio II’., col. 2, line 10 (cf. Weinhold, Aleman.
Grammatic, § 64) ; ¢ for ci and ie, as in urtellichem, in folio II’, col. 2, line 32 ;
denst, in folio I.”, col. 2, line 22—cf. § 36 f; by ivch for iv as the dative plural
—§ 453; by w as the ending of the accusative feminine, as disiv zit, in
folio II.", col. 1, line 26—§ 423.
It remains now for me only to express my sincere thanks to the Director
of Museums for the opportunity of describing this Fragment. May every
custodian, or fortunate possessor of ancient MSS., show the same kindness to
the toiler in that branch of science! it would then be easier for him to gather
together all the stones for that lofty
the life of our forefathers.
edifice—the history of the thoughts and
The volume marked 17!°* in the Mayer Museum is a Parchment Codex in quarto
of 145 leaves, (the pages numbered in pencil by a modern hand), and a flyleaf in
front and back. The writing is that of a clear German hand of the twelfth century.
The quires consist mostly of 8 leaves. There are, however, 1 of 1, 2 of 2, 2 of 6 leaves.
The MS. is bound in green calf skin, and has two well-preserved clasps in the form of
The Latin Psalter commences with the Ist Psalm, ‘‘ Beatus vir qui non abiit,” &c.,
on folio 12", and has a richly coloured initial letter with a representation of David playing
the harp, with an angel overhead. It ends on folio 129" with the CL. Psalm-—Omnis
spiritus laudet domini ; the same modern hand has marked in pencil, the beginning of
the Psalms—Ps. 1, 2, &c.—and on folio 129° has written, ‘‘ End of Psalter.” The
Psalter is followed by Collects and a commemoration of §. Katherine, who is styled
‘the Jewel of Greece, from the city of Alexandria.” After this, other Canticles—the
“* Benedicite,” ‘* Pater noster,” “ Credo,” * Quicunque vult” ; on folio 141", is the Litany
of the Saints, and again prayers to the end of the volume. There are other initials, in
the same style as the first, on folios 29, 50, 90, 114, 129, and also numerous smaller
ones on all the pages, besides drawings of grotesque heads and figures of animals and
plants between the lines or on the margin of the folios from the 12th to 56th.
The Psalter is preceded by a Latin calendar, on folios 1 to 6, with round arches and
columns, gilt, and illustrated with vignettes of the signs of the Zodiac, and allegorical
drawings of occupations for each month, “
such as tree-felling for January, ploughing
in February, brewing in September ; October is set apart for being ill in bed, Novem-
ber for pig-killing, and in December a man is
(Catalogue of Medieval and Latin Antiquities contained in the Mayer Museum, &c.
seated before a fire warming his toes”
By C. T. Gatty). These are followed, on folios 7 to 11, by full page panels, each divided
into two, drawn and illuminated in an
unusually spirited style, and illustrating the
chief events of Christ’s life, from his childhood to his coming on the Day of Judgment.
To complete the description of this MS., I may add that on folio 145Y (the last page
of the Psalter), there is found some German writing in a hand of the fourteenth century,
and in the Suabian dialect, which sets out what is portended by a person being born
on a Sunday, Monday, &c.
It runs thus :—
Wer an aim sunitac wiert gvborn der
wiert st{arc]* vn schen.
Der,an aim maentag wiert gvborn der
__wiert stark. ;
Der an ai zistag wiert gvborn der wiert
stark vn gverig ze fechtent.
Der an ai mithun wiert gvborn der wiert
richder des neches.
Der an ai dunstag wiert gvborn der wiert
Der an ai fritag wiert gvborn der wiert
Der an ai samstag wiert gvborn der wiert
He who is born on a Sunday will become
strong and beautiful.
He who is born on a Monday will be-
come strong.
He who is born on a Tuesday will be-
come strong and eager for combat.
He who is born on a Wednesday will be-
come judge of the empire.
He who is born on a Thursday will be-
come an honest man.
He who is born on a Friday will have
long life.
He who is born on a Saturday will not
live long.
Then follows what apparently is an extract from a Book of Dreams :.—
’Dem in sinem sclaf ist, wie er die fogel
vo im sech fliegen daz bizechet zorn.
Der die fogel i dé sclaf fahet, daz bize-
chet glvk vn heil.
Schaf vn kizu (!) diz ist trost.
Wapen tragen daz sint ere.
Wafen ferliesen ald brechen daz ist
Bovm mit frucht daz sint gvwine.
Bevm vfgan daz ist gvt.
Nasses wet® daz ist ain zersterig.
Ain trvbes wet* daz ist bitterung.
Dem ist wie es von tiern bistaden si, daz
ist daz es v6 siné vidé vbirwnden
werdé w!.
Ainen wagen sehen lofen daz ist krieg
mit sinim friad.
Fingirln ald fvrspangen ald+ fvrliesen
daz ist grose smerze.
Z¥ opher gan ald ophrun daz ist grosu
Figirln ald fvrspan trag[en] daz ist arbeit.
Groz arm daz ist gvwalt.
Klain arm daz 1st trvnkait.
Ain cron enphaen daz ist er.
Dem ist wie es plint si daz ist daz der
mensch in svnd vallen wil.
Dé ist wie er nit mvg lofen daz bizehet
Dem ist wie er mit totun redi daz ist
daz dem g¥t zehaden wilgan. _
Dem ist wie es tod si dé wil grose schad
Dem ist wie er bischoren si daz ist daz er
wil bitrogen werden.
Dem ist wie er hohzit sech daz bizehet
wainig. é
Dem ist wie er mit dem kvnge redi daz
ist daz im er vn wierdi wil z¢gan.
Dem ist wie er ain wisses hobt hei daz ist
gywin. .
Dem ist wie er lages har hei daz ist
Dem ist wie er nvts gvschvesz trag daz ist
fr[id] (?) cu{m]pt.
Dem is wie im daz hobt gvwaischen si
daz er lest wil werden vo allen ar-
Dem ist wie im die zen vsfalleit (!) daz
ist daz im ain naher frvnd sterben
Dem ist wie er sin hus buii daz ist daz er
gvtrevst wil werden.
Dem ist wie er sin hus sech brinnen daz
bizehet vnglvk.
Dem ist wie er col nem da (!) bvzehet
gros frvd en (!) goz (!) namen.
Anger is signified if, in sleep, birds are
seen to fly from one.
Happiness and prosperity are portended
to him who, in his sleep, catches
Consolation is signified by sheep and kids.
The carrying of weapons means honour.
The losing or breaking of weapons por-
tends loss.
By trees laden with fruit signifies gain.
It is fortunate to dream of climbing a
Wet weather signifies disturbance.
Dull weather betokens bitterness.
Overthrow by one’s enemies is signified
by dreaming of being surrounded by
A carriage in motion betokens quarrels
with one’s friend.
Losing one’s rings or brooches portends
great trouble.
The going to Mass or celebrating Mass
signifies great joy.
The wearing of rings or brooches beto-
kens work.
Dreaming of a strong arm means power.
Dreaming of a small arm signifies drunk-
Receiving a crown portends honour.
The man who dreams that he is blind
will fall into sin.
Sickness is portended by dreaming one
cannot walk.
Prosperity will come to him who dreams
of talking with the dead.
He who dreams that he is dead will come
to great harm.
He who dreams of having been shorn
will be deceived.
Dreaming of a wedding betokens tears.
Honour and dignity will come to him
who dreams that he speaks with the
To dream of having grey hair means gain.
To dream of having long hair betokens
The approach of peace is portended by
dreaming one carries a useful (load-
ed?) gun.
To dream of having one’s head washed
signifies release from all work.
To dream that one’s teeth have fallen out
means that a near friend will die.
To dream that one builds a house signi-
fies consolation.
Misfortune is signified by dreaming one’s
house is on fire.
Great joy and a great name are signified
by dreaming that one picks up a
* Letters in brackets [ ] have been added by me.—R. P.
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Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums.
bis in
* a
Fouto IIL’:
Abomey, - - : - : 51
Abraham, Rev. N., - 2 : 75
African Masks, - 27
Africa, S., New Marine Spider from 75
Agapornis, - 19
Alcyonium digitatum, - - 86
Altars, Sacrificial, in Banh : 54
Ammonite, Turvey, = = 4
Analyses of Metal from Benin, - 67, 68
Andigena, - 97
Anglo-Saxon Antiquities, - - 3
Anodorhynchus, - - - 10
Antiquities, Anglo- Saxon, 3
" Assyrian, - - 3
" Cypriote, - - - 26
" Egyptian, - 3
" Greek, 3
" Medieval, = 3
pyornis, - - - - - 29
Aphanapteryx, - - - - 29
A prosmictus, - - - 18
Aquarium, Notes from, - - 23
Ara, - - . - 10
Archeological Collections, - - 1
Archidoris tuberculata, - 85, 86
** Argo” Expedition, Mollusca of, 3
Asyndesmus, - - - - 104
Aulacorhamphus, - : : = 98
auriculata (Zenaida), - : : 36
Bacon, Commander,
: = ey 54, 57, 59, 64
Barbatula, - - - 92
Barbets, Catalogue of, - - - 87
Barnardius, - : : 20
Belief, Superstitious (leigh): = 28
Benin : :
Altars, Sacrificial, - : = 54
Analyses of Metal from, - 67
Anklets of Coral, - - - 59
Bracelet, ‘‘ Manilio,” - : 54
Bullock’s Head=mask, - 2 57
Cast-metal Work from, - 49
Copper, Ingraved Melted, - 52
**City of Blood,” - - 51
Garal Anklets, - : - 59
Coral Collars, = > = 50
Dress, - . - 50, 64
Eye of Metal Figures; - - 56
Flint-lock, Representation of, 54
Frog, Repr esentation of, - 57
Hunter, gas ica of, - 54
Idols in, - - - 57
Juju Houses, - = = 2 58
Juju Compound, - - - 56
King’s Compound, - - 54, 56
Leopards in Metal, - - 58
Leopard’s Hide, - - - 54
Benin (Continued) :
Long-handled Goblet [or mace], 64
“*Manilio” Bracelet, 54
Neolithic Celt, Representa-
tion of, ~ 57
No Indecency in Cary ed
Work, - - 52
Origin of Metal W ork: 66
Patina on Metal W ork, 58
Periophthalmus koelreuteri,
Representation of, 57
People of, — - 69
Plaques in | High Relief
from, 50, 51, 52
Pipe, - 49
Sacrificial teas, - 54
Statuettes, - ae et seqq.
Snake in, 59
Tattoo, - - - - - 51
Tusk-holders, - - - 54, 56
Tribal Marks, - - - 54, 56
blainvillit ( Penella ), 23
Blax, - 117
Blomert, conden. - 52
Bolbopsittacus, - - - 19
Bolborhynchus, ° 12
Bosman, Mr., - = 64
Bowen, Mr. T. J., 57 (note), 59
Brachygalba, - - 89
Brachypternus, — - - 112
Bryan- Faussett Gailechian: : - 8, 65
Brown, Sir Meccan 3; Willer peg
trait of, = - - 3
Brotogerys, - - 13
Bucchero Cypriote Ww poate - 26
Bucconide, - - - 87
Bucco, - - 87
Bullock’s Heat ees from Bean 57
Burton, Sir Richard, - - 50, 59, 64
Cacatua, - 9
Cacatuide, - 8
Cacatuine, - - 8
Cacomantis, - - : - = 39
Caica, - = = 15
Calliecthrus, - 37
Calliptilus, - - 6
Calliptorhynchus, - 8
Callocephalon, 9
Calopsittacine, 9
Calopsittacus, 9
Calorhamphus, 93
Campophilus, - 114
Cambridge, Rev. O. P., 77
Campothera, - - - 101
Capito, - - : - = - 96
Capitonide, - - - . - 87, 89
Carpococcy®, - 45
Cast Metal Work fom ‘Benin: E 49
Castings of Metal in Benin by Beth
perduta process, - 68
Cat-fish, Electric, - - - 25
Catalogue :
Of the Cuckoos and Plantain-
eaters in Derby Museum, - 37
Of Parrots, - - - - 5
Of Pici, - - - . - 87
Cayanus, - - - - - 85
Celeus, - - - - - ae UE?
Centropus, - - - - - 41
Centropodine, - - - - 41
Ceophleus, - - 115
Cera perduta, process adopted in
Casting of —— in Benin, 68
Cerchneipicus, - - - 113
Cercococcyx, - - - - - 39
Ceuthmochares, — - . : . 45
Chalcococcyx, - - - 39
Chalcopsittacus, - - - 5
Charmosynopsts, - - - - 7
Charmosyna, 8
Chatham Islands, their relation
to a former Southern Continent,
by H. O. Forbes, — - - - 75
naka Islands, - - 29
chathamensis ( Hemiphages );, - - 5
Chelidoptera, . 88
Chestnut- shouldered Pigeon, - 36
Chloronerpes, : - 101
Chotorhea, - - - - - 93
Chrysotis, — - - - - 13
Chrysoptilus, = - - 102
Chrysophlegma, - - - - 103
Chrysococcy, - - - - 39
Chrysocolaptes, - - : sv ALIS
Cirripeds, — - - - 23, 24
Clare, Mr. Fevcourt E., - - 73
Clubb, Mr., - - - - - 85
Coccystes, — - - - - - 37
Coccyzus, — - - - - - 40
Codex, Mexican, - - . - 3
Colaptes, - - - - 99, 118
Columba, - - - - - 36
Columba meridionalts, E - - 36
n -princeps, - - 36
Composition of Metal from Benin, 66
Compound, King of Benin’s, - 54, 56
Conchoderma virgata, - - - 24
Conurine, - - - - - 10
Conuropsis, - - - - 11
Conurus, - - - - - 10
Coot, giant, - - 29
Copepod (Penella blainvillis ), 23, 24
Coracopsis, - = 16
corallodendron ( Erythrina ), - - 11
Coral Anklets from Benin, - - 59
Coral Collars from Benin, - 50, 56, 64
Coriphilus, - : z z = 6
Corophium eines - - - 86
Corytheola, - - = - 47
Coua, - : s 45
Crab-gall on Millepora, - - 81
Crocomorphus, - - - 113
Crotophaga, - - - - - 46
Crotophagine, 5 = - - 46
Cruickshank, Mr. Brodie (quoted), 65
Crustacean parasitic on Flyi me
Fish, - - - . 23
Cuckoos and Plantain -eaters,
Catalogue of, - - - - 37
Cuckow, Glossy, - - - - 40
Cuckoos, — - - - - 37
Cuculi, - : : E : = 7
Cuculide, - - E = : 37
Cuculine, - = - - 37
Cuculus, - = : - : 38
Cuculus libanoticus, = - - 38
Cyanocorax cyanomelas, - - 85
" cyanopogon, - - 85
" cayanus, - - - $5
Cyanolyseus, - - - - - 11
cyanomelas (Cyanocorax ), 85
Cyanops, - - : - 94
Cyanopsittacus, - - - 10
cyanopegon (Cyanocorax), - - 85
Cyanorhamphus, - 2 21
Cyanorhamphus eg bad ~osbris; sp.n- 21
cyanus (Cyanocorax ), - - 85
Cc Ania fei dee - - : 8
Cyclopsittacus, - - ; - 8
Cypriote Antiquities, - : - 26
« _Terra- cottas, - : - 26
“« Dahomey,” For = (qnoted - 59
Dahomey, King of : 51
Dalton, Mr. O. M., - (note) 70
Dana, Mr., - - - - 82
Dandridgea, - : = 77
Darley-Dale Quar ry Sake - 72
Dasyptilus, - : - - 16
Dasylophus, - - - - - 45
Dendrobates, - - - - = SSLIO
Dendropicus, - : . 108
Dendrocopus, - - - - a HOG:
Dendrocoptes, - : - - 108
Derby Museum, - - - 1
Derby, Earl of, -
ness 30, 71, 74, 85
Deroptyus, - - - 14
Deside, - = ~ : 75
Desis, - - = Tepead
digitatum ( ‘Aloyonium Hi - 86
Diplopterine, - - - 46
Diplopterus, - - - - - 46
Dodo, - - - - - - 29
Dreams, Book of - - 7 ys ages
Dress of Benin People, - - 50, 65
Dromococcyx, - - - - 46
Dryococcyx, - - - - - 44
Dryotomus, - - 2 - dps
Eclectus, E - - 16
Egypt, Neolithic Flint Imple-
ments from, - - - 27
Elder, Dempster, & Co., Messrs., 25
Electric Fishes, - - - 25
electricus (Malapterur us), - - 25
Ethnographical Gubechiong - 1
Eudynamis, - 40)
Enamelled Spots on M etal Leopard
from Benin, - » 09
Eos, - - - - - 5
Erythrina corallodendro on, - - 11
Erythromachus, - - - - 29
Erythrobucco, 89
Evans, Sir John, 68
PBxocetus volitans, - - 23
exul (Palewornis ), 30
Eye, pupil of in Metal Figure
from Benin, - 56
Feeding of Young Trout, 24
Fejervary Ivories, - 3
Fetish of Abomey, - - 59
Fetish, Malapterurus as, - 26
Flint- lock in Figure from Baus, 54
Flint Implements, Neolithic, from
Egypt, - 21
Flints, Paleolithic, from Egypt, | 27
Flower, Sir William, - «il
Flying Fish, Crustacean Parasitic
= 2 23
Haewooa. a W. B., 73, 7
" Lady, - = 74
Foundation Stone of Masenmns
Extension, : - - =sJl rhe
Forbes, Commander, : - 59, 70
Forbes, Dr. Henry 0., - - 1, 29
The Chatham Islands: their
relation to a former South-
ern Continent, - 75
Forbes, Henry O., and H. C.
Robinson, : : - 95, 37, 87
Sormidabilis (Robsonia 7: - - 77
" ( Paradesis), - : 77
Fregilupus varius, = - 30, 32, 33
Frog on Benin Figure, - - 57
Fulas. - - - - . 69
Galbalcyrhynchus, - - - 89
Galbula, : - - - - 89
Galbulide, - - - - - 87, 88
Galbuline, - - - - - 88
Gallas, - - = £ - 69
rallirex, - E - - - 47
Garrod, Professor, = : - 33
Garveia nutans, - < - - 86
Gasterosteus pungitius, Habitat of 24
Gatty, Mr. C. T., - 121
Gauropicoides, — - - e - 103
Gecinulus, — - . = z - 103
Gecinus, = - - - - 100
Gentry, Mr., = = : : 85
Geococcyx, - - - - - 45
Geocolaptes, - - - - - 99
Geoffroyus, - - : - 16
Ceopsittacus, - - : : 22
Gladstone, Dr., - - - 68
Glass Manufacture i in Nupe, = 59
Glossopsittacus, — - - - - 7
Glossy Cuckow, - : - - 40
Gnathosittaca, - - 11
Goldie, Sir Geor we (oerad ah 69
Gould Collection in eos 36
Grandidier, M., - : 30
grossipes ( Cor ophium > ae - - 86
Guira, - = - - - - 46
Giinther, Dr., - = - - 24, 32
Gymnobucco, - - - - 91
Gymnoschizorhis, - = - - 48
Gypopsittacus, - : - - 15
I. 125
Habitat of Gasterosteus pungitius, - 24
Hapalocarcinus marsupialis, - - 81
Hapaloptila, - - - - - 88
Harrison, Mr. J. C., 2 28
Hartert, Mr., - z - - 31
Harting, Mr. J. E., — - - : 5
Hearn, Captain, - = = - 23
Heliobucco, - - : . - 91
Hemicercus, - - - - - 14
Hemilophus, - 114
Hemiphaga chathamensia, - - 36
" novee- -zealandice, - - 36
" spadicea, - : = 30
Henicognathus, — - - - - 11
Henshaw, Messrs., - - - 7
Hieratic Papyri, - : - - 4
Hierococcyx, - - - 38
Hickson, Prof. Sy dney ae 81
Higgins, Rev. H. H., - 4
Hilbre Island, Marine tavecies
brates from, - - - 85
hombergi (1r itonia), = : 85
Honey Guides, Catalogue ab : $7
Houlding, Lord Mayor, - - 73
Hunter, Figure from Benin of a, - 54
Hunting ae in neues from
Benin, - = 54
Hyetornis, - - - - - 43
Hypocharmosyna, - - - - 7
Hypopicus, - - - - - 105
Hypoxanthus, - - - 100
Hypsipetes, - - - - - 30
Tdols in Eo ay ne - : 57
Tlorin, - - - - 69
Indicator, - : - 7
Indicatoride, Catalogue of, - : 87
Inscription on Foundation Stone
of Museums Extension, - = 73
Introductory Note to Bulletin, - 1
Ipocrantor, - - - - - 114
irideus (Salmo), - - - - 24
Trish Superstition, - - - 28
Irvine, Mr. James, - - - 52
Islet au Mat, - - - 31, 32
Ivories, Fejervary, 2 - = 3
Tyngine, - - - - = AT
Iyngipicus, - - - - - 109
Tynx, - - - - - - 17
Jacamars, Catalogue of, = - 87
Jacamaralcyon, - - - 89
Jacameropine, - - : - 89
Jacamerops, - - - - - 89
Jakuta, - - - - - 7
Johnson Pasha, - - - - 27
Jones, Mr. A. rs - 25
Jones, Mr. E. Dankanfield, CE., = 4
Jones, Mr. Morris Paterson, - 73, 74
Juju Compounds in Benin, - 56
Juju Houses in Benin, - - - 58
Katanga, Copper Ore from, - - 68
Key, Mr. W., - - 72
King of Benin’s Compound, - - 54, 56
Knowsley 3 Menagerie, - - - 2
" Parrots in, we
Kapke’ s Fragments, - - - 120
Lachmann, Herr, - - - -
Lamb, Mr. Bullock, = - - -
Laverock, Mr.,_ - - - -
Leasowe Embankment, - -
**Leguat, Frangois, Voyage of,”
referred to, - -
Leguatia, - -
Leopard in Metal from Benin, -
Leopard’s Hide Dress in Benin
figure, - -
Leopard, Fetish of Abomey, -
Lepidogrammus, - :
Lepocestes, - E : - E
Leptopsittace, - - - =
libanoticus (Cuculus), - - -
Libya, Table lands of, - E -
Licmetis, s - E -
Liopicus, E
Literary and Philosoph ical Society
of Liverpool, - -
Liver Meal, Food for Young Trout,
Longperrier, M. de, -
Long- handled Goblet for Mace]
from Benin, -
Lophopsittacus, - - - :
Lophopsittacus mauritianus, - >
Lord Howe’s Island, - - -
Loriculus, — - : E =
Loriide, - - : - -
Lorius, - : : = 4
Madagascar, =
magnirostris (gener hamphus),
sp. n.,
Major, Dr. Forsyth, - - -
Manlio Bracelet from Benin, é
Malacoptila, - - - - -
Malapterurus electricus, = - ~ -
" " feeding, -
Marcez, Peter de, . : -
marsupialis (Hapalocarcinus), — -
Mascarene Islands, new and
supposed extinct bird from, — -
Mascarinus, -
Mask, Bullock’ s head, out Reins
Mat, Islet au, -
mauritianus ( Lophopsiiéacue ), -
Maxwell, Mr. Maxwell Hyslop, j pep
Mayer Museum, -
Mayer, Joseph, Packs of, - =
“Medicine” at the Museums, -
Megalema, - - : -
Melanerpes, - - - - -
Melanobucco, - - - -
Melopsittacus, - - = :
“* Melted Copper,” mErewed, in
Benin, - -
meridionalis (Columba), - -
Mesobucco, - - - - -
Mesopicus, - - - - -
Metamorphoses of Lepidoptera
from San Paulo, - = :
Mexican Codex, - - - -
Microdynamis, — - - - -
Microglossus, - - - -
Micromonacha, - - : :
Micropternus, - - - -
Microsittace, - - > - -
- 31, 32
Microstictus, - - - - - 114
Miglyptes, - - - - - 112
Millepora, - - - 8L
Milne-Edwards, Prof., ~ 30, 31 (note), 31
Misocalius, - 39
Mollusca of the “Argo” Expedition, 3
Monacha, - - 88
Moore, Mr. ts Cee - - - 4
Moor, Consul-General, - - - 58
Morococcyx, - - - 45
Mountford, Mr. E. w., - - 72, 73
Miller, Prof. Max, : = - 4119
Murie, Dr., - - 30
Museums Extension Buildings, - 71
Museums, Notes from, - - 23
Museum Reports, - ; : 3
Musophaga, - - - - - 47
Musophagide, - - - - 46
Myopsittacus, : - - : 12
Myres, Mr. J. L., - - - 27
Nanodes, = - 2 - = 22
Nasiterna, - - - - - 9
Nasiternine, - - - - - 9
Necropsar, - - - - - 32, 35
Necropsar leguati, - - - 32, 33, 34
Necropsar, new and due ex-
tinct species of, - 29
Necropsar leguati, n. = (deserip-
tion), - - - 34, 35
Necropsar rodericanus, - : - 32, 33
Necropsittacus, — - - 16
Neolithic Celt on Benin Figure, - 57
Neolithic Flint Implements from
yp — a 0
Neomorphine, - - - 45
Neomorphus, - - - - 45
Neophema, - — - - - - 20
Neopsittacus, - - - - 8
Nesoceleus, - - 112
Nesoctites, - = - - =~ O17
Nestor, - - - - - - 5
Ne estoride, - - - 5
Newton, eaten Alfred, - 29, 30, 31
Newton, Sir Edward, - - - 30, 32
New Zealand, = - - - 29
Nonna, - - - - - 88
Norfolk Island, - - - - 36
Notes from Museums and Aquarium, 23
nove-zealandice (Hemiphaga), - 36
“Ntobo,” native name om Malapterurus, 26
Nupe, - - - - - 59, 69
nutans (Garveia), - - - - 86
Nymphicus, - - - - - 21
Ogilby, John, African Travels, - 52
Oliver, Captain - - - (note) 31
Oreopsittacus, - 8
Origin of Benin Metal Wark 66, 69, 70
Oustalet, M. E., - : - - 30, 32
Pachycoccyx, - - - - 37
Pachynus, - - : - - 14
Palemonetes varians, - = - 24
Palwornis, - - - - - 17
Paleornithine, - = - 16
Paleornis exul, - - - - 30
Papyri, Hieratiec, - . 4
Paradesis, gen. nov., - : 75
Paradesis tubicola, n. sp., 75, 77, 78
Parasitic Crustacean on Flying
Fish, - - - 23
Parcival of Wolfram von igehioe-
bach, Fragment of, - 119
Parrots, Catalogue of, in Derby
Museum, - E
Patina on Benin Metal Work, - 58
Penella - 24
Pendila’ Basnveilltiy figure of, - 23
People of Benin, - - 69
Periophthalmus koelr meee - - 57
Pezoporus, - : - 22
Phenicophaes, : - - - 44
Phenicophaine, - - - - 42
Piaya, - - - - - 43
Pici, Catalogue - - - 87, 118
Picide, Ss of, - - - 87
Picide, - - - - - 99
Picine, - : - - - - 99
Picoides, 2 = : = - 108
Picumnine, -—— - - - - 11d
Picumnus, — - “ - - - 115
Picus, - - - - 115
Pigeon, Note on two species of, 35
Pigeon, Southern, of Sus - 36
Pionine, - - 2 - 13
Pionus, - - - - - 14
Pionopsittacus, — - - 14
Pipe, Cast Metal, from Benin, - 49
Plantain-eaters, Catalogue en - 37
Platycercine, - - 20
Platycercus, - - - 20
Plaques in high relief from
Benin, - = 50; aa 52
Pocock, Mr. R. I., - - 75
Pecillopora, - - 81
Procephalus + ubricapillus, sp. n., - 15
Pogonorhynchus, - 89
Polytelis, - - - = > 18
Porphyrocephalus, - 20
Powder flask in figure from Benin, 54
Priebsch, Dr. R., on the ae 119
princeps ( Columba ), - 36
Priomturus, - : - - - 17
Prodotiscus, - - - = AB Lyi
Psephotus, - = : - 20
Psilopogon, - - - - - 95
Psittact, - : - - - 5
Psittacide, - = & 2 - 9
Psittacella, - - : 4 2 19
Psittacine, - “ - : : 16
Psittacula, - - - - - 12
P3sittacus, - - : : - 16
Psitteuteles, - - - 7
Psittinus, - - 2 = - 19
Pteroglossus, - - - - - 98
Ptilosclera, - - - - - i
Ptistes, - - : - 18
Puff-birds, Catalogue of, - - 87
Pupil of Eye in Benin figure, : 56
Pyrrhuopsis, - - 18
Pyrrhura, - - - - - 12
Ratzil, Herr, - : - 69
Read, Mr. C. H., - (note) 70
Red Cypriote Ware, - - - 26, 27
Relation deVIle Rodrigue (quoted) 31
Relief, Plaques from Benin, in
high, - - = 950, 51,02
Reports, Museum, - - - 3
Reunion, - : 30
Rhamphastide, Catalogue of, - 87
Rhamphastide, — - - 97
Rhamphastos, - - - - 97
Rhamphococcyx, - - - - 44
Rhamphomantis, - - - - 40
Rhinococcyx, - - - - 44
Rhinortha, - - - - - 44
Rhopodytes, - - - - - 43
Rhynchopsittacus, - - - - 10
Ridyard, Mr. A., - - - - 25, 27
Rio Negro, - - - 85
Robes: on Metal Figures from
Benin, = 64
Robinson, H. C., land ‘Henry 0.
Forbes, - - 9d » 37; 87
Robsonia for yisdecbilie, - . 77
rodericanus ( nee ), - : 32
Rodriguez, - - - 30
Roth, Mr. F., - - 58
Rothschild, Hon. Walter, - 31
Rouillard, M. - (asta) 31
Round, Figures from Bee in the,
52, 53, 54, et seqq.
rubricapillus (Peocephalus), sp. n., 15
Sacrificial Altars in Benin, - 54
Salmo irideus, 2 - _ 9A, 25
San Paulo, Metamorphoses of
Lepidoptera from, - - 4
Sapheopipo, - - - - ee eel
Sasia, - - - = : mappa fe bi /
Saurothera, - - - - - 42
Scherer, Mr. W., = - - 119
Schizorhis, - - - - = 47
Scythrops, - - - - - 41
Selenidera, - - - - - 98
Semper, Dr. (quoted), - = = 81
Sette Kama, Masks from, - - 27, 28
Seton-Karr, Mr. yn - - 27
Seriatopora, - - - 81
“Shango,” - - - - 57
Sharpe, Dr. R. B., - - - 31
Sideropora, - - - - - 81
Slater, Mr., - - = - 2 32
Smilor: his, - 91
Snake, Fetish of Ww ydah, 59 ; ; in
Benin, - 59
Southern Pigeon, of Latham, - 36
spadicea (Hemiphaga), - 35
Spider, New Marine, from S. Neres 75
Spiegelberg, Dr. Mice ats - - 4
Sphyropicus, - - - =7s LO5:
St. Gall, ay at, - - - 120
Stactolema, - - - - 92
Stanley, Lord, - : = : 1
Stancliffe stone, - = - - 72
Starling, Crested, 30
Statuettes, Solid Metal, from
Benin, - - 59
Stickleback, - 24
Stone Celt, Superstition regarding, 28
Stone, Mr. Whitmer, - - 85
Strickland, Mr., - - - - 30
Stringopide, -
Taccocua, -
Tattoo of Benin People,
Taylor, Mr. soles - -
Tetragonops, - : .
Thereiceryx, - - - - -
Thripias, - - -
Tiga, -
Toby, Mr. S, -
Toucans, Catalogue di; -
Tortoises, gigantic, :
Tribal Marks on figure “from
Benin, - -
Tricholema, -
Triclaria, -
Tring Museum, - - -
Tristram, Rev. Canon, -
Tritonia hombergi, -
Trout, Feeding of Young,
tuberculata ( Archidoris ),
tubicola ( Paradesis )
Turvey Aqamontte,
Tusk-holders from Benin,
Urochroma, - - : - -
Bulletin No. 1
" No. 2,
it Nos. 3
13 APR. 1899
Page | Page
22 §=§=©Urodynamis, - 40
22 Urogalba, 88
Vandeleur, Lieut. , 59, 69
43. | -varians (Palemonetes ), 24
17. | varius ( Fregilupus), 30
51, 56 Verreaux, M. J., - 30
72,74 | Verreaucia, : 117
97 Vini, E - 6
93 virgata ( Conchoderma a 24
109 volitans ( Exocetus ), 23
112 Warr, Mr. A. F., M.P., - 74
27 Weston, Miss ae Translation of
87 Parcival, - > (note) 120
29 White painted Cypriote War Gh - 26
96 Willink, Mr. W. E.,_ - 72, 73, 74
95 Willink, Mrs., ~ - 74
Wilson Collection in Philadelphia, 85
- 54, 56 Wolfram von Eschenbach, Par-
- 6 cival of, - - 119
90 Woodpeckers, Catalogue of, mre
14 Works of Art from Benin City by
31 Read and Dalton (referred to), 70
30 Wydah, the Snake Fetish of, 59
85 Wynberg, South Settee
24 Spider from, 75
85, 86
75 | Xantholema, - 95
46 Xiphidiopicus, 111
54, 56 | Zanclostomus, 43
| Zenaida zenaida, 36
15 | " Coli - 36
44 | Zenopicus, - 108
issued 4th August, 1897.
» 28th February, 1898.
and 4 " 7th October, 1898.
The Bulletin
of the Liverpool Museums,
Published by Authority of the Museums Committee of the Liverpool City Council,
under the Editorship of the Director of Museums (H. O. Forbes, LL.D.),
Is intended to make known the contents of the Municipal Museums—the
Derby (or Biological) Museum, and the Mayer (or Archeological and Ethno-
graphical) Museum,—by publishing the results of the investigations carried
on in the Laboratories attached to them, and the observations made on ~
the animals living in the Aquarium.
It will be published at irregular intervals; but the aim of the Director
will be to issue one volume of four parts every year. It will be illustrated
as occasion demands by coloured plates, engravings, and process blocks.
The “BULLETIN” is published at the Museums, and by Messrs.
Henry Youne & Sons, of 12, South Castle Street and 23, Parker Street,
Liverpool, at 2s. 6d. net. per copy, or to subscribers at 8s. net per volume,
payable in advance.
| of the
Liverpool Museums
: EEE Y Of FORBES, Lili. D:
Volume II.
Tue EXxpEpition TO SOKOTRA :
I. Descriptions of the New Species of Birds. oe W. R. a ay ei
and Henry O. Forbes, LL.D., Be
II. Descriptions of the New Se of aegis, By G. A. Bonlengar.
F.R.S., 4
III. Descriptions of the ue Spee of Seorpions, Centipetes, aoa
Millipedes. By R. I. Pocock, - - 7
IV. Descriptions of Three New Species of Butterflies. By w. R. Ogilvie-
Grant, - - 10
V. Diagnoses of the New efiedigs of danahlls: By Pagar A. Smith, 11
Cast-Metal Work from Benin. By Henry O. Forbes, * - 13
Catalogue of the Coracize : Cuckoo-Rollers, Rollers, Mommas and Todies,
Kingfishers and Bee-eaters; and of the Trogons (Trogonide) in the
Derby Museum. By Henry O. Forbes and Herbert C. Robinson, 15
THe EXPepitTion To SoKorTrRa (continued) :
VI. Descriptions of One New Genus and Fourteen New See of
Moths. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart., - z 37
VII. Descriptions of One New Genus and Four New Species of Signe
By R. I. Pocock, 40
VIII. Descriptions of Two New Genera gici Six New Species of Or Moptern
By Malcolm Burr, - - ~ 42
IX. Descriptions of Ten New piantes of Hemiptera. By G. W.
Kirkaldy, - - 45
Note on Three Rare and not hitherto Figured: Bisa of Poutanen in the
Derby Collection. By H.C. Robinson. (With Plate). - 47
Birds in the Derby Museum collected in the Antarctic Regions, = : 48
Catalogue of the Charadriformes: Auks, Gulls, Skuas; Lark-plovers, Stone-
curlews, Jacanas, Sheathbills, Crab-plovers, Coursers, Plovers and
Snipes; Pigeons, and Sand Grouse in the Derby Museum. By Henry
O. Forbes and Herbert C. Robinson. (With two Plates and ewes in
text). - - - = 51, 117
On a Collection of Stone ia cacaneits in the May er eset. Sail by Mr. H.
W. Seton-Karr, in Mines of the Ancient Egyptians, discovered by him
in the Blasennk of the Nile ba gs Hea O. pas LL.D.
(Illustrated). - = 77
Contributions to the Zoology of Morthars @ecasiana: By H. C. Ritehe 115
On a New Species of Ap/onis, in the Derby Museum, from Santa Cruz Island,
in the Western Pacific. By Henry O. Forbes, LL.D., 116
Zosterops chlorates, Zosteropidie, Plate I., Fig. 1, = 3 z To face 47
Zosterops aureiventris, " Plate I., Fig. 2, E E i 47
Zosterops griseiventris, " Plate I., Fig. 3, " 47
Head of Synthliborhamphus wumizusume, in Breeding Plumage, 52
Map of part of the Wady el Sheikh, - - - - - 1 0 face 77
View of Right Bank of the Wady el Sheikh, from above Camp XII.,_ - = 81
Flint Implements from Ancient Egypt: —
Figs. 1—8,_ - - - - - - 82
Figs, 9,10, - = = = - - - - 83
Figs. 11, 12, - - - = = = : - 84
Figs. 13, 14, - - - - - - - - 85
Figs. 15—17, - : - - - - - - 86
Figs. 18—20, - - - - - - - - 87
Figs. 21—23, - - - - - - - - 88
Figs. 24—26, - - - - - - - - 89
Figs. 27—30, - - - : - - - - 90
Figs. 31—34, - - > > - - - - 91
Figs. 35, 36, - - - - - - - - 92
Figs. 37—40, - - : > - - - - 93
Figs. 41, 42, - = : : oud E : : 94
Figs. 43—45, - - - - - - - - 95
Figs. 46, 47, - > - = 96
View of Workings on a Ledge of the cuit near dukes V1, - - - 101
View of Shafts on the Level Terrace-Tableland near Gana XI., - - 102
View of Shafts on the Level Terrace-Tableland near oe pa - - 103
View of Shafts on one of the Plateaux near Camp XI., - - 104
View of Shaft with Raised and Partly-worked Material Pilea Round it, - 104
Manufacture of Flint Knives from the North Wall of § (By courtesy of the
the Main Chamber in Tomb 15, Beni Hasan, - ) Egypt Exploration i 108
The Same from the West Wallin Tomb 2, Beni Hasan, ( Fund), 109
Turturena iriditorques g, Columb, Plate IL, - : : 2 To face 134
Turturena iriditorques 9, Columb, Plate III., - : = = Freee] 24:
MAY, 1899. Vou. II. No. 1.
of the
Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
_ The Expedition to Sokotra: 1 | The Expedition to Sokotra (Contd. )—
| Descriptions of the New Birds. Descriptions of the New Land-
By W. R. Ociivie-Grant and shells: By Honig A: See
HO. Forse, LL.D: - - 2 e y AR
‘ ¢ 4
Descriptions of the New Rep- Cast-metal Work from Benin.
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
HENRY YOUNG & SONS, 12, Soura Castie Srreer,
_ tiles. By G. A. BouLEenceEr, By H.O. Forpes - - - 13
BRS. ; % Catalogue of the Coracie: Cuc-
Descriptions of the New koo-Rollers, Rollers, Motmots
Scorpions, Centipedes, and and Todies, Kingfishers, and
Millipedes. By R.I Pocock 7 | Bee-eaters;and of the Trogons
Descriptions of Three New (Trogonide) in the Derby
Butterflies. By W. R. Museum. By Henry O. Forpes
OGitvir-GRANT- - - - 10 and Herbert C. Roprnson- - 15
The description of the plate accompanying this Number
is held over till our next issue.
J.Snut del, et hth
Lostercpide Liverp. Mus.
. Z.aurewentris.Hume.
1. Zostercps chlcrates, Hartl.
3.Z.griseiventris. Sclater.
(of de. ae oe ry
4 ot
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
Vou. II. MAY, 1899. No. 1.
The Expedition to Sokotra.
DuRING the past winter a biological and geographical investigation of the
Island of Sokotra (lying in about 12° north latitude and 54° east longitude),
some 600 miles south-east of Aden, was undertaken, on behalf of the British
Museum, by Mr. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, and, on behalf of the Liverpool Cor-
poration, by the Director of Museums (Dr. H. O. Forbes). Mr. W. Cutmore,
of the Liverpool Museum, accompanied the party as taxidermist. The
expedition Janded at Aden on the 18th of November, 1898, and was there
augmented by six Somali servants, and by one native officer (Jamadar) and
one sowar, from the Aden troop. Political difficulties between the Govern-
ment of India and the Sultan of Sokotra unfortunately caused some delay in
starting; but through the kindness of the Political Resident, Brigadier-General
Creagh, V.C., these days were employed in visiting Sheik Othman and Lahej
in South Arabia, where collections of considerable interest were made. On
the 1st of December, the difficulties referred to having been surmounted, the
party was enabled to leave for Sokotra on board the Royal Indian Marine
steamer Elphinstone, which had most generously been placed at its disposal by
the Indian Government. Permission was also kindly given to detain the
vessel for some days at Abd-el-Kuri, a previously unexplored island lying
between Sokotra and Cape Guardafui, the eastern horn of Africa. There four
days were spent in making as complete a collection of the fauna, flora, and
geology of the island as the time permitted. On the 7th of December, the
expedition was landed on Sokotra, near Hadibu, the capital, and it remained
on the island till the 22nd of February, 1899. On the return voyage a second
Visit was paid to Abd-el-Kuri for a couple of days, to enable more complete
collections from that out-of-the-way spot to be made. Late on the 26th of
February the Elphinstone anchored in Aden harbour, and the party, after
discharging its native contingent, embarked for England on the 2nd of March,
arriving in London on the 14th of the same month.
A complete account of the island, with a map, a list of the collections, and
full descriptions of the new species obtained by the expedition, illustrated by
plates and blocks, will be published as a special volumie, which is now in active
preparation. In the following pages, meanwhile, short diagnoses of some of
the more conspicuous zoological novelties are given.
I. Descriptions of the New Species of Birds.
By W. R. OGILviE-GRANT and Henry O. Forsss, LL.D.
(1) Scops socotranus.
Adult male :—Most nearly allied to S. giu, but paler and greyer, the occiput
and nape whitish, with fine transverse mottlings of brownish black ; primary
coverts mostly rufous, forming a rather conspicuous patch; the tips of the
primary quills mostly pale rufous, instead of brownish grey ; belly white,
with very few black arrow-head markings. The feathering on the tarsus
less extended, and terminating 0°2 inch from the basal joints of the toes. Iris
yellow ; bill blackish horn-colour.
Total length (measured in the flesh), 7-0 inches; wing, 5-0; tail, 2-2;
tarsus, 1°25.
Habitat. Sokotra.
(2) Fringillaria insularis.
Adult male :—Most nearly allied to F. tuhapisi, from which it differs in
having the inner margin of the secondaries devoid of rufous, and the general
colour of the chest and rest of the under parts pale brick colour, instead of
dull rufous chestnut. Iris brown; culmen blackish horn ; cutting edges of
the upper and the whole of the lower mandible orange yellow ; tarsiand feet
flesh-colour ; claws blackish horn.
Adult female :—Similar to the female of F. fahapisi, but the inner margins
of the secondaries are devoid of rufous, and the chest and rest of under parts
are pale brick-colour.
Male:—Total length (measured in the flesh), 5:2 inches; culmen, 0°38;
wing, 2°9; tail, 2:2; tarsus, 0°6.
Female :—Total length (measured in the flesh), 5-2 inches ; culmen, 0-4;
wing, 2°8 ; tail, 2°25 ; tarsus, 0°62.
Habitat. Sokotra, from sea-level to an elevation of 3500 feet, where its
place is taken by F. socotrana.
(3) Fringillaria socotrana.
Adult male :—A very distinct species, most nearly allied to the male of
F. insularis, from which it differs in having the rump feathers tipped with
white forming a conspicuous white patch. The wing-coverts and basal half
of the outer edge of the secondaries dull rufous chestnut ; the chin and throat
white; the chest and upper breast dull rufous chestnut ; the lower breast,
belly, and under tail-coverts whitish. Iris dark brown; culmen blackish
horn ; cutting edges of the upper and the whole of the lower mandible
orange yellow ; tarsi yellowish flesh ; toes dusky ; claws blackish horn.
Adult female :—Similar to the male.
Male :—Total length (measured in the flesh), 5-25 inches ; culmen, 0°38 ;
wing, 2°75 ; tail, 2:2 ; tarsus, 0°65.
Female :—Total length (measured in the flesh), 5-0 inches ; culmen, 0°38 ;
wing, 2°6 ; tail, 2-2 ; tarsus, 0°65.
Habitat. Adho Dimellus, 3500-4500 feet, Sokotra.
rhe = ~
ee te
(4) Caprimulgus jonesi.
Adult male :—Nearest to C. nubicus from Arabia, Palestine, and North-
East Africa, but at once distinguished by having the ground colour of the
upper parts clear grey instead of sandy brown, and the markings on the top
of the head and on the scapulars rufous and buff instead of whitish buff. The
whole of the black markings on the upper parts are, moreover, much coarser.
Total length (measured in the flesh), 9 inches; culmen, 0-4; wing, 6:1 ;
tuil, 4:2; tarsus, 0°75.
Habitat. Dimichiro Valley, Garieh Plain, E. Sokotra.
This species has been named in honour of M. P. Jones, Esq., J.P.,
Liverpool, Chairman of the Museums Sub-Committee.
(5) Phalacrocorax nigrogularis.
A very distinct species belonging to the group with fourteen tail feathers,
and with the culmen exceeding 1°5 inch in length from the feathers on the
forehead to the tip of the bill.
Adult male :—General colour above and below black with a slight gloss,
the wing-coverts and scapulars tinged with bronze and with a black spot at
the extremity. The throat and hind neck ornamented with minute scattered
white plumes, indicating full breeding plumage. Iris dark emerald green ;
pouch and naked skin in front of and surrounding the eye dirty black ; bill
‘greyish black, paler horn-colour towards the tip and on the terminal half of
the latericorn ; a greenish band along the basal half of the mandible ; legs
and feet black, webs browner.
Total length (measured in the flesh), 30°5 inches; culmen, 3-0; wing,
11°5 ; tail, 4°3 ; tarsus, 2°55.
Habitat. Coasts of Sokotra, and of Abd-el-Kuri.
(6) Passer hemileucus.
Adult male :—Most nearly allied to P. insularis, but much smaller and
very much paler, especially on the under parts, which are nearly pure white.
The black patch on the throat is much reduced, as in P. pyrrhonotus, which
species it closely resembles in plumage, but from this latter it may at once
be distinguished by the much longer and stouter black bill. Iris brown ; bill
black ; legs and feet fleshy horn-colour.
Adult female :—Most nearly allied to the female of P. insularis, but much
smaller and very much paler, the under parts being nearly pure white and
the dusky patch down the middle of the throat absent.
Male :—TYotal length (measured in the flesh), 5-4 inches ; culmen, 0°45 ;
wing, 2°9; tail, 2-2; tarsus, 0-7.
Female :—TYotal length (measured in the flesh), 5-4 inches; culmen, 0°48 ;
wing, 2°8; tail, 2:1; tarsus, 0°7.
Habitat. Island of Abd-el-Kuri.
(7) Motacilla forwoodi.
Adult female in winter plumage :—Most nearly allied to M. alba in full
summer plumage, the top of the head and the entire chin, throat, and fore-
neck being deep black, but the forehead is dark grey like the back and rest of
the upper parts, instead of pure white. Iris dark brown; bill and legs black.
Total length, 7 inches ; culmen, 0°45; wing, 3:3; tail, 3-4; tarsus, 0°85.
Habitat. Island of Abd-el- Kuri.
This beautiful species is named in compliment to Sir William Forwood
of Bromborough Hall, Cheshire, Chairman of the General Committee which
administers the Museums, Libraries, and Art Gallery of the City of Liverpool.
II. Descriptions of the New Species of Reptiles.
By G. A. BouLENGER, F.R.S.
(1) Phyllodactylus trachyrhinus.
Snout short, broadly rounded, covered with large subconical tubercles
adherent to the skull; forehead convex; ear-opening small, round, its
distance from the eye equal to the length of the snout. Limbs rather short ;
digits short, depressed, with well-developed distal expansions, and a series
of transversely enlarged lamellar scales on the lower surface. Scales on the
head much larger than on the body, gradually decreasing in size on the
occiput ; rostral completely divided into two shields, which are not larger
than the adjacent labials; nostril between the first labial and two small
nasals ; 8 to 10 upper and 9 lower labials ; symphysial small, trapezoid, not
larger than the adjacent labials; a series of small shields bordering the
symphysial and the anterior lower labials. Body covered, above and below,
with uniform, flat, smooth, juxtaposed granules, smallest on the sides. Tail
thick, cylindrical, prehensile, covered with uniform flat granules arranged in
rings. Pale brownish above, with blackish marblings ; a black streak on each
side of the head, passing through the eye ; white beneath.
Total length, . - 95 millim. Fore limb, . . 13 millim.
Head, 7 5 ieee Ws) Tete Hind limb, . ae alics "
Width of head, aia ade Pai ; 2 AO eat
Bedy,. >". : P| ean
Two specimens from Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 1200-2500 feet, and Adho
Dimellus, 3500-4500 feet).
(2) Hemidactylus granti.
Closely allied to H. mabuwia, Mor. Head regularly oviform; snout
longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a
half the diameter of the orbit ; forehead concave ; ear-opening large, oval,
oblique. Body and limbs moderate ; digits moderately dilated, free ; 7 or 8
lamelle under the thumb, 8 or 9 under the fourth finger, 6 or 7 under the
hallux, 9 to 11 under the fourth toe. Head covered with uniform granules,
which are much larger on the snout than on the occiput; rostral sub-
quadrangular, not twice as broad as deep, with median cleft above ; nostril
pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial and three small scales ; 8
to 10 upper, and 7 to 9 lower labials; symphysial large, triangular or
pentagonal, twice as long as the adjacent labials ; four chin-shields, median
pair largest and in contact with the symphysial. Back covered with very
small granules, intermixed with numerous small, round, feebly keeled or sub-
conical tubercles disposed irregularly ; ventral scales small, cycloid, smooth,
feebly imbricate. Male with an angular series of 8 to 12 preanal pores.
Tail feebly depressed, tapering to a fine point, covered with granular scales
intermixed with enlarged pointed tubercles, forming regular transverse
series; a series of transversely enlarged plates inferiorly. Greyish or
brownish above with dark irregular marblings, or dark black-edged wavy
cross-bars, four in number, on the nape and back ; a dark streak on each side
of the head, passing through the eye; tail with regular dark cross-bars ;
lower parts whitish.
Total length, . . 172 millim. Forelimb, . . 26 millim.
bead. *. : am Oe " Hind limb, . BP Ssote iy
Width of head, . 16 " Tail, c 3 . 94 "
Body, . , 5 OG) Cat
Numerous specimens from Adho Dimellus, Sokotra, 3500-4500 feet.
(3) Hemidactylus oxyrhinus.
Snout pointed, slightly longer than the distance between the eye and the
ear-opening, which equals the diameter of the orbit ; forehead slightly con-
cave ; ear-opening small, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits
. moderately dilated, free ; 7 or 8 lamellae under the thumb, 8 or 9 under the
fourth finger, 6 or 7 under the hallux, 11 or 12 under the fourth toe. Head
covered with small convex granules increasing in size posteriorly ; rostral
subquadrangular, not twice as broad as deep, with median cleft above ;
nostril pierced between the rostral, the first upper labial, and three small
scales; 8 to 10 upper and 7 or 8 lower labials ; symphysial large, triangular,
more than twice as long as the adjacent labials; four chin-shields, median
pair largest and in contact behind the symphysial. Back covered with equal
or sub-equal, rather large, obtusely keeled, juxtaposed tubercles ; ventral
scales much smaller, cycloid, smooth, sub-imbricate. Male with two preanal
pores. ‘Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with uniform small smooth scales,
with a median series of transversely enlarged plates inferiorly. Pale buff or
greyish brown, with more or less distinct darker markings in the form of four
wavy cross-bars on the nape and back, and annuli on the tail; the caudal
annuli black in the young, separated by white interspaces ; a dark streak on
each side of the head, passing through the eye.
Total length, . . 95 millim. Fore limb, . . 15 millim.
Head, . * 2 LS Nee Hind limb, : DONE
Width of head, yrs Sis Tail, . 4 OZ
Body, . . 25 30: "
The largest specimen, with reproduced tail, measures 50 millim. from
snout to vent. Several specimens from Abd-el-Kuri.
(4) Hemidactylus forbesii.
Closely allied to H. flaviviridis, Riipp. (coctwi, D. & B.). Snout obtusely
pointed, longer than the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once
and one-third the diameter of the orbit; forehead concave; ear-opening
large, oval, oblique. Body and limbs moderate. Digits moderately dilated,
less than in H. flaviviridis, free; 11 or 12 lamelle under the thumb, 11 or 12
under the fourth finger, 10 or 11 under the hallux, 14 or 15 under the fourth
toe. Head covered with uniform granules, largest on the sides of the snout ;
rostral not twice as broad as deep, notched and cleft above ; nostril pierced
between the rostral and three small scales; first upper labial sometimes
entering the nostril; 10 or 11 upper and 8 or 9 lower labials ; symphysial
large, triangular, at least twice as long as the adjacent labials ; a pair of large
chin-shields, forming a suture behind the symphysial, usually flanked by a
pair of much smaller shields. Back covered with minute granular scales,
among which slightly enlarged round tubercles may be irregularly scattered ;
_ ventral scales slightly larger, much smaller than in H. flaviviridis, juxtaposed
or sub-imbricate. No preeanal or femoral pores. Tail moderately depressed,
tapering toa fine point, covered with very fine small smooth scales, and a few
scattered pointed tubercles on its basal part; no regular series of trans-
versely enlarged lamellar plates on the lower surface. Pale greyish above,
with rather indistinct brown spots and marblings on the head and body, and
cross-bars on the tail ; white beneath.
Total length, . . 198 millim. Fore limb, . . 36 millim.
Head, . : ~ 24 4 Hind limb, . at SE
Width of head, Ra 588 Tak L SLi
Body, : . oo "
Numerous specimens from Abd-el-Kuri.
(5) Hemidactylus pumilus.
Head elongate, nearly twice as long as broad ; snout rounded, longer than
the distance between the eye and the ear-opening, once and a half the
diameter of the orbit; forehead slightly concave ; ear-opening small, oval.
Body and limbs moderate. Digits short, free, with very short distal joint,
moderately dilated; inner digits with sessile claw; 4 lamelle under the inner
digits, 6 under the fourth finger, 7 or 8 under the fourth toe. Head covered
with uniform granules, which are larger on the snout ; rostral subtetragonal,
nearly twice as broad as deep, with median cleft above ; nostril pierced
between the rostral and four small scales; 8 or 9 upper and 6 to 8 lower
labials ; symphysial triangular, twice as long as the adjacent labials ; four
chin-shields, inner pair largest and forming a suture behind the symphysial.
Body covered above with fine granules intermixed with small round, or oval,
feebly keeled tubercles, disposed irregularly. Ventral scales small, cycloid,
imbricate, smooth. Male with an angular series of 5 or 6 przanal pores.
Tail cylindrical, tapering, covered with small flat scales, above with trans-
verse series of pointed tubercles; no transversely enlarged scales below.
Pale brown or buff above, with or without small brown spots ; a dark brown
streak on each side of the head, passing through the eye ; white beneath.
Total length, . . 53 millim. Fore limb, . . 7 millim.
Head, . . . 8 " Hind limb, . a ee "
Width of head, Page Cs sey Madey. : LE
Body, ° . he ls} "
Several specimens from Sokotra (Dahamis, 350 feet, and Jena-agahan,
1200-2500 feet).
Parachalcides, gen. nov.
Allied to Chalcides, Laur., and Sepsina, Bocage. Palatine bones not
meeting on the middle line of the palate, which is toothless. Teeth conical.
Eyelids developed. ar distinct. Nostril pierced in the rostral, bordered
by a supranasal and the first labial; prefrontals and frontoparietals absent.
Body much elongate ; limbs short.
(6) Parachalcides socotranus.
Snout short, obtuse, not projecting beyond the labial margin; eye
moderate ; lower eyelid with a transparent disk ; ear-opening small. Frontal
more than twice as long as the frontonasal, longer than broad, broadest
behind, angularly notched on each side by the first supraocular ; inter-
parietal nearly as long as the frontonasal ; five supraoculars, second largest ;
no postnasal ; first upper labial nearly as deep as the rostral; fourth upper
labial entering the orbit. 24 smooth scales round the middle of the body,
subequal in size. Limbs short, pentadactyle; the fore limb, stretched for-
wards, does not quite reach the ear ; hind limb a little longer than the head;
third finger longest ; fourth toe a little longer than third. Tail thick,
cylindrical. | Reddish brown above, each scale with a black spot; sides
blackish, or closely spotted and dotted with black ; yellowish white beneath,
uniform or dotted with black.
Total length, . . 118 millim. Fore limb, . oe ig ema in
Head, . : 0) " Hind limb, . si) ay
Width of head, 5.546 " Darla : OS ah
Body, . : . 50 "
Numerous specimens from Sokotra (Dahamis, 350-1000 feet; Jena-agahan,
1200-2500 feet ; Homhil, 1500-2500 feet; Adho Dimellus, 3500-4500 feet).
(7) Glauconia filiformis.
Very closely allied to G. macrochynchus, Jan, with which it agrees in the
very prominent hooked snout, the number and arrangement of the head
shields, and the extremely slender form. It differs in the more pointed
snout, and in the rostral shield not extending so far back as the level of the
eyes. 14 scales round the body. Diameter of body 100 to 140 times in total
length, length of tail 13 times. Caudal spine small. Flesh-coloured, each
dorsal scale with a pale brown spot.
Total length, 155 millim.
Four specimens from Sokotra (Dahamis, 350 feet; Jena-agahan, 1200-2500
feet ; and Homhil, 1500-2500 feet).
(8) Glauconia longicauda.
Snout pointed, strongly projecting, slightly hooked ; supraocular present ;
rostral moderately large, not extending to the level of the eyes, its upper
portion a little longer than broad ; nasal completely divided into two, the
lower part very small; ocular bordering the lip, between two labials, the
anterior of which is very small; five lower labials. 14 scales round the body.
Diameter of body 40 to 48 times in the total length; length of tail 5 to 7
times. Caudal spine strong. Brown above, white beneath.
Total length, 170 millim.
Numerous specimens from Sokotra (Dahamis, 350 feet ; Jena-agahan,
1200-2500 feet ; Homhil, 1500-2500 feet).
III. Descriptions of the New Species of Scorpions,
Centipedes, and Millipedes.
By R. I. Pocock.
Scorpiones (Scorpions).
Heteronebo, gen. nov.
Genus of the Diplocentrini, with the ocular tubercle shallowly sulcate or
entire. Hand flat above, with strong external keel and weak median keel, or
convex above and obsoletely keeled. Yursi not distally lobate, the inferior
angle nearly rectangular (about 85°). Tail without definite half-moon-shaped
area at the posterior extremity of the lower surface.
Type of genus, H. granti.
Intermediate in character between the Arabian genus Nebo and the
Central American and Antillean genus, Diplocentrus. | Resembling the former
in the elongation of the 5th caudal segment ; the latter in the structure of
its tarsi and ocular tubercle.
The two species of this new genus, each of which is represented by a
couple of females, taken on Abd-el-Kuri, may be diagnosed as follows :—
(1) Heteronebo granti.
a. Hand with its upper surface nearly flat, bordered externally by a strong
“finger keel” and furnished with a weaker median longitudinal keel ; ocular
tubercle small, not sulcate ; inferior median keel obsolete on caudal segments
1-4; aculeus of vesicle strongly hooked in its distal half, vesicular tooth
smaller, closer to the base of aculeus. Pectinal teeth 8. (Total length of ?
49 mm.)
(2) Heteronebo forbesii.
b. Hand convex above with very weak median and finger keel ; ocular
tubercle larger, distinctly though not deeply sulcate ; inferior median crests
distinct on caudal segments 1 and 2; aculeus of vesicle only lightly curved,
vesicular tooth larger and much more remote from the base of the aculeus.
Pectinal teeth 8-9. (Total length of 9 42 mm.)
(3) Hemiscorpius socotranus.
? Colour.—Olive brown above ; chele ferruginous with crests and digits
infuscate ; legs olive yellow.
Carapace and tergal plates densely punctured ; very finely and closely
granular laterally and in the median depression; core and _ sterna finely
punctured. Til about four times as long as the carapace ; superior and
inferior lateral keels strong and granular on all the segments ; median lateral
keel absent on Ist and all the following segments except the 5th, where it
is posteriorly abbreviated ; inferior lateral keels distinct on all segments,
but weakly granular on the anterior; inferior median keel absent on segment
1, present in the posterior half of segment 2, developed on segments 3-5;
intercarinal spaces finely granular; vesicle finely and coarsely punctured,
finely granular. Chelw very finely and closely punctured ; hand nearly flat
above with smooth external finger keel and median longitudinal keel. Legs
punctured and finely granular. (Genital operculum broadly cordate, without
median suture, except in front. Pectinal teeth 10.
é Differing from ¢? in its more slender build, longer tail, and much
more strongly granular upper surface of body and chele. Carapace as long
as first and } the 2nd caudal segment. Jwil about 5 times as long as
carapace, its 5th segment much longer than carapace ; vesicle more elongate
than in 2. Pectinal teeth 12-13.
Measurements in millimetres.— ? Total length 38, length of tail
19:5, of carapace 5, 5th segment of tail 4:5. 3 Total length 38, length of tail
22, of carapace 4:2, 5th segment of tail 5-2.
Locality.—Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, Jena-agahan, 1200-2500 feet ; Adho
Dimellus, 3500-4500 feet).
Recognisable from the Arabian H. leplurus by the obsoleteness of the
median inferior keel on the 1st and 2nd caudal segments, ete.
(4) Butheolus insularis.
Colour.—Tail and upper side of trunk olive black, appendages rather
paler ; digits, distal end of legs, and ventral surface olive yellow.
Carapace granular, its ante-ocular portion sloped; terga granular, especially
along the posterior margin; terga 3-6 tricostate. wil incrassate to middle
of 4th segment, inferior surface of segments 1-4 granular and furnished
with four strong and granular keels, inferior surface of 4th and 5th smooth,
impressed with large but shallow punctures, the former with very short
granular keels in front, the latter granular posteriorly, its lateral keels only
obsolete in front, upper surface of segments smooth; the Ist normally
keeled, the 2nd with weaker and smoother keels, 3rd, 4th, and 5th punctured
at the sides, the two former with scarcely a trace of lateral keels. Vesicle
punctured ; not geniculate beneath the aculeus. Chele with humerus granu-
lar and granularly crested above, brachium smooth, with smooth crests ;
hand smooth, scarcely crested ; digits short, the movable being twice the
length of the hand-back, shorter than the carapace, furnished with eight rows
of teeth. Movable and immovable digits of mandibles furnished with two
inferior teeth. Cox of legs granular ; external surface of legs granular and
carinate. Pectinal teeth, 17.
Total length, 22 mm.
Locality.—Sokotra (Mt. Raggit, 1000 feet) —a single specimen.
Recognisable at once from the Arabian and Persian B. melanurus by the
smoothness of the upper caudal crests, etc.
Chilopoda (Centipedes).
(5) Asanada socotrana.
Closely related to Asanada brevicornis from North India and Burma, but
recognisable by having the anal sternite transversely oblong instead of semi-
circularly rounded, the antennz longer and much more attenuate, the apical
segment being much longer than wide, instead of sub-spherical as in
A. brevicornis.
Length, including anal legs, up to about 50 mm.
Locality. —Sokotra (Hadibu Plain ; Dahamis, 350-1000 feet; Jena-
agahan, 1200-2500 feet ; Homhil, 1500-2500 feet).
Diplopoda (Millipedes).
(6) Odontopeltis grantii.
Colour of mature specimens nearly blood-red with a blackish median
dorsal line ; sterna, tips of keels, legs, and antenne yellow. Dorsal surface
smooth, polished, or sparsely granular posteriorly and laterally, not trans-
versely sulcate ; the anterior suture not beaded ; keels of medium size, with
convex anterior shoulder, obtusely rounded or obtusely angled anterior angle,
acutely produced, subspiniform posterior angle ; the anterior border of at
least the median keels minutely dentate ; posterior border of all the keels
except the anterior three and the posterior two much more strongly dentate
or tuberculate.
Length (2) up to 30 mm. ; (d) 27 mm.
Locality.—Sokotra (Mt. Raggit, 1000 feet ; Dahamis, 380-1000 feet ;
Jena-agahan, 1200-2500 feet ; Homhil, 1500-2500 feet).
(7) Odontopeltis forbesii.
Larger and darker in colour than O. granti, dorsal surface a rich reddish
brown tint, clouded with black and with narrow median black stripe ; sterna
Further differing from 0. grantii in the structure of its organs of copula-
tion which will be figured and more fully described hereafter.
Total length (¢ ), 32 mm.
Locality.—Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 feet)—a single ¢ specimen.
IV. Descriptions of Three New Species
of Butterflies.
(1) Charaxes velox.
Male :—Upper surface most like that of the male of C. cowani ; under
surface like that of the female of C. antamboulow but darker. General colour
above of both wings dark chestnut. Primaries with the brownish-black sub-
marginal band narrower, and broken up, between the extremity of the dis-
coidal cell and the ornamental sub-marginal row of chestnut spots, by two
patches of chestnut relieved by brownish-black markings ; the row of chest-
nut spots larger and with the margins much less sharply defined. Costal
and median nervures pale green. Secondaries with the brownish-black
marginal border much narrower, graduated, and terminating in a point
above the first median nervule. The six spots ornamenting this border
rounded and pale buff shading into pale cream on the two nearest the anal
angle. Anal angle with a well-marked green patch shading into violet
internally and ornamented by two rounded black dots, the same green colour
strongly indicated between the Ist median and discoidal nervules by three
patches. A rufous buff wedge-shaped mark arising about the middle of the
costal and extending towards the apex of the discoidal cell. General colour
of the under surface altogether darker and browner than in the female of
C. antamboulou, from which it chiefly differs in the following points :—The
darker basal part of the band across the disc of the primary extends to the
first disco-cellular nervule; the sub-marginal spots next to the posterior
angle are larger and blackish enclosing a lilac spot. On the secondaries the
internal border of the spot at the anal angle, as well as of those along the
hind margin, is greyish violet. Expanse, 3°05 inches.
Female :—Upper surface like that of the male, but the spots nearest the
costal margin rather larger and more oblong; general colour of the under
surface much greyer than that of the male, but with similar markings.
Expanse, 3°35 inches.
Habitat. Sokotra, from nearly sea-level to an elevation of at least 4000 feet,
where it becomes scarce.
(2) Tarucus socotranus.
Male :—Most nearly resembles the male of 7’. plinius, var. pulchra, the upper
surface being practically alike in both, but on the under surface the pattern
is quite different. The sub-marginal bands across the discal area of the
primaries are continuous and run parallel to the margin. On the hinder
wings this peculiarity is even more marked, the second sub-marginal band
being unusually wide and uninterrupted, while the dusky band within is
ornamented in the middle by a clearly defined long oval spot of blackish
girdled with white. Expanse, 1-2 inch.
Female:—Much like the female of 7. telicanus, but with the general colour
of the upper surface darker sooty brown and more uniform, the lighter pattern
above being inconspicuous ; the black spot between the first and second median
nervules oblong and margined above and below with white bands; the under
surface like that of the male.
Halitat. Sokotra.
(3) Tarucus quadratus.
Male :—Most nearly allied to the South African form of 7. theophrustus,
the upper surface being very similar, but the black sub-marginal markings
on the secondaries are reduced to two well-defined spots, one situated at the
anal angle and the other between the first and second median nervules. The
under surface of the primaries differs conspicuously in having a large sub-
quadrate black patch situated between the costal band and the black band
crossing the middle of the wing ; the patch commences about the middle of
the sub-median nervule and extends to the anterior angle of the discoidal
cell. Expanse, 0°9 inch.
Female :—Most like the female of the South African form of 7.
theophrastus, but the row of spots along the hind margin of the secondaries
is more widely edged with white; under surface like that of the male.
Expanse, 0°75 inch.
Habitat. Sokotra.
V. Diagnoses of the New Species of Landshells.
By Epcar A. SMITH.
(1) Buliminus (Ovella) homhilensis.
Testa ovata, anguste perforata, oblique tenuiter conferteque costulata,
sordide albida vel grisea, nigro-fusco strigata, strigis in anfractu ultimo ad
medium interruptis, infra pallide fusco irregulariter lineata et punctulata ;
anfractus 7 leviter convexi, sutura vix obliqua sejuncti, superiores duo
pellucidi, leves, nitentes, ultimus antice subascendens ; apertura inverse auri-
formis, fusca, longit. totius } sepe superans; labrum apertura pallidior,
anguste expansum ; columella superne dilatata, alba, fusco tincta, intus sub-
dentata vel plicata. Var. testa omnino albida, hic illic fusco punctata, apertura
fusca. Longit., 194 millim. ; diam., 11. Apertura, 10} longa, 6 lata.
Habitat. Hombil, 1500-2500 feet, and Dimichiro Valley, Sokotra.
Allied to B. ricbechi, Martens, but shorter, more ovate, with a less pro-
duced spire and a wider and differently shaped mouth.
(2) Buliminus (Ovella) dahamisensis.
Testa B. homhilensi similis, sed diverse colorata, albida vel grisea, strigis obli-
quis saturate fuscis (in anfractibus penult. et antepenult. interdum fere nigris)
ornata. Longit., 184 millim.; diam., 103. Apertura, 10 longa, 53 lata.
Habitat. Hadibu Plain, Adho Dimellus, 3500-4500 feet, and Dahamis,
350-1000 feet, Sokotra.
In form and sculpture this species resembles B. hombilensis and differs only
in colour. Having seen a good series of both, it seems to me advisable to
consider them distinct species. Some examples of the present species exhibit
very little painting on the body-whorl, which is of an uniform greyish tint,
but have the two preceding whorls more or less obliquely striped. Those
specimens in which the markings are very faint are very like the pale variety
of homhilensis.
(3) Buliminus (Ovella) levior.
Testa perforata, ovata, alba, fusco strigata, strigis longitudinalibus in
anfractu ultimo ad medium interruptis, infra lineis obliquis angustioribus
fuscis ornata, fere levis, lineis incrementi obliquis striata ; anfractus 6-7
convexiusculi, duo apicales pellucidi, ultimus subascendens ; apertura inverse
auriformis, intus fusca ; labrum albidum, haud expansum, albidum ; columella
alba, macula fusca notata, dilatata, reflexa, plicato-dentata. Longit., 14
millim. ; diam. 92. Apertura, 9 longa, 4 lata.
Habitat. Jena-agahan, 1200-2500 feet, Sokotra.
Differing from allied species such as B. dahamisensis, homhilensis, and
socotorensis in the absence of distinct costulate sculpture, the surface being
almost smooth.
(4) Buliminus (Ovella) theodore.
Testa fusiformiovata, umbilicata, oblique costulato striata, albida, strigis
fuscis irregularibus punctisque picta, strigis in anfr. ultimo in medio inter-
ruptis, infra lineis obliquis tenuibus fuscis ornata; anfractus 8 lente
accrescentes, convexiusculi, duo superiores leves, sordide albidi, ultimus
antice leviter ascendens ; apertura angusta, saturate fusca, longit. totius 4
adeequans ; labrum pallidum, vix expansum; columella alba, intus fusco
tincta, dentato-plicata, reflexa. Longit., 254 millim. ; diam. 11. Apertura,
12 longa, 5 lata.
This species was collected by Mrs. Theodore Bent in Sokotra. It is allied
to B. riebecki, Martens, but is more elongate, with higher whorls and a some-
what differently shaped aperture. The body-whorl also is somewhat saccate.
(5) Buliminus (Ovella) fusco-apicata.
Testa ovata, supra acuminata, vix rimata, pallide grisea, ad apicem fusca,
oblique tenuissime costulata; spira conica; anfractus 6, superiores duo
fusci, globosi, leves, ceteri convexiusculi, ultimus subglobosus ; apertura late
auriformis, intus fusca; labrum incrassatum, externe haud expansum vel
reflexum, pallidum, margine columellari dilatato et reflexo. Longit., 84
millim. ; diam. 6. Apertura, 4 longa, 3 lata.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri, 800-1500 feet.
A few darkish dots are generally scattered over the grey surface.
(6) Buliminus (Ovella) pauxillus.
Testa parva, ovato-conica, rimata, grisea, fusco strigata, ad peripheriam
plerumque albo zonata, ad apicem obtusum fuscescens; spira conoidea ;
anfractus 5, superiores duo convexi, Jeves, fusci, ceteri convexiusculi,
oblique tenuiter costulati; apertura fusca; peristoma pallidum, leviter
incrassatum, marginibus callo gracili fere junctis, externo haud expanso,
columellari dilatato et reflexo. Longit., 6 millim.; diam., 4. Apertura,
3 longa, 23 lata.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri, 800-1500 feet.
Smaller than B. fusco-apicata, more strongly costulate and differently
coloured. The body-whorl often has a somewhat shouldered appearance.
(7) Buliminus (Chondrula) granti.
Testa ovata, supra acuminata, rimata, subpellucida, dilute fusco-cornea,
nitida ; anfractus 5} convexiusculi, lineis incrementi obliquis tenuissimis
sculpti, infra suturam linea pellucida marginati, ultimus leviter oblique
descendens, sed prope labrum subascendens ; apertura inverse auriformis,
dentibus duobus munita ; peristoma incrassatum, album, marginibus callo
gracili fere junctis, dextro vix reflexo, intus tuberculo prominente in medio
instructo, columellari supra unidentato, dilatato et reflexo. Longit., 11
millim.; diam. 5$. Apertura, 4 longa, 3 lata.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri.
The parietal callus does not quite join the upper end of the labrum, so
that a narrow sinus or slit is formed at this place.
(8) Lithidion forbesianum.
Testa depressa, orbicularis, late umbilicata, spiraliter costulata, lineis
incrementi conspicuis obliquis subclathrata, supra dilute vel saturate fusca,
infra pallidior ; spira brevis ; anfractus 5 convexi, sutura subprofunda
sejuncti, superiores duo lives, ultimus antice descendens, infra costulis minus
conspicuis quam supra, levior; apertura fere circularis, intus fusca ;
peristoma album, marginibus callo tenui junctis, subcontinuis, externo leviter
me a mee
expanso, columellari incrassato, minus reflexo. Diam., maj., 8 millim. ;
min., 64; alt., 5.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri, 800-1500 feet.
Quite distinct, although very closely allied to L. sowleyetiwnum, and differ-
ing chiefly in the form of the aperture and the operculum. It is extremely
variable in size, ranging from 10-7 millim. in diameter.
Cast-Metal Work from Benin.
In the Bulletin of the Free Museum of Science and Art of the University of
Pennsylvania, for January, 1899 (Vol. IL, p. 28), Mr. H. L. Roth, in an
article on Personal Ornaments from Benin, remarks:—‘“ Dr. Forbes (Bulletin
of Liverpool Museums, I, p. 59), in describing the spots of a [large bronze |
leopard [in the Mayer Museum, which is figured on page 58 of Vol. I] says
they are filled in with a * yellow porcellaneous glass or enamel’ ; if such be
the case, the Bini must have had a knowledge of the making of enamel ; but
I think further inquiry will prove that the insets in the leopard’s spots are
glass.” Great care was taken to correctly describe the specimens under
review in the article referred to by Mr. Roth. I have, however, again care-
fully inspected this very fine example of Benin art in our Museum, and am
able to say that the insets in the leopard’s spots were quite accurately de-
scribed as *‘porcellaneous glass or enamel,” in the usual sense of the substance
being a variety of glass in various colours applied in ornament to cover a
metal or pottery surface.
In the Reliquary also, for July, 1898, the same author, in Notes on Benin
Art, seems to question my accuracy in describing the surface of much of the
metal work in our Benin collection as being chiselled over and carefully
smoothed. “With one exception,” he writes, “I have failed to trace any
filing. The one exception is on a Tusk-holder (?) in the possession of Miss
M. H. Kingsley. The article is unfinished in so far as some circular surfaces
are concerned, and here what may possibly be rasp marks, are observable,
but they may be marks in the castings left rough because the original idea
was to enchase them. Even in the most highly finished objects I have not
been able to find any such marks, and it appears to me the finished appear-
ance is due to the excellence of the casting . . -3 80 well are the Bini
objects cast that there is apparently no other finishing.” Iam now able to
state that I have re-examined the specimens to which Mr. Roth here refers,
and can only confirm what is stated in the paper he has quoted from—that
“all four figures have been most accurately finished with the punch and
chaser, and their surface finally very carefully smoothed.” Indeed, where the
work has not been so treated, but remains as it came out of the mold, it is
often far from smooth.
Mr. Roth has an interesting article in the Halifax Naturalist, for June,
1898, in which he describes and figures, among several Benin art objects, two
which have been added to the Mayer collection since the publication of my
paper in this Bulletin (Vol. I. p. 49). They were purchased from Mr. Lida
Roth, who was one of the medical officers of the punitive expedition against
Benin in 1897. Of the first of these Mr. Roth writes :—
“Jt will doubtless be remembered that when the punitive expedition
arrived in Benin city, several pits were found full of dead and dying human
beings, most of whom had been sacrificed as a fetish to prevent the entry of
the British. From one of these pits there was taken, amongst others, a native
carrier, a Kru boy, who had been captured at the massacre of Vice-Consul
Phillip’s party. This lad was found to be in a very emaciated condition, and
had evidently been in the pit some days. He was a mass of caked blood,
which took a considerable time to remove ; and when my brother, Mr. Felix
N. Roth, District Medical Officer at Warri, who had charge of the wounded,
examined him, he found three peculiarly shaped holes in the boy’s head—one
through each cheek, and one deep into the back of the head. The wounds
appeared to have been made by a thin, blunt instrument, somewhat like an
engineer's chisel, but never having seen an instrument which would exactly
fit such mutilations, he was much puzzled as to what could have been this
murderous weapon. The boy could offer no explanation, except that he and
many others had been kiiled (!) so that the British should not enter the city
—that he had been hit with a piece of iron, and then thrown for dead into
the pit, where he had been five days. . . . Shortly afterwards, in
examining one of the altars in the King’s compound, a British officer found
the peculiar instrument here depicted [on Fig. 1]; and on showing it to my
brother, the latter quickly saw that this must have been the club with which
some of the wretched captives had been sacrificed. It was thickly encrusted
with blood, and on being cleaned, showed signs of very great wear. <A
similar club was found in another compound, but with bent prongs and
broken handle. On making enquiries, my brother learned that the two
cup-like arrangements were to collect some of the blood which flows from
the victim, which was then sprinkled over the bronze heads, carved tusks, or
other emblems of the worship to conciliate the presiding spirits.” *
“The second article is a brass box [on Fig. 3] in the form of a shingled
house, not remarkable for either beauty of design or shape, there being
little scope for a workman to show his skill on such homely articles as the
shingles of a house, while the lower portion of the casket is in a quite
unfinished state. In this lower portion we notice here and there are strips
of copper evidently cast in when the article was made. Similar pieces of
iron and copper are not unfrequently met with in other castings from Benin ;
the object of this arrangement is, however, not known to us. If the box has
no claim to elegance, it, at least, tells us something about the city when it
was first visited by Europeans. When the brothers De Bry, in their India
Orientalis, published, in 1597, the first description of Benin city, they gave
an illustration of the houses topped with curious square turrets, drawn, not
from an actual view, but from a verbal description of the city. The artist
had evidently mistaken the nature of these turrets, and it is probable that
his authority meant such a turret as is depicted on the above illustration.
In the British Museum there is a pillar plate (plaque) from Benin showing
a similar turret to the one on the box. The style of roofing is very different
in the present day, for, as my brother informs me, the people use palm and
other leaves, as well as large sheets of Muntz metal, instead of shingles. The
serpent zigzagging down the roof is similar to those depicted on the casket.
The Dutch traveller Nyendael, who twice visited Benin, writing in 1702,
says of one of the city walls, that one corner ‘is adorned at the top with
a wooden turret sixty or seventy feet high; at the top of all is fixed a large
copper snake, whose head hangs downwards. This serpent is very well cast
or carved, and it is the finest I have seen in Benin.’ From the last state-
ment we may conclude there were several such snakes. The members of
the punitive expedition state there is still a large copper serpent in the
attitude above described, to be seen on the roof of the King’s compound in
Benin. The serpents are not worshipped, but are supposed to be the abodes,
more or less temporary, of the members of a certain class of spirits, being, in
fact, guardian spirits of the houses. . . .” H.0.F.
* Cf. Figures on pp. 60-63 in Bull, Liverp. Mus. Vol. I.
Catalogue of the Coraciz: Cuckoo-Rollers (Lepto=
somatidz), Rollers (Coraciidz), Motmots and
Todies (Momotide), Kingfishers (Alcedinide),
and Bee-eaters (Meropide); and of the
Trogons (Trogonidz), in the Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forses and HERBERT C. ROBINSON.
Note.—Zhe arrangement and nomenclature followed im this Catalogue are sub-
stantially those adopted in the ‘Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum,’
Vol. XVIL, by Dr. Bowdler Sharpe and Mr. W. f. Ogilvie-Grant. All the
species described since the publication of that volume, known to us up to April,
1899, are enumerated, and have their original (or translated) diagnoses inserted.
The names of species desiderata to our collection are printed in Grotesque type,
The specific name is followed by the number of specimens of it im
the Museum, then by the sex of cach, and lastly the locality whence obtained,
with the month of capture, wherever these data are known. Type
specimens are marked T.
discolor (Herm.). Seven. 5 ¢ (1 jr.), 2 2. Madagascar (Mohambo).
discolor, subsp. gracile, Milne-Edw. & Oust. Two. 6, 9. Great Comoro
leptosomus (Less.). Two. <d. Madagascar, April.
squamigera (Lajr.). Two. ¢. Madagascar (Mointenbate, May).
pittoides (Lafr.). Four. Madagascar (South Betsileo, Ankafana, March).
crossleyi, Sharpe. One. Madagascar.
ceeruleiceps, Dresser, Mon. Corac. p. 98 (1893).
Atelornis sp. Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii. p. 479 (1895).
A specimen, supposed by Mr. Dresser to be immature, is described as resembling
«4, crossleyi but much duller in tone of plumage, the rich bay colour being
replaced by dull rufescent ochraceous, the black and white patch on the throat
is wanting, but there are one or two new feathers which are nearly white,
showing that it would probably be assumed with the adult dress; the upper
parts are duller than in 4. crossleyi and the crown is dull rufous brown varied
with cobalt blue, the new feathers being of this latter colour ; the bluish-white
spot on the wing-coverts is apparent, though but slightly developed. Total
length about 9 inches; culmen, 1:15; wing, 3°55; tail, 46; tarsus, 1°65.”
(Dresser). Habitat, Central Madagascar (Imerina).
chimaera, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. ii. p. 479 (1895) ; id. op. cit. iii. pl. ii. (1896).
‘* Upper parts of head and neck, back, rump, and two central pairs of rectrices dull
rufous brown, variegated with greyish and blackish brown, somewhat in the
way of a goat-sucker. Third pair of rectrices from the centre, with the apical
fifth, pale sky blue ; the rest like the middle ones ; the outer three pairs entirely
uniform sky blue. Scapulars, smaller upper wing-coverts, and innermost
secondaries of the same colouras the back. Larger upper wing-coverts sky blue.
Primaries and some of the secondaries blackish, with white bands bordered with
sky blue, and brown towards the tip. Ear-coverts, sides of head, and neck
reddish chocolate, variegated with black and white; an irregular white line
along the sides of the neck. Under surface from chin to vent and under tail-
coverts white, with a broad, black band across the chest, as in Atelornis pittoides.
Under wing-coverts white, changing to pale sky blue towards the outer edge.
Bill black, feet and legs brown. Total length about 18 inches; culmen,
1375 inch; wing, 4-4; tail, 12; tarsus, 1:9; middle toe without claw, 1 inch.”
(Rothschild). Habitat. Madagascar.
indicus, Linn. Twelve. ¢. Northern India (Umballa, November ;
Muddapur, November). Southern India (Nellore ; Madras ; Ootacamund,
affinis, MeClell. Three. ¢. Sikkim, January. Assam.
garrulus, Linn. Twenty-one. 5 6,2 9. Orkneys. Scotland (Dum-
frieshire, Tynwald). Algeria (Koliah Forest, May). Tunis, March.
Malta, April. Palestine (Jordan Valley, October; Mt. Tabor, April).
Syria (Aleppo, May ; Hamath, May; Issa, June). India (Himalayas,
?Gilgit (Littledale Coll.) ). South Africa (Orange Free State, Kroonstadt,
December ; Trans Kei).
abyssinicus, Bodd. Seven. 2 3, 9 (jr). West Africa (Senegal ; Gambia,
Bathurst, August). Central Africa (White Nile). Abyssinia. [Mozam-
The specimen from the last-mentioned locality, which is probably erroneous, was
collected by Salt in 1812 (probably in Abyssinia), and is referred to by Dr.
Latham as C. bengalensis, Lath. in Salt’s Voyage Abyss. Append. iv. p. 46
(1814) ; Stanley, t.c. p. 53; Lath. Gen. Hist. iii. p. 73 (1822). The bird, how-
ever, does not at all agree with Dr. Latham’s description in the General History
of Birds.
lorti, Shelley.
caudatus, Linn. Hight. 2 ¢ (1 jr.) @. East Africa (Victoria Nyanza,
Nassa ; Kikombo, May ; Zanzibar ; Newala, Rovuma R.; Mozambique).
South Africa (Buffel’s Kraal, May).
spatulatus, Zrimen.
weigalli, Dresser. One. South-East Africa (Newala, Rovuma R.).
Although Dr. Sharpe has included this species in C. spatulatus (Cat. Birds Brit.
Mus. xvii. p. 23), it is now generally recognised that the species is distinct. The
original type has been lost, the specimen above recorded being that referred to
by Dr. Sclater (Bull. B.O.C. xy. p. 23, 1894); id. Ibis, 1894, p. 299; Tris-
tram, t.c. p. 320).
T nevius, Dawud. Six. ¢, 9. West Africa (Bathurst, Gambia, July).
Kordofan, July. Abyssinia. East Africa (Kikombo, August).
No. 6 from Abyssinia, collected by Salt in 1812, is the type of C. afra, var. Lath.
in Salt’s Voyage Abyss. Append. iv. p. 46 (1814); Stanley, t.c. p. 53; Lath.
Gen. Hist. iii. p. 81 (1822).
The collector himself states that the bird came from Mozambique, but Dr. Latham
mentions Abyssinia in the General History. As in the preceding case the bird
does not agree with the published description of C. afra, var.
It seems curious that Latham should have regarded this bird as so nearly allied to
his Coracias afra, which, of course, is an Lurystomus, and one is somewhat in-
clined to doubt if his name for that species should really be used.
a Ve aes ier eS
mosambicus, Dresser. Five. 2¢, 2. South Africa (Damaraland, Swakop
R., April ; Orange Free State, Kroonstadt).
temmincki (Vieill.). Four. North Celebes.
No. 3, purchased by Lord Derby at the sale of the Bullock Collection, was brought
to Europe by La Perouse.
cyanogaster, Cv. Three. ¢. West Africa (Gambia; Ashantee).
glaucurus (P. L. S. Mill.). Ten. 34,39, juv. Madagascar (Mohambo,
afer (uth). Six. o, 1 jr. West Africa (Gambia; Accra, April).
Central Africa (Nyassaland, Zomba, August). South-East Africa (Newala
afer, subsp. rufobuccalis, Rchnw. J.f.0., 1892, p. 57. Two. Central
Africa (Uganda, Busogo).
2 ‘Differs from the normal colouration of the species considerably in having the sides
of the head plain, reddish brown, without any tinge of violet like the crown ;
the two central tail feathers are, excepting the black terminal portion, washed
with reddish brown on a black ground ; the upper tail-coverts are only blue on
the sides, the central ones being reddish brown. of sh. t Ue» (Renchenow,
Jide Dresser, Mon. Corac. p. 60). Hatitat. Uganda (Manjonjo).
Captain Shelley does not recognise this subspecies in his “‘ Birds of Africa,” and
Mr. Dresser (l.c.) includes it with a query under the synonyms of Z. afer, though
the specimen he figured, apparently from Abyssinia, bears out Dr. Reichenow’s
remarks concerning the sides of the head.
In our specimens from Uganda the purple colouration of. the sides of the head,
though perhaps just perceptible, is very much less marked than in any of the
others ; the lower row of upper tail-coverts is blue all round, though the upper
ones are mixed with chestnut in the centre ; the whole of the centre pair of tail
feathers, except the upper portion of the shaft region, is blackish brown, with a
suggestion of brownish grey towards the edges, not reddish brown as in Dr.
Reichenow’s description. The black terminal band of the outer tail feathers is
more extensive, and the blue subterminal one is less so, and darker in colour than
in the specimens from other localities.
It is impossible to say to what form the specimen from Newala, recorded under Z.
afer, really belongs, as it is an immature bird with greenish blue under surface.
gularis, Vicill. Six. 1 jr. West Africa (Axim; Wassaw, Erriemill ; Cape
Coast Castle).
An immature specimen from Cape Coast Castle differs from the others, and from
Dresser’s figure and description of the young bird, in having the upper throat
and breast chestnut of the same colour as the upper surface, which is somewhat
duller than in the adult. The bird seems to attain its adult plumage by a direct
change of colour in the feather, as some of the greenish lower breast feathers
have chestnut shaft-stripes, while the chestnut feathers immediately above these
have greenish tips and edges.
orientalis (Linn.). Seventeen. 2 6, 2 jr. Malay Peninsula (Pahang,
January ; Penang, April; Singapore). _ Sumatra. Borneo (Banjer-
massim ; Labuan, October, December). Talaut Islands (Lirung, May).
Philippine Islands. China.
We have followed Mr. Dresser (Ibis, 1891, pp. 99-102) and Dr. Blanford (Faun.
Brit. Ind. Aves, iii. p. 107, 1895), in not accepting L. calonyx. According to-Dr.
Sharpe, three specimens from China, collected by Fortune, should belong to this
form. Of these specimens one is perfectly adult and two are immature, as shown
by the blackish bill, and the absence of the purplish blue gular spot. The
wing of the adult bird is 777, and it has no blue whatever on the terminal half of
the tail, exactly agreeing with the male specimen from Sumatra, collected by
Wallace. The immature specimens have the wing 7°35 and 7‘5, and the outer
web of the tail feathers deep ultramarine blue and tipped with greenish. This
is the case, but to a less extent, with a specimen from Labuan collected in October,
which is not quite adult, and which has the wing only 7 inches. The other
specimen from Labuan collected in December, which is quite adult, has the wing
7°5, and no blue on the terminal portion of the tail. An adult specimen from
Singapore, which, we presume, would be considered typical 2. calonyx, has the
wing 7°5 and the whole of the terminal portion of the tail markedly washed with
deep ultramarine blue. As regards the colour of the outer secondaries, which
is also made a diagnostic character by Dr. Sharpe, the Singapore specimen has
the outer webs uniform deep ultramarine blue ; the Labuan specimens collected
in October and December have a narrow edging of the same colour; the adult
Chinese specimen has none whatever, and it is narrower and paler on one of the
immature Chinese specimens though much more marked in the other. When
such variation is observable even in a limited series it seems advisable, at any
rate for the present, to include #. ca/onyx and #7. wtor under L. orientalis.
Messrs. Meyer and Wiglesworth (Birds of Celebes i. p. 312), even include JL.
pacificus under the same heading.
pacificus (Lath.) (= E. orientalis (Linn.), spm. U, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 99, and £. azureus, Gr. |.c.). Thirteen. 44, 9, juv. Lombok. Ceram.
Halmaheira (Dodinga, April). Northern Australia (Port Essington,
November). Eastern Australia (Moreton Bay; New South Wales,
November). Norfolk Island. Tasmania.
crassirostris, Scluf. One. South-East New Guinea (Fly River).
solomonensis, Sharpe (= L. crassirostris, Sclat. spm. b, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 99). Two. Solomon Islands (Guadaleanar, March ; Bugotu).
This species has recently been recorded from New Hanover (¢f Hartert, App.
Cayley Webster’s ‘‘ Through New Guinea,” p. 371, 1898).
azureus, G.R.G*r.
martii (Spix). Two. Ecuador. Peru.
Following Messrs. Salvin & Godman (Biol. Centr. Amer. Ayes, ii. p. 462), we have
not adopted the generic term Urospatha, Salvad, for this species.
ruficapillus (Vicill.). Three. Brazil.
T platyrhynchus (Leadb.). Two. ‘ Borders of Brazil and Peru.”
No. 2, purchased from Leadbeater in 1838, may very possibly be the Type of the
species ; it is also the Type of Crypticus marti, Bp. (P.Z.S. 1837, p. 119).
carinatus (Du Bus).
superciliaris (Sundbach). Five. 9. Guatemala (San Geronimo, December ;
Coban ; Zacapa).
momota (Linn.). Three. Demerara.
parensis, Sharpe; bartletti, Sharpe; venezuele, Sharpe.
subrufescens, Sclut. Four. Peru (Sarayagu). Bolivia.
nattereri, Sclut. Two. Bolivia.
microstephanus, Sc/at. ; argenticinctus, Sharpe.
equatorialis, Gould. One. Peru, November.
lessoni, Less. Four, ¢. Honduras. Guatemala (Volcan de Fuégo, at
6000 ft., August ; Between Guatemala and Sonsonat¢).
It is difficult to decide to what species the specimen from Honduras should be
assigned ; the general colour of the crown approaches M. cewruleiceps, but the
centre is black like MZ. lessoni ; the colour of the under surface is more rufescent
than either W/. lessoni or M. cwruleiceps, in this respect approaching WM. swainsoni.
— ———
oy eee
swainsoni, Sclat. Five. Tobago.
ceruleiceps, (fould. Three. Mexico.
mexicanus, Swains. Two. Mexico.
mexicanus, subsp. saturatus, Nelson, Auk. xiv. p. 49 (1897).
** Contrasted with typical M. mewicanus the new form is larger and has the crown
deeper rufous ; the greens of the back are deeper and more olive ; the rufous of
the crown and neck extends farther over the shoulders, and the black area of the
ear-coverts is more broadly edged with blue. |The Type measures as follows :
Wing, 126; tail, 200; culmen, 44; tarsus, 29. <A typical male of meaicanus
measures: Wing, 116; tail, 170; culmen, 39; tarsus, 25.” (Nelson). Habitat.
“ Pacific coast district of Mexico from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, to Tonala in Chiapas.”
One. ¢. Mexico (Terro Tepic, Tuxpan, May).
Our specimens agree well with the foregoing description. .
castaneiceps, Gould. Two. Guatemala (Zacapa; Golan ? lege Gualan).
Co-types of the species.
The former of these specimens collected by Bates and the latter by Delattre, are
referred by Sclater (P.Z.S. 1857, p. 254) to M. meaicanus ; this, however, is
erroneous, as these specimens are the ones mentioned by Gould, in his description
of the species (P.Z.S. 1854, p. 154) ; and the only specimens of M. mexicanus in
the Derby Collection have no specific locality attached.
ASPATHA, Sharpe. er
gularis (Lafr.). Two. @. Guatemala (Volcan de Fuégo, September).
momotula, Licht. Four. Mexico. Guatemala (Escuintla; Choctum,
January). ;
hes TODUS, Linn.
viridis, Linn. Seven. 6, 9. Jamaica.
subulatus, @.2.Gr. Five. San Domingo (Samana),
multicolor, Goud ; pulcherrimus, Sharpe ; hypochondriacus, Bryant.
melanorhyncha (Zemm.). One. Celebes.
melanorhyncha, subsp. dicrorhyncha, Meyer & Wiglesw. Abh. Mus. Dresd. No. 2,
p. 12 (1896) ;_ Hart. Nov. Zool. iv. p. 163 (1897); Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes i. p.
271, pl. ix. Upper fig. (1898).
« Similar to P. melanorhyncha, but with more or less of the culmen and base of the
maxilla and most of the under mandible red, the rest black ; size somewhat
larger. Wing, 151-161; tail, about 100; bill from nostril, 67-73; tarsus,
about 17 mm.” (Meyer & Wiglesworth). Habitat, Islands of Peling and
melanorhyncha, subsp. eutreptorhyncha, Hart. Nov. Zool. v. p. 128 (1898).
‘© Bill black, with smaller red spot at base of maxilla, sometimes obsolete, and with
smaller red space at base of mandible, sometimes varying towards a black bill.”
(Hartert), Habitat. Sula Mangoli.
amauroptera (Pears.). Three. Assam.
No. 1 from Assam is the specimen figured by Dr. Sharpe (Monogr. Alced. p. 97,
pl. xxx.).
leucocephala (@m.). Two. Borneo (Baram ; Banjermassim).
Mr. Hartert has recorded this form from Mindoro (J.f.0. 1891, p. 296), though
Dr. Sharpe states that it is confined to Borneo and ? Palawan.
leucocephala, subsp. intermedia, Hume.
Dr. Blanford states (Faun. Brit. Ind. Aves, iii. p. 129), that this subspecies is
indistinguishable from the typical Bornean form.
leucocephala, susp. gouldi, Sharpe. One. ~ Philippine Islands (South
Co-type of the species (Ibis, 1870, p. 63).
leucocephala, subsp. gigantea, Wald. (= P. gouldi, Sharpe, Tristr. Cat.
Coll. Birds, p. 91). Two. ¢ jr, 9. Philippine Islands (Leyte, Amparo,
August; Basilan, May).
gurial (Pears.). Nine. ¢. Central India (Khandeish ; Jubbulpur ; Sal-
kerei, January). Southern India (Nellore). Ceylon.
gurial, subsp. malaccensis, Sharpe. Seven. o,2jr. Malay Peninsula
(Pahang, April).
gurial, subsp. floresiana, Sharpe.
According to Hartert (Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 565, 599) “ Pelargopsis sasak, nov subspec ”
Vorderman, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl.-Ind. liv, from Lombok, is in all
probability the young of the species.
gurial, subsp. burmanica, Sharpe. Two. Andaman Islands. Burmab.
Dr. Blanford (tome cit. p. 130) does not recognise this subspecies.
gurial, subsp. fraseri, Sharpe. Seven. <6, @, jr. Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Sumatra (Lampongs, Gunung Tetahan; Palembang, Lake
Ranau, February). Java.
rudis (Linn.). Twentynine. 10 3,119, 5 jr. Palestine (Gennesareth,
March, May ; Sea of Galilee, February, March; Raboth Ammon, March).
West Africa (Senegal; Gambia, Bathurst, September; Lagos ; Ambriz
River). North Eastern Africa (White Nile). East Africa (Ribé). South
Africa (Transvaal : Potchefstroom, September; Port Natal; Bechuanaland).
rudis, subsp. varia (Strickl.). Nine. 3 3,6 9. Northern India (Caleutta ;
Mhow, January). Southern India (Nellore). China (Amoy, February,
lugubris (Zemi.). Nine. 6 6, 39. Northern India (Kumaon ; Dehra
Dhoon; Simla, December). Japan (Yokohama, April; Chiusenze, April).
maxima (Pall.). Eleven. 4 6,7 ? (1 jr.). West Africa. South Africa
(Transvaal : Rustenberg, September ; Cape of Good Hope).
maxima, subsp. sharpii, Gould. Two. 2 ¢. West Africa (Gold Coast :
Bossumpra River ; Gaboon, Ogowe River).
The specimen from the (fold Coast collected by Mr. H. J. Ussher seems to be
intermediate between this subspecies and the typical form from South Africa,
there being a very much less amount of white spotting and barring on the upper
surface, though more so than in the Gaboon specimen.
torquata (Liin.). Twelve. 36,79, 2jr. Central America (“River St.
John” ; Honduras, Belize River). Brazil (Huallago). Peru (Sarayagu).
torquata, subsp. stellata (Meyen). Two. 3, @ juv. Chili (Straits of
Magellan, Tom Bay, March).
torquata, subsp. stictipennis, Lawr.
alcyon (Linn.). Thirteen. 7 é (3 jr), 49, 2 jr. Canada (Nova Scotia ;
Montreal). United States (Texas, San Antonio). Bermuda. Jamaica.
Honduras (Belize River).
amazona (Luth.). Ten. 66 (1 jr.). Honduras. New Granada. Brazil.
Peru (Sarayacu). Bolivia.
americana (@m.). Nineteen. 11 ¢, 8? (1 jv.). Brazil (Para), Bolivia.
americana, ssp. cabanisi (7° schudi). Four. 3,39. Peru. Brazil ?.
americana, suis. septentrionalis, Sharpe. Ten. 6 3,3 9. Honduras
(Belize). Mexico. Guatemala (Coban, November).
inda (Linn.). Eleven. 6 3,5 9. Surinam. Brazil (Para).
superciliosa (Linn.). Thirteen. Panama. Surinam. © Brazil (Para).
superciliosa, susp. stictoptera, ftidgv. Five. 4 64, 9. Mexico.
Honduras. Guatemala (Yzabel).
Messrs. Godman & Salvin (Biol. Centr. Amer. Aves, ii. pp. 478, 479) do not re-
cognise this subspecies. The specimen from Panama, enumerated under C.
superciliosa typica, seems perfectly intermediate between. specimens from
Mexico and others from Para.
equatorialis, Sharpe.
ispida, Zinn. Fifty-five. 3 6,5 9, 2 jr. England (Durham; Greatham,
February ; Norfolk, Norwich, February ; near London; Kent, Boxley ;
Hants, Mottisfont, January, May). Greece (Pylos, February). Palestine
(Jericho, January). Northern India (Kumaon). Nepaul. Southern
India (Nellore). Ceylon. Malay Peninsula (Penang). Borneo (Baram,
May; Bonguey). China (Canton; Hong-Kong ; Amoy, May; Chusan).
Japan (Nikko, April ; Soguzima, December).
ispida, subsp. taprobana, Kleinschmidt, Ornith. Monatsber. ii. p. 126 (1894). Rothsch.
Nov. Zool. iii. p. 550 (foot note) (1896).
“From Ceylon comes Alcedo ispida bengalensis, Gm., a smaller form of our king-'
fisher, often of such an unusual colouration that I cannot but describe it as a
distinct form, which does not agree with the characters of any described species
or subspecies ; neither in the British Museum Catalogue or in Sharpe’s ‘ Mono-
graph of the Kingfishers,’ nor in any other literature at my disposal, can I find
any remarks on the subject. The above-mentioned bird has the upper surface of
an extraordinary bright blue, therein resembling Alcedo ispidoides, Less. The
points of difference may be best characterised by comparison with the allied
forms. ‘The colours of the kingfisher, as is well known, appear differently when
viewed by direct and reflected light ; calling the tint of the upper surface when
viewed by direct light (eye between source of light and the object) I., and the
tint by reflected light (object between the light and the eye) II..:—
“Var. taprobana I. = bengalensis II.
" " II. = meningting I.
" " I. = ispidoides I.
" " II. = "W II.
“From A. zspidoides, Less. var. taprobana differs in having the bill feebler, and in
the brown mark on the side of the head ; from A. ispidoides floresiana, Sharpe,
in the size of this mark ; the last-named subspecies stands also between tapro-
bana and ispidoides.
“‘It would be very interesting to ascertain whether the same is the case as regards
the size of the bill ; unfortunately I only know floresiana from description. ‘That
taprobana is not the very adult plumage of bengalensis, two young birds, one in my
collection, and the other in the Berlin Museum show ; in them the upper surface,
by direct and reflected light, is dull blue and the under surface bright rust red.
In bengalensis the opposite is the case to taprobana and ispida, in that there is
most white on the young plumage birds. In very old taprobana in my collection,
the feathers of the shoulder are edged with bright blue.
“This form seems confined to Ceylon ; intermediate forms between it and benga/lensis
occur, yet specimens of bengalensis from Ceylon appear always distinguishable by
the brighter colouration on the angle of the wing.”. (Kleimschmidt). Habitat.
There are two specimens.of an Alcedo from Ceylon which we have referred to A.
ispida bengalensis, if that form is to remain distinct. One of them appears
identical in the colouration of the upper parts with specimens from Nepaul and
Southern India, though the brighter tips to the upper wing-coverts are perhaps
somewhat more marked. The other specimen is of a rather bluer tinge above,
though it can be matched by specimens from Borneo ; it is almost exactly the
same colour as aspecimen of A. aspidoides, which, however, is evidently immature,
as shown by the dusky tinge on the breast. The adult birds of isprdotdes are of
‘a very much more intense blue above, the same as A. ispida floresiana. Is it
possible that the moist uplands of Ceylon have caused some slight differentiation
between the birds inhabiting them and those of the drier lowlands ?
ispida, subsp. ispidoides, Less. Three. 26, 9. New Britain (Blanche
Bay, June ; Ferguson Bay, August). ;
ispida, svbsp. floresiana, Sharpe. One. ¢. F lores (Waingapo, September).
semitorquata, Swuins. Six. d. South Africa (Transvaal: De Kaap, Fig
Tree Creek, May ; Cape of Good Hope).
euryzona, Zemm. Three. 6, 2. Sumatra. Borneo (Kinabalu (3000 ft.),
grandis, Blyth. One. India (Himalayas).
guentheri, Sharpe. Four. West Africa (Gold Coast: Lagos; Bonny ;
quadribrachys, Bp. One. West Africa (Gold Coast).
meninting, Horsf. Six. djr, 2. Java. Borneo (Baram, Sarawak).
beavani, Vuld. One. Burmah (Tonghoo).
beryllina, Vicill. Six. 3. Java (Sourabaya).
No. 2 from Sourabaya is the specimen figured by Dr. Sharpe (Monogr. Alced.
p. 31, pl. ix.).
cristata (Linn.). Fifteen. Madagascar (Moumangaka, April ; Mohambo,
July ; St. Augustine’s Bay).
cyanostigma (/tiipp.). Twenty-three. 24, 9,6jr. North-Eastern Africa
(Ghaba Shambé, July). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, January, August,
November ; Cape Coast Castle; Lagos). South Africa (Potchefstroom,
March; Kroonstadt, January ; Bechuanaland),
galerita (P.L.S. Miill.).
ALCYONE, Swains.
azurea (Lath.). Six. 1 jr. Australia, November.
azurea, subsp. pulchra, Gould. One. Northern Australia (Port Essington,
leeta, De Vis. Rep. Ornith. Coll. Brit. New Guinea, Append. E ¥, p. 100 (1894).
“Front and sinciput black, rest of head and nape black, with a subterminal band
of ultramarine on each feather ; back, rump, and upper tail-coverts ultramarine ;
wing-coverts black, with blue tips; chin and upper throat pale lemon; re-
mainder of under surface deep orange; axillaries and under wing-coverts buff ;
wing dark brown, with inner lower edge of quills buff, and their upper and outer
edges washed with blue; scapulars deep blue ; ear-coverts black, broadly tipped
with blue; lores and a short band on each side of the neck pale buff; legs
orange ; bill black. Length, 110 mm. ; wing, 54; tail, 25; tarsus, 6; bill, 28.
Two examples ; one of them, which is immature, has the chin, throat, and fore-
neck dingy white, only a few feathers of the back tipped with blue, and the bill
with a pale tip.” (De Vis).- Habitat, Mt. Maneao, British New Guinea.
lessoni, Cuss. Two. New Guinea.
affinis, G.R.Gr.
pusilla (Zemm.). Three. New Guinea. North Australia (Cape York).
richardsi, Z7ristr. One. ¢. Solomon Islands (Rendova, August).
Type of the species (Ibis, 1882, p. 134, pl. iv.).
websteri, Hart. in Cayley Webster's ‘* Through New Guinea,” Append. 1. p. 371 (1898) ;
id. Ibis, 1899, p. 278, pl. 11.
« Adult (sex undetermined): above, greenish blue, purer and more ultramarine on
the back, rump, and upper tail-coverts, as well as on the hind neck, forehead
duller, feathers of lores white, with black tips. The feathers of the upper parts
and sides of head and neck have, in fact, only wide blue tips, being black at
base and whitish towards the utmost bases. Tail blue. Primaries and their
coverts black, primaries whitish grey towards the bases on the inner webs.
Under parts white with a very slight buffy tinge. Under tail-coverts deeper
buff with blue tips. Sides of breast blue, flanks striped with blue and blackish ;
breast crossed by a blue band, which is slightly interrupted in the middle. A
large longitudinal whitish buff spot on the sides of the neck, behind the ear-
coverts. Bill and feet black. Wing, 62; tail, 43; bill, 53 mm.” (Hartert).
Habitat. New Hanover.
CEYX, Lacep.
tridactyla (Pull.). Six. 9. Burmah (Moulmein, March). Malay
Peninsula (Malacca).
dillwynni, Sharpe. Four. Borneo (Labuan and Silam).
euerythra, Sharpe (= C. rufidorsa, Strickl. spms. a, and ¢, and C. sharpii,
Salvad. spm. ¢. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 92). Five. Malay Peninsula
(Penang). Borneo (Sarawak). Sumatra.
sharpii, Sulvad. Two. 6, 2. Borneo (Labuan, November ; Sarawak).
innominata, Salva. (= C. rufidorsa, Strickl. spm. b. Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 92). One. o¢. Java.
melanura, Auuwp. Three. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
samarensis, Steere.
Mr. Ogilvie-Grant (Ibis, 1897, p. 243) considers that this species is distinct from
C. melanura, with which it has been united by Dr. Sharpe (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus.
xvili. p. 181).
mindanensis, Steere.
cajeli, ull. One. Bouru.
wallacii, Sharpe.
lepida, Zemm. Three. Moluceas.
sacerdotis, Rams.
malamaui, Steere. Two. 29. Sulu Archipelago (Bongao Island, July).
bournsi, Steere.
cyanipectus, Lafr. Five. 34,29. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
No. 2 is the specimen figured by Dr. Sharpe as C. philippinensis (Mon. Alced. p. 118,
pl. xxxvii., 1869).
It does not yet seem satisfactorily ascertained whether C. philippinensis and C.
cyanipectus, are really distinct species or merely the sexes of the same ; we have
preferred to follow Messrs. Bourns and Worcester in adopting the latter view.
nigrirostris, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 13 (1894).
Alcyone nigrirostris, Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 556 (Negros).
** Adult male :—General colour of back and upper tail-coverts bright cobalt blue,
slightly lighter than in C. cyanipectus. Crown and nape blue-black thickly
spotted with bright cobalt, the spots being much wider and slightly lighter than
in C. cyanipectus. Spots much larger on hind neck, causing it to appear nearly
uniform cobalt.
**Scapulars black, heavily washed with dark verditer blue. Wing-coverts washed
with verditer blue, each feather with a bright spot or stripe of cobalt blue.
Wing black, the outer webs of secondaries heavily washed with light verditer
blue. Tail black, the central pair of feathers washed with verditer blue on both
webs, the others on.outer webs only. Loral spot reddish buff. A spot of same
colour on sides of neck, Chin and throat white, washed with buff. Fore neck,
breast, and abdomen uniform buff. Flanks, sides of breast, and. a complete
band across the breast dark verditer blue. A half band of same colour behind
this. Under tail-coverts buff, the larger ones tipped with verditer blue. Under
wing-coverts like the breast, with a spot of verditer blue at end. Basal portions
of inner webs of primaries and secondaries washed with pale buff. Bill black.
Average measurements from ten males :—Culmen, 1°42 inches; tarsus, ‘34 ;
wing, 2°22; tail, ‘88. Length of a single male measured in the flesh, 6°50.
Female like the male but bas only a half band of verditer blue across the breast,
this being more imperfect than in C. cyanipectus. Average measurements from
three females :—Culmen, 1°45 inches ; tarsus, 33 ; wing, 2°34; tail, 95. Length
of single female measured in the flesh, 5°63 inches.” (Bourns & Worcester).
Habitat. Panay, Negros, Cebu.
steerii, Sharpe.
argentata, Zweedd. One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Zamboango,
~ May).
fiumenicola, Steere.
gentiana, Zristv. One. ¢@. Solomon Islands (San Christoval, Makira,
Type of the species, Ibis, 1879, p. 438, pl. xi.
solitaria, Zemm. Three. North-West New Guinea (Patadinia, November).
South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
fallax, Schley. One. Celebes.
sangirensis, Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes i, p. 278, pl. x. figs. 2, 3 (1898).
** Adult—Similar to C. fallax of Celebes, but with the blue spots of the head above
much larger and continued further down the hind neck, the spots on the sides
of occiput almost running into one another, and blue like those of the head, not
magenta ; the spots on the middle and greater wing-coverts larger, magenta ;
mantle washed with magenta ; bill longer and differing in shape—notso much
narrowed in its terminal third, or so much broadened at its base ; size a little
greater. Wing, 60; tail, 28; bill from nostril, 33; tarsus, 9 mm.
‘* Immature (with a dusky horn-coloured bill). Just like the adult, but with none of
the feathers of the mantle tinted with magenta, the blue on the head and neck
a trifle darker, and the ear-coverts less strongly washed with magenta. Wing,
62; tail, 25:5; bill from nostril, 31; tarsus,9 mm.” (Meyer & Wiglesworth).
Habitat. Great Sanghir Island (Tabukan).
picta (Lodd.). Four. West Africa (Wassaw, March; Lagos; Gambia, Bathurst).
natalensis (Smith). Four. jr. Natal (Durban).
leucogaster (Fraser). One. West Africa (Gaboon).
madagascariensis (Linn.). Two. Madagascar (South Betsileo, Ankafana,
ruficeps, Hartl. ; lecontii (Cass.).
SYMA, Less.
torotoro, Less. Two. ¢, 9. South-East New Guinea.
torotoro, subsp. tentelare, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 534, 535 (1896).
** Females from Aru have the black spot on the head in or behind the middle of. the
crown about 15 mm. or more away from the base of the bill, while in specimens
from Northern Dutch New Guinea this spot is generally larger and extends
almost, or quite to the base of the culmen. The males of the Aru form do not
differ perceptibly from S. torotoro typica.” (Hartert). Habitat. Aru Islands.
? South-East New Guinea.
megarhyncha, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (2a). xvi. p. 70 (1896).
‘Closely resembling S. forotoro, but considerably larger, the cervical collar unin-
terrupted and broader, and with the maxilla differing in being almost entirely
black. Total length, 220; wing, 90; tail, 72; culmen, 55; tarsus, 18 mm.”
(Salvadori). Habitat. South-East New Guinea (Moroka).
flavirostris (Gould). One. 9. Northern Australia (Jardine River,
CARCINEUTES, Cab. & Heine.
pulchellus (Horsf). Fifteen. 94,59, jr. Malay Peninsula (Malacca).
melanops (Bp.). Three. 2¢, 9. Borneo (Sarawak ; Segilind River).
macrorhina (Jess.). Five. 2 ¢,3 9 (2jr.). North-West New Guinea.
South-East New Guinea.
Jobiensis, Salvad.
rex, Sharpe. Two. 29. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
DACELO, Leach.
gigas (Doil/.). Nine. ¢, 29, skel. Australia (New South Wales ;
Hunter River).
leachii, iy. ¢ Ilorsf. Three. 43,29. North Australia.
leachii, sv)sp. cervina, Gould. Two. 3,9. West Australia. North
Australia (Port Essington, February).
leachii, swsp. intermedia, Su/vud. Two. ¢, 9. South-East New Guinea.
gaudichaud (Q. ¢'G.). Five. 34,29. Aru Islands (Dobbo, October).
South-West New Guinea (Lobo Bay, July). South-East New Guinea.
Mr. Hartert states (Nov. Zool. iii. p. 535) that S. kubaryi, Meyer, from German
New Guinea, differs in no way from this species. The specimen from Lobo Bay
was collected in July, 1828, by 5. Miiller, on the voyage of the T'riton.
tyro, G.2.Gr. Two. 2 6. Aru Islands, October.
HALCYON, Swains.
coromandus (Luth.). Twelve. 3, 2 jr. Malay Peninsula (Singapore,
March). Borneo (Labuan, September). Philippine Islands. Formosa.
Japan (Chiusenze, April).
coromandus, susp. rufa, Vuil. One. ¢. Great Sanghir Island, February.
badius, Verr. Three. West Africa (Fantee ; Gaboon).
smyrnensis (Linn.). Nineteen. 2 6, 29, 2 jr. Palestine’ (Bethsaida,
April; Gennesareth, March, April; Jericho, January). Nepaul. Nor-
thern India (Mhow, October). Southern India (Madras ; Nellore). Ceylon.
Burmah. Malay Peninsula (Pahang, March).
smyrnensis, swisp. saturatior, Mune. Two. 6, @. South Andaman
Islands (Port Blair, May ; December).
gularis (Kuil.). Seven. ¢. Philippine Islands (Luzon: San Mateo ;
Manilla, June ; Cataguan, May). [China].
cyaneiventris (V%cill.). Seven. 2d. Jaya (Bantam, May). [New
Guinea |.
pileatus (Bodd.). Thirteen. , @, jr. Southern India (Nellore). Malay
Peninsula (Pahang, November). Sumatra (Lampong Residency, Rawas
River, November). Borneo (Baram). ;
semiceruleus (Forsk.). Six. 2 ¢ (1 jr.). North-Eastern Africa (Faradjok,
September ; White Nile). Bogosland. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst,
July). [Egypt].
semiczeruleus, subsp. erythrogaster, (ould.
pallidiventris, (Cu).) (= H. orientalis, Pet. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p. 93). Three. 1 jr. East Africa (Mozambique). Central Africa (Zomba,.
Nyassaland, November). South Africa. —
It is with considerable hesitation that we refer the three specimens enumerated
above to this species. In addition to the differences pointed out by Dr. Sharpe,
the wings, rump, and tail are of a purer ultramarine blue without any’ tinge of
green as in H. semicwruleus, and in the figure of the typical specimen of
orientalis (Mon. Alced. p. 181, pl. 1xvi.). i
orientalis (Peters). One. jr. South-East Africa (Rovuma River).
This specimen agrees perfectly with the figure of the immature bird (Sharpe,
loc, cit).
albiventris (Scop.). Thirteen. 2¢. South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg,
June, July ; De Kaap, Bonanza Valley, May ; Zululand ; Natal).
chelicutensis (Sfanl.). Fourteen. 2 ¢, 9. West Africa (Gambia ;
Senegal). Abyssinia. East Africa (Ribé;.Kikombo, May ; Zanzibar).
Central Africa (Nyassaland, Zomba, August, November). South Africa
(Transvaal: Rustenberg, June, July).
No. 1, collected by Salt in 1812 in Abyssinia, is the Type of the species (Stanley,
in Salt’s Voy. Abyss. App. iv. p. 56, 1814).
senegaloides, Smith. Two. 3. South Africa (Natal).
. No. 18, isthe specimen figured by Dr. Sharpe (Monogr. Alced. p. 187, pl. Lxviii. 1869).
senegalensis (Linn.). Twenty. ¢. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst,
August; Fantee; Gold Coast, January ; Cape Coast Castle; Lagos).
senegalensis, swisp. cyanoleucus (Vicill.). Two. 2 ¢. South Africa
(North Natal, Monocusi River, Ovampoland, Ondongo, December).
No. 1, from North Natal, is the specimen figured by Dr. Sharpe (Monogr. Alced.
p. 189, pl. lxix. 1869).
torquatus, Swains. Two. 6. Liberia (Schnifflesville, February).
torquatus, subsp. forbesi, Sharpe. One. ¢. West Africa. (Ashantee,
Rio Boutry, July).
torquatus, subsp. malimbicus, Shaw.
fortis, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. i. p. 202 (1893).
““Very closely allied to HW. dryas, but with the pileum paler—pale brownish, not
dull brown ; the breast and belly, as well as the under tail-coverts, pure white ;
the flanks pale ashy grey. Total length, 310; wing, 120 to 125; tail, 100; bill,
60; tarsus, 18 mm.” (Leichenow). Habitat. Senegal.
dryas, Hartl. ; albicillus (Cur).
saurophagus, (ould. Five. 3 3, 9 pull. Salwatti, July. Duke of
York Islands (Karawala Island, August). Solomon Islands (Bugotu).
admiralitatis, Sharpe ; godeffroyi, Finsch.
anachoreta, Rchnw. Ornith. Monatsber. vi. p. 47 (1898).
**General appearance that of H. chloris (Bodd.), but decidedly larger, the top of the
head brighter bluish green, the white spot above the lores larger, ear-coverts
blackish, but with a marked tinge of bluish-green, band round the neck not
pure black, but with a wash of bluish-green, white nuchal spot very distinct,
whole under surface and band round the neck pure white. Total length, 180 ;
wing, 122-125; tail, 95; bill, 60; tarsus, 15 mm.” (Reichenow). Habitat.
Anchorite Islands.
albonotatus, Z?ams. One. New Ireland.
leucopygius (Verr.). Two. 2 ¢. Solomon Islands (Guadaleanar, Aola,
April ; Bugotu).
lazuli (Z¢mm.). Two. Moluccas.
diops (Zemm.). Four. 2 ¢,2 92. Batchian, December. Ternate.
macleayi, Jurd. d& Selb. Eleven. 5 6 (1 jr.) 4 9, jr. North Australia
(Port Essington, January, July, October, December ; Somerset ; Cook-
town, August). South-East Australia.
winchelli, Sharpe. One. ¢. ~ Philippine Islands (Basilan, Isabella,
oat Wall. ; stictoleemus (Sa/vad.) ; quadricolor (Oust.) ; elizabethee
pyrrhopygius, (ould. Seven. 2 9. Central Australia (Namoi Plains ;
Burdekin River, May).
cinnamominus, Swains.
It has been shown (Hart.-Nov, Zool. y, p. 52) that H. rufigularis, Sharpe, is merely
the female of this species.
reichenbachi (//urtl.) ( = I. cinnamomina, Swains. Tristr. Cat. Birds,
p. 92).. One. Q jr.? Ponape.
This specimen agrees with the description of /7. mediocris, juv. Sharpe (Cat. Birds,
Brit. Mus. xvii. p. 260).
pelewensis, Viglesw. Aves. Polynes. pp. 15, 16 (1894).
Halcyon reichenbachi, auct, (ea Pelew Islands).
One. Pelew Islands.
australasie (Vicill.). Two. Timor. [New Guinea. |
A specimen said to be from New Guinea has the under surface very much paler than
the Timor example. We have included Meyer’s subspecies minor, from Timor-
laut, under this name.
sacer (Gm.). Five. 3¢, 92. Friendly Islands (Tongatabu, February).
Fiji Islands.
julie (Heine). Twenty. 3¢, 39, juv. New Hebrides (Aneityum ;
Aniwa, November; Tanna, December; Vate, Havannah Harbour, June,
It seems possible that both this species and H. sacer are dimorphic, and that
perfectly adult birds may occur either with the white or cinnamon superciliaries
and occipital bands. The most reliable test of immaturity seems to be the
cinnamon edgings on the wing-coverts, and the black tips to the feathers of the
sides of the breast, which latter is the last to disappear. Two specimens from
Aniwa which, judged by these standards, seem perfectly adult differ from the rest
in having the blue of the upper surface much brighter, with less tinge of green,
especially on the wings and tail ; the whole of the under surface, except the throat,
is cinnamon buff, approaching HZ. tristrami. The stripe from the-nostril round
the head is rich cinnamon; a third specimen, however, shot on the same day,
resembles H. ju/ic from other localities. It is possible that Aniwa is inhabited
by a slightly differentiated form of H. julie, which may also occur on the island
in its typical form.
occipitalis (Blyth). Two. 2¢. Nicobar Islands (Camorta, December ;
Trialul, May).
pealii, Finsch & Hartl.
tutuile, Shurpe. One. Samoa Islands (Tutuila).
‘tannensis, Sharpe.
T tristrami, Layard. Two. 6, 9. New Britain (Blanche Bay, July).
Types of the species, Ibis, 1880, p. 460, pl. xv. 4 er
Dr. Reichenow has described (Ornith. Monatsber. vi., p. 48, 1898), under the name
Halcyon pachyrhynchus, a kingfisher from New Britain in the following terms :—
“Very closely allied to H. vayans, and, as in that species, having the feathers of
the forehead with rusty yellow edges, but with the bill shorter, more depressed,
and broader; streak above the lores, band round the neck, cheeks and under
surface, with the exception of the pure white chin, tinged with rusty yellow or
ochreous fulvous, darker than in H. vagans. Total length, 180; wing, 100-105 ;
tail, 55; bill, 40; tarsus, 15mm.” (Reichenow). Habitat. New Britain. Except
in dimensions this description agrees very well with H. tristrami, the Types of
which are before us, the differences in the length of the bill might be accounted
for by Dr. Reichenow’s birds being younger.
sanctus (iy. & Horsf.) (= H. solomonis, Ramsay, spm. «, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 94). Forty-six. 16¢ (4 jr.) 119 (1 jr.). New Britain
(Blanche Bay, June). Duke of York Islands (Mioko Island, August).
Solomon Islands (Rendova, August ; Bugotu). New Caledonia (Noumea,
February, March, May, June, July, September, October; Ansevata,
April; Mar Point, August) |New Guinea (Fly River). Northern
Australia (West Island, Torres Straits, September; Maryborough, May ;
Port Stephens). New South Wales (Hunter R.; Botany Bay). West
Australia (Swan R., November).
T vagans, @.2.Gr. Fourteen. 24, 9,2 jr. New Zealand (Wellington,
March, May). Norfolk Island, October. ;
No.5, 6, from Norfolk Island is the Type of 1. norfolkensis, Tristr., Ibis, 1885, p. 49.
cassini, Minsch & Hartl. (= H. sacra (Gm.) spms. d, f, Tristr. Cat. Coll,
Birds, p. 93. Three. 2¢. Fiji Islands (Ovalau, April; Rewa)..
chloris (Bodd.). Ten. ¢, 9, jr. Java (Batavia, November; Bantam
Arendong, March). Borneo (Santubong). Philippine Islands (Cebu,
April ; South Luzon). Pelew Islands. Talaut Islands (Lirung, May).
chloris, sw)sp. armstrongi, Sharpe (= H. chloris (Bodd.) spms. a, b, Tristr.
Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 92). Three. [Bengal]. Java. Borneo (Labuan,
chloris, subsp. vidali, Sharpe; chloris, subsp. abyssinicus (Licht.).
humii, Sharpe. Five. 3, 9. Malay Peninsula (Malacca; Singapore,
The two specimens from Singapore may perhaps be referable to H. armstrongi.
humii, subsp. meyeri, Sharpe ; humii, subsp. davisoni, Sharpe.
solomonis, /iams. Two. @ jr. New Ireland, June. Solomon Islands
(San Cristoval, Makira, August).
The New Ireland specimen is of a very dark ultramarine blue on the upper surface,
brighter on the rump, and with a greenish tinge on the scapulars; the black
nuchal collar is very strongly marked. This may possibly prove to be a distinct
suvensis, Sharpe.
We have attempted to classify the varied forms of H. chloris in accordance with
Dr. Sharpe’s views. The result, as far as the limited material before us enables
us to form an opinion, is extremely unsatisfactory; it appears to us that it
would be better to unite all these races under H. chloris, as Messrs. Meyer &
Wiglesworth have done, who state (B. Celehes i. p. 295) that were Dr. Sharpe’s
views ‘‘to be adopted not only H. ch/oris, but also H. armstrongi, Sh., H.
Jorstenit, Bp., H. solomonis, Salvad, Hf. humii, Sh., H. meyeri, Sh., and perhaps
others would apparently have to be admitted into this work—all from the
Celebesian region.”
sordidus, Gould. Two. ¢. North Australia (Cape York; Blackwood
Bay, August).
sordidus, subsp. colonus, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. p. 244 (1896).
“*Closely allied to H. sordidus typicus, but much smaller. Culmen, 46 (not 60) mm. ;
wing, 89-93 (not 112) mm.
é Apparently also darker, especially on the head, though this may be due
to the freshness of the skins. The loral spot is not white, but pale buff; the
concealed spot on the nape very distinct and pale buff; the collar on the hind
neck rather broad ; above and behind the eye an indication of an eyebrow.
Tail, 70 mm.” (Hartert). Habitat. ‘‘Egum Group” (Type of subspecies),
‘* Louisiade Islands.”
funebris, Bp. One. Batchian.
hombroni (/p.). One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Zamboango,
concretus, 77mm. Seven. 54,29. Borneo.
lindsayi (Viy.). Five. 24,39. Philippine Islands (Luzon: Manilla ;
moseleyi, Steere.
veneratus (Gim.). Three. 9. Society Islands (Tahiti, April).
-youngi, Sharpe. Two. Society Islands (Morea, November).
No. 1 is a Co-type of the species, Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xvii. p. 289.
recurvirostris, Lufr. Eight. 2 9. Navigator Islands (Upolu, Ana,
tutus ((/m.). Twenty. ¢. Society Islands (fupnoi; Huaheine, July ;
cyanotis (Zemm.). Four. 2¢,29. Celebes.
sanghirensis, Sharpe. Two. ¢. Sanghir Island.
monachus (G@.2.G7.). Five. 34,29 (jr.) North Celebes. [Ceram].
monachus, subsp. intermedius, Hart. Nov. Zool. iv. p. 163 (1897); Meyer &
Wiglesw. B. Celebes i. p. 298 (1898).
**A male Monachalcyon from Tawaya differs conspicuously from M. monachus monachus
of North Celebes in having the head of a much deeper blue, and with a distinct,
though faint, greenish tinge. The tail is a little less washed with blue. It
differs from M. capucinus, Mey. & Wigl., in having the head deep blue, not
black, and the tail not quite without a bluish wash. The breast and abdomen of
the Tawaya bird area shade lighter than in most males of M. monachus monachus,
the beak apparently a little thicker. . . . The Type of I. m. intermedius
has the ‘iris deep umber; feet reddish; claws dark; beak scarlet.’ © Wing
about 142 mm. (moulting); tail, about 127; beak, 50.” (Hartert). Habitat.
West Celebes (Tawaya).
capucinus, Meyer & Wiglesw. Abh. Mus. Dresd. No. 2, p. 12 (1896); Hart. Nov.
Zool. iv. pp. 160, 163 (1897); Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes i. p. 299, pl. ix. (1898).
‘Differs from M. monachus of North Celebes by having the head and face black
(instead of China blue), the tail olive green (not washed with blue), the remiges
dusky olive green (not washed with blue), the remaining upper parts clearer
olive green, the whitish of the chin and throat not extending so far down towards
the jugulum. Wing, 150; tail, 115; bill from nostril, 41; tarsus, 21 mm.
** Female :—Like the male, but the superciliary region, face, and ear-coverts fer-
ruginous, below the eye blackish, and at the base of the bill varied with
blackish ; back, a shade yellower olive; eye brownish grey, bill orange [red],
feet orange-brown. Wing, 146; tail, 120; tarsus, 22; bill from nostril, 42 mm.”
(Meyer & Wiglesworth). Habitat. Eastern and Southern Peninsulas of Celebes.
princeps, Leichenb. Three. 23, ¢. Celebes.
fulgidus, (Gould). One. Flores.
nympha, G.l.Gr. One. $. New Guinea.
danae, Sharpe. Three. jr. South-East New Guinea.
nigriceps, Sclat. Three. 2 4, jr. Duke of York Island, July, August.
New Ireland. ;
sylvia, Gould. Two. ¢, 9. North Australia (Somerset, Cape York).
salvadoriana, [’ams. One. 6. South-East New Guinea.
doris, Wall. ; emilize, Sharpe ; sabrina, G.R.Gr.
hydrocharis, @./.Gr. Three. 9 jr. Aru Islands (Dobbo, October).
acis, Wall. ; ellioti, Sharpe.
margarite, Heine. Two. ¢. Batchian, November.
obiensis, Salvad.
galatea, G.R.Gr. Four. jr. New Guinea (Port Moresby).
galatea, subsp. rubiensis, Meyer.
microrhyncha, Sharpe. One. New Guinea.
rosselliana, Z’ristr. One. Rossel Island.
Type of the species, Z’ristr. Ibis, 1889, p. 557.
meyeri, Salvad.
dea (Linn.). Four. 2¢. Moluccas (Amboina, Paso, May, September).
riedeli, Verv. One. Mysori.
caroline, Sch/eg. One. New Guinea.
DICROCERCUS, Cab. & Heine.
azuror (Less.). One. West Africa.
An examination of the Type of Merops furcatus, Stanley, Salt’s Voy. Abyss. App.
iv. p. 57 (1814), from Adowa, Abyssinia, shows that it must be referred to the
southern form D. hirundineus (Licht.}, as it presents no trace of the blue super-
ciliaries and forehead. Merops chrysolaimus, Jard. & Selb. Ill. Orn. ii. pl. xeix.,
which slightly antedates Merops azuror (Less.), must be rejected on account of
ambiguity. Though the description is sufficiently correct, the authors evidently
intended it to apply to the southern form also, as they mention having received it
from the Cape of Good Hope; the figure, moreover, is not that of the West
African species.
hirundineus (Licht.). Six. 2, jr. Abyssinia (Adowa). Central Africa
(Nyassaland, Zomba, July; Zambesi). South Africa (Damaraland,
No. 6 is the Type of Merops furcatus, Stanley, loc. cit.
meridionalis, Sharpe. Eleven. 3, 29. Abyssinia. Central Africa
(Nyassaland, Zomba, July). South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg, June ;
The presence of this species in Abyssinia, where two specimens were collected by
Salt in 1812, is puzzling ; they agree perfectly with others fromm the Transvaal,
Natal, and Nyassaland. It is very probable, however, that the true locality is
Mozambique, where Salt also collected.
pusillus (P. L. S. Mill.). Six. 29 (1 jr.). West Africa (Senegal ; Niger).
East Africa (Ghaba Shambé, July ; Kikombo).
A specimen, presumably immature, collected at Ghaba Shambé in July, 1882, by
Emin Pasha, and marked @ , differs from all the others by the entire absence of blue,
black, and chestnut from the upper breast, which is dull greenish buff ; the bill,
too, is shorter, and very much less curved.
cyanostictus, Cu). One. East Africa (Ribe).
variegatus (Vivill.). One. West Africa (Lagos).
lafresnayii (Guerin). Two. Abyssinia.
These specimens, collected by Salt in 1812, are the Types of Swa/low-tailed Bee-
eater, var. A. Lath., Gen. Hist. iv. p. 142 (1822).
gularis, Shaw &: Nodder. Ten. 6, 9. West Africa (Gold Coast:
Denkera, January ; “ Rio de Boutig,” October, December ; Lagos).
gularis, su)sp. gabonensis, susp. nov. One. — West Africa (Gaboon).
Closely allied to M. yularis typicus, but having the frontal band much narrower, of a
dull olive green, not cobalt blue ; the superciliary stripe very ill-defined, of the same
colour as the forehead. Edges of the primaries, secondaries, and two central tail
feathers dull greenish, not bluish, somewhat narrower than in the typical form.
Feathers of theupper breast with brick red shaft stripes broadening out towards
the tips. Wing, 98 ; tail, 71 ; culmen (from anterior margin of nasal aperture), 29 ;
tarsus, 9mm. Habitat. Gaboon (Coll. Walker).
Apparently intermediate between MW. gu/aris and M. gularis australis.
gularis, subsp. australis (Rchnw.).
bullocki (/%ill.). Two. Senegal.
No. 1. is the Type of Scarlet-throated Bee-eater, Lath. Gen, Hist. iv. p. 137 (1822).
frenatus (Hartl.) (= Merops bullocki, Vieill. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 96).
One. 6. North-Eastern Africa (Bora, November).
boleslavskii (Pe/z.) ; oreobates, Sharpe.
bullockoides (Smith). Nine. 3¢, 29. Central Africa (Nyassaland,
Tsheromo, September). South Africa (Transvaal: Limpopo River, July ;
Natal, Menocursi River ; Kurrichane).
rivoilii, Ovst.
leschenaulti (Vizill.). Five. Java (Bantam Residency, Kosala, June).
swinhoii (Hume). Seven. “ Himalayas.” Ceylon.
muelleri (Cass.).
bicolor, Bod’. Three. @. Philippine Islands (Cebu, April; Luzon,
sumatranus, /iufics. Thirteen. 44 (1 jr.), 22 (1 jr.), 4 juv. Malay
Peninsula (Malacca, Singapore, December). Sumatra (Lampongs: Tarratas ;
Palembang: Rawas River, December). Borneo (Paising, April).
apiaster, Linn. Twenty. 10¢,39. Morocco (Tangier, March). Algeria
(Algiers, September; Boghaar, May). Palestine (Banias, May ; Safed,
Tel-el-Kady, April). Syria (Acre, May; Tartoos, May; Karchemish,
June). North-Kastern Africa (White Nile). Central Africa (Nyassaland,
Zomba, December). South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg, January).
persicus, Pall. Eighteen. 43, 29. Algeria (M’zab, Gardiah, April).
Egypt. Syria (Karchemish, June). North-Eastern Africa (White Nile).
West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, October, November; Ambriz River,
September). South Africa (Transvaal: Potchefstroom, April). Persia
(Fao). Afghanistan.
superciliosus, Linn. Nine. 3,39. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Milanji
Plains, August). Great Comoro Island. Johanna Island. Madagascar
(St. Augustine’s Bay).
philippinus, Linn. Thirty. 34,29. Southern India (Madras ; Nellore).
Ceylon. Malay Peninsula (Malacca; Singapore, December). Java
(Buitenzorg, December). Borneo (Trusan, March). East Timor. Philip-
pine Islands (Luzon, San Mateo, February). China.
ornatus, Lath. Twenty-five. 54 (3 jr.), 9, 3 jr. Northern Australia
(Port Essington; Darnley Island, April; Woody Wallis Island, September).
New South Wales. Tasmania. West Australia (Swan River). New
Guinea (Port Moresby, October). New Britain (Blanche Bay, June).
albicollis, Viel. Ten. 36, 2. West Africa (Gold Coast; Fantee ;
Sierra Leone). North-Eastern Africa (White Nile). East Africa (Ribé).
Nos. 6 and 7 from Sierra Leone are the Types of M. savignii, Swains. Zool. Illustr.
ii. pl. Ixxvi. (1821).
viridis, Zinn. Sixteen. 4 ¢. Egypt (Minich, March). West Africa
(Senegal). Northern India (Muddapur, August; Scinde). Southern
India (Ootacamund, January, February ; Nellore).
muscatensis, Sharpe ; cyanophrys, Cab. & Heine; boehmi, Rehnw.
nubicoides, Des Murs & Pucher. Seven. 9, 2 jr. Central Africa
(Nyassaland, September). South Africa (Makalaka Country ; Transvaal :
Crocodile River, January ; Rustenberg, January).
nubicus, Gm. Seven. 2¢. West Africa (Gambia; Lagos). North-
Eastern Africa (Nubia ; Ghaba Shambé, July ; White Nile). East Africa
malimbicus, Shaw. Four. West Africa (Fantee ; Lagos).
breweri (Cass. ).
forsteni, bp. One. @ jr. North Celebes (Minahassa, September).
athertoni, Jad. & Selb. Seven. ¢. Northern India (Darjeeling). Sikkim.
amicta (Zemm.). Fourteen. 74 (2 jr.), 4 2 (1 jr.). Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Sumatra (Lampongs: Penang-gungan). Borneo (Silam, Baram,
The CorAci# are, therefore, represented in the Museum by 37 out of the
39 characterised genera; and by 1249 specimens belonging to 211 out of
the 291 described species or subspecies. The number of species represented
by their Types is 10, besides 6 relegated to the synonymy. (May, 1899.)
moccino, De la Liave. Ten. 7 3 (2 jr.),3¢@ (2 jr.). Guatemala (Volean de
Fuégo, November ; Rasche, March; Coban, June).
antisiensis (D’0i).). Seven. 564 (1 jr.), 29. U.S. Colombia (Bogota).
auriceps (Gould). Six. 43,29. U.S. Colombia (Bogota). Venezuela.
xanthogaster, Turati & Salvad.
This species, included as a synonym of P. auriceps by Mr. Ogilvie-Grant, appears
to be distinct. Cf. Oustalet Nouy. Arch. Mus. Paris (3) vii. pp. 229-23], pl. viii.
pavoninus (Spir.). Four. 34, 2. Brazil (Amazons ; Rio Negro).
neoxenus ((roul/). Two. 6, 9. Mexico (Bolanos).
TMETOTROGON, Cab. & Heine.
rhodogaster (Zemm.). Two. ¢, 9. San Domingo.
PRIONOTELUS, feichenb.
temnurus (Zemi.). Two. Cuba (Havana).
mexicanus, Swains. Five. 2 6 (jr.). 9. Mexico (Bolanos). Guatemala
(Volcan de Fuégo).
personatus, Gould. Nine. 54 (4 jr.), 49. Bolivia. Ecuador (Sarayacu).
U.S. Colombia.
personatus, var. wn sp. nov.
A single male specimen in the collection, unfortunately: without locality, in all
probability represents a new species. It belongs to section w’ of Mr. Ogilvie-
Grant’s key, and comes nearest to 7’. personatus ; it differs in having the whole
upper ‘surface coppery green, with no tinge of bluish as in 7’. personatus ; tail,
scapulars, and breast. coppery bronze, showing: but little tinge of green ; lower
breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts rich orange, becoming more pinkish on
the sides, differing from 7’. personatus as T. aurantiiventris does from 7. puella.
Dimensions the same as of 7’. personatus (wing, 5°2 inches).
collaris (V7cill.). Four. 3 36, 2. Bolivia.
The female specimen isthe only one with the locality attached; it was collected
in Bolivia by Bridges. It is with difficulty distinguished from female specimens
of 7. personatus, but seems to have the throat somewhat greyish black, and no
tinge of chocolate on the top of the head. In 7%. personatus the bill is entirely
yellowish in skin, but in our specimen of 7’. collavis above referred to the upper
mandible is blackish, with only the tomia yellow.
elegans, Gould. One. ¢. Guatemala.
ambiguus, Gould. Two, 2 6. South Mexico (Terro Tepic, Sierra de
Nayaret, March
puella, Gould. Four. 3¢, 9. Guatemala (Coban, November).
aurantiiventris, “ould. One. 4. Costa Rica (Miravalles, October).
atricollis, Vicill. Ten. 6 6, 4 . Central America. Trinidad.
Demerara. Brazil (Rio Janeiro).
chrysomelas, Richm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 513 (1893).
“ Exactly like 7. atricollis tenellus, except that the metallic green of the male is
wholly replaced by opaque black, without the slightest trace of metallic gloss.
‘The supposed female . . . . resembles that of 7. cal/igatus almost exactly,
but the barring on the wing-coverts and secondaries is very different, and there
is a slight difference on the upper parts, a perceptible gloss being present on
these parts in the bird just described.” (Richmond). Habitat. Nicaragua
(Escondido River).
The description of this species reads like that of an abnormal colour variety ; we
are not acquainted with anything resembling it.
viridis, Linn. Sixteen. 93,79. Brazil (Rio Huallago). Ecuador.
chionurus, Sclat. & Salv.
bairdi, Lawr. One. 3. Chiriqui.
citreolus, Gould.
melanocephalus, (owld. Ten. 6 ¢,4 2 (1jr.). South Mexico. “ River
St. John, Central America.” British Honduras. Guatemala (Coban).
caligatus, Gould. Six. 2 ¢,4 9. Guatemala (Dueiias ; Coban).
meridionalis, Swvins. Six. 2 ¢,3 9.skel. Ecuador.
ramonianus, Deville & Des Murs.
variegatus, Spiz. Three. 2 6, 9. Brazil. Bolivia.
bolivianus, Grant.
surucura, Vicill. One. 6.
aurantius, Spiz. One. 3g. Brazil
melanurus, Swains. Nine. 6 ¢.3 9. Brazil (River Maranon).
macrurus, Gould. One. ¢. Bolivia.
massena, Gould. Seven. 5 ¢ (1jr.).2 9. British Honduras. Guatemala
(Yzabal ; Choctum).
clathratus, Salv.
narinum (Sfeph.). Eight. 5 ¢,3 9. East Africa (Mombasa). Central
Africa (Zambesi). South Africa (Transvaal: De Kaap, Barberton, August ;
Cape Colony).
constantie, Sharpe & Ussher.
rufiventre, Dubois, P.Z.S. 1896, p. 999.
** Similar to H. narinum but more beautiful, with the breast, abdomen, and under
tail-coverts isabelline rufus.
““ §—Of a golden green colour, with coppery reflections ; cheeks bare (in the pre-
pared skin these parts are blackish ; they are probably of a blue colour in the
living bird) with a narrow band of green feathers running across them from
front to rear ; greater wing-coverts and secondaries blackish, mottled with white
and edged with coppery green; primaries black, white at the base; first and
second tail feathers white, blackish green at the base, the third blackish green
tipped with white, the central ones dull olive green edged with shining green ;
breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts isabelline red, palest on the latter;
tarsus feathered tothe toes—these feathers, as well as those of the thighs, dull
green mottled with ashy. Beak yellow; toes reddish. Total length, 280 ;
wing, 132; tail, 170; tarsus, 14mm.” (Dubois). Habitat. Lake Tanganyika.
“Size medium ; form slender; tail long ; rectrices not truncate. Three centre
pairs of rectrices dark purplish-blue, with metallic reflections, in both sexes ; no
black terminal bar on middle pair ; three out pairs with black and white bars on
their exposed portions. Bill small, slender, and much compressed. Tomia of
both maxilla and mandible smooth,without signs of serrations posterior to subter-
minal notch. Sexes unlike in coloration.” Richmond, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.
xvii. p. 602.
vittatum (Shelley).
The hitherto unknown female is described from Kilimanjaro by Richmond (ut supra).
We have followed Mr. Richmond (oc. cit.) in substituting this name for Harpactes,
Swains, ; strictly speaking Hapalurus, Reichenb., is the next available, but this
author does not appear to have indicated a definite type for his genus.
diardi (Zemm.). Two. 2 3. Borneo (Baram).
T neglectus, 7. sp. Highteen. 9 ¢, 9 2. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ;
Pahang, January).
There appear to be two forms of the Trogon hitherto known as Harpactes diardi
(Temm.), similar in all respects except that while the male of one has the top
of the head black the other has it dull crimson ; the latter, which appears to be
confined to Borneo,is the one figured by Temminck, and to it, therefore, the name
P. diardi applies. The Malaccan form appears unnamed,and we have accordingly
with some hesitation considered it as a distinct species.
Through the kindness of the Hon. Walter Rothschild we have examined female
specimens from Borneo, and are unable to detect any differences between them
and Malaccan birds. Two male specimens in the collection from an unspecified
locality are somewhat intermediate, having the crown red to the posterior
margin of the eye. The Sumatran birds belong to the Malaccan form.
It is interesting to note that specimens of both sexes in worn plumage appear
readily to lose the black tips of the russet tail feathers, as they are absent in
many of our specimens.
kasumba (faff.). Yen. 7 ¢ (3jr.) 3 2 (1jr.). Malay Peninsula (Pahang,
January, April; Malacca). Borneo (Silam).
fasciatus (Penn.). Four. 2 ¢, 2 2. Southern India (Coonoor Ghaut ;
Nellore). Ceylon (Kandy).
ardens (Zemm.). Three. 2¢, 9. Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Davao,
whiteheadi (Sharpe).
erythrocephalus (Gould). Eight. 4 ¢ (2 jr.).4 2 (1jr.), Sikkim, Nepaul.
erythrocephalus, subsp. flagrans (S. Mill... Two. ¢, 2. Sumatra
(Batang Singalang).
Typical specimens collected by S. Miiller.
duvauceli (7emm.). Twenty-three. 16 ¢,7 9. [India (Himalayas). ]
Malay Peninsula (Pahang, January; Malacca). Sumatra. Borneo
(Banjermassim ; Baram).
orrhopheus (Cab. & Heine). One. 6.
vidua (Grant). One. ¢. Borneo (Mt. Dulit (3,000 feet), February).
oreskios (Zemm.). Four. 2 3, 2 9. Tenasserim (Bussad, December)
dulitensis (Grant).
reinwardti (Zemm.). Three. 2 5, 9. Java.
mackloti (S. Wiill.). Two. 29. Sumatra.
The TROGONES are, therefore, represented in the Museum by § out of
the 9 characterised genera; and by 220 specimens belonging to 41 out of
the 53 species or subspecies. The number of species represented by their
Types is 2. (May, 1899.)
19 AUG.1899
~The Bulletin 7
of the Liverpool Museums,
Published by Authority of the Museums Committee of the Liverpool City Council,
under the Editorship of the Director of Museums (H. O. Forbes, LL.D.),
Is intended to make known the contents “ef the Municipal Museums—the
Derby (or Biological) Museum, and the Mayer (or Archeological and Ethno-
graphical) Museum,—by publishing the results of the investigations carried
on in the Laboratories attached to them, and the observations made on
the animals living in the Aquarium.
oe a
It will be published at irregular intervals; but the aim of the Director
will be to issue one volume of four parts every year. It will be illustrated
as occasion demands by coloured plates, engravings, and process blocks.
The “BULLETIN” is published at the Museums, and by Messrs.
Henry Youne & Sons, of 12, South Castle Street and 23, Parker Street, Pe
Liverpool, at 2s. 6d. net per number (per post 2s. 8d. net), or to subseribers
at 8s. net per volume (per post 8s. 8d. net.), payable in advance.
Volume I. is now ready, illustrated with 33 engravings, 5 of which are
.coloured by Hand, cloth, extra, top edges gilt, 12s. 6d. net, per post
"12s, 10d. net. . By
SEPTEMBER, 1899. Vou. Il. No. 2
- Bulletin
Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
The Expedition to Sokotra: Note on Three Rare and ‘not
hitherto figured species of
Descriptions of the New Zosterons in the Derb
: f y Col-
Moths. By Sir Gzorce F : fection’ By H. C. Ropinson - 47
h fi. Aa Be < .
oe Oe Birds in the Derby Museum
collected in the Antarctic
Descriptions of the New Spi- : hc
' ong By R. I. Pocock-— - peeigne : bs
Catalogue of the Charadri-
: ha 3 formes: Auks, Gulls, Skuas;
Descriptions of the New Lark-plovers, Stone-curlews,
j Orthoptera. By MALCOLM e | Jacanas, Sheathbills, Crab-
Pe at a Rae plovers, Coursers, Plov ‘rs and
ee Snipes; Pigeons, and Sand-
Descriptions of the New | ouse in the Derby Museum.
Hemiptera: By G. W. vy Henry O. Forses and HeEr-
“5 Mie tin =) 8 BERT C. ROBINSON = Sah
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
NOTE.—The plate illustrating the article on Three Rare Species of
Zosterops, P- 47, Was issued with the previous number of
the Bulletin,
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
Vou. II. SEPTEMBER, 1899. No.
The Expedition to Sokotra.
Since the issue of the first number of this volume, several of the specialists
engaged on the collections made in the islands of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri
by the combined expedition of the British and Liverpool Museums, have com-
pleted the examination of the groups kindly undertaken by them. Short
diagnoses of the new species are herewith given.
VI. Descriptions of One New Genus and
Fourteen New Species of Moths,
By Str Grorcre F. Hampson, BART.
(1) Agrotis brachypecten.
¢. Antenne bipectinate, the branches very short with fasciculate cilia.
Reddish brown, mixed with grey; palpi fuscous at sides; tegule with
blackish lines ; patagia with blackish streak ; abdomen paler, dorsally tinged
with fuscous towards base. Fore-wing with sub-basal and antemedial greyish
lines defined by fuscous, the former short, waved, the latter waved, produced
to a rather long angle above inner margin and with the short, blackish, clavi-
form stigma on its outer edge ; the orbicular greyish defined by fuscous, and
either circular or rather elongate and pointed at the ends; the reniform
large, with fuscous centre and outline, or entirely suffused with fuscous
and with fuscous suffusion above it on costa ; the postmedial line excurved
from below costa to vein 2 and produced to short black streaks on the veins ;
some fuscous suffusion on terminal area ; a greyish subterminal line expand-
ing into a spot at apex, then dentate inwards to vein 5 and outwards on veins
5 and 4; a fine lunulate terminal line ; hind-wing white ; the veins and
termen often tinged with fuscous.
9. Fore-wing sometimes suffused with fuscous.
Exp. 6, 32-38; 9, 40 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 1d, 189; Jena-agahan, 1140
ft.. 1 9; Hadibu Plain, 5 2).
Extremely like A. corticea, Schiff., but with very much shorter branches
to the antenne.
(2) Tarache melzna.
¢@. Head and abdomen fuscous ; thorax black ; fore-wing glossy black-
brown ; a white antemedial band, with nearly straight almost erect edges
bounded by black lines, the band sometimes narrower, or not extending
below vein 1, or in one specimen reduced to a grey spot on costa ; a triangular
postmedial white spot on costa, with the minutely dentate postmedial black
line arising from it strongly incurved below vein 3; a terminal series of
white points usually present and sometimes some slight subterminal marks
towards tornus. Hind-wing dark fuscous. Zzp. 20 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, 9 @ ).
(3) Metachrostis terminipuncta.
6. Head and thorax red brown ; abdomen fuscous ; fore-wing with the
basal half pale red-brown ; two sub-basal black points on costa with short
obscure lines from them ; two antemedial waved red-brown lines arising from
black points on costa ; a waved medial line with the area beyond it deep red-
brown with some pale patches ; an oblique discoidal lunule with some black on
its inner edge ; a blackish mark in submedian fold before the double minutely
dentate postmedial line, which is bent outwards between veins 6 and 3 ; a sinu-
ous subterminal line, with a prominent black spot beyond it on termen above
vein 5; some slight terminal black Iunules. Hind-wing dark fuscous, the
underside brown irrorated with fuscous, with dark discoidal point and curved
postmedial line. _ Lzp. 28 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 1 3).
(4) Cerocala sokotrensis.
Head and thorax clothed with grey, fuscous, and brown scales; palpi
white except at tips; the vertex of head and front of tegule brownish white ;
abdomen brownish white, irrorated with fuscous ; pectus and ventral surface
white. Fore-wing with the base, costal area, and termen grey, irrorated
with fuscous and brown, the rest of wing fuscous and brown with leaden
suffusion in parts; a fine black line from subcostal nervure before middle
curved to above middle of inner margin, defined on outer side by grey and
followed by a broad rufous band; the orbicular small, black-edged with
brownish centre, and elliptical; the reniform grey, black-edged, somewhat
quadrate ; the postmedial black line oblique from below costa to vein 2,
recurved to the inner edge of reniform, then excurved and bounding the
rufous band, a large bar-shaped brown-irrorated white patch on its inner side
beyond the cell ; a sub-terminal brown line defined by whitish on inner side,
strongly angled inwards in discal fold and slightly in submedian fold, with
two black marks on its inner side below the upper angle, and slight marks
above and below the lower angle ; the termen suffused with brown ; a crenu-
late terminal black line ; cilia intersected with whitish. Hind-wing with the
base and inner area brownish white ; a slight blackish streak on inner area ;
an oblique blackish bar from upper angle of cell to the broad fuscous sub-
terminal band at vein 2, and with a whitish patch beyond it, beyond the
cell; two deep black subapical spots on termen, a large patch at middle
extending on to cilia, with a small spot below it with white spot on its
inner side; cilia white; underside yellowish white ; fore-wing with oblique
black bar from upper angle of cell to the sinuous postmedial line, the area
beyond which is brownish, with a large apical black patch ; a white patch
beyond the cell; hind-wing with small black spot on discocellulars, and
another beyond lower angle of cell.
Habitat. Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 2500 ft., 19; Hadibu Plain, 12d, 219 1:
Closely allied to C. vermiculata, H.S., from 8. Africa, but differs in the
oblique discoidal band of hind-wing and black terminal spots.
Amefrontia, gen. nov.
Type. A. purpurea.
Palpi oblique, reaching just beyond the large frontal tuft, which has a
flattened corneous plate below it with rounded edge ; antenne bipectinate,
with moderate branches ; tibiz without spines. Fore-wing with areole ; the
costa slightly arched ; the termen obliquely curved ; the cilia non-crenulate.
Hind-wing with vein 5 from well above angle of cell.
(5) Amefrontia purpurea.
$. Head and thorax vinous red ; antenne black-brown with white tips ;
legs brown, the joints ringed with white ; abdomen ochreous brown. Fore-
wing vinous red ; the disk tinged with brown ; the orbicular and reniform
ochreous white, with some purplish scales at centre ; an indistinct dark waved
antemedial line; a crenulate slightly curved postmedial line with short
streaks beyond it on the veins ; a terminal series of ochreous points. Hind-
wing white tinged with fuscous. ap. 22 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, 1 ¢).
(6) Amefrontia albiluna.
2. Head and thorax ochreous brown mixed with darker scales ; fore-
tarsi banded with black; abdomen ochreous white slightly tinged with
fuscous. Fore-wing ochreous brown, irrorated with dark brown ; traces of a
sinuous antemedial line with a dark shade on its inner side and some black
scales on its outer ; a medial dark shade angled at lower angle of cell; a
black discoidal lunule with a white lunule on its outer edge ; the postmedial
line double, excurved from costa to vein 3, then incurved, some black points
on its inner side, and fuscous grey suffusion beyond it. Hind-wing whitish,
the terminal half suffused with fuscous ; cilia whitish. Exp. 20 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, 2 ¢ ).
P (7) Hyperythra xdiphlebia.
$. Fore-wing without fovea ; hind-wing with the base of costal veins
swollen. Orange-yellow ; antenne with the branches brownish ; palpi at
sides and legs thickly irrorated with red-brown ; abdomen slightly irrorated
with brown ; wings with fine red-brown striz. Fore-wing with indistinct
antemedial brown line bent inwards to costa ; a similar but more prominent
medial line with darker discoidal striga on it ; an oblique subterminal bar
from costa with traces of a line arising from it and dark point beyond it
above vein 3. Hind-wing with almost medial slightly oblique brown line and
curved diffused subterminal line. zp. 28 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, 3 ¢ ).
(8) Scotosia rubritincta.
Grey and red-brown, thickly irrorated and strongly diffused with black ;
pectus, underside of legs, and ventral surface of abdomen whitish ; wings
with numerous indistinct waved dark lines. Fore-wing with more distinct
sub-basal line angled below costa ; an antemedial line excurved below costa
and angled in submedian interspace ; the medial area somewhat darker, with
dark streaks on the veins and discoidal bar ; the postmedial line defined by
grey, dentate and strongly angled outwards between veins 4 and 2; the
terminal area darker with dentate grey subterminal line. Hind-wing with
discoidal point ; a minutely dentate postmedial line defined by grey and
angled outwards beyond lower angle of cell ; the terminal area darker, with
dentate greyish subterminal line ; both wings with terminal series of pale
points and fine black striz. Underside yellowish white striated with fuscous ;
black discoidal spots and postmedial line angled beyond the cell ; the terminal
area black with whitish spots on fore-wing and waved line on hind-wing.
Exp. 32-40 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 1¢, 19; Homhil, 1500 ft.,
19; Jena-agahan, 1200 ft. 3¢, 19; Hadibu Plain, 1 ¢); off west end of
Sokotra, 1 ¢; British East Africa (Gregory), 19.
(9) Cidaria holophza.
3. Dark fuscous brown. Fore-wing with three or four minutely waved
lines on basal area slightly angled below costa ; two antemedial lines with
reddish brown between them, the inner line waved, the outer slightly angled
inwards in submedian fold ; a discoidal point ; two postmedial lines with red
brown between them, the inner minutely waved and angled below costa, the
outer slightly defined by grey and strongly angled outwards beyond lower
angle of cell, then incurved, and with indistinct waved lines beyond it ;
a waved grey subterminal line with black marks in its curves ; a fine black
terminal line. Hind-wing with two medial lines slightly angled at middle,
with indistinct waved lines between and beyond them ; an indistinct waved
grey subterminal line and punctiform black terminal line.
9. Fore-wing with the medial area much darker and usually strongly
defined by grey before and beyond it ; the subterminal line with the black
marks prominent. Lap. 30 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 14 3, 59).
(10) Craspedia fulvicolor.
Ochreous, thickly irrorated with dark red; frons and palpi chestnut ;
vertex of head whitish. Fore-wing with antemedial series of three dark
points on the veins, angled on median nervure ; a dark discoidal spot with
an indistinct oblique slightly sinuous line just beyond it; a postmedial
series of dark points angled outwards at veins 6 and 4, and with traces of a
waved line beyond it ; a terminal series of points. Hind-wing with discoidal
bar-shaped spot; an indistinct, curved, diffused medial line; a postmedial
series of points slightly bent outwards below costa, and excurved at median
nervules ; traces of a waved subterminal line; a terminal series of points.
Hind-tibize of male not dilated and without spurs. Zap. 24-30 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 29; Jena-agahan, 1200 ft., 2
9; Kamahanu, 500 ft., 19; Hadibu Plain, 1d, 19).
(11) Hypogryphia pulverealis.
Grey-white, thickly irrorated with fuscous. Fore-wing with indistinct
antemedial dark line strongly angled in submedian fold; a medial line
strongly angled outwards in cell and submedian fold and inwards on median
nervure and vein 1 ; a dark point at lower angle of cell; the postmedial line
angled inwards at vein 6 and in submedian fold, bent outwards and minutely
dentate between veins 5 and 2; a prominent terminal series of points.
Abdomen and hind-wing uniform pale grey, the latter with traces of a curved
subterminal line ; a fine terminal line, and line through the cilia. Eup. d 22;
© 26 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 1 3, 2 ).
(12) Heterographis (Staudingeria) innotalis.
¢. Head and thorax pale red-brown; palpi below, edges of tegule
and upper edge of patagia white; a slight dorsal tuft on first segment of
abdomen ; pectus, greater part of legs, and ventral surface of abdomen white.
Fore-wing pale red-brown; a white patch at base of inner margin; the
marginal areas broadly and strongly irrorated with fuscous. Hind-wing
semihyaline white, the terminal area tinged with fuscous.
The antennz with very long cilia as in H. yerburi from Aden. Exp. 24 mm.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri, 1 3.
(13) Heterographis flammealis.
Head ochreous whitish ; thorax and abdomen pale red-brown ; the tegule
whitish in front. Fore-wing vinous red, irrorated with white and fuscous ;
the basal inner area without irroration ; a medial orange-yellow band with
waved edges produced along costa to well beyond middle, and with a red
band, not irrorated, beyond it ; a black discoidal point ; a patch of red-brown
on terminal area. Hind-wing pale semihyaline, tinged with brown especially
towards termen ; a fine terminal line and line through the cilia. Hap. 14 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 19 ; Hadibu Plain, 1¢, 1 ?).
(14) Stenia grisealis.
Grey-brown ; palpi white at base ; frons edged with white ; antenn with
the shaft white above; legs and ventral surface of abdomen striped with white.
Fore-wing with the costal edge white ; a yellowish spot below vein 2, near its
base, sometimes almost obsolete, sometimes with traces of spots in cell and
above veins 2, 5, and 6. Hind-wing paler; the cilia white. xp. 18 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500—1500 ft. 23, 22; Homhil,
2500 ft., 1 ¢; Jena-agahan, 1200 ft., 1 ¢; Hadibu Plain, 13 ¢ ).
VII. Descriptions of One New Genus and Four
New Species of Spiders.
By Rk. I. Pocock.
(1) Araneus hoplophallus.
$. Colour.—Carapace and legs yellowish red, the latter marked with deep
brown transverse bands and armed with spines, mostly white with black
tips, except those on the front of the tibia of the 2nd leg, which are nearly
black throughout ; upper side of abdomen mottled with olive black spots and
marks on a greyish ground; the anterior area between and in front of the
shoulder points marked medially with an olive black stripe which behind is
continuous with a transverse, slightly procurved, band of the same colour
extending between the shoulder points ; no pair of circular white marks on
this area; the rest of the dorsal surface marked with narrow transverse olive
black lines, with their extremities curved forward and bordered behind by a
paler line. Structurally the type of this species is very closely allied to the
males of A. streptoceros, Poc., from Rhodesia and Nyassaland (Ann. Mag.
Nat. Hist. (7), IL., p. 436, 1898), and to A. cyrtoscapus, Poc., from Natal (Ann.
Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), IL., p. 206, 1898), but differs from them in the structure
of its palpal organs, as will be shown in our illustration accompanying the
final report upon the Sokotra collection.
Total length, 11 mm. ; length of carapace, 6.
Halitat. Adho Dimellus (3500-4500 ft.). A single male example.
(2) Araneus cardioceros.
2. Colour.—Carapace yellow, with a black clypeal band, and an obliquely
longitudinal arched stripe on each side of the head; mandibles yellow,
clouded with black in front ; palpi and legs yellow, clothed with white hairs,
armed with black spines, and banded with black; sternum bordered with
black ; abdomen greyish white above, marked with distinct olive green
“folium” ; ventral surface with two whitish bands, separated by a narrower
dark interspace, extending from the epigastric fold to the spinners, which are
Carapace about as long as tibia of 1st leg; moderately high, its upper
surface from the ocular area back to the apex of the fovea nearly flat longi-
tudinally ; median quadrangle of the eyes considerably wider in front than
behind, the anterior median perhaps a little larger than posterior median, the
latter about a diameter and a half apart; anterior median about two dia-
meters apart, about a diameter above the clypeus, more than twice as far
from the laterals as from each other; eyes of the anterior line distinctly
though not very strongly procurved ; the two laterals not quite in contact.
Legs spined; abdomen heart-shaped, a little longer than wide, convexly
rounded in front, with prominent but obtuse shoulder points from which the
two sides of the anterior margin are inclined forward and inwards at a right
angle ;-posterior extremity not produced. Vulva consisting of a vertically
directed heart-shaped tubercle, without any distinct scape.
Total length, 7 mm.; carapace, less than 3;
length, 4:5.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus and Jena-agahan) and Abd-el-Kuri.
width of abdomen, 4;
Scelidomachus, gen. nov.
Genus of the section Chedimew with the lateral eyes in contact, and allied
to Steriphopus, Boagrius, and Sarascelis in having the anterior median eyes at
least twice as large as the laterals, and the ocular quadrangle nearly parallel
sided ; also further resembling Sferiphopus in having the quadrangle nearly
square (in Boagrius and Sarascelis it is much wider than long); but differing
from it in having the eyes of the anterior line straight, by their inferior
borders not recurved, and the anterior median eyes separated by a space
which barely equals their radius (in Swrascelis the space equals the diameter of
the eye).
(3) Scelidomachus socotranus.
3. Colour.—Carapace and sternum deep red, legs of Ist pair paler
yellowish red, those of the remaining pairs still paler, abdomen of a uniform
reddish grey or testaceous tint.
Carapace coriaceous above, closely granular at the sides, its upper surface
between the eyes and the fovea lightly convex longitudinally, scantily clothed
with short black hairs. Zegs normal for the family ; femur and patella of 1st
pair sparsely but distinctly granular beneath and on the inner side ; tibia,
protarsus, and tarsus normally scopulate on the inner side ; the protarsus,
which is about as long as the tarsus, armed apically beneath with a short
downwardly directed spiniform process ; 2nd, 3rd, and 4th legs unspined,
covered with greyish black hairs, the tarsi and protarsi apically scopulate.
Sternum granular ; abdomen thickly covered with a coating of short olive
grey hairs. Palpus with femur slender ; patella short, subglobular ; tibia
much larger than patella, twice its length, and nearly or quite three times its
height, also subglobular ; tarsus almost as long as patella and tibia taken
together, slender and cylindrical distally ; the palpal organ running out into
a forwardly directed process with a dilated tridentate extremity ; a mem-
branous lobe at its base and a subspirally twisted shorter piece on its inner
Total length, 6 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Dahamis, 350-1000 ft. (Type) ; Jena-agahan, 1200-2500
(4) Capheris insularis.
2. Colour.—Carapace deep castaneous; legs infuscate, banded and mottled
with paler markings ; protarsi and tarsi yellowish; abdomen deep greyish
black above and at the sides and variegated with pale yellow spots, which
posteriorly and laterally arrange themselves in definite transverse and vertical
stripes ; lower side yellowish white, with two black stripes running longi-
tudinally from the epigastric fold and dividing the pale field up into three
broad yellow bands ; area in front of sternum black.
Carapace high, higher in front of the fovea than on the ocular area.
Eyes apparently arranged and practically of the same relative size and
distance apart as in the only other species of the genus, the South
African Capheris crassimanus, Sim. (see Simon, Hist. Nat. Araignées, Vol.
I., p. 417, figs. 383 and 384). Legs longish and rather slender; Ist and
2nd pairs unarmed, except for a single apical spine on the lower side of
the 2nd protarsus; 3rd and 4th pairs with patella, tibia, and _protarsi
strongly spined, the patella with one pair of spines only, the tibia and
protarsi with many. Palpus with the tarsus strongly spined inside and
beneath, very slightly longer, or, at all events, not shorter than the tibia
and not conically acuminate. (In crassimanus, the tarsus is shorter than the
tibia, and acuminate). Vulva consisting of a large, hairy, horny plate,
with a pair of impressions in front, and a smooth, transversely semicircular, or
subquadrate lobe projecting from its posterior border.
Total length, 11 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Homhil, 1500-2500 ft. (Type) ; Dimichiro Valley). An
adult 2 and an immature ¢.
VIII. Descriptions of Two New Genera and
Six New Species of Orthoptera.
By MaAtcotm Burr.
(1) Loboptera peculiaris.
¢. Testacea, nitida. Antenne setacee. Pronotum antice rotundatum,
postice truncatum, antice quam postice angustius. Meso- et meta-nota trans-
versa. Elytra lobiformia, lateralia, mesonoti marginem posticum vix super-
ansia. Ale nulle. Caput testaceum, vitta transversa atra inter oculos
ornatum:; frons vittis duabus longitudinalibus atris ornata. | Abdomen dila-
tatum, castaneum, marginibus pallidioribus ; segmentum lateribus macula
atra utrinque ornatis. Pedes pallidi; femora spinosissima ; tarsi pulvillo
minuto inter ungues instructi, segmentum primum tribus sequentibus
longius. Lamina supraanalis ¢ obtuse triangularis. Cerci breves. Lamina
subgenitalis ¢ triangularis, vel, magis, rotundata, transversa.
Long. corporis. 11-12 mm. ate OA Pe to eas
" pronoti. 1 44:95
Habitat. Sokotra, 3 3.
This species differs from its congeners by its light shining testaceous
colour. ‘Lhe pad between the tarsal claws is also somewhat larger than in
the other described species. The genus is essentially South European and
Asiatic in distribution.
Teddia, gen. nov.
g. Corpus gracile, elongatum. Oculi rotundati, haud tuberculati.
Antenne gracillime. Pronotum elongatum, supra coxas dilatationem par-
vam efficiens, medio carinulatum, lateribus denticulatis, dorso toto granulato.
Prosternum deplanatum, leve, postice saltem granulatum. — Elytra et ale
abbreviate, he fusco-testaceex, nonnihil purpureatie, parte anali macula
magna fusca ornate ; illa brevia, apice rotundata, testacea. Pedes graciles ;
coxe antice long; femora antica gracilia, recta, subtus margine externo
spinis 5, quarum ultima minima, margine interno spinis 6 majoribus, 6
+ coareraw
ie aed
minoribus alternantibus armat ; spinz discoidales 4, quarum prima minima,
tertia maxima; spina prima basalis ceteris haud remota. Tibie antice
utrinque spinulis 10 armatze ; tibize intermediz et postice apice trispilulose ;
tibize postice minutissime denticulate, vel inermes. Lamina supraanalis
magna, dilatata, apice angustata, elongata, compressa.
This genus is much more slender than its allies; it falls into the group
Fischerie. The unarmed posterior tarsus distinguish it from Jschnomantis,
Fischeria and Sphendale ; the rounded supraanal plate of the male from
Deiphobe and Eremoplana ; the long posterior femora from Solygia, and the
general facies of the insect and its slenderness forbid its confusion with
(2) Teddia dioscoris.
g. Statura mediocri; gracilis ; colore fusco ; elytra testacea ; al testa-
ce, purpureatie.
Variat. Pedes pallidiores, fusco-fasciati et notati.
Long. corporis . . 6 40-46mm. Long. tibiarum anti-
n pronoti . . n 12-1350 carum . . ¢ 4-45 mm.
" 1 partis antici » 4-5 " » femorum posti-
" n on posticin 8-85 1 corum . . 11°5-13°5n
» elytrorum. . » 5°25 un 1 tibiarum posti-
" coxarum anti- earum. ) 212 dale
‘cCarum =. > " 7-8 " 1 tarsorum posti-
» femorum anti- corum ..4 5 "
corum . . » 85-9 on
Habitat. Sokotra (Dahamis, 21/xii./98).
(3) Truxalis ensis.
@. Viridis. Corpus elongatissimum, cylindricum. Caput minus ascen-
dens; antenne longe, deplanate, segmentis apicalibus minoribus, capite
pronotoque unitis longiores. Pronotum parvum, cylindricum, nec constrictum
nec postice dilatatum; carine laterales subflexuosee, postice paullo diver-
gentes; sulcus typicus valde pone medium situs, sinuatus; lobi laterales
pronoti antice obtuse-angulati, haud rotundati, carinis cum carinis dorso-
lateralibus pronoti pene parallelis. Sternum medio valde carinatum. Elytra
longissima, acuminata, viridia, area scapulari venulis transversis obliquis sat
remotis venulaque spura instructa. Ale pulcherrime, long, angust, elytris
valde breviores, auriantiace, nigro-tesselate, apice flavido-hyaline. Abdomen
typicum. Pedes longissimi, gracillimi; tarsorum ungues longi, pulvillo
Long. corporis . . 9 53-63 mm. Long. alarum 0s, 2, 46:4 mime
» antennarum. 1 24 " » femorum posti-
" Capitis(asupero) 1 145 COFigAa) +»... ae "
» pronoti . . on 8-825 0 » tibiarum_ posti-
» elytrorum . on 52-57 1 carum gw wt 36°75
This very fine species is even more slender and elongated than the other
members of this extraordinary genus. Characteristic points are the length of
the antenne, which exceed the combined length of the head and pronotum ;
the golden orange colour of the wings, with black tesselations ; the narrow,
almost cylindrical head and pronotum; and the great length of the elytra.
It falls into Bolivar’s subgenus Trwzalis, sensu stricto, and into the group of
croced, Bol., with brilliantly coloured wings and carinated sternum.
(4) Plagiotriptus insularis.
Q. Parva, testacea. Pronotum altius quam longius, antice paullo pro-
ductum ; lobis deflexis margine posteriore recto, margine anteriore sinuato ;
meso- et meta-nota perspicue liberans. Pedes antici et tibie tarsique inter-
medii infuscati ; tibize postice haud lobate.
Long. corporis . . . @ 13 mm. Alt. pronoti. . . . 9? 7mm.
" pronoti . (max.) » 6 4 Long. femorum posti-
" " - (HN) = aves on coramae. co .P om Seem
Halitat. Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 2500 ft., 3/i./99).
This species is considerably smaller than P. hippiscus. In the shape of
the pronotum it approaches rather to an undescribed species in the Brunner
Collection, but differs in its smaller size and paler colour.
Phaulotypus, gen. nov.
2. Pronotum caput obtegens, compressum, elevatum, antice et postice
acuminatum, postice valde productum, crista margine superiore equaliter
rotundata, venis nullis instructum, totum granulatum. Elytra et ale nulle.
Caput in modum Choretypi formatum. Femora antica et intermedia com-
pressa nec dilatata ; femora postica valde compressa et dilatata, crista superiori
denticulata, lobis genicularibus acuminatis. Tibi postice: curvate, haud
lobate, calcaribus terminalibus margine exteriore minimis, calcare interno
Maximo: tarsorum segmentum primum minutissime crenulatum. Frons
granulata. 4 ignotus. ;
This new genus can be easily distinguished from the other genera of the
group Choretyy. The shape of the pronotum, the absence of the lobes on
the posterior tibiz, and the absence of organs of flight distinguish it at once.
(5) Phaulotypus granti.
Q. Parva, castanea, unicolor.
Long. corporis . . . @ 14mm. Altitudo pronoti. . . 9 55mm.
PEONOM. <<. 2 = OO). Long. femorum posticorum n 8°51
Halitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 5/ii./99).
I have great pleasure in dedicating this curious little novelty to Mr.
Ogilvie-Grant, who collected Orthoptera so assiduously in Sokotra.
(6) Dissosteira forbesii.
6, @. Colore fusco-testaceo. Caput obtusum; vertex inter oculos
depressus, haud carinulatus ; fastigium verticis a fastigio frontis vix divisum ;
frons valde conyexa, carinata; oculi magni, rotundati; antenne fusco-testaceex,
capite pronotoque unitis longiores. Pronotum carinatum, medio subcon-
strictum, prozona antice obtusangula, carina subsinuata, haud_ intersecta ;
metazona postice rectangula ; canthi laterales haud valde prominuli; crista
pronoti media sulco typico haud profunde intersecta ; lobi laterales angusti.
Elytra longa, apice oblique subtruncata, fusco-testacea, vittis 3 fuscis ornata,
coriacea, conferte et irregulariter reticulata, tertia tantum parte apicali
hyalina, aperte reticulata, maculis non nullis parvis fuscis ornata; vena
intercalata subrecta, venz radiali propinqua. Ale elytris breviores, anguste,
tote lete nigro-purpurez, parte apicali excepta hyalina, apice ipso infumato ;
partibus hyalina et infumata lobos 2 apicales includentibus. Abdomen nigrum ;
valvulz ovipositoris breves. Pedes testacei vel fusci. Femora postica valde
incrassata, extus fusco-testacea, intus purpurea, supra pallide-bimaculata, apice
pallide -annulata ; carina superiori parvo-denticulata ; genubus intus nigro-
maculata. Tibize posticee basi nigra, testaceo- annulate, dehine sanguine,
spinis apice infuscatis utroque margine 10 armatze, quarum 1-3 minim.
Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim.
Long. corporis 3 23°5 2 30 Long. femorum
n pronoti on 5:5 1 6°5-6°75 posticorum. ¢ 14°75 9 16°75
n elytrorumn 24 1 33
Habitat. Sokotra (Homhil, 2, as f.; 23/41./99, 13g; 19; ecahal Valley,
near Homhil, 6/i./99, zd. 200 ft., 27/1./99, 1 9; Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft.,
This species, which I have great pleasure in dedicating to Dr. H. O.
Forbes, may be at once recognised by the inky black wings, with only a clear
band just before the apex, which is smoky.
IX. Descriptions of Ten New Species of Hemiptera.
(1) Melampsalta omar.
Pilosa; nigra, sparse sanguineo-notata, clypei marginibus lateralibus
anguste sanguineis; pedibus sanguineo-notatis et annulatis; abdominis
ventre sordide flavescente. Rostro coxas intermedias attingente. Tibiis
anticis femoribus leviter longioribus ; femoribus intermediis posticisque, tibiis
anticis intermediisque, inarmatis ; tibiis posticis 3 spinis longis, acutis
utrimque armatis. Long. corp., 124 mm., alarum exp. 32 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 15/1./99 ; Homhil, 2500 ft.,
19 and 26/1./99).
(2) Elasmoscelis iram.
Nigro fuscus, macula albida laterali elytrorum medio; fronte sanguineo,
vittis tribus longitudinalibus virescentibus ; pronoto longitudinaliter tricari-
nato-tuberculato. Long. corp., 6 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Hadibu, 11/xii./98).
(3) Klinophilos horrifer.
Castaneus, antennis flavescentibus ; pronoti marginibus lateralibus haud
> Pp 8
reflexis, marginibus antero-lateralibus antrorsum prominulo productis ; abdo-
mine posteriorim subrotundato. Long. corp., 4 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra, very common; only one specimen in the collection,
Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 16/11./99.
(4) Reduvius azrael.
Niger, antennarum articulo secundo bicolore; membrana fusca, apice
albido ; femoribus ad partem flavescentibus ; connexivo nigro, albo maculato.
Abdominis lateribus glabris; tarsis anticis posticisque trisegmentatis ; pro-
noti lobo postico carinis destituto. Long. corp., 15 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft., 9/11./99; Alilo Pass, 3500 ft.,
(5) Geocoris sokotranus.
Niger, antennis pedibusque pallidis; capite impunctato, pronoto sentel-
loque dense punctatis, hoc longitudinaliter carinato, illius marginibus antero-
lateralibus distincte rotundatis ac angustatis. Antennarum segmentis 2° 4"°
que inter se subequalibus, 1™ 24 plo longiore, 3° 3-plo longiore. Long.
corp., 44 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, 30/i./98). This species does not fit well
into any of Stal’s or Fieber’s divisions.
(6) Aspilocoryphus forbesii.
Niger, antennarum segmentorum 2' ac 3° partibus basalibus, coxis, &c.,
testaceis ; antennarum segmenti quarti parte basali, pronoti lateribus anticis,
femoribus basi, albidis. Long. corp., 105 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 1200 ft., 29/1./99; Hadibu Plain, x11./98 ;
Alilo Pass, 3500 ft., 3/11./99).
Allied to A. fasciativentris (Stal).
(7) Leptocoris bahram.
Rufo-luteus, capite, collari, scutello, sanguineis ; antennis, pedibus, mem-
brana, nigrescentibus. Iugis apicem versus tylo distincte altioribus, apice
paullo prominulis. Pronoto punctato, distincte longitudinaliter carinato,
lateribus illius marginalibus angustiuscule reflexis. Segmento genitali marium
apice subtruncato, angulis posticis haud productis. Long. corp., 15 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Adho Dimellus, 3000 ft., 5, 6, 9/i1./99; Hadibu Plain,
xii./98 ; Homhil, 1200 ft., 17/1./99).
(8) Euthetus granti.
¢. Niger, pubescentia argentea instructus ; clypeo ac rostribaso viride-
scentiflavo; antennarum segmentorum 1' 2' que basis, prosterni margine
antico (in medio excepto), pleurorum marginibus apicalibus, frontis lateribus,
testaceis; antennarum segmentis 3° ac 4", tibiis tarsisque, fuscotestaceis,
horum segmentis quoque apice nigro; femoribus sordide fuscis, nigro-
maculatis, abdominis dorso sanguineo, ventre plus minus sanguineo. Corio
(area triangulari clavo-membranali excepta) exocorioque fuscotestaceis. An-
tennarum segmento quarto tertio 2 plo longiore, hoe secundo triplo longiore,
primo secundo 3 plo longiore. Abdominis segmentis ventralibus 2-4
2. Nigra, capitis pronotique maculis ac lineis angustissimis seu subobso-
letis; ventre-nigro, linea latero-apicali albida abdominis segmenti_ tertii
excepta. Long. corp., 10 mm.
Halitat. Sokotra (Elh¢é, Hadibu Plain, 30/i./99).
(9) Aspongopus assar.
Niger, antennis unicoloribus ; pronoti parte basali, scutello, clavo, corio
castaneis. Jugis tylo longioribus et anterius contiguis, marginibus laterali-
bus nonnihil sinuatis. Corii margine apicali sinuato. Long. corp., 15 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra (Jena-agahan, 1200 ft., 29/i./99).
(10) (?) Chroantha hataska.
Virescens ; plus minus flavo-virescente marmorata ; marginibus lateralibus
anticis scutelli subcallosis, levigatis; exocorio rufoflavo; abdominis dorso
nigro, connexivo pallide virescente, fusco-virescente maculatu. Punctata ;
tylo latiusculo, lateribus subparallelis, jugorum marginibus lateribus distincte
sinuatis ; pronoto haud carinato, marginibus lateralibus haud seu levissime
reflexis, latere prominulis, haud spinosis. Long. corp., 124 mm.
Halitat. Abd-el-Kuri, 5/xii./98.
Apparently closely allied to C. ornutula. (Schiff).
Note on Three rare and not hitherto figured Species
of Zosterops in the Derby Collection.
By H. C. Ropinson.
(PuatE I. Zosteropide.)
Zosterops chlorates, Hartl.—Fig. 1 of our plate represents a species
originally discovered by Salomon Miiller in the Padang Highlands of Sumatra,
where he obtained two specimens. The species remained uncharacterised for
many years, in the Leyden Museum, and was first diagnosed by Dr. Hartlaub
(who, however, erroneously gave the habitat as Morty Island) in his mono-
graphic essay on the genus in the “Journal fiir Ornithologie,” 1865, p. 23.
It was re-discovered in 1880 in Southern Sumatra by Mr. H. O. Forbes, at
over 10,000 ft., on the summit of the Dempo Volcano in the Palembang Resi-
dency, feeding on the flowers of a species of Vaccinium (V. forbesii). He
obtained six specimens, one of which is in the British Museum, three are in
the Liverpool Museum, while the fate of the remaining two is unknown.
Besides the types of the species at Leyden and the above-mentioned
specimens, we are unaware of the existence of any other representatives of
this rare bird in European collections.
related to Z. palpebrosa, Temm., from Peninsular India. It is characterised
by the b¥oad stripe of sulphur yellow running down the centre of the
abdomen. It occurs in Burmah, Tenasserim, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra,
and Western Java. The specimen figured is a male from the last-mentioned
locality, obtained by Mr. H. O. Forbes.
Zosterops aureiventris, Hwme, represented in Fig. 2, seems to be nearly
Zosterops griseiventris, Sclat. (Fig. 3), is apparently nearly allied to
Z. citrinella, Bp., of the lesser Sunda Islands and Eastern Java, and is the
representative of the genus in the Tenimber Islands. The specimen figured,
a female from Larat, is a Co-type of the species, and was discovered by
Mr. H. O. Forbes in 1882 during his exploration of Timor-laut. The Type is
in the National Collection.
Birds in the Derby Museum collected in the
Antarctic Regions.
IN view of the great interest attaching, at the present time, to the natural
history of the Antarctic Continent, it may not perhaps be amiss to give a
short account of the birds from that region now contained in the Liverpool
The birds are entirely derived from the Antarctic Expedition of H.M.SS.
Erebus and Terror and were either collected by Sir (then Dr.) Joseph Hooker,
the Assistant-surgeon of the Erebus, and presented through his father to the
XIIIth Lord Derby, or else purchased by the Earl from members of the crew
(through a London dealer named Isaacson), with the exception of one or two
specimens in the Tristram Collection, presented to the Canon by their collec-
tor, Dr. Gunn, who was also attached to the expedition.
The following is the list of species in this Museum :—
Nettion flavirostre (Vicill.).
The Museum contains a nearly adult specimen of this species, marked ‘ Victoria
Land, South Polar Expedition.” This is the first record of this bird from the
Antarctic regions.
Chionis alba (m.).
Our specimen of this Sheathbill was shot by Dr. Gunn, of H.M.S. Terror on the
Antarctic Continent, in Lat. 78° S (cf. Tristram, Ibis, 1895, p. 165).
#Egialitis falklandica (Lath.).
This is an adult specimen from Victoria Land of a bird (in incipient breeding
plumage) not hitherto recorded from Antarctica.
Prion banksi, Gould.
Collected off Victoria Land, Lat. 74°S, by Dr. J. Hooker. This is the first record of
this species also from the Antarctic regions.
Pagodroma nivea ((7.).
Of this species there are two specimens from Antarctica in the Museum ; one collec-
ted by ‘*Dr. W. Gunn, R.N., H.M.S. Yerror shot from the shore by himself”
(Tristram, Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 6, 1889); and another labelled ‘‘ g Victoria Land.”
Podicipes calipareus, Less.
We have one male in breeding plumage from Victoria Land labelled as having
been shot by the Acting Master, Pownall P. Cotter, of H.M.S. Verror. This
species has not hitherto been recorded from Antarctica.
Phalacrocorax atriceps, King.
** Found on a little island, Lat. 64° S, Long. 57° W” (?J. D. Hooker).
Dr. M‘Cormick notes haying observed cormorants at Louis Philippe Land (cf,
‘*Ross’s Voyage to the Southern Seas,” Vol. ii., App. iv., p. 420, 1847).
Aptenodytes forsteri, (./.G’.
The Derby Museum possesses of this rare species an adult, an immature specimen
and a skeleton, labelled ‘‘ Antarctic Seas.”
Pygoscelis adeliz (Hombr. & Jacq.).
Three specimens of this bird are in the Museum ; two adult birds (one sexed as a
female) and an immature bird labelled ‘‘ Antarctic Seas, Lat. 65° S, Long. 60°
The Museum possesses an egg, undoubtedly that of a penguin, labelled by (?) Dr.
Hooker, ‘‘ Penguin, Island 64° S, Jan. 6, 1843.” From ‘ Ross’s Voyage to the
Southern Seas,” ii. pp. 335, ef seq. (1847), we find the position quoted must be
Cockburn Island, where Dr. Hooker landed on the 6th January for some three
hours, and where, ‘‘ Besides penguins [P. ade/iv] and cormorants [ Ph. atriceps |
innumerable, we found the beautiful white petrel [Pagodromu nivea] building its
nest in the precipitous cliffs, about the debris which covers the sides and shores
of the island, to the height of fourteen hundred feet from the beach. The eggs
of this bird, which have never before been seen, are 2:2 inches long, 1°6 inch
broad, and weigh from six hundred to seven hundred and fifty grains; they are
of a bluish white colour, and only one egg, with the young in a forward state,
was found in each nest, which was formed of a few feathers on the bare rock.
The young birds are of a deep lead colour.” There is also another egg in the
collection from the same locality labelled, in the same hand as the penguin’s,
**King Shag, Lat. 64:15° S, 6th January, 1843,” which is almost certainly that
of Ph. atriceps, of which we have a skin procured on the same day.
The two latest writers on the birds of Antarctica, Schalow (J.f.0., 1897,
p. 524), and Sclater (Ibis, 1898, p. 429) record altogether twenty-two species, of
which two are unidentified. The above list, if the localities are to be trusted
—which we see no reason whatever to doubt—adds no less than three orders
and five species to the list.
The complete enumeration of the birds recorded from Antarctic latitudes
is therefore as follows :—
Corvus, sp. inc.
Chlephaga, sp. inc.
Nettion flavirostre.
Chionis alba.
fEgialitis falklandica.
Sterna hirundinacea.
Larus dominicanus.
Leucopheus scoresbyi.
Megalestris antarcticus.
10 Megalestris maccormicki.
11 Phoebetria fuliginosa.
12 Oceanites oceanicus.
13 Majaqueus equinoctialis.
14 Priocella glacialoides.
oo bo
Oo m-AT1S
15 Priocella antarctica.
16 Ossifraga gigantea.
17 Daption capensis.
18 Prion vittatus.
19 Prion banksi.
20 Prion desolatus.
21 Pagodroma nivea.
22 Podicipes calipareus.
23 Phalacrocorax atriceps.
24 Aptenodytes forsteri.
25 Pygoscelis adelie.
26 Pygoscelis papua.
27 Pygoscelis antarctica.
Note on the Eggs of Pagodroma nivea.—The collections officially
made during the voyage of H.M.SS. Erebus and Terror, were presented to
the British Museum by the Lords of the Admiralty. Since the above
list was in type, Mr. Oates, who is now engaged in cataloguing the eggs
in the Natural History Museum in Cromwell Road, has kindly searched
on my behalf the collection for specimens of this egg, but he has failed
to find any eggs of the “white petrel,” or any which “indicate their having
been obtained at Cockburn Island, or on the 6th January, 1843. It is just
possible that the eggs collected by Dr. Hooker on that day, and now in the
Derby Museum, may have been supposed by Sir J. Ross to be those of the
white petrel, while in reality they are the eggs of the Phalacrocorax atriceps.
Catalogue of the Charadriomorphic Birds (Charad-=
riformes): Auks (Alcidz), Gulls (Laridz), and
Skuas (Stercorariide)— Lari; Lark-=plovers
(Thinocoridz), Stone-curlews (CEdicnemide),
Jacanas (Jacanidz), Sheathbills (Chionide),
Crab = plovers (Dromadidz), Coursers (Cur-
soriidz), Plovers and Snipes (Charadriidz)—
Limicole; Pigeons (Columbz), and Sand-=
grouse (Pterocles), in the Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forses and HERBERT C. ROBINSON.
Note.—TZhe arrangement and nomenclature followed in this ‘ataloque are sub-
stantially those adopted in the ‘Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum,
Vols. XXVI., XXV., XXIV., XXI. and XXII, by Messrs. W. R. Ogilvie-
Grant, Howard Saunders, Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe and Count Salvadori. A ll
the species described since the publication of these volumes, known to us up
to September, 1899, are enumerated, and have their original (or translated)
diagnoses inserted. The names of species desiderata to our collection are
printed in Grotesque type, thus—snowi.
For explanation of the abbreviations used below, see Note, page 15.
; PLAUTUS, Briinnich.
impennis (Linn.).
The Museum contains a nearly complete skeleton from Funk Island, and a fairly
perfect skull, as well as a very beautiful egg, whose origin is unknown. The
latter is referred to by Symington Grieve in his volume on The Great Auk, p. 88,
App. p. 29, 1885.
ALCA, Linn.
torda, Linn. Nineteen. 2¢, 4jr.,1 pull. Hebrides (Stornoway). Eng-
land (Farne Islands, June; Yorkshire, Scarborough, August ; Devonshire,
Plymouth, February). Nova Scotia, February.
ALLE, Link.
alle (Linn.). Thirteen. 2¢, 29 (1 jr.), 1 jr. Iceland. Orkneys, October.
England (Durham, Greatham, November ; Yorkshire, Scarborough, January,
URIA, Briss.
troile, Lath. Thirty. 5 ¢, 5 pull, skel. Orkneys (Stromness, April).
England (Durham, Greatham ; Northumberland, Bamborough, April, June ;
Farne Islands, August ; Yorkshire, Flamborough Head, July ; Lancashire,
Garston, June; Anglesea; Sussex, Selsey Bill, November ; Eastbourne,
December ; Hampshire, Christchurch, December). Heligoland. Kam-
lomvia (Pall.). Four. Iceland. Arctic America.
No. 4 from Arctic America was collected by Mr. David Walker, Naturalist to
S.S. Fow, the vessel fitted out by Lady Franklin, in 1857, to complete the
search for Sir John Franklin.
grylle (Linn.). Twenty-nine. 64 (2 jr), 59 (1 jr.), 1 pull, 2. skels.
Norway (Christiansund, August, September, November, December). Ork-
neys (Stromness, January, April). Lewis. England (Northumberland ;
Yorkshire, Scarborough, January).
mandti, Licht. Five. 1 9. Arctic America (Melville Island; Winter
Island, March). Alaska (Point Barrow, December).
columba (Puil.). Three. 14. Alaska, May. Kamtschatka.
snowi (Stejn.); carbo (Pall.).
marmoratus (Gm.). Three. [{Hudson’s Bay]. Queen Charlotte Island,
perdix (Pail.). One. Q. Japan (Hakodati, May).
brevirostris (Vig.).
ENDOMYCHURA, Oberholser.
Oberholser has shown (Proc. Acad. Philad. 1899, p. 201) that Micruria, Grant, is
preoccupied, and consequently untenable.
hypoleuca (Xantus) ; craveri (Salvad.).
antiquus (Gm.). Nine. 24. Japan (North-East Coast ; Yokohama ;
Idsu-no-kumi ; Nippon, Tsuruga, February).
No. 9, purchased by Lord Derby at the sale of the Leverian Museum, is the Type
of Ancient Auk, Lath. Gen. Syn. iii., pt. 1, p. 326 (1785), and consequently of
the species.
wumizusume (7vmm.). One. Japan.
Heap oF Synthliborhamphus wumizusume, IN BREEDING PLUMAGE.
y ] >
aleuticus (Pull.). One. Behring Straits.
cristatellus (Pall.). Seven. 1¢. North-West America. Kamtschatka.
Off North-East Coast of Japan, Lat. 40° N., Long. 142° E., February.
pygmeus (Gm.). Three. 19. Kurile Islands.
T pusillus (Pall.). Six. 24,9. Japan (Hakodati, March).
No. 6, purchased by Lord Derby at the sale of the Bullock Collection, is the Type
of Minute Auk, Lath. Gen. Hist. x. p- 72 (1824).
psittaculus (Pall.). Two. 19. Kurile Islands. Pribyloff Islands (St.
Paul’s, June).
monocerata (Pull.). Three. 34. Japan (Hakodati, May).
LUNDA, Pail.
cirrhata (Pull.). Seven. ¢, 2. Kamtschatka.
arctica (Linn.). Hight. 14, 1 jr. Grimsey Island. England (Northumber-
land, Bamborough, April ; Yorkshire, Flamborough Head).
No. 8 was collected by Mr. David Walker (cf. supra under Uria lomvia).
corniculata (Nawm.). Four. Kamtschatka.
leucoptera (Mcisn. & Schinz). Eight. ¢. Baltic (“Worsholmla” ? Born-
holm, June). Egypt (Damietta). Central Africa (Nyassaland, Lake
Shirwa, December). South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom, November).
South Australia.
hybrida (Pull.). Seven. 3,9. Algeria (Lake Halloula, May). South
Africa. Southern India (Nellore). Philippine Islands (Luzon, Cataguan).
nigra (Linn.). Eight. 29. England (Yorkshire, Flamborough Head,
September ; Norfolk ; Cambridgeshire, Littleport, March : Waterbrash).
Algeria (Lake Halloula, May ; Algiers, October). West Africa (Goree,
Surinamensis ((m.). Four. ¢. United States (Illinois; Dakota, Pem-
bina, June). North-West America.
magnirostris (Licht.). Two.
anglica (Mont.). Six. 26,9. Tunis (Jerba Island). Southern Europe
(Dobruschka). Asia Minor (Smyrna). North Australia.
caspia (Pull.). Nine. ¢, jr., pull. Egypt (The Nile). West Africa
(Gambia, Bathurst, April). Persia (Fao, February). China (Amoy,
January). Tasmania (Actzon Island). New Zealand.
SEENA, Blyth.
aurantia (J. £. Gray). Six. 2. Northern India (Mhow, February; Mirza-
pore, March). Southern India (Nellore).
melanogaster, Zemm. Five. Southern India (Nellore). Assam.
forsteri, Nutt. One. ¢. United States (Virginia, Cobb’s Island, July).
albistriata (G.R.Gr.). Four. 29. New Zealand (Canterbury, July ;
Port Cooper).
virgata, Cab. One. Kerguelen Island.
vittata, Gm.
hirundinacea, Less. Three. Chili.
fluviatilis, Nawn. (=S. dougalli, Mont., spms. ¢, d, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p..9). Thirty. 3 6 (1 jr.), 4 2 (1 jr.), 6 jr. Venezuela (Cumana).
England (Northumberland, Bamborough, July ; Durham, Greatham, Sep-
tember; Yorkshire, Scarborough, August, September, October). Syria
(Lake of Antioch, June). South Africa (Damaraland, Walvisch Bay,
This ae aie specimen referred to by Gurney in Andersson’s Birds of Damaraland,
p. 062.
macrura, Nawm. Twenty. 5 3, 9, jr. Orkney Island (Sanday, June).
England (Northumberland, Bamborough, July). Kamtschatka. Arctic
America. Alaska (Chernobuso Island, July).
No. 15 was collected by Mr. David Walker (cf. supra under Uria lomvia).
longipennis, Nordm. Three. Kurile Islands. Kamtschatka. Philippine
Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
We cannot find that this species has hitherto been recorded from the Philippines.
albigena, Licht.
T dougalli, Mont. Ten. 44, 2, pull. Jamaica. Bermuda (Castle Har-
bour). Scotland (Firth of Clyde). Mediterranean (off Minorca, May).
West Australia (Houtman’s Abrolhos, South Island, January). New Cale-
donia (Noumea, September, October).
No. 7, presented to Lord Derby by Col. Montagu, and Nos. 8 and 9, purchased at
the sale of Dr. Macdougall’s Collection, are probably the Types of the species.
No. 6, from Houtman’s Abrolhos, is probably one of the Types of Sterna gracilis,
Gould, P.Z.S. 1845, p. 76.
cantiaca, Gm. Eight. 2¢, 9, jr. England (Northumberland, Bam-
borough, April, July ; Durham, Teesmouth, May ; Yorkshire, Flamborough
Head, July ; Norfolk, Yarmouth). South Africa.
maxima, Bodd. Three. Mexico (Mazatlan). Jamaica.
The two specimens from Jamaica, which formed part of the Gosse Collection, were
at one time considered by Mr. Howard Saunders (who was, however, in ignorance
of the locality) to belong to S. bernsteini. The specimens which are in winter
plumage, are moulting their primaries, and are apparently somewhat immature,
as the tail feathers are much darker than a specimen from Mazatlan, which is
quite adult.
elegans, Gumbel. One. ? Chili.
eurygnatha, Saunders.
media, Horsf. Six. 24. Algeria (Algiers, November). Abyssinia. West
Africa. South Africa (Port Natal). Australia.
bergii, Licht. Twenty-three. 44 (1 jr.) 9, jr, pull. Egypt (Suez,
February). South Africa (Port Natal). Madagascar. Borneo (Labuan,
November). West Australia (Rottnest Island). Northern Australia (Raine
Island, June; Lizard Island, May; Moreton Bay). Tasmania (South-
port, December; Georgetown, September). Solomon Islands (Rendova,
August). New Hebrides (Aneityum). Society Islands (Huaheine,
The Madagascar specimens approach S. bernsteini in being very much paler grey on
the mantle.
*“This bird is not scarce at Georgetown (Tasmania) ; but difficult to procure, as it
frequents the reefs in the river.” (Ronald Gunn, MS. Journal in Mus. Derb.).
bernsteini, Schleg.
frontalis, G.L.Gr. Six. 3, 29, jr. New Zealand (Nelson, May ; Port
aleutica, Baird. One. Alaska (St. Michael’s).
lunata, Peale.
This species, though taken over with the Tristram Collection, cannot now be found.
anzstheta, Scop. Sixteen. 54 (1 jr.), 29. Bermuda. Sumatra. Malay
Peninsula (Penang). “China Seas.” Arafura Sea, October. Northern
Australia (Darnley Island, April; Solitary Island, August ; Bramble Cay,
fuliginosa, Gm. Twenty-six. 6 ¢ (1 jr.), 2 9, 2 juv., 5 pull. United
States. Bermuda. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Cataguan). West Aust-
ralia (Houtman’s Abrolhos, South Island, January, February). Northern
Australia (Raine Island, June). Norfolk Island. Samoa. Howland
Island. Marquesas, March.
balenarum, Sfrick!. Two. South Africa (Damaraland; Robben Island,
T nereis (Gould). Three. 6, jr. West Australia (Garden Island, Decem-
ber). Queensland (Moreton Bay). New Caledonia (Ansevata, August).
No. 2, from Garden Island, is.probably one of the Types of the species.
sinensis, Gm. Four. South-West Formosa.
minuta, Linn. Seven. 4 jr. Algeria (Algiers, October).
saundersi, Hume. One.
A single specimen in the collection, without locality, probably belongs to this
species. It has the three outer primaries black, as also their shafts, but has no
black tip to the bill, which is entirely yellow.
antillarum (Less.). Two. ¢. United States (Virginia, Texas).
superciliaris, Véevll.
lorata, Phil. @ Landb. Two. Peru (Callao).
melanauchen, Zemm. Nine. 34, 9, jr. South Andaman Islands, May.
Malay Peninsula (Penang). Borneo (Baram). Morty Island, September.
Waigiou. Torres Straits (Ipili Reef, June).
trudeauii, dud. Two. Chili.
NANIA, Boie.
T inca (Zess.). Nine. “ West Coast of South America.” Peru. Chili.
No. 1, from the West Coast of South America, purchased by Canon Tristram at the
sale of the Jardine Collection, is the Type of Inca mystacalis, Jard. Contrib. Orn.
p- 33 (1850).
cerulea (F. D. Bennett). Two. Fanning Island.
cinerea (Gould). Four. Norfolk Island. South Pacific (San Ambrosio
Island, July).
ANOUS, Steph.
stolidus (Linn.). Twenty-five. 4 ¢ (1 jr.), 3 9, pull. United States
(Florida, Tortugas Keys). South Africa (Mozambique Channel). Arabian
Sea (Lat. 16° 50 N., Long. 63° 36 E., July). West Australia (Houtman’s
Abrolhos, South Island, December). Northern Australia (Darnley Island,
April; Raine Island, June). Norfolk Island. New Hebrides. Samoa.
Society Islands (Huaheine). Marquesas.
stolidus, subsp. ridgwayi, Anthony Auk, xv., p. 37 (1898).
‘** Much darker and less brown than A. raussaui, resembling in this respect A. gala-
pagensis, from which it differs in much paler cap. Chin, throat, neck, and chest
uniform deep brownish slate, but darker on the lores and above the eyes. A
small white spot on the upper posterior border of the eyelid. Lower lid white
for nearly its entire length. Cap delicate pearly grey, almost silvery white on
the anterior portion, in some lights gradually blending with colour of nape on
the occiput. Rest of plumage deep slaty brown ; primaries blackish. Wing, 263
mm. ; tail, longest feather, 160; graduation, 53; culmen, 40; depth, 11; tarsus,
25.” (Anthony). Habitat. Cocos and Socorro Islands, Pacific Ocean.
stolidus, subsp. galapagensis, Sharpe.
MICRANOUS, Saunders.
T tenuirostris (Zemm.). Two. Boece West Australia (Houtman’s
Abrolhos, South Island, February, December).
These specimens are probably Co-types of Anous melanops, Gould, P.Z.S. 1845,
p- 103.
leucocapillus (Gould). Ten. 3,29, juv. “Australian Seas.” Northern
Australia (Raine Island ; Cape Upstart, May). Solomon Islands (Bugotu).
Pelew Islands. Fanning Island.
Nos. 8 and 9, 6,9, from Raine Island, are probably Co-types of the species. Cf.
Gould, P.Z.S., 1845, p. 103.
hawaiiensis (Rothsch: ).
GYGIS, Wag’.
candida (Gim.). Ten. 4,9, jr. Seychelles (St. Anne’s, March). Norfolk
Island, January. Tonga Islands (Kooa, February). Marquesas, March.
Fanning Island.
microrhyncha, Swunders. Two. Marquesas, March. ‘South Seas.”
nigra, Linn. One.
intercedens, Saunders.
melanura, Swains. Seven. 13. Chili.
flavirostris, /7icill. Two. Egypt (The Nile). West Africa (Lagos).
albicollis, Swains. Four. 9. Southern India (Nellore). Burmah (Thayet-
myo, December).
XEMA, Leach.
sabinii (J. Sabine). Three. 9, jr. “Arctic America.” Alaska (St.
Michael’s, July).
furcata (Nebouzx).
rosea (Macgill.). Two. ¢, jr. Alaska (Point Barrow, September).
LARUS, Linn.
minutus, Pull. Five. 2¢, 9. England (Yorkshire, Bridlington, Septem-
ber). Tunis, January. ‘“ Mediterranean,” April.
ichthyaétus, Pall. One. ¢. Palestine (Sea of Galilee, February).
melanocephalus, Vaif. Four. ¢. Malta, January. Southern Europe
saundersi (Swinh.). One. @ jr. China (Amoy, O-sen-keo, February).
Co-type of the species (P.Z.S. 1871, p. 273).
philadelphia (Qrd.). Three. Jr. Vancouver Island, September.
serranus, Tschudi.
franklini, Swains. @ Rich. One.
atricilla, Linn. Seven. United States (New Jersey). British Honduras
cirrocephalus, Vicill. Seven. 6,39 (1 jr.). West Africa (Gambia,
Bathurst, October, November ; British Combo, Cotu, September). | Cen-
tral Africa (Nyassaland, Lake Shirwa, December). South Africa (Natal,
maculipennis, Licht.
glaucodes, Meyen. Twelve. 6, 9. Chili. Falkland Islands.
ridibundus, Linn. Twenty-two. 7 3 (2 jr.) 49 (1jr.), 2 jr. England
(Lancashire, Southport, October, November; Yorkshire, , Scarborough,
March; Norfolk, Cromer, January; Sussex, Eastbourne, January). Greece
(Navarino, February). Palestine (Nahr-el-Kelb, November; Tiberias,
brunneicephalus, Jerd. One. 4. South East Mongolia (Lob Noor).
leucophthalmus, Z¢mm. One.
hemprichi (Briich.). Four. 2 ¢jr.,29?jr. Southern- Arabia (Aden, Febru-
ary, November). Mekran Coast (Gwader, February).
The Aden specimens, collected by Forbes and Grant on the Sokotran expedition,
which are all immature, are somewhat greyer in colouration than the specimen
from the Mekran Coast, therein resembling immature L. /eucophthalmus ; from
which, however, they are at once distinguished by the much more robust bill.
fuliginosus (Gould).
modestus, 7schudi. Seven. 6, 2 jr. Chili.
heermanni, Cuss. One. Jr. Mexico (Mazatlan).
belcheri, Vig.
crassirostris, Vicill. Six. ¢ jr, 9, jr. Korea (Salee River, August).
Japan (Hakodati, March, June).
gelastes, Thidnem. Four. 9, 1jr. Tunis, January. Persia (Fao, Febru-
bulleri, Hutton.
nove-hollandix, Steph. Nine. 24, 2 jr. Northern Australia (Raine
Island, September, November). Tasmania. Norfolk Island. New Cale-
donia (Noumea, August ; Ansevata, September).
scopulinus, G.2.Gr. Five. 9. New Zealand (Wellington).
hartlaubi (Briich). One. South Africa.
marinus, Linn. Sixteen. 6, Qjr., 2 jr. 7, pull, skel. England (Durham,
Greatham ; Lancashire, Crosby, December; Yorkshire, Scarborough,
January ; Cornwall, Falmouth, February). Orkneys.
dominicanus, Licl?. Seventeen. ¢, 29, 7 jr. Chili. South Africa.
eo Land. New Zealand (Wellington, January, March ; Dunedin,
fuscus, Linn. Fourteen. 3 2, 9 jr., 2 jr., 5 pull. Orkneys (Pegwall Bay). Scot-
land (Ailsa Craig, October). England (Hants, Mottisfont, August). Egypt
(Boulac, March). Syria (Beyrout, November). Palestine (Tiberias, April).
affinis, Peinh. One. Southern Arabia (Aden, November).
occidentalis, Aud. ; schistisagus, Stejn.
argentatus, Linn. Twenty. 6 jr., 292, 6 jr, 5 pull. England (Sussex,
St. Leonard’s, January). France (Biarritz).
cachinnans, Pall. Two. ¢. Canary Islands (Teneriffe, Oratava, May ;
Isla Graciosa, April).
vege, Palmen.
audouini, Payr. Two.
delawarensis, Ord. ; californicus, Lawr.
canus, Linn. Eighteen. 34,39,4 jr. 3 pull. Orkneys. England (Nor-
thumberland, Bamborough, April ; Durham, Castle Eden, January ; Great-
ham, January ; Lancashire, Southport, October; Harrow, December ; Nor-
folk, Hampstead, January). Palestine (River Kishon, December ; Hhora,
brachyrhynchus, Rich.
glaucescens, Naw. One. Kamtschatka.
nelsoni, Henshaw; kumlieni, Brevwst.
glaucus, Briinn. Eight. 49 (3 jr.). Arctic America (Wellington Channel)
Shetland Islands (Balta Sound, April). England (Yorkshire, Bridlington
December ; Scarborough, January).
No. 8 was collected by Mr. David Walker (¢/. supra under Uria /omvia).
leucopterus, Fuher. Four. 6 jr. Arctic America (Davis Straits, July).
Iceland. Shetland Islands (Barra Firth, November).
No.1, from Davis Straits, collected by Capt. [Sir Edward] Sabine, is probably the Type
of Larus argentatus, E. Sabine (nec Gmelin), Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. p. 546 (1819).
pacificus (Lath.). Six. 29 jr. 3 jr., pull. Tasmania (Launceston, Sept-
ember, November). Action Island.
‘* Abundant on the sea-coast and about Georgetown ; it is also not infrequent on the
Tamar as high as Launceston, where the salt water ceases. Iris light brown;
bill black at tip, white at base; legs dirty white” (R. Gunn, MS. Journal in
Mus. Derb.).
scoresbii (Zvaill.). Five. Straits of Magellan (Trinidad Channel, Alert
Bay, October).
eburnea (Phipps.). Six. 4, 2 jr. Arctic America (Melville Island ;
Wellington Channel). Spitzbergen.
RISSA, Steph.
tridactyla (Linn.). Twenty-four. 2d, 2 (jr.), 4 jr. Ireland (Galway).
England (Durham, Castle Eden, May ; Cheshire, Hilbre Island, September ;
Yorkshire, Scarborough, November ; Norfolk, August ; Sussex, Eastbourne).
Kamtschatka. Arctic America (Davis Straits, October).
brevirostris (Briich.). One. @. Pribyloff Islands (St. George’s, July).
catarrhactes (Linn.). Five. ¢. Shetland Islands.
chilensis (2Bp.).
antarctica (Less.). Two.
maccormicki (Saunders).
pomatorhinus (Zemm.). Eight. 9, 3 jr. Scotland (Morsgail). England
(Yorkshire, Flamborough Head ; Lancashire, Crosby, December ; Norfolk,
Yarmouth, October).
crepidatus (Banks). Fifteen. 2¢, 9,3 jr. pull. Scandinavia. Orkneys
(Hoy). Scotland (Firth of Forth). England (Yorkshire, F lamborough
Head, July ; Cheshire, Hoylake).
parasiticus (Linn.). Ten. ¢,29. Arctic America (Wellington Channel ;
Melville Peninsula (Iglvolik, June ; Lat. 753° N., Long. 60° W., July, col-
lected by Captain [Sir Edward] Sabine).
gayi, Less. Five. “Cordilleras,” Peru? Bolivia (Tapaquilcha, 14,000 ft.).
chimborazensis, Sclaf. One. Peru.
Probably collected by Matthews. _The specimen was presented by Dr. [Sir Wm.]
Hooker in February, 1843, and there is the following note on the label :—
‘* Probably a new subgenus connecting Perdix or Ortyx.” The specimen per-
fectly agrees with Messrs. Sclater & Salvin’s figure (Exotic Orn. p- 157, pl.
Ixxix., 1869).
malouinus (Bodd.).
THINOCORUS, Eschscho/tz.
rumicivorus, Lschscholtz. Nine. 76,29. Chili.
orbignianus, (of: d: Less. Eight. 34,59. Chili.
edicnemus (Linn.). Highteen. 3, 39, 5 pull. England (Norfolk).
Canary Islands (Isla Graciosa, April). North Africa (Algerian Sahara,
Ain Djendeli, June; Karkaneh Islands (March). Palestine (Jericho,
December). Northern India (Calcutta ; Maunbhoom, March).
senegalensis, Swans.
vermiculatus, Cub. Two. $,9. Natal.
buttikoferi, Rchnw. Ornith. Monatsber. vi. p- 182 (1898).
“Closely allied to @. vermiculatus, but the general colour of the upper surface
somewhat greyer, the darker vermiculations on the scapulars, innermost wing
feathers, and upper tail-coverts indistinct, and the bill considerably more
robust. Bill, 50-53; height at nasal aperture, 13 ; total length, 350-370 ; wing,
200-210 ; tail, 110-115 ; tarsus, 75-80 mm.” (Reichenow). Habitat. Liberia.
bistriatus (/Vagl.) (=. grallarius (Lath.), Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 24).
Three. Antilles. Guatemala (Awachappa). [South Australia—collected
by Peele].
dominicensis, Cory.
Superciliaris, 7schudi. One.
capensis, Licht. Seven. South Africa (Damaraland, Otjimbinque, Sep-
affinis, Riipp.
grallarius (Loth.). Four. 6. Eastern Australia (Queensland, Port
Stephens, April ; New South Wales).
recurvirostris (Cuv.). Four. Northern India (Dehra Dhoon ; Bengal,
June). Southern India (Godavery River, February).
magnirostris (Vicill.). Four. 1¢. North-West Borneo. South-East
New Guinea (Port Moresby). Solomon Islands (Rendova, August ;
MILNEA, Lydek. (Fossil).
gracilis, Lydek.
chirurgus (Scop.). Seventeen. 3¢ (1 jr.), 4 jr. Northern India (De-
palpur, January) ; “ Kashin,” July ; Santhall Country). Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Java. Philippine Islands (South Luzon).
indicus (Luth.). Nine. 1¢. Northern India (Muddapur). Java.
ACTOPHILUS, Oberholser.
This name is substituted by Mr. Oberholser for Phyllopezus, Sharpe, which is pre-
occupied (Proc. Philad. Acad. 1899, p. 220).
africanus (Gm.). Fourteen. 26,9, jr. West Africa (British Combo,
Barcote, April ; Gold Coast, River Addo). Central Africa (Ghaba Shambe,
July ; Zambesi, Nyassaland, Upper Shiré, November). South Africa
(Transvaal, Barberton Sabé Flats, March ; Port Natal).
albinucha (Js. Geoffr.). Two. 1¢. Madagascar.
gallinaceus (7enim.). Five. 2¢. North Celebes (Gorontalo, September).
Northern Australia (Port Essington, November ; Cape York).
nove-guines (/iais.). One. North-West (?) New Guinea.
JACANA, Schaffer.
jacana (Linn.). Twelve. 3 jr. Peru (Sarayacu). Ecuador (Guayaquil).
melanopygia (Sc/at.).
nigra (Gi.). One. U.S. Colombia (Panama).
ASARCIA, Sharpe.
variabilis (Linn.). Nine. 19,1 jr. Honduras. Guatemala (Lake Peten,
capensis (Smith). One. South Africa (Damaraland, Wakquambi).
alba (Gm.). Four & skel. Hermite Island. Antarctic Continent, Lat.
The specimen from the Antarctic Continent was shot by Dr. Gunn of H.M.S.
Terror. The specimen from Hermite Island, and another from an undetermined
locality, were also collected during the Antarctic Expedition.
CHIONARCHUS, Kidder & Coues.
minor (/uril.). Two. (Head only). Kerguelen Land (Royal Sound,
No. 1 was collected by Dr. [now Sir] J. D. Hooker, and noted by him at the time
as a new species.
crozettensis, Sharpe.
ardeola, Payk. Seven. 1 jr. 2 jr. Abyssinia (Bay of Amphila).
South Africa (Natal). Madagascar.
No. 4, collected by Salt in 1812 in Amphila Bay, Abyssinia, is the Type of Lrodia
amphilensis, Salt, Trav. Abyss. Append. iv. pl. lxi. (1814).
gallicus (Gm.). Thirteen. 36,19,4 jr. Canary Islands (Fuertaventura,
Tarrajal, March ; Punto Carbras, March; Fuineji, March: Lanzarote,
Arecife, April). Tunis. Syria (Plain of Acre, March). Abyssinia (Tacazze
The specimen from Yorkshire (Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 22) is not apparently
now in the Collection.
somalensis, Shelley.
rufus, Gould. Three. 1¢. South Africa (Transvaal ; Damaraland).
coromandelicus (('m.). Ten. ¢,92. Northern India (Mhow, November).
Southern India (Madras, May, November ; Nellore).
temmincki, Swuins. Six. 1 jr. South Africa (Transvaal ; Natal).
meiffreni (J7ill.). Three. Senegal.
No. 2, from Senegal, is considered to be the Type of Hemipodius nivosus, Swains.
(Phil. Mag. Ix. p. 353 (1822) ; id. Zool. Ilustr. iii. pl. elxiii. (1823) ).
The systematic position of this rare bird, comparatively few specimens of which
are known, is uncertain, many authorities ranking it with the Hemipodes.
egyptius (Linn). Six. 19. Egypt, February, March. West Africa
(Senegal). Central Africa (Lado, July).
bicinctus (Zemm.). Six. 14, 1 jr. South Africa (Orange Free State,
Kroonstadt, March).
bisignatus (Hartl.); hartingi, Sharpe ; cinctus (Heugl.) ; seebohmi, Sharpe.
chalcopterus (7vmm.). Two. South Africa.
albofasciatus, Sharpe ( = Cursorius chalcopterus, Temm. Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 22). Two. 6 jr. South Africa (Ovampoland, Ondonga,
January ; Damaraland, Otjimbinque, March).
bitorquatus (Slyth). One. India.
isabella (Vicill.). Four. Celebes (Tondano Lake, August). Moluccas
(Amboina). Central Australia.
pratincola (Linv.). Fourteen. 54, 39. England (Lancashire, North
Meols, Spring 1805). Algerian Sahara (Ain Badjah, June). Tunis
March. Egypt (Fayoum, J une). Syria (Tartoos, May). Palestine (Lake
Huleh, May). West Africa (Senegal). Central Africa (Lake Nyassa).
melanoptera, Vordm. Seven. 26,1 jr. Russia (River Volga, May).
Caucasus (Erzeroom). South Africa (Natal; Transvaal, Potchefstroom,
orientalis, Leach. Fifteen. 5 3 (3 jr.), @ jr. 2 jr. India (Nellore).
Sumatra. Labuan, January. Banka, January. Java (Bantam Residency,
Arendong, March). South-West Formosa. ‘At Sea, Lat. 19° N., Long.
120° E.,”. April.
ocularis (Vvr.). Three. Madagascar.
marchei (Oust.) ; emini (Shelley); nuchalis (G.R.Gr.).
cinerea (/ras.). Three. West Africa (Ogowé River).
lactea (Zemm.). Seven. Southern India (Godavery River, January ;
interpres (Linn.). Forty-seven. 54 (1 jr.), 102. Scandinavia. Orkneys,
June. Scotland (Harris, June). England (Durham, Greatham, July ;
Yorkshire, Scarborough, August; Cheshire, Hilbre Island; Norfolk,
Thornham, February). Kamtschatka. Kuriles, August, September. Japan
(Yokohama). Canary Islands (Fuertaventura, Corrilejo, April). West
Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, November). Madagascar (Mohambo, Septem-
ber). West Australia (Houtman’s Abrolhos, South Island, January).
North Australia (Raine Island, June, August). Lord Howe’s Island.
Central Pacific (Phoenix Island). Arctic America (Melville Island).
Florida. Central America. Chili. Galapagos Islands (Bindloe Island).
melanocephala (/7%y.). Three. g. Alaska (Hiniahmoo, October).
British Columbia (Semiakmoo Bay). California (Farralone Islands, Sep-
ostralegus, Linn. Twenty-nine. 34, 109, 1 jr. 3 pull. Orkneys, Feb-
ruary. England (Durham, Teesmouth, September ; Yorkshire, Scar-
borough, January, August, December).
osculans, Swinh. Three. ¢. Corea (Shoal Gulf, June). China (Ningpo,
longirostris, Vieill. Seven. 4,2 pull. North Australia (Port Essington,
September ; Cape Upstart, May). New Zealand (Canterbury, June).
We can hardly believe it possible that H. finschi, Martens (Ornith. Monatsber.
vy. p. 191, 1897), described from a single example, is really distinct from this
well-known New Zealand species.
leucopus, Garn. Two. 6. Straits of Magellan (Puerto del Morro,
palliatus, Zemm. Two. North America. Guatemala (Chiapam, January).
galapagensis, Ridgw. ; durnfordi, Sharpe.
frazari, Brewst. Two. Chili.
Two eggs collected by Bridges ‘‘on rocky islands near the coast of Chili, in
November and December.” These and other Chilian and Bolivian eggs out of
the same collection will shortly be figured in the Bulletin.
unicolor, Vagl. Four. 2¢. West Australia (Houtman’s Abrolhos, South
Island, February). New Zealand (Port Cooper).
moquini, Bp. Four. 1¢. Canary Islands (Isla Graciosa, February).
South Africa.
niger, Pall. One. ¢. Kamtschatka.
ater (Less.). Nine. 4, 2jr. Chili. Straits of Magellan, February.
The eggs of this species are in the Museum out of the Bridges Collection.
OREOPHILUS, Jard. & Selo.
ruficollis (Vagl.). Two. Chili.
cinctus, Gould. Ten. 6. Australia (New South Wales, Upper Hunter
River, Invermein, November ; West Australia, Swan River).
This generic name is adopted in substitution for Defilippia, Salvad., which is pre-
occupied according to Oberholser, Proc. Philad. Acad., 1899, Joc. cit.
crassirostris (De/i/.).
leucoptera, Rchnw. One. Nyassaland (Tschiromo, September).
tectus (Bodd.). Four. Central Africa (White Nile).
latifrons, Rchnw.
malabarica (Bodd.). Five. 2¢, 2¢@ (1 jr.). Northern India (Calcutta
Mhow, July, October, December).
cinerea (Blyth). Two. Bengal. Japan (Yokohama, October).
cayanus (Luth.). Three. 2 ¢. British Guiana, August. Brazil (Para ;
Rio Huallago).
The footnote to p. 136 (Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. Vol. xxiv.) is written under a mis-
apprehension of the facts. Leyland, not Leybold, was a Natural History dealer
in Liverpool, who also spent some time at) Omoa, in Honduras, where he made
considerable collections. On his return to England he submitted his collections
to Mr. T. J. Moore, the Curator of the Derby Museum, who wrote a paper on them
(Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859). A small portion only of them were selected for purchase.
The localities, also, are by no means to be trusted, as specimens obtained by
Leyland, -in the ordinary course of his business, from other parts of South
America, got mixed up with his Honduras Collection ; for instance, we strongly
suspect that the type of the extremely rare woodpecker, Dendrobates sanguino-
lentus (Sclat.), really came from Venezuela.
resplendens (Zschwii.). Three. @. Peru (Tinta, May). Bolivia.
lobatus (Lath.). Five. Eastern Australia (Moreton Bay ; New South
Wales). South Australia. Tasmania (Launceston, May).
We can find no record of the occurrence of this species in Tasmania. No. 5 was
‘*shot near Launceston, and has the usual habit of plovers. It is, I am informed,
abundant about Ross, Oatlands, &c., in the centre of the island, but not usually
seen within a great distance of this. Iris, yellow; bill, yellow ; legs, lower joint,
black, upper joint, light brown. The bare skin about the eye also yellow.”
(R. Gunn, MS. Journal in Mus. Derb.).
miles (Bodd.). Two. South-East New Guinea (Port Moresby).
senegalus (Linn.). Five. 292. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, Sep-
taberane (Smith). Four. ©¢, 22. South Africa (Damaraland, June ;
albiceps (Gould). Two. West Africa (Niger River).
tricolor (/Horsf.). Two. Timor.
We fail to see why Charadrius tricolor, Vieill. 1817, should invalidate Vanellus
tricolor, Horsf. 1820, which antedates V. cucu//atus, Temm. 1830, especially as
the two species are now, and have always been, referred to two quite distinct
genera. We have, therefore, adopted Horsfield’s name for this species.
indicus, Dodd. Kight. 9. Nepaul. Northern India (Mhow, October ;
Darjeeling ; Calcutta).
atrinuchalis (Jerd.). Four. @. Burmah (Moulmein, March). Malay
Peninsula (Malacca ; Singapore).
TYLIBYX, Reichenb.
melanocephalus (Riipp.).
ZONIFER, Sharpe.
tricolor (Vicill.). Four. 19,1 jr. West Australia. New South Wales.
Tasmania (Campbeiltown, November).
superciliosus (Rchnvw.).
spinosus (Linn.). Fourteen. 34,392. Palestine (Magdala, February ;
Tiberias, March). Egypt. Central Africa (Khartoum, August ; Sobat,
June ; Lado, July). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, September, October).
ventralis (/ugl.). One. ¢. North-West India (Etawah, October).
speciosus (Vagl.). Ten. ¢, 42 (1 jr.). South Africa (Algoa Bay ;
Damaraland, February ; Transvaal, De Kaap, Barberton Flats, January).
cayennensis (Gm.). Four. ¢@. U.S. Colombia (Bogota). Uruquay
chilensis (Jol.) (= Vunellus cayennensis (Gm.) spm. ¢, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 22). Five. 2¢. Chili (Concepcion, September).
We have recognised Vanellus grisescens, Prazak, Ornith. Monatsber. iv. p. 23
(1896), as a synonym of the above.
There are eggs of this species in the Museum from Bridges Collection.
vanellus (Linn.). Fifteen. 2$,59. England (Durham, Greatham, April,
November ; Hants, Mottisfont, May). Algeria (Maison Carré, October ;
N’gousa (Algerian Sahara), December). Palestine (Engedi, January). Gil-
git? (Littledale Coll.). Japan (Kobé, February ; Yokohama, January).
selysi, Van Beneden. (Fossil).
ZAPTERUS, Oberholser.
This generic name has been substituted for Huhyas, Sharpe, which is preoccupied
according to Oberholser, Proc. Philad. Acad., 1899, /oc. cit.
leucurus (Licht.). Three. 1 9. Egypt (Damietta, December; “The
Nile”). India.
gregaria (Pull.). Four. 1¢,1jr. South Russia (Volga R.). Siberia
(Altai Mts).
coronatus (Bod/.). Ten. 3 6,4 9. South Africa (Damaraland, Otjim-
binque, September, December; Transvaal, Potchefstroom, June; Natal).
[West Africa].
inornatus (Swuins.). One. West Africa.
Collected by Whitfield, probably on the Gambia.
melanopterus (Cretzsch.). Two. Abyssinia.
helvetica, Linn. Nineteen. 646,29. England (Lancashire, Flookborough,
November; Sussex, Pagham Harbour, September ; Cornwall, January).
South Africa (Port Natal). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, October).
Greece (Navarino, February). Borneo (Labuan, May, December). Japan,
January. Arctic America (Melville Peninsula, Iglvolik, June). Labrador.
Massachusetts (Yarmouth, August). Mexico. Chili.
pluvialis, Linn. Sixteen. 44,492. Orkneys (Hoy). England (Lanea-
shire, Preston ; Yorkshire, Scarborough, December). Siberia (Lower
Petchora, Ust-zylma, May ; Yen-e-say Valley, Lat. 771°, July). Palestine
(Acre, December).
dominicus, P. L. S. Mill. Fifty-three. 73,39. Siberia (Yen-e-say
Valley, Lat. 664°, June ; Lat. 714°, July). South-East Mongolia. Central
India (Raipur, October, November). Southern India (Nellore). Malay
Peninsula (Malacca, Singapore). China (Foochow, October). South-West
Formosa. Japan (Yokohama, October). Phillippine Islands. Java.
Talaut Islands (Lirung, March). West Australia (York, November).
Northern Australia (Port Essington, November ; Cape York, Raine Island,
June). Eastern Australia (Moreton Bay). Norfolk Island. Lord Howe’s
Island. New Caledonia (Noumea). New Hebrides (Aneityum ; Aniwa).
New Britain (Blanche Bay, July). Samoa. Fiji Islands (Rewa). Phoenix
Islands (Sydney Island). Fanning Island. Marquesas, March. Alaska
(Point Barrow, June). Illinois (Grand Crossing, April). South Mexico.
sheppardianus, Cope. (Fossil).
virgata (Gm.). Seven. Arctic America (Hudson’s Bay). Peru. Bolivia.
No. 7, from Peru, collected by Dr. Tschudi, is probably one of the Types of
Charadrius winterfeldti, Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg. p. 388 (1843).
obscurus (G.). Nine. 9. New Zealand (Nelson, June ; Port Cooper).
bicinctus, Jard. & Selb. Nine. 1 ¢. Australia. New Zealand (Canter-
bury, July).
wilsoni (Ord.). Eleven. United States (North Carolina, Fort Macon,
June). South Mexico. Jamaica. Venezuela (Cumana).
geoffroyi, Wagl. (= Aigialitis mongola (Pall.) spm. ¢, and Eudromias asiaticus
(Pall.) spm. a, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, pp. 19 and 20). Fourteen. 34,
49. Palestine (Acre, December; Beersheba, February ; River Kishon,
March). Asia Minor, May. ‘Turkestan (Syr-darja, June). Borneo
(Labuan, September; Silam). China (Shanghai, May). Morty Island,
September. Philippine Islands. Madagascar.
mongolus (Pall.). Twelve. 3,29. Ladakh (Kurakash, August). India.
South Andaman Islands, February. China (Shanghai). _ Philippine
Islands. Japan (Yokohama, April). Kurile Islands, May, July. New
Zealand (Port Cooper).
We have included O. pyrrhothorax (Gould) as a synonym of this species, nor do we
believe that gialitis pamirensis, Richm. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. p. 590, 1896),
described from a single example, has any claim to distinctness.
asiaticus (Pall.). Five. 3¢, 9. Siberia (Irtisch River, May). South
Africa (Damaraland ; Transvaal, Potchefstroom, January, September).
veredus (Gould). Two. ¢. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). China (Shang-
hai, March).
morinellus (Linn.). Sixteen. 44,49. England (Lincolnshire, Epworth,
April, May). Russia. Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, Lat. 663°, June). Algerian
Sahara (Bou Guizoon, November). Palestine (Sudeid, February ; Hhora,
ZONIBYX, Reichene.
modesta (Licht.). Six. 2¢, 9. Bolivia. Chili. Straits of Magellan
(Gregory Bay, January ; Punto Bueno, November). Falkland Islands,
montanus (Zowns.). Three. 24. United States (Montana, Frenchmans
River, July ; Texas ; San Antonio, December ; Brownsville).
OXYECHUS, Reichenb.
vociferus (Linn.). Seventeen. 146, 12. Nova Scotia. North-West
Territory (Neighbourhood of Jasper’s House, April). Mexico (Bolanos).
Vera Paz (Coban, November). Jamaica. San Domingo (Almergen).
tricollaris (Vicill.). Eight. 13. South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom,
March ; Natal).
bifrontatus (Cu).). Four. Madagascar (North Betsileo, Sirubc).
forbesi (Shelley).
ZEGIALEUS, Reichenb.
semipalmatus (Bp.). Nine. 164, 19, 1 jr. Alaska (Nawer Yukon,
Nulato, May). Arctic America (Beaver Harbour). New Brunswick (St.
Stephens). Bermuda. Barbadoes. San Domingo. Chili (Coquimbo,
June). [India].
hiaticola, Zinn. Thirty-four. 4¢,4¢9. England (Lancashire, Southport ;
Cheshire, Hoylake, September ; Suffolk, Ipswich, September; Sussex,
Pagham, September ; Devon, Coombe Cellars). Palestine (Gennesareth,
May; Kishon, December). Syria (Tripoli, May ; Karkemish, June).
South Africa (Damaraland ; Natal).
placida (@.2.Gr.). Three. ¢. Japan (Hakodati, April; Yokohama).
dubia (Scop.). Nineteen. 36,49. England (Sussex). Algeria (Algiers,
May). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, April). Egypt. Sokotra
(Hadibu, December), ex Forbes and Grant expedition. Nepaul. Northern
India (Futteghur, October; Muddapur, December). Southern India
(Mysore, Muddur, March ; Nellore). China (Amoy). Philippine Islands.
peroni (Bp.). Four. ¢. Borneo (Pulo Tiga Island, April; Santubong,
December). Philippine Islands.
alexandrina, Linn. (= 4. nivosa (Cass.). Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 20).
Twenty-seven. 46, 69. France (Loire Inferieure, May). | Algeria
(Algiers, February ; Tuggurt (Algerian Sahara), December). Tunis. Greece
(Pylos, February). Palestine (Tyre, December ; Sidon, March ; Kishon,
March). Turkestan (Lob-nor; Khotan, Sanipula). India. Nepaul. Borneo
(Trusan). Java. China (Amoy).
marginata (Vicill.). Three. South Africa.
pallida (Strickl.). (= 2. marginata (V.). spm. a, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 19). Two. . Natal. Madagascar (Mohambo, September).
Differing from the specimens of 7. marginata in having a shorter wing (3°9-4°0
inches. ), and in having less white on the secondaries. The species has appar-
ently not been recorded from so far south as Natal.
venusta (Fisch. & Rcehnw.).
ruficapilla (Zemm.). Eleven. 3 ¢,4 9. Northern Australia (Cape York,
September). South Australia (Adelaide, January). Tasmania (Georgetown,
Ronald Gunn, the collector, has the following note about the Tasmanian speci-
mens :—‘‘I shot these birds on the beach at Georgetown. They run along the
sand, almost within the waves, picking up mollusca, &c., deposited by the sea,
uttering a sharp, squeaking cry. When disturbed or pressed too close, they
make short flights over the sea to another part of the beach. Iris, brown; legs
and feet, black.” :
collaris (Vicill.). Eight. 2¢,9. Mexico. Venezuela (Cumana). Peru
(Upper Ucayale, Cachiboya, September).
nivosa, Cuss. (= 2. collaris (Vieill.), spm. d, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 19,
1892). Four. California. San Francisco. Chili.
meloda, Ord. Ten. North America.
occidentalis, Cab.
falklandica, Lath. Six. Chili (Valparaiso). Falkland Islands. Victoria
Nos. 3 and 4, from Chili, collected by Bridges, are the Types of Hiaticula bifasciata,
Fraser, P.Z.S. 1843, p. 118. No. 6 is stated to have been collected in Victoria
Land during the Antarctic Expedition of H.M.SS. Erebus and Terror. The
locality, if correct (and there seems no doubt on this point), is interesting, as,
according to Dr. Sclater (Ibis, 1898, p. 430), no species of Limicolw, except the
aberrant form Chionis, is known to occur on the Antarctic Continent.
pecuaria (Zemm.). Ten. 39,1 jr., 1 pull. Egypt (Ghow, March; “The
Nile”). West Africa (Fantee). South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom,
September ; Cape Colony, Knysna, December). Madagascar (Chuti).
sancte-helene, Hurt. Five. St. Helena (Longwood).
thoracica, Richm.
melanops (/7eill.). Eight. ¢. Northern Australia (Port Essington, Crinan
Camp, February). Eastern Australia (Brisbane). South Australia.
cucullatus (Vicill.). Five. 2 ¢. Australia. Flinder’s Island. Bass’
Straits, January. Tasmania.
PLUVIANELLUS, Jacq. & Puchr.
sociabilis, Jacq. & Puchr.
Bene Sept (Gm.). Five. 49, Chatham Islands (South-East Island,
frontalis, @. @ G. One. New Zealand (Port Lyttleton).
This specimen is figured by Harting, Ibis, 1869, p. 304, pl. viii.
australis (Gould). Nine. 42, 2 jr.,2 jr. South Australia (Gawler Plains).
himantopus (Linn.). Ten. 3 ¢,49(1jr.). Algerian Sahara (Djendeli,
June). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, September). Persian Gulf (Fao,
February). Northern India (Mhow, October; Mirzapur, Saharunpur,
January ; ‘“Gidhun,” November). Madagascar.
melanurus, Vicill. Four. Chili. Peru?
leucocephalus, Gould. Nine. 264 (1 jr.), 2 jr, 1 jr. West Australia
(Perth, ‘““Mongers Lake,” July). Northern Australia (Port Essington,
November, December ; Cape York). New South Wales. New Zealand
(Otago, Palmerston, December).
The last-mentioned specimen from New Zealand seems to be quite typical H.
leucocephalus, agreeing perfectly with Australian specimens.
leucocephalus, swisy. picatus, Ellman. Two. 1¢. New Zealand (Port
mexicanus (2. L. 8. Miill.). Six. North America (Rio Grande, Lat, 32°),
Venezuela (Cumana). Brazil (Para).
knudseni, Stejn. One. ¢. Sandwich Islands (Oahu, January).
melas, Hombr. d& Jacy. Two. New Zealand.
leucocephalus (/%ill.). Hight. ¢. West Australia (Lake near Perth).
South Australia. Tasmania.
avocetta, Linn. Hight. ¢, 29, pull. Denmark. Greece (Navarino,
February). Egypt (Port Said, February). Southern India (Godavery
River, December).
americana, Gm. Six. 26. United States (Utah, Devil’s Gate, Sweet
Water, August; Florida). South Mexico. Guatemala (Huamuchal,
nove-hollandie, Vicill, Five. 3. West Australia (Lake near Perth).
South Australia (New South Wales),
andina, Phil. & Landb.
struthersi, Viv. Three. ¢. Sikkim (Yeumtong (12,000 ft.), September).
arquatus (Linn.). Twenty-four. 3, 2,2 pull. Orkneys, January. Scot-
land (Caithness, Wick, June). England (Durham, Greatham, January ;
Lancashire, Poulton, December). Egypt (Damietta, May). South Africa
(Transvaal, Potchefstroom, October; Port Natal, Cape Colony). China
(Amoy, February). Japan (Yokohama, October).
tenuirostris, Vicill. Three. 4. Italy. Algeria (Constantine, February).
cyanopus, Vieill. Two. Japan (Yokohama, October). New South Wales.
longirostris, ils. Six. North America. North-West Territory (Neigh-
bourhood of Jasper’s House, April).
pheopus (Linn.). Sixteen. 3¢,29. England (Yorkshire, Scarborough,
August ; Sussex, Pagham). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, April, Sep-
tember), South Africa (Natal). Rodriguez. Madagascar (Mohambo,
pheopus, suisp. variegatus (Scop.). Five. ¢, 29. Borneo (Labuan,
September). Halmaheira, September. Northern Australia (Port Essing-
ton, Table Head River, January ; Oomago Island, March). New South
hudsonicus, Lath. Seven. Florida. British Honduras (Belize). Brazil.
tahitiensis, Lath. Three. Palmerston Island. Fanning Island. Marque-
sas, March. ;
borealis (Morst.). One. &. Nova Scotia (Pictou).
antiquus, MWilne-Hd. (Fossil).
gypsorum, Gerv. (Fossil).
pliocenus, Portis. (Fossil).
minutus (Gould). Four. 29. Siberia (Lake Baikal, August). China
(Shanghai, May). Amboina. North Australia (Port Essington, November).
LIMOSA, Briss.
lapponica (Linn.). Thirteen. 2¢,29. England (Durham, Greatham,
September ; Lancashire, Burscough, November ; Norfolk, May ; Yorkshire,
Scarborough, January, November).
lapponica, sulsp. nove-zealandia, G.2.Gr. Fourteen. 5 ¢. Japan
(Yokohama, April; Tokio), China (Shanghai, April). New Hebrides
(Aneityum). New Zealand (Nelson, June).
limosa (Linn.). Nineteen. 4¢,59. Algeria (Constantine, Lake Tetzara).
Northern India (Depalpur, January). Borneo (Baram). China (Shanghai,
May). Philippine Islands (South Luzon). Japan (Yokohama, September).
Northern Australia (Port Essington, Point Smith, November, December).
hudsonica (Zuth.). Six. North America. Mexico. Bolivia? Chili
fedoa (Linn.). Five. 9. Arctic America (Hudson’s Bay). United States
(New York, May). Bermudas (Ireland Island). British Honduras (Belize).
griseus ((m.). Fourteen. 3,29 (1 jr.). Britain? New Brunswick.
United States (New York ; Texas, Brownsville). South Mexico.
taczanowskii (Verv.).
himantopus (Zp.). Two. 3. United States (New York). Peru (Yquitos,
semipalmata (Gm.). Eight. North America. Bolivia.
TOTANUS, Bechsz.
fuscus (Linn.). Seven. 4, 9. England (Lancashire, Warrington). Nor-
thern India (Depalpur, January), Japan (Yokohama, April, September).
calidris (Linn.). Seventeen. 4¢,49. England (Lancashire, Southport,
October). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, September). Greece (Pylos,
February). Palestine (Sabkha Safieh, February). Philippine Islands
stagnatilis, Bechst. Seven. 39. Dalmatia. Egypt (Memphis, March).
South Africa. Northern India (Kandahar ; Etawah, November ; Calcutta).
Philippine Islands (South Luzon).
melanoleucus ((i.). Fifteen. 3 ¢. North-West Territory (Neighbour-
hood of Jasper’s House, June). United States (Illinois; Texas, April).
flavipes (('m.). Nine. 3. New Brunswick (St. John’s). United States
(Texas, Brownsville). Venezuela (Cumana). Chili.
lartetianus, Milne-Hd. (Fossil).
scarabellii, Portis. (Fossil).
majori, Lydek. (Fossil).
ochropus (Linn.). Fourteen. 1¢,49. England (Westmoreland, Winder-
mere, April). Algeria (Blidah, February; Temagin). Algerian Sahara,
December. Palestine (Gennesareth, March; Rabboth Ammon, March).
Nepaul. Northern India (Mhow, October). Japan (Yokohama).
solitarius (//7ls.). Five. New Brunswick (St. Croix River). Jamaica,
British Honduras.
cinnamomeus, Brewster.
brevipes (/7%ill.). Five. 292. Japan (Nagasaki; Yokohama, May ; Hako-
dati, May).
incanus (Gm.). Ten. 6, 9, jr. stern. Torres Straits (First Cousin
Island, August). Santa Cruz Island. Samoa. Phoenix Islands (Gard-
ner Island). Society Islands (Huaheine; Tahiti, April). | Marquesas,
March. Alaska (St. Michael’s).
A male specimen from Torres Straits, collected by Macgillivray in 1844, appears
undoubtedly to belong to this species, and not to the preceding. The specimen
from Tahiti was collected in 1837 by J. K. Townshend, and presented to Lord
Derby by Audubon.
hypoleucus (Linn.). Twenty-seven. 7¢, 109. England (Norfolk, May ;
Hants, Mottisfont, August). Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, Lat. 663°, June).
Algeria (Algiers, May). Canary Islands (Teneriffe, La Laguna, April).
West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, August, September). Egypt, March.
Palestine (Sidon, December; Gennesareth, March). Malay Peninsula
(Pahang, January). Sumatra (Palembang Residency ; Lake Ranau,
Tandjoeng Djati, February). Philippine Islands. East Coast’ Formosa,
May. Solomon Islands (Bugotu). Duke of York Islands (Moroda Island,
macularius (Linn.). Seventeen. 2¢. Bermuda. United States (New
Jersey). Mexico (Bolanos). British Honduras (Belize). Jamaica.
Surinam. Peru.
cinerea (Giildenst.). Fourteen. 53,39. Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, Lat.
663°, June). India. Philippine Islands. Japan (Yokohama, May, October).
South Africa (Natal).
guttifer (Nordm.).
nebularius (Gunner). Twenty-one. 23, 79. England (Yorkshire, Sep-
tember ; Lancashire, Knowsley, September). Greece (Pylos, February).
Egypt (Samanhub, November). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, Sep-
tember). South Africa (Port Natal). Southern India (Nellore). Assam.
Borneo (Baram, May). South-West Corea, September. Japan (Yoko-
hama, May). Northern Australia (Port Essington, December). New
South Wales.
glareola (@m.). Thirty. 83, 39, pull. Denmark. Northern Russia
(Lower Petchora, Alexierka, June). Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, Lat. 663°,
June). Algeria (Algiers). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, November).
South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom, December). Northern India
(Mhow, May, October; Depalpur, January; Saharunpur, February ;
Caleutta, Godavery River, December). Ceylon. Malay Peninsula
(Malacca). Java. Borneo (Labuan, May). Philippine Islands.
pugnax (Linn.). Thirty-one. 13¢,49. England (Lancashire, Knowsley,
September). Holland, April. Denmark. Russia (Moscow, September).
Algerian Sahara (Tuggurt, December). Tunis. Egypt, March. West
Africa (Senegal). Central Africa (Nyassaland). South Africa (Natal).
Southern India (Nellore). ’
longicauda (Bechst.). Five. United States (Texas). Guatemala (Duenas).
pusillus (Zinn.). Nine. 6, @. Alaska (Point Barrow, July). British
Columbia (New Westminster, August). United States (California, Fort
’ Tejou ; Texas, Brownsville). Brazil. Ecuador.
GLORIUS, Milne-Ed. (Fossil).
paludicola, Milne-Ed.
RUPELORNIS, Van. Bened. (Fossil).
definita, Van. Bened.
subruficollis (/7ill.). Three. 3¢. Alaska (Point Barrow, June), South
Mexico. Peru (Upper Ucayale River).
cancellatus (Gm.).
leucoptera (G.).
arenaria (Linn.). Twenty-eight. 3¢, 69. Iceland (Bejaska, May).
Orkneys, June. England (Lancashire, Southport, August, September ;
Norfolk, Hunstanton, June). West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, October).
South Africa (Natal). Egypt (Jebel, May), Japan (Yokohama, May,
March). Eastern Australia (Sandy Cape, April). United States (Georgia).
Jamaica. Chili.
On the subject of the Australian specimens which were collected by Macgillivray
during the voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, cf. Newton, Rec. Austr. Mus. ii.,
p- 22, 1892 ; id. Add. Ibis, 1892, pp. 1, 2.
pygmeus (/inn.). Three. Saugor Island, January. China (Amoy,
October), Japan.
minuta (/zisl.). Fourteen. ¢, 49. Nova Zembla (Goon Cape, July).
England (Norfolk, Cley, September). Switzerland (Geneva). Russia (St.
Petersburg, September). Algerian Sahara (Temacin, December). Egypt
(Ghow, April; Abou-fadah, May). Palestine (Safieh, January). Northern
India (Etawah, May ; Calcutta). South Africa (Natal).
ruficollis (Pall.). Fifteen. $6, 29. Japan (Yokohama, May; Lake
Giotoku, August). China (Amoy, May). South-West Formosa. Morty
Island, May. Northern Australia (Cape York, February). South
Australia (Adelaide, January). West Australia (Houtman’s Abrolhos ;
Middle Island, January).
minutilla (/%vill.). Nine. 2¢,9. British Columbia (Sumas Lake,
April). California (Fort Tejou). Bermuda. Jamaica (Spanish Town,
damacensis (/Hors/.). Five. Japan (Hakodati, September). South-West
Formosa. Philippine Islands.
temmincki (Zcisl.). Seven. 3 46, @. East Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley,
June). Northern India (Etawah, November).
maculata (/7%eill.). Ten. 2¢. Alaska (Point Barrow, July). Texas
(Brownsville). South Mexico. Peru. Argentine (Buenos Ayres, Novem-
acuminata (/7%cill.). Thirteen. 3¢. Japan (Hakodati ; Hitachi-no-kumi ;
Yokohama). China (Shanghai, April). Formosa. Takow. Northern
Australia (Port Essington, October). Eastern Australia (Port Philip,
bairdi (Cowes). Five. 1 ¢. Colorado (North Park). Chili (Santiago ;
Concepcion, September).
fuscicollis (Vicill.). One. Bermuda.
H. cooperi (Baird) is considered here to be a synonym of H. fuscicollis.
maritima (Gm.). Twenty-five. 446, 9. Orkneys. England (Durham,
Greatham, May ; Northumberland, Bamborough, April; Yorkshire, Scar-
borough, January, November, December ; Devonshire, Plymouth, January,
maritima, svbsp. couesi, Ridgw. One. @. Alaska (Port Etolin, April).
maritima, sw)sp. ptilocnemis (Cows). Three. 2 ¢ (ljr.), 2. Pribyloff
Islands (St. Paul’s, July, August).
subarquatus ((iildensi.). Twenty. 246, 2. Iceland. Denmark. Eng-
land (Dorset, Weymouth, October). Algeria, October. West Africa (Gam-
bia, Bathurst, October). South Africa (Walvisch Bay). Philippine Islands
(South Luzon). Tasmania.
canutus (Gim.). Thirteen. 4¢. United States. Iceland. England (York-
shire, Scarborough, August). China (Shanghai, April).
crassirostris, Zemm. &: Schleg. Three. 3, 9. Japan (Yokohama, Octo-
ber). China (Shanghai, April, May).
gracilis, Wimme-Hd. (Fossil).
alpina (Linn.). Thirty-two. 33,69, pull. Orkneys. England (Durham,
Seaton Carew, September; Yorkshire, Scarborough, January, November ;
Lancashire, Southport, September ; Sussex, Lancing, September). Ireland,
August. Denmark. Holland, August. Russia (Archangel, May).
Algeria, October. Greece (Navarino, February). Palestine (Tyre, Dee-
americana (Cuss.). Eight. 26, 2. Canada (Ontario, May). Alaska
(Point Barrow, August). Sitka, May. China. Formosa, February.
Japan (Yokohama, May).
platyrhyncha (Zvmm.). Five. ¢. India. Philippine Islands. Japan
(Giotoku, October).
stenura (Zp.). Sixteen. 36,29. East Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, June).
Nepaul. India. Ceylon. Malay Peninsula (Malacca), Java (Buitenzorg,
January). China (Amoy, December).
megala, Swink. Five. Malay Peninsula (Singapore). Borneo (Labuan,
peo) Philippine Islands (South Luzon). Formosa, Japan (Hako-
major (Gim.). Ten. 4, 9Q, pull. Scandinavia. Denmark, January,
England (Lancashire, Winwick). East Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley, June).
South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom, January ; Natal).
nigripennis, Bp. Thirteen. 246,59. Central Africa. South Africa
(Transvaal, Potchefstroom, March, July, November, December ; Zululand,
Isepengo Flats, October ; Natal ; Cape of Good Hope).
gallinago (Linn.). Twenty-three. 3 ¢ (1 jr.), 2,3 pull. Orkneys, June
England (Durham, Greatham, July, September; Lancashire, Burscough,
November ; Middlesex, Harrow, December). Russia (Moscow, September).
Palestine (El Bussah, December). Sokotra (Homhil, January). China
(Takow, March; Amoy, January).
No. 18, from an unspecified locality, is an albino.
delicata, Ord. Eight. 1 9. North America (Kentucky, Lexington),
Mexico. Cuba, Jannary. Jamaica. Vera Paz (San Geronimo). Tobago.
frenata (J/l.) Two. Brazil (Para).
frenata, svisp. andina (Zucz.). One. Peru.
nobilis, Sclat. One. New Granada.
macrodactyla, bp. Six. 1¢. Madagascar (Mohambo, August).
paraguaye (/7veill.). Five. 1¢. Chili. Falkland Islands.
australis (Luth.). Ten. 36,29. Japan (Yokohama, September, Novem-
ber). Northern Australia (Port Essington, January). Queensland (More-
ton Bay). Tasmania (Launceston, September).
G. dubia, Deichler (J.f.0., 1897, p. 151), is most probably identical with this species.
solitaria, Hodgs. Five. 19. Nepaul. China (Shanghai, January).
Japan (South-West Nippon, Isuruga, March).
nemoricola, Hodgs. Four. Nepaul. India.
gigantea (Zemm.). Two. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
No. 1, without definite locality, was collected by Natterer.
undulata (Bodd.). One. Guiana.
stricklandi, (./.Gr. Three. Straits of Magellan (Puerto Bueno, February).
T jamesoni (Zp.). Two. Ecuador (Quito).
Types of the species, purchased at the sale of the Jardine Collection by Canon
Tristram, who obtained three specimens, of which one found its way to the See-
bohm Collection, and is now in the British Museum.
aucklandica (@./’.Gr.). Two. 1 pull. Auckland Islands (Mount Teviot,
aucklandica, susp. huegeli, 7ristr. One. Snares Island, November.
Type of the subspecies; figured as G. pusilla, Bull. B. New Zeal. (2nd Ed.) IL,
p. 33, pl. xxviii. fig. 1 (1888).
aucklandica, sw)sp. pusilla, Bull. Six. Chatham Islands (South-East
Island, May).
chathamica, Forbes. (Extinct.)
imperialis, Sclat. & Salv.
gallinula (Linn.). Fifteen. ¢, 39. England (Lancashire, Burscough,
November; Middlesex, Harrow, November; Essex, January; Hants,
: Mottisfont, January). Russia (Moscow, September). | Morocco (Tan-
giers, March). Palestine (Esdraelon, February). Japan (Yokohama).
rochusseni (Sch/eq.). :
rusticula, Linn. Fourteen. 2 6,49, jr. Orkneys. England (Lanca-
shire, Bickerstaffe ; Liverpool, October ; Knowsley ; Cheshire, Arley Hall;
Sussex, Horsham; Hants, Mottisfont, January). Canary Islands (Tene-
riffe, St. Ursula, May). Nepaul. Japan (Yokohama ; Chiusenze, April).
The specimen from Liverpool was captured in Fraser Street in the heart of the town,
probably on migration.
saturata, Horsf. One. Java.
Cf. Blyth, Ibis., 1865, p. 36 (Note).
~~ =
minor (@m.). Three. North America.
T mitchelli (Fraser). One. Chili.
This specimen, collected by Bridges, is most probably the Type of the species.
capensis (Linn.). Twenty-one. 8 ¢ (1 jr.), 109 (1 jr.), jr. West Africa.
South Africa (Damaraland, Ovambande ; Transvaal, Potchefstroom, March).
Madagascar. Northern India (Mirzapur). Java. Philippine Islands
(Luzon, Cataguan). Japan (Yokohama, January).
australis (Gould). Four. 3, 3 9 (1 jr.). Northern Australia (Port
Essington, Crow Camp, February). South Australia.
semicollaris (/%ill.). Eight. 19. Chili, July. Straits of Magellan.
The eggs of this species are in the Museum from Bridges Collection.
fulicarius (Linn.). Sixteen. 4¢. Iceland. Alaska (St. George’s Island,
July). Kamtschatka. England (Lancashire, Crosby, December ; Bootle,
November ; Hants, Mottisfont, November). Off Lisbon, November.
hyperboreus (Linn.). Fifteen. 4 3, 4 9. - Orkneys (Stennes, June).
Shetlands, July. North Uist, June. East Siberia (Yen-e-say Valley,
June). Kurile Islands. Alaska (Bare Creek, August). Japan (Yoko-
hama). Guatemala (Duenas).
tricolor (/%cill.). Nine. 1 jr. Arctic America. United States (Arizona,
Cienega, August ; Wyoming, Lake Smel, August). Mexico. Chili (Val-
paraiso ; Lake Quintero).
(To be concluded.)
23 OCT 1399
a SD
Specimens of the following species of Birds are desiderata in
- this Museum. Museums or individuals having examples to dis-
pose of, by exchange or otherwise, are requested to communicate
with the Director.
———————el rl
Ibis abbotti, Ridgw.; Graptocephalus davisoni (Hume); Thaumatibis
gigantea (Oust.); Plegadis ridgwayi (Allen) ; P. humeralis (De Vis); Ardea
wurdemanni, Baird; A. wardi, Ridgu.; A. occidentalis, Aud.; A. insignis,
Hume ; A. humboldti, Milne Edw. & Grand. ; Notophoyx aruensis (G.2.G7.) ;
i Nycticorax crassirostris, Vig.; Cancroma zeledoni, Ridgw.; Butorides brev-
ipes (Hempr. & Ehrenb.); B. robinsoni, Ridgw.; B. spodiogaster, Sharpe ;
B. anthonyi (Mearns) ; Tigrisoma, all species except T. lineata, Bodd. ; Ardetta
erythromelas (Vieill.); A. pusilla (Vieill.); Dupetor nesophilus (Sharpe) ;
Erythrophoyx woodfordi (Grant); E. preetermissa (Sharpe); Botaurus pin-
natus (Licht.); Ciconia boyciana, Swinh. ; Pseudotantalus cinereus (Raffles) ;
-Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, Pail. ; P. bicristatus, Pall.; P. desmaresti, Payr. ;
P. auritus (Less.); P. cincinnatus, Brandt.; P. neglectus (Wahl.); P. fuscicollis,
Steph.; P. carunculatus (Gm.); P. stewarti, Grant; P. verrucosus.(Cab.) ;
P. gouldi (Salvad.); Phzethon indicus, Hume; Colymbus pacificus, Lawr. ;
C. adamsi, G.2.Gr.; Podicipes albescens, Mand.; P. pelzelni, Haril. ;
P. juninensis, Berlepsch d& Stolzm. ; P. taczanowskii, Berlepsch & Stolzm. ; Pygo-
scelis papua (Forst.); P. antarctica (Forst.); Sphenocercus sororius, Swinh. ;
S. formose (Swinh.); Vinago crassirostris (Fraser); Treron nasica, Schleg. ;
Osmotreron wallacei pallidior, Hart. ; O. everetti, Rothsch. ; O. aromatica, Gm. ;
_ Ptilonopus fischeri, Briigg.; P. meridionalis, Meyer & Wiglesw. ; P. marchei,
- Oust.; P. dohertyi, Rothsch.; P. albocinctus baliensis, Hart.; P. everetti,
_ Rothsch.; P. lettiensis, Schleg.; P. alligator, Collett; P. subgularis, Meyer &
Wiglesw.; P. mangoliensis, Rothsch.; P. ponapensis, Finsch; P. hernsheimi,
| Finsch ; P. smithsonianus, Salvad.; P. mercieri (Des Murs & Prevost); P. hut-
toni, Finsch; P. huonensis, Meyer; P. quadrigeminus, Meyer; P. geminus,
. - Salvad. 3 P. jobiensis, Schleg.; P. biroi, Mad.; P.-ornatus, Rosenb. ; P. gestroi,
_ DAlb. & Salvad.; P. plumbeicollis, Meyer; P. miqueli, Rosenb.; P. bellus
; 4 orientalis, De Vis; P. johannis, Sclat.; P. bangueyensis, Meyer; P. nanus
_ (Lemm.); P. pectoralis, Wagl.; P. granulifrons, Hart.; P. lewisi vicinus,
Hut. 3 Alectreenas nitidissima (Scop.) ; all species of Megaloprepia.
The Bulletin
of the Liverpool Museums,
Published by Authority of the Museums Committee of the Liverpool City Council, —
under the Editorship of the Director:of Museums (H. O. Forbes, LL.D.),
Is intended to make known the contents of the Municipal Museums—the
Derby (or Biological) Museum, and the Mayer (or Archeological and Ethno-
graphical) Museum,—by publishing the results of the investigations carried
on in the Laboratories attached to them, and the observations made on
the animals living in the Aquarium.
It will be published at irregular intervals; but the aim of the Director
will be to issue one volume of four parts every year. It will be illustrated
as occasion demands by coloured plates, engravings, and process blocks.
The “BULLETIN” is published at the Museums, and by Messrs.
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Volume IJ., Part 1, issued May, 1899, contains descriptions of new
Birds, Reptiles, Scorpions «c., Butterflies, and Landshells, obtained on
the recent Expedition to Sokotra.
JANUARY, 1900. : Vou. Il. Nos. 3 anp 4.
¥ 7
of the
Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
me igs PAGE PAGE
a Collection of Stone Imple- On a New Species of Aplonis,
_ ments in the Mayer Museum, from Santa Cruz Island. By
made by Mr. H. W. Seton- Henry O. Forpes, LL.D. - - 116
_ Karr, in Mines of the Ancient Catalo .
a ag eee : gue of the Charadri-
_ Egyptians, discovered byhim | formes: Auks, Gulls, Skuas;
_ on the Plateaux of the Nile Lark-plovers, Stone-curlews,
alley. By Henry O. Fores, Jacanas, Sheathbills, Crab- —
: D. ; ' plovers, Coursers, Plovers and
_ (With Map and Mlustrations) = - TT Snipes; Pigeons, and Sand-
Be | grouse in the Derby Museum.
tributions to the Zoology of =| _— By Henry O. Boe and HrEr-
forth Queensland. By H.C. “BERT C. ROBINSON
TS, SAR ey CLE ~~ (With Two Plates) - - - QUT
Edited by H. 0. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
e HENRY YOUNG & SONS, 12, SourH CastLe Street,
hm as ae REE TR als RRS,
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Sxl. Liverp. Mus Vol. IT, NS 34a F Lo fice p. 77
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Camps, with dole, indicated thus eee) (ORL AO Ts
Mines , -- oR Teg NW LATHAM, Obs. ET L(TH LIVERPOOL MuseuM, 1359
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
Vou. IL. JANUARY, 1900. Nos, 3 AND 4.
On a collection of Stone Implements in the Mayer
Museum made by Mr. H. W. Seton=Karr, in
Mines of the Ancient Egyptians discovered
by him on the Plateaux of the Nile Valley.
By Henry O. Forses, LL.D.
In the year 1897 a large collection of flint implements was added to the
Mayer Museum by purchase from Mr. Heywood Seton-Karr, who discovered
them in the deserts of Egypt in 1896. This gentleman, well known as a big-
game hunter in Africa, had, during the previous year or two, discovered in
Somaliland a number of stone implements of “ palolithic” types. And it
was as he was passing through Egypt, in 1898, on his way back to the
Eastern Horn of Africa, in quest of further evidences of early man, that he
by chance heard through the Bedawin in his employment of the occurrence,
in the deserts east of the Nile, of objects similar to those he was in quest of.
The truth of this information was to some extent confirmed by Johnson
Pasha, the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department in Cairo, who
had some ten years before picked up a specially fine axe-shaped tool and
a few other implements in the district indicated by the Bedawin, near to
what he understood from his guides to be ancient workings for gold.
Mr. Seton-Karr, on proceeding to explore the eastern desert, was
successful in finding, in one of the tributary wadys of the Nile—the Wady
el Sheikh—not only large accumulations of implements, but in discovering
also—what was previously unknown—many mines or quarries whence the
flint had been extensively extracted by the ancient Egyptians for the
purpose of being manufactured. These mines proved to be also the chief
workshops where the implements were at least roughly fashioned, if not
finally finished and perfected.
In the following year (1896) Mr. Seton-Karr, on re-visiting this part of
Egypt, found another mine and workshop in the Wady Sojoor, round which
were a very large number, several thousands, of implements, some of them
of forms not represented in his collection of the year before. Out of this
collection the Mayer Museum has also secured a series of the more
interesting and important forms.
Mr. Seton-Karr traversed also a wide strip of desert on both sides of the
Nile, and collected in many places, such as near Esna, Abydos, Naqada, Nagh
Hamadi, and Thebes, numerous implements of “ paleolithic” types lying,
not in workshops or near mines, but indiscriminately on the surface of the
ground on the high plateaux. Of these likewise the Museum has acquired a
In addition to the above, typical representatives out of the collection made
by the same traveller in Somaliland, and described by Sir John Evans before
the Royal Society of London in 1898, have been received. These last were
obtained about 85 miles 8. W. of Berbera, near Jalelo, on the right bank of the
Isutugan River.
Although reference will be made in the following pages to the collections
from the surface of the desert and Somaliland, only the implements from the
mines in the Wady el Sheikh (the whole of which the Museum acquired) and
in the Wady Sojoor will be described in detail. These comprise about 2000
specimens, but in the figures on pages 82 to 96 nearly all the important
types are pourtrayed. A considerable number are roughly blocked out
implements laid down in an unfinished state, while the majority are specimens
which, by an unlucky stroke when they were partially made, broke in
two, and were dropped from the hands of the artificer upon the ground,
where the two pieces have lain in close relationship undisturbed since that
time till the present day.
The material of which the implements are made is chiefly a yellowish
brown or pale grey, opaque, earthy chert, and is but rarely of the
translucent chalcedonic variety we are more familiar with from the chalk
of England ; some of them, however, are of siliceous limestone, containing
both magnesium and calcium carbonates. The collection may be classified
for the purposes of description into the following groups :—(@) bangles or
bracelets ; (>) hatchet and chisel-like tools ; (¢c) leaf-shaped flints ; (d) knife-
like instruments ; (¢) hoes, clod-breakers, or agricultural implements; (/)
fabricators ; (g) scrapers; (1) cores and flakes ; and (7) nondescript worked
(a) Bangles or Bracelets.—What was intended to be such an
ornament is represented on page 82, Fig. 8. It is unfortunately incomplete,
and apparently was broken in the process of finishing. This bracelet
had before its accident an internal diameter of about 2 inches; and an
external one of 3} inches. It does not require to be pointed out how dextrous
the artificer must have been who succeeded in making many such ornaments ;
or, that these when made must have been considered of great value. Only
comparatively few bangles similar to these have been found. There are two
complete specimens—twins in form and flaking to that here figured—in the
Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford, which were described and pictured by General
Pitt-Rivers in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute in 1881, vol. xi.,
p- 385, plate xxxi. There he so speaks of them :—‘I had for some years
possessed two flint bracelets, which had attracted the attention of anthro-
pologists on account of their excellent workmanship. . . They were
found in one of the tombs near Koorneh, but no further particulars respecting
them had reached me. These objects being unique, so far as I know, and
being undoubtedly genuine, it had always struck me as singular that so
unsuitable a material as flint should have been employed for the purpose.
The bracelets are entirely formed by chipping, no grinding or polishing being
seen on any part of their surface. Amongst the flints which strewed the
surface on Gebel Assart were a large number of round nodules. :
They were evidently imported to this spot for flaking, and most of them
were more or less chipped by the flint workers. They all consist of a central
body surrounded by a ring of the same material. Mr. Newbold describes
these bodies thus :—‘I may briefly notice,’ he says, ‘some singular siliceous
bodies that occasionally oceur imbedded in the marine limestone, and are
particularly numerous in the limestone rocks of Thebes. . . . These
bodies [called morpholites by Ehrenberg] usually assume the shape of
spheroids encircled by a belt resembling the delineation of a planet with its
belt. . . . . . The ring or belt surrounding the main body is often
divided from it only by a thin partition, and sometimes the ring only is found.
: The material is identical with that of the bracelets in my possession,
and it seems evident that the idea of forming a bracelet of them has been
suggested by the form of the stones. By chipping out the central body, or
by using a flint from which the central body had disappeared through natural
causes, the remaining ring might easily be chipped through into the form of
the bracelets . ., thus accounting for the existence of an abnormal
structure which, as anthropologists are aware, so rarely presents itself in
relics of a barbarous age.”
The idea of forming a flint bangle may have originated, as here suggested
by General Pitt-Rivers ; but no one who compares the figures of the Koorneh
bangles in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, with Fig. 8 from the
mines of Wady el Sheikh, can fail to be satisfied that they have both been
formed in the same manner—for, as I have said above, they are similar in
every particular. The series, Figs. 1 to 8, speaks too clearly for itself for
any doubt to remain that the stages here represented have not begun with a
‘morpholite’ ring. The artificer selected or made a flattish flint or siliceous
limestone disk (Fig. 1), trimmed it round, then thinned it by flaking it on
both sides, sometimes finishing it with great care (Figs. 2, 3, 4), sometimes,
however, proceeding to the next stage (Fig. 5) without wasting his time on
what too often proved to be a fruitless labour. For the next stage involved
the delicate and extremely dangerous operation of perforating the disk.
From Figs. 2, 3, and 4 it may be seen that this stroke, while in every case
making a perforation, broke also the disk—Fig. 4 more clearly than the
other two showing the small cone which had successfully been displaced,
though at the same moment the operation fractured the disk. _ Figs. 5, 6,
and 7 show how the first perforation was enlarged by judiciously chipping
it into a wider and wider ring, while Fig. 8 illustrates an almost completed
ornament, in which the careful and anxious labour of many days was
lost by a most unlucky, but by no means necessarily a careless, stroke
of the artist. ;
M. de Morgan in his Recherches sur les Origines de 0 Egypte (vol.i. p. 147), and
Mr. Spurrell, in Petrie & Quibell’s Naqgada and Ballas, pl. Ixxv., fig. 100,
figure specimens of very delicate bangles from Abydos and Ballas respectively
(of which the Mayer Museum possesses a specimen, presented by the
Egypt Exploration Fund), which have been finished by grinding and
polishing till the thickness of the flint is reduced to j of an inch, a most
surprising piece of workmanship, which calls from M. de Morgan the remark,
“Les bracelets de silex sont 4 coup stir les pitces les plus curieuses du_pre-
historique ¢gyptien, et l’on se demande avec raison comment il a été possible
de tailler par éclats, sans briser l'objet, des anneaux de 0",07 de diametre
exterieur et de 0",005 seulement d'epaisseur. . . . Ce ceul fait
suffirait pour qu'il soit permis de considérer les autochtones de I'Egypte
comme les plus habiles ouvriers de l’antiquité dans la taille du silex.” Mr.
Spurrell, supporting the theory of General Pitt-Rivers, holds that these
Ballas bracelets “were made by chipping rings of flint naturally formed.”
M. de Morgan, on the other hand, suggests the manner of fabrication to have
been what our figures prove was certainly one method of procedure, and he
believes that the piercing of the “trow initial” was done by means of a
pointed punch of quartz. Punches, indeed, made of flint flakes which might
well have been so used, occur in Mr. Seton-Karr’s collection. Mr. Spurrell
observes also that in section these beautifully and delicately finished rings
show ‘“a great change at the surface, greater than their age would warrant
if made out of flint directly from the rock, though just such an amount as
might be expected from flint which had lost part of its silica by exposure
in the gravel and become porous.” The ring fragments figured on page 82
have been made out of flint quarried directly from the rock ; but as
different qualities of flint apparently vary in rate of weathering, it may
still be that these Abydos and Ballas specimens are really the final stage
of such rings, as Fig. 8 and those now in the Oxford Museum, when they
are made of weathered flint. Yet, on the other hand, it is more probable
that the “morpholite flints,” being in a different physical condition, were
the first stage of those marvellously delicate bijowx which were perhaps,
therefore, made chiefly by careful grinding and little, if at all, by chipping.
(}) Axe and Chisel-like Tools.— These implements, illustrated on
pages 83 to 86 (Figs. 9 to 17), have all a general axelike form. The
majority of them are more or less pointed at one end, with a wider rounded,
but not a finely worked effective or cutting edge at the other, and were very
probably intended to be attached to a split wooden handle. Figs. 9, 10, and
11 are implements elegant in shape, narrowing from their pointed end in a grace-
ful outward curve to their widest part, whence commences their arcuate edge.
Fig. 9 is 7} inches in length by 4,%, at its widest part. Mr. Seton-Karr has
figured in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. xxvii. pl. i. fig. 2
(1897), a very finished specimen of this type (found by Johnson Pasha), of the
same dimensions as Fig. 9. Fig. 10 —7,°, inches long—widens gradually from
its narrower (unfortunately broken) end towards its operative edge, where it
is 5 inches wide. Fig. 11, in size 6,5, inches long by 3,5, at its widest part
where the arcuate edge commences, is less neatly finished. Fig. 15, which is
6 inches long by 3 at the tangents to its cutting edge, is very similar to it.
Fig. 12 is 8}} inches in length, and has its margins convex and the cutting
edge nearly straight, and so its widest part (44 inches) is near the middle of
the blade. Though larger, this specimen closely resembles two implements
found in the kitchen-middens of Kom-Achim, and figured by M. de Morgan
in his Recherches sur les Origines de ? Egypte, vol. i. page 140, figs. 296, 297.
Fig. 13 (83%; inches long by 5;), at its widest part) is more pointed at the
narrower end than any of the specimens so far noticed, and has its cutting
edge more arcuate. Fig. 14 is of quite a different form, and had probably
also a different use. It is 9Z inches in greatest length, and 5,%, in greatest
breadth. It is a flattish spear-shaped flint, with an equilateral triangular
tang 23 inches beyond its widest part, for attachment, perhaps, to a shaft
by a figure-of-eight lashing, so as to be used as a spear or javelin point.
In its present unfinished state it is, however, impossible to say what it was
really intended for. Fig. 17 is a very shapely chisel-like implement, 63 inches
in length, widening gradually from 2 inches at its head to 3 inches at its
widest part, where the arcuate edge begins. It is flat on one surface, and
flattish, though more flaked, on the other, having a thickness of 4 to ? inch.
It is remarkably similar to examples of ‘axes’ or ‘hoe-blades’ figured by
M. de Morgan in the work already cited (vol. i. figs. 76*, 77, and 78, p. 96,
* This specimen measures 64 inches in length, and widening from 1} at the head to
3,5 at the tangents to its cutting edges, while its thickness is + inch.
ar” UL lh eee em
(From a@ Photograph by Mr. H. W. Seton-Karr.)
Fig. 10.
Fie. 13.
Fig. 16.
Fic. 19.
Fria. 20.
Fig. 21.
S <3
BiG. 22:
I ae
Fig. 24.
Fia. 2:
Fig. 34.
7A 4
as € A.
Vie. 36.
Fic. 39. Fig. 40.
Fig. 43.
Fig. 45.
Fig. 46.
and vol. ii, p. 96), from Akhmim and Hoou (in Upper Egypt), and even
more so to one obtained by. Prof. Petrie at Kahun, and figured in his J//ahun,
Kahun, and Gurob (pl. vi.*, fig. 1). Fig. 16—9} inches long—is in form
more “paleolithic” than most of the others. It is deeply eroded by the
action of sand, and stained almost black by exposure to the weather. From
a more or less rounded butt, which is 32 inches at its widest, it narrows to a
point, which was evidently the operative end when the thicker part was
grasped in the hand. It may have been used with the thin end in the hand
as a hammering or chipping instrument. The lower right-hand border in
the figure shows subsidiary flaking to produce a singular ‘undulating margin,
unless this may perhaps be the result of using the tool. The flint out of
which it is made is the same greyish chert seen-in the others above
described, and associated with it in the workings. There are two or three
others in the collection similar to it.
(c) Leaf=shaped Flints.—In Figs. 18 and 19 I have shown two of
these oval or leaf-shaped implements, the former being 6,5, inches long by 22
wide ; and the latter 44 long by 2 wide. They are well and symmetrically
chipped, and about equally convex on both surfaces. The side in each exposed
to the weather is almost black, and brightly polished by natural causes. As
they have neither cutting edges nor sharp points, it is difficult to conjecture
for what use they were intended.t Sir John Evans figures, from Fimber, on
page 337 of his Ancient Stone Implements (Ed. 1897), what he designates as a
“Jance head,” which, though somewhat smaller in size—being 34 inches long
by 1¢ wide—and more rounded at the ends, is sufficiently like ours in general
appearance to suggest that they had all three the same use, whatever it may
have been.
(7) Knife=like Instruments.—The sixteen instruments shown in
Figs. 20 to 35 present a great variety of forms, but they all appear to me to
be modifications of cutting instruments. While some are only rough-
hewn, others have had much careful work bestowed on them. Others,
again, were nearly completed when they were seemingly broken by an un-
lucky stroke, and a few, beautifully finished, were left at the workshop—one
wonders why. Figs. 20 to 23 and 28 29, and 33 to 35 are all from the W ady
el Sheikh mines, the remainder bea found at the workings in the W ady
Sojoor. Fig. 20 (which is 74 inches Tong by 3 inches wide) is a flat, roughly
blocked out implement, suitable for a flaying instrument, whose sharp edge,
3? inches in extent, was to run along the upper right-hand side. Fig. 21
(represented here of the natural size), has a nearly semicircular back, with a
slightly arcuate cutting face, and was probably used in scraping or preparing
hides. The same use may be assigned to the next implement (Fig. 22),
which is considerably longer, though only slightly broader, being 7} inches
by 23. Figs. 23 and 24 are, the one a partially fashioned, and the other an
almost fully finished, double-pointed knife ; the former is 94 inches long by 3,4;
wide, and the latter 6;°; inches long by 1} wide. Such a knife might well be
used dagger-wise in piercing the heart or the throat in the slaying of cattle
*'The dimensions of this ‘axe’ or ‘hoe’ are about 74 inches long, narrowing from
2;\, inches at the head to 3,% at the cutting edge.
+ Prof. Herdman, F.R.S., suggests to me that they may have been employed for
scooping out boats, scraper-wise—a not at all improbable use.
+ The forms described under sections (b) and (c) are, with the exception of Fig. 14,
identical, as Prof. Boyd-Dawkins has kindly eee out to me in the Manchester
Museum, Owens College, with some of the unfinished implements from the flint ate/iers
of Cissbury, near Worthing. Both were found by him under similar conditions, close
to and in the flint mines.
for food or sacrifice, as in the scenes pourtrayed on the Beni Hasan
inscriptions, where the killing, flaying, and cutting-up of animals are very
vividly depicted. The knife was probably used “with one end wrapped
round with cord or fibre, or, quite probably, inserted in a wooden handle.
Fig. 24 is skilfully a on both sides, and is very similar to those
implements which Sir John Evans designates ‘“javelin-heads”; and indeed,
except that it is longer, our implement approaches in form and in
style of flaking to a specimen from an oval barrow on Winterbourn
Stoke Beat figured in Ancient Stone Implements (p. 371, fig. 273).
Figs. 25 and 29 (both represented of the natural size) are—or were
‘afonded to be—pointed knives, with a straight back, a curved cutting edge,
and a somewhat rounded handle-end, which in use would, no doubt, ba
whipped round with cloth or papyrus leaves. Figs. 26, 27, and 28 are all
beautifully flaked instruments, useful cither for cutting or puncturing. They
differ from Figs. 25 and 29 in having the handle-end (to the left in the figure)
more pointed, especially in Figs. 26 and 27, where that portion of the flint
is narrowed as if to receive a | whipping of some sort, or to be inserted in a
wooden handle. The dimensions of these three instruments are : -—Fig. 26,
9,%; inches long by 2,}; at the widest part of the blade; Fig. 27, 7°; inches
long by 1? across the blade; and Fig. 28, 743 inches long by 24 at its
widest part. An implement very similar in form to those of Figs. 25 and
28 is figured by Prof. Petrie‘ among the stone implements discovered by
him in Kahun, a town of the XIlth dynasty. Figs. 26, 27, and. 28
recall the flint knives found in Scandinavia. Indeed, many of the
specimens collected by Mr. Seton-Karr in the Wady Sojoor (and _ still in
his collection) are hardly to be seo tenely from many of those
from Denmark. Fig. 30 (8,5, inches long by 2% at the widest part of
the blade) is a rough- hewn cutting implement, with a tang 3 inches in
length for the attachment of a handle. The same form—similar to IVth
dynasty implements—has been figured by M. de Morgan, both uncompleted t
(found at Dimeh) and in a beautifully finished state? (supposed to be from
Abydos). Fig. 31, also a roughly blocked out implement, was apparently
intended to be double- edged, and to be attached by a tang—2,'5 inches in
length—to a lance- shaft as its tip. Its length is 512 inches, and its greatest
breadth 23. In Fig. 32 we have a triangular-bladed or harpoon-shaped
implement, 7% inches nae by 2£ im greatest breadth, having a tang 2$ inches
in length, by which it was probably attached to the point of a spear-shaft or
a fish-harpoon. Professor Petrie has figured$ a nearly identical specimen
(with its point unfortunately broken off), found by him in Kahun, and
M. de Morgan one found at Toukh on the surface, while the Mayer
Museum possesses from Egypt a_ similarly shaped implement, of un-
known history, in copper or bronze. Fig. 33 is a fragment of unusual
shape, 5{ inches in length (classed under the present section for want of
a better surmise as to its use), showing little more than the butt end, with a
knobbed termination, as if it had been intended to tie it to a handle or
shaft. Figs. 34 and 35 (the former a rough three-sided bar of flint, 74 inches
in length “by 27, wide, and the latter a flat disk of the natural size) are
evidently, the one a roughly blocked out knife, and the other the terminal
fragment of a rough- hewn blade broken in the making.
(¢) Hoes, Clod-Breakers, or Agricultural Implements.—Of the forms
represented in Figs. 36 and 37 the large number in the collections indicates
* Tlahun, Kahun, and Gurob, pl. vii., fig. 7
+ Recherches sur les Origines de 0 Egypte, vol. i. p. 109, fig. 118. $Id. i. p. 110, fig. 124.
§Mlahun, Kahun, and Gurob, pl. vii., fig. 16.
that they were implements in extensive demand. The former (Fig. 36), a
very symmetrically formed tool, is 6} inches in length and 2? at its widest
part. It is knobbed at the handle, from which it widens gradually to a
beautifully rounded effective end. The surface presented in the figure is
bevelled from a central ridge, while the lower is worked to a smooth
cycloidal curve. It was evidently lashed, when in use, to some sort of
handle, and may have been employed as a hoe. One specimen is made
of a flint containing a large quantity of lime. Fig. 37 was found in large
numbers in the majority of the mines in the Wady el Sheikh. It is a roughly
triangular pointed block of flint (8} inches long by 2} wide), with a long
deep notch in front of a prominent knob to serve either as a grip for the
hand, or to receive numcrous plies of strong thong or cord to attach it
to a wooden handle for use perhaps in some agricultural operation, such as
clod-breaking. Mr. Seton-Karr has suggested that these “ truncheons,” as
he names them, were tools used at the mines by the artificers (hung
when not in use to their waist by a thong), in the fabrication of other
stone implements, or to dig the flint nodules out of the limestone in
which they occur. It seems difficult to reconcile this opinion with
the fact that not one of the many examples brought to England in
this collection presents a sign of having been used for any purpose, as
they must have shown: had they been quarry or workshop tools. Many of
them, indeed, are unfinished, having neither handle nor knob. They must be
implements either half made, or, though very rough, finished sufficiently for
the purpose for which they were intended. Fig. 38, found in the Wady
Sojoor, is, so far as I know, unique in collections from Egypt or from any-
where else. It is a flattish, quadrilateral, Maltese-cross-shaped piece of
flint, with one of its angles elongated into a point. Its length is 8}# inches,
and its greatest breadth 7,°;. If it is not a rough-hewn implement only,
unrecognisable in its present form, it was used in one of two ways : either the
elongated point was a handle and the tool was a pick, in which case the
lower angle (in the figure) would be the operative end, where there are
indeed marks of wear, if they be not rather pittings due to the heat of the
sun ; or the flint was fixed to a handle by a figure of eight lashing, when the
operative end would be the longer pointed (right-hand) angle ; but, if so, I
can suggest no use to which the implement could be put. There is a
suggestion in it of the curious instrument “like three celts . conjoined
. . . to forma sort of tribrach,” figured by Sir John Evans in his. Ancient
Stone Implements from the Isle of Wight (p. 77, fig. 254).
(f) Fabricators.—The two cylindrical fabricators or hammer-stones
seen in Figs. 39 (formed of siliceous sandstone) and 40 (of limestone) are
both nearly of the same size, about 3 inches in diameter and 2} between the
flattened ends, which show signs of wear. Their provenance is the Wady-el
Sheikh, near Camp XV., 1897 (see map), where they were not numerous ;
but they might equally well have come from a Yorkshire barrow from
any difference in form they present. M. de Morgan has figured specimens*
very similar to these from the kitchen-middens of Toukh in the Nile Delta.
(7) Scrapers.—Fig. 47 represents a scraper (54 inches long by 24 wide)
of typical “ paleeolithic” form, found at one of the workshops near Mr. Seton-
Karr’s Camp X. in 1897, in the Wady el Sheikh. Its exposed face is tinted by
age a black colour almost, and its surface is soft and velvety. The flint of
which it is formed is the same quality, and presents the same general facies
as all the other implements from the same district. It is hardly less ancient
*Op. cit. p. 91, fig. 57.
in appearance than another scraper (Fig. 45, natural size), or the doubt-
ful scraper (Fig. 46, natural size), both of which, of unmistakable
“paleolithic type,” were picked up from the surface of the western desert
near Thebes. They present, perhaps, a more velvety surface on both faces,
but their reddish brown “ eonic tinting” is no deeper than, if it be even as
deep as, that of Fig. 47.
(h) Cores and Flakes.—Flint cores (of which Fig. 42—a trihedral
wedge or “shoe-shaped ” blocklet of flint 5,°, inches long by 13 wide—is an
illustration) are very numerous in the collection. From them oe evidently
struck the many thousands of long fine flakes which were lying all around at
the ateliers in the Wady el Sheikh and Wady Sojoor. Only a very few,
however, of the flakes appear ever to have been worked or used for any
purpose, as their margins are quite perfect and unbroken. One or two are
roughly pointed, per haps to be used as punches; and if so, probably in making
the initial perforation in the flat disks intended for branclets:: nee bes
were extensively used, it is believed, by the stone masons in dynastic times
to smooth as well as to inscribe the faces of limestone blocks, and also in the
operations connected with the preparation of the corpse for mummiftication.
Why so many thousands of them—all perfect as flakes—should have
been struck off and never carried away is difficult to comprehend. One can
easily perceive that they were not refuse-chips discarded in the formation
of some other implement out of those shoe-like flints (Fig. 42), for these
were evidently never intended for anything but cores. Many of them, indeed,
have been worked down almost to the stump and so left. M. de Morgan*
who states that these nuclei are very abundant in Egypt in every district
from Cairo to Thebes, figures, from the kitchen-middens at Toukh, somewhat
similar examples to that shown on page 94.
(‘) Nondescript Worked Stones.—In the collection there are many
rough-hewn heavy bars of flint of which Fig. 41 is a good example. This
block (17 inches in length by 33 deep), is three-sided, and more pointed at
one end than the other; the ridge of its rough triangle is zig-zagged by
having large flakes struck off alternately and equidistantly from each side
of the middle line. Unless a very long knife, or a long hoe or digger to be
used attached to an angled haft, were to be manufactured from this stone, it
is difficult to conjecture for what use it was intended. Some of these blocks,
I may remark in passing, are deeply pitted by sun-flaking. Figs. 43 and 44
are other roughly blocked out implements of unknown use. Fig. 43 is more
or less five-sided, 7? inches long, 14 wide, and 22 deep. Fig. 44, a trihedral
bar, is 9} inches in length by 2 24 across the base. I find it quite impossible
to suggest a probable use for the tools of which these heavy stones are the
rough-hewn outlines.
From Cairo southward as far as Esna—about 500 miles—the Nile, as
every tourist knows, runs in a deep but comparatively narrow valley.
The banks are high and precipitous—much higher on the eastern side than on
the western—the walls being of lmestone of which the lower strata are of
Upper Cretaceous age, and the higher of the well-known nummulitic beds of
the Eocene, full of flints. The yellowish white or yellowish brown walls of
these escarpments—descending in many places in three great steps to the river
plain—have their beds so symmetrically laid one above another as to seem, as
Maspero has well remarked, “more like the walls of a town than the side of
a mountain.” The “tread” of these steps forms more or less level plateaux ;
the tableland of the highest terrace extending on the east ot the N ile into the
*Op. cit. pp. 90, 91.
Arabian, and on the west into the Libyan deserts. Above Esna the lime-
stones disappear, and give place to the far southward-extending Jurassic
(Nubian) sandstones which repose on the igneous metamorphic rocks con-
stituting the core of the African continent. As the flint nodules are found
only in the nummulitic limestone, just as they are in the chalk of England,
the implementiferous districts of the Nile Valley naturally lie between Cairo
and Esna.
The quarries or pits, from which the main collection I am now describing
came, are situated in the Wady el Sheikh. This Nile tributary (now, of course,
nearly always dry) opens from the south-east into the mud-plain of the
(From a Photograph by Mr. Seton-Karr.)
river opposite El Fent, which is situated half-way between the stations of
Feshn and Maghagha on the railway from Cairo to Assiout. The Wady
Sojoor, in which was situated the mine found in 1896, les roughly about
“10 miles east of Maghagha, and about the same distance south of the mines
opposite El Fent.”
In the winters of 1896 and 1897 Mr. Seton-Karr camped at fifteen places
in the Wady el Sheikh, as he has laid down in his sketch survey, reproduced
on a reduced scale on the map facing page 77, where the sites of the mines
which he explored from these camps are also indicated. It will be seen
from the numerous workings how extensively the ancient Egyptians quarried
for flint in this one Wady; the majority of the excavations are situated
on its right bank, and generally on the lowest and middle plateaux, which
here rise in three tiers from the dry, sandy bed of the stream. Each
excavation or mine was also the site of the workshop of the skilled artificer
in flint or limestone, as it naturally would be, so that he might be near the
newly-extracted material, and be saved the trouble and cost of carrying it
elsewhere till the work was at least rough hewn.* A view of these plateaux
is given on page 81. The workings were situated either along ledges in the
face of the cliffs as seen in the view on the preceding page, or were shafts sunk
in the level ground on the terrace-“ treads,” of which two excellent views are
(From a Photograph by Mr. Seton-Karr.)
given, from photographs taken by Mr. Seton-Karr, reproduced on this and on
the following page (pp. 102, 103).
On these plateaux as on one near Camp XI., 1896, shafts about two feet
*«* We have already seen that the gun-flint knappers of the present day are said to
work most successfully on blocks of flint recently extracted, and those, too, from a
particular layer in the chalk, and it seems probable that the ancient flint-workers were
also acquainted with the advantages of using the flints fresh from the quarry, and
worked them into shape at the pits from which they were dug, not only on account of
the saving in transport of the partly-manufactured articles, but on account of the
greater facility of working the freshly-extracted flints. This working the flints upon
the spot is conclusively shown by the examination of the old flint quarry at Cissbury,
Sussex, by General Pitt-Rivers, then Colonel A. Lane-Fox, and others.”—(Sir John
Evans in Ancient Stone Implements, p. 32.)
in diameter were met with, in many places filled up with drifted sand, and
surrounded by masses of excavated material neatly arranged round them,
as shown in the two illustrations on page 104. Their depth does not seem
to have been great, nor do the flint-workers appear to have driven lateral
galleries from the shafts. Most of the mines had a central work-place, round
which the excavated material was heaped, and where most of the implements
were found.
Examples of the whole of the different forms of implements above described
were not found in every mine. Round all those lying to the east and south-
east of Mr. Seton-Karr’s collecting Camp II. of 1896—which is between 30
View or Swarts oN THE Leven TErRACE-TABLELAND, NEAR CAMP XI., 1896; SHowryne
THE ExcavateD MarertaAL Hearep Rounp THE CENTRAL’ WorK-PLACE.
(From a Photograph by Mr. Seton-Karr.)
and 40 miles east of the Nile—(see the map facing page 77) there were found
only rough flakes with a cutting edge and very rude cores, in association
with hammer stones of rude and shapeless lumps of flint. In descending
the Wady, at the next halting-place, Camp I. of 1896, near a mine on
the right bank, there were found more shapely wedge or shoe-like cores
(as in Fig. 42), surrounded by fine flakes and in company with clod-
breakers or “truncheons,” which, in being without handle or knob, I take to
be in an unfinished state. Lower down, at Camp. III. of 1896, occurred at
workings on the right bank only, both rough and fine flakes in large numbers,
“truncheons,” knobbed (Fig. 37) and unknobbed, also sickle-shaped knives
(Figs. 21, 22, 25, and 29) and broad, thin double-pointed, leaf-shaped daggers
SHowine Ratsep MatTertaAL PILED up Rowunp.
(From a Photograph by Mr. Seton-Karr.)
View or SHarr with RaisED AND Partiy-WorkKED MarertaL Prep Round Ir.
(From a Photograph by Mr. Seton-Karr.)
(Figs. 23 and 24). Proceeding further along the Wady, the next Camp is
VI. of 1896, whence mines were visited on both banks. On the right bank
the excavations occur on the level ground of the lower and middle plateaux,
and also along the face of the cliff rising to the highest tableland. Along
this cliffface, but not elsewhere here, knobbed clod-breakers occurred, along
with broken armlets and the flat disks out of which they were made (Figs.
1 to 8). On the left bank were workings which Mr. Seton-Karr believes
to be of greater age than those on the right bank, but they contained no
implements. A short distance further along, near the Camps XII. of 1897
and V. of 1896, extensive workings had been made on the right
bank, as excavations on the “treads” and in the “risers” of the lower
and middle plateaux, as well as numerous circular shafts now partly
filled up with sand. These sites yielded broken armlets and thin disks
(Figs. 1 to 8), thin double-pointed leaf-shaped knives (Figs. 23 and 24), and
knobbed clod-breakers or “truncheons” (Fig. 37). Proceeding about five
miles further down the gully, past a high cliff where the three eastern
plateaux meet in one face, Camp XI. of 1897 is reached, where the right
bank is again seen cut into wide, well-marked, step-like terraces, on whose
lower and middle tiers have been made numerous excavations, round which
were obtained many rude flakes, knobbed “truncheons,” and armlet disks.
Some five or six miles still further down, following the bed of the stream,
another collecting station (Mr. Seton-Karr’s Camps XIV. and X. of
1897) yielded from the mines, on the left. bank, leaf-shaped flints
(Figs. 18 and 19), large axe-like or spear-headed implements (Figs.
9 to 15), unknobbed “truncheons,” and scrapers of “ palzeolithic” forms
(Fig. 47). A mile or two still nearer the Nile there commences a long chain
of workings in the lower plateau of the right bank, both on the flat and on
the face of the cliff rising to the middle terrace. The four collecting stations
(IV. of 1896, LX. of 1897, VII. and VIII. of 1896), which were established in
the eight miles or so along which the workings here extend, yielded unknobbed
“truncheons ” or clod-breakers ; broad-bladed axe-like implements (Figs.
9-15), and a few knives. Near his Camp XV. of 1897, situated on the mud-
plain of the Nile, close to the entrance to the Wady el Sheikh, Mr. Seton-Karr
discovered (in workings which he believed to be more ancient than those a
few miles higher up just described), the scarce round hammer-stones of which
two examples are represented on page 93 (Figs. 39 and 40).
The questions now arise—What is the age of these implements from the
Wady el Sheikh and Wady Sojoor, and how long probably were the
mines worked ?
Large numbers of stone implements—exclusive of those from tombs,
temples, and sites of habitation—have been discovered in various parts of the
Nile Valley and the adjacent deserts, the majority of them rude, ovoid, lance-
or tongue-shaped implements, flints of undefinable use, and flakes. They have
been picked up (with hardly an exception) on the surface of the ground, and
have been much discussed and been variously assigned by some to the
paleolithic age, by others to the neolithic or the historic periods. So it is
still a question requiring investigation and demanding settlement which of
the stone ages these implements belong to. No find of implements so ex-
tensive as the one which is the subject of this paper has ever been made in
Egypt, nor had any previously been found in relation to the mines
which supplied the material, or to the workshops in which they were
fabricated. A study of this collection, therefore, may perhaps contribute
some new facts towards the settlement of this interesting question.
The vast chronology of prehistoric man—it may be useful to recall—is
reckoned by the ages during which, as he advanced in civilisation, he
employed the different materials stone, bronze, and iron to make his more
imperishable tools and weapons out of. The earliest of these, the age during
which man used stone implements, presents two epochs—an older (Paleolithic)
and a newer (Neolithic) period.
The characters of the paleolithic implements are nodules of flint (chiefly),
or quartzite rudely chipped into invariably unpolished scrapers, tongue-
shaped instruments, hammers, and other tools. They are glossy of surface,
smooth-edged, and patinated by the weather or chemical changes in the
beds where they have reposed. They have been preserved to our day by
being, without exception, buried under the (often stalagmitic) floors of the
caves in which their makers sheltered, dwelt, or worked ; or under the mud
accumulated over their workshops by lake-inundations ; or beneath the drift
gravels left in the course of fresh water streams into which their handiwork
had been washed by floods. In association with these implements are found
the remains of animals which have for ages been extinct or have long
vanished from their former haunts. The sites in which they are found in
England indicate that they were deposited at a time when our island was still
united to a larger Ireland, and was undissevered by the North Sea and the
English Channel from the Continent of Europe, and when the latter was united
to Northern Africa—a period distant from ours estimated by some geologists
at tens, and by others at hundreds, of thousands of years.
The implements of the neolithic time show a great advance in the science
and art of the fabrication of flint. Many of them are highly artistic in form,
being beautifully worked and often finished to a rich polish. They are
nearly always found on the surface of the ground on the floors of the
undisturbed caves which the man of the period occupied, and in the kitchen
middens in front of them ; or in the refuse heaps accumulated under the pile
dwellings he occupied on the margin of lakes, or in graves entombed beside
his bones. If found buried, however, they are always in beds which indicate
that in the time of these inhabitants the country presented practically the
same topographical features, and contained the same fauna that it does to-day.
In Europe neolithic man lived in the present, and paleolithic man in the
previous, or Pleistocene, geological period.
The existence of flint mines and workshops in the eastern desert of
Egypt—if known to the Bedawin—has been buried in oblivion so far as any
Egyptian traveller, explorer, or archeologist is concerned, since the ancient
date, when they were, perhaps precipitately, deserted by the quarrymen and
artificers, till they were re-discovered by Mr Seton-Karr.* There. exists,
therefore, so far as I have been able to gather, neither legend nor tradition in
regard to them. We have, consequently, no help in this direction as to the
age of the implements or the mines.
The shade of discolouration, or the patina, and the amount of wear which
the surface of the flint exhibits, are among the criteria which archzologists
appeal to in estimating the age of stone implements. “The safest and,
indeed, the most common indication,” says Sir John Evans, “ of an implement
being really genuine is the alteration in the structure of the flints . . and
the discolouration it has undergone.”
*Mr. Greg, in a paper in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, in 1881, men-
tions the great abundance of flakes of flint over an extent of some miles on the tableland
on the east side of the Nile opposite Feshn. It is remarkable that no one in the
intervening fifteen years should have visited the adjoining Wady, or recorded
occurrence of implements which apparently abound in such large numbers there. I have
it from Mr. Seton-Karr that Johnson Pasha seems to have observed some of the mines
in passing across this very region many years ago, as well as to have picked up on the
ground a few implements, now all lost, with the exception of one which has been
figured by Mr. Seton-Karr in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. xxvii.
pl. x. fig. 2; but that he gave the excavations no careful examination, as he was led
to believe that the workings had been made by Arabs in search of gold.
Now, as already mentioned, a large proportion of the flint implements
found at the mines are discarded specimens broken in half in the chipping.
In many cases the two portions, in falling to the ground from the maker's
hands, dropped the one part with the up-turned surface the reverse of that of
its fellow, with the result that when the pieces are re-united the surfaces of
the completed implement have each a moiety dark, the effect of sunlight and
weathering, and a moiety, in striking contrast, of nearly the original yellowish
white, or yellowish grey colour of the chert. The exposure in many
instances has been sufficiently prolonged for the skyward side of the stone
to attain a deep dark brown, almost black, colour. The history of not a few
of these flints, as read from its imprint on the opposite faces of the two halves
(unfortunately scarcely perceptible in the figures), is most interesting. An
implement may have the surface of one of its halves almost black from
incessant protracted exposure, while its lower aspect is almost white from
lying protected in the sand undisturbed ; the other half, after reposing
with one face upon the desert surface for about half the time that its fellow
had, seems to have been by some accident turned down-face up to lie baking
in sun, wind, and rain for an equally long period, for both of its faces are about
equally tanned, to about one-half the tint of the black surface of the
other portion of the implement. Another implement, after the unlucky blow
that broke it in two, was fated to lie with the surface of one of its halves
exposed till it acquired a brown-black patina, when it was by some agency
reversed and lay with its lower aspect skyward sufficiently long to attain a
deep reddish brown tint, which is but a discolouration in comparison with the
hue of its darker face. The upward face of the other half of the same tool
seems to have reposed amid the unbroken stillness of the desert, with a narrow
flake athwart it till the weather had stencilled its form across the bronzing
surface of the flint. After that uncomputable period, the flake was dis-
placed, mayhap by the foot of a human wanderer or the fleeting hoofs of an
ibex or a gazelle, without disturbing the upturned ‘surface of the fragment,
whose continued exposure to the elements more deeply bronzed the flint
without entirely obliterating the stencilled streak across it. Then what had
during these quiet years been the nether side was by some accident at last
upturned to the sun, beneath which it was baked to a deep bronze, then
finally buried in the protecting sand till the day it was carried away from the
desert ; for neither of its surfaces has acquired anything like the depth of
patination of the darkest face of the other half. Now, some gauge of the rate
of this “‘zeonic tinting” is given us by so great an authority as Professor Petrie:
— The old desert surfaces are stained dark brown by exposure during long
ages, and this colour, varying from orange to black, is characteristic of
all the flints of early age from this plateau. It is certain that only a faint
tinge of brown is produced on flints that are at least 7000 years old under the
like conditions ; and this may give a slight scale of the ages that have past
since flint was worked here by paleolithic man.” Tested by this standard,
the bulk of the Seton-Karr collection must be many times 7000 years old.
The great majority of the specimens—even the deepest stained from the
western desert—have their edges and the outlines of the flakings as sharp
and unworn as the day they were made. A few, however, are deeply eroded
by drifting sand, while others present, in addition to their discolouration, the
soft glossy surface and rounded angles and edges—marks, in the opinion of
archeological authorities, indicative of high antiquity—which characterise
the water-worn flints from the drift-beds of Europe of palzeolithic age. These
implements are of the same material as the others from the Wady el Sheikh
or Wady Sojoor mines, with nothing about them to point to their being of a
different age or make from their associates in the same workshop.
The implements figured in the foregoing pages were all found on the
surface of the desert lying, with the exception of Figs. 45 and 46,
around the mines or workings whence was dug the flint out of which they
have been fashioned. The rudeness of many of them is due not to primitive
workmanship, but to their being half-made tools, discarded on their fracture.
For closely associated with the most unfinished of them were found
examples of such knowledge and precision in the art of flint-flaking as the
knives delineated in Figs. 24, 26, and 28; and the perfect adaptation of eye
and hand as the broken fragments of the bangle on page 82, Figs. 1 to 8
Dr. Petrie has figured a number of the flint tools found by him in
Kahun, the town wherein dwelt the workmen who built at Ilahun the
pyramids and temples of Usertesen II., the fourth King of the XIIth
dynasty, who reigned from 2684 to 2660 B.c. Now, as I have already
pointed out, in describing in detail on a former page the implements brought
by Mr. Seton-Karr, a great number of them are so close in material, form, and
character to those figured from Kahun that there can be little doubt that
both sets were made about the same centuries—indeed, some of the Kahun
tools might have been taken from the workshops of the Wady el Sheikh, for
many of them are hardly more finished than some of those left at the
Moreover, in the inscriptions reproduced in Beni Hasan, vol. ii, pls. vii,
viii., by Mr. Griffith of the Egypt Exploration Fund, we see in the hands
of the butchers and skinning-men flint knives closely resembling those from
In Toms 15, Brent Hasan.
“‘The illustration shows the complete scene with the inscription sekht sefu, lit.
‘striking knives,’ or ‘flints.’ . . . It seems to have been the custom for the
knife me akers to work sitting on the ground, and frequently in groups of two. Besides
the knives, they have only two instruments of their trade, an anvil and a fabricator”
(Gritith, Beni Hasan, vol. iii., p- 34).
(By the courtesy of the Egypt Exploration Fund.)
the Wady el Sheikh (Fig. 28) and Wady Sojoor (Fig. 25), proving that knives
were being made of this material for common use in the XIth dynasty—
a date far down in the historic period. By the kindness of the Committee of
the Fund, I am able to reproduce on this and the following page a couple of
scenes from two tombs at Beni Hasan, showing the flint workers busy in the
making of flint knives, chipping them sometimes held in the hand, some-
times resting on an anvil.
M. de Mor gan has thrown some doubt on the contemporaneity of the
stone implements and the building of the Illahun pyramid, suggesting that
Usertesen’s pyramid may have been built on the site of an old neolithic town.
“It is incredible,” replies Mr. Griffith, “that such specimens are really neolithic
tools which were lying on the surface of the ground when the city of Kahun
was built in the XIIth dynasty and were afterwards mixed up with the
handiwork of the inhabitants. . . .” The axes found at Lisht, a
town of the beginning of the XIIth dynasty, are identical, Mr. Griffith also
points out, with those from Kahun. It is not, however, disputed, I believe,
that the views and inscriptions on the walls at Beni Hasan picture for us
what was actually to be witnessed at the period of their inscribing in the
XIIth dynasty.
Mr. Quibell, in Nagada and Ballas, page 50, records how he cleared a small
town (“South Town”), a settlement of a people, once but no longer, called
the ‘New Race,” * whom Professor Petrie believes to be of Libyan origin,
and to be related to the Kabyles and Berbers living to-day in Algeria, who
occupied Egypt in predynastic times, that is, anterior to 4700 B.C. ; how
while in the houses of this town occurred pieces of almost “every variety of
pottery we know from the New [predynastic] Race graves,” he found strew-
TomsB 2, Brent Hasan. r
“The chipping is all done in a downward direction. Two of the workmen are hold-
ing up their knives to test the accuracy of their work. . . . It is clear the fabri-
cators were tipped’ with some material different from that of the: shafts. :
Possibly they consisted of flint flakes set in wooden handles,” Many of the finished
knives ‘are provided with handles formed by binding round the butt end of the knife
with cord (?) worked into a little knob at the end” (Griffith, Bent Hasan, vol. iii., p- 35).
(By the courtesy of the Egypt Exploration Fund.)
ing over the sites large numbers of flints—rough, ovoid, and rudely chipped
—so different from the wrought flints on the graves of the same race as to
suggest that they could not be of the same age and people, yet he concludes
that “these ovoid flints were the common domestic implements of the New
[predynastic] Race.” . . . Besides these and a scraper, which, though
smaller, is very similar in shape to Fig. 47 on page 96 from the Wady
Sojoor, “many saw-flints were found from sickles, showing that the New
[predynastic] Race reaped with flint sickles, as did the Egyptians [at
a later period].” Now in the graves of the sume people the wrought
flnts . . . “are the finest examples of such work that are known from
any country or age. The regular and systematic surface flaking and the
notching of the edges are of the most delicate style, surpassing even the
Danish art of flint-work.”
*M. de Morgan a démontre avec beaucoup de probabilities que la race
découverte par le savant anglais n’etait en realité que la plus ancienne de Egypte.
Elle representait une sorte de sauvageon sur laquelle se greffa la civilisation soumerique
de lancienne Babylonia. (Schweinfurth.)
The next examples of manufactured flint—-many of them very similar to
these ovoid types and to gun flints, or modern “ strike-a-lights”—to which
a date can be assigned, have been found at Medum, whose tombs and
pyramids belong to the [Vth dynasty, about 3900 B.c. Here, where
are found the earliest forms of hieroglyphics,* is pictured the cutting up
of fish with flint knives of forms, according to Professor Petrie, similar to
that of Fig. 30—which is a spoiled rough-hewn specimen. In association
with the flint, it may be mentioned in passing, bronze objects have been
found at Medum made of copper containing 9-1 per cent. of tin.
If, therefore, the tools found at Kahun are really contemporary with
Kahun, we have a date—the XIIth dynasty, about 4500 years ago—at
which the Wady el Sheikh and Wady Sojoor mines were being worked, and
consequently a scale by which we may gauge the depth of patination that
can be acquired by exposure under certain conditions during that
period. If our implement, Fig. 30, a form typical, according to Petrie,
of the IVth dynasty, belongs to that date, then perhaps the quarries
were being worked from 3900 B.c. onwards, though in my own opinion the
patination and general facies of the implements rather bespeak their being
all about equal age, and that only the shape may have persisted.
The depth of tint of discolouration and the character of the stain would seem
to vary very much, however, with the quality or constitution of the flint,
and the nature of the surface on which it lay exposed. Some of the knives,
the armlet fragments, and many of the flakes are apparently quite un-
changed, or darkened slightly, there being at least no patination removable
by concentrated hydrochloric acid, which, generally, quite removes the
(in most cases apparently) ferric oxide stain. On the other hand, the patina
—rich warm brown in colour—on some of the implements from the
Theban plateau on the western desert, stubbornly resists the action of this
acid. Of the knives and (?) hoes most similar to those from Kahun (and
therefore more certainly of XIIth dynasty age), all equally exposed, some
are deeply patinated, and others hardly at all. The patina on the knife
Fig. 28, page 90, resembles a thin blackish brown wash, which turns inky-
black on the application of nitric and hydrochloric acids. In specimens in the
Museum from graves of the predynastic Race —6700 years old—the discoloura-
tion is imperceptible, and no effect is produced by strong hydrochloric acid.
They have, however, been in graves, and are, moreover, of a very different
sort of flint, quite unlike any that is found apparently in the mines in the
two wadys from which comes the collection I have been describing in this
paper. The patination of the latter flints, in many specimens of which there
is much magnesium and calcium carbonate, varies from the natural greyish
white through reddish yellow to black according to the length of exposure. +
The patina would, therefore, appear to be a very uncertain criterion of
the age of a flint implement. The scraper, Fig. 47, page 96, from the Wady
Sojoor, made of the same flint as the majority of the axe-like (%) hoes, has its
less exposed surface only slightly discoloured, while its upper surface is not
only stained almost black, while retaining the sharpness of its flake edges,
but it has acquired the glossy polish which, according to Sir John Evans, is
so characteristic of implements of paleolithic age. Yet it is undoubtedly
part and parcel of the other implements which I have assigned to the
XIIth dynasty. But for its associates it would undoubtedly be classed
* The earliest Egyptian script occurs in the period of the first three dynasties, and
this, and not that of the IV. dynasty, ought surely to constitute the beginning at
least, though not so recognised, of the historic period in Egypt.
+ The palzolithic flakes found by Mr. Spurrell in the mid-pleistocene river deposit
at Crayford, Kent, are, as. Prof. Boyd-Dawkins informs me, unaltered, while those found
by himself at Wookey Hole in a Hyzna Den were altered to the centre.
as palxolithic. Hardly to be distinguished from this scraper by patina
and general appearance are the two implements—one also evidently a
scraper—Fig. 45, page 95, and Fig. 46, page 96—which were found
by Mr. Seton-Karr on the surface of the high plateau of Thebes
on the western bank of the Nile. Both present the rich soft, glossy
surface, and the deep reddish-brown patination (here with difficulty soluble
in strong hydrochloric acid), as well as the form and wear which ought
to characterise a true paleolithic flint. ‘he flint of which they are made
is the same as that of the Wady el Sheikh implements. Gathered on the
same western plateau are in the Museum large numbers of rough-butted,
sharply pear-shaped, flints, with the same deep patination and glossy surface
as Fig. 46, and the same “paleolithic” facies. They are absolutely
indistinguishable from a dozen others from the Wady el Sheikh mines
near Mr. Seton-Karr’s Camps XIV. and X., 1897. Others, identical
almost in shape and characters, have been found by Professor F. Petrie and
by Mr. Quibell on the surface of the high plateau at (among other places)
Ksna and Ballas. These are referred to by Mr. Griffith in the Archwulogical
Lteport of the Egypt Exploration Fund, for 1896-7, page 48, in the following
extract :—“ Egypt,” he says, “as we know it, came into existence in
the pleistocene epoch, and then began the alluvial deposit to which
the richness of the soil is due. But before the formation of the Nile
Valley palzolithic man was on the ground, and he has left us, both
on the surface of the desert and among the gravels, records of his presence
in well-formed axes of flint of the same type that are met with in
England, and as far north as Yorkshire, in France, in Germany, and even in
India and South Africa.” Professor Petrie and Mr. Quibell observe also, in
their Naguda and Ballas, p. 49 :—“ The valley of the Nile is cut down a
depth of 1400 feet through a limestone plateau, the edges of which are deeply
channelled with drainage valleys. . . . On the top of the 1400 feet
plateau are great numbers of worked flints of paleolithic type. =
That the high plateau was the home of man in palolithic times is shown
by the worked flints lying scattered around the centres where they were
actually worked. The Nile, being far higher then, left no mud flats as at
present for habitation ; and the rainfall—as shown by the valley erosion
and waterfalls—must have caused an abundant vegetation on the plateau
where man would live and hunt his game.” ‘The authors figure (pl. Ixviii.,
lxix., and Ixxvi.), a series of these flints, and many of them are hardly to be
distinguished from those collected by Mr. Seton-Karr on the Theban plateau
and in the Wady el Sheikh mines. They are rough-butted, pointed, spear-
shaped (?) hammers, nondescript flints, or scrapers, roughly flaked round the
margins, many of them also almost indistinguishable from the “ovoid flints, the
domestic implements” of the pre-dynastic Libyan “New Race” (cf. op. cit.
pls. Lxxi. e¢ seqgg.). In addition, a further series of flints is figured on Plate
Ixxy. of the same volume, obtained by Mr. Quibell in the Ballas desert at
the 900 feet level above the Nile plain. . There are few, if any, characters by
which they can be picked out from among those from Nagada. Along with
these Ballas desert flints, “there were,” Mr. Quibell adds, ‘some rounded
flints, all stained dark brown ; it is from such that these worked flints have
been formed, and the chips of working were scattered around.”
Now, Mr. Quibell and Professor Petrie’s explorations seem to prove
that the rough and rudely-chipped “ovoid flints,” ‘the common domestic
implements of the New Race” (which, as pointed out above, are hardly
distinguishable from the “paleolithic types” of the Ballas desert), are
coeval with “the finest examples of such work . . . known from any
country or age.” The super-excellence of these people, therefore, in the
manufacture of flint and of vases of stone and pottery, was not incompatible
with their making and using implements, paleolithic in form, of the rudest
and poorest kind.
It will be observed that the flints of “ paleolithic type” found by
Professor Petrie on the Nile plateaux were, as he tells us, lying “ scattered
around the centres where they were actually worked” ; while Mr. Quibell’s dis-
coveries on the surface of the Ballas desert were in association, not only with
the rounded flint nodules from which the implements were made, but along
with “the chips of working.”
I believe it is the fact that very few true paleolithic implements in
Europe have been found on the surface unless quite recently washed out of
beds, portions, at all events, of which are still existent. It seems an extra-
ordinary circumstance, and to me impossible to credit, that the nodules,
the flakes, and the implements should, notwithstanding the enormous rain-
fall predicated by Dr. Petrie, which ploughed out the side valleys opening
on the Nile, be found lying, even in a solitary instance, in undisturbed
association at the present day, while the forests which sprang from the
abundant moisture, and under whose shade the palolithic workers lived
and hunted before the formation of the Nile Valley, and before the separa-
tion of Europe from North Africa, along with the accumulated soil in which
the rich vegetation grew, have all been entirely washed away.
That we possess implements of unmistakable “ palolithic type” which
if without history would be classed as palzolithic unhesitatingly, but which
are incalculably younger, is a well-known fact. The flint implements from
Abu Shahrein, in Southern Babylonia, is an instance in point. They were
discovered in different parts of these extensive ruins on and amid the debris
of the city, in association with terra cotta objects and a number of flakes
intended for use as knives, together with the nodule of flint from which they had
been struck—undoubted proof that they were made on the spot, and cannot
be of greater age than the ruins themselves.
The same “true paleolithic form” is apparent in the implements,
resembling, except in material, those from the high plateaux of the Nile,
found by Mr. Seton-Karr scattered over the surface of the country in Somali-
land in the years 1893-96, of which a representative set has been added to
the Mayer Collection. Dr. Gregory, of the British Museum, has been kind
enough to examine for me the material of which they are made. He
reports that some are of limestone, either of Upper Cretaceous or of Eocene
age; others—and these the more numerous—of coarse, gritty quartzite,
“probably belonging to the series of grit sandstones below the neocomian
limestones and above the archzan series ; though he has seen no rock from
Somaliland exactly like it”; while others are of chert, in some cases of a
flint-like variety, whitened by exposure, from the Kocene series.
The first collection made in 1893-4 by Mr. Seton-Karr was deseribed by
him at the British Association meeting at Ipswich. The implements were
‘flint chipped spear-heads, knives, and scrapers,” or, as Sir John Evans has
described them, “broad flat flakes trimmed along the edges so as to be of
‘le moustier type’ of M. Gabriel de Mortillet.” In 1894-5 he obtained
several thousand more specimens . . . but “of this large number,
however, only about 100 are really symmetrically chipped as spear-heads.”
“T also gathered,” he says, ‘a number of cores, chips and flakes, knives and
scrapers. The places where they abound in the district alluded to were
invariably of one character. In the first place, the district was distinguished
by the presence of flint nodules upon the surface, so that these ancient peoples,
with whom this place was apparently a manufactory, had the materials ready
to their hands.
“T observed that they were more numerous as one approached a well or the
river beds in which wells were dug. . . . The implements were most
numerous in the vicinity of the central watercourse. The ground had
always a very gentle fall, so that the heavy showers which constitute the
rainfall in Somaliland would wash away the sandy soil, and yet keep the
stones lying free and clean upon the surface, in which position they were
always found. Also, there were generally no other stones upon the surface
besides those worked flints.” The implements were found “ covering the
ground sometimes for the space of half an acre. . . . Sometimes I fownd
an unfinished spear-head on the ground surrounded by a mass of flakes and chips, as
though the people had dropped their work, and, carrying with them all their perfect
weapons and belongings, had fled never to return.” (The italics are the present
In 1895-96 Mr. Seton-Karr again visited Somaliland, and “secured
many hundreds of paloliths, ranging up to 9 inches in length, during a
journey of 19 days, in about 8° N. Lat., and 1000—2000 feet above Red Sea
level. They are sometimes eroded even to a depth of 4 inch.” Sir John
Evans has described this collection in a paper before the Royal Society
of London (Proc. R.S. IX., 1896, p. 19) as “in form absolutely identical
with some from the valley of the Somme and other places.”
There are many points left in serious doubt, it appears to me, as to the
real conditions under which these implements were found, which should be
known before it is possible to pronounce them the handiwork of man in the
paleolithic age of Europe. Their discoverer distinctly states that there were
only flint nodules on the ground, while the material of many of the imple-
ments is quartzite and limestone. A coating of limestone upon them proves
that they were lying on a surface where they had been in contact with lime
in solution. The remarkable circumstance of these implements being
“scattered all over the country,” “covering the ground sometimes for
the space of half an acre” where no remains apparently exist (so far
as the published accounts tell us), of the deposits out of which they have
been washed (if they ever were embedded*), seems difficult to reconcile with
the usual process of aerial denudation acting through the enormous period
which has elapsed since the palolithic age of Europe, with which Sir John
Evans clearly considers them to be contemporaneous, when he says that
“this discovery tends to prove the unity of race between the inhabitants of
Asia, Africa, and Europe in palolithic times.”
Mr. Seton-Karr’s further statement that he sometimes found spear-heads
“on the ground, surrounded by a mass of flakes and chips, as though the people
had dropped their work . . . andfled . . .” is very suggestive and
important. One such occurrence is almost sufficient in itself, I venture to
think, to disprove the high antiquity claimed by Sir John Evans for these
implements ; for if they were ever embedded, it can hardly seriously be
asserted that a nodule of stone surrounded by the flakes chipped from it tens
or hundreds of thousands of years ago, could have remained undisturbed when
the deposits by which it was covered have entirely disappeared. Even if these
flints could have lain on the ground since man in the palzolithic age chipped
them, can we bring ourselves to credit that during that immense period the
ordinary effects of rain, wind, and the tramping across the country of great
herds of animals would not have dispersed them? The appearance of these
Somaliland tools—those at least possessed by this Museum—would certainly,
apart from their “ palolithic form,” never lead anyone to ascribe any great
antiquity to them. The edges of the implements and the margins of the
flakes are as sharp as possible, and there is not the slightest indication of
* Sir John Evans, in his paper to the Royal Society, says ‘‘ they seem to have been
washed out of sandy or loamy deposits by the action of rain, or sometimes to have
been laid bare by the wind.”
the action of weather or water upon them. The figures given in the
Journal of the Anthropological Institute (vol. xxvii., pls. ix., x., 1897) in illustra-
tion of Mr. Seton-Karr’s remarks when exhibiting them before that Society
are somewhat misleading, in that, by having been reproduced from sepia
sketches, they suggest implements much rounded and worn, which in
reality they are not. If these works must be ascribed to paleolithic man,
then the Paleolithic Age in Northern Africa was far later than that so
designated in Europe ; which would make it impossible to predicate “ unity
of race” or “close contact” between the two peoples.
The great interest of the discovery of these implements consists, in
the opinion of Sir John Evans, “in the identity in form of the implements
with those found in the pleistocene deposits of north-western Europe and
elsewhere. Any one comparing the implements from such widely-separated
localities, one with the other, must feel that if they have not been actually
made by the same race of men, there must have been some contact of the
closest kind between the races who manufactured implements of such
identical forms.” If such reasoning may be accepted, we must also infer “a
contact of the closest kind” between the New Race workers of Egypt and
the American fabricators of the two beautifully flaked and formed implements
figured in the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896, p. 482,
from Naples, Illinois (No. 43,133, in the National Museum), which have the
very same form as implements tigured by Professor Petrie, and are almost,
but not quite, as fine examples of the flaker’s art; as well as between the
X{Ith dynasty artificers, who made the specimens from the Wady el Sheikh
and from Naqada, and those who manufactured the almost similar specimens
from Columbia County, Georgia (No. 172,559, United States National
Museum), figured in the same volume, p. 430; and equally that the
ancient Maoris and the early American Indians were in “contact of the
closest kind” since it would be impossible for the greatest expert in Maori
art to distinguish between the true Maori ‘meri’ and similar implements
discovered in America, and figured in the same volume of the Smithsonian Report.
Is it not more likely that flint, quartzite and jade in their working lend
themselves better to certain forms than others, and that all workers in
these materials in different ages and regions have independently found out
the forms for similar uses best suited to the material common to them ?
The most finished stone implement, too, it should be remembered, must
also pass from the primitive up to the more perfect stage, and that many
of the ruder forms of implements assigned to paleolithic man are but
“wasters” from the workshop of perhaps a master in the art of stone
manufacture of a much later age.
To sum up these remarks :—I have described with some minuteness
the implements with the localities where they were found in the Wady el
Sheikh, because of the magnitude of the collection and the conditions under
which it was discovered. I have, by comparing these flints with others dated
by Professor Petrie’s labours, indicated the age to which they probably
belong as the XIIth dynasty, going back perhaps, but not probably, to the
IVth dynasty, but also with great likelihood coming down to a much more
recent date, as the views of the present condition of the shafts on p. 104
suggest. 1 have shown that various depths of “zeonic tinting” (even to the
deepest “ paleeolithic” patina) and a soft, polished surface (both of which are
characters long depended on as sure marks of flints of high antiquity) have
been acquired far within the historic period ; that implements which would
unhesitatingly be classed as paleolithic from their form, patina, and surface
condition, occur in association in the same workings with those I have
assigned to the XIIth dynasty; but I can find no reason for referring them to a
higher antiquity ; that many of the so-called “paleolithic” finds by
Petrie and Quibell on the desert surface are, just like the Abu Shahrein
flints, not to be distinguished from many of those in this Museum found
by Seton-Karr on the surface of the Theban plateau, and in the Wady
el Sheikh mines; and that as many of the plateau implements have been
found in close association with nodules and the flakes struck from them,
it seems impossible to believe that these could remain (even in a single
instance) undisturbed from the palolithic days of Europe to the present
time, when the forest under which they were made, and the forest soil on
which they reposed have been entirely carried away. This reasoning applied
to the Somaliland implements shows that they must be of an age much
more recent than paleolithic, and probably even comparatively recent.
The conclusions it seems to me, legitimate to draw from a study
of the collection here described, are that rude and paleolithic forms,
amount and depth of patina, and surface condition are characters which
cannot be depended on to fix the date of stone implements when there is no
possibility of determining the geological age of the strata whence they have
come, and in the absence of associated faunistic remains. Also, that the
similarity, and even identity, of form in the stone implements of two widely
separated localities are of themselves insufficient evidence of contact between
the races who made them. And, likewise, that none of the surface
. “paleolithic” implements from Egypt and Somaliland have yet been clearly
proved to belong to that period, while the probability is that the bulk
of them are of much later date.
The only flint implements from Egypt known to me to have yet been found
embedded undoubtedly in position, were discovered by General Pitt-Rivers in
the stratified, indurated, gravelly debris at the mouth of a wady -— the Babel
Molook—near the Tombs of the Kings, which all geologists who know the spot,
‘agree must have been deposited far back in pre-historic times. Doubt has been
thrown, however, by a distinguished, but on this question supposed by some
to be asomewhat biassed, geologist (the late Sir William Dawson) on the really
artificial character of the flints. The General has, however, recently re-staked
his great archeological reputation on their being truly human productions.
The evidence of the paleolithic* age of man in Egypt would appear, therefore,
to rest for the moment on the flakes and very rude scraper-like flints, found in
the Babel Molook gravels. .
Contributions to the Zoology of North Queensland.
By Herpert C. Roprnson, M.B.O.U.
Trichoglossus nove-hollandiz, subsp. septentrionalis, subsp. nov.—
Trichoglossus, 7. nove-hollandie, affinis, sed magnitudine parva, capite et
plagé abdominali leete azureis, nec purpurascentibus, facile distinguendus.
é Long. tot. Al. Caud.
Trichoglossus septentrionalis . 233-250 140-144 113-123 mm.
= nove-hollandie . 304-320 153-163 140-163mm.
(5 specimens).
Halntat. North Queensland (Cooktown).
It seems curious that the marked difference in size between northern and
southern specimens of 7’. nover-hollandie should have been (as far as I am
aware) overlooked.t
* These implements were originally described in 1881 in the Jowrnal of the Anthro-
pological Institute by General Pitt-Rivers as neolithic, but they were somewhat later
referred by him to the palolithic age.
+Since these notes were in type, Mr. Hartert has observed in his article On the
Birds of Cape York (Novit. Zool., vi., p. 428, 1899) that specimens before him from
that locality are smaller and brighter coloured.
Dr. Mivart’s figure (Mon. Loriide, pl. xxxv. p. 109, 1898) has, in. my
opinion, been drawn from the above-described form.
Dacelo gigas (odd. ).—From the same locality as the above have been
received three specimens of a Dacelo, marked as males by the collector, so
differing from typical D. gigas in their smaller dimensions as to constitute
in all probability a distinct race, as shown below :—
Long. tot. Al. Cand, Rostr. a rict.
Dacelo, sp. . . « 378-385 195-201 140-143 74-78 mm.
Dacelo gigas. . 425-450 212-230 157-164 77-94 mm.
(8 specimens).
In addition, there is no blue whatever on the rump, or on the primaries and
secondaries. At first sight, these specimens might be taken for the immature
stage of D. gigas, but this I do not think is the case, as in one specimen,
which has commenced its moult, the new primaries show no trace whatever
of blue. Should the receipt of further specimens prove this to be the case,
the subspecies might be known as D. gigas, subsp. minor.
Both this form and PD. leachit breed at Cooktown.
On the range of Prionodura newtoniana, De Vis—When first de-
scribed, this Bower bird was supposed to be confined to the higher altitudes
of the Bellenden-Ker ranges and the thick scrubs to the north of
_Cardwell and round Herberton. Recently it has been observed on Mt.
Peter Botte, some 50 miles south of Cooktown (cf. Le Souef, Victorian
Naturalist, March-April, 1897 ; Ibis, 1897, p. 619).
The Derby Museum has, a short’ time since, received a male, shot on
28th May, 1899, within the limits of the municipality of Cooktown. The
collector, who has lived many years in the district, states that it is the
first he has ever seen in this neighbourhood. Whether the species is really
a native of the district, or whether the individual in question had been
driven from its usual habitat by the great cyclone which raged a short
time previously to its capture, remains to be proved.
-On a New Species of Aplonis, in the Derby Museum,
from Santa Cruz Island, in the Western Pacific.
By Henry O. Forpes, LL.D.
My friend, Dr. Bowdler Sharpe, recently requested me to submit to him the
type of Aplonis rufipennis of Layard (¢f. Ibis, 1881, p. 542), which is in the
Tristram Collection in this Museum. This specimen was originally preserved
in alcohol, and it was probably on that account that Canon Tristram believed
the colour to be faded, and determined two specimens from Santa Cruz Island
as identical with 4. rufipennis from Efate Island in the New Hebrides. Dr.
Sharpe, however, tells me that the typical specimen is not very much faded,
and that it agrees with two others recently sent by Captain A. M. Farquhar
from Ambrym and Espiritu Santo, and, further, that the Santa Cruz birds
(Tristr. Coll. 18117 jr., 18118 @ Type) are different. I, therefore, propose
to describe them as
Aplonis maxwellii, n. sp.
Aplonis similis A. rufipennis, sed grisescenti-brunneus, pileo saturate
brumeo-striato ; genis et corpore subtus schistaceis, minnime ochrascenti-
fulvis, hypochondriis rufescentibus, subcaudalibus castaneis distinguenda.
Long. tot., 75; culm., 0°95; ale, 4:2; caude, 2°45; tarsi, 1°2.
I have much pleasure in dedicating this species to Mr. Maxwell Hyslop-
1 5 =) ~ Ou 1 . a ie 1"
Maxwell, Jr., the Chairman of the Museum Extension Committee of the City
Catalogue of the Charadriomorphic Birds (Charad-
riformes): Auks (Alcidz), Gulls (Laridz), and
Skuas (Stercorariidz)— Lari; _Lark-plovers
(Thinocoridz), Stone-curlews (CEdicnemide),
Jacanas (Jacanidz), Sheathbills (Chionide),
Crab = plovers (Dromadidz), Coursers (Cur-
soriidz), Plovers and Snipes (Charadriidz)—
Limicola; Pigeons (Columbz), and Sand-
grouse (Pterocles), in the Derby Museum.
By Henry O. ForBes and HERBERT C. ROBINSON.
apicicauda (Hodgs.). Two. 4, 9. Assam. Burmah (Karen Hills,
oxyurus (/tvinw.). Three. ¢$. Sumatra (Palembang Residency, Lake
Ranau, Tandjong Djati). Java.
sphenurus (/%ig.). Eleven. &¢,3¢9. Northern India (Koteghur, June ;
Dehra Dhoon ; Darjeeling).
T korthalsi (7emm.). Two. 29. Sumatra. Java.
No. 1, acquired by Lord Derby from Leadbeater in June, 1841, has on the label
“Columba korthalsii, nova species, Sumatra,” followed by a specific locality,
which is illegible. The label is in the same handwriting as that on other speci-
mens collected by S. Miiller, in the Padang highlands at Batang Singalang,
which were acquired at the same time. The specimen is, therefore, probably
one of the Types.
The specimen from Java is a slightly larger bird, and is considerably paler in
colour both above and below.
; sieboldi (Zemm.). Fight. 44,49. Japan (Fuji, July; Yokohama,
{ March ; Shimotsuke-no-kumi ; Nagasaki, January).
sororius, Swink.
formose (Swinh.).
| permagnus (Siejn.). One. @. Loo-choo Islands, January.
waalia (Gm.). Two. Northern Africa (White Nile ; Abyssinia).
crassirostris (Fras.).
australis (Linn.). Three. @. Madagascar (Mohambo).
calva (Zemm.). Fifteen. ¢,29. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst,
June, July ; Cape Coast Castle; Axim ; Gaboon, Ogowé River).
Count Salvadori has remarked (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 22, 1893) that the birds
from Central Africa and Kilimanjaro are brighter in colour than those from the
West Coast ; the same may be said of specimens from the Gambia, as compared
with others from Cape Coast Castle and Gaboon.
The brighter coloured bird has been named Vinago salvadorii, subsp. nov., by Dr.
Dubois (P.Z.S. 1897, p. 784); it is, however, considered synonymous with
V. nudirostris (Swains), by Neumann (J.f.0., 1898, p. 294). It seems some-
what doubtful if the two forms can be regarded as even subspecifically distinct.
wakefieldi (Sharpe). Two. East Africa (Ribé ; Pangani River, Usambara
schalowi (chnw.).- ( = Treron delalandi, Bp., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 45,
spms. a, 6). Two. 6,92. South Africa (Ovampoland, Ondonga, Nov-
delalandii (Bp.). Nine. 24,9. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Zomba,
July). South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg, July, August, December ;
De Kaap, Barberton, September ; Port Natal).
pheenicopterus (Lath.). Seven. 3. Northern India (Dehra Dhoon).
Nepaul. Assam.
viridifrons (Blyth). Two. Burmah. Tenasserim.
chlorogaster (Blyth). Eight. 3 ¢, 9. Northern India (Muddapur,
November ; Maunbhoom, March). Southern India (Masulipatam, March ;
Nellore; Madras). ‘Santhall Country (Godda).”
capellii (Zemm.). Six. 2¢. Sumatra. Borneo (Baram ; Banjermassim).
TRERON, Viei//.
nipalensis (Hodgs.). (= 7. nasica, Schleg. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 45).
Three. 2¢,9. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Sumatra. Borneo (Ban-
No. 3, ¢, from Sumatra, presented to Lord Derby by Sir Stamford Rattles, is very
La the Type of Columba curvirostris, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soe. xii. 2, p. 318
nasica, Schleg.
griseicauda (G.l’.Gv.). Five. 44, 2. Sumatra. Java (Bantam Resid-
ency, Genteng, March).
wallacii, Sulvad. (= Treron griseicauda, Gr., spms. a, b, d, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 45). Three. 34. North Celebes. Sula Islands.
wallacii, subsp. pallidior, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. p. 178 (1896); Meyer & Wiglesw. B.
Celebes, ii. p. 597 (1898) ; Sharpe, New Hand-L. Birds, i. p. 53 (1899).
closely allied to O. wallacei typica, from Celebes, the males agreeing in the
colour of the mantle with the northern specimens, and not with those from South
Celebes and Saleyer, but being larger, with a stronger bill and a little longer
wing, the head paler grey, the throat lighter and a little more washed with grey,
the entire breast and abdomen of a paler green, the anal region more white, and
the under tail-coverts slightly paler. The brownish orange spot in front of the
shoulders is very much paler, and occupies a larger area. 9 ad. :—‘‘ Iris orange ;
orbital skin vivid yellowish green ; basal half of bill pale green, apical half ivory
white with a faint green tinge ; feet carmine ; claws light grey. Wing of males,
157-161; tail, 95-98 ; tarsus, 20-22; bill from hind-end of nostrils to tip, 16-17 ;
height from angle of mandible, 9 mm. /ema/e same dimensions.” (Hartert).
Habitat. Djampea and Kalao.
sanghirensis (Briigy.). One. 9. Great Sanghir Island, June.
phayrii, Blyth. Three. 26,9. India. Tenasserim (Tavoy, April).
malabarica (Jerd.). One. @. Southern India (Madras).
aromatica (Gim.).
axillaris (G.R.Gr.).. Five. 3 36,2 9. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Cataguan ;
Mindanao, Surigao, May ; Cebu, April). ;
everetti, Rothsch. Nov. Zool. i. p. 41 (1894).
**Q. everetti resembles O: axillaris from the Philippines, but is altogether a larger
bird; the purplish chestnut mantle is bordered above by a very conspicuous
interscapulary band of lavender-grey, of the same colour as the crown; this
colour is of a lighter shade than in O. axillaris, and the interscapulary band is
much less distinct and not so pure grey in the latter.
“In O. everetti, the green of the neck and breast is a shade lighter and more tinged
with yellow, the abdomen paler and more greyish along the middle.
‘“‘T have no female of true O. axillaris to compare, but the female of O. everetti seems
to be larger, and the mantle much darker olive.
“Total length of my O. everetti is about 11 inches; wing, 6°35 to 6°5 (? 6:4 to 6°5) ;
tail, 3°6 to 3°65; bill, 075; tarsus, 0°9.” (Rothschild).
‘Tris greenish silvery ” (A. Hverett) ; ‘‘iris pearly green, bill red at base, blue at tip,
feet pale slate” (H. Guillemard). Habitat. Sulu Archipelago (Sulu, Meimbun,
Sibutu, and Bongao Islands).
Messrs. Bourns and Worcester, in their elaborate paper on the ornithology of the
Philippine Islands (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xx. p. 551), apparently do not recog-
nise this species, as specimens from the Sulu Archipelago are listed under
O. axillaris.
chloroptera (Llyih). Two. ¢,?. South Andaman Islands, March, April.
pompadora (Gm.). One. 3. Ceylon.
fulvicollis (//agl.). Two. Borneo..
fulvicollis, sw)sp. baramensis (Meyer) (= Treron fulvicollis (Wagl.). Tristr.
Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 45). Three. 1¢. Borneo (Trusan, December ; Mt.
Mulu at 2000 ft., October).
One of these specimens is apparently not quite adult, and has green bases to the
cinnamon feathers of the breast. All three, however, agree in lacking the ochre-
yellow tinge on the breast, which is markedly present in our two specimens of
O. fulvicollis typicus, which have on their labels ‘‘ Columba cinnamomea, n. sp.”,
and were probably collected by S. Miiller in Southern Borneo.
teysmanni (Schieg.). One. &. Sumba (Waingapo, December).
psittacea (Temm.). Two. 264. Timor, June, July.
Collected by S. Miiller.
floris (Wall.). Two. 6, 9. Flores.
bicincta (Jerd.). Seven. 53,29. Northern India (Muddapur). Southern
India (Nellore). Tenasserim, March. Burmah.
vernans (Linn.). Fourteen. 1046, 49. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ;
Singapore). Banka. Sumatra (Lampong Residency, Gunung Tetahan).
Borneo (Kuching, September). Philippine Islands.
No. 6, 3, from Sumatra, was presented to Lord Derby by Sir Stamford Rafiles.
olax (Zemm.). Twelve. 746,49, pull. Malay Peninsula (Malacca).
Sumatra (Lampong Residency, Kotta Djawa). Borneo (Labuan,
February ; Baram). Java.
amethystina, Bp. Two. Philippine Islands (Samar ; South Luzon).
leucotis (Zemm.). Five. ¢. Philippine Islands (Luzon, St. Michael,
brevirostris, Zweedd. One. 6. Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Placer,
cinereiceps, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 89 (1894) ; Grant, Ibis,
1896, p. 563; Bourns & Worces. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xx. pp. 551, 597, 606 (1898).
‘* Top of head, nape, and sides of neck clear ashy grey, slightly washed with rufous
on forehead. Hind-neck amethystine, as in P. amethystina. Back, rump, and
upper tail-coverts brown, with bronze reflections, the tail-coverts slightly more
ruddy than back. Four outer pairs of tail feathers dark brown, lighter at base.
Two central pairs ruddy brown, with bronze reflections. All the tail feathers
with ashy tips, which form a distinct terminal band } inch in width. Shafts of
tail feathers black. Wing-coverts with secondaries uniform with back. Prim-
aries dark brown, the first five sharply edged with rusty brown on outer web.
A narrow black stripe under eye. Sides of face, ear-coverts, fore-neck, and breast
rich ruddy brown, the breast with slight metallic gloss. Chin and throat lighter.
Abdomen and thighs fulvous brown. Flanks darker, with slight metallic wash.
Under tail-coverts clear ashy grey. Shafts of tail feathers with basal half black,
apical half white. Under surface of tail nearly black, the terminal grey band
distinct and wider than on upper surface, measuring “6 inch on outer pair of
feathers. Under wing-coverts and axillaries like the flanks. Under surface of
quills uniform dark brown. Bill black. Legs and feet dirty purplish. Nails
black. Iris in one specimen bright yellow, in another orange red. Length,
10°25; culmen, 80; wing, 5:29; tail,3°90; tarsus, ‘70 inch.” (Bourns & Worcester).
Habitat. Sulu Archipelago (Tawi Tawi).
brunneiceps, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 9 (1894); Grant, Ibis,
1894, p. 563; Bourns & Worces. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xx. pp. 551, 594, 595, 606
** Above dark brown with greenish reflections. Amethystine spot on hind-neck less
blue than P. amethystina. Top of head brown, the forehead slightly lighter and
nape slightly darker than crown. Narrow dark brown streak under eye, sides of
face and ear-coverts brown, paler than crown. Chin and throat greyish fulvous.
Breast pearly ash. Abdomen, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts ochraceous
brown. Under surface of tail brownish black, with broad grey terminal band.
Under wing-coverts and axillaries fulvous brown. Primaries with sharply
defined light edges on upper web. Below slightly more ashy. Tail feathers
brown, with distinct terminal bands of grey. Central pair with slight metallic
gloss. Shafts of quills black above and below, except the terminal half inch,
which is white. Bill black. Feet dark pink. Nails brown. Ivis orange red.
Length, 10°33; culmen, ‘94; wing, 5°21; tail, 3°50; tarsus, ‘72 inch.” (Bourns
& Worcester). Habitat. Basilan.
maculipectus, Bourns d& Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 10 (1894); Grant, Ibis,
1896, p. 563; Bourns & Worces. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xx. pp. 551, 577, 579, 606,
(1898); Whitehead, Ibis, 1899, p. 485.
** Adult male :—Upper surface exactly as in P. amethystina, except that the primaries
are slightly darker. Dark brown stripe under eye, extending from gape through
ear-coverts to hind-neck. Below this a white stripe, and a second shorter dark
stripe below the latter. Cheeks fulvous brown. Chin and throat more ruddy
brown. Breast clear ashy grey, each feather having an edging distinctly lighter
than its centre, producing a beautiful mottled appearance. Feathers on centre
of fore-breast washed with brewn, and forming a distinct patch. Feathers of
abdomen lack the dark centres, and their edges are washed with light brown.
Thighs and under tail-coverts cinnamon brown, much lighter than in P. amethyst-
ina. Under surface of tail feathers dark brown, nearly black, with faint metallic
gloss and a broad grey terminal band. Shafts of feathers black, changing to
white at tips. Under surface of wing and axillaries uniform fulvous brown.
Bill black. Feet dark pink. Nails dark brown, nearly black. Culmen, 1-02;
wing, 5°69; tail, 4°55; tarsus, ‘77 inch.” (Bourns d& Worcester). Habitat.
Negros, on the mountains of the interior.
frontalis, Bourns & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 10 (1894) ; Grant, Ibis, 1896,
p- 563; Bourns & Worces. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xx. pp. 551, 569, 606 (1898).
“*General colour of upper surface as in P. brunneiceps, but forehead and crown
lighter, nape washed with ashy grey, and lacking metallic gloss. Tail glossed
with dull bronze instead of amethystine, and terminal band less strongly marked
than in P. brunneiceps. Under surface much as in P. brunneiceps, but every-
where darker. Under tail-coverts ashy grey, slightly tipped with fulvous. Tail
much as in P. brunneiceps, the outer web of outer pair of feathers being, however,
light brown. Basal half of shafts dirty whitish. Apical fourth white, rest
brown. Iris pale orange. Bill black. Legs and feet purple. Nails light brown.
Sexes alike. Length, 10°37; culmen, 2°00; wing, 5°57; tail, 3°95; tarsus, ‘81
inch.” (Bourns & Worcester). Habitat. Cebu.
nigrorum, Sharpe. One. Philippine Islands.
occipitalis, Salvad.
We have here adopted the spelling originally used by Swainson.
[a Leucotreron, Bp.\.
occipitalis, G.2.Gr. Two. 1 jr. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
fischeri, Briigg.
fischeri, subsp. meridionalis (Meyer & Wiglesw.).
marchii, Oust.
This species, previously only known from the Type in Paris, has recently been
obtained by Mr. Whitehead in the highlands of Lepanto, North Luzon, cf.
Grant, Ibis, 1895, pp. 468, 469 ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1899, p. 486.
roseicollis (/ayl.). Five. 24 (ljr.), 9. Java (Bantam Residency,
Kosala, June, July).
No. 1, g, obtained by Mr. H. O. Forbes at Kosala, W. Java, has a large violet
spot in the centre of the belly beneath the bottle-green pectoral band.
albocinctus, Vall. Two. 6, 9. Lombok (Rinjani, at 2500 ft., June,
albocinctus, subsp. baliensis, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. p. 553 (1896).
** Mr. Doherty sent three skins from Bali, shot in heights of 2000 to 3000 feet, in
April. They differ from the Type of P. a/bocinctus in the British Museum, in
having the wing a little shorter, the upper surface and especially the greater
wing-coverts with a purplish coppery gloss. All these characters are found in
P. albocinctus typicus, of which I have a large series befcre me now, but only in
immature individuals. I see no reason to assume that the three birds from Bali
are immature, and therefore think that they belong to a slightly differentiated,
and perhaps a little degenerated, form of P. albocinctus. Wing, 150-153 mm.
This species was hitherto only known from Flores, but inhabits, as the collec-
tions now under my hands prove, all the islands between Flores and Java.
According to Doherty the iris of the Bali form is orange red, the feet vermilion,
the beak ochreous, basally bluish.” (Zartert). Habitat. Bali.
everetti, Rothsch. Bull. B.O.C. li. pp. 34, 35 (1898) ; id. Ibis, 1898, p. 295.
** This species may be described as being between P. cinctus and P. albocinctus. It
differs from P.. cinctus in having the throat and neck white with fine, narrow,
wavy, very pale grey cross lines—instead of white washed with lemon yellow—
and in having a wider and lighter terminal bar across the tail feathers. P.
albocinctus has the throat and neck bluish grey, and the abdomen darker, the bar
across the tail narrower. _P. ettiensis differs in having the neck and throat ivory
white and the end of the tail yellowish white not pale grey.” (Rothschild).
Habitat. Island of Alor (Timor Group).
cinctus (Zemm.). Three. @. Timor, July.
No. 1, ?, was collected by S. Miiller, on the voyage of the Triton.
cinctus, subsp. lettiensis, Schleg.
alligator, Collett. P.Z.S. 1898, pp. 354, 355, pl. xxix. (Type in Brit. Mus.).
**Head and upper neck white ; lower neck and chest whitish cinnamon; mantle
slate black ; lower back greyish black ; rump and_ upper tail-coverts clear grey,
the latter inclining to whitish. Lower parts ashy grey, separated from the
chest by a broad black band on the lower breast, sharply defined against the
chest. Wings slate black, lower surface of the quills grey, the coverts more
greyish brown. ‘Tail slate black, with an apical greyish white band about one
and half inches in breadth ; under surface of the tail clearer grey ; under tail-
coverts whitish. Bill (in skin) light coloured, the tips yellowish, feet reddish.
Wing—Male, 184; female, 189mm. Tail—Male, 142; female, 141mm.” (Collett).
Halitat. Arnhem Land, N. Australia.
gularis ((). ¢ G.) Two. ¢. Celebes (Minahassa, August).
subgularis, Meyer & Wiglesw. Abh. Mus. Dresd. 1896, No. 2, pp. 4, 6, 19; id. B.
Celebes i. p. 606 (1898).
“Like P. gularis, but the crissuam and under tail-coverts dark chestnut brown
(instead of pale hazel), and the buff patch on the breast very weakly developed
or almost obliterated. Wing, 159-171; tail, about 130; tarsus, about 25;
exposed culmen, about 20 mm.” (Meyer & Wiglesworth). Habitat. Peling and
Banggai Islands.
mangoliensis, Rothsch. Bull. B.O.C. li. p. 34 (1898), id. Ibis, 1898, p. 295.
** Belongs to Group A of the arrangement of the genus Pfi/opus in the ‘ Catalogue
of Birds,’ Vol. xxi., and resembles P. subguaris, Mey. & Wiglesw., in the absence
of the rust coloured spot on the abdomen ; but it differs from both P. gularis and
P. subgwaris in being greenish yellow on the neck and under surface, all the
feathers of these parts being light grey with broad greenish yellow borders.
The feathers of the crown have narrow subterminal lines. Wing of-the male
165, of the female 156; tail of male 136, of female 130 mm.” (Rothschild).
Habitat. Sula Mangoli.
leclancheri (4p.). One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Luzon).
jambu (Gm.). EHighteen. 645,109, 2 juv. Malay Peninsula (Malacca ;
Pahang, April). Borneo (Labuan ; Banjermassim). Java.
[ 8. Mezotreron, Sharpe].
Cf. Hand-List Birds, vol. i. p. 56 (1899).
dohertyi, Rothsch. Bull. B.O.C. v. p. 46 (1896) ; id. Ibis, 1896, pp. 566, 567 ; Hartert,
Nov. Zool. iii. p. 589, pl. xii. (1896); id. Nov. Zool. v. pp. 466, 474 (1898).
“* Male adult :—Head, sides of head, and throat white ; occiput and nape bright
magenta purple: the nape feathers rather long. Neck and breast very light
peach-blossom-pink, feathers with basal half pure white. Mantle—including
upper wing-coverts—dark olive, washed with green in some lights and with dark
bluish purple in others. Wing dark slate-grey, outer webs strongly glossed with
bright metallic purple. Rump and lower back greyish olive green. Tail and
longest upper tail-coverts bright reddish purple [dahlia purple (Ridgway), pl. viii.
fig.2]. Colour of abdomen separated from that of the breast by a yellowish white
semicircular band; abdomen plum-purple. Flanks,vent,and thighs greenish grey,
the last bordered with yellow; tarsi pale grey. Under tail-coverts primrose
yellow, with centres and most of inner webs greyish green. Tail below brownish
ash colour. Beak blackish, anterior third pale orange ; toes purplish pink. Wing,
6°9; tail, 5°3; bill, 0-7 inch.” (Rothschild). Habitat. Sumba.
Ly. Ptilinopus, Swains.].
greyi, G.L.Gr. Nine. 5 3, 39. New Caledonia (Noumea, January).
New Hebrides (Vaté, Havannah Harbour, June; Aniwa, November).
Loyalty Islands (Lifu, Kepeneke, September). Santa Cruz Island.
The two specimens from Santa Cruz are smaller than those from Vaté, which, as
Count Salvadori has observed (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 86, 1893) are smaller
than those from the Loyalty Islands. In addition the colour of the Santa Cruz
specimens is much greyer on the breast, but this may be due to their being spirit
specimens. The New Caledonian birds about equal those from the Loyalty
Islands in size.
xanthogaster (/Vagl.). Two. ¢@. Timor Laut Islands (Larat, August).
pelewensis, Hurtl. & Finsch. Two. Pelew Islands.
perousei, Peale. Eleven. 76 (1 jr.), 39,1 juv. Samoa. Fiji Islands
(Ovalau, December ; Rewa).
dupetit-thouarsi (Vebour). Five. Marquesas Islands.
richardsi, ams. One. 6. Solomon Islands (Ugi, September).
?Type of the species, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. vi. p. 722 (1881) and of P. rhodo-
stictus, Tristr. Ibis, 1882, p. 139, pl. v.
ponapensis, Minsch. (= P. fasciatus, Peale, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 44).
One. o. Ponape.
hernsheimi, Finsch.
regina (Swains.). Fourteen. 7 ¢ (1 jr.),29. Northern Australia (Cape
York, September ; Cooktown, June, July, August).
ewingi, Gould. Two. 1¢. Timor, November.
No. 1 was collected by 8. Miiller. Mr. Hartert has shown (Noy. Zool. iv. p. 271, 1897)
that the bird known as P. flavicollis, G.R.Gr., from Flores, Timor, and the neigh-
bouring Islands, is identical with P. ewingi, Gould, from Northern Australia.
fasciatus, Peale. Five. 24,2juv. Samoa Islands (Upolu, Ana, December).
The bird recorded by Tristram (Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 44) as P. pictiventris, Elliot, is
a spirit specimen, apparently very adult. The colour of the brown ventral
patch has been partially removed by the spirit, but the purple pectoral band
remains very conspicuous.
porphyraceus (Forster). Nine. 3¢,29,2 juv. Tongatabu, February.
Fiji Islands (Wakaia, April, May).
We are doubtful about the identification of two very young specimens without
locality. They are perhaps referable to P. rivolii.
rarotongensis, Hurtl. & Finsch. One.
This specimen, which is apparently not quite adult, and which is in an excessively
bad condition, was collected by Sir Jos. Banks on Captain Cook’s Voyage, and
bought by Lord Derby at the sale of the Bullock Museum, along with several
others from the same source. It appears to belong to this species, which is dis-
tinguished from P. porphyraceus by being much smaller.
coralensis, Peale. One. Harvey Islands.
smithsonianus, Salvad.
purpuratus (Gm.). Two. Society Islands.
No. 1 was collected by Sir Jos. Banks and purchased at the sale of the Bullock
Museum. It has the feathers of the lower part of the abdomen dull buff, but
this may be due to stain. No. 2 is strongly washed with bronze above.
chrysogaster, G.f.Gr. Four. Society Islands ([Tahiti]; Huaheine). Mar-
quesas Islands.
Mr. Wiglesworth (Ibis, 1891, p. 571) states that the localities Tahiti and Marquesas
Islands are incorrect. Our specimen from the Marquesas Islands was obtained
from Verreaux.
roseicapillus (Zess.). Two. 26. Marianne Islands (Guam, February,
mercieri (Des Murs & Prév.).
tristrami, Salvad. (= P. merciecri (Des Murs & Prév.), Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 44). One. Marquesas Islands (Hivaoa).
Type of the species.
huttoni, Pinsch.
[6 Lamprotreron, Bp.}.
superbus (Zemm.). Eighteen. 13 ¢ (1 jr.), 59. Molucea Islands (Am-
boina, April). New Guinea (Lobo Bay, July). Northern Australia (Red
Wallis Island, September ; Woody Wallis Island, September ; Cape York ;
Cooktown, July, August). New Britain (Blanche Bay, June). Solomon
Islands (Florida).
Nos. 12 and 14 from Amboina and Lobo Bay, New Guinea, were collected by S.
temmincki (Des Murs & Prév.). Two. ¢,9. North Celebes.
[e. Eutreron, Salvad.].
pulchellus (Zemm.). Six. 29. New Guinea (Lobo Bay, August; Port
No. 6, ?, from Lobo Bay, was collected by 8. Miiller.
[¢ Ptilopodiscus, Salvad.}.
coronulatus, G.2.Gr. Four. South-East New Guinea (Port Moresby).
huonensis, Meyer.
trigeminus, Sulvad. One. Dutch (?) New Guinea.
geminus, Salvad.
quadrigeminus, Meyer.
[@. Cyanotreron, Bp.}.
monachus (/teinw.). Two. 24. Molucca Islands (Gilolo; Ternate).
[«. Chlorotreron, Salvad.}.
humeralis, Vall. One. New Guinea.
humeralis, subsp. jobiensis, Schleg.
biroi, Madarasz, Természetrajzi Fiizetek, xx. pp. 47-48, pl. i. (1897).
‘* Green with a bronzy lustre ; middle of the abdomen orange sulphur colour beneath,
anal region and under tail-coverts white edged with sulphur yellow, the latter
with an elongated green spot; chin ashy; scapulars and greater wing-coverts
with a greenish blue lustre on their centre ; tertials with a paler tinge of the
same colour ; lesser wing-coverts with a greenish lustre ; primaries and second-
aries smoky brown, their tips and outer webs green with a bronzy lustre; lesser
wing-coverts and secondaries narrowly margined with pale yellow on the outer
webs; wing ashy beneath, the lesser wing-coverts tinged with green ; tail of a
bronzy green lustre above, ashy beneath, with a broad subterminal band
blackish ; bill green, yellow at the tip, iris sulphur yellow, feet flesh colour.
Total length, about 22 ; wing, 11-2; tail, 5-4; bill from the feathers, 1-4; tarsus,
16 cm.” (Madarasz). Habitat. German New Guinea (Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen).
iozonus, (.2.Gr. Two. South-East New Guinea. Thursday Island.
The latter locality is probably erroneous.
[x. Gdirhinus, Cab. & Rehnw.].
insolitus, Schieg. Hight. 36,29. Duke of York Island. New Britain
(Blanche Bay, June).
[\. Sylphitreron, Bp.].
tannensis, (Lath.). Four. 24,29. New Hebrides (Erromango, June ;
Tanna; Vate).
aurantiifrons, @./.Gr. Three. New Guinea.
wallacii, G.2.Gr. Two. 9. Timor Laut Islands (Larat, September). New
ornatus, Rosenb.
gestroi, D’ Albert. & Salvad.
zonurus, Sulvad. (= P. perlatus (Temm.) spms. a, b, Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds,
p- 44). Two. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
perlatus, (Zemm.). One. New Guinea.
plumbeicollis, Meyer.
[uw LThoracotreron, Salvad.].
strophium, Gould. One. . D’Entrecasteaux Islands (Kast Island,
miqueli, Rosenb.
rivolii (Prev.). Three. 26 (1 jr.) 9. New Ireland.
prasinorrhous, ¢./.Gr. Two. 2 ¢. Kei Islands. New Guinea.
bellus, Sclat. Two. 4,9. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
bellus, subsp. orientalis, De Vis. Aun. Rep. Brit. New Guin. Append, EE. p. 104
“* Male at 3450 feet: iris yellow, March 19. This bird with another similar to it,
obtained some time ago from Port Moresby, differs from the P. bellus of western
highlands in the following points :—The bill is green with a yellow tip: between
the purple of the abdomen and white of the breast is a patch of deep green like
that of the occiput; the rectrices are not margined with yellow, and the
secondaries only so margined near the tips ; finally, the colour of the wing is
fuscous washed with green.” (De Vis.). Habitat. Mt. Maneao, British New
speciosus, Mosend. One. 3. New Guinea.
The locality ‘‘New Guinea” is inexact. The specimen was collected by Dr.
Meyer, probably in one of the islands of Geelvink Bay.
johannis, Seat.
solomonensis, @./.Gr. ‘Two. 3,@. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval,
Makira Harbour, August).
These are the Types of P. ceraseipectus, Tristr. Ibis, 1879, p. 442.
[v. Spilotreron, Salvad.).
melanocephalus (Forst.) Three. 2¢,9. Java (Bantam Residency, Gen-
teng, March).
bangueyensis, IJeyer.
melanospilus (Sulvad.). Three. 2 ¢, 9. North Celebes (Minahassa,
chrysorrhous (Salvad.). One. d. Sula Island.
chrysorrhous, subsp. pelingensis, Hart. Nov. Zool. v. p. 135 (1898).
“. . . Birds from Peling and Banggai . . . are distinctly smaller. The
- wings of the males from Peling and Banggai are generally about 110 mm, long ;
those of the ma/es from Sula Mangoli and Sula Besi are 115-121 mm. long.
Peling and Banggai males have the wings 109 to 114 (only one !) long, while those
from the Sula Islands have them all 115 to 121 mm., but mostly about 120. Also,
the tails of the latter are longer.” (Hartert). Habitat. Peling and Banggai.
xanthorrhous (Salvad.). Five. 34, 29. Great Sanghir Island, June,
July. Talaut Islands (Lirung, March, April).
[o Lonotreron, Salvad.].
nanus (Temm.).
ionogaster (/cinw.). Two. Molucca Islands (Gilolo).
granulifrons, Hart. Bull. B.O.C. li. p. 35 (1898) ; id. bis, 1898, p. 296 ; id. Nov. Zool.
vi. p. 219, pl. iv. fig. 9 (1899).
*« This remarkable new species entirely agrees in the pattern of its colouration with
P. hyogaster (Temm.) from Halmahera and Batjan, but differs in the following
points :—On the forehead, at the base of the bill, is a mass of fleshy knobs, of
which there is no sign in P. hyogaster. The green of the back and especially of
the breast, is much more yellowish. The grey of the head is lighter and covers
also the occiput. The vent and under tail-coverts are of a paler lemon yellow.
The wing is generally a little shorter, measuring 122-132 mm.” (Hartert).
Habitat. Obi.
pectoralis ( Wag/.).
salvadorii, Rothsch.
viridis (Linn.). Five. Molucea Islands (Buru ; Amboina, July).
musschenbroeki, fosenb. Two. 29. New Guinea (Lobo Bay, July).
No. 2, from Lobo Bay, was collected by S. Miiller.
lewisii, Rams. Four. 44. Solomon Islands (Florida; Guadalcanar :
Marau Sound, September ; Rovaté, May).
lewisii, subsp. vicinus, Hart. Nov. Zool. ii. pp. 62, 63 (1895).
“« The purple red patch of the lower throat and upper breast is not surrounded by
such a distinct line of purple as in P. /ewisii, this latter only being indicated.
The purple red patch itself is not quite so large in the new subspecies. The
round delicate grey spots on the innermost greater wing-coverts are distinctly
larger. The grey spot on the shoulder does not reach so far towards the margin
of the wing as in P. lewisii ; the grey throat is separated (more or less distinctly
and broadly) from the purple red _breast-patch by a green line, which I do not
find even indicated in P. lewisii. Iris light red.” (A. Meek). ‘* There are several
specimens marked females by the collector, which are like the males, except that
the purple red breast-patch is remarkably smaller, and that the lower abdomen
is more mottled with yellow, this latter, however, being also a sign of immaturity.
Measurements of the type—male: total length about 21 cm. ; wing, 125 mm. ;
tail, 64 mm. ; tarsus, 19 mm.; culmen, 16mm. Of the female: wing, 123 mm. ;
tail, 58 mm.” (Hartert). Habitat. Fergusson Island.
eugeniz, Gould. One. ¢. Solomon Islands (Ugi, September).
luteovirens (Hombr. &: Jacg.). Nine. 5 (1 jr.), 49. Fiji Islands (Ovalau,
February ; Rewa, February, July, December).
victor, Gould. Ten. 84(2 jr.), 29. Fiji Islands (Taviuni, N’gila, April,
July, August ; Bua, April).
The Type of this species should be in the Museum (cf. Gould, P.Z.S. 1871, p. 642).
Unfortunately it cannot now be found.
viridis, Layard. One. ¢. Fiji Islands (Kandavu, September).
holosericea (Temm.). Five. 2¢,39. New Caledonia (Moindou, October ;
Dombea, June, November).
pulcherrima (Scop.). Five. Seychelles (Mahé; Felicité).
sganzani (Verr.). Two. Great Comoro Island.
sganzani, subsp. minor, Berl. Abhandl. Senck. Nat. Ges. p. 493 (1898).
“Closely resembling A. sganzani from Anjouan but smaller, the bill especially
shorter and the abdomen more greenish. Wing, 154-158; tail, 96-101 ; culmen,
133-143 ; tarsus, 244mm.” (Berlepsch). Habitat. Aldabra.
madagascariensis (Linn.). Five. Madagascar, October (Antanarivo, July).
[New Guinea].
No. 3, which is probably a young bird, has the back and wings of a greenish lustre,
not indigo blue as in the adult birds, and is without the slaty grey tinge on the
hind-neck, throat, and upper breast.
nitidissima (Scop.). (Extinct).
formosa (G.2.Gr.). One. 9. Molucca Islands (Gilolo).
magnifica (Zemm.). Nine. 1¢. Australia (“Rock Point”).
On the stand of No. 3, 6, from “Rock Point,” Lord Derby has the following
note: ‘Dr. Lfatham] supposed this bird to be his Columba wnea, or Nutmeg
pigeon, in high or complete plumage.”
assimilis (Gould). One. ¢. Northern Australia (Cape York).
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to separate this northern race of MW. mag-
nifica, without an accurate knowledge of the localities. Count Salvadori’s
diagnosis is, ‘‘Similar to IW. magnifica but smaller. Total length about 14
inches, wing 7°5.” He also says, under J. magnifica, ‘Specimens from North
Queensland are smaller.” North (Rec. Austr. Mus. iii. No. 1, pp. 16, 17, 1897)
gives Cairns as the southern limit of J/. assimilis, but we have seen specimens
from Cooktown, which is considerably to the north of Cairns, which undoubtedly
belong to the southern form. These specimens were, however, shot in winter,
and may have possibly migrated from the south.
poliura, Sw/vad. Four. South-East New Guinea (Possession Bay, October).
poliura, subsp. septentrionalis, Meyer, Abh. Mus. Dresd. 1893, No. 3, p. 25.
“Closely resembling WW. polivra, Salvad, but having the tail brownish grey beneath,
the under wing-coverts and axillaries lemon yellow, and the median wing-coverts
and the innermost tertials much less spotted with yellow. Wing, 160-173; tail,
135-148 mm.” (Meyer). Habitat. Northern and Eastern New Guinea, and the
Island of Jobi.
puella (Less.). Three. 9. New Guinea (Lobo Bay, July).
LITHOPHAPS, De Vis. (Fossil).
ulnaris, De Vis.
galeatus, Bp.
{a. Globicera, Bp.).
pacifica (Gm.). Five. @. South-East New Guinea. New Hebrides
(Ambrym, June).
The specimen from the New Hebrides is considerably duller in colour than those
from New Guinea, in this respect approaching C. oceanica. The metallic colour
is more of a coppery lustre, not bronze-green as in the New Guinea examples.
Another specimen (=3506 Lord Derby’s Mus.), without locality, is somewhat
larger and has the ashy colour of the head and mantle considerably darker, pass-
ing insensibly into the metallic colour of the back, not sharply defined as in
other specimens. It is possibly a different species.
oceanica (Less.). One. Pelew Islands.
myristicivora (Scop.).
rubricera, G@.2.Gr. Seven. New Ireland. New Hanover.
rufigula, Salvad. One. ¢. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval, Makira
Harbour, August).
The Type of Carpophaga richardsi, Tristr. Ibis, 1879, p. 443.
auroree, Peale.
wilkesi, Peale.
We have followed Hartert in not separating this section generically under
Globicera, Bp., as is done by Salvadori (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi., p. 171), the
fleshy knob on the culmen being merely a seasonal peculiarity.
[8. Carpophaga, Selby.).
whartoni, Sharpe. One. 6. Christmas Island, October.
eenothorax, Salvad.
consobrina, Salvad.
vandepolli, Butttk. Notes Leyd. Mus. xviii. pp. 190, 191 (1897).
“* Adult female :—Mantle, back, rump, upper tail-coverts, tail, and wing bronzy green,
like in C. wnea and allied species, with a strong coppery gloss on back and upper
wing-coverts ; head and hind-neck down to the mantle, and upper throat ashy
grey, without any rosy tinge ; frontal edge and chin white, a large patch on the
occiput, reaching to the sides of the neck behind the ear-coverts, pinkish brown ;
lower throat, chest, and sides of the neck grey, washed with vinaceous, entire
breast uniform pale wine red ; abdomen, flanks, and thighs uniform ashy grey,
under tail-coverts dark chestnut, like in C. consobrina, darker than in C. enea,
under wing-coverts uniform ashy grey. Wing, 22°3; tail, 125; culmen, 3°0;
unfeathered part of the latter, 2°0cm.” (Buttikofer). Habitat. Nias.
insularis, Blyth. Two. @. Nicobar Islands (Teressa Island, January).
concinna, /Vall. Three. $6, 29. ‘Tenimber Islands (Maru Island,
September). Banda Sea (Dammar Island, November). Talaut Islands,
(Lirung, May).
concinna, subsp. separata, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. p. 180 (1896).
*‘Comparing Ké specimens with a very large series from many localities (Sanghir
Islands, Siao, Dammar, Timor Laut, and Djampea), I do not find that they differ
in size, but that the entire under surface is not light grey, but creamy white,
with only a very faint cinereous tinge.” (Hartert). Habitat. Ké Islands.
intermedia, Meyer & Wiglesw. J.f.0. 1894, pp. 238, 249, 250; iid. Abh. Mus. Dresd.
1895, No. 9. p. 7; vd. B. Celebes, ii. p. 619, pl. xxxix. (1898).
‘* Like C. concinna, but the lower breast and abdomen deep vinaceous buff, not light
grey; the under tail-coverts dark chocolate brown, not chestnut; under wing-
coverts dark grey, without any green; feathers of frontal edge divided by the
culmen into two points, grey like the head, not white; an extensive area on
hind-neck pale vinaceous ; tail above nearly myrtle green, not dark blue; back
dark bronze green, instead of golden green; feet dusky with a red hue, not
cherry red. Wing, 263-271; tail, about 160; tarsus, about 28; bill from first
feathers of forehead, about 20mm.” (Meyer & Wiglesworth). Habitat. Talaut
Islands (Kabruang and Karkellang).
geelvinkiana, Schleg.
paulina (Zemm.). Two. North Celebes.
pulchella, ald. One. Sula Island.
Count Salvadori has included the Sula Island bird in C. paulina. This specimen,
however, which was collected by Allen, Mr. Wallace’s assistant, differs in being
strongly copper coloured above, not green as in C. paulina. In C. pulchella
the ear-coverts are darker and the rufous nuchal patch narrower and paler in
colour. The wing is about 4 inch less than C. paulina.
nuchalis, Cab. One. @. Philippine Islands (North Luzon, May).
This specimen bears out Mr. Ogilvie-Grant’s remarks on the validity and size of
this species (cf Ibis, 1895, p. 116, 117).
eenea (Linn.). Fourteen. 24,9. North-West India. Ceylon. Sumatra
(Lampong Residency, Hoedjoeng; Palembang Residency, Tandjoeng Djati,
Lake Ranau, February). Java. Borneo (Banjermassim ; North Borneo).
Philippine Islands (Luzon).
No. 13 from the Philippine Islands, collected by Cuming, appears to belong to the
form known as C. sylvatica, Tick.
The locality may possibly be erroneous, and the specimen may have been collected
by Cuming in Ceylon.
rhodinolema, Se/at.
vanwycki, Cuss. Two. ¢. Duke of York Island, July. New Ireland.
pistrinaria, 2p. Two. ¢. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval, Makira Har-
bour, August ; Florida).
rosacea (Zemm.). Four. 3,9. Timor.
perspicillata (Zemm.). (=C. temmincki, Wall., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 43).
Two. [New Guinea.] [Waigiou.]
neglecta, Schleg. Two. Molucca Islands (Gilolo; Amboina).
No. 2 (=3490 Lord Derby’s Mus.) from Amboina, which in all probability came
from the Leyden Museum, is labelled Columba perspicillata. From that species,
however, it differs in having the head, nape, and fore-neck very much paler grey,
the latter with a slight tinge of vinaceous. The specimen from Amboina is more
vinaceous beneath, especially on the chin, than that from Gilolo which was
collected by Wallace.
pickeringi, Cass. One. 3. Sulu Archipelago (Maimbua, May).
cineracea (Zemm.).
latrans, Peale. One. Fiji Islands.
zoek (Less.). Two. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.).
Dr. Meyer has separated the form from German New Guinea as C. zoew orientalis,
but Count Salvadori doubts its distinctness. Two of the characters given, viz. :
the metallic green band between the vinaceous mantle and the chestnut back,
and the green tinge on the feathers of the pectoral band, are present in our
specimens from the above-mentioned locality.
[y. Ptilocolpa, Bp.}.
carola, Bp. (=C. griseipectus, Gr., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 42). Seven. d.
Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
On the identity of this species and C. griseipectus, ef. Grant, Ibis, 1894, p. 521; id.
op. cit. 1895, p. 117; Whitehead, op. cit. 1899, p. 489. Sharpe (in the Hand-
List of Birds, vol. i. p. 65, 1899) keeps them distinct.
nigrorum (Whitehead). Bull. B.O.C. xliii. p. xxxiv. (1897); id. Ibis. 1897, p. 439; id.
op. cit. 1899, p. 490.
‘Like C. griseipectus (Bp). but easily.recognised by its black, not ashy, prepectoral
spot. Total length, 13 inches; wing, 8°3; tail, 4°8; tarsus, ‘85. Base of bill
coral pink, tipped with dull white; iris pale straw yellow; feet coral pink.”
(Whitehead). Habitat. Negros.
[6. Zonophaps, Salvad.}.
forsteni (Bp.). Two. ¢. North Celebes.
poliocephala, G.f.Gr. Three. ?. Philippine Islands (Luzon; Mindanao,
Zamboango, March).
Though collected by Cuming in Luzon, as is shown by the specimen enumerated
above, this locality has never been published until Whitehead collected the
species in the island. The Luzon bird may perhaps be distinguished sub-
specifically by its somewhat larger size and deeper coloured throat.
radiata (Q. & G.). One. North Celebes.
T mindorensis, Whitehead, Ann & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xviii. p. 189 (1896) ;
Grant, Ibis, 1896, pp. 461, 476, pl. xi. ; Bourns & Worces. Proc. U.S. Nat.
Mus. xx. pp. 551, 586 (1898) ; Whitehead, Ibis, 1899, p. 488.
One. 6. Philippine Islands (Mindoro, January).
‘© Adult male :—Most nearly allied to C. radiata (Quoy & Gaimard), but much larger. °
Top of the head, neck, breast, and rest of under parts bluish slate grey, darkest
on the belly and under tail-coverts, the latter indistinctly edged with rufous ;
forehead, cheeks, and throat pale whitish pink; feathers surrounding the eye
and forming a patch above the ear-coverts blackish grey; hind-neck gradually
shading into sooty black on the mantle and interscapulary region; scapulars
and inner wing-coverts bronze-lake, changing to bronze-green on the rest of the
wings, rump, and upper tail-coverts; primary quills blackish grey, the inner
ones glossed on the outer web and towards the extremity with metallic green ;
tail feathers black, glossed with purple and green, and with a wide grey band
across the middle; under wing-coverts and axillaries slightly glossed with
bronze. Total length, 19:0; exposed part of culmen, 0°9; wing, 9°2; tail, 7:0;
tarsus, 1°38; middle toe and claw, 2°0 inches. Adult female :--Similar to the
male, but rather smaller, and the under tail-coverts distinctly margined with
chestnut. Total length, 17-5; exposed part of culmen, 0°9; wing, 8°8; tail,
6-25; tarsus, 13; middle toe and claw, 1:8 inches.” (Whitehead). Habitat.
Philippine Islands, Highlands of Mindoro.
This specimen is a Paratype of the species.
finschi, ams. One. New Ireland.
basilica, Sundev. One. @. Molucca Islands (Ternaté, March).
obiensis, Hart. Bull. B.O.C. li. p. 35 (1898) ; id. Ibis, 1898, p. 296.
“* Of the same pattern of colouration and the same dimensions as C. basilica, of the
Northern Moluccas, but the entire head, throat, fore-neck, and breast much
deeper vinous, with a greyish wash ; hind-neck darker grey, separated from the
vinous head by a rusty patch. Abdomen and under tail-coverts deep cinnamon,
instead of pale cinnamon.” (Hartert). Habitat. Obi Major.
rufiventris, Salvad. Two. 3. New Guinea (Waigiou).
chalconota, Salvad.
[e. Ducula, Hodgs.}.
lacernulata (Zemm.). Three. 29. Java (Preanger Regencies, Mount
Malawar, 6000 ft. ; Tapos, August).
cuprea (Jerd.).
insignis (Hodgs.). Three. Nepaul. Assam.
griseicapilla (Vuld.). One.
badia (Rafi.). Hight. 34,9. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Sumatra (Lam-
pong Residency, Tarratas). Java (Tapos).
sasakensis, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 564, 597 (1896).
Two. 29. Lombok (2300 ft.), June, July.
“* Like C. lacernulata, but with the under tail-coverts vinaceous grey, not chestnut.”
** $, adult:—Cap ashy grey. Hind-neck greyish vinous, passing through ashy grey
into the colour of the back, which, like all the rest of the upper parts, is of a
brownish slate-colour with a very slight metallic-green tinge and a greyish hue,
the rump being more greyish slate. _Underparts pale greyish vinaceous, more
grey on the chest. Sides of body and under wing-coverts slaty grey. Tail dark
slate-colour, tips grey for 37 to 40 mm., slightly darker on the edges. ‘ Iris
deep dull brown; beak dark slate-colour, darker at tip ; eyelids dark red ; feet
dark purplish red ; soles ochreous ; claws black.’ Total length about 140-150
mm. ; wing, 227-233; tail, 175; tarsus, 30; middle toe, without claw, 35; cul-
men, from end of feathering to tip, 20 mm.” (Hartert). Habitat. Lombok.
williami, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 552, 553 (1896).
“* Like C. lacernulata, but with the upper part of the head deep greyish vinaceous,
neck and upper part of the breast uniform in colour ; throat vinaceous ; wing, ?
194, $207 mm. . : . The top and sides of the head are deep greyish vinous,
a little more greyish than the head ; abdomen paler and a little more vinaceous.
Thighs grey with only a faint vinaceous tinge. Under tail-coverts chestnut.
Rest of upper parts dark brown with a slight greyish and metallic greenish
gloss, slaty and somewhat purplish on the rump. Tail above like the back, tips
dusky grey for about 43 mm., a little darker at the edges. Tail below paler,
tips almost whitish. Under wing-coverts dark slaty grey. 4 :—Wing, 207
mm. ; tail, 160; culmen from end of feathering to tip, 19; tarsus, 26, feathered
for two-thirds; middle toe, without claw, 30mm. The jfema/e is like the male
but a little smaller (wing, 194 mm.) ; top of head and hind-neck deeper vinous.”’
(Hartert). Habitat. Bali.
[é. Cryptophaps, Salvad.}.
pecilorrhea (Briigg.). One. ¢. North Celebes (Minahassa, October).
[n. Zonoenas, Reichenb.]. -
muelleri (Zemm.). One. South-Eastern New Guinea.
muelleri, subsp. aurantia, Meyer, Abh. Mus. Dresd. 1893, No. 3, p. 25.
**Closely resembling C. muel//eri (Temm.), but brighter beneath, and with the inter-
scapular region more or less orange chestnut.” (Meyer). Habitat. Northern New
pinon (@. & G.). (=. westermanni, Rosenb., Tristr. Cat. Col. Birds, p. 43).
Four. @?. Jobilsland. North-West New Guinea (Dorey). South-West
New Guinea (Utanata R.). South-East New Guinea (Port Moresby).
rubiensis, Meyer.
westermanni, Rosenb.
astrolabiensis, Weyer.
C. pinon (Q. & G.), C. rubiensis, Meyer, C. westermanni, Rosenb., and C. astrola-
biensis, Meyer, seem very closely allied. The specimen from Jobi Island has the
upper and under wing-coverts distinctly edged with paler grey, but not more so
than in the specimen from Port Moresby. The white bar on the forehead and
the white ring round the eyes are very much less conspicuous in these specimens
than in those from Dorey and Utanata R. In the absence of sufficient material it
is perhaps safer to leave them all united under C. pinon.
salvadorii, 7ristr. One. 2. Louisiade Archipelago (St. Aignan Island,
Type of the species, Tristr. P.Z.S. 1891, p. 996.
melanochroa, Sclaf. One. Duke of York Island.
brenchleyi, G.R.Gr.
goliath, @.h.Gr. Two. 2 ¢. New Caledonia (Dombea, July; Yahoué,
bicolor (Scop.). Thirteen. ¢, 92. Borneo (Pulo Tiga, April). Celebes.
Molucea Islands (Bouru). Philippine Islands (Luzon). Talaut Islands
(Lirung, April, May).
spilorrhoa ((.2.Gr.). Eight. 34. South-East New Guinea (Port Moresby).
New Britain. Northern Australia (Megapodius Island, August; Turtle
Back Island, March; Blackwood Bay, August; Port Essington, Coral
Bay, October).
subflavescens (Finsch). Three. $. NewlIreland. New Britain (Ferguson
Bay, August).
It is remarkable that this species and MW. spilorrhoa, of which it is a representative
form, should occur on the same island. It was originally described from New
Ireland, but has recently been recorded from New Hanover. Cf. Hartert, Ibis,
1899, p. 280.
melanura ((.2.Gr.). One. Molucea Islands (Bouru).
luctuosa, Zeinw. One. ¢. Sula Islands.
antarcticus (Shaw). Six. Eastern Australia (Moreton Bay).
nove-zealandiz ((m.). Six. ¢. New Zealand (Wellington, June).
spadicea (Lath.). Three. 3,29.
Cf. Bull Liverp. Mus. vol. i. pp. 35, 36 (1898).
We have since ascertained that there is another specimen of this species in the
Lisbon Museum. It is mounted and in somewhat poor condition, but as far as
could be seen without actual comparison, it agrees fairly well with our specimens,
asc the breast is of a somewhat less bronzy green. It was labelled ‘‘ Aus-
chathamensis (othsch.). Three. ¢. Chatham Islands, May.
Carpophaga chathamica, Forbes, Nature, vol. xlvi. p. 252.
=. eee
albertisii, Salvad. Two. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.). New
The second specimen from New Ireland, a locality from which the species has
apparently not been hitherto recorded, perfectly agrees with Count Salvadori’s
description of the not quite adult female. Cf. Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 240.
grisea (G.R.Gr.).
unicincta, Cass.
leuconota, Vig. Six. India. Nepaul. Assam.
rupestris, Pall. One. Ladakh (Sakti, May).
rupestris, subsp. pallida, Rothsch. & Hart. Ornith. Monatsb. i. p. 41 (1893).
“* Differing from the typical form by their brighter colouration, the abdomen and
under tail-coverts especially being much brighter, the middle of the belly nearly
pure white as against slate blue in the dark form, the colouring of the breast and
mantle, moreover, being not so deep.” (Rothschild & Hartert). Habitat. East
taczanowskii, Stejn. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 624 (1893).
“Similar to C. rupestris (i.e., with white wing and tai! band), but the grey colour
darker, the entire breast strongly suffused with wine-purple, with a strong
metallic gloss, which in certain lights changes to green; neck all round verdi-
gris green with metallic gloss, which in certain lights changes to purplish.”
(Stejneger). Habitat. Corea, Ussuri, and probably Northern China.
livia, Bonn. Ten. 364,39. Orkney Islands. Holland, November.
Algeria (‘Tilremht, November ; El Ateuf, April). Canary Islands (Hierro,
March ; Teneriffe, St. Ursula).
neglecta, Hume.
melitensis, Lydékker. (Fossil).
Calcaria, Milne-Edw. (Fossil).
gymnocyclus, G.R.Gr.
schimperi, Bp. Two. 64, 9. Palestine (Jericho, January; Marsaba,
intermedia, Strickl. Seven. 264,29. Ladakh (Chanagund, May).
Northern India (Bussahir, Nowghree, February). Southern India (Coonoor
Ghat). Japan (Nagasaki, January).
cenas, Linn. Two. ¢. England (Norfolk, Northrepps, February ; Hants,
Mottisfont, January).
eversmanni, Zp. One. North-West India (Punjaub, Sirsa, February).
albitorques, Riipp. One. Abyssinia.
guinea, Linn. Two. Abyssinia.
guinea, subsp. uhehensis, Rehnw. Ornith. Monatsber. vi. p. 82 (1898).
“* Differs from C. guinea in having the grey of the head, chin, under surface of the
body and beneath the wings, darker, these areas being also darker than in the
South African C. phwonota ; the reddish brown of the upper back is somewhat
darker than in C. guinea, the lower back and crop is pale grey as in the latter.
Total length, 350 ; wing, 220; tail, 125; distance between wing and tip of tail,
35; bill, 21; tarsus, 25 mm. Habitat. Iringa, in Uhehe, East Africa.”
( Reichenow).
pheonota, (.2.Gr. Eight. 26, skel. South Africa (Transvaal, Potchef-
stroom, June, September).
mada, Hart. Bull. B.O.C., \x. p. xxxiii. (1899) ; id. Ibis, 1899, p. 311.
é :—‘‘Bill yellow, red at base. Top of head and neck pure grey, merging into the
colour of the rest of the upper surface, which is slate colour, with light grey
borders to the feathers. Rectrices deep slaty brown, with narrow pale brownish
tips. Bare skin round eyes red. Sides of head, chest, throat, and breast buff,
palest on the throat. Abdomen brownish vinaceous ; under tail-coverts cinna-
mon. Feet andiris red. Wing, 229; tail, 170; exposed culmen, 16 mm.
“* 9 :—Like the male, but slightly smaller.” (Hartert). Habitat. Buru (Mt. Mada).
gymnophthalma, Zemm. Two. 6, 9.
picazuro, Zemm. Three. Bolivia.
albipennis, Sclat. & Salv.
maculosa, Zemm. Two. Bolivia.
These specimens, on comparison, agreed with C. macu/osa in the British Museum,
but they seem to us to come nearer C. albipennis. C. maculosa, however, has not
been recorded from Bolivia, where C. a/bipennis occurs. Our specimens were
collected by T. Bridges, and one of the same collector’s, also from Bolivia, is
recorded in the British Museum Catalogue under C. albipennis.
hodgsoni, iy. Three. India.
arquatrix, Zemm. Ten. 63,29. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Milanji
Hills, October). South Africa (Transvaal, Rustenberg, June, November ;
Natal, Burg Mountains, May ; Cape of Good Hope).
arquatrix, subsp. thomensis, Boc.
From an inspection of the Types in the Lisbon Museum, this is evidently a good
subspecies. C. sjostedti, Rchnw. (J.f.0. 1898, p. 138), and this subspecies may
possibly be identical.
leucocephala, Linn. Four. ¢ (jr.). Jamaica.
squamosa, Donn. Five. Antilles (St. Lucia, March). Vera Paz (Coban).
C. squamosa is supposed not to occur on the mainland. As recorded above, how-
ever, there is an undoubted specimen of this species in the Museum, which was
collected by Delattre, and which bears his label.
speciosa, Gm. Eight. Demerara. Venezuela ?
inornata, Vig.
enops, Salv. Nov. Zool. ii. pp. 20, 21 (1895).
‘* Vinaceous chestnut, darker on the interscapular region and wing-coverts, throat
whitish, lower back, upper and under tail-coverts, abdomen, flanks, and under wing-
coverts lead grey ; the greater wing-coverts also lead grey narrowly bordered
with white on the outer margin; primaries and tail blackish grey, the former
very narrowly bordered with white on the outer margin ; bill lead-colour at the
base, the feet and a ring round the eyes scarlet, iris ‘in the living bird’ orange.
Total length, about 13-0 [inches]; wing, $°0; tail, 5-4; bill from gape, 1:05;
tarsus, 1°05. Female :—‘ Like the male.’” (Salvin). Habitat. Northern Peru
(Vina, Huamachuco, 5500 ft.; Malea, Cajabamba, 8000 ft.)
flavirostris, /Vagl. Three. Vale of Mexico. Southern Mexico. Central
America (River St. John).
fiavirostris, subsp. madrensis, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 6 (1898).
“* Differs from typical C. flavirostris in somewhat larger size, decidedly larger and
longer bill, and generally paler colour; lower border of greater wing-coverts
broadly margined with white, as in C. gymnophthalma. . . Average measure-
ments :— § .—Wing, 202°7; tail, 129; culmen, 15°7; tarsus,27-l1mm. ¢.—Wing,
201; tail, 127; culmen, 16°6; tarsus, 26°3mm.” (Nelson). Habitat. Tres
Marias Islands (Maria Madre).
rufina, Zemm. Six. Tobago. Brazil (Para).
This species seems to vary very much in the intensity of the terminal tail band.
In one specimen from Para, and in another from an unmarked locality, the band
is very conspicuous, both above and below, while in the others, especially in the
one from Tobago, it is almost invisible. As Count Salvadori has observed (Cat.
Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 289) the specimens with a strongly defined tail band
should be known as C. sy/vestris, Vieill., while the others are true C. rufina.
caribea, Jucg. One. 2. Jamaica.
fasciata, Say. Three. 1 ¢. North-West America (Columbia R.). Vera
Paz (Coban, November).
viosce, Brewst.
albilinea, G.2.Gr. Two. Bogota.
The specimen without locality was collected by Delattre very probably in Ecuador
or Colombia.
crissalis, Salvad. Two. Guatemala.
This northern form of C. albilinea has been separated by Count. Salvadori on
account of the paler grey of the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts. The
differences seem very slight, but are present in the above two specimens, one of
which, without locality, was purchased by Canon Tristram at the sale of the
Jardine Collection.
tucumana, Salvad. Boll. Mus. Torino, No. 208, p. 22 (1895).
‘‘Leaden grey with a slight olive lustre, the wing feathers darker, the lower neck
with a greenish golden sheen ; tail ashy with a very broad terminal band, dull
grey, and another median one, black ; under tail-coverts ashy with their edges
whitish ; bill yellow, dull greyish at the tip; iris, ashy grey; feet yellow. Total
length, 360; wing, 205; tail, 125; culmen, 20; tarsus, 27 mm.” (Salvad.).
Habitat. N. Argentina (Tucuman).
araucana, Less. Five. Chili.
laurivora, Webb d&: Berth, Five. 36, 2, juv. Canary Islands (Gomera,
San Ambrosio, May ; Palma, La Galga, March, April).
bollii, Godm. Three. 26,9. Canary Islands (Gomera, May; Palma,
La Galga, April ; Teneriffe, St. Ursula, at 4200 ft., April).
trocaz, Heineken. Three. 246,92. Madeira, February, June.
palumbus, Zinn. Five. 19. England (Yorkshire, Darlington, February ;
Hants., Mottisfont, December). Algeria (La Calle, April). Palestine
(Mt. Carmel, March).
casiotis (Bp.). Three. Northern India (Cheer Forest, May). Cashmere,
torringtonie (Kelawt). Two. ¢. Ceylon (Kandy, September).
elphinstonii (Sykes). Four. ¢@. Southern India (Neilgherries, Neddi-
vuttum, July).
No. 4, which is without locality, but which probably came either from Madras or
Nellore, is apparently a young bird ; the white tips to the neck feathers and the
chestnut of the mantle are only faintly indicated, and the grey of the head and
throat is much duller in colour and without the metallic sheen which is present
in adult birds.
punicea (Vv%ck.).
pulchricollis, Hodgs.
palumboides (Hume). One. ¢. South Andaman Islands, February.
versicolor, Kitt/.
jouyi (Sfejn.). One. Loochoo Islands.
ianthina, Zemm. Three. Japan (Vries Island, May ; Yokohama).
nitens, Kittl, Two. ¢@. Bailey Islands (Hahashima, July). [Japan].
A specimen in the Derby Museum, which probably came from the Leyden Museum,
as it was acquired by Lord Derby at the same date as many others collected by
Miiller, is labelled ‘* Columba violacea, Japan.” It is in excellent preservation,
and minutely agrees with the specimen from the Bailey Islands collected by
Holst, and which Count Salvadori has labelled C. nitens, Kittl.
metallica, Zemm. One. Juv. East Timor.
arrose (Wald. & Layard). One. Q. Philippine Islands (Basilan,
albigularis (Bp.). Two. ¢@. Mysol. South-East New Guinea (Port
hypenochroa (Gould). Two. ¢. New Caledonia (Noumea, July),
vitiensis, Q. dG. Two. 6,9. Fiji Islands (Rewa; Wakaia, May).
T leopoldi (Zvistr.). Three. @. New Hebrides (Vaté, June; Aneityum,
Of the three specimens of this species the Type, ?, from Vaté, has all the feathers
of the chest, centre of the abdomen, and flanks tipped with metallic coppery
chestnut, the flanks being dull lead grey. No. 2, from Aneityum, has no chestnut
colour whatever on the under surface, and has a strong metallic greenish lustre
on the upper breast, not amethystine as in the Type. This bird, Canon
Tristram considers very adult. No. 3, also from Aneityum, is apparently a much
younger bird; the whole under surface—except the throat, which is white, and
the flanks, which are lead grey—is dull brown, without metallic lustre, inclining
to chestnut on the centre of the abdonien, each feather with a lighter tip.
No. 1 is the Type of the species, Tristr. Ibis, 1879, p. 193.
castaneiceps (Peale). Three and sternum. Samoa.
philippana (Rams.).
pallidiceps (Ramzs.).
T norfolciensis, Zvth. Four. Australia.
No. 3, from General Davies’ Collection, is in all probability one of the Types of
Latham’s description. We see no reason for adopting the later name —C. /euco-
mela, Temm.—as Count Salvadori has done (Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 320), on
the ground that C. norfolciensis conveys an erroneous locality. The bird may
have been exterminated at a very early date, just as Hemiphaga spadicea has
been, both in Norfolk and Lord Howe’s Islands.
polleni, Schleg.
nigrirostris, Sclit. Two. 46, ¢?. Panama, February.
plumbea, Vicill. Four. Brazil. Bolivia.
subvinacea (Lawr.). Two. Ecuador.
subvinacea, subsp. berlepschi, Hart. Nov. Zool. v. p. 504 (1898).
“Much smaller than C. subvinacea typica. Wings, 145-148 mm., against 163-165 in
females, from Costa Rica; also tail about 10-15 mm. shorter, tarsus 1-2 mm.
shorter.” (Hartert). Habitat. N.W. Ecuador.
mayeri (Marchal). One. Mauritius.
A specimen of this rare pigeon in the Museum, which is in perfect preservation, is
labelled :—‘‘ Pheasant-tailed Pigeon, Columba phasinella, Isle of France.”
delegorguii (Delegorgue). Four. 3¢ (1 jr.),?. South Africa (Port Natal,
August ; Pinetown).
The figures of this species given in Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. pl. ix., figs. 1, 2 are
not quite satisfactory. In the male the head and throat are very much greyer, with
only the very faintest greenish, not reddish, lustre ; the whole under surface is very
much less vinous than shown ; the nape is grey of the same colour as the head and
throat, but much more strongly shot with greenish and amethystine reflections ;
the white collar on the hind-neck is not so pronounced, and the reddish colour
of the scapulars and inner wing-coverts is somewhat duller than shown. In
the figure of the female the head and neck should be copper-coloured, somewhat
darker on the occiput, and the characteristic minute vermiculations on the
under surface, though mentioned in the description, are not shown. In a male
juvenile bird the upper breast is more vinous than in the adult, the under tail-
coverts are grey, vermiculated with white and stained with rufous along the
shaft, and the white collar on the hind-neck is almost absent.
sharpii, Salvad. ; Rothsch. Nov. Zool. i. pp. 41, 42, pl. iii, (1893).
harterti, Neum. J.£.0., 1898, p. 287, Tafl. ii.
9 “Forehead, chin, and throat bright grey, upper head darker grey, with greenish
metallic lustre ; hinder head and neck copper-red ; the lustre on the hinder head
and neck metallic red, green in reflected light, the remaining upper surface and
tail dusky greyish black, resembling the colour of the back of 7’. iriditorques,
and J. malherbii ; on the rump a slight metallic lustre ; lower throat and upper
breast grey, strongly washed with golden brown the sides of the neck with a
coppery lustre ; lower breast and belly grey slightly washed with golden brown ;
Columb, Liverp Mus.
J.G. Kevlemans del.et lith.
triditorques (Coss.), ©
Columb, Liverp. Mus. Il.
J.G Kenlemamns delet hth. Mintern Bros.imp.
Tarturceena widitorques ass.) %.
under tail-coverts grey, with cinnamon brown margins. Lower surface of tail
dark grey with a just perceptible apical band . . . Length, 310-320; wing,
175-180 mm. Iris, orange brown; bill, bluish; cere, dark slate grey; feet,
bright rose colour.” (Newnann). Habitat. Kast Central Africa, Kilima-Njaro.
incerta, Salvad.
iriditorques (Cass... Two. ¢,?. (Columb, pls. ii., iii.)
malherbii (/77.). One. ¢.
An aviary specimen agrees with Count Salvadori’s description of the adult female
of this species.
menadensis ((). ¢: @.). Three. North Celebes.
menadensis, subsp. sulaénsis, subsp. nov. One. Sula Islands.
Closely resembling the typical form, but somewhat darker, the metallic colour of
the breast and mantle brighter, of a purer green, with no amethystine tinge.
Size much smaller. Wing 181, against 203 mm. in the mainland form.
modesta (Zemm.). One. &. Timor, May.
Collected by S. Miller in 1829, and bearing his MS. name, ‘‘ Columba fumigata.”
Most probably also it is one of the Types of the species.
tusalia (Hodgs.). Eight. ¢?,2 jr. Sikkim, February. Northern India
swinhoii, Wardlaw Rams. One. Hainan, February.
leptogrammica (Zemm.). One. ¢. West Java.
magna, Wall.
timorlaoensis, Meyer. One. 2. Timor Laut, September.
macassariensis, Wall.
This species has also been recorded from Saleyer and Djampea (cf Hartert, Nov.
Zool. iii. pp. 166, 180, 182 (1896) ).
cinnamomea, Salvad.
rufipennis, Blyth. One. &. South Andaman Islands, March.
tenuirostris, @.2.Gr. Four. 3 juv. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla ;
Mindanao, Davao, May).
emiliana, Bp. Three. Java.
Buttikofer (Notes Leyd. Mus. xviii. pp. 191, 193 (18986) ), after comparing specimens
from Nias with a large series from Java and the Kangean Archipelago, considers
that M. modiglianii, Salvad., the specific value of which the author himself is
doubtful of (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 349), must be referred to this species.
phasianella (Zemm.). Seven. ¢, 9. Australia.
amboinensis (Zinn.). (= M. doreya, Bp., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 39).
Three. Amboina. [New Guinea].
keiensis, Salvad.
albicapilla, 7zmm. Three. 26,9. North Celebes (Minahassa, Rurukan,
August ; Menado, September).
sanghirensis, Salvad.
maforensis, Salvad.
doreya, Bp. (= Macropygia sp., spm. a, ex Eyton Museum, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 39). One. Jr.
This specimen is very puzzling. It is considered to belong to this species by
Major Wardlaw Ramsay, and agrees fairly well with his description of the young
bird (cf. Ibis, 1890, p. 235). The following is a full description :—Head and upper
nape rich rufous chestnut, the bases of the feathers black showing through more
conspicuously on the forehead ; an ill-defined superciliary stripe whitish ; hinder
neck and sides of the neck blackish barred and tipped with white, and with a
greenish irridescent lustre on the lower neck; back, wing-coverts, and upper
tail-coverts dull brown tipped with chestnut rufous becoming almost indian red
on the upper tail-coverts; throat whitish, each feather tipped and margined
with black; feathers of the upper chest greyish black on the lower parts, with
white shafts, a narrow subapical band of black and a broad rufous chestnut tip ;
lower breast and upper abdomen sandy rufous, lower abdomen, flanks, under
tail-coverts and under wing-coverts rich cinnamon rufous somewhat darker on
the latter ; primaries and secondaries dull brownish, obscurely margined with
light rufous, margined internally on the inner web with the colour of the under
wing-coverts ; the two central tail feathers dull brownish, somewhat more rufous
than the primaries, with hardly perceptible blackish bars lighter beneath, other
tail feathers cinnamon rufous, the basal portion next to the shaft, and a broad
subapical band, blackish,
doreya, subsp. cinereiceps, 7vistr. One. New Guinea.
This specimen is merely labelled ‘‘ New Guinea,” but from the ‘‘ make” of the skin
and other considerations, we should imagine that it was collected by Goldie in
the neighbourhood of Port Moresby. It has the hinder crown and. occiput
french grey with greenish amethystine reflections, and the bars on the breast are
ill defined. On this and allied species, cf. Hartert and Rothschild, Nov. Zool.
iii. pp. 249, 536.
doreya, subsp. griseinucha, Salvad.
doreya, subsp. cunctata, Hart. Nov. Zool. vi. p. 214 (1899).
LOS seems nearest to MW. doreya cinereiceps, but differs in its distinctly barred
breast and a longer wing, ranging in the adult male as far as 170 and 176 mm,
The feathers of the hind-neck are widely bordered with metallic green, the fore-
head is greyish white, usually more or less stained with brown, the crown is
slaty grey, the under tail-coverts uniform bright rufous. Young birds have the
crown brownish red, the hind-neck barred.” (Hartert). Habitat. Louisiade
Archipelago (St. Aignan Island).
batchianensis, ull. (= M. amboinensis (L.). spm. b, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 39). One. Batchian.
kerstingi, Rchnw. Ornith. Monatsh. v. p. 25 (1897) ; id. J,f.0. 1897, pp. 206, 207.
“ Allied to M. batchianensis, but the reddish chestnut brown of the upper surface
darker; belly and under tail-coverts suffused with reddish cinnamon brown
brighter on the middle of the belly. Crown and occiput deeper reddish brown ;
feathers of the crop with broad and markedly vinaceous edges and with narrow
grey vermiculations. No grey on the outer tail feathers. Breast feathers
normal, not bifurcate ; middle tail feathers not banded. Primaries with narrow
red margins on their inner webs. No barring on the under surface. Crown and
occiput reddish brown strongly washed with vinaceous. Total length, 370;
wing, 155-165 ; tail, 185-200 ; bill, 17-18 ; tarsus, 23mm.” (Reichenow). Habitat.
German New Guinea (Nuru and Ramu Rivers).
goldiei, Salvad.
carteretia, Bp. Four. 2 ¢ (1jr.), 2. Moroda Island, July. Duke of
York Island, July. New Britain (Blanche Bay).
ruficeps (Zemm.). Three. 2¢, 2. Western Java (Bantam Residency,
2800 ft., September, October).
ruficeps, subsp. orientalis, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii. p. 573 (1896). One. @.
South Flores (3500 ft.), October.
“ Aoreeing with WM. ruficeps (Temm.) except in their longer wings and their generally
: . 2
darker, deeper rufous under tail-coverts. (Hartert). Habitat. Lesser Sunda
nigrirostris, Sulvud. Two. d, jr. New Britain, March.
rufo-castanea, Rums. Two. ¢. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval, Makira
Harbour, August ; Bugotn).
No. 1, from San Cristoval, is the type of J/. arossi, Tristr. This, 1879, p. 443.
rufa, Rams. One. ¢. New Hebrides (Vate, June).
mackinlayi, Rams.
SS se
reinwardti (Zemm.). Three. 1 jr. Celebes. Gilolo.
The juvenile bird is in moult to the plumage of the adult, and has the back and
scapulars partially rufous, with one or two lavender feathers on the nape.
reinwardti, subsp. griseotincta, Hart. Nov. Zool. iii, pp. 18, 19 (1896).
** Comparing specimens of &. reinwardti from S.E. New Guinea, Kaiser Wilhelmsland,
Arfak, Waigiou, and the Moluccas, I find that the Moluccan birds are much
more white on head, neck, and breast, and have more dark feathers on the wing-
coverts, besides being a little smaller as a rule; while the birds from New
Guinea ‘Have the head, neck, and breast much darker grey, more rufous on the
wing-coverts, and are perhaps a little larger. Waigiou specimens stand some-
what between Moluccan and Papuan specimens in the darkness of the neck and
breast, but belong rather to the latter. Of the New Guinea specimens it may
be said that those from Arfak seem to be a little lighter than those from the
eastern and southern parts of the island, where they are of the darkest grey. In
any case, however, the Moluccan bird is easily recognisable as being whiter, and
it is, therefore, desirable to give the Papuan bird a subspecific name
Count Salvadori, to whom we owe so much of our knowledge of the Papuan
Islands, has already (see Ornitol. Papuas. iii. p. 128) pointed out some differences
between Moluccan and Papuan specimens, but gave no new name as he did not
consider such local forms important enough to give them a name.” (Hartert).
Habitat. New Guinea.
reinwardti, subsp. obiensis, Hart. Bull. B.O.C. li. p. xxxv. (1898).
‘* Differs from the smaller form of Retnwardtenas reinwardti of the Northern Moluccas,
in having the chin and cheeks washed with yellowish buff.” (Hartert). Habitat.
Obi Major.
minor (Sch/.).
browni, Sclat. Two. 3,2. Duke of York Island, July.
CORYPHNAS, Wardlaw Rams.
crassirostris (Gould). One. @. Solomon Islands (Guadalcanar, May).
migratorius (Linn.). Ten. 446,39,3 jr. United States (Columbia, Old
Soldiers’ Home, October ; Nebraska).
carolinensis (Linn.). Nine. 636,39. North-West America (Columbia
hk.) United States (Ohio, Cleveland; Texas, Brownsville). Central
America (River St. John; Panama, February, April).
clarionensis, Zowns. Two. 2 9. Clarion Island, July.
graysoni, Baird.
aurita (Temm.). One. @.
meridionalis (Zath.). Four. ¢, 2. Jamaica.
Cf. Bull. Liverp. Mus. i. p. 36 (1898).
Types of Southern Pigeon var. A. Lath. Gen. Hist. viii. p. 28 (1822).
spadicea, Cory.
yucatanensis, Salvad.
auriculata (Des Murs). Seven. 92, ¢juv. Brazil (Para). Bolivia.
vinaceo-rufa, Ridgw.
ruficauda, G.R.Gr.
jessiece, Riker.
stenura, Bp.
galapagoensis (Gould). Eight. ¢, 92. Galapagos Islands (Indefatigable
Island, September ; Chatham Island, June ; Charles Island, November).
galapagoensis, subsp. exsul, Lothsch. & Hart. Nov. Zool. vi. p. 184 (1899).
Three. 3 3. Galapagos Islands (Culpepper Island, July).
“Differs from Nesopelia galapagoensis galapagoensis in being larger. While the wing
of the latter varies in the male from 130-140 mm., it measures in our new
subspecies 142-148mm. . . . Alsothefemales . . . havethe wing longer
than females from the’southern and central islands of the group—i.e., 130-135—
while in the latter it varies between 120-129mm._ The tail is also about 5-8 mm.
longer in the birds from Culpepper and Wenman Islands. Iris brown, bill black,
feet pinkish red, skin round the eye indigo-blue.” (Rothschild & Hartert).
Habitat. Northern Galapagos Islands (Culpepper & Wenman).
leucoptera (Linn.). Twelve. 4 ¢,3 9. Mexico (Matamoros, August).
Jamaica. Central America (Panama, March, May).
meloda (Vschudi).
TURTUR, Se/by.
[a Turtur, Selby.).
turtur (Linn.). Six. 246,39. England (Hants, Mottisfont, August).
Canary Islands (Teneriffe, Icod, March). Algeria (Koliah Forest, May).
Palestine (Gennesareth, April; Jericho, April).
turtur, subsp. arenicola, Hart. Nov. Zool. i. p. 42 (1894).
«* Among a number of bird skins from Fao, on the Persian Gulf, recently sent to the
Tring Museum, I was surprised to find an extremely pale turtle-dove. It is
distinguished from the English turtle-dove by a paler ashy crown, much paler and
more sandy coloured back and rump, lighter breast and abdomen, and especially
by the very much paler colour of the cinnamon edges to the scapulars and wing-
coverts. With only a number of English specimens of the turtle-dove to compare
I would have ventured to distinguish the Fao bird specifically, but after having
compared it with the grand series in the British Museum, it became evident to
me that I could only consider the Fao bird a paler subspecies. It seems that
eastern specimens of 7. urtur are paler as a rule. The specimens from Fao in the
British Museum are entirely similar to the one in the Tring Museum, but the
differences are perhaps not so obvious as in the latter, because they are in a less
good condition. The specimensfrom the Persian hill countries, from the Kerkhand
River, and from Shiraz are paler than European 7’. turtur, and somewhat inter-
mediate between 7. turtur and the Fao bird. The skin from Turkestan
(Prjevalski) is much like the Fao bird, and but a little more vivid in colour; again,
those from Yarkand are different from the European bird, and brighter cinnamon
on the back, scapulars, and upper wing-coverts.
“T name the Fao bird 2. turtur arenicola, subsp. noy., and I believe the birds from
Yarkand might also be distinguished subspecifically.
‘“‘The dimensions of the Type of 7. turtur arenicola in the Tring Museum are as
follows :—Total length about 11 in.; wing, 6:45; tail, 4-4; culmen, 0°68 ; tarsus,
0-8. English turtle-doves have the wing longer.” (Hartert). Habitat. Fao,
Persian Gulf.
isabellinus, Bp. Four. 2¢, 9. Egypt (Fayoom, June). Sennaar.
The three specimens from Sennaar and Abyssinia, were all evidently collected by
the same person in 1839, and were obtained from Natterer through Leadbeater
in 1840 and 1842. The specimen from Abyssinia obtained in 1840 is labelled
“© Columba (new spec.)” ; the other two ‘‘ Columba assimilis, Natt.” which appears
to bea MS. name. They are probably duplicates from the Vienna Museum, and
were possibly collected by Lefebvre.
ferrago (Eversm.). Five. ¢. Northern India (Mhow, December ; Maun-
bhoom). Southern India (Nellore).
orientalis (Lath.). Eleven. 36,39. Northern India (Nepaul; Mhow,
March). China (Chusan, January). Loochoo Islands, January. China
Sea (Lat. 33° N., Long. 127°30 E., October). Japan (Nagasaki, January,
February ; Chiusenze, January ; Nikko, April).
lugens (Ltiipp.). One. Abyssinia.
[8. Homopelia, Salvad.}.
picturatus (Zemm.). Six. 3¢,29. Madagascar (Mohambo, September ;
Ankefana, February). Bourbon (Plaine des Palmistes, January).
The specimen from Bourbon is very markedly distinct from those from Madagas-
car, and may possibly prove to be a distinct species. The whole under surface
is white with a slight tinge of grey on the upper breast, and with the flanks
grey, but with no tinge of vinous on the breast or elsewhere. The head is light
grey, lighter than in 7’. pictwratus, of the same colour as lower back, upper tail-
coverts and tail, the latter of which is tipped and edged with brown; under
surface of the tail as in 7’. picturatus ; mantle, upper back, scapulars, and inner
wing-coverts terra cotta merging into whitish grey on the lower neck ; prim-
aries, secondaries, outer and lower wing-coverts brownish grey, the primaries
and secondaries tipped and margined with whitish, the coverts bordered with
the colour of the mantle ; under surface of the wing grey ; bill without the light
tip of 7. picturatus; iris pearl; size as in 7. picturatus. We find that Dr. Ridg-
way (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. pp. 512, 513, 1896) has provisionally given the
name J'urtur abbotti to a bird from the Seychelles, which seems to answer to the
above description.
comorensis, L. Newt.
aldabranus, Sclat.
coppingeri, Sharpe.
saturatus, Ridgw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 600 (1893).
“Similar to 7. aldabranus, Sclater, but much darker ; the whole back rich purplish
chocolate, the head, neck, and chest similar, but slightly paler; light coloured
tips to rectrices more restricted and more tinged with grey (wholly grey in adult
female); adult male with sides of neck distinctly glossed with green.” (Ridgway).
‘Bill whitish horn at tip, cere and base livid purple ; feet livid purple in front,
leaden behind.” (Abbott). Habitat. Amirante Group (Ile Poivre; Ile Alphonse ?).
rostratus, Bp. Four. Seychelles (Cousin; Marianne).
rodericanus (Milne-Edw.). (Fossil).
Ly. Streptopelia, Bp.].
risorius (Linn.). Seven. 2 9, jr.
semitorquatus (Miipp.). Six. 2¢, 9. West Africa (Fantee; Gambia,
Bathurst, October; British Combo, Barcote, April). Central Africa
(Nyassaland, Zomba). South Africa (Port Natal, May).
shelleyi, Salvad.
ambiguus, Boc. (= 7. decipiens, Hartl. Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 38). One.
6. Central Africa (Kana, June).
This is the only specimen of this species in the Collection. The specimen from
Sobat, mentioned by Count Salvadori (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 420) was
not in the Tristram Collection when taken over.
perspicillatus, Fisch. & Rehnw.
decipiens, Finsch & Hartl.
bitorquatus (Zemm.). Three. 9. Java (Bantam, Genteng Lebak, April).
The Flores bird bears out Count Salvadori’s remarks (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi.
p- 422) as to the presence of a grey wash on the under tail-coverts ; in addition
ae a wing 4 inch longer than the Javan specimen and a slightly more robust
dussumieri (Z¢mm.). Two. Philippine Islands (South Luzon, Manilla).
capicola (Sundev.). Five. 2 ¢. South Africa (Transvaal: Rustenberg,
August ; De Kaap, Fig Tree Creek, July).
damarensis, Minsch & Hartl. Two. 9. East Africa (Pangani R., Usambara
Mts.).. South Africa (Transvaal, Potchefstroom, October).
vinaceus (Gm.). Two. 46,9. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, August).
roseogriseus (Sunder. ).
douraca, Hodgs. Five. 6,92. Palestine (Jericho, January). Southern
India (Madras ; Godavery River, December). Japan (Yokohama, March).
stolizke, Hume.
[6. Gnopopelia, Blanf.].
“Distinguished from all other species by its long wing with the first primary
nearly or quite equal to the second, and by having the sexes dissimilar in
plumage (Blanford, Fauna Brit. Ind. Aves, iv. p. 47, 1898).
humilis (Zemm.). Nine. 3,9. [India]. Mongolia (Zaidam, September).
Philippine Islands (Luzon).
tranquebaricus (Herm.). (= T. humilis (Temm.), spms. d, ¢, Tristr. Cat.
Coll. Birds, p. 38). Five. ¢, 9. Northern India (Muddapur, October ;
Saharumpur, February). Southern India (Nellore).
[e. Spilopelia, Sundev.].
chinensis (Scop.). Five. China (Amoy; Chusan, February). Formosa.
tigrinus (Z¢mm.). Ten. Malay Peninsula (Malacca). Borneo (Banjer-
suratensis (Gm.). Five. Northern India (Bengal; Maunbhoom). Southern
India (Ootacamund, February). Ceylon.
[é Stigmatopelia, Bp.}.
senegalensis (Linn.). Eighteen. 6 ¢,5 9. Northern Africa (Algerian
Sahara; Berryan, December; Gardaia, December; Tunis). Palestine
(Jordan Valley, Ghor es Safieh, January). Southern Arabia (Lahej,
November), Sokotra (Hadibu Plain, December ; Adho Dimellus, 3500 ft.,
February). South Africa (Transvaal, De Kaap, Fig Tree Creek, June).
cambayensis ((’m.). Five. 2 ¢. Northern India (Mhow, April; Cawn-
pore, June ; Umballa).
ermanni (Bp.).
humeralis (Zemm.). Seven. ¢. New Guinea. Northern Australia
(Torres Straits, July ; Blackwood Bay, September). New South Wales.
South Australia.
tranquilla, Gould. Eight. ¢, 9. New Guinea. Northern Australia
(Port Essington, Victoria, February; Cape Upstart, May; Port Curtis,
No. 2, g, from Victoria, Port Essington, shot on February 8th, 1841, and purchased
from Mr. Gould, is very probably one of the Types of G. placida, Gould (P.Z.S.
1844, p. 55).
striata (Linn.). Seven. 2¢. Malay Peninsula (Singapore). Java (Ban-
tam, Genteng, Lebak, April, November).
maugei (Z¢mm.). Two. Timor.
cuneata, Lath. Five. South Australia.
squamosa (Zvmm.). Nine. 2¢. Brazil (Bahia).
Two specimens, which have evidently been kept in captivity, are very much darker
on the upper surface and more thickly mottled on the lower ; this is probably
the effect of captivity, as Count Salvadori has observed (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus.
xxi. p. 486) that an allied species Chamepelia talpacoti, when kept as a cage bird,
often becomes wholly or partially melanistic.
ridgwayi, Lichm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. pp. 660, 661 (1896).
One. Venezuela (Cumana).
** Upper parts (except forehead, forecrown, wing-coverts, and primaries) including
middle pair of rectrices, brown—between broccoli and hair brown—the feathers
all tipped with dull greenish or bluish black, narrowest on nape and hind-
crown; primaries brownish black externally, dark hazel on inner webs and at
base of outer webs, appearing on exposed portion of wing as a small irregular
spot, just beyond primary coverts; secondaries dark brownish black, narrowly
edged with white on the outer web; feathers of wing-coverts mainly white on
outer web, brown on inner web, and broadly tipped with black ; primary
coverts and alula, dull black ; forehead, forecrown, superciliary line, and sides of
head pale pinkish white, lighter on lores and ear-coverts ; the feathers mostly
narrowly edged with black ; thruat white, passing into pale vinaceous on breast,
sides of breast, and sides of neck, the feathers on breast with faint indications
of black edges, more pronounced on lower part and on sides, remainder of upper
parts white, with a wash of pale fawn colour on sides, all the feathers edged
with white, these edges broadest on the lower breast and sides of body. Five
outer pairs of rectrices black basally, the terminal part white; on the outer
feather the white occupies about 1:60 inches; this decreases by ‘steps’ to the
fifth, which has only a slight mottling of white at the end. Under wing-coyerts
externally chestnut, the feathers with black tips, the inner part wholly black ;
axillaries black. Wing, 3°82; tail, 390; tarsus, 0°68; exposed culmen, 0 60
inches.” (Richmond). Habitat. Margarita Island. Venezuela.
A specimen from Cumana, Venezuela, when compared with two from Bahia, seems
to differ in the greater breadth of the black markings on the upper surface, and
in the more powerful bill ; in the former respect, however, it is nearly approached
by three specimens which, in the absence of any locality, we think it safer to
leave with S. squamosa.
inca (Less.). Six. 29. Texas (Laredo, June). Mexico (Bolanos). © Gua-
temala, March.
GYMNOPELIA, Sclat. & Salv.
erythrothorax (Meyen). Two. Bolivia.
picui, Zemm. Four. Chili. Bolivia.
passerina (Linn.). Nineteen. ¢, 29. Bermuda. United States (Florida ;
Texas, Brownsville). West Indies (Jamaica ; Trinidad). Venezuela (Cum-
ana). Brazil (Para).
Our material does not admit of our classifying this species under the numerous
subspecific names — terrestris, Chap. ; pallescens, Baird; socorroensis, Ridg. ;
bahamensis, Maynard ; insularis, Ridg. ; perpalida, Hart.—adopted by American
minuta (Linn.). Five. Brazil.
cruziana (V’Or).). Four. Ecuador. Peru.
buckleyi, Sclat. & Salv.
talpacoti (Zvmm.). Thirteen. 3¢. Brazil. Bolivia.
No. 11, 6 (= 3594 Lord Derby’s Mus.), an aviary bird, is partially melanistic.
rufipennis, @./’.Gr. Three. Venezuela (Cumana). Tobago.
campestris (Spiz). Four. Brazil. Bolivia.
No. 1 (= 3616 Lord Derby’s Mus.), from Brazil, was collected by Natterer.
cyanopis (Nait.). |
cinerea (Zemm.). Ten. 642,49. Vale of Mexico. Trinidad. Brazil.
Panama, November.
geoffroyi (/emm.). Two. 6, 9.
melancholica (Zschudi).
mondetura, Sp.
melanoptera (JMJol.). Five. 9. Ecuador (Intay). Chili.
aymara (J’0rb.). Two. Bolivia.
CENA, Se/by.
capensis (Linn.). Fourteen. 10¢,39. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst,
July). South Africa (Damaraland; Transvaal, Potchefstroom, May).
tympanistria (7¢mm.). Five. 3. East Africa (Rib¢). South Africa
(Port Natal; Cape of Good Hope). |
Count Salvadori considers (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 506, Note) that 7. virgo,
Hartl., from East Equatorial Africa, which differs from 7. tympanistria in
lacking the metallic wing-spots, was described from an imperfect specimen.
They are present in the examples from Ribé.
afra (Linn.). Eleven. 2 3, 9. West Africa (Gambia, Bathurst, July,
August; Gold Coast). East Africa (Ribé). Central Africa (Nyassaland,
Zomba, February, November). South Africa (Transvaal, De Kaap, Fig
Tree Creek, May ; Natal).
chrysochlora (//a/.). Eleven. ¢, 9. Timor. Northern Australia (Hann
River, August). Southern Australia. New Hebrides (Aneityum ; Tanna,
Port Resolution, July). Loyalty Islands (Lifu, Kepeneke, September).
sanghirensis, Blas.
indica (Linn.). Fifteen. ¢,29,juv. Sikkim, January. Bengal. Malay
Peninsula (Singapore). Ceylon. Borneo (Baram). Philippine Islands
(South Luzon).
natalis, Lister. One. 9. Christmas Island, October.
Co-Type of the species, Lister. P.Z.S., 1888, p. 522.
stephani, Reichenb. Two. 3,2. New Ireland. Duke of York Islands
(Maroda Island, July).
stephani, subsp. mortoni, Rams.
puella (Schl.). Two. West Africa (Fantee).
We follow Capt. Shelley in not recognising C. brehmeri (Hartl.) as distinct.
albifrons, @..G7r. Two. New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.)
PHAPS, Se/by.
chalcoptera (Lath.). Ten. 3 ¢ (ljr.), 32. Australia (Port Essington).
Tasmania (Launceston, September).
elegans (Zemm.). Seven. @,juv. Southern Australia (Victoria). Western
Australia (Australind, December). Tasmania.
scripta (Zvmm.). Two. Australia.
smithi (Jud. & Selby). Two. Jr. Northern Australia (Port Essington,
LOPHOPHAPS, Reichenod.
plumifera (ould). Three. 2 9. Northern Australia (Port Essington
Expedition, River Lynd, June).
leucogaster, Gould.
ferruginea, Gould.
lophotes (Zemm.). Seven. 24, 9. Australia (Murray R.)
No. 7 was collected by Capt. Sturt.
histrionica (Gould). Five. 2 3, ?, pull. Australia (New South Wales,
Namoi, December).
Nos. 1 and 2 were collected by Capt. Sturt; Nos. 3 and 4,¢6,92, from Namoi,
interior of New South Wales, collected by Gould in December, 1839, and pur-
chased from him, are very probably the Types of the species (P.Z.S., 1840,
p. 114) though the female is not there described.
albipennis, Gould.
rufipennis, Collett, P.Z.S., 1898, p. 354; pl. xxviii.
“‘Head and neck greyish brown, each feather with whitish centre; throat yellowish
white unspotted. Lores black ; a whitish narrow line above and below the eye-
lids. All the upper surface and chest rufous brown ; each feather margined with
rufous ; the centre of the feathers of the chest greyish white. Abdomen and
under tail-coverts (as in P. albipennis) chocolate brown. No metallic spot on
the upper wing-coverts, and on one of the secondaries as in that species. Prim-
aries chestnut red, with the tips and outer web blackish, the latter with a slight
metallic lustre. The under wing-coverts rufous brown, those of the primaries
being more chestnut. Tail rufous brown on the upper surface, chocolate brown
(with a slight blue gloss) underneath. Bill and feet as in P. albipennis. Wing,
150-152; tail, 146-149 mm.” (Collett). Habitat. Arnhem Land, N. Australia.
larvata (Zemm.). Five. 24, 9 juv.,2 juv. South Africa (Macamac,
July ; Natal).
larvata, subsp. kilimensis, Newm. J.f.0., 1898, p. 289.
“Differs from H. Jarvata, from Caffraria, in not having the white of the throat
continued on to the fore-chest, and in having the copper-red tinge which in
typical H. /arvata is spread over the whole under-surface confined to the upper
breast, while the lower breast and belly is bright cinnamon brown without any
bronzy sheen—as in H. inornata, Rehnw., from the Cameroons. Crissum white.”
(Oscar Newnann). Habitat. East Central Africa, Kilima-Njaro.
bronzina (Jtiipp.). One. Abyssinia.
johnstoni, Shelley. One. Central Africa (Nyassaland, Milanji Hills).
inornata, Rehnw.
principalis (Hurtl.). One. Interior of Cayenne.
The specimen labelled as above has been identified as this species at the British
Museum. In the original Catalogue of Lord Derby’s Collection, it has the same
register number as specimens of Leptoptila jamaicensis. It very nearly agrees
with the description of Co/umba erythrothorax, Temm. & Knip., from Surinam, a
species which has not hitherto been identified, but the under tail-coverts are
hoary grey, not cinnamonas in that species. Count Salvadori was not acquainted
with the species, which, however, is very distinct, distinguished from H. simples,
by its more rufous breast, and from all other species of the genus by its white
under tail-coverts. ;
simplex (Hurtl.). One. ¢.
brachyptera, Sulvud. Two. Mexico. Honduras.
brachyptera, subsp. fulviventris, Lawr.
brachyptera, subsp. capitalis, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 6 (1898).
‘* Forehead and crown to line between middle of orbits, pale creamy drab, shading
abruptly into purplish iridescence, which overlies the remainder of crown and
back of neck. This purplish iridescence on the neck ends abruptly just in
front of shoulders, and is bordered by a narrow band of feathers tipped with
greenish iridescence. Entire dorsal surface, including wings and middle pair of
tail feathers brown, with an olive wash, except on tail and upper tail-coverts.
Throat distinctly whitish, remainder of lower side of neck, and thence back over
chest, delicate creamy lilac ; abdomen and under tail-coverts white, with a pale
wash of buffy brown on edges of some of the feathers ; flanks dull butfy-brown ;
tail feathers—except middle pair—blackish, tipped with white, this tipping
broadest on outer pair of feathers; under tail-coverts and axillars pale cinnamon.
es Average measurements :— 6.—Wing, 152°5; tail, 110°6; culmen, 17°9;
tarsus, 322mm. ¢.—Wing, 151°6; tail, 107; culmen, 188; tarsus, 30°6 mm.”
(Nelson). Habitat. Tres Marias Islands (Maria Madre).
verreauxi, Bp. Four. Tobago. Panama, March.
insularis, Richm. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. p. 659 (1895).
‘* Back, rump, upper tail-coverts, central tail feathers, tertiaries and wing-coverts,
greyish olive; primaries and secondaries (especially at tips), blackish brown,
the former (except first) with more or less narrow whitish edges ; tail feathers
black, four outer pairs tipped with white, narrowly on the inner one, but increas-
ing toward the outer pair, on which the white tip is one-half inch broad ; outer |
web of outer tail feather narrowly edged with white for its exposed portion,
outer web of outer tail feathers except last mostly greyish olive. Forehead, lores,
cheeks, ear-coverts, and lower throat ecru-drab, passing into pale vinaceous on
breast and sides of neck and becoming lighter again on lower breast ; chin and
centre of throat white; centre of crown distinctly french grey, passing
posteriorly into dull plumbeous mixed with vinaceous on hind-neck, the feathers
on sides of occiput, hind-neck, and slightly on sides of neck rather sparingly
glossed with purple, and on lower part of hind-neck with green. Centre of
abdomen and under tail-coverts white ; sides of body brownish buff, darker on
flanks; axillaries, under wing-coverts, and most of underside of primaries,
chestnut ; first primary only narrowly edged with chestnut on inner web.
Wing, 5°07 ; tail, 4; tarsus, 1:01 ; exposed culmen, 0°66 inches. This specimen
is the only one of the four represented in the species in which the centre of the
crown is of a pronounced greyish colour, but the others have a trace of it, some-
what masked by the vinaceous tinge of the surrounding parts. The other
specimens have the inner web of the first primary mostly chestnut, instead of a
narrow edging asin the Type. This species is closely related to L. verreausi,
but is smaller, greyer above, with metallic colours on hind neck, occiput; and
sides of neck less pronounced. Trinidad and Tobago birds resemble the
Margarita form in size, but the colours are more like true L. verreauxi. Three
other specimens of L. insularis measure :— Male adu/t—Wing, 5°25 ; tail, 4:15:
tarsus, 1:07 ; culmen, 0°68 inches. Female adult—Wing, 5°27 ; tail, 4°08 ; tarsus,
1:07 ; culmen, 0°67 inches. Female aduwlt— Wing, 5°23; tail, 4:10; tarsus, 1;
culmen, 0°64 inches.” (Richmond). Habitat. Margarita Island.
plumbeiceps, Sclaf. @ Salv. Two. Vera Paz (Choctum, January).
rufaxilla (Rich. d& Bern.) Two. Surinam, March.
reichenbachi, Pelz.
bahie, Berleps.
chloroauchenia, Gig/. & Salvad. One. Bolivia.
Count Salvadori gives the habitat of this species as South Brazil, Paraguay, Uru-
euay, and Argentine Republic (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 555); it has,
however, been recorded as ‘‘ new to Bolivia” (ef. Salvad. Bull. Mus. Torino, xii.
No. 292, p. 33, 1897). Our specimen formed part of Bridges’ Bolivian Collection,
and was acquired by Lord Derby on the same date as the specimen L. megalura
mentioned below.
callauchen, Salvad. Bull. Mus. Torino, xii. No. 292, p. 33 (1897).
“Closely allied to Z. chloroauchenia, Gig]. & Salvad, but with a coppery amethystine
lustre on the upper part of the neck. Total length, 330; wing, 163; tail, 115 ;
tarsus, 32; culmen, 17 mm.” (Salvad.) Habitat. San Lorenzo, Northern
ochroptera (Natt.).
decolor, Salvin, Nov. Zool. ii. p. 21 (1895).
** Above fuscous grey, occiput, nape, and hind-neck somewhat paler, with scarcely
any rosy sheen ; forehead, throat, and under tail-coverts white, the chest washed
with pale vinaceous; wing uniform, with the back on the outer webs of the
primaries, inner webs and under wing-coverts chestnut; tail black, the median
rectrices uniform with the back; the lateral ones with white tips, which grow
wider on the outer ones; bill black, ring round the iris, and feet red. Total
length, about 10; wing, 5°5; tail, 4°7; bill from gape, 1°0; tarsus, 4:3? Fema/e.
—Like the male.” (Salvin). Habitat. Northern Peru.
megalura, Sclat. & Salvin. One. Bolivia.
saturata, Salvad. Bull. Mus. Torino, xii. No. 292, p. 33 (1897).
“Near to L. megalura, Sclat. and Saly., but of a much duller greyish brown.
“Above greyish brown, with a purplish amethystine tinge, lower back somewhat
olivaceous ; forehead whitish, with a slight greyish tinge on the vertex ; occiput
and neck brown, suffused with an amethystine lustre ; beneath vinaceous, cheeks
pale greyish vinaceous; chin and middle of the throat white ; middle of the
abdomen and under tail-coverts white, the latter with a slight greyish tinge on
the outer web; primaries blackish, the outer ones with a barely perceptible
rufous edging ; under wing-coverts, axillaries, and inner web of the primaries,
towards the base, cinnamon ; median tail feathers uniform with the back, the
remainder brown, grey at the base, black at the tips with the extreme tip white ;
bill black ; feet red; iris brown. Total length, 300; wing, 150; tail, 125;
tarsus, 32; culmen, 14 mm.” (Sa/vad.). Habitat. San Lorenzo, Northern
gaumeri (Lawr.), One. Yucatan.
jamaicensis (Zinn.), Five. 36,9. Jamaica.
neoxena, (Cory).
collaris (Cory).
wellsi (Lawr.).
pallida, Berleps. & Tacz.
cassini, Lawr. Two. 29. Central America (Panama, February).
cerviniventris, Sclat. & Salv.
vinaceiventris (Ridgw.).
rufinucha, Sclat. & Salv.
sapphirina, Bp. One. Bolivia.
There is no collector’s name to authenticate this locality, from which the species
has not hitherto been obtained.
purpurea, Salv.
Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. v. p. 504 (1898).
violacea (Zemm.).
montana (Linn.). Twelve. Mexico. Jamaica. Interior of Cayenne. Brazil
martinica (Linn.). Four. 2¢,2. St. Lucia (Fouds St. Jacques, March).
mystacea (T'emm.).
chrysia, Bp.
cristata (Zemm.). Six. 24. Jamaica.
Ccaniceps (Gund. ).
veraguensis, Law.
veraguensis, subsp. cachaviensis, Hart. Nov. Zool. v. p. 504 (1898).
** Differs from G‘. veraguensis veraguensis in being distinctly darker and more purplish
above.” (Hartert). Habitat. Ecuador.
lawrencei, Sa/v.
costaricensis, Lawr.
bourcieri, Bp. One.
Probably collected by Tschudi.
frenata, Tschudi.
erythropareia, G.R.Gr.
chiriquensis, Sc/at.
linearis (Prev.). One. [Guatemala].
venezuelensis, Sulvad. (= (. frenata (Tsch.)? Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 40).
One. Tobago.
albifacies (G./?.G7.). One.
PHLOGGNAS, Reichenb.
luzonica (Scop.). Five. $,9. Philippine Islands (Luzon, Manilla).
crinigera, [ivichen). One. 4. Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Zamboanga,
platen, Blus. One. ¢. Philippine Islands (Mindoro, Calapan, May).
Co-type of the species, Blasius, in /itt.
menagei, Bourns. & Worces. Occ. Pap. Minnes. Acad. i. p. 10 (1894).
Male :— Entire upper surface of head, nape, hind-neck, upper back, sides of neck,
and sides of breast rich metallic green. Scapulars and interscapulars dark brown,
broadly edged with elegant violet when specimen is held between observer and
the light, this colour changing to deep green when specimen is held away from
source of light. Rump and upper tail-coverts ruddy brown narrowly edged
with the metallic colours of the back. A few of the longest coverts nearly black,
washed with rufous brown at the tips. Basal portion of tail feathers dark ashy
grey, the two central feathers darkest. A distinct subterminal band of black
on all but the central pair of feathers. All the feathers with a terminal grey
band, least distinct on central pair. Wing-coverts dark brown, broadly tipped
with metallic green except outer series, which are broadly tipped with ashy
grey. Primary and secondary coverts and secondaries fulvous brown, the outer
half of outer webs of feathers rich rufous brown, the inner secondaries having
the entire outer web, and tip of inner web, of this colour. Primaries fulvous
brown, faintly washed with rufous brown on basal half of outer webs. Lores, a
narrow line under eye and ear-coverts nearly black with a faint wash of metallic
“The metallic green of back and sides of neck continued in a distinct band across
the breast, only slightly interrupted at centre of breast and enclosing a beautiful
orange plastron formed by the bristle-like tips of the feathers of the fore-breast.
Basal portion of these feathers as well as chin, throat, sides of face, and sides of
throat pure white. An indistinct white band behind the green pectoral band.
Hind-breast and upper abdomen pearly ash, a few of the feathers tipped with
creamy white; belly creamy white; flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts
buff ; under surface of tail like upper, the terminal band being rather more
pronounced ; under wing-coverts, axillaries, and basal portion of inner webs of
all the quills chestnut brown; rest of quills dark brown ; bill slaty grey at
tip, black at base; legs and feet light red; nails light brown; iris light
silver grey. Length, 11°25 inches ; culmen, ‘85 ; wing, 6°03 ; tail, 4°07 ; tarsus,
1°43.” (Bourns & Worcester). Habitat. Sulu Archipelago (Tawi Tawi).
rufigula (Pucher. & Jacq.). Two. New Guinea.
helviventris (Jtosenb.). ( = P. rufigula (Puch.). spm. a, Tristr. Cat. Coll.
Birds, p. 41). One. South-East New Guinea (Astrolabe Mts.)
tristigma (Zemm.).
bimaculata, Salvad.
canifrons, Hart/. & Finsch.
yapensis, Hart/. & Finsch.
beccarii, Salad.
johanne, Sclat. One. 92. Duke of York Island, July.
granti, Sulvad. (=P. johanne, Sclat., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 41). One.
?. Solomon Islands (San Cristoval, Makira Harbour, October).
stairi, G.R.Gr.
samoensis, Finsch (= P. stairi, Gr., Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 41). Three.
2¢,9,sternum. Samoa.
jobiensis, Meyer. Four. 2 6, 2 9. Duke of York Island. New
sp. incert. One. ¢jr. Solomon Islands (Guadalcanar, Aola, May).
kubaryi, Finsch (=P. erythroptera (Gm.). Tristr. Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 41).
One. Y. Caroline Islands (Ruk, July).
albicollis, Sa/vad.
erythroptera (Gin.).
zanthonura (Zemm.). Four. 3, @. Marianne Islands (Guam, February).
Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. v. p. 60, 1898.
Ph. virgo, Rchnw., has been shown on comparison of the Types to be identical with
the above (cf. Hartert, ut supra).
This genus is differentiated from Phlogwnas by having the outermost primary
hoedti (Schleg.).
picata (Lath.). Hight. ¢. Eastern Australia (Port Stephens; New South
Wales, Hunter River).
terrestris (G.2.Gr.). Two. New Guinea.
leucopareia, Meyer.
nobilis, Gould. Two. New Guinea.
cervicalis, Iams. One. South-East New Guinea.
insularis, Salv. & Godm.
cyanocephala (Linn.). One. ¢. West Indies.
nicobarica (Linn.). Eight. 4 ¢, skel. South-East New Guinea (Port
Moresby). Solomon Islands (Bugotu). Duke of York Islands (Pipon
Island, July ; Duke of York Island, July).
pelewensis, Finsch.
T maculata (Gm.). One.
Of. Bull. Liverp. Mus. i. p. 83, Columbe, pl. i.
Type of species and of Spotted Green Pigeon, Gen. Syn. ii. pt. 2, p. 642, 1783; id.
Gen. Hist. viii. p. 23, pl. 117, 1822.
GOURA, Steph.
coronata (Linn.). Four. Skel. New Guinea.
cinerea, Hart. Nor. Zool. ii. p. 67 (1895).
‘General colour above and below cinereous, darker and almost slate grey on the
rump and under tail-coverts, lighter and more like pearl grey (Ridgw., Nomencl.
Col., pl. ii. fig. 20) on the crest, which has the same form as that of G. coronata.
Lores and a broad ring round the eye of short soft black feathers. A band across
the back, formed of the tips of the feathers, which have slate grey bases, and
tips of the upper wing-coverts of a tint between tawny ochraceous and ochraceous
rufous of Ridgway (Nomencl. Col., pl. v. figs. 4 and 5), and entirely different
from the deep chestnut of the same parts in G. coronata, which, even when
bleached, could hardly become anything like this colour. Greater upper wing-
coverts and secondary quills whitish grey, darker at base. Primaries slate
colour, paler along the shaft; rectrices slaty grey, lighter cinereous close to the
shaft, and with a broad cinereous band at the tip; under wing and tail-coverts
slaty grey ; bill and feet in skin of a light yellowish or brownish colour ; bill,
4-5 em. ; wing, 34 cm. (= 13-4 inches) ; tail, 25 em. ; tarsus, 9 cm. ; middle toe
with claw, 7 em.” (Hartert). Habitat. Dutch New Guinea, Arfak Region.
sclateri, Salvd. Two heads. S.E. New Guinea.
albertisii, Salvad. Four. SouthEast New Guinea (Fly R. ; Port Moresby).
The specimen from Fly R. (= No. 9695 'Tristr. Mus.) is not G. sclateri as Count
Salvadori suggests (Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxi. p. 622), as it lacks the chestnut
on the upper wing-coverts characteristic of that species. No, 38from Port
cat mae! is presumably a young bird, as the chestnut on the greater wing-coverts
is absent.
scheepmakeri, /insch.
victoria (Fraser). Two. Jobi Island.
beccarii, Salvad.
beccarii, subsp. huonensis, Meyer.
PROGURA, De Vis. (Fossil).
gallinacea, De Vis.
strigirostris (Jurd.). Seven. d,skel., sternum. Samoa.
PEZOPHAPS, Strick/, (Extinct).
solitarius (Gm.). Sundry bones. Rodriguez.
DIDUS, Linn. (Extinct).
ineptus, Linn. Cast of head and foot. Imperfect skeleton articulated and
numerous detached bones. Mauritius.
borbonicus (Bp.).
The CoLUMB are, therefore, represented in the Museum by 64 out of
the 70 characterised genera (2 being fossil forms) ; and by 1304 specimens
belonging to 342 out of the 532 described species (6 being fossil forms).
The number of species represented by their Types (or Co-types) is 13;
besides 6 relegated to the synonymy. (December, 1899.)
paradoxus (Pull.). Fourteen. 7 36, 79. England (Northumberland,
Scremerston, August; Cheshire: Storeton, June; Hoylake). North Wales
(Tremadoc, July). Russia (Kirghiz Steppes) (?). China (Tientsin, Dec-
tibetanus, (ould. Two. 6, 92. Ladakh (Masinik Pass, October).
alchatus (Linn.). Four. 46,39.
alchatus, swlsp. pyrenaicus (Scebh.). Eleven. 66,59. Spain. Algerian
Sahara (El Aghouat, November). Tunis (Karuan ; Sfax).
namaqua ((.). Seven. 44, 39. South Africa (Orange Free State,
Kroonstadt, September ; Damaraland, Swakop River, September).
exustus (Zemm.). Nine. 446,59. Egypt (Assouan, January). Northern
India (Ktawah, February). Southern India (Nellore).
T senegallus (Linn.). Seven. 3¢,49. Egypt (Nile). Moab (Ziza, Feb-
ruary ; Belka Kustul, February). Palestine (Wady-el-R’mail, February).
No. 7, 2, ex Coll. Gen. Davies, is the Type of Libyan Grouse, Lath. Gen. Hist. viii.
p- 253, pl. exxviii. (1823).
arenarius (Pall.). Thirteen. 6 ¢,6 9, skel. Spain (Madrid, January).
Canary Islands (Fuertaventura, Fuineji, March). Algerian Sahara (El Ag-
houat, November). Turkestan (Borokhudsir, June). Dzungaria.
decoratus, Cab.
T variegatus (Buich.). Seven. 34,49. South Africa (“Between Lata-
koo and the Tropic ”).
Nos. 2and 3, ¢ and 9, purchased at the sale of Dr. A. Smith’s Collection in 1838,
are Types of his description and figure (Rep. Exped. Centr. Afr. p. 56 (1836) ;
Zool. South Afr. pl. x. (1838) ).
coronatus, Licht, One. @. Algerian Sahara (Waregla, December).
T gutturalis, Smith. Ten. 6 3,49 (1 jr.). South Africa (Transvaal, May;
Rustenberg, October ; Potchefstroom, November).
Nos. 1 and 2, ¢ and @, purchased at the sale of Dr. A. Smith’s Collection in 1838,
are Types of the species.
T personatus, Gould. Three. 2¢,9. Madagascar.
Nos. land 2, g and 9, are the Types of the species.
fasciatus (Scop.). Six. 3 4, 39. Southern India (Nellore; Madras).
[Straits of Malacca]. [Abyssinia].
lichtensteini, Zemm. Three. $,29. Abyssinia. Arabia (Jeddah).
bicinctus, Zemm. Three. 2¢, 9. South Africa (Transvaal, May).
T bicinctus, swisp. pallidior, subsp. nov.
Pterocles bicinctus (partim), Grant, Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. xxii. p. 31 (Note) (1893).
Three. 2 ¢, 2. Damaraland (Otjimbinque, September).
$. Differing from P. bicinctus typicus in being generally paler, and in the extreme
narrowness of the bars on the back, which are pale buff about one-fifth the width
of the interspaces, not rich rufous of equal or nearly equal width to the b/ack
interspaces as in P. bicinctus. General colour of the mantle and back dull grey,
with a strong wash of dull yellowish olive green, more marked on the former ;
white tips to the feathers of the back more pronounced than on the typical form ;
lesser upper wing-coverts uniform dull golden-olive not brownish grey broadly
tipped with golden olive. Buff of the upper breast decidedly paler. Size
slightly smaller than P. bicinctus. Wing 170, against 177 mm.
9. Resembling that of P. bicinctus, but perhaps somewhat paler. Habitat.
quadricinctus, Zemm. Twelve. 86,492. West Africa (Gambia, Barra,
February). Central Africa (Lado, March).
sepultus, Milne-Edw. (Fossil).
varius, Milne-Hdiw. (Fossil).
larvatus, Milne-Edw. (Fossil).
validus, Milne-Edw. (Fossil).
The PTEROCLES are, therefore, represented in the Museum by all the
characterised genera ; and by 115 specimens belonging to 17 out of the 22
described species (4 being fossil forms). The number of species represented
by their Types (or Co-types) is 4; besides 1 relegated to the synonymy.
(December, 1899,)
abbotti (Turtur), - - -
Abd-el-Kuri, Island, - - :
" New Species of
Birds from, - =
" New Species of
Hemiptera from, -
" New Species of
Landshells from,
" New Species of
Moth from, - -
" New Species of
Bones from, -
" New Scorpion from,
New Spider from, -
Abu Shaloein: Stone se
from, -
Abydos, HC Palieolithic ” Tmple-
ments from, : = -
Acidaliane, Sokotran, -
Acontiane, Sokotran, - - -
Acridiodea, Sokotran, - 2 -
Actophilus, - - - - -
adelice (Pygoscelis), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - -
Aden, - - - - - -
Wa eer hynchus, - = E
wdiphlebia (Hyperythra), n. BBs
Mgialeus, — -
Myialitis, — -
Byialitis faliblaniclicts. Ec Ant:
arctic Regions, - -
Migialitis pamir ensis, - : -
‘onic tinting,” -
cequinoctialis (Majaquens), from
Antarctic Regions, - - -
afra (Coracias), var., — - -
Agricultural Implements cet Stone
‘from Egypt, - .
Agrotis brachypecten, n. ab: sts
Agrotis cortivea, -
Akhmim ( (Egypt), Stone Imple-
ments from, -
alba (Chionis), from Aoteteetic
Regions, - - - - -
alba (Motacilla), - - - -
albiluna (Amefrontia), n. sp., -
Alectrenas, - - - -
Alea, - : : 2 -
Alcedinide, - : = -
Alcedinine, - : F =
Alcedo, - - - - - -
Alcide, - : e -
Alcina, - = : : - :
Alcyone, - - - - -
Alle, - - - - = £
Alopecenas, - - = E
Ambrym (Island), - - -
Amefrontia, n. gen. - - -
12, 13
78, 80
49, 50
48, 49
Amefrontia albiluna, n. sp., - - 37
” purpurea, n. Sp., - - 37
amphilensis (Hrodia), : - 61
Anarhynchus, - = - - 68
Ancylochilus, - - 73
Anomalophrys, — - - - - 64
Anous, - - - - - 56
Anous melanops, - - 56
Anseres, from edeecne Regions, 48, 49
antamboulou (Charaxes), - - 10
Antarctic Expedition, - - = 48
antarctica (Priocella), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - 50
antarctica (Pygoscelis), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - - 50
Antarctic Regions, Anseres from, - 48, 49
" Limicole from, 48, 49
" Birds in the
Derby Museum, Col-
lected in the, - - 48
" Impennes from,
49, 50; Lari from, 49; Passeres
from, 49; Pyyopodes from, 48,
50; Steganopodes from, 48, 50;
Tubinares from, 48, 49.
antarcticus (Megalestris), - - 49
Aphriza, = - - 66
Aplonis, On a New Species of, foe
Santa Cruz Island, - - 116
Aplonis maxwellii, n. sp., - - 116
1 -Tufipennis, - - 116
Aptenodytes forsteri, from ‘Matar ctic
Regions, - : - - 49, ze
Arabia, South, - : : -
Araneus car dioceros, n.sp., - = “0
Araneus cyrtoscapus, - - - 40
Araneus hoplophallus, n. sp., - - 40
Araneus streptoceros, = - - - 40
Arenaria, - aio fii - - 62
Arenariine, - - - - 62
Argtopide, Salcerans = - 40
Armlets of Flint from Egy pt - 105
arossi (Macr opygia), - - 136
Arquatella, - : E ~ Te
Asanada socotrana, Nn. Sp., — - 9
» brevicornis, - - 9
Asarcia, - - - - - 60
Aspatha, - - - - 19
Aspilocoryphus forbesit, 0. Sp-, - 46
" fasciativentris, 46
Aspongopus assar, 0. Sp., - a
assar (Aspongopus), D. Sp-, — - - 47
assimilis (Columba), - - - ‘138
Atelornis, - - - - - 15
atriceps (Phalacrocorax) ,- - 48, 49, 50
" " Egg of, = 50
Attagis, - - - a9
Attagis chimborazensis, - - -
Auk, Great, Skeleton and Egg o 51
Auks, Catalogue of, — - 51
aureiventris (Zosterops), - - 47
auriceps (Pharomacrus), - 32
Axe- and Chisel-like Too!s of Flint
from Egypt, - - - 80, 105
Axe-like Hoes from Egypt, - 20
azraél (Reduvius), n. sp., - E 46
azuror (Merops), - - - - 30
bahamensis (Chamepelia), : = 41
bahram (Leptocoris),n. sp., - - 46
Ballas (Egypt), - - - ell
Bangles or Bracelets of Stone
from Egypt, - - - : 78
banksi (Prion), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - - 48, 50
Bartramia, - - - - - Zl
Baryphthengus, — - - - 18
Bee-eaters, Catalogue a = 30
Bee-eater, Swallow- tailed, var. A, 30
Bellenden- Ker Ranges, - =" S16
Belonopterus, ; 64
Beni Hasan by Gr iffith, ‘quoted, - 108
Beni Hasan, Tombs at, . - 108
Benin, Cast-Metal Work Promo 13
Benin, Punitive Expedition to, - 13
Berbers, : - - = =e Oo
bifasciata (Hiaticula), - 67
Birds noe Antarctica, Sehalow 6 on, 49
Sclater on, 49
Birds 3 in the Derby Museum col-
lected in the Antarctic Regions, 48
Birds, New Species of, from
Sokotra, = 2 2
» from Abd- el- Kuri, 3
Blattodea, Sokotran, — - é 49
Boagrius, - - - = = 41
Boarmianc, Sokotran, - : A 37
Bolivaria, — - - : x 5 43
Boulenger, G.A., : Ss ail
Boyd-Dawkins, Prof., 97, 110
brachypecten (Agrotis), n. ey 35
Brachypteracias, - E : x 15
Brachypteraciine, - : A 5 15
Brachyrhamphus, - - = 52
brevicornis (Asanada),_ - 9
British Museum, l
Broad-bladed Axe-like implements
from Egypt, = - = 2 = 105
Buliminus (Chondrula) granti, n. sp., 12
" (Ovella) dahamisensis, n. sp., 11
i 1 fusco-apicata,n.sp., 12
-. 1 homhilensis, n. sp., 11
Fc 1» levior,n. sp., - 11
In 1 paucillus, n. sp., 12
" nu mebecki, - - 11, 12
it " socotorensis, - 11
oF 1 theodore, n. sp., 12
Burhinus, - - - - : 60
Burr, Malcolm, - 2 2 - 492
Butheolus insulari iS Spey. = : 8
" melanurus, - E - 9
Butreron, - - 118
Butterflies, Three New Species
from Sokotra, - 10
Cacodmide, Sokotran, - - - 45
Calidris, - : - 2 E 72
calipareus (Podicipes), from <Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - - 48, 50
Calenadine, - - = - - 147
Calenas, = E = E - 147
calonyx (Eurystomus), — - - - 17
Calopelia, —- - - - - 142
capensis ( Daption), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - - 50
Capheris crassimanus, - - - 41, 42
Capheris insularis, n. sp., - - 41
Caprimulgus jonesi, Nn. sp., — - - 3
" nubicus, - - - 3
Carcineutes, - - - - - 24
Caradrinine, Sokotran, - - 35
cardioceros (Araneus), n. Sp., - 40
Carpophaga, - - - 126, 127
" chathamica, - - 1380
" grisetpectus, - - 128
" richardsi, - - - -127
Carpophagine, - - 126
Cast-Metal Work from Beam : 13
Catalogue of Coraciv, - - 15
Centipede, New, from Sakeurat : 9
ceraseupectus (Ptilinopus), - - 124
Cerocala sokotrensis, n. sp., — - - 36
" vermiculata, - - - 37
Cerorhyncha, - - - - - 53
Ceryle, - - - - - - 20
Ceycopsis, - - - - - 24
Ceyx, - - - - - - 23
Chetusia, - -, - - - 65
Chalcides, - - - - - 6
Chalcopelia, - - - - 142
Chalcophaps, - - - : - 142
Chamepelia, - - - - - 141
" bahamensis, - - 14)
" insularis, - - - 141
" pallescens, - - - 141
" perpallida, - - - 141
" socorroénsis, - - 41
" terrestris, - - - 141
Charadriide, : - - 62
Charadriina, - - - - - 64
Charadrius, - - - - - 65
Charadrius tricolor, - - : 64
Charadrius winterfeldti, - - - 66
Charaxes antamboulou, - - - 10
n cowani, - - - - 10
n velov,n. Sp., - - - 10
chathamica (Carpophaga), - - 130
Chedimee, Sokotran, - - - 41
chimborazensis (A ttagis), - - 59
Chilopoda, - - - > - 9
Chionarchus, - - - - - 61
Chionidide, - - - - - 61
Chionis, - - - = 61
Chionis alba, = Antarctic
Regions, - - - 48, 49
Chisel-like cos = Flint from
Egypt, - 80
Chlaphaga, sp. inc., , fr om n Antar ctic
Regions, - = = : 49
chlorates (Zosterops), - - - 47
Choretypi, - - = > - 44
Chlorotreron, - - - = “123
Chroantha hataska, 0. Sp., —- - 47
Page Page
Chroantha ornatula, - : : 47 | Dawkins, Prof. Boyd., - - 97, 110
Chrysenas, - - - - - 125 | Dawson, Sir William, - - - 115
chrysolaimus (Merops), - - - 30 =| ~=Defilippiu,—-- s - - = 63
Cicadide, Sokotran,- - - - 45 Deiphobe, = - 43
Cidaria holophwa, n. sp., - 38 de Morgan, M. (quoted), 79, 80, 98, 99,
Cimicide, Sokotran, — - - - 47 100, 108
citrinella (Zosterops), —- - - 48 | Dempo Volcano, Zosterops from, - 47
Cittura, - 3 = - > 29 | Denmark, Stone Knives from, - 98
Cladorhynchus, — - - - - 68 Derby, XIIIth Lord, - - 48
Clod-Breakers of Stone from desolatus (Prion), from Antar ctic
Egypt, - - - - 98, 105 Regions, - - - - - 50
Clytoceyx, - 25 diardi (Harpactes), - - - 34
Cockburn Island, Birds Nesting at at, 49 | Dicrocercus, - - - - - 30
: Columba, - 131 Didide, - - - - an TAS
| " headin - - - 138 Didunculide, - - - - 148
Columbe, - - - - - WZ | Didunculus, - - - - - 148
Columba curvirostris, — - = eS” Is eDidas: e= - - - 148
" erythrothorax, - - - 144 | dioscoris (7 eddia), 1 n. sD - - 43
1 fumigata, : =) Ibe: Diplopoda, - - - 9
” leucomela, 2 - - 1384 | Diplocentrini, - - - - iL
| " phasinella, - - - 134 | Diplocentrus, - : 7
. " sylvestris, : - - 132 | Discolouration of Flint Imple:
" violacea, - - E we palae stl ments, = 2 : 106, 107, 114
- olumbide, - - - - - 131 Dissosteira forbesii, n. sp., — - - 44
Columbine, - = : : - 131- | dominicanus (Larus), from Sere
Columbula, - - - - 141 Regions, - - - - 49
Contributions to Z oology of N. Drepanoptila, - - - - 125
Queensland, - - - 115 | Dromadide, - - - - - 61
coopert (Heteropygia), - - - 73. | Dromas, - - - - - 61
Coracie, Catalogue of, E : 15 dubia (Gallinago), : " 74
Coracias, 2 - : : 16 Ducula, = - = : 2 129
Coracias afra, var. ieatharn), : 16
Coraciide, - : “ : 2 15 Ectopistes, — - - - - Pe Vi
: Coraciinee, - - - 16 Ectopistine, - - - - ee oY |
Cores, Flint, from Egypt, - - 100 | Efate Island, - - - - 116
Cormorants at Louis Hieilippe Land, 49 Egg of Phalacrocorax atriceps, —- 50
corticea (Agrotis), - - - 36 | Eggs of Pagodroma nivea, Note on, 50
Corvus, sp. inc., from Antarctic Egypt Exploration Fund, 108, 109, 111
Regions, - - - - - 49 Egypt, Flint Implements from
Coryphenas, - - - - 137 Ancient, - - - 77 et seqq.
Corythornis, - - - - : 22 Elasmoscelis ir am, N. Sp.5 - - 45
Cotter, Pownall P., — - - : 48 El Fent, - - - - 101
Coursers, Catalogue of, - = 61 Elphinstone, R.I. M. S., - - - 1
cowant (Characxes), - - 10 ensis (Truxalis), n. sp., - ate 43
Crab-Plovers, Catalozue of, - 61 Endomychura, - - - - 52
Craspedia fulvicolor, n.sp., - - 38 Erebus, H.M.S., - - - - 48
crassimanus (Capheris), - - 41, 42 Eremoplana, - - - - - 43
Creagh, Brigadier- = aoe Vv SC, 1 Ereunetes, : : : : : 71
crocea (Tr uxalis), - : 44 Erodia amphilensis, - - - 61
Crocopus, s = > = - 118 | Erythrogonys, - - z = 63
Crymophilus, 2 : 75 erythrothorax (Columba), - = 44
Cryptophaps, - - 129 Esacus, - - - - - - 60
Cuckoo-Rollers, Catalogue of, = 15 Esna, - - 100, 101
cucullatus (Ve anellus), - - 64 mass Paleolithic” Implements from. 78
Cursoriide, - - - - 61 Espiritu Santo co - - 116
Cursorius, — - - - - = 61 | Eudromias, - - - 66
curvirostris (Columba), - - - 118 | Eumomota, - - - - - 18
Cutmore, W., = = 3 - 1 | Euptilotis, - - : - : 32
| Eurhynorhynchus, - - - - 72
Dacelo, - - - - - - 25 Eurystomus, - - - - : 17
Dacelo gigas, - - - - 116 | Eurystomus calonyx, - - - 17
Dacelo leachii, - = : =" 136 Euthetus granti, n. Bes - - 46
Dacelo minor, n. subsp. (7), - - 116 Eutreron, - - - = 193
Dacelonine, - - - - - 23 Eutrygon, - - - - - 147
dahamisensis (Buliminus), n. aD nee ll Evans, Sir John, 78, 97, 98, 102,
Danish Art of Flint Work, - 109 106, 110, 112, 113
Daption capensis, from Antaretic Expedition, Punitive, to Benin, - 13
Regions, - - - - 50 Expedition to Sokotra, - - 1
Fabricators, Stone, from Egypt, - 99
falklandica (C&gialitis), ae Ant-
arctic Regions. - - 48, 49
Farquhar, Capt. A. M., - - 116
fascialiventris (Aspilocoryphus), - 46
Feshn, - - 01) 106
Sfiliformis (Glaiieoniay, n. Sp., - - di
Jinschi (Homey); - - - 63
Fischeria, : - 2 43
Flakes, Flint, from Egypt, - - 100
flammealis (Heterographis), n. sp., - 39
“flavicollis (Ptilinopus), - - 2 122
flavirostre (Nettion), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - 48, 49
flaviviridis (Honidact aleia), : - 5
Flint rg raced from Ancient
Egypt, - - 77 et seqq.
Forbes, Dr. H. O., - - - 1
" » on a Collection of
Flint ee
from Egypt, - Vi
" » ona New Species of
Aplonis, from Santa
Cruz Island. - = 6
" » and Herbert C.
Robinson, - Doe Ly
" » and W. R. Ogilvie-
Grant, - - - 2
Sforbesianum (Lithidion), n. sp., 12
forbesii (Aspilocoryphus), n. sp., 46
forbesii ( Dissosteira), n. sp., 44
forbesii (Hemidactylus), n. sp.. 5
forbesii (Heteronebo), n. sp., 8
forbesii (Odontopeltis), n. sp., - 9
Forbesti (Vaccinium), — - 47
forsteri (Aptenodytes), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - : - - 49,5
forwoodi (Motacilla), n. sp.,
Forwood, Sir W OR = -
Fratercula, - -
Fringillaria insularis, n. Sp.,
Fringillaria socotrana, 1. sp.,
Fringillaria tahapisi, — -
Sumigata (Columba), 13
Fulgoride, Sokotran, - - - 45
fuliginosa (Phoebetria), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - - 49
fulvicolor (Craspedia), n. sp., - 38
furcatus (Merops), - - - - 30
fusco-apicata (Buliminus), n. sp., - 12
Gabianus, - - - 58
gabonensis ( Melittophagus) n. subsp., 30
Galactochrysea, —- - - 62
Gallinago, - - - = - 73
Gallinago dubia, - - - - 74
Gelochelidon, - = - - - 53
Geobiastes, - - - - - 15
Geocoris sokotranus, 0. Sp., - - 46
Geometride, Sokotran, - - - 37
Geopelia, - - - - - 140
Geopelia placida, - - - - 140
Geopeliine, . - - - - 140
Geophaps, —- - : : - 143
Geotrygon, - - . - 145
Geotrygonine, - - - = rs
gigas (Dacelo), - - - = 16
gigantea \Oaeyrn ya): ), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - 50
giu (Scops), - - . 2
glacialoides (Priocella), a om Antar ctic
Regions, - 2 - - 49
Glareola, - - - - 62
Glauconia ata n. sp., - - 7
" longicauda, n. sp., - 7
Globicera, - - = - - 126
Glorius, - : = : - 71
Glottis, - - - = - - 7
CGoura, - - - - - 148
Gouride, = E = : - 148
granti (Buliminus),n. sp., — - - 12
granti (Euthetus), n. sp., - - 46
granti (Hemidactylus), n. sp., - 4
granti (Heteronebo), n. sp., - = 7
granti (Odontopeltis), n. sp., - - 9
granti (Phaulotypus),n. sp., - - 44
Grant, Ogilvie-, W. R., New
Species of Butterflies by, 10
" » and Henry O. Forbes, 2
Great Auk, Skeleton and Egg of, ol
Grifith, Archeological Report
Egypt Exploration Fund, LY
Grittth’s Beni Hasan Rigi - 108
Greg, Mr. (quoted), - - 106
Gregory, Dr. (quoted), - | hh
grisealis (Stenia), n. sp., : - 39
griseipectus (Carpophaga), - 28128
grisescens (Vanellus), — - = 65:
griseiventris (Zosterops), - - 48
Grouse, Libyan, - - - = "49
Gulls, Catalogue of, — - - - 5354
Gunn, Dr., - - - 48
Gunn, Ronald (quoted), oa 58, 64, 67
Gygis, ; 9 = F; 56
Gymnopelia, - - - - - Idi
(rymnophaps, - : - 413i
Hadibu (Sokotra), : : - 1
Hematopodine, — - - - 62
Hematopus, - - : - - 62
Hematopus finschi, - - - 63
Hampson, Sir ee Boe as - 30
Haplopelia, - - - 143
flaleyon, - - - - - 25
1" mediocris, - - : 27
" minor, - - - - 28
" norfolkensis, - - 27
t pachyrhynchus, : = 27
" rufigularis, - - - 26
Hapalurus, - - - - - 34
Hapalarpactes, : : - - 34
Hapaloderma, - - - 33
Harpactes, - : - - 34
" eardee - - - 34
Harpoon of Bronze from Egy pt, 98
Harpoon-shaped Flint Implement
from Egypt, - - - 98
Hartert, E. (quoted), - - = SS
hataska COE n. se st - 47
Helodromas, - - - 70
Hemidactylus fame a - - 5
" forbesii, n. sp., - 5
" granti, 0. Sp., - - 4
" mabuia, - - - 4
" oxyrhinus, n. sp., - 5
Hemidactylus pumilus, n. sp., -
hemileucus (Passer), n. sp., -
Hemiparra, - - - -
Hemiphaga, - - - - -
Hemipodius nivosus, - - -
Hemiptera, New Species of, from
Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri,
Hemiscorpius lepturus, - -
Hemiscorpius socotranus, n. Sp.,
Herdman, Prof., F.R.S.,
Heteractitis, -
Heterographis ; flammealis, n. sp., -
Heterographis (Staudinger ia) inno-
talis, n. sp., - - - -
Heterographis yerburii, - - -
Heteronebo, n. gen., - - -
" forbesii, n. sp.,— -
" granti, n. sp., - -
Heteroptera, Sokotran, - - -
Heteropygia, - - - - -
Heteropyyia cooperi, - - -
Heterotrogon, - - - - -
Miaticula bifasciata, = =
Himantopodine, - - - -
Himantopus, - - - -
hippiscus (Plagiotr iptus), : =
hirundinacea (Sterna), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - :
Histr iophaps, - -
Hoes of Stone from Egypt, - -
Hoes, Axe-like, - -
holophea (Cidaria), n. sp., — - -
homhilensis (Buliminus), n. Spssu i
Homopelia, - - - -
Homoptera, Belctaen - : S
Hooker, Dr. [Sir] Joseph, - -
Hoou (Upper Egypt), cops “ae
plements from, -
hoplophallus (Araneus), n. ap, -
Hoplopterus, - - - - -
Hoploxypterus, - - - -
horrifer (Klinophilos), n. sp.. :
Hydralector, - - - -
Hydrocampine, Sokateah. - -
LHydrochelidon, - - - -
Hydrophasis, - - - -
Hydroprogne, - - -
Hylomanes, - :
Hyperythra ediphlebia, n. » BP, ; -
Hypogryphia pulverealis, n. sp. -
Tbidorhynchine, - - a 5
Ibidorhynchus, - : 4 -
Illahun, : :
Impennes, from Antarctic Regions, 49, 50
Inca mystacalis, — - - -
innotalis (Heterographis), n. sp., -
insularis (Butheolus), n. sp., -
» (Capheris), n. sp., - -
(Chameepelia), - -
1 (Fringillaria), n. sp., -
(Passer), - -
" (Plagiotriptus), n. <P -
Tonotreron, - - -
tram (Elasmoscelis), n. sp... - -
triditorques RaRptrarcnce), - -
Isaacson, - - - -
Ischnomantis, : - : - 43
Ispidina, - - - - - 24
Isutugan River (Somaliland), — - 78
Jacana, . - - - - 60
Jaganas, Catalogue of, - - - 60
Jacanide, - = - : : 60
Jalelo (Somaliland), - E E 78
Java, Zosterops from, - - - 47
Javelin-heads of Stone, - 98
Johnson Pasha, - : eri i 80, 106
Jjonesi (Caprimulgus), n. sp., - - 3:
Jones, Morris P., Esq., J.P., - 3
Kabyles, = : : - 109
Kahun, Stone Implements from, -
97, 98, 108, 110
Kingfishers, Catalogue of, - 19
King Shag, Ege of, - - - 49
Kirkaldy, G. W., - : - 45
Klinophilos horr ifer ,n.sp., - 45
Knife-like Instruments of Stone
from Egypt, _ - - 97
Kom-Achim, Flint Implements
from, : - - 80
Koorneh, Flint Br sealets from, - 78
levior (Buliminus), n. sp.,— - - 11
Lahej (Arabia), - - - - 1
Lamprotreron, - - 123
Landshells, New Species of, from
Sokotra and Abd- el-Kuri, - 11
Larentiane, Sokotran, - - - 38
Lark-Plovers, » Catalogue of, - 59
Lat, - - - - 51
Laride, - - - 53
Lari, from Antaretic Regions, - 49
Larine, - - 56
Larus, - - - - - 57
1» dominicanus, from iakectue
Regions, = = = 49
leachii (Dacelo), - - 116
Leaf-shaped Flints from Egy pt, “97 , 105
Leptocoris baha ae 2 ne sp, = : 46
Leptoptila, - - - - 144
Leptosoma, - - - = 15
Leptososomatide, - - - - 15
lepturus (Hemiscorpius), - - 8
leucomela (Columba), - - Sadist!
Leucopheus, - - - - 58
" scoresbyi, from jaime etic
Regions, - - - 49
Leucosarcia, - 2 : : ~& 147
Leucotreron, - 120
Leyland, Note on Collections ‘by Mr. , 63
Libyans, - - - : ee Ut)
Liby: an Grouse, - : - - 149
Limicole, Catalogue of, - - 59
" from Antarctic Regions, 48, 49
Limnocryptes, = > : 2 74
Limonites, — - “ - - - 72
Limosa, - : - : < 69
Lithidion forbesianum, n. sp., - 12
" souleyetianum, - - 13
Lithophaps, - - - : - 126
Lobipluvia, - : - - - 63
Lobivanelline. - - - - 63
Lobiranellus : - - - 64
Loboptera peculiaris, n. sp., - - 42
longicauda (Glauconia), n. sp., - rh
Lopholaimus, - - - - 130
Lophophaps, - - - - 148
Louis Philippe Land, Cor morantsat, 49
Lunda, - - 53
Lygalide, Sapa = = = 46
mabuia (Hemidactylus), - - - 4
maccormicki (Megalestris), - - 49
McCormick, Dr., - - “ - 49
Macropygia, - - - - 135
Macropygia arossi, - - - -. 136
Macropygia modiglianii, - - | 135
Macropygiine, - - - - 135
Macrorhamphus, - - : - 70
Maghagha (Egypt), — - - - 101
Majaqueus cequinoctialis, from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - - 49
Mantide, Sokotran, = - - 42
Mantodea, Sokotran, - - - 42
Maori ‘‘ Meri,” - : > 14
Maspero, M. (quoted), - - - 100
Mastacide, Sokotran, - 44
Maxwell, Maxwell Hyslop-, Ir., , 116
maxwellii (Aplonis), n. sp., from
Santa Cruz, - - ee LG
mediocris (Halcyon), - - - 27
Medum, - - - - - 109
Megalestris, - - - - 58
Megalestris antarcticus, Front Ant-
arctic Regions, - 49
" maccormicki, from Ant-
arctic Regions, — - 49
Megaloprepia, - - - = , 126
Melampsalta omar, n. sp., — - - 45
meliena (Tarache), n. sp., : - 36
melanops (Anous), - - - 56
melanurus (Butheolus), - - - 9
Melidora, - - - : - 24
Melittophagus, - : - 30
Melittophagus gabonensis, n. subsp.; 30
Melopelia, - - - - 138
*“Meri” (Maori), 114; (Atneistan: 114
Meropide, - - - - - 30
Meropogon, - - - - : 31
Merops, - = = : - - 31
"6 azutror, - - - : 30
» chrysolaimus, — - - : 30
» furcatus, - : : - 30
y= savignii, - - - - 31
Mesoscolopax, - - - 69
Metachrostis ter minipuncta n. 8D = 36
Metopidius, - - 60
Metriopelia, - - - - - 142
Mezotreron, - - - = 22.
Micranous, - - - - . 56
Micropalama, - - - - 70
Microparra, - - - - : 60
Microsarcops, - - - - - 63
Micruria, - - yy
Millipedes, News fs om Sokotra, - 9
Milnea, - - = 60
minor (Halcyon), - * - QF
modiglianii (Macropygia), - - 135
Momotide, - - - 18
Momotine, - - - - - 18
Momotus, - - - - - 18
Monachalcyon, - - : : 29
“** Morpholites ” of a - - 79
Motacilla alba, - = 3
Motacilla forwoodi, n. sp., — - 3
Moths, New Genus and 14 New
Species of, from Sokotra and
Abd-el-Kuri, — - - - 35
Motmots and Todies, Catalogue ES 18
Museum, British, - - 1
Myioceyx, — - : 2 24
Myodochide, Sokotran, - - - 46
Myristicivora, - - - 130
mystacalis (Inca), - - . - 55
Nenia, - - - = * E 55
Naqada, - - - - ible!
Nagqada, ‘‘ Paleolithic” Imple-
ments from, - - - - 78
Nagh MHamadi, “ Paleolithic”
Implements from, - - - 78
Nebo, - - - - - 7
neglectus (Pyrotragon), n. Sp. 5- - 34
Neolithic Age, - - - - 105
Neoscolopax, - - - - - 74
Nesenas, 2 - - - = — 134
Nesopelia, - 138
Nettion flavirostre, feos: Antarctic
Regions, —- - - 48, 49
‘* New Race,” Flints, - : - 109
" People, 109, 110, 113
newtoniana (Prionodura), - - 116
nigrogularis (Phalacrocorax), n. sp., 3
nivea (Pagodroma), from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - 48, 50
1 (Pagodroma), Note on the
Eggs of, - - - - 50
nivosus (Hemipodius), - - E 61
Noctuide, Sokotran, - - - 35
Noctuine, Sokotran, - - - 36
Nondescript Worked Flints from
Egypt, - - - - 100
newileeatts fbataue: - = 3 27
nove-hollandic (Trichoglossus), = ll
nubicus (Caprimulgus), - - - 3
nudirostris ( Vinago), - - - 118
Numenius, - - - - - 69
Nyctiornis, - - - - 31
oceanicus ( veccnmes): from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - 49
Oceanites oceanicus, from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - - 49
Ochthodromus, - = - - 66
" p aera iL - 66
Ocyphaps, —- - - 148
Odontopeltis for a Ns SP:590c - 9
" granti, N. Sp. - - 9
(Edicnemide, - - - - - 59
(Edicnemus, - - : - 59
(Edipodide, Sokotran, - - - 44
(Edirhinus, - - - - 1%
Ogilvie-Grant, Ww. R., New
Species of Butterflies by, 10
Ogilvie-Grant, W. R., 1;
‘and Henry — Forbes, - = 2
Gna, - - - 14
Enopopelia, : - 2 140
omar (Melampsalta), n - Spi = - 45
Oreophilus, - - - - - 63
ornatula (Chroantha), - 47
Orthoptera, New Genera, and
Species, from Sokotra, - - 42
Orthorhamphus, - - - - 60
Ortyxelus, — - - 5 - - 61
Osculatia, - - - 145
Osmotreron, - - 118
Ossifraga gigantea, from Antarctic
Regions, - : - - - 50
Otidiphaps, - - - 147
Ovoid Flint Implements from
Egypt, - - 105, 111
Oxyechus, - - - - - 66
Oxypelia, - : 142
oxyrhinus (Hemidactylue), n .sp., - 5
pachyrhynchus (Halcyon), - - PA
Pagodroma nivea, from Antarctic
Regions, - : - - 48, 50
oe ear nivea, N ae on the
Eggs of, - - - - - 50
Pagophila, - : - - - 58
Paleolithic Age, - - - 105
pallescens (Chamepelia), - 141
pallidior (Pterocles), n. subsp., 149
palpebrosa (Zosterops), - - - 47
Palpimanide, Sokotran, - - 41
pamirensis (4gialitis), - - 66
papua (Pygoscelis), from Antaretic
egions, - - - - - 50
Parachalcides, n. gen., - 6
" socotranus, 0. 8p., — - 6
Passer hemileucus, Nn. Sp.; - - 3
» insularis, — - - - - 3
pyr honotus, - = 3
Passeres, from Antarctic Regions, 49
Patinaon FlintImplements, 106,110, 114
paucillus (Buliminus), n. sp., - 12
Pavoneella, - - - - - 71
peculiaris (Loboptera), n. sp., - 42
Pelargopsis, - - - - - 19
" sasak, - - - - 20
Pelidna, - : : : - 73
Peltohyas, - : : - 68
Peltohyatine, - - - - 68
Peristera, : : - : ea
Peristeride, - : = > =3 By
Peristerine, - : - - > ai
personatus (Trogon), var. an n. sp., 32
Petrie, Prof. Flinders (quoted),
79, 97, 98, 107, 1, om 110, 111, 114
Petr ophassa, 143
Pezophaps, - : - - 148
Phabine, - - = - 142
Phabotreron, - - 119
Phenorhina, - = pee 130
Phaéthusa, - - - - - 53
Phalacrocorax atriceps, - - 48, 49, 50
" " Eggsof, - 50
nigrogulart. ine Nn. Sp., - 3
Pinlaroncdina, - - : 75
Phalaropus, - : - - - 75
Phaleris, - - : - - 53
Phaps, - - - - - 143
Pharomacrus, - - - - 32
phasinella (Columba), - - 134
Phaulotypus, n. gen., — - - - 44
Phaulotypus gr ed n. sg av - 44
Phegornis, - : - 75
Philohela, 75
Phlogenas, - : 146
" virgo, - 147
Phoebetria fuliginosa, from age
arctic Regions, - - - : 49
Phycitine, Sokotran, - : - 39
Phyllodromiide, Sokotran, — - - 42
Phyllodactylus tr ees gies n. SPs ; +
Phyllopezus. - - 60
pictiventris (Ptilinopus), - - - 122
Pigeons, Catalogue of, - - - di
Pigeon, Southern, var. A., of
Latham, - = «137
Pits, Flint, in W ady el Sheikh, - 101
Pitt-Rivers, General, - = 78, 115
Pitt-Rivers Museum, Giene Sas
lets in, - - - 78
placida (Geopelia), - - - - 140
Plagiotriptus hippiscus, - - - 44
" insularis, N. Sp., 44
Plautus, - - - - - 51
plinius, var. pulchra (Tarucus), - 10
Plovers, Rareloene of, - - - 62
Pluvianus, - - - 61
Pluvianellus, - - - - - 68
Pocock, Mr. R. I., - - - 7, 40
Podasocys, - - - 66
Podicipes calipareus, , from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - - 48, 50
Pownall P. Cotter, - - - 48
Priocella antarctica, from Antarctic
Regions, - - - 50
" glacialoides, from Ant-
arctic Regions, = - 49
Pygoscelis ee ctica, from Antar ctic
Regions, - = 50
1 papua, from alaioiie
Regions, - - = E 50
Pyralide, Siukotnan: - - - 39
Pyrotrogon, - - - - - 34
" neglectus, N. Sp., - - 34
pyrrhonotus (Passer), — - - - 3
pyrrhothorax (Ochthodromus)- - 66
Piychorhamphus, . - - 5
Prion banksi, from Weenie
Regions, - : - 50
" desolatus, from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - 50
" vittatus, from Antarctic
Regions, - - - - 50
Prionornis, - - - - - 18
Prionotelus, - - - - - 32
Prionodura newtoniana, On Range
BER yan Selb ok 1. ea en aE
Procelsterna, - - - - - 55
Progura, - - - - 148
Prosobonia, - - - - - 72
Pseudoglottis, - - : - . 71
Pterocles, - - - 149
" enti ms subsp., - 149
Pteroclide, - - - - 149
Pteroclurus, - - - - - 149
Ptilinopodine, : - - - 120
Ptilinopus, - - = - 120, 122
" ceraseipectus, - - 124
" fla vicollis, = = 122
Ptilinopus pictiventris, - = - 122
" rhodostictus, - - -- 5 122
Ptilocolpa, - - - - = 128
Ptilonopodiscus, —- - - - 123
Ptiloscelis, —- - 64
pulverealis ( Bian phiad: n. Sp., - 39
pumilus (Hemidactylus), n. sp., - 6
Punches of Flint, - - - - 80
purpurea (Amefrontia), n. sp., - 37
Pygopodes, from Antarctic Regions, 48, 50
Pygoscelis adelic, from Antarctic
Regions, 49, 50; Note on its
Ege, - - - - - - 49
quadratus (Tarucus), n. 8p., - - 10
Quarries, Flint, in W ady el
Sheikh, - 101
Quibell, Mr. (quoted), 79, 109,
110, 1, 114
Range of Prionodura newtoniana, - 116
Recurvirostra, - - - - 68
Reduviide, Sokotran, - - = 46
Reduvius azraél, n. sp., - - - 46
Report of Smithsonian Institution
(1896), (quoted), - - 0. 14
Reptiles, New Species of, from
Sokotra and Abd-el- i -
Rheinwardtenas, - eon
Riinoptilus, - - - - : 61
Rhodostethia, - - - - - 56
rhodostictus Ce cd . -_ 122
Rhyacophilus, = - : 71
Rhynchopine, = - - - 56
Rhynchops, - - - = : 56
richardsi (Carpophaga), - - ee ey
riebecki penal - . - 1), 12
Rissa, - - 58
Robinson, H. C., 473 Contriba-
tions to Zoology of N.
Queensland, = - 115
" and Henry O. Forbes,
lps play
Rollers, Catalogue of, - = : 15
Rostratula, - : - : 2 "5
Roth, F. N., : - - - 13, 14
Roth, H. L., - - - - 13
rubritincta (Scotosia), 0. sp., - - 38
rufiguiare is (Halcyon), - - - 26
rusipennis (apr, - - em L1G
Rupelornis, - - - - 71
salvadorii ( Vinago), - - Se! its)
Sand-Grouse, Catalogue of, - 149
Santa Cruz Island, On a New
Species of Aplonis se om, - - 116
Sarascelis, - - - - 41
Sarciophorus, - - - 63
Sarcogrammus, - - - - 64
sasak (Pelargopsis), - - - 20
Sauromarptis, - . - : 25
savignit (Merops), - - - - 31
Scardafella, - - - . - 140
Scelidomachus, n. gen., = = 41
" socotranus, N. Sp-, - 41
Schalow, on Birds from Antarctica, 49
Sclater, on Birds from Antarctica, 49
Scolapacine, - - - 7
Scolopax, - - - = : 74
Scops giu, — - - : - : 2
1 socotranus, N. Sp., - 2
Scorpions, New, from Sokona! - 8
" New, from Abd-el-Kuri, 7
Scorpiones, - - = = = 7
scoresbyi (Leucopheus), from Ant-
arctic Regions, - - - - 49
Scotosia rubritincta, n. BE yaks 2 38
Seena, - - 54
Scrapers, Flint, from Egypt. 99, 110
Sepsina, - -
septentrionalis (Lr ichoglossus), n.
subsp., — - - - - 115
Serresius, - - - 126
Seton-Karr, H. W., Stone Imple-
ments Collected by him in
Egypt and Somaliland, 77 et
seyg ; at Ipswich B.A. Meeting,
112; Paper quoted, - - 80
Shafts sunk for Flint in Ancient
Egypt, - 102
Sheik Onna (Arabia): E : 1
Sharpe, Dr. R. Bowdler, — - = JeeliG
Sheath-Bills, Seolaene “of, - 61
Simorhynchus, - - 53
Skuas, Catalogue of, - : - 58
Skimmers, fae Oly == 56
Smithsonian Report ( 1896) (quoted), 114
Smith, E. A., - ll
socorroénsis (C lamntaah - ep eT
socotrana (Asanada), n. sp., 9
» (Fringillaria), n. sp., 2
socotranus (Hemiscorpius), n. sp., 8
" (Parachalcides), n. Sp., - 6
" (Scelidomachus), n. sp., - 4]
" (Scops), n. sp., - - 2
" (Tarucus), n. sp., - 10
socotorensis (Buliminus), 11
Sokotra, Expedition to, - - 1
» New Species of Birdsfrom, 2
1» New Species of Butterflies
from, - - 10
1 New Species of Heniptera
from, - - 45
1» New Species ‘of Land:
shells from, : - 11
» New Species of Reptiles
from, - - . - 4
» New Genus and Species
of Moths from, - - 35
» New Genera and Species
of Orthoptera from, — - 42
» New Genus and Species
of Spiders from, - - 40
» | New Species of Scorpions,
Centipedes, and Milli-
pedes from, - - 7
sokotranus (Geocoris), n. sp., - 46
sokotrensis (Cerocala), n. sp., - 36
Solygia, - : - - - 43
Somaliland, 112; ‘‘ Paleolithic”
Implements from, - - - 78
souleyetianum (inti), - - 12
South Arabia, - = - 1
Southern Pigeon, var. A. (Latham), 137
Sphendale, - - - - - 43
Sphenocercus, - - - = Shay
Spiders, New Genus and Species
from Sokotra and Abd-el- cage. 40
Spilotreron, - - - - 124
Spilopelia, - - - : - 140
Spurrell, Mr., on Flint Imple-
ments from Egypt, - - - 79
Squatarola, - - - : 65
Starnenas, - - coe Ar
Steganopodes, from eaaeeiie Regions,
48, 50
Steganopus, - - - - - 7D
Stenia grisealis, n. sp., - - - 39
Stephanibyzx, - - - - - 65
Stercorariide, - ¥ - - 58
Stercorarius, - - - : - 59
Steriphopus, - - - - - 41
Sternine, - - - - - 53
Sterna, - - - - - - 54
1» hirundinacea, - - - 49
Stigmatopelia, - - - - 140
Stiltia, - - - - - - 62
Stone-Curlews, Catalogue of, - 59
Stone Implements, On a Collec-
tion of, in the Mayer Museum,
made by Mr. H. W. Seton-Karr
in Mines of the Ancient Egyp-
tians discovered by him on the
Plateaux of the Nile pier, 5 77
streptoceros (Araneus), - - 40
Streptopelia, - - - - - 139
sulaénsis (Turacena),n. subsp., - 135
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater, var. A.
(Latham), - - - - - 30
Sylphitreron, - - - - - 124
sylvestris (Golusaiey, - - 2 4132
Syma, - - - = - 24
Symphemia, - = - - - 70
Synthliborhamphus, - - - 52
wumizusume, Head
of, in Breeding Plumage, - - 52
Syrrhaptes, - - > - - 149
tahapisi (Fringillaria), - - - 2
Tanysiptera, - = - : B 29
Tarache meleena, n. sp., - z 2 36
Tarucus plinius, var. pulchra, - 10
1 quadratus,n. sp., - - 10
u -socotranus, N. Sp., — - - 10
n telicanus, - - - 10
» theophrastus, - - - 10, 11
Teddia,n. gen., - = - - 42
» dioscoris, n. Sp., - - 43
telicanus (Tarucus), - - - 10
Tenimber Islands, slices 5 from, 48
Terekia, - - - - - aL
terminipuncta (Metachrasti),n n. Sp., 36
Terns, Catalogue of, - - 53
terrestris ( Chameepelia), = - - 141
Terror, H.M.S., - = . : 48
Thebes, ‘‘ Paleolithic” Imple-
ments from - 78, 110, 111, i.
theodore (Buliminus), n. oe _ -
theophrastus (Tarucus), - - 10, 4
Thinocoride, - - - - - 59
Thinocorus, - - - - - 59
Thinornis, - - - - - 68
Thoracotreron, - - . oe, Le
Tmetotrogon, - - - : - 32
Todies and Motmots, peas a of, 18
Todine, - - 19
Todir. hamphus, - - - - 28
Todus, - - 19
Tongue- shaped Fli nts ir om Egypt, 105
Totanus, - - 70
Totanine, - 69
Toukh, Stone Implements from, 99, 100
trachyrhinus (Phyllodactylus), n. Sp., 4
Treron, - - =e SLES
Trer onide, - - - =m MG,
Treronine, - ar et LT,
T7 ichoglossus nove- Folland” = eS
1 septentrionalis, n. subsp., 115
tricolor (Charadrius), — - - - 64
Tringa, - - - - - - 73
Tringites, - - - - - 72
Tringoides, - - - = z 70
Tristram, Canon, D.D., - 48, 116
Trogon, - - - - - - 32
" personatus, Var. an 0. Sp., 32
Trogonide, - - - - - 32
Trogons, Catalogue of, - - 32
“Truncheons,” Flint, from Egypt,
99, 103, 105
Truxalide, Sokotran, - < : 43
Truxalis, - - - - - 44
Truxalis crocea, —- - - - 44
Truxalis ensis, N. Sp., - - - 43
Tubinares,from Antarctic Regions, 48, 49
Turacena, - - 135
" emia subsp. cha
n. subsp., - - - - 135
Turtur, - - - - 138
» abbotti, E = = ee b3)
Turturine, - - - - =9 Ss
Turturena, - - - - 134
" iriditorques. - - 135
Tympanistria, - - - - 142
" virgo, = - > - 142
Uratelornis, - - - - - 16
Uria, - - - : - - 51
Uropelia, - = - - = Sal
Urospatha, - E 2 - - 18
Usertesen II.,~— - = - - 108
Vaccinium forbesii, - - - 47
" , Zosterops Feeding on, - 47
Vanellus, - - - - - 65
" cucullatus, — - - - 64
" grisescens, —- - - 65
velox (Charaxes), 0. Sp., - - 10
vermiculata (Cerocala), - - - 37
Vinago, - - - - 2° MEET
n nudirostris, - - = 1S
» salvadorii, - - - 118
violacea (Columba), - - - Iss
virgo (Phlogenas), - - 2 LAT
un (Tympanistria), - - 142
vittatus (Prion), from Mntaeehie
Regions, - - S - : 50
Wady Babel Molook, - - coe LDS
Wady el Sheikh, - - 77, 78 et passim
Wear of Flint Implements, - 106
Winterbourn Bake Down, Barrow
on, - - - - - 98
Page Page
winter feldti (Charadrius), - 66 Zonibyx, - - - - 66
wumizusume (Senlsbarkampian), Zonifer, - - - - - 64
Head of, in Breeding Plumage, 52 Zonenas, = - : : =) #129
Zonophaps, - : = - - 128
So ne 7 : b> ; Zosterops aureiventris, - - : 47
Xiphidiopterus, 64 & cMlondtes. ‘ : 4 47
. ; " citrinella, - - - 48
yerburii (Heterographis), - - - 39 | - griseiventris, - 2 E 48
" palpebrosa, = : - 47
Zapterus, - - - - - 65 Zosterops, feeding on Vaccinium, - 47
Zenaida, - : - - = 137 " On Three Rare and
Zenaidine, - - - - ass, not hitherto Figured
Zenaidura, - - - 137 Species of, in the
Zodar ide, elesena : - = 41 Derby Collection, s 47
Page 9. For Odontopeltis grantii, read O. granti.
» 89. » Heterographis yerburi, » H. yerburii.
» 116. 4 rufipennis, » Tufipenni.
non » g.-brunneus, » g.-brunnea.
non » minnime, » minime.
» Insert inches at close of paragraph, after 12,
Bulletin No. 1 issued 18th May, 1899.
" No. 2 » 80th September, 1899.
" Nos. 3 and 4 » 20th January, 1900.
A Few Sets of the Flint Implements from the Wady el Sheikh
may be had, by purchase or exchange, on application to the
B. Director of Museums, William Brown Street.
The Bulletin
of the Liverpool Museums,
Published by Authority of the Museums Committee of the Liverpool City Council,
under the Editorship of the Director of Museums (H. O. Forbes, LL.D.),
Is intended to make known the contents of the Municipal Museums—the
Derby (or Biological) Museum, and the Mayer (or Archeological and Ethno-
graphical) Museum,—by publishing the results of the investigations carried
on in the Laboratories attached to them, and the observations made on
the animals living in the Aquarium.
It will be published at irregular intervals; but the aim of the Director
will be to issue one volume of four parts every year. It will be illustrated
as occasion demands by coloured plates, engravings, and process blocks.
The “BULLETIN” is published at the Museums, and by Messrs. — :
Henry YounG & Sons, of 12, South Castle Street and 23, Parker Street,
Liverpool, at 2s. 6d. net per number (per post 2s. 8d. net), or to subseribers _
at 8s. net per volume (per post 8s. 8d. net.), payable in advance.
Volume I. is now ready, ilfastextad with 33 engravings, 5 of which are 2
coloured by Hand, cloth, extra, top edges gilt, 12s. 6d. net, per post a
12s. 10d. net.
es °
Volume II., Part 1, issued May, 1899, contains descriptions. of new a
Birds, Reptiles, Scorpions &c., Butterflies, and Landshells, obtained on 3
the recent Expedition to Sokotra.
- Volume II., Part 2, issued September 30, 1899, contains descriptions — 4
of New Moths, Spiders, Orthoptera, and Hemiptera obtained in Sokotra.
AUGUST, 1900. Vou. Ill. No.1.
of the
Liverpool Museums
Under the City Council.
The Expedition to Sokotra: XII. Descriptions of the New
X. Descriptions of the New YER ERETE- By we
‘ Micro-Lepidopt B F. Kirpy - te
aye ‘ = opvera.
a : sag Pewis Sat F ze i Catalogue of the Lizard-tailed,
a oh the Toothed, and the Ostrich-
‘gly like Birds, and of the Tina-
XI. Descriptions of the New mous and the Divers in the
Coleoptera. By C. J. Derby Museum. By Henry
GAHAN, M.A. - - - 8 O. Forens, LL-Deso sos. 5.20 25
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
NOTE.—The plates issued with this number will be described
in the next number of the Bulletin.
of the
Liverpool Museums
Edited by H. O. Forbes, LL.D., Director of Museums.
Vo.. III. AUGUST, Igoo. Nae
The Expedition to Sokotra.
X. Descriptions of the New Species of
By THE Rr. Hon. THE Lorp WatsincHaM, M.A., LL.D, F-.R.S.
Agdistis, He.
(1) Agdistis minima.
Antenne brownish cinereous. Palpi very short, closely appressed to the
face, the terminal joint scarcely visible at the end of the rather thickly clothed
median joint ; whitish cinereous. Head and Thorax whitish cinereous. Fore-
wings whitish cinereous, thickly dusted with blackish scales along the costal and
dorsal thirds, on the costa before the apex are three slight aggregations of the
black scaling forming scarcely noticeable costal spots ; the usual elongate semi-
transparent triangle reaches to within one-third of the base, and is brightly
iridescent ; cilia whitish cinereous, speckled with black scales along their base.
Exp. al. 12-14 mm. Hind-wings with a noticeable elongate mat of black scales
near the base on the underside, terminating in a comb of separate black hair-
scales along the lower margin of the cell ; brownish grey, much speckled with
black scaling along the dorsum’, slightly iridescent towards the costa ; cilia
* Some inconvenience occasionally arises in describing Lepidoptera from the fact
that no single term has hitherto been used to express the angle so frequently formed
on the dorsum of the fore or hind-wings in the direction of the base. On the hind-wing
whitish cinereous. Aldomen whitish cinereous. Legs whitish, profusely
sprinkled with minute black scale-points.
Type & (13358) Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri Id. (1-3. XII. 98).
Onebala, Wkr.
(2) Onebala simplex.
Antenne slightly serrate ; pale fawn-ochreous, dusted with greyish fuscous
above, the basal joint dark fuscous above. /ulpi long, strongly recurved,
smooth, the median joint somewhat flattened; pale fawn-ochreous. Head
greyish. Yhorax pale fawn-ochreous, smeared with greyish fuscous above.
Fore-wings pale fawn-ochreous, slightly shaded with greyish fuscous, especially
above the fold and before the apex and termen; with three blackish spots,
the first on the cell before the middle, another in the fold straight below it,
a third at the end of the cell; also four or five blackish dentate spots along
the termen at the base of the greyish ochreous cilia which have a paler basal
line. zp. al. 115 mm. Hind-wings pale greyish, the central portion slightly
iridescent ; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen fawn-ochreous, with greyish fuscous
shading. Legs pale cinereous.
Type 3 (13361) Mus. W1sm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 2. IT. 99).
Hypsolophus, F.
(3) Hypsolophus granti.
Antenne pale brownish testaceous, with some fuscous scaling near the
basal joint. Palpi with the usual triangular tuft on the median joint, dark
brownish externally, with a whitish line along its upper edge; the terminal
joint white, speckled with black scales. Head and Thorax pale brownish
testaceous. Fore-wings pale brownish testaceous, speckled with black ; some
short oblique fuscous streaks along the costa, and a few groups of similar
scales about the middle and end of the cell, on the dorsum before the tornus
and about the termen, with one erect black dorsal patch at one-sixth from the
base (this patch, which is very distinct, occurs in one specimen only out of a
series of five, but in one or two of the others it is indicated by a few dark
scales in the same position ; the ground-colour slightly varies either in the
direction of paler brown or darker greyish testaceous, the shading on the
termen being also variable in quantity, and the speckling of dark scales more
or less grouped or tending to obliteration) ; cilia of the same colour as the
wing-surface, slightly streaked with darker scales. #zp. al. 15-16 mm.
Hind-wings with the termen slightly bisinuate ; somewhat iridescent along the
middle, brownish grey ; cilia paler than the wing, and with a slender sub-
this angle is usually described as the abdominal angle, and the margin between this
and the base is called the abdominal margin. I should propose for convenience of
description that the word flezus be applied to the abdominal angle and to its equivalent
when it occurs on the fore-wing; that the term dorswm should be limited to that
portion of the margin which lies beyond it, except when no appreciable angle exists ;
and that the term /imbus should be used for that portion of the margin lying between
the flexus and the base. I have made use of these terms in the present paper.
ochreous line along their base. Abdomen brownish grey (varying to brownish
testaceous). Legs pale brownish, with rather speckled fuscous shading on
their outer sides,
Type 3 (13363); 9 (13364) Mus. WIsm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 2. Il. 99); Hadibu Plain
(19-21. IT. 99).
(4) Hypsolophus thoracella.
Antenne cinereous, dusted with blackish scales. Palpi with the usual
projecting triangular tuft on the second joint, pale cinereous along its upper
edge, dark greyish fuscous, minutely speckled with chestnut-brown about
its base, and becoming chestnut-brown to the apex along its lower half;
terminal joint pale cinereous, sprinkled with blackish scales. Head dark
greyish fuscous, face pale chestnut-brown, Zhoraachestnut-brown. Fore-wings
dark greyish fuscous, with a broad chestnut-brown streak from the base along
the costa to a little beyond one-third ; mottled along the extreme costa with
fuscous, a small pale cinereous spot on the costa at its outer extremity, a larger
pale cinereous spot occurring at the commencement of the costal cilia from
which a faintly indicated pale band crosses to the tornus; from the dorsum
close to the base arises an oblique streak of slightly raised scales reaching to
the upper edge of the cell; at the end of the cell is a minute blackish spot,
its inner and lower edge narrowly outlined with whitish scales ; cilia greyish
fuscous, with numerous pale brownish cinereous dentate points along their
basal third, these extending around the apex and termen. zp. al. 16 mm.
Hind-wings trapezoidal ; somewhat iridescent, brownish grey, the costa and
limbus tending more to brown, the central portion of the wing tending to
grey with bluish iridescence ; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen and Legs
greyish brown, the latter thickly sprinkled with fuscous externally ; the under-
side of the abdomen whitish peppered laterally with fuscous scales.
Type 2 (13362) Mus. Wlsm.
Halitat. Sokotra : Homhil (1500 ft., 26. IT. 99).
Gelechia, Ho.
(5) Gelechia sarcochroma.
Antenne pale cinereous, with fuscous bars across the upper side. Palpi
with the median joint thickened with rough scales beneath ; fleshy white,
with two fuscous annulations on the terminal joint, a fuscous band on the outer
side of the median joint at the base and some spots also near its apex. Head
fleshy whitish. Thorax whitish flesh-colour, with slight fuscous shading.
Fore-wings whitish flesh-colour, with slight fuscous shading ; with four fuscous
costal spots, the first at the base, the second at about one-sixth, the third at
about the middle, the fourth at the commencement of the costal cilia ; a
broad dorsal streak, arising at one-fifth from the base, terminates at the upper
edge of the cell a little beyond the second costal spot, some of the flesh-
coloured scales between this and the base are distinctly raised ; there are a
few fuscous scales beyond the middle of the cell and one or two in the fold
beneath them ; cilia dull greyish ochreous, faintly speckled with fuscous and
tinted with flesh-colour about the apex. Ezp. al. 16mm. Hind-wings shining
pale bluish grey ; cilia very long, pale brownish ochreous. Abdomen pale
brownish ochreous. Legs somewhat hairy above ; whitish ochreous, with two
fuscous spots externally at the base of the hind tibiae.
Type 3 (13360) Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Sokotra : Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 2. II. 99).
Batrachedra, Stn.
(6) Batrachedra atomosella.
Antenne with the basal joint long, slightly thickened with appressed
scales above; white, with minute blackish dots above. Pulpi recurved,
terminal and median joints of about equal length, the latter clothed with a ~
rather long tuft of projecting scales ; white, speckled with black ; the ter-
minal joint smooth, with three blackish annulations, the apex blackish.
Head white, profusely speckled with black at the ends of the broad flattened
scales. Thorax white, speckled with black, assuming the form of minute
strigze on the tegule. /ore-wings white, speckled with black, assuming the
form of minute strigze in a short series at the base of the costa ; a second
series from the base along the cell to about one-sixth, thence the remainder
of the wing, nearly to the apex, is more or less profusely speckled with greyish
fuscous having a tendency to run in transverse strigule ; a slight shade on
the middle of the costa is succeeded by a transverse shade-band at three-
fourths, beyond which the acute apex of the wing is narrowly outlined with
brownish ochreous bearing a reduplicated minute brownish ochreous oblique
streaklet at the commencement of the costal cilia and another beyond it on
the dorsum, a slender blackish line points to the apex in the intermediate
space ; cilia at the apex white, freely speckled with minute black scale-points,
the cilia about the tornus greyish cinereous. Ezp. al. 10 mm. Hind-wings
and cilia greyish cinereous ; the wings rather shining. Abdomen with an
ochreous tinge on the basal half, whitish posteriorly ; with an expansible
hair-pencil posteriorly. Legs smooth, whitish, speckled with black externally.
Type 3 (13376) Mus. W1sm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Hadibu Plain (21. II. 99).
Scythris, Ho.
(7) Scythris denticolor.
Antenne dirty brownish white. Palpi whitish, with a slight brownish
tint externally. Head and Thorax brownish white. Fore-wings whitish, with
a faint brownish tinge except about the apex ; a small fuscous spot lies in the
fold a little before the middle of the wing and another at the end of the cell ;
cilia white at the apex, suffused with brownish ochreous towards the tornus.
Exp. al. 16 mm. Hind-wings whitish grey, with some faint brown scaling
towards the apex ; cilia light brownish ochreous. Abdomen whitish, shining
silvery white beneath. Legs whitish.
Type 2 (13377) Mus. W1sm.
Halitat. Sokotra: Hadibu Plain (11-12. XII. 98).
(8) Scythris neurogramma.
Antenne greyish brown. Palpi smooth, recurved ; dirty whitish, shaded
with greyish brown externally. Head and Thorax pale greyish brown, mixed
with dirty whitish. Fore-wings dirty whitish, with greyish brown shading,
usually broken into length-streaks corresponding to the spaces between the
veins, separated by lines of the white ground-colour of variable width ; a
narrow greyish brown line along the upper edge of the cell is recurved
around the outer end of the cell, while above and beyond it is a series of
very short greyish brown oblique streaks not reaching the costa, and more
distinctly separated in the direction of the costa than towards the apex and
termen, where they are somewhat densely crowded ; another narrow line
follows the upper edge of the fold and the dorsal space below the fold is
almost entirely suffused with pale greyish brown ; cilia greyish brown, with
a slight ochreous tinge, giving them a brighter appearance than the wing-
markings. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hind-wings brownish grey, the cilia as in the
fore-wings. Abdomen greyish, anal tuft whitish cinereous. Legs dirty
Type 4 (13379) Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Sokotra ; Hadibu Plain (11. XII. 98) ; Adho Dimellus (3,500 ft.,
12. IT. 99).
(9) Scythris, sp.
Habitat. Sokotra: Hadibu Plain (15. XII. 98)—Mus. Wlsm., 13375.
A single specimen in poor condition, but distinct from those now
(10) Scythris (!) pectinicornis.
Antenne with a strong closely packed pecten on the basal joint ; biciliate
in both sexes (¢ 1-14, @ rather less); pale cinereous. Palpi, ¢ recurved to
the level of the vertex, the terminal joint shorter than the median; 2? more
slender and less recurved; whitish cinereous. Head and Tf. horax whitish
cinereous. Fore-wings whitish cinereous, profusely dusted with brownish grey
scaling, evenly distributed throughout, except a little beyond the middle of
the fold where it appears somewhat concentrated ; cilia whitish cinereous,
becoming brownish ochreous about the tornus. Exp. al. 6 12, 9 11 mm.
Hind-wings vosy grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous. 4bdomen whitish
cinereous. Legs, hind tibie pale brownish ochreous, hind tarsi whitish
Type & (13383); 2 (13382) Mus. Wism.
Habitat. Sokotra; Hadibu Plain (15. XII. 98).
Genostele, gen. nov.
Type. Genostele reniger, ///Ism.
Antenne (Q) 2, simple, tending to slight serrations before the apex.
Ocelli absent. Maxillary Palpi well-developed, porrect, inflected. Lalial
Palpi long, recurved, the median joint slightly roughened towards the apex ;
terminal joint scarcely shorter than the median, slender acute. Head and
face clothed with loose scales. Thorax smooth. Fore wings four times as long
as broad, elongate, costa slightly arched, the apex depressed, rounded, termen
oblique. Newration, 11 veins, (7 and 8 coincident) to costa ; the other veins
separate. Hind-wings not broader than the fore-wings, somewhat rounded at
the apex, not emarginate. Newration, 8 veins ; 3 and 4 almost connate, 6 and
7 separate and almost parallel, 6 about equidistant from 5 and 7. Abdomen
normal. Legs, hind tibize somewhat hairy above.
This genus differs from Cerostoma, Ltr., in the separation of veins 6 and 7
of the hind-wings and from Plutella, Schrk., in the remoteness of vein 6 from 5
as also in the coincidence of veins 7 and 8 of the fore-wings, but in general
appearance and structure its affinity would be to these genera. The genus
Ancylometis, Meyr., from Mauritius appears to approach Genostele in some
respects, particularly in the coincidence of veins 7 and 8 of the fore-wings,
but if Meyrick is correct in describing it as having vein 5 of the hind-wings
= mre to, or coincident with 4, it must be regarded as sufficiently
(11) Genostele reniger.
Antenne pale stone-ochreous, annulate with fuscous. Pulpi with the
median joint thickened with appressed scales which are somewhat loosened
towards its apex beneath, pale stone-ochreous, profusely speckled with
brownish fuscous; the terminal joint slender, similarly coloured. Head
pale stone-ochreous, with a brownish fuscous streak along its middle above,
this is continued through the anterior half of the pale stone-ochreous Thorax
on which are also two parallel lateral dark fuscous streaks. Fore-wings pale
stone-ochreous, speckled with brownish fuscous, a narrow dark fuscous streak
along the base of the costa, with another beneath it, parallel to the limbus,
but not extending beyond the flexus ; at the base of the cell is an elongate
reniform patch, outlined with dark fuscous, extended to about one-fifth and
touching at its outer extremity the transverse reniform patch, which covering
the whole width of the cell, extends downwards across the fold nearly to the
dorsum ; this is separated from a third reniform patch occupying the end of
the cell and extending a little below it; these patches are all narrowly
outlined with dark fuscous (and from indications afforded by a second
specimen—presumably of the same species—will be found in some varieties
to be more or less strongly filled in with dark brownish fuscous) ; above the
outer patch is a dark fuscous costal shade before the commencement of the
cilia; a group of dark fuscous scales also occurring before the apex midway
between the costa and termen, and accompanied by some profusion of brown-
ish fuscous speckling which extends along the termen, and is strongly repeated
throughout the pale stone-ochreous terminal and apical cilia. Hap al. 19 mm.
Hind-wings greyish ; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen brownish ochre-
ous. Legs pale brownish cinereous, the tarsi speckled with brownish scales.
Type 2 (13368) Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 2-3. II. 99).
Prays, Ho.
(12) Prays (), sp.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 11. Il. 99)—Mus. Wlsm.
Mieza, Wkr.
(13) Mieza (?) inornata.
Antenne fusco-cinereous. Palpi porrect, slender ; hoary whitish with
some fuscous scales externally. Head and Thora dirty whitish. Fore-wings
dull greyish white, the veins and cell narrowly marked out by lines of
brownish grey, the costa and the dorsum beneath the fold slightly suffused
with the same ; cilia hoary whitish, sprinkled with brownish grey atoms.
Exp. al. 12 mm. Hind-wings dirty whitish cinereous ; cilia whitish cinereous.
Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish cinereous ; the tarsi slightly shaded.
Type 2 (13374) Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Hadibu Plain (11. XII. 98).
Cryptophlebia, W/sm.
(14) Cryptophlebia (?) socotrensis.
Antenne greyish fuscous, the basal joint tawny reddish. Pulpi conical,
extending more than the length of the head beyond it ; tawny reddish, the
apex of the terminal joint slightly fuscous. Head and Thorax tawny reddish,
the latter’ slightly tufted posteriorly. /ore--wings tawny reddish, with closely
packed transverse wavy lines of sericeous mottling arising from the costa
and traversing the whole width of the wing, leaving a faint indication of two
tawny reddish spots at the outer angles of the cell ; the extreme base only
appears to be free from these sericeous wave-lines, and the extreme edge of
the costa is very narrowly touched with ochreous [what remains of the cilia
is tawny reddish] ; the underside is tinged with ochreous throughout, and
shows a faint indication of greyish fuscous mottling, especially around the
costa and termen. Jap. al. 22 mm. Hind-wings brownish fuscous, cilia
slightly paler ; underside with a faint indication of greyish fuscous mottling
especially around the costa and termen. dédomen brownish fuscous. Legs
pale greyish ochreous, the hind tarsi transversely shaded with brownish
Type & (13371) Mus. W1sm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3,500 ft., 12. II. 99).
Archips, Ho.
(15) Archips (?) socotranus.
Antenne. cinereous, shaded with brown (or testaceous). Palpi porrect,
conical, stretching twice the length of the head beyond it, thickly clothed
above with appressed scales ; dark rust-brown (or testaceous). Head rust-
brown (or testaceous). Thorax fawn-brown (or testaceous). Fore-wings fawn-
brown (or brownish testaceous), with a faint indication of a darker reddish
(or testaceous) oblique fascia from before the middle of the costa, and an
ante-apical costal patch {in the darker of the two specimens (13373) there
is a slight outline of a basal patch—in the ¢ these markings may be
expected to assume a more pronounced appearance] ; the surface of the wing
is somewhat shining, and thickly speckled with scarcely darker spots in
transverse sinuate lines (visible only with the light striking the wings at a
suitable angle) ; cilia along their base chestnut brown, except around the
tornus, greyish cinereous on their outer half and at the tornus ; faintly
reticulated along the costa and around the termen on the underside. zp. al.
22-23 mm. Hind-wings somewhat incised below the apex and near the
flexus ; shining brownish grey, strongly iridescent towards the base and
paler in the costal that in the dorsal region, a slight reticulation of darker
scales about the apex and on the base of the cilia around it ; cilia pale
shining brownish grey ; underside faintly reticulated along the costa and
around the termen. Abdomen shining greyish ochreous (or pale brownish
grey). Legs shining, pale brownish cinereous.
Type {= Cotypes 9 9 (13372-3)] Mus. Wlsm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 11-12. I. 99).
XI. Descriptions of the New Genera and Species
of Coleoptera.
By C. J. GawAn, M.A.
(1) Melyris insularis.
Viridis, breve sparseque setosa ; abdomine pedibusque et articulis quinque
vel septem ultimis antennarum nigris ; capite prothoraceque haud profunde
alveolato-punctatis, hoc utrinque carinato, supra sat valde convexo et in
medio leviter sulcato, lateribus ab apice ad medium paullo divergentibus
deinde ad basin fortius divergentibus, angulis posticis lateraliter prominentibus ;
elytris crebre fortiterque punctatis, utrisque lineis tribus et margine suturale
elevatis. Long. (cap. exclus.). 7-7} mm.
Habitat. Abd-el-Inuri.
(2) Zophosis undulata.
Z. cequali (Waterh.) affinis, sed paullo latior, capite in vertice minus crebre
U “e Bae
punctulato ; prothorace minus crebre sed distinctius punctulato; elytris
longitudinaliter undulato-rugosis. Long. 7, lat. 34 mm.
5 ‘ oats i= 5! pies
Habitat. Abd-el Kuri. Two examples taken on Feb. 22nd, 1899.
This species is closely allied to Zophosis wqualis, Waterh., but is relatively
broader, and is easily distinguished at first sight by the slightly raised and
obtuse undulate ridges running along the elytra. It differs also in having
the upper part of the head less closely punctulate, and the pronotum distinctly
but rather sparsely punctulate.
(3) Histeromorphus undatus.
Al. plicato (Kraatz) affinis et sub-similis sed differt clypeo antice fere recte
truncato vel vix evidenter cinuato, prothoracis lateribus latius marginatis,
antice a basi fortius convergentibus ; elytris transversim magis regulariter
plicatis. Long. 83-11, lat. 64-8 mm.
Halitat. Abd-el-Kuri. Ten examples captured, Dec. 22nd, 1898, and Feb.
22nd, 1899.
In size and general form this species somewhat closely resembles /.
plicatus Kraatz, but may be easily distinguished from it by the following
characters. The clypeus is almost straightly truncate or but very feebly
sinuate in front, whereas in H. plicutus it is arcuately emarginate ; the sides
of the prothorax have a broader margin, and converge more strongly in a
more regular arcuate curve from the base to the apex ; the elytra are more
regularly plicate in wavy lines running parallel to one another in a transverse
(4) Rhytidonota exigua.
Nigra, sub-opaca ; capite dense punctulato ; prothorace dense sed minus
fortiter punctulato, quam latitudine basis vix longiore, lateribus ante medium
leviter rotundatis, deinde ad basin apicemque convergentibus ; elytris ovatis,
vage minute punctulatis, supra sub-sulcatis, antennis dense punctulatis,
medium prothoracis vix superantibus, articulo 3° quam 2° sesqui-longiore,
articulo 4° quam 2° vix breviore. Long. 74-84, lat. (ad med.elytrorum)
3}-35 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Homhil, East Sokotra (alt. 1500-3000 ft.).
Head densely punctulate, antennz scarcely reaching beyond the middle
of the pronotum, with the third joint about half as long again as the second,
the fourth appreciably shorter than the second, the fifth and following joints
gradually and but very slightly decreasing in length, and the eleventh
narrower than the tenth. Prothorax densely and minutely punctulate,
slightly rounded at the sides, widest a little in front of the middle, and
thence narrowed to the base and apex, being a little narrower across the
apex than at the base, where the width is almost equal to the length of the
pronotum along the middle. Elytra ovate, about two and a half times as
long as the pronotum, finely and rather sparsely punctulate, and each
impressed along the disk with five or six shallow and nearly obsolete
(5) Rhytidonota socia.
Precedenti similis et affinis, sed antennis longioribus, minus dense
punctulatis, basin prothoracis attingentibus, prothorace lateraliter minus
rotundato, ad basin quam longitudine paullulo latiore.
Habitat. Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (alt. 5500-4500 ft.).
This species has the same dull black colour as the preceding species, which
it closely resembles also in size and shape. It differs from it as follows :—
the antenne are longer, reaching quite to the base of the pronotum, less
closely punctulate, and with the second joint relatively shorter, being less in
length than the fourth joint and little more than half as long as the third ;
the pronotum is more parallel-sided, and its width. across the base is a little
greater than its length along the middle.
(6) Rhytidonota (!) tibialis.
Capite prothoraceque confertissime sub-rugosoque punctatis ; prothorace
quam latitudine maxima (ante medium posita) paullo longiore, lateribus ante
medium paullo rotundatis, deinde versus basin convergentibus ; elytris ovatis,
utrisque longitudinaliter 10-costatis intervallis transversim sub-rugosis et
inequaliter punctatis ; prosterno pone coxas anticas deflexo et ad extremitatem
horizontaliter directo ; tibiis extus sulcatis ; antennis basin prothoracis fere
attingentibus, articulo 2° quam 3° paullo breviore, et quam 4° paullo longiore,
articulo 4° ad 8™ gradatim brevioribus, 9° ad 11"™ brevibus. Long. 11-12,
lat. (ad med. elytrorum) 4-4.2 mm.
Habitat. Abd-el-Kuri.
This species is very distinct from the two preceding ; and, in certain of
its characters, such as the form of the prosternal process, and the presence of
a groove along the outer (or dorsal) face of each of the tibiz, it differs from
all other known species of /hytidonota.
(7) Eusyntelia opacicollis.
E. cbenine (Waterh.) proxime aftinis; capite prothoraceque dense sat
fortiter punctulatis et opacis, pronoto quam latitudine basis paullo longiore ;
elytris sulcatis, interstitiis convexis sat dense punctulatis vix nitidis ; antennis
basin prothoracis paullulo superantibus, articulo 3° quam 2° duplo longiore.
Long. 12-15, lat. (ad med. elytrorum) 43-6 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra: Jena-agahan (alt. 1200 ft.), and Hadibu Plain.
Head and pronotum closely and distinctly punctulate and opaque, the
punctures on the head being somewhat larger than those on the pronotum.
Pronotum widest between the middle and the anterior margin, its sides there
being distinctly arcuate, while from the middle to the base they are almost
rectilinearly convergent ; its length along the middle a little greater than its
width across the base. Elytra rather strongly sulcate, with the interstices
convex and somewhat closely punctulate.
This species is most nearly allied to £. ebenina, Waterh., which it resembles
in size and form, but from which it may be distinguished at first sight by the
dulness of its whole upper surface, the head and pronotum especially being
closely and very distinctly punctulate, while the same parts in £. ehenina are
very sparsely and minutely punctulate and the surface highly polished. In
the latter species also the length of the pronotum is only about equal to, or
scarcely appreciably greater than its width across the base, and is, therefore,
relatively a trifle shorter than in opacicollis. Husyntelia balfouri, Waterh., differs
from both of these species by its shorter antennz and its broader pronotum,
the width of the latter across the base being distinctly greater than its median
length ; in the figure of this species (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, pl. 43, fig. 5) the
form of the pronotum is inaccurate and more nearly represents the shape
occurring in ebenina and opacicollis.
(8) Adelostoma granti.
Oblongo-ellipticum, depressum, nigrum; capite antice arcuatim emarginato
supra tuberculis quatuor parvis cariniformibus instructo ; prothorace paullo
ante basin valde abrupteque angustato, supra carinis duabus longitudinalibus
instructo ; utroque elytro carinis tribus instructo, carina interiore ad medium
lateinterrupta, carina intermedia postice abbreviata. Long. 6, lat. 23 mm.
Halitat, Abd-el-Kuri.
Deretus, gen. nov.
This genus seems to be most nearly allied to Hubaus, Boield., from which
it differs chiefly in the shape of the pronotum. The pronotum is narrowed at
the base, and at the lateral margin on each side between the base and the
middle there is a short blunt tooth, behind which the margin is rather deeply
sinuate, while between it and the middle there is a feebler sinuation. The
clypeus is broadly rounded in front, not truncate nor emarginate as in
Eubeus ; the antennie are a little shorter and more slender than in the latter
genus, and the proximal joints of the hind tarsi somewhat shorter. In other
points of structure the agreement between the two genera is fairly complete.
(9) Deretus denticollis.
Piceo-niger, nitidus. Capite prothoraceque crebre sat fortiter punctatis,
hoe transverso, ad basin angustato, utrinque inter medium basimque
bisinuato, et inter sinus uni-dentato; elytris sat valde punctato-striatis,
interstitiis leviter convexis, sparse punctulatis.
Habitat. Sokotra : Jena-agahan (alt. 1200 ft.).
(10) Cheironitis socotranus.
C. scubroso (Fab.) sub-similis, supra fusco-testaceus, capite viridi-suffuso,
sat dense granuloso; elytris tuberculis carinisque viridibus instructis ;
corpore subtus pedibusque viridi-eneis, femoribus subtus in medio metasterni-
que lateribus testaceis. ¢. Processu prosterni sat breve, ad apicem anguste
emarginata, femoribus anticis ultra medium longe mucronatis ; coxis inter-
mediis utrisque bispinosis. Long. 12}, lat. 7 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra : Dahamis (alt. 350-1000 ft., XII. 98).
(11) Oryctes vicinus.
O. monoceroti (Oliv.) affinis sed minor et pronoto elytrisque relative latioribus
et brevioribus. Long. 32, lat. 15 mm. :
Habitat. Sokotra: Hadibu Plain, XII. 98. One male example of this
species was obtained.
This example is about equal in size to small males of Oryctes boas, Fab., and
in general form somewhat resembles the latter species ; but in structure and
in sculpture it seems to be more nearly allied to 0. monoceros, Oliv. The
clypeus is bidentate, with the emargination between the teeth rather deep,
and lined with reddish-tawny hairs; the cephalic horn in size and shape
resembles that of 0. monocvros; the prothorax is relatively wider than in
C. monoceros, and the disk somewhat more excavate anteriorly ; the elytra are
shorter and broader in proportion, the sides more rounded, and the punctura-
tion a little stronger and less dense, than in 0. monoceros ; the propygidium
is very finely striate transversely over the median area, the striae appearing
to be more regular and continuous than in 0. monoceros.
(12) Alaus sulcicollis.
Piceus, supra albo-tomentosus, subtus (pectore medio albescente excepto)
fulvo-brunneis ; capite supra fulvo-brunneis; pronoto albescente, quoque
maculis fulvis vel fuscis notato, medio longitudinaliter sat late suleato, sulco
paullo ante medium evanescente, et postice fere ad basin prolongato ; elytris
albo-tomentosis basi fulvo-brunneo dense variegatis, utrisque prope medium
maculis fuscis notatis, apice truncatis extus rotundatis et ad suturam breviter
3 minor, elytris fusco-lineatis. ¢ Long. 21, lat. 6} mm; ? Long. 28,
lat. 9$ mm.
Habitat. Sokotra : Hadibu Plain, 10-15. XII. 98, ¢ and @ ; Homhil, E.
Sokotra (alt. 1500-3000 ft., 17-24. VI. 99). 9.
Covered above with a dense scaly pubescence which is for the most part
whitish in colour, but on the head and the basal declivity of the elytra is of
a dingy fulvous or brownish tint interspersed with small whitish patches ; the
pubescence on the underside is fulvous-brown, except over the middle of the
metasternum where it has a whitish colour; the pronotum is sometimes
marked with a few fulvous or brownish patches, and each of the elytra
presents one or two oblong fuscous spots near the middle, and a few dark
patches along the outer margin. Prothorax with each side slightly rounded
anteriorly, and rather strongly sinuate posteriorly, the disk with a median
groove extending from a little before the middle almost up to the base. The
latter character distinguishes this species from all others belonging to the
genus ; for although there is a median groove present on the pronotum in
A. excavatus, Fab., the groove is abruptly limited behind by a triangular ridge
or tubercle interposed between it and the median lobe of the basal margin.
In the present species there is no such ridge, and the median groove extends
downwards behind to the slightly arched middle lobe of the base.
In both sexes, the last ventral segment is broadly truncate behind. The
one male specimen captured is much smaller than either of the two females,
and differs further in having the elytra marked with a number of fuscous lines.
(13) GEme fusca.
(B. lineari (Harr.) sub-similis sed paullo latior, oculis minus profunde
emarginatis, antennis subtus minutius spinosulis, abdomine breviore. Long.
13-16, lat. 23-3} mm.
Habitat. Sokotra ; Dahamis (alt. 350-1000 ft., XII. 98).
Dark brown in colour, varying in parts to brownish testaceous, covered
with a faint greyish pubescence. Antenne of the male more than half as
long again as the body ; those of the female a little longer than the body ;
joints third to fifth shortly spinose underneath. Elytra closely punctured,
the disk of each marked with two raised lines.
Notwithstanding its habitat, this species seems to be correctly placed in
the genus Gime, and to be not very distantly allied to ths North-American
species (E. linearis from which it is chiefly distinguishable by its darker colour,
somewhat broader form, less deeply emarginate eyes, and less strongly spinose
(14) Idactus granti.
Pube cinerea, griseo-brunneo-varia dense obtectus ; elytris postice
lateraliterque fusco-nebulosis, utrisque ad medium plaga obliqua albo-grisea ;
prothorace lateraliter valde tuberculato, disco vix pone medium tuberculo
parvo conico instructo, et ante medium linea bisinuata notato, basi apiceque
transversim fere recte bilineato; utroque elytro prope basin tuberculis
duobus parvis instructo. Long. 10-15, lat. 4-6 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra : (Dahamis, Jena-agahan, Hadibu Plain and Homhil).
Allied to I. maculicornis, Gahan, and. differing from it as follows :—
Pubescence much paler in colour ; elytra longer and less convex, without
tufts of hairs, and with the two tubercles near the base of each much
smaller ; pygidium of the female without the two tufts of tawny hairs which
are present in the female of maculicornis.
Sybrinus, gen. nov.
Head slightly transverse in front, feebly concaye above between the
antennal tubercles ; eyes coarsely facetted, deeply emarginate with the lower
lobes slightly transverse. Antenne of the male about half as long again as the
body, those of the female about reaching to the apex of the elytra, fourth
joint equal in length to the second and third united, and scarcely longer than
the first, fifth shorter than fourth, sixth to eleventh gradually diminishing in
length. Prothorax unarmed, and slightly rounded at the sides, its length
about equal to its width across the base. Elytra broader than the prothorax,
nearly parallel-sided in their anterior two-thirds, and thence narrowed to the
apex. Legs rather short : with the femora stout and clavate ; tibiz of the
middle pair notched on the outside below the middle, those of the hind pair
sinuate on the outer border below the middle, and furnished with a row of
short stiff seta ; tibize of the anterior pair with a finely serrate ridge along
the outer border ; claws of the tarsi widely divergent. Prosternal process
slightly arched in the middle, rather widely dilated behind the coxe.
Mesosternal process with a small angular dilatation on each side near its
extremity. Intermediate coxal cavities almost completely closed in ex-
This genus belongs to the group Ptericoptides, and seems best placed
near Sybra Pase., which it approaches in general form and in many of its
structural characters, differing chiefly in its more widely divergent tarsal
claws, in its relatively longer scape and shorter third joint of the antenne,
and in the presence of a serrate ridge on the outer border of the anterior
(15) Sybrinus commixtus.
Pube fulvo-grisea, fusco et cinereo plagiata obtectus ; antennis fusco-
annulatis ; prothorace supra plaga oblonga sub-glabra fusca, crebre sat valde
punctato ; elytris plaga cinerea obliqua et macula fusca utrinque paullo ante
apicem. Long. 11, lat. 35 mm.
Habitat. Sokotra : (Adho-Dimellus, alt. 3500-4500 ft, IT. 99).
Closely covered with a fulvous or fulvous grey pubescence. Disk of
prothorax with a broad sub-glabrous fuscous band, closely and rather strongly
punctured, extending along the middle from the base to the apex. Elytra
with small fuscous spots anteriorly and along the sides, each with a large
oblique cinereous patch, followed by a lunate blackish brown spot, placed a
little in front of the apex ; the elytra are punctured, with the punctures
visible only where the pubescence has been rubbed away, and each shows
indications also of three or four slightly raised longitudinal lines.
XII. Descriptions of the New Species of
By W. F. Kirsy.
A. Ilymenoptera from Sokotira.
Hymenoptera Terebrantia.
Leucospis, Fabricius.
(1) Leucospis insularis.
Long. corp. 12 mm; long al. ant. 9 mm.
Female. Very thickly and coarsely punctured, clothed with a thin grey
pile. Head black, face more finely punctured than the vertex ; antenne,
including scape, and mandibles, except at the tips, red ; joints 8 and 9 blackish
above, and 6 and 7 more slightly. Pronotum red, with a transverse yellow
line in front, interrupted in the middle ; behind it are two distinct transverse
unicolorous carinz, besides the terminal one. Mesonotum black, with the
sides red, and with two red central bands, broadest behind, and not continued
forward to the base. Scutellum black, the front angles marked with red, and
a yellow transverse sub-terminal line, edged behind with red. Postscutellum
yellow in the middle, and red at the sides. Median segment red. Tegulee
and a spot below red. Mesopleura black in front, and red behind. — Legs red,
middle tibize yellow above, hind femora blackish in the middle, and with a
yellow spot at the base outside ; about six moderate-sized black teeth are
visible on the outside. Abdomen red, the first and second segments with a
sub-terminal transverse yellow line, edged behind with black. Terminal
segment not enlarged, ovipositor black, red in the middle, recurved to a little
more than the hinder third of the abdomen. Wings smoky hyaline.
Sokotra: Jena-agahan (1200 ft., 12. I. 99); one specimen.
A species very dissimilar to any other known to me.
Cryptus, Fabricius.
(2) Cryptus pulcherrimus.
3 Long. corp. 18 mm. ; long. al. ant. 13 mm.
Q Long. corp. 15-22 mm.; cum. ovip. 23-32 mm.
Head and thorax mahogany brown, lower parts of face yellowish ;
abdomen fulvous, segments after the 3rd mostly blackish ; legs fulvous, hind
tibize yellowish in the inside in the male, and tipped with blackish in the
female ; wings yellowish subhyaline towards the base, and rich iridescent
violet towards the margins, a trace of which colour is sometimes visible on
the hind coxee. Head and thorax thickly and regularly punctured ; median
segment rugose-punctate ; scutellum, postscutellum, and abdomen: nearly
smooth, the latter clothed with very short hair. Clypeus very long, oblong,
the sides depressed, especially in the middle. Basal segment of the abdomen
very long, slightly expanded beyond the middle, where the stigmata are
placed ; 2nd segment about 4 shorter than the first, the basal } with parallel
sides, the rest widening considerably to the extremity in the 9, but very
little in the ¢ ; the remaining joints shorter, closely connected, and with
nearly parallel sides in the male, and forming a long oval in the female.
Sokotra :; Goahal Valley (16. I. 99); Jena-agahan (1200 ft., 15. I. 99) ;
Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 8. I. 99); Dahanus (350 ft., 24. XII. 98); six
Not closely allied to any specimen in the British Museum.
Campsomeris St. Fargeau.
(3) Campsomeris socotrana.
Long. corp. 17 mm. ; exp. al. 29 mm.
Female. Black, face, thorax, and basal half of the segments of the
abdomen rather thickly punctured ; the vertex and middle of the pronotum,
and of the scutellum and postscutellum nearly smooth; face sparingly
clothed with fulvous hair, especially round the base of the antenne ;
prothorax, ridges of the pleura, and sides of metanotum with fulvous hair ;
abdomen with hair on the base and sides of the first segment, and a band
of hair at the extremity of the four following segments, of the same colour.
Legs red, clothed with very long tawny hair ; femora black nearly to the
extremity, with the cultrate edge beneath the four hind femora bright red.
Fore-wings clouded hyaline, yellowish towards the base, and iridescent violet
beyond the middle.
Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3500 ft. 18. II. 99) ; two specimens.
Tiphia, Fabricius.
(4) Tiphia crassinervis. A
Long. corp. 14 mm. ; long. al. ant. 9 mm.
#emale. Black, shining, thickly and closely punctured, abdomen with
long, fine, outstanding whitish pubescence ; antennze, and tibi and tarsi red
or reddish, wings smoky hyaline, the nervures black, very thick. Median
segment with three longitudinal carine, expanding in front, the space be-
tween smooth; the apex is vertically truncated. Basal segment of the
abdomen rounded in front, scarcely constricted behind.
Sokotra : Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 4-8. II. 99) ; three specimens ; Homhil
(1500 ft.), E. Sokotra, 25. I. 99 ; one specimen.
Very distinct from any other species before me, by the incrassation of
the nervures.
Sphex, Linn.
(5) Sphex erebus.
Long. corp. 20-25 mm. ; long. al. ant. 14-17 mm.
Deep black; face, from above the antenne to the extremity of the
clypeus, clothed with white hair slightly tinged with yellow ; clypeus long,
with parallel sides, or, if anything, slightly narrowed at the lower extremity ;
hair on the head above and behind and on the thorax, petiole and coxe
black ; thorax finely and uniformly punctured, scutellum notched in the
middle, postscutellum with two smooth and shining prominences above, with
a groove between, median segments transversely striated ; legs black, the
middle and hind femora and tibize more or less red, wings hyaline, black at
the base, and dusky at the tips.
Sokotra: Hadibu Plain, 11-13. XII. 98 ; five specimens.
Pseudapis. Gen. nov.
Head as broad as the thorax. Antenne with the 2nd joint transverse,
3rd shorter than the following ones, which are about twice as long as broad
till towards the extremity. Eyes converging beneath, ocelli on the vertex,
the two hinder ocelli about opposite the hinder part of the eyes, and about as
wide apart as each is distant from the eye ; central ocellus placed just in
front of the others. Pronotum linear; median segment short, rounded,
slightly depressed in the middle in front. Tegule enormous, extending
before and behind the bases of the wings. Legs moderately long and slender
and clothed with a fine pile ; four front tibiz spined at the extremity ; hind
tibie ending in the male in a huge broad cultrate appendage ; in the female
unarmed. ‘Tarsi long and slender, all the joints spined beneath, except,
perhaps, the front tarsi in the female; first joint of tarsi as long as the
succeeding ones together, terminal joint of the middle tarsi ending in a hairy —
pad, somewhat resembling that in some bees, such as Podalirius acervorum.
Wings with one radial and three cubital cells, the radial cell broad, obtuse at
the extremity, and not appendiculate ; first dial cell oblong or a oval, as
long as the third cell in the male, but shorter than in the ale ; second cell
nearly square, smaller in the male than in the female, third much narrower
above than below ; first recurrent nervure received close to the extremity of
the second radial cell ; second at about } of the extremity of the third cell.
This is a very strange insect, which has the appearance of a bee, although
the long slender cylindrical tarsi seem to exclude it from the bees. I am
inclined at present to refer it to the Sphegidw, in which group it may perhaps
form the type of a new sub-family.
(6) Pseudapis anomala.
Black, face below the antenne, hinder orbits, pectus, hind borders of
scutellum, postscutellum, and abdominal segments, base of abdomen, and legs
in front covered with white pubescence or pile. Antenne, tegule and legs
rufo-testaceous, femora, more or less of tibiz above, and terminal tuft on
middle tarsi, black ; antenne thickly and finely punctured ; the body thickly
punctured almost everywhere, the front of the abdominal segments less
closely than the thorax, because the punctures are much larger ; hinder part
of the abdominal segments more finely punctured, or smooth.
Moukaradia (600 ft., 15. I. 99); two specimens ¢ ; 9. Homhil, E.
Sokotra (1500 ft., 26. I. 99).
(7) Tachytes trivittatus.
3 Long. corp. 10 mm. ; exp. al. ant. 8 mm.
? Long. corp. 15 mm. ; exp. al. ant. 11 mm.
Black, sides of fore and hinder orbits clothed with silvery pile, legs black,
femora and tibiz clothed with very fine whitish pile, tarsi reddish, thorax
closely and finely punctured, median segment somewhat more coarsely
punctured, bordered with w hitish pubescence, first three segments of abdomen
with terminal band of pale blue pile. Wings purplish hy aline, darkest on
the margins.
Sokotra : Homhil, East Sokotra (1500 ft., 21. I. 99); and Addah Valley,
East of Hadibu Plain, 29. I. 99 ; three specimens.
Notogonia, Costa.
(8) Notogonia bicolor.
Long. corp. 8 mm. ; long. al. ant. 6 mm.
Female. Black, tegulze reddish, legs, except the black cox and trochanters,
red ; tarsi a little ‘brownish above. Median segment about as long as the pre-
ceding part of the thorax ; dull, thickly punctured, the rest of the body
shining. Wings clear hyaline.
Sokotra : Adho Dimellus (3000 ft., 18. IT. 99); one specimen.
A very distinct species.
Stizus, Latreille.
(9) Stizus scutellaris.
Long. corp. 19 mm. ; long. al. ant. 14 mm.
Female. Black, varied with yellow, and slightly with red. Head black
above the antennz ; back of head, and tips of mandibles also black. Vertex
with the inner orbits red, and with two slightly diverging yellow marks
between ; hinder orbits yellow, very widely so beneath, but ending in a
detached dot above, at the level of the eyes. Antenne red, scape beneath,
and face yellow, the latter clothed with a fine white pile; labrum somewhat
tumid, reddish in the middle, the lower edge concave below. Thorax mostly
black, pronotum red in front, and bordered with yellow behind. Mesonotum
bordered with red on the sides ; tegulee red ; mesopectus black, clothed with
whitish hair, and with two yellow spots, one behind the other, and the first
largest, under the base of the fore-wings. Scutellum and _ postscutellum,
yellow ; behind is a curve, broadest in the middle on the median segment ;
beneath this, on each side, is a moderately short and broad red line. Abdomen
with the first segment red above, bordered in front, and more narrowly behind,
with black; a large yellow spot on each side. Segments 2-4 with broad
yellow lateral bands, bordered before and behind, and broadly interrupted in
the middle, with black; and bordered on the sides below with red ; the
median black space on the second segment is also marked with red on the
sides and more broadly behind. Terminal segments mostly red above ;
fifth segment with a large oval yellow spot on each side. Ventral surface
red, the segments narrowly edged behind with yellow, segments 3-5 black at
the base, and segments 2 and 3 with a large yellow spot on each side. Legs
reddish ; tibiz and tarsi yellow above. Wings of a slightly yellowish hyaline,
the large nervures towards the base and costa reddish, the others black.
Sokotra : Dahamis, 19. XII. 98 ; one specimen.
(10) Stizus adelphus.
Long. corp. 16 mm. ; long. al. ant. 14 (7?) mm.
Male. Head black above and behind, the rest yellow. Space between
the antenne and eyes yellow, ending in a small square semi-detached spot
on each side of the frontal ocellus. Inner orbits narrowly yellow, ceasing
at the level of the eyes, but connected with each other by a row of 4 small
red spots; a yellow spot near the base of the back of the head. Face
yellow, clothed with a very fine whitish pile, tips of mandibles, and the
parts behind black. Pronotum black at the base, red above, and bordered
behind by a slender yellow line. Antenne red, four joints before the last
two blackish above. Thorax black, with the sides in front of the wings
yellow, as well as an adjoining spot on the pleura ; tegule reddish ; scutellum
broadly reddish behind, postscutellum bordered behind with yellow ; median
segment with a short curved yellow streak marked with reddish behind
towards the base on each side. Abdomen yellow, first segment red, bordered
behind with black, which extends slightly to the base of the second segment ;
second segment broadly bordered with black behind ; third segment bordered
behind with red, preceded in the middle by black. Legs red, cox and
trochanters black. Wings yellowish hyaline, with reddish nervures, the
radial cell clouded.
Sokotra : Hadibu Plain, 14. XII. 99 ; one specimen.
Rhopalum, Kirby.
(11) Rhopalum quadricolor.
Long. corp. 12 mm. ; long. al. ant. 8 mm.
Female.. Dull black; head, clypeus and labrum clothed with bright
silvery pile; back of head more sparingly. Scape of antenne yellow ;
mandibles red. Thorax with the collar, a spot below, and two nearly united
spots on the scutellum, yellow ; tegule red ; legs red, middle femora with a
short black stripe below, followed by a yellow one ; hind femora with a black
stripe below ; hind tibiz with a yellow stripe behind. Four front tibize with
a small yellow dash at the base. Abdomen black, the first segment forming
a short, broad petiole at the base, and expanded at the extremity, the rest
forming a regular oval ; Ist and 2nd segments with short transverse blood-
red lateral stripes near the extremity of the first, and the middle of the
second connected below ; 3rd with longer ones near the base ; 4th uniform
black, the rest reddish, except the upper part of the 5th. Wings brownish
hyaline, narrowly infuscated along the costa of the fore-wings.
Sokotra: Dahamis, XII. 98 ; one specimen.
Cerceris, Latreille.
(12) Cerceris lobaba.
Long. corp. 10 mm. ; long. al. ant. 7 mm.
Female. Head, thorax and abdomen covered with large depressed
punctures ; head black, antenne red, blackish above, mandibles red, yellow
at the base, and black at the tips ; face clothed with silvery pile ; thorax
black, a curved yellow line on the postscutellum, tegulz and legs red, a black
dash on the inside of the hind femora at the tip ; abdomen red, first segment
subquadrate, and only half the width of the second ; incisions, base of Ist
segment, and base of 5th blackish ; 2nd segment with a yellow spot on each
side before the extremity ; 3rd and 5th with yellow bands, that of the
former terminal, expanded on the sides, but interrupted in the middle above :
that of the latter shorter, sub-terminal narrower, but continuous ; pygidium
black, lateral carine yellow. Wings clouded hyaline, fore-wings infuscated at
the tips.
One specimen from Homhil, E. Sokotra (1500 ft.), 18. I. 99.
Eumenes, Latreiile.
(13) Eumenes granti.
Long. corp. 20 mm.
Female. Head black behind, and dark brown above, as far as the antenne,
which are red, brownish above towards the extremity. Hinder orbits
narrowly yellow ; space between the antenne, sinus in the inner orbits of the
eyes, and face below, as far as the extremity of the clypeus, yellow ; lower
mouth parts reddish. Clypeus longer than broad, slightly concave at the
base, and marked with a black dot below each antenna ; below the eyes, the
sides converge obliquely towards the extremity, which is more deeply con-
cave than the base. Pronotum yellow, narrowly and irregularly edged below
with reddish ; a red dot in front of the base of the wings. Mesonotum dull
black ; tegule black, bordered below with red ; a short yellow stripe at the
base of the wings, edged outside by a short black stripe on the base of the
wings themselves, but not extending to the costa. Scutellum yellow,
bordered with black, postscutellum and metanotum yellow, the latter
broadly black in the middle, and the suture with the postscutellum narrowly
black. Pleura yellow, the sutures very broadly black, slightly bordered
with reddish. Legs, including coxe and trochanters, reddish, tibiee mostly
yellow on the outside. Petiole regularly curved, much broader in its hinder
half, with a slight central groove, red, narrowly black at the base, and with
a broad black median band, bifid in front, and rather pointed at the
extremity, on its hinder half; on each side of this is a large yellow spot,
before the extremity of the petiole. Below, there is a black median stripe,
followed by a yellow spot before the extremity. Abdomen yellow above,
with a longitudinal blackish stripe shading into reddish brown towards the
extremity. At the base of the first dorsal segment it is bordered with
reddish on both sides, and the middle of the first, the basal half of the second,
and the greater part of the fifth dorsal segment are crossed by two broad
transverse black bands. At the end of the fourth segment the median stripe
is interrupted, but it is continued beyond the dark base of the fifth segment.
Ventral segments yellow, the first reddish nearly to the extremity, and the
sutures between the second and fourth narrowly black. Fore-wings smoky
hyaline, with an iridescence becoming purplish in the radia] cell ; hind-wings
clear hyaline.
Resembles Z. sichelit, Sauss., from Albania, but the latter is a more slender
insect, with no black markings (except narrow sutural lines) beyond the
black transverse band on the middle of the first dorsal segment of the
Sokotra: Adho Dimellus (3000 ft., 9. II. 99).
Rhynchium, Spinola.
(14) Rhynchium versicolor.
Long. corp. 14 mm. ; long. al. ant. 12 mm.
Female. Head and thorax with large depressed punctures, abdomen with
small scattered punctures, clypeus convex, almost pear-shaped, pointed below,
where it is deeply channelled in the middle, postscutellum rounded behind,
sides of median segment apparently rounded, abdomen with the basal
segment hardly narrower, but scarcely more than half as long as the second.
Head black above, as far as the base of the antenne ; above them stands
a small transverse yellow mark. Head otherwise red, including the hinder
orbits, ocular sinus, and antenne. Mesonotum and greater part of the
* scutellum and mesopleura black. Pronotum red, with a yellow spot on each
side in front. Mesopleura and mesopectus black, with a grey pile in the
middle ; a large yellow spot, bordered below with red, below the tegule, and
below this is another red mark. Tegule red, with a curved yellow spot
above. Scutellum black at base, and reddish behind, with a transverse
yellow stripe before the extremity. Postscutellum yellow, reddish in front,
and the suture behind blackish ; sides of median segment yellow above, and
red below. Abdomen red, the first and second segments banded behind with
yellow ; first segment with a broad black central mark, constricted near the
base, and not extending to the yellow band ; second segment with a broader
continuous central black band, widest at each extremity ; third and fourth
segments transversely blackish at the base. Ventral segments with the
terminal depression of the first segment black, second segment with a black
mark on the sides, in front of the end of the yellow band ; third and fourth
segments blackish at the base and on the sides. Legs entirely red. Wings
clouded hyaline, iridescent.
Sokotra: Homhil, East Sokotra (1500 ft.), 21. I. 99 ; one specimen.
Icaria, Saussure.
(15) Icaria grossepunctata.
Long. corp. 9 mm. ; long. al. ant. 5 mm.
Female. Upperside evenly covered with large depressed punctures.
Head black, antenne red, blackish above beyond the middle, scape yellowish
beneath in one specimen. Clypeus red, clothed with silvery pile, narrow at
the upper angles, broader than long at the lateral angles, and obliquely
sloping below to two well-marked teeth. Prothorax wholly red, except a
yellow collar in front, mesonotum, mesopleura, front of metapleura, and middle
of upper part of median segment black. Tegule red, with a yellow spot in
front. Hinder part of scutellum yellow on the sides, and red in the middle ;
postscutellum red. Hinder part of thorax, except as already specified, legs,
and abdomen red. Median segment short, slightly sloping and rounded
behind ; petiole twice as long as broad, blackish at the base and about one-
third as broad as the following segment at the extremity. Petiole and
following segment with a terminal yellow ring. Wings hyaline, with brown
Sokotra : Goahal Valley, E. Sokotra, 16-26. I. 99 ; two specimens.
Halictus, Latreille.
(16) Habictus flavovittatus.
Long. corp. 7 mm. ; long al. ant. 6 mm.
Female. Black, vertex and thorax above thickly and finely punctured,
the depressed space at the base of the median segment rather less finely.
Face rather long, sparingly clothed with greyish hair, as also the pectus and
pleura ; hind femora beneath with woolly whitish yellow down; the short
hairs of the tarsi inclining to reddish above, and bright fulvous beneath ; hind
tibie with tawny hairs on the inside. Abdomen black, shining, with four
yellow transverse bands, one at the end of each segment. Terminal segment
rufous. Wings iridescent hyaline, clothed with very fine short hairs ; stigma
testaceous or brown. In the male, the yellow bands of the abdomen are
obsolete, and the legs are nearly black, the tarsi only being yellowish beneath.
Sokotra : Adho Dimellus (3500 ft., 3. Il. 99) ; three specimens.
Megachile, Latreille.
(17) Megachile punctatissima.
Long. corp. 16 mm. ; long. al. ant. 12 mm.
Female. Black ; head and body very thickly and finely punctured, and
even the mandibles covered with large depressed punctures. Head, thorax,
and first segment of abdomen clothed with white or greyish white hair ;
clypeus and mesonotum denuded. First four segments of the abdomen with
long transverse white spots, shortening hindwards, on each side; fifth
segment with a mere trace of these. Mandibles, tongue, tegule and legs more
or less rufous; femora blackish, except at top; pile on undersurface of
abdomen yellowish brown. Wings smoky hyaline, costal half of radial cell
Sokotra: Homhil, E. Sokotra (2500 ft., 22. I. 99); one specimen.
(18) Megachile paucipunctulata.
Long. corp. 12 mm. ; long. al. ant. 9 mm.
Female. Head and thorax thickly punctured, but more coarsely than in
M. punctatissima ; hairy clothing similar ; clypeus slightly convex beneath ;
labrum set with tawny bristles. Tongue, scape of antenrie beneath, tegule
and legs rufous. Abdomen with the first segment concave in front, narrow,
black in front, and red behind, sparingly punctured on the sides; the
succeeding segments divided into three sections, most distinctly in the second
and third segments ; first basal, black, very thickly punctured ; second black,
smooth, and sparingly punctured; and third red, smooth, sparingly
punctured at base. In the following segments, this is less obvious, the
width of the thick basal punctuation being much reduced ; and the terminal
segment is almost wholly black, the punctuation being hidden by short
bristles. There are five distinct white bands on each side of the first five
segments ; that of the first segment covers the whole width at its base.
Undersurface of abdomen dark brown. Wings brownish hyaline, clearer at
the base.
Sokotra : Homhil, E. Sokotra (2500 ft.), 22. I. 99 ; one specimen.
Crocisa, Jurine.
(19) Crocisa forbesii.
Long. corp. 10-11 mm. ; long. al. ant. 9 mm.
Female. Black, with white pubescence on the head, thorax, and upper
part of the femora and front tibiz, on the rest of the legs it is reddish. The
mesonotum and scutellum, are, however, almost denuded, and may have
been spotted. Antenne reddish brown, scape black. Head sparingly
punctured, mesothorax less thickly than the scutellum, the hinder part of
which has a tuft of white pubescence, and terminates in a plate, concave on
each side, and deeply bifid in the middle, Abdomen, with each of the first
four segments apparently divided in two by a deep suture ; the front half
is thickly punctured, and the second half smooth. On each side of the
hinder smooth half of these segments is a broad ivory-white stripe. The
apical segments are strongly punctured, and clothed with tawny hair.
Wings iridescent hyaline, clouded at the tips and in the upper part of the
radial cell ; marginal and postcostal nervures dark brown, only separated by
slender hyaline streak.
Sokotra: Hadibu Plain, 16. XII. 96; and Homhil, E. Sokotra (1500 ft.),
18-27. I. 99 ; three specimens. .
(20) Crocisa uniformis.
Long. corp. 10 mm. ; long al. ant. 9 mm.
Deep inky black, antennz clothed with fine. greyish pile, the tegulie
reddish in the middle, and the trochanters, femora, and tibie of the four
hind legs more or less ferruginous, at least beneath. Wings purplish hyaline,
with some subvitreous spaces just beyond, and around the outer cubital cell
of the fore-wings ; hind-wings paler towards the base. Marginal area of all
the wings thickly sprinkled with brown dots. Clypeus obtusely truncated
at the extremity ; a strong median carina between the antenne. Head,
thorax, and scutellum thickly punctured ; abdomen more finely, but still
more thickly. Scutellum very broad, only slightly narrowed at the extremity,
where it. ends in a point on each side, between which is a concavity which is
rather obtusely angulated than rounded. Between the sides of this angle
projects a tuft of rather strong greyish bristles.
Sokotra : Moukaradia (800 ft., 16. XII. 98) ; Alilo Valley (3000 ft., 11. I.) ;
Adho Dimellus, (3000-3500 ft., 3-5-7. II. 99) ; seven specimens.
Podalirius, Latreil/le.
(21) Podalirius fulvitectus.
Long. corp. 11-12 mm. ; long. al. ant. 7-9 mm.
Almost the whole insect thickly clothed with fulvous pubescence, the
base of the segments of the abdomen and the terminal segment very thinly.
A broad triangular spot above the clypeus, the clypeus and all the lower
mouth-parts pale yellow, clypeus with a broad trapezoidal black spot on each
side, not extending to the extremity, which is cut off straight, and is broader
than above ; base of labrum with a black dot at each angle, sometimes con-
nected by a black line. Wings almost hyaline, with brown nervures.
Antenne rufous.
Sokotra : Moukaradia, 22. XII. 98 ; West of Dahamis (500 ft., 22. XII. 98) ;
Jena-agahan (1200 ft., 9. I. 99); Homhil, E. Sokotra (2500 ft., 22. I. 99) ;
Adho Dimellus (3500-4000 ft., 16-17 II. 99) ; seven specimens.
(22) Podalirius antennatus.
Long. corp. 11 mm. ; long. al. ant. 7 mm.
Female. Black. Head clothed with greyish white hair, inclining to
tawny on the vertex, clypeus black above, and broadly yellow below, with a
small triangular projection upwards ; labrum yellow ; clypeus and labrum
narrowly edged below with rufous; mandibles black. Thorax above with
light tawny, and below with grey hair ; legs clothed with grey hair, mixed
with tawny ; hind legs almost entirely tawny ; tarsi rufous. Antenne red,
black towards the base, and along the outer side. Abdomen thickly
punctured ; first segment clothed with grey hair at the base, and termi-
nating in a very narrow orange, yellow, and white line, the white colour
widened behind on the sides over the base of the second segment, which
terminates in a narrow orange line. Third segment with a broad white band
at the base, and a narrow terminal orange line. Fourth segment with white
bands at the base and extremity, beneath which may be seen the terminal
orange line. Fifth segment entirely tawny ; sixth black in the middle, and
tawny on the sides. Wings hyaline, with brown nervures.
One specimen. Homhil, E. Sokotra (2500 ft., 22. I. 99).
B. Hymenoptera from Abd-el-Kurv.
Bembex, Fabricius.
(23) Bembex dissimilis.
Long. corp. 14-16 mm. ; long. al. ant. 10-11 mm.
Female. Head, thorax and abdomen black above. Head clothed with
whitish pubescence above, hinder orbits narrowly yellow, clypeus yellow, on
the lower border, and more narrowly on the ‘sides, proboscis pale yellow on
the basal half, and with the apical half reddish. Antenne with the scape
yellow beneath, and black above, except at the extremity ; flagellum blackish
above, more or less reddish at the joints, and reddish beneath, except for a
short longitudinal line at the base. Pronotum thickly and finely punctured,
black, clothed with greenish grey hair, which is longer and whiter on the
hinder borders. Abdomen more coarsely punctured than the thorax, the
pubescence scanty, except at the base. Legs yellow or reddish, the femora
above and below, the tibie and the two first joints of the hind tibiz lined
above with black. Front tarsi with a row of very long pale yellow bristles,
tipped with black. Wings clear hyaline.
Six specimens. Abd-el-Kuri, 22. II. 99.
Sphex, Linn.
(24) Sphex granti.
3. Long. corp. 15 mm. ; long. al. ant. 1] mm.
@. Long. corp. 22-25 mm. ; long. al. ant. 14 mm.
Head, thorax, and petiole black, clothed with long white pubescence,
which is silvery white on the clypeus and hinder orbits ; abdomen fulvous,
the basal segments and incisions exhibiting a fugitive silvery pile ; segments
3 to 5 with more or less extended transverse black spots over the sutures.
Head broader than the thorax, clypeus much widened below the eyes, anterior
margin transverse, hardly notched in the middle, thorax punctured, scutellum
and postscutellum with a smooth transverse elevation in the middle, median
segment closely and regularly longitudinally striated from side to side, and
with a strong conical tooth on each side a little before the middle ; abdomen
smooth and shining, terminal segments of female rather long. Wings
hyaline, slightly darker towards the tips ; nervures piceous.
Ten specimens. Abd-el-Kuri, 22. Il. 99.
Icaria, Saussure.
(25) Icaria aterrima.
Long. corp. 7 mm. ; long. al. ant. 5 mm.
Female. Deep black, without a trace of any other colouring ; head and
thorax thickly and closely punctured, the mesonotum more finely than the
rest ; abdomen more sparingly, especially behind, clypeus longer than broad,
strongly bifid at the extremity, median segment furrowed down the middle,
and terminating in two small teeth, petiole rounded in front, raised part not
longer than broad. Wings deep purple.
Two specimens. Abd-el-Kuri, 22. II. 99.
Colletes, Latreille.
(26) Colletes inconspicua.
Long. corp. 8 mm. ; long. al. ant. 5 mm.
Female. Black, thickly clothed with yellowish grey hair, except on the
upper surface of the four front femora, a line down the tibie, and three broad
and one narrow band on the abdomen. Hair on the underside of the tibiz and
tarsi golden or rufous ; tongue, terminal joint of antenne, and terminal joint
of the tarsi red. Eyes long, inner orbits slightly convex above, and hardly
converging below, clypeus truncated at the extremity, pronotum sparingly
punctured, abdomen very finely and thickly. Tegule testaceous, wings
hyaline, with brown nervures and reddish stigma.
Two specimens. Abd-el-Kuri, 22. I. 99.
Podalirius, Latrei/le.
(27) Podalirius pyramidalis.
Long. corp. 9-10 mm. ; long. al. ant. 8-9 mm. :
Black, vertex, thorax above, and the front legs and upper and outer side
of the four hind femora and tibie clothed with fulvous hair. Inner and
hinder orbits and sides of clypeus clothed with white hair. Clypeus arched
above and ‘cut off straight below ; black above, yellow at the extremity, with
a pyramidal spot rising from it to two-thirds of its height. Labrum and
lower mouth-parts yellow, labrum with a black dot at the base on each side,
sometimes connected by a black line. Antenne dark reddish brown, almost
black. Pleura clothed with greyish hair. Abdomen black, very finely
punctured, with four snow-white bands at the extremities of the segments ;
terminal segment with greyish white hair on each side at the base. Wings
hyaline, with brown nervures.
Four specimens. Abd-el-Kuri, 22. IL. 99.
C. Hymenoptera from Arabia.
Ammophila, Kirby.
(28) Ammophila arabica.
Long. corp. 20 mm. ; long. al. ant. 11 mm.
Female. Head and thorax black, clothed with fine silvery pile ; lower
mouth-parts, scape of antenne, pronotum, legs and abdomen fulvous ; middle
femora slightly marked above with black ; hind cox, trochanters, femora,
and basal joint of tarsi striped with black ; abdomen with the second joint
of the petiole lined with black above ; first segment of the abdomen obscurely
marked with black above, longitudinally ; the third and fourth black above,
the latter clothed with silvery pile ; rest of abdomen wanting ; wings clear
hyaline, slightly clouded at the tips ; mesonotum transversely striate ; the
other thoracic segments rugose-punctate.
A single damaged specimen. Lahej, Arabia, 27. XI. 98.
Catalogue of the Lizard-tailed (Saurure), the
Toothed (Odontornithes) and the Ostrich=like
(Struthionest) Birds; and of the Tinamous
(Tinami*) and the Divers (Colymbi) in the
Derby Museum.
By Henry O. Forses, LL.D.
Note :—The arrangement and nomenclature followzd in this Catalogue in regard
to the Tinami and the Colymbi are substantially those adopted in the ‘Catalogue
of Birds in the British Museum, Vols. XXVII, by Count Salvadori, and
AXXVI., by W. LR. Ogilvie-Grant.
ARCHAOPTERYX, Meyer. (Fossil).
lithographicus, Meyer (Cast).
siemensi, Dames.
APATORNIS, Marsh. (Fossil).
celer, Marsh.
CIMOLOPTERYX, Marsh. (Fossil).
velox, Marsh.
pumilus, Marsh.
ICHTHYORNIS, Marsh. (Fossil
dispar, Marsh.
agilis, Marsh.
anceps, Marsh.
lentus, Marsh.
tener, Marsh.
validus, Ma